@Los Angeles Clippers



L what’s good everybody welcome back to the channel my name is nonfiction this is real Sports my Zack and we your familyless for this evening as we watch the Clippers versus the bucks at the Target Center man what’s good with you sir how you doing I know you working on uh the

Keyboard but how how’s everything else going in life yeah trying to fix something what up everything’s been good up until just a couple seconds ago what up Cody welcome it’s something that can be easily fixed it’s not it’s not seem like it is it seems like it’s actually busted

That sucks which is unfortunate it looks like it’s a issue with the with the actual actual board itself I mean I should be able to go in and fix it yeah but that’s going to require me buying tools oh that any special tools for to fix

It uh I think I’m G have to take the base off I think I’m have to take the whole keyboard apart take the base off and then go in and I think it’s a wiring issue is what is what it seem oh so I probably have to resolder it hey Megan

Welcome in welcome in Cody says this weather is terrible Zach was saying the weather was pretty bad out there hello Megan yes oh no that’s not even that’s not the Press what’s the Press says waiting for the cracking game thought I would say hi well thank you for coming

By thank you and hope the cracking game goes well for you says 80 degrees here I don’t know what it is here I say it’s A8 degrees here as well or it was a degrees trying to see how I don’t exactly know how switches work Mazy what’s cracking my

Docks how you doing man what’s good fam yeah sorry guys I’m a little distracted I’m trying to see if I can fix this real quick because I actually have some homework to do and I need my period in order to do math equations and if I don’t my teacher so you don’t have

The number thing I can yeah yeah you have I can do it on my laptop and there’s and I can go in and uh I never had a portable keyboard I had had something else I can um I mean there’s other ways I can do it if I got to I’ll

Do it on my iPad or something like that but this is just extremely frustrating this is a too nice of a keyboard for it to have an issue like this especially especially I I would understand if if I would have spilled something or something like that but I didn’t spill

Anything like it’s just it just stopped working so just one of those random things playing the flames in Calgary so not sh on oh okay yeah yeah yeah playing in Calgary that’s it might be a tough one might be a tough one but hopefully they they

Stick it out and pull pull it through ma says so close to 10K yes very very close very close 125 close we’ll be there we’ll be there by Wednesday I bet Glon be there by Wednesday he might be right says Mega says got my new Xbox

With Call of Duty Mod Warfare 3 coming tomorrow that’s what’s up that’s what’s up I didn’t know you play Call of Duty something just with the switch I haven’t played Call of Duty in a minute it might be something just see been quite overly addicted to OverWatch and of course not home either

Right now you say he’s not home Sterling was home he just bought he just bought new switches and so I could just steal one of his old ones and see if it’s just the switch cuz it might it could just be the switch if that’s the case that’s a I

Mean that’s a cheap fix if it’s something to do with the actual board then I’m in trouble but if it’s just switch be fine if it’s something with a board I’m probably gonna have to buy a new keyboard yeah uh Megan said decided to treat myself that’s always a good way should

Treat yourself every once in a while every once a while treat yourself something something nice and and Xbox is definitely something nice so I played since day one that’s what’s up yeah I played I guess kind of since day one and then I haven’t played

The ever since four four just left a bad taste on off and I was like Yep this might be it having to pay that much for the game with no story I was kind of mad my favorite Parts about those those games were the stories I know they’re backwards stories

But I’m not paying $75 for a non-physical game not doing it might as well never buy a game again bro it’s changing to that eventually and say it’s going to be that eventually oh it’s not for a while but I’m not paying safe I I’ll stick to free games I’m not doing it

Go share done guys I’m try this one last thing test really that’s actually pretty cool so we’re still waiting on the the game to actually get going there still doing the national anthem and the prr introductions I want to get Xbox so I can have uh oh look at Fallout

76 I I think can’t you play Fallout on next on the computer I think any game you can play on Xbox you play on computer I have subscription to Game Pass they don’t cost as much yeah yeah that’s the one thing about um Xbox from what I’ve been reading they’re

Actually possibly goingon to phase out the actual console because everything’s playable on a computer and they probably have like their they’ll probably have like computers that are like Xbox style computers you said I have I have a tablet so so it crash it oh yeah I heard the I heard the Call of

Duty on mobile is actually just as good as the regular Call of Duty but I mean uh no not not Call of Duty I was watching something saying that the uh 2K on mobile is just as good as the 2K on Console but costs way less Ron Jeremy what’s good say good

Evening boys good even to you too my friend heard that but I uh as I have a Surface Pro I’m hoping not oh Service Pro is nice too Cody says physical media is dead sadly in most in some stuff yeah that’s why I like when my B plays I

See like copies of movies Marvel movies or DC movies I buy them so I can have them I just like I like having physical I just feel like the price doesn’t validate a nonphysical gaming experience says guy as I travel and it’s easier to uh take it t oh yeah yeah just

Say you’re just say you’re old n and just accept it it has don’t do with old I just I value physical physical media I’m a DJ bro I like records I like actual records They sound better than CD I like phical content R Jeremy says Taylor Swifts I’m

Not doub you but you might you might want to get past that man because you ain’t gonna be buying no game soon but I only play one game now matter yeah every games I have on my computer my PlayStation are all free say love me some physical media too yeah

Yeah I got my dad’s turntable after he died was so happy yeah I love turntable music sounds so much crisper it’s much better uh is oh Giannis is out left AES that sucks Westbrook fracture the S I did not know that either oh right there damn oh when they played the the Wizards

Oh that was not too long ago but hope everyone is doing well today this Monday thank you guys for stopping by appreciate each and every one of you if you haven’t already hit that like button if you’re new to the channel subscribe sorry to bring this up uh but

Russ getting cut by D makes the TW 12 are very happy so wrong 12 should not be rooting for him to get cut that’s that’s not good spirits I mean the funny thing about it is I mean now that they cut Russ the backup is probably not who

They’re gonna go with I’m just curious to see what happens for Denver because if they don’t figure something out that’s not gonna be a good look next couple years and they got the the dead money oh my gosh like you rather have 85 million in dead

Money and cut then cut Russell Wilson I don’t know about that one you still soldering how you spell what soldering I couldn’t even tell you but I would assume either s WD or S UD e r i n g uh I tried tried to tell Denver fans

