@Cleveland Cavaliers

Knicks Are the Cavs’ Daddies, Brunson Injury Fears

Knicks Are the Cavs’ Daddies, Brunson Injury Fears

Hey how we doing today evid and Tiki on this spring like Monday and also day one of 15 consecutive shows where I got to color my beard so day one Tiki what color is my beard it’s very Royal it’s purple purple’s for royalty purple royalty baby I love it that’s right it

Actually didn’t look that horrible thank you I mean it’s silly and and crazy looking but it’s actually not that bad it’s given me thoughts that I may go permanent that I may stick permanently purple yeah permanently purple we’ll be able to send you pictures out on these social media platforms a little bit

Later on but last night was a very very very stressful night for my friends that are Nick fans and I join you in that stress because I watched the entire Nick game at an airport at the Fort Lauderdale Airport while waiting out a very very very very long plane delay and

The biggest thing I took away from last night’s game and we’ll get to Jaylen Brunson we’ll get to your concerns but the biggest thing I took away from last night’s Nicks game is great news for you incredible news for Nick fans because I will speak right now as an IBO as an

Independent basketball Observer all year long I thought that the Cleveland Cavaliers learned from their embarrassing experience of a year ago when the New York Knicks excuse my language bits slap them in the opening round of the NBA playoffs and I thought they learned I thought they kind of had

That thing on their back what’s that phrase we got something on your back the monkey the monkey on your back whatever it is and they were playing differently in 2024 they were overcoming injuries in 2024 and last night and there were a few moments where it was so obvious the New

York Knicks without Julius Randle without OG anobi without Jaylen Brunson for every second besides 44 of them the New York Knicks reminded the Cleveland Cavaliers who their daddies are they can’t beat you so look you’ve got two huge questions you got to answer going into the postseason one is Health we all

Know that we can’t predict it you got to keep your fingers crossed and the second is your opponent because you can mark my words right now on March 4th at 2:04 p.m. p.m. eastern time if you play those frauds from Cleveland going to smoke them cuz they’re frauds TIY and the

Knicks reminded you that last night in Cleveland yes they did we railed on Friday when you were down in Port St Louis actually you were just down in down in Florida sou you’re visiting your sister you weren’t actually at Camp the whole time but we talked about all the

Injuries that have plagued New York Sports and the Knicks obviously leading the charge because of their current team in season right now and then you get this jayen Brunson injury and it’s like a here we go again it’s another excuse for why they’re going to to lose again

And they didn’t and part of the reason they didn’t is because Tom thibo despite our I guess ir and disgust at how he runs his rotation sometimes um actually has developed some pretty good backups on this team Duce McBride played every second second after after Brunson got

Hurt PR sua he’s just he’s been really important for this team especially with the with the iHeart injury and so yes the New York Knicks own the Cleveland Cavaliers do I want to have them drop to the six seed and flirt with the playin tournament yes probably not probably not

But if there is one team that you are pining for if you are the New York Knicks it’s the Cleveland cavali and I’ll tell you something else when you look into someone’s eyes and you know they’re defeated when you look into someone’s eyes and you know they’ve

Already lost Mike Tyson used to have this when he fought guys back in the day JB bicker staff for the game made it plainly obvious he is scared of the New York Knicks during that game late in the game on that out of bounds call that he

Challenged and won but had a hissy fit about a foul that he thought was called proved he’s afraid of the New York Knicks and I’ll tell you another moment where I knew that this Cleveland Cavalier if you play them I’m telling you you don’t even need everybody

Healthy if you play this team you will smoke this team they are frauds well Donovan was out too so I mean let’s get to him and I love Donovan Mitchell all right I got a warm warm feeling in my heart for Donovan Mitchell he’s a Met

Fan he’s a Jet fan but last night when Josh Hart hit that crazy three and how amazing was Josh har last night you talk about a guy that represents who the New York Knicks are I don’t think there’s a guy that represents the dog in them as

