@Los Angeles Lakers


credits insta : @luckymongdrawing

by Nykeeo


  1. OnePeople592

    Why does LeBron’s head look like Kevin Durant’s actual head?

  2. Great artwork but this is a troll, especially of DLO. Not a fan.

  3. RegularJT

    What’s wrong with yall, man? Like for real. Why do yall post stuff like this?

  4. Ill_Captain_8967

    This is weird. Don’t impression your need for a father figure onto other people fellas.

  5. IndicationMaleficent

    Found the reporter everyone made fun for asking Kyrie what kinda of parental role Lebron played

  6. UglyForNoReason

    This isn’t even funny. It’s just weird.

  7. Jscott1423

    Nope.. don’t disrespect other grown men to fit your narrative..

  8. This_Ad_7427

    This is why players be wanting to leave. Wtf is this??

  9. titanshaze0812

    Get this trash ass shit off the sub man what is wrong with y’all?

  10. Whoever put that giant bald spot on Bron head is foul lmao

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