About Russ got called bitter who won trade uh who’s the backup uh oh he was the backup in Denver I mean in Las Vegas but he’s not he’s not a really starting quarterback quber right not right now I mean he has some good qualities but oh wait hold on did we get

A tip off right now it’s only 712 game only starts 12 minutes after when they say going is that how you is that how you spell it Megan is it s o i uh Westbrook is a good dude I don’t understand the hate just I think also the way the way

Not the way he plays but I think the way he hunted that triple double thing a lot of little extras going on with that so a lot of people didn’t like him because of that yeah did you find it all right so we start off Clips win the

No clips win it but it’s gonna be a foul call on the first exchange thank you mate bucks are eight and seven under doc Rivers currently inbounds ends up in kawh Leonard’s hands says not a basketball fan haven’t been since the signs were stolen from Seattle they weren’t [Laughter]

Stolen uh Miss Miss shot by Harden huh you I was laughing at what you said oh Lopez to Beverly Beverly drives to the paint actually turnover by Patrick Beverly oh goodness hard gonna bring it down geez what was that swing pass PG PG for three and it’s good PG there it

Is oh there go why that still open Dame no Giannis screen by Lopez Dame drive to the paint swing pass out to Beverly Beverly ends up in Lopez hands for three and it’s good from the top of the key what up 40 says don’t care about I’m

Here I appreciate you stopping by Ron uh let’s see they were so non fight me they were not stolen the unfortunate business decision seatt with my man that left shrimp back in the 90s I like that left Ron Jeremy I know know uh that personally in chat te

Oh yeah I remember you talk saying talk about that Megan Kawai guarded by Crowder tapy gets pushed off of the line switches off against Lopez step back they leave him by himself to shoot a three and he banks it off the back of the rim brely with the rebound swings to

Lopez Lopez to Damen Lillard L inside the perimeter from the MIDI it’s easy to harden drive to the paint with the floater get the go I so frustrated I’ll be kind of frustrated too damn gets a shot up gets the foul by Harden but doesn’t get the call

They said n don’t fight me they were [Laughter] stolen why do you say they were stolen stolen what what I mean there’s something that probably could happen that me nor Zach know because we don’t live on on the west coast anymore I don’t live on the west coast anymore so

I just want to know what what may have taken place that put them as toen step back man misses off the front of the rim Dame with the rebound D drives against the team pass the same thing I’m almost done I’m just I’m looking at a looking at a couple

Other things Harden to man man to zubac down in paint zubot versus three foul by Lopez I’m just asking him you know inform us we’re in sports we want to know W be we won’t be smarter finless Zub boox from the line makes the first you on the website from

There yeah I’m going back and for my friend KT he knows he’s he’s rebuilt his keyboard before so ask questions yeah yeah yeah Z makes it second Beverly brings the rock down passes off to lard lard guard of Harden Lillard from almost the logo it’s good for

Three and bouns to harden Harden gets to the pass half court 833 to go in the first quarter Harden from the elbow off the front of the rim Harden that’s not like you at all rebound bucks Dame drives pass Harden swing pass to Beverly Beverly to Lopez for three

Off the front of the rim Lopez gets his own rebound Crowder from the corner for three count eight I’ll read coming second make it hold on Kawai stuck swing pass out to George George guarded by Lillard step back over Lillard easy buckets so we did we did up the stadium

Packed it out and we’re told the Seattle were not basketball fans when we packed out the stadium for every home game and no consultation with fans were ever entered were ever entered into it was all about the money oh yes it’s always about the money with

Sports as much as they want to say like they you know want to do it for the fans the dollar the dollar is always the bottom line no matter what it’s like I mean I could talk about with the Raiders the Mark Davis Mark Davis said there was no

Options the city of Oakland actually gave him full blueprints full keys and they were going to sell him the entire lot where he would owned all the stadiums on that lot and he said there was no option you just didn’t want to pay for it you don’t want put no money

Into it he wanted the city so Vegas paid for everything that’s really what it was so I understand I get it’s a business but look what Paul island did for the Seahawks yeah it’s just it’s different owners different owners value different things and it could be the owner just

Didn’t want to be there more either it ready to leave Seattle could anything like Davis could have been ready to leave Oakland could be anything as fans do we like it no but you know unfortunately we really have no control unless we just stop buying tickets after the free throw hard are

Going to bring it down top of the key waiting for the play to develop push off by George will be a foul Patrick Beverly and Paul George going at it will be a quick timeout call by Milwaukee I’ve heard this that sign will be back in Seattle within five years

Yeah it’s gonna be um I think Vegas and Seattle were the number one number one options and I think Vegas might get a team first in then Seattle they they they so desperate everybody’s desperate to get a team in Vegas now since the Raiders went there because now

That the baseball’s going there or after they approve the next voting thing they go there because a are going there and then Vegas is getting a team a basketball team they already got hockey they got WNBA so and I think they even have do they have an MLS

Team we’re at in Seattle yeah in Vegas in Vegas oh in Vegas uh I don’t I don’t think cuz they’ll probably get one of those two if they don’t they’ll probably get one like they’re trying to make Vegas like the allaround destination so so even though I think Seattle should

Get priority Vegas will probably get priority because of money see I heard Vegas in Seattle yeah how did I miss this video Oh so extremely frustrating I’m so angry right now trying to get my head right guys sorry just like I hate when things break and think especially when things break when I didn’t do anything wrong with it like like I said if I would have spilled something I’d be like okay well that’s

On me I don’t understand why this broke like nothing got spilled the other night and it was working fine literally yesterday when I was playing whenever I was uh or two days ago whenever I was we were streaming and stuff yeah God love technology so freaking random how stuff

Happens I mean the thing is it I mean I should be a I should be able to fix it yeah isn’t your your um keyboard the one hope I can yeah everything’s hot swabble but it’s just make sure that I don’t I don’t

Know how to sold her so I have to go see if KT can do which I have to drive out the Hammond so he can fix it but Ry high levels thank you for subscribing to the channel appreciate you uh Mega says I heard two expansion SP spots

Would be open and Vegas and Seattle got yeah Vegas Seattle yeah they talked about it they officially came out and talked about it but and I know they said um I think is get a team first though so 1311 bucks up by two 644 left in the first quarter Dame swing pass