Lugie likes to say more than Josh Hart when Josh Hart hit that crazy three and he turns around and he touches Donovan Mitchell to taunt him dude if Donovan Mitchell had any balls he would have punched him in the face like I’m not even kidding you you’re in the middle of

A game this is a playoff atmosphere and you let this fraud just touch you just be like oh yeah Hy how’s it going and Don looks at him like yeah whatever I’m not going to do anything about it that’s who they are they don’t have a fight

They don’t have a fight in them they have no fight in them and that’s who they are they will let you push them around and that was I’m telling you I sat there at that airport watching this game and I get the nervousness around Brunson we’ll get to that but it was a

Reminder that if you play the frauds in the first round you come beat them yeah we saw it last year as well they were out coached they were out everything hustled uh defensively they couldn’t score I mean the the Cavaliers couldn’t score and you know as much as we talk

About Tom thibo we we we have to acknowledge that there’s a little bit of what he espouses flowing through all of these guys yeah right that last four minutes four and a half minutes of this game they gave up two points right and we we we always think about the score

Scoring we always think about what are the Knicks going to do if their number one score Brunson is out their number two score uh Randall is out what OG who is a great what what are they going to do they pick up the slack man so it’s

It’s funny like you know a team has started to become a a viable one not maybe not Championship viable but one that can can do some damage and scare some teams when there’s a message that starts at the top and it gets all the way to like the eighth ninth 10th guys

At basketball football would be you know the 50th guy but in basketball it gets all the way down all those guys play the same way they all play with heart and as much as I thought that that wouldn’t work it’s it works for the Knicks and

That tells you how much this team thinks about their head coach and Tom thibo yeah look you gave a a positive for Tom because I think sometimes Tom thibo takes too much crap for all these injuries he does because he grinds these guys no no he does when he deserves it

See that’s the problem sometimes any injury that happens becomes that’s Fido’s fault and that’s not true there are certain injuries where I’ve laid it out his feet you’ve laid it out his feet I thought when Dante D venzo had the hamstring issue a couple weeks ago sure

You could put that on thibs last night Jaylen brunson’s injury is not on Tom thibo no Julius Randall’s injury from a few months ago is not on Tom th he didn’t need to be in the game but that’s okay that’s a that’s a different thing it’s a fine line between deciding when

To take a guy out and when to have a guy in yeah when is the game over but you are right about this the identity of this team even when they’re short-handed is that they can still compete even that war game a few days ago they didn’t win

They competed last night even without Donovan Mitchell that’s a game you lose that’s why from my money that was the most impressive Nick win they’ve had all season long I think that is their most impressive win because I also feel like players when they see their leader their

King Jaylen Brunson go down the way he did 47 seconds into the game they have to think what we’re all thinking which is holy crap well I think the other thing and this is this is a Leon R uh issue not issue but a a credit it’s one thing to bring in

Backups guys who are going to be you know your your 20 minute a game guys your eight minute a game guys it’s one thing to bring those guys in and they’re just like eh I’m here I’m good and maybe I’ll get in my six or seven minutes but

When you have those guys that are like they want to play like they want to be like they want their opportunity like we saw with Deuce last night like we’ve seen with precious ever since you know the last month or so like when you have

These guys that really want to do it it tells you how well constructed the team is right because it’s always those like you’re only as good as your bench right you’re only as good as who can replace this the starter who gets hurt and so you got to feel optimistic about this

Nick Squad but again this is just the Cavaliers there’s still so much that has to happen and they still have lost eight of their last 11 now you say just the Cavaliers here’s the deal Nick fans forget about NBA titles and getting the confererence finals you got to take it

One round at a time and right now the Knicks Mission no matter how much time they miss jayen Brunson no matter how much more time than Miss Julius Randall Oobi these regular season games matter because you got to put yourself in the best position to succeed the New York

Knicks mathematically as unlikely as it may seem right now could very well finish as a two seat they’re only four games behind Milwaukee with that said they could finish as far down as an eight SE that’s the kind of the mark of finish strong you’re the two struggle

