@Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors Sign Jahmi’us Ramsey! Raptors Make Multiple Signings! Raptors Waive Markquis Nowell!

Toronto Raptors Sign Jahmi’us Ramsey! Raptors Make Multiple Signings! Raptors Waive Markquis Nowell!

What’s up basetball fans welcome to the vat report it’s time to talk about the chonto Raptors first guys just a quick update I know I’ve been away from the Raptors for quite a while not making videos U my grandma unfortunately just passed away a few weeks ago and it’s

Been rough you know she was hospitalized two weeks prior to that also U my ears are both plugged really badly I’m also very sick so if the audio seems a little bit off I genuinely can’t tell how loud I’m speaking I’ll try to edit it and hopefully make it sound a little bit

Better but let’s talk about the chonto Raptors guys the Raptors have announced they are signing g-league Blu guard jayas Ramsey to attend a contract the former King second rounder has average 20 points 2.6 points 7.8 rebounds and three assists in the G League this season Shams was reporting now looking

At these stats right away you’d probably think he’s a forward right but absolutely not let’s talk about some of the moves that the Raptors have made today they’ve also announced another signing and they’ve also weaved a player as well so I will be covering all of

That in today’s video so let’s get right into it now jamas Ramsey’s actually listed as a shooting guard He’s listed at 6390 lbs he was drafted way back in the 2020 draft I know it seems like a long time ago now in my head I I still

Feel like that’s a few years ago he’s only 22 years old he’s still very young now taking a look at his gie statistics I do want to correct the Shams did get his rebounds wrong he’s actually averaging 8.3 rebounds 3 points8 assists 22.3 rebounds he’s shooting 55 and a

Half% from the field also shooting the three three-point ball excuse me exceptionally well at 41.3 excuse me 41.9% he’s also getting you some steals as well 1.3 steals now for those who may not be familiar with jamas Ramsey’s game let’s go through a player comparison who I think is a

Really good comparison for those that want that like to kind of you know do player comparisons I was watching some of his clips and the first player that really stood out to me you know 6390 lbs he’s very strong and looking at his game part of it really really reminds me of

Marcus Smart and I’m not saying he he’s exactly like Marcus Smart he’s um you know he’s really strong though he even though he’s only 190 PB 6’3 he’s built like a linebacker he’s got a tremendous strength to him he’s also got questionable shot selection as well but let’s quickly talk about the positives

First he’s able to do a lot of things he’s very athletic he can attack the basket really well most of the times when you see guys that are list a 63 or under that the biggest difficulty they have is attacking the rim and finishing at the basket he does a tremendous job

Of attacking the rim really fighting through contact and he uses his body to absorb some of the contact really well like I was saying he’s a really really strong guard and he’s tremendous at attacking the basket and getting around some of the bigger men as well now in

Terms of his uh limitations he obviously has some limitations the shot selection can definitely um be questionable at times you know he’ll shoot a lot of Threes just like how you saw pretty much with Marcus Smart with the Celtics at times he was taking too many shots I

Think that’s the thing with jamas is sometimes he’ll he’ll get ahead of himself in that department sometimes just taking a little bit too many shots getting out of control but in terms of some of the things he does really well he’s also a really strong Defender he’s someone although list 63 can guard

Bigger players because of his physicality he absorbs contact really well and he’s a smart Defender as well he’s not going to try to do too much he does do a good job of even in the paint when he’s guarding some of the other players you know he he’ll foul at times

But he does a great job of just getting his hands up just using his body weight and throwing around efficiently and you know as you see there I mean he can get you some points you know he can shoot the three-point ball pretty decently I’m hoping his shot has come along a long

Ways because he did struggle with the Kings beforehand but it seems like he’s performing well at the g- league level now this gives the Raptors something they don’t currently have which is I mean you could say they kind of have OA abaji in that position but when you talk

About you know having a shoot shooting guard similar to how Marcus Smart is he’s not a point guard he’s not a shooting guard he’s a combo of both and I think that’s the similar thing could be said about jamas as well the thing with jamas is he’s he can do a bunch of

Little things that you know some point guards can do but he’s also a great defender at the shooting guard now this gives the Raptor something different because when you look at the Raptor point guards they have a lot of the skinnier point guards in manual quickly

That aren’t able to guard some of the shooting guards if you recall Marcus Mark can guard small forwards shooting guards he can guard point guards and that’s something Jas can do really well he’s really physically strong which gives the Raptors a different type of Defender they have and like I said I

Think one of the hardest positions to find in this NBA is to find a shooting guard that can defend really well that is why Alex Caruso is Coveted so well around the NBA it’s it’s not easy to find three ndes but it’s even harder to

Find two ndes in the NBA in my personal opinion because you’re at a weird Sizer where you have to be able to guard point guards but also shooting guards and small forwards at time as well so jamas is gonna be really fascinating he gives a raptor something different I’m excited

I really do hope he gets the opportunity with the Raptors as well but let’s talk about our next move that the Raptors have made sham sha was also reporting that the jonal Raptors are signing forward Mo G on a two-way NBA deal G appeared in one game for Toronto over a