Little short elbow shot rebound zubac zubac to harden Harden brings it down little slow pace for both teams right now Harden dribble pass Dame bad pass stolen by Beverly Beverly pushes the fast break to Dame Dame to Beverly Beverly in the corner for three no good man with the rebound

Swing past to Zub box zubot looking to get it to Beverly I mean to George Beverly in George’s pocket George gets around the screen with the easy easy three over Patrick Beverly oh wait wrong side and another three by Dame kawh Leonard drives to the paint gets the floater over Crowder

Bame Beverly Beverly drives off the off the glass no good George swings to harden hard waits for the screen by Zub box Crowder gets around the screen comes back up front of Defense harden off the screen no good calls for a foul but doesn’t get it rebound bucks D drives Crowder in the

Corner oh good George gets the F call gets Beverly B got Beverly has remember being that he started in the game can’t play the same way he plays normally because he’s got he’s getting two fouls already OG Bobby poris comes into the game for Crowder and conon entered the game

Says sorry I’ve been away for so long didn’t realize I I didn’t have you notification no worries man we know we know life happens and sometimes you know all good it’s all good Kawai drive to the paint swing pass no good rebound poris poris to Lillard Lillard Quai fast

Break for three got him again wait now wait hold is it working now I literally just turned the thing upside down wait what the heck was that did you unplug it or you oh now I’m so confused so I don’t know what happened I just switched back to this other screen

And all of a sudden it was just spamming periods so it has to be some with the the oh yeah connection CU like now it won’t work but but it was working for a second oh yeah so it’s something that’s Harden for three okay all right all right all right

All right I think I know funny yeah you can’t see it but so the period is roughly like the period’s roughly right here the period is roughly right here where my finger is right here when I press it down right there it it then it then does the periods does it

Really so I wonder if there’s like either a little maybe like a crumb could be in there that’s causing it to not connect properly piece of dust maybe it’s working now though how it makes the first free throw it’s working now I’m might have to take it apart and clean it

Tonight let me uh give me a second I’m gonna send a voice message to KT so maybe he can like kind of troubleshoot what’s going on maybe it could just be dirty okay give me one second and then I’ll be with you’all 100% guys I’m sorry

Feel bad say have been busy with hockey football oh it’s all good it’s all good we understand like I said we’ve been we’ve been here we’ve been on As the World Turns we’ve been you know been over on other channels as well so it’s like trust me we

Understand say damn almost a 10K sub already close 40 we’re pretty we’re pretty close man we’re pretty close say might need might need to clean it yeah it could be something where it could just be crumbs or dust you know dust is the uh sworn enemy of electronics we all know everybody knows

That three free throws made for Harden Lillard drives gets fouled pretty aggressive but quite a little but no call Harden swing pass to L Kawai Kawai back to Coffee coffee crosscourt to harden Harden pal pow back to harden hard for three got it I have a magnetic keyboard for my

Tablet and have to clean all time how do you like those the magnatic keybo for your tablet poris guarded by Harden Porter should get Buckets because hard’s defense is trash misses the shot over Hardy Kawai guarded by Damien Lillard crosscourt pass to Pal P of coffee Cofe for three no good rebound oh

Okay g Bobby poris poris to Lillard Lillard drives ball gets tipped out of bounds with the remain bucks ball Dame should have gotten three foul calls should have been to the line three times already he got threw To The Ground by qu lard got absolutely no call give me one

Second uh Megan says I love n so much easier to use as I’m writing my book on the tablet as well that makes sense I’ve seen I’ve seen the the small ones and they look pretty cool look pretty handy for the the like you said the surface surface is a nice that’s a

Nice multi-purpose tablet and when I’m responding to on chat streams yeah yeah because sometime just trying to hold up why they put makeup makeup on that girl like that so I got the surface and the Seahawks use it oh yeah it’s uh it’s the sponsor of the

NFL that’s the the oh is isn’t that what um Brady like destroy like three of them already when he was playing surf is nice what sucked about when the NFL got endorsed by them they priced it shot up like $300 because they used to be much cheaper then NFL endorsed them at Price

Shot up my son went while we was like you crazy better get you a regular tablet Luca you see that video I sent to you about Jaylen Brown oh he’s still doing it says like I flew on Delta to Seattle as carrier I see mine with everything with 800 Oly but I

Got everything with it yeah it’s is they’re expensive all right we’re back 205 left in the first quarter quick layup by Dame off the inbounds good says mine will last at least 5 10 years though as I treat mine well oh yeah long don’t you take care of your

Stuff and you know like you said maintain it clean it it should last a good time TI score a long three after the pass when Ka Leonard is good 30- 23 is the current score missed shot by the Bucks Ty swing P to another long distance three by the Clippers is

Good by bones Highland keeping it real who that Sports podcast what’s good what’s good what’s good my brother good evening my brothers how are you doing tonight doing okay doing okay Zach’s trying to uh get an issue situated right now with his keyboard but he’s we’re doing okay

How are you doing my brother PC on the drive it’s fou going to the hole the worst part is it’s like it’s part of it’s like a weird thing of like my OCD and that’s like I a the most disorganized person in the world but like when things break like that it’s

Like I want to figure out exactly why I write the heft now and have it fixed and so the fact that it’s working is is fine but I’m aggravated as to why it’s broken and I’m like I need to get to the bottom of it and it’s it’s truly bothering me

That I that I’m not right now but I I I’ll get over it well I’m going relax I’m G get over it um but I am I am here now for the most part K makes the first free throw drains the second 3325 is the current

Score she said yeah Zach my anxiety is like that too Highland guarded by Beverly now guarded by con drives step back goes to his legs gets away with a nice little my friends bro GNA be a travel called I’m sitting there talking to my I’m sitting there talking to my friends trying to

Figure out how to fix this issue right kind of and then like they know more about this crap than what I do and this is how you know these are real friends because I’m asking them questions they’re like are you effing stupid don’t call it that you jackass like just

Making fun of me and I’m like I’m like I don’t know what the heck’s going on I was like I don’t need y’all DM a holes right now okay I’m trying to fix my keyboard this my thing was too damn expensive for it to be breaking after a