You’re the eight which means the New York Knicks firstr opponent can literally be any team in the Eastern Conference right now I can make an argument it ends up being Boston they fall into the playin tournament they lose that 78 game they survive the second playin game boom you’re playing

The Boston Celtics I could lay out a scenario where you’re playing Milwaukee whether they’re the two or the three a scenario where they’re playing Cleveland right now if the season ends today they’re playing Philadelphia a scenario where they’re playing Orlando a scenario where they’re playing Miami and Indiana

They can literally play anybody and here’s my opinion to the Nick fans out there and you tell me if I’m wrong there are certain teams I just said where if you play them I think you’re going to lose I think if you play the Miami Heat

You’re going to lose to them again I think if you somehow fall down to that playin tournament and you got to be matched up with the Boston Celtics they going to smoke your ass MH but if you play Cleveland you can print those tickets to the conference semi-finals if you play

Cleveland if you play Philly I think a lot of it has to do with the health of joeel embiid so yes you have to be healthy we all know that you got to sit there you got to light your candles and you got to pray to whatever basketball

Gods you pray to that somehow someway this team is healthy at the right time of year no question but the other major major factor that’s going to dictate where this season goes is who do you play and the lesson from last night is if you play the Cleveland Cavaliers you

Can go on a run if you fall down a six and they’re the three seed and that’s how this regular season ends yeah I celebrate you oh I mean of course that put you in the best position to six seed the only challenge of falling down to

The six seed is that it is it’s tight it’s tight all the way down to the eight seed I agree you can’t pick where you’re at and who you’re playing you’re right so flirting with losses and being okay with losses because it puts you in position to take on the Cleveland

Cavaliers in the first round which feels like a guaranteed win not that I’m pushing it but it feels like they have the Cavaliers number that puts you dangerously close to being in the playing tournament and we don’t want to be there no no I I agree with you

There’s not a way where you can control your future because Cleveland could be a three they could be a two maybe they dropped a four or five like it’s all on the table all I know is that the view that Nick fans have right now is going

Going to be altered based on who you play that’s going to determine everything this is a matchups league and I T I’ve argued with Nick fans about this a lot calm down about the regular season good and bad by the way good and bad like for example losing to the

Orlando Magic doesn’t mean you can’t beat them in the postseason just like success if you had any against the Boston Celtics doesn’t mean you’re going to beat them my opinion on Cleveland is not simply about last night it’s who they are it’s look into the mirror at

Who they are they are soft they’re not any different than they were a year ago and here’s what the Knicks have over Cleveland that’s unique and special and I’m not sure you guys ever had this in the NFL tell me if you did the mental

Beat oh you got him beat me they are done me they look into your eyes even when it’s Deuce McBride even when it’s Dante D venzo even when it’s iHeart when they look into your eyes they know they’re going to come up small they did

It in the playoffs last year they did it last night and that is a brutal loss if you’re Cleveland of course it is I don’t care that spider wasn’t playing yeah right but there’s nobody for the Knicks either especially after a minute into the into the game and I wonder like how

That happens in basketball there’s so much ego in the NBA I can see why it happens in football um even baseball because you just like you play a team that just smashes five home runs a game like you can be mentally beat especially if you have an inferior pitcher on on

The on the Hill football physical mean like just dirty team like you can get me mentally beat in basketball where there’s so many Egos and everybody thinks they’re the greatest even if they’re not how you get beat so consistently in your mind before it ever

Gets on the court is surprising to me I think I have an answer to that I think that one team is very very soft and one team will fight you the Nick’s identity is that they’re tough even without their best players they are a tough-minded basketball team I think that’s why a lot

Of Nick fans love him it’s why Josh Hart to me really exemplifies who they are and Cleveland is not they are there are certain teams you watch them and they’re just frauds like you can feel the fraud coming out of them the Cleveland Cavaliers are that and so if you match