10-day contract after spending the season with the G League Raptors 905 now we saw a little bit of Moji you know in preseason and summer league we saw what he could do he’s similar to kind of Chris B right I want to quickly go to his stats here he’s been with the

Raptors this um season in the G league but over the last few seasons in the G League you take a look at his stats or someone that can give you some points you know he’s not a great three-point shooter I don’t think he ever will be

But you look at what he does and it’s quite obvious why the clear comparisons when we talk about Moi and Chris busher are very similar you know he a high energy guy he’ll get you some points he’ll get you some rebounds and he’ll get you some blocks as well as you see

There’s averaging 8.7 points with the Raptors 905 also averaging 2.5 blocks as well now the thing with Moi is he’s similar to Chris Bush in some ways but he also has a few things that Chris bu does not like when with all respect to Chris bu when you watch Chris bue he’s a

Straight line drive you know when you have transition he’s not going to go side to side he runs just straight in the line and attacks the basket whereas Moi he’s a little bit better going side to side you know so in terms of body movement in terms of how he’s able to

Move with the ball he does a little bit of a better job in my opinion of moving he also has in my opinion again I hope Chris bu is not watching this because you’d be surprised guys a lot of players do watch YouTube videos as well Chris I

Love you but Mo does a few things a little bit better he reads the game a little bit better in terms of you know where to be positioning wise um I know Chris sometimes does make some bonehead plays as well Mo seems to be a little

Bit less of that you know he seems to be a little bit more leveled in terms of just jumping at shots but pretty much when you took take a look at body types exactly the same 69 210 Chris Bush is around the same I believe he’s around

215 so and I mean Moi is also 25 years old he’s much younger right it is the NBA and it’s unfortunate because this could be said in almost any field if you can find someone that can do what you do for a fraction of the price you know

They’ll absolutely replace you in a heartbeat and it kind of seems like Moi is ultimately going to be the replacing of Chris bue you know I’m not saying that he’s at the same level Chris bushe in terms of Point production and his experience as well but it’s similar you

Know he’s going to come in be a high energy guy he’s going to be a 910th man Off the Bench he’s not going to be playing every game but he’ll come in once in a while provide some energy block some shots and provide some quality minutes for the chonto Raptors

But now we do have to question you know the Raptors sign Moi to a two-way contract they also have jonte Porter and they also have carton uh Carlton excuse me I’m mixing up the names here they signed to a two-way a few days ago as

Well so who did they move well we also got some more news regarding that as well and shout out to to sandier barani on Twitter he said the Raptors have waved Maris Noel as part of a signing of emoji to a two-way deal really really unfortunate for Maris noell we heard

About how much he loves Toronto as a whole and just his story overall when you look at Maris noell you know he’s listed at 57 160 pounds for him to be able to make it to the NBA guys is truly exceptional you don’t realize the heart

You have to have to be that short and to make it to the NBA you have to work that much harder you have to be that much more talented because we know in basketball height makes all the difference in the world and despite that he had a spectacular season with the

Rapor 905 you know 15 points shot 42% from the field 36.8% from the three-point line also was averaging an amazing 7.7 assists three rebounds and nearly nearly two assists a game he was giving it his all he’s talked so much about the Raptors and he’s done a

Wonderful job in the Raptors 905 he was injured as well but I believe he was was selected at the g-league allstar game as well so shout out to Maris man it’s it is unfortunate that you know in a sport there’s not one sport out there which you know something that’s out of your

Control like height affects it so much I mean I get it but it is really unfortunate for mares he’s 24 years old I still believe he’s going to find his footing in the NBA you know he’s far too talented not to be but that’s just the

Way the NBA works you know it’s moved so quickly due to injuries like even you look at someone like Aon Harper you know he was injured and the Raptors waved him right away but I’m very curious to hear what you guys think about all of these moves which moves are you excited about

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and there won’t be any shout out guys so again rest in peace to my grandma we used to watch basketball we used to watch the Raptors together it’s it’s been a little bit of a rough go guys so I apologize for not posting

As much that will be it so thank you so much for watching and rest in peace Grandma I miss you

I will be discussing the latest news and rumors surrounding the Toronto Raptors! The Toronto Raptors announced they have signed Jahmi’us Ramsey to a 10 day contract. Along with this the Raptors announced other news that they will sign Mouhamdou Gueye to a two-way contract. After these moves the Raptors would have to waive a player to make room since they would now have too many players on a two-way contract and shortly after the Raptors announced they waived Markquis Nowell.


  1. My condolences, brother! Please spend as much time with the family as you wish. Nice to hear from you. Great profile vid. Thanks

  2. God bless to you and your family, Losing an Elder never goes away, hopefully the Raps can be a small distraction and give you a few moments of relief.

  3. I'm very sorry about your grandma brother, my deepest condolences and may she rest in big peace 🕊️

  4. I’m very sorry for your loss, brother. May her soul rest in peace. I wish you and your family peace of mind, strength, and courage during this tough time.

  5. Prab all my condolences and all our power!! Your grandma will be really proud of you! Nice vídeo! I hope we can get a coulpe of good signments for next years !

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