Year and a half okay Bly gets away with the travel but throws the ball away get Jesus Christ did he oh goodness but what’s up everybody what’s up me what’s up uh DOL say heading home from work drive safe br I got you man you got off late today huh

Yeah bones Highland headed to the bench for terance man Beverly gar misses the shot is that shot clock violation 4.3 left on the clock at friends like that and I’m that friend Z what up rine welcome back yeah right insane Y what up what up what up Highland two points 5 Seconds drives

Off the glass is good we’re in the first quarter 3525 is the current score there we go as we end one but once again no Yan Hest it’s going to be a tough uphill battle for the bucks but they do have Dame time let’s see if Dame time can

Actually be on time in this game d time but again if you haven’t already hit that like button and if you’re new to the channel be true to the channel That subscribe and notification Bell again my name is nonfiction my co-host Zach we are real fan Sports and uh we’re

At the end of one for the Bucks and the Clippers why Zach goes crazy over there for his Clippers his headboy yeah I’m losing my mind say had to stop at the grocery store oh that could definitely take forever grocery stores is never short runs especially if you HB is like the

Other HBS where they’re always packed no matter what time of day it is you’re like I’mma go there early I’mma go at 7: a.m. packed house why is everybody here why y why are y’all not at work damn it I thought I was trying to be trying to do the smart

Thing it be hell people be slick you go there at seven o’clock be hell people there like why are yall all here oh dude that used to be the that used to be the funniest thing at at my at the old gym I worked at we had a big like senior

Citizen crowd yeah and people would be off work and come work out and they’d be like bro what the heck like I came in here at no at you know at at 10 10 11 o’clock because I thought it was going to be I thought it was going to be dead

Up in here I was gonna have the gy to myself I said no it smells like camel te and and you know old people thoughts I’m like yeah yeah we’re actually most packed at at 10 to 11 when all the seniors come in bro that’s funny

Off it’s funny because you pull up ESPN like the first thing you see is the Broncos tried and failed with Russell Wilson what’s next did they really try though did they really I don’t know if they really tried I don’t know if they really tried I

Don’t know if they say I don’t know if that qualified as a real try Clippers 12 of 19 in the first quarter bucks eight of 18 five of 10 for three- point though still that’s impressive only two points in the paint That’s Crazy by the Bucks Beverly drains the three I know

That sounds rare but big shot that’s wild all right P all right PB showing that whole shy Town game pal gets away with 4,000 St steps no call is this not a travel remember they don’t call TR not a travel not a jump ball so like what

What’s going on exactly there I don’t dude look at this fing by uh Pat bef this the Battle of Battle of the top podcasters the NBA two what’s going on four we’ll give him three um got away with something George turn around Paul George guarded by

P I love how certain players are just allowed to do whatever they want contact wise and not get C Like Pat Bev fouled Paul George like four times right there and Paul still put it on his head hey there’s guys playing for the bucks I’ve never seen them so I don’t know what

Their names are you guys so I do apologize up front yeah some of these guys I’ve never seen white boys I’ve seen on a while I know Pat CT that’s it P bringing that’s it I know ginari gar is pretty good oh yeah I forgot I know

Number 20 is though mean says I went grocery shopping at 7:30 a.m. this morning only problem is that there’s not much on the shelves my dad used to shop at 900 PM as he hated crowds When shopping you know what when I used to work at instart we had people that come

In on certain days late night because they hated crowds too um remember when Denver came how I know that all the people go ahead I say this is how I know that all the people that I mess with we all think the same because every time I go

Shopping I go late at night and I always see people I know every single time it never fails I always see uh one of one of my friends uh girlfriend’s moms who who I’m Who I’m cool with she was our old neighbor and uh it’s so funny bro we

Pull up to the store and I just hear like across Walmart like she don’t give a damn she she don’t give a [ __ ] she’s like boy what what the hell you doing here and I’m looking I’m like who’s talking to me like that I’m I’m like I’m

Like I was like what man what you doing here son I like why you here like we start hollering at each other across Walmart everybody looking at us crazy and we give each other a hug and she like how you doing how’s the family I’m like it’s good how about

You go from cussing each other out like giving each other hugs nine and a half to go in the second they want to feed Paul George guarded by conon little hesitation pulls up oh Baseline jumper goes 11 point game for the Clippers remember when Denver came to Seattle week one 22 and they

Yanked Russ for a field goal that was missed Good [Laughter] Times Conan Con in working right side on Zub gets in with the space great finish at the cup now they got four points scored in the paint woohoo oh yeah quick quick ah by port’s Gonna

Knock It Out of Bounds he said no I’m I’m not bitter Russ no I am not bitter Russ that’s crazy 85 mil of dead cap is crazy 85 million you rather have 85 million if uh wonder ifne I I I wonder if Shawn pyton realizes not every GM is Mickey Lumis

And knows how to uh doctor the cap to uh make it non-existent like poris with the turnaround jumper it’s good Bobby OG Bobby Portis like and so it’s 85 for this year I think so I think it’s 85 is that what it is 85 million think 85 I mean they

They’ll be able to grab a quarterback the thing is like you know they could do a deal like what the Saints did with Carr a very small contract for the first year or two and then it gets doubled up I mean that’s what they’re going to have

To do and just hope that it ends up being the right play or just have a couple stinker years but I can’t see Shawn Peyton having a couple stinker years because like he’ just retire again Paul George going inside to Bobby Bobby with a floater I

Think time out Clippers I think if you have a couple single years he’s retiring for good right that’s what I’m saying I I can’t see him like trying to do a rebuild you know that’s why he left New Orleans was because of re nobody’s gonna give him that another chance because

Like okay well you got a chance for a quarterback that actually is not a bum he’s still good you just you didn’t have the proper game plan for him hey I don’t think that you lies him right all the time said Peyton wants to win now well I

Mean he’s doing oppos I didn’t see this but uh Raven said Victor’s been insane yeah right he’s doing opposite Victor Victor wanyama has been so fun to watch man it’s actually crazy he’s averaging very similar what LeBron did his rookie season I think he’s actually averaging a

Little bit better in certain stats yeah which is really exciting you know now it it is also comes for the benefit of playing at a professional level from his country you know that’s the benefit so it’ll be interesting how he keeps developing and I still think he’s in the