Up with them in the opening round of the postseason you have a chance to go on that run and here’s the beauty of the NBA playoffs and this would be my strategy if I’m a Nick fan get me that easiest opponent early because as the tournament goes on you never know what’s

Going to happen maybe a really good team gets picked off like we saw last year by Milwaukee getting knocked off by Miami maybe there’s a catastrophic injury that happens at the absolute worst time not late January but the middle of April or middle of May so you want to put

Yourself in that spot where you’re playing the teams you can beat early delay that Boston series as long as you can because as much as I don’t think they’re beatable as much as I think they are going to smoke the Eastern Conference let time continue to tick

Because maybe they face a big injury maybe something happens that none of us he come I think the hard part for the Knicks right now and also Nick fan but mostly the players is that it feels like you’re biting time you’re biting time can let’s beat Atlanta let’s beat the

Magic we got the 76ers still compromised uh let’s let’s let’s win a couple in a row just so we stabilize as opposed to let’s charge towards the postseason let’s start getting better towards the postseason let’s play get streaky and hot right when we get close to the

Postseason so it’s a weird mindset that the Nick is in right now because you’re you’re just you’re winning what you can you like you almost can’t look forward like we’re looking forward we’re talking as fans we’re saying H C Cavaliers are frauds like we can beat a lot of these

Teams that are in the Eastern Conference but the the Nick himself is all right we breathe we we live to breathe another day right we have another day so let’s just go get the next one let’s just go get the next one because the uncertainty of the injury situation is just it’s

It’s real like it you feel it and it’s like you’re walking on eggshells almost every single game don’t know what’s going to happen next and last night was one of those nights it’s one of those nights I’ve experienced many many times as a sports fan a night

In which all you could think about is another human being’s health and it’s not your son or daughter or wife or husband all you can think about is was it non contact is Jaylen okay is Jaylen okay Nick fans couldn’t sleep last night worried about if jaylen’s okay more on

That coming up next at 877 337 6666 and what team do you want in the first round to me if you play Cleveland you have a ticket to the second round of the playoffs but if you play Boston if you play Milwaukee you done and all of a

Sudden we’re talking about this Nick season very differently if it ends after one round we’ll get your calls coming up plus the impact of injuries Jaylen Brunson may have avoided it but we haven’t as a city over the years we’ll talk about that coming up live from the

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  1. Lose the comb over Evan lol – cut the beard down to a goatee and shave your head slick bald like Carton – guaranteed your ratings go up especially in the key demographic.

  2. Brunson avoided a serious injury and looks like he wonā€™t miss any time. Randle and OG are joining shoot arounds again. Knicks are about to go on a run

  3. If I didnā€™t know any better, I would have thought Evans got a purple beard in celebrations of Lebronā€™s cracking 40k scoring.

  4. I said it as well the best win of the season but I think Thibs will now use them the bench when all the starters come back.

  5. The Knicks 'championship window' starts this upcoming summer. I honestly DGAF. Anything else that happens this season is gravy, for me as a Knicks fan. These playoffs are to show me: a) If OG should be paid $30M/year, or $40M/year. b) If Randle can be relied upon in the playoffs. c) Will Divincenzo and Ihart wilt in the playoffs. We need these playoffs to EVALUATE what we have.


    If anyone gets injured going into the playoffs, then it was never meant to be in the first place. Whoever plays or doesn't play well, we evaluate, then we can decide what to do this summer and officially start the Championship window. If Randle plays well, then we don't need to overpay for a superstar. If he doesn't, then we trade him to go for a Top 10 player who might want out. I wish everyone can just relax on this season and don't place any unnecessary expectations.

  6. If fully healthy i think only the celtics would give the knicks fits. I think they can beat everybody else in the east. Og defense is key

  7. Is Evan on coke? Why is he constantly yelling at us? It's freaking annoying as shit. Plus, the great majority of the Evan and Tiki show is them trying to do Howard Stern type (clean) comedy that falls flat on its face about 100% of the time. They'd be better off just taking phone calls and reading sports news reports.

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