Best place you know there’s a bunch of San Antonio fans right now on Twitter that are going crazy wanting pop fired and all this stuff because they’re not built to win yet it’s like Victor understands this process and how the game works he’s very he’s very tuned in to like learning understanding and

Developing his game because the NBA is different than playing in other countries what’s of course he wants to win everybody wants to win but there’s a process to go through and has been proven that papovich knows how to do it yeah the bad thing about the um San

Antonio fans like you guys wanted the you guys wanted Victor with miyama y’all wanted him so bad how else were they gonna get it besides diving so to dive and lose those games you had to get rid of good players because good players are not going to stay there and just lose so

They can get wiama so you had to get rid of those players it’s you wanted it you got it now you gotta wait for the process trust the process it’s so crazy everybody now is trying to diminish every great head coach because of the whole bill bellachic thing saying like Tom Brady

Made him so now it’s Drew Brees made and now it’s Tim Duncan made uh Greg papovich and like all this other stuff and it’s like can y’all shut the hell up can y’all shut up like y’all y’all have no idea that’s the bad thing because the

The bottom line is they couldn’t be one without that’s I gonna say drew wouldn’t have been Drew without sea Shawn would have been sea without Drew same with Tom same with bich you know same with uh Phil Jackson and Jordan Phil Jackson and Kobe like it’s

They needed each other you had to have two minds that understand what they’re both they’re both on the same wavelength and they have to understand that so I I can’t say people say that because people such a it’s just such a is it’s part of those hot take

Things that we’ve talked about where it’s like we get it hot take sell but so many of them are so baseless just to draw an opinion that everybody can ride on because stirring hate is beautiful in this today’s age great little uh pass underneath George 4 says average Twitter Community

Very very true very very true it’s uh gari working the ball down low Bobby been the main focus tonight with uh Giannis being out Bobby going underneath bro he’s so talented it’s so funny how he was just kind of a gimmick hype man to a a legit ball player I

Didn’t see it coming you know the it I won’t lie it’s the one thing where when you look at certain that’s a foul yeah guess not when you look at certain players you know they were good in college and they obviously were good they good enough to be here but when

They get put in certain roles and they play certain ways then you finally see them getting in a position where they could score and they score like crazy it’s like wait okay so they just okay they really put you in a position they pigeon hold the hell out of you because

You can actually play well I wouldn’t even say that it’s just it’s just everybody has has you know what where they’re utilized you know that’s why it’s a team it’s a team game man even though the NBA isn’t how it used to be as far as you know working the ball

Around and getting a lot of different people involved it’s more about your you know big one or two maybe three stars and then that’s it but everybody has that role all these guys are talented if you make them the main focus there’s a lot of players in the league that could

Average 20 points a game that right now only average 8 to 10 but that’s that’s my if they’re put in a position to score and be the main score they can that’s my that’s what I’m saying like the fact that they can get it if you allow the

Ball to flow more Freer instead of just focusing on so ISO ball your team would actually be better in the long run it would actually be better well you know and the thing is it’s it’s certain things that people don’t like watching it too right like I

Know from like a pels pels fans perspective a lot of people like when like he the other night uh we had a good win uh against Indiana on Friday we uh got our comeback we went up 40 at one point we end up winning by 20 something

I believe Zion only had 12 points there’s people complaining why is Zion not getting more touches why is he not getting the ball it’s because CJ was playing well because bi was shooting well because Trey Murphy was shooting well uh because Jose Off the Bench was

Doing great at point guard and he was doing well it’s like that’s not a bad thing the playing off of who’s hot is is how you’re supposed to do it not force feeding somebody you know trying to make the game uh just appear instead of letting it come naturally true so I know

This is a basketball stream but do you think the Hawks go for QB in the draft I mean I do I do think they will get one some they can develop because they already have a QB with an actual contract so I I do believe they will go after

Somebody I mean yeah I think they could I think they could and I mean I think they and I would like to say I think they should it’s just it’s such a deep quarterback draft that is and it’s been interesting with uh with Jaden Daniels not uh not competing in the uh goodness

The combine with uh the boy kale Williams not competing in the combine with I believe Drake may also not competing the combine it opened up a lot of quarterbacks to show their talents and there’s now six or seven quarterbacks are expected to go in the first round whereas prior to the combine

A lot of saw these guys slipping to the second the third talking about like JJ McCarthy yes um there was another guy I’m forgetting his name and and in all of this the and Michael pennick was supposed to be a second round guy now they’re looking at him being a first

Round guy so this could be a crazy draft this year where people are going to buy stock into quarterbacks early uh because they can’t wait till the second and third round to grab and you don’t know when you’re going to have another class like this again this is a very tough uh

Quarterback class yeah I watched some of the uh some of the combat the other day and it was a kid from like UNCC like UNCC State something like that looked really good I don’t never never seen him before I was like okay he he got a touch

Like he was making passes that look crisp look really good had in the pocket only where the receiver get it but yeah I agree it’s gonna be a lot of quarterback going in that first quarter says and what do you think about McDaniel McDonald see ke said guys I have a

Question oh uh Megan said what do you think about of McDonald as head coach DOL said uh guys have a okay the question above uh I mean I have to see it I’m not I’m not deep enough into yeah I’m not deep enough into like Seattle’s like coaching tree and stuff

Like that to know whether it’s going to be good or bad uh so I mean you know it have to be a wait and see thing for me what I mean what are your thoughts Megan as someone who follows them uh very closely b gets the shot up and the foul

Uh Dolph says I have a question if a franchise has had little to no consistent success over its lifetime of its existence they hired a firsttime well-respected head coach who has been who has had his team in the playoffs Hot In Contention to make the playoffs and

Now has his team 11 or 12 games over 500 with all that said fan base wants him gone make it make sense are are you are you talking about uh you talking about the Mike Tomlin situation is that what you’re talking about uh Dolph the problem is the fans are I’m a little

Confused in what you’re referencing uh to my friend yeah that’s probably the fans listening to uh you know too many you know fans had the right to have opinions and everything a lot of our opinions are just opinions too but people got to realize that the people

That get paid to do this do this do these things do these evaluations on the next level are they always right no are they always wrong no like sometimes you gotta you know patiently wait it and and be try to be more optimistic with if you’re pessimist about every decision that you make

You’re going to have a hard time watching any type of sports because there’s always going to be things that you don’t enjoy that you don’t like that they do based off of your opinion but your opinion ain’t always the best that’s not a foul uh Lopez the ball already left his

Hand oh you talking about Willie okay okay okay okay okay so so FR had a little toist over life time they hired first time well respect head coach had his team the playoffs Hot In Contention make the playoffs now his team left okay okay I thought we were talking about NFL

So that’s why I got so mixed up now I know what you’re talking about DOL um yeah so the the argument right now with Willie Green that that I don’t like and we talked about this a little bit on our stream last Wednesday where we watched them play against the Pacers where they

Got their butts whooped um so the rumors is that Willie Green will move into a front office position they’re going to bring in a better head coach because they don’t like or fans speculate that they don’t like his rotations which I do agree with in certain points and they

Say that the development of the team has gone slowly but people forget to mention that our big three hadn’t played together for a full season up until this year I like Willie Green I like him as a leader I like him as a head coach but like some people have just unrealistic

Expectations for him like they expect him to go into uh the the press conferences after the game and start dogging off coaches and take the $30,000 fines and stuff like that for dogging out the refs Will’s not making that much money as a head coach and first off

That’s like me telling you to go complain to your job and go take a $700 hit uh in your paycheck like there’s and and you say and do all that doesn’t mean anything’s Gonna Change that’s why I hate like that idea of things little behind the back pass for Dame Bev’s

Gonna do a step way three no good I mean what’s your thoughts on that with with Willie do you think he should continue to be the coach he’s on his third year now the problem with most fans is just like I mean what’s your thoughts the outside most fans in ownership they want

The I want it I want it now I want it now I want it’s my money I want it now type syndrome a coach just like players have to develop you’re not gonna get a coach to be the best coach his first year second year or third year it takes time

And like you said being the fact that you’re big three has just barely played together a fulltime this year give him some time have patience right you don’t have patience in it so if he leaves next coach come in and he don’t Vibe well with the players and it gets blown up

Then whose fault is it whose fault is it thenan a problem with it is too Pat B wide open three a pro good shot a problem with it as well is people expect these small franchises to be like the Lakers like the like Golden State like

Uh you know the Knicks like you know whatever to where they can just get whatever players they want at any moment that they have inless amount of money to spend that they can afford to take on the luxury tax I understand the owners are billionaires and all this stuff but

Like there’s still levels to it like there’s still levels to it it’s a very different thing like people hate people have started complaining that the Pelicans they don’t care that our team has good chemistry and and enjoy playing with each other and all that stuff they’re like we want to win games let’s

Get rid of all these guys let’s bring in these four other dudes and let’s rework it so then you want to just start from the beginning again you you think that it’s just all of a sudden gonna change everything it’s like come on stop I mean like realistically with the Pelicans I

Think we need a true point guard I think that’s the biggest thing that two point guard yeah uh I know me and me and nonan have different opinions on on JV I like JV I want I’d rather keep keep JV there but it’s still it’s not just like oh

Switch these players and bring them in and a lot of the players that they mentioned are like mid like they’re they’re like just mid guys or or guys that haven’t shown it as as a main focus on the team yet maybe they will be good but not everybody’s going to be uh

Bridges from going from Phoenix to Brooklyn and then playing out of his mind even though he’s having a bad year this year not every pickup’s gonna be like that where you play a Supporting Cast and go into a big role and then you get and then you’re gonna uh instant

Have success because they gave him the actual green light to play the way he wanted to play like thing the thing with Val shun is is I like him but I don’t think I don’t think he’s fitting what they what they need the most that’s what I I just feel like he

Doesn’t fit enough yeah nice steal by Beverly it to I personally think JV works but he needs to understand there’ll be some games where he shouldn’t start and I don’t think Larry Nance can start that’s what I’m saying you need somebody that can come I Larry

N has the size and he’s not quick enough if if they if they could have and it depends on matchup when you’re playing against guys that are quick like a uh you know like a Sacramento like a Pacers or somebody like that you need to have a

Quicker Center quicker big so you can run small ball you can run quicker but whenever you’re playing like other teams like when we play against the Clippers we face up really good against them with JV because JV is able to get him down low on the post repost and get

Easy scores underneath so it’s a matchup situation and that boils down to coaching to me now now is is JV like multi-dimensional no he he is what he is download post player uh good rebounder you know but he’s he’s a he’s a body on defense that’s it Beasley on

The Fast Break tough little trick can’t get it up once the foul the refs are letting him play Man almost too much Kawai now bringing it up Court he’s going to get the foul it should be on the floor of course he get it uh Meg Meg said okay Jen’s heading

Out for Kraken uh great catch up great catch up with you two me soon enjoy the game I hope the Kraken have a good one uh Raven said uh Mitchell will be sidelined for the next three games he has a knee injury I did see that that is

Tough I saw somebody on Twitter the other day saying that they’ve seen enough what they had to see with the Cavs that they’re horrible that play with no heart while they’re sitting second in the East they play with no heart blew my mind when I saw that the

Other day yeah that’s what that’s what somebody was saying because they had a bad game they had one they had had a really bad game don’t get me wrong but y’all are talking about second in the East and y’all ready to say that y’all are [ __ ] it’s unbelievable that’s wild

Uh Dolph said where was the on-card success before he was hired he has one of the highest winning percentage in his first three season young coach young team growing together and he comes he comes from that tree he comes from that Warriors tree as well give him time I

Like give him time people expect oh it’s like he didn’t have the same same start as Kur did kert had an already made team already made team of course he added pie it always makes me so happy when I see uh when I see Crowder get get [ __ ] it makes me so happy

Damn Dame driving left side little Up and Under too hard off the glass definitely Dame gets a t for asking yelling at because they didn’t get a foul call he’s like I got hit in the damn head did y’all see the did y’all see the

Tech the other day for the guy going to the bench and not wanting to talk to the ref about the conversation so they te him up I’m confused when did me not want to talk to you about a call a no call give me a technical fire everybody bro just fire all the

Reps fire all the refs makes a first gets a lucky bounce I mean he did get hit the head by Zub box I don’t think it really affected the shot but he did get hit the head yeah but it’s still a foul any contact that has a foul it should be a

Foul so again he gets a tech for for arguing about something that was shown he was correct on so that Tech should get taken away if they’re going to be this childish with handout Tex there should be a law in the rules where the tech total should be diminished

Because once you get that 21 you get a fine and suspended or whatever it is nowadays I don’t know foul it should be get it should get stricken from your record 55 48 first half scores Dame sitting that 19 Paul George Harden 1513 respect body Porters with 10 that’s so crazy what up

40 yeah how you been 40 Man haven’t talked to you in a minute how’s work been doing man all over the place like a good neighbor I’m like you do realize who you hired to say that phrase [Laughter] right NE he said give me to the chop up such a funny Emeral I think it’s so what video we got dropping tomorrow man I know we got I know we got one coming up soon is it the looks like the 10 minutes of Nigel Owens being the best ref oh

This is great timing so we’ve been complaining about the refs just now for a couple minutes we have a video tomorrow of a referee for Rugby Union his name is Nigel Owens and when I’m telling you watch that video when it drops tomorrow I think it drops I’ll

Give you all the exact time it’s gonna drop tomorrow at 8m Central Time us Central Time go watch it and then be jealous yeah be jealous of of man of just how beautiful it is man watching a ref actually care actually explain actually be good at his job and

Not have his feelings get hurt and get in the way of actually officiating the game the right way and the way talk of players is very respectful there’s no animosity you tell there’s no anger behind his words he’s Fair concise straight to the point no subus in what

He says just he’s a fair guy across the board I love that dude what the hell 4 said work let’s just say I use RFS to keep open with sports Dam he’s that much uh 40 damn man hey it look it I bet the checks are looking all right though you know the

Checks are feeling good you know you know you might live for payday but you know at least is there let’s see if my period is still working oh still working nice excuse me is there who playing right now I wonder where Russ is going though I wonder where he’s gonna end

Up wait wait what happened oh Russ end up God I’m getting so mixed up because we talking about Russ and we watching the Clippers and I was like I was like I was like where’s Russell Westbrook going I don’t know either man I know some some people are saying

Atlanta what about Russ what about what about Russ no no Atlanta I think is is locked into Justin Fields what do you think about Russ to Pittsburgh I swe I see I definitely don’t see him in a Pittsburgh [Laughter] jersey it would feel weird to see him in

A jersey for sure but they would have to change up the offense a little bit because they don’t run their office is not yeah maybe so that’s what I was thinking Atlanta I think Atlanta’s trying to go young they’re trying to find somebody young to that they can

Develop this also thoughts that L might just draft a quarterback too a lot of it’s gonna be interesting it’s gonna be a lot of moves man the last two years has been a lot and it feels like it gets crazier and crazier and I think this is

Going to be even crazier than last year and that says a lot you know 40 says R to the Titans Go man you don’t you don’t believe in uh in your boy will Levis oh that’s actually tough so apparently Cavaliers uh guard Donovan Mitchell received a PCB injection which

Is uh help uh with his patella for his knee injury it looks like he’s G he left with a knee bruise and he should Miss at least three days it’s always interesting when you see injection because a lot of times that is either something that they’re doing to help speed up the

Healing process which hopefully that’s all it is but it could also be a thing of a common occurrence a lot of times when you hear people say getting injection ends up being somewh they’re having to get injections every couple months oh wow because that could could be like

Internal damages that can’t be fixed without surgery so it could be just delaying the inevitable that sucks well so how was your weekend n after uh the craziness that took place on Saturday man I mean shoot it was it was okay I mean it was okay nothing

Nothing too crazy after that to be honest with you all I know is I was exhausted I was so exhausted suay like out I feel exhausted today I don’t yesterday I felt fine yeah you still TI I I I slept good last night yeah I SLE I slept a lot during the day

Yesterday and I had a bad headach and uh it’s from drinking this stupid cider stuff I don’t drink sweet stuff so I had the wine and I had the cider beer like all that sweetness oh it tore me up man yeah a sugar headache yeah for sure that’s the worst

CU you got that you can had like tyl doesn’t work you got to clear out your system by drinking hell of water no no it doesn’t man like I took like I took like two hot baths bro just to try and like clear everything out dude like and like what I’m telling you

I was sweating like like dripping sweat like I was like oh yeah I was like I can’t even tell if I’m wet because of the water if I’m wet sweat that’s how bad it was says I do but is there reason anthy Edwards coming off the

[ __ ] let’s he yeah so he came off the bench apparently he was he was late to the game he was late to the game oh was he really so that’ll be interesting I don’t know what happened I don’t know if traffic or what not but apparently he

Was late to the game and so he wasn’t warmed up yet he’s still going for 30 Oh say Grizzlies up over the net man it was crazy it was crazy Saturday I mean just to see just to see the viewers ship up in the yeah there you go yeah I mean just seeing the numbers up you know over a hundred at one time

The amount of comments that were coming through like all all the messages all the support all the love that we got during there we got a bunch of new memberships which was super sick yeah a bunch of new subscribers we got a a live stream that hit almost it’s almost at

4,000 now it’s insane I was some of the comments a lot of people are going back and rewatching it which is cool which is really cool yeah yeah we literally have some people that are going back and just listening to the whole conversation while they’re at work and stuff like that blows my

Mind because like I don’t even go rewatch like streams like like that one I rewatched a little bit of it uh just because I know I was I was I was talking a whole bunch I was like all right let me listen so I can pay attention and

Figure out how how I can stop doing that but like to go back and listen it with no context you know without the gameplay in the background and just enjoying the conversation stuff I mean that’s all love man oh yeah most definitely because I think one of the

One of the people I responded to in in the comments it had he had watched rewatched the game then went and rewatched our stream too I was like that’s dedication because that’s yeah that’s that’s Ant-Man that’s what I was talking about you you you re you recognize

Ant-Man Ant-Man he he used to come in during our live stream lot and he used and he com used to comment on a lot of our videos a lot so he say he’s just been busy so that’s why I was Mak sure he replied to him he’s one he’s one of the ogs

Yeah the only person I’m a little upset we didn’t see was Dr cap I thought about messenger and being like I miss we miss her yesterday she’s normally in there for all of ours cuz actually I was looking at her comment her uh messages to us the

Whenever I was trying to decide what wh to Gra because I knew she sent me a list of some different ones okay so I was looking at her whole messages trying to find which ones I couldn’t find any unfortunately but do you guys have a like Tesla has a

Tequila wait what they have a tequila does a tequil they have a tequila interesting I did not know that me either 40 said they shutting down Dallas on Thursday what the Tim wolves all that matters 40 is that y’all tied up the series and like y’all might

Not even make the playoffs so we won’t even get to see we won’t even get a chance to see full uh what our record would be we’re gonna have to go into next year for our bet they’re in there actually they’re in there they’re in there right now they

Actually I lied they will they will be in but it’s going to be a tough matchup it it’s actually really funny a lot of people are saying right now that uh I saw a post on Twitter saying uh New Orleans new the New Orleans Pelicans and Sacramento Kings need to need to start

Playing like they they used to play and stop winning because they’re ruining the best playoff ever uh they need to allow Golden State Los Angel suns in are you serious and uh New Orleans sack needs to lose and who say like what are you talk like what are y’all talking about like

We’re actually playing good basketball right now like that’s how you know they just care about the big Mark yeah that’s dumb I mean to be to be honest the the playing ratings gonna be crazy I don’t know man those ratings for for these four playing

Teams ra is going to be Banas so who would you as uh gold state Warrior I mean and it’s still so close like any of these guys can get into the top six and not have to play in a play in but currently oh yeah who as a Warriors fan

Who would you like to play out of the four teams that are currently in there s Suns who would you like to play suns suns Dallas or Lakers prob Suns you you like I think we can beat them easy okay okay I mean I think we

Can beat Dallas too though I’m not mad that please take please please take Dallas I think the reason why I don’t want to go to Lakers because it’s goingon to be too many free throws I already know what’s gonna happen that’s that’s how they every time

The last three times we played them like play on or right before the play in we’ve we’ve got destroyed on the on the on the line was like I don’t want to do that I don’t want that experience say now Warriors or Pelicans ain’t Warriors okay

You just got to take away one of the two players one of those two oh 4 said Kyrie got Kyrie got his first signature shoe and they shut him down Main Street to celebrate and host a 3v3 basketball tournament Local’s going to put a basketball court on Main Street and down

That’s actually sick that’s actually sick that’s actually cool you you going 40 we gonna see you hooping or what he gonna be in his ADT uniform hooping what up 42 said uh just like stream and say hello well what’s up man appreciate you coming say hey and liking of course St

By I think you’re pretty cool I’m still surprised houst uh Houston beat Phoenix twice that’s crazy even though I know Houston got a lot of Young Guns and a lot of talent but this is crazy some of you not expect it says Lal in the 82 uniform giv the Hooper the service [Laughter]

Call Ging them buckets and fix it fixing their alarm systems look Ju Just tell tell you work say that it’s a sponsorship thing right that it’s like free marketing yeah pay pay pay for you to go play or they don’t have to pay you just get to go play you

Wear your uniform right free marketing man they might agree this because say they ain’t got to pay you look you you you take away one or two ankles bro that that’s that’s money for them bro exactly in the uni too oh yeah you that’s that’s paper material that’s viral that’s viral right

There that’s viral on Tik Tok man or or oh wait or wait wait hold up n get get a couple steals lead lead the uh this the tournament in steals ABT security we lock him up that’ be pretty funny that’ be fire though that be fire got you a lot that be

Fire nobody nobody protects the rock like ad ad nobody protects the rock like ad easy marketing easy it writes it literally writes itself you know you know what you know what bro give me an email who I got an email exactly who I got to email man

Exactly come on so just dunk on a Brinks employee just dunk on a Brinks employee that would be funny that’ be funny okay we’re back for the game Beverly for three overshoots the three rebounds how to stop shooting from there to stop shooting yeah go out of bounds

The one it’s like after watching the interview with Draymond about how like he went through that slump of pretty much forgetting how to play basketball on the offens side because he’s such a distributor for so long I would like to see uh I would like to see old footage of Patrick Beverly

Knowing that Beverly was like the dude in in Chicago when he was playing used to hoop yeah cuz he used to be like the number one player in Chicago which is crazy yeah know that was that’s the interesting thing too cuz we had a we

Had a comment on one of our videos that was talking about how they were saying uh trying to think like like what’s the best way to explain it but they were saying how NRL players are like freak athletes you know be able to uh you know handle the ball change direction of

Their pass on the last second or for their like little kicks and stuff like that and I was like yeah the professionals you know whatever like like that’s a shout for like they’re really good and then they try to like downgrade the NFL they’re like you know

Some NFL players can’t pick the ball up off the ground or they try to throw the ball and it doesn’t work they’re like you can get any Australian to pick up a football practice throwing for two weeks and then they’ll be able to throw the

Ball on a DOT and y y they’re like we’re just built different and I’m like you got to understand these guys at all some point could throw the ball fairly well like what you’re saying yeah dang get the line these wide receivers aren’t playing pitch and catch they’re just

Catching they aren’t throwing the ball anymore they probably haven’t thrown a football other than with their kids like they they only practice one thing it it makes they become one-dimensional because they practice they want to be the best at what their position is you know yeah Mike yo what’s good he said I

Appreciate the work y’all do thank you thank you for coming by and thank you for that man we appreciate you for for saying that thank you so much yes sir much love man oh yeah that’s what I saying like players like called the Target Center I didn’t even to tr I looked it

Up but until I looked up uh I mean until I saw I think about like what Draymond said it made it just made sense when you it’s you if you don’t use it you lose it and that’s a real that’s a real thing you know what I’m saying so it’s curious to

See I’m curious to see how P Patrick B looked in high school in college because I did not see him in college at all so I mean if I did I don’t remember seeing him so yeah me either right but the way the way other players talk about him he

Was really he was really good oh yeah so yeah I think he he held a record or something like that at school with like 70 something points or 8 something points in a game I think so yeah and the fact that it was in Chicago which is back you know during his time

Was a really big big area especially because of you know Jordan all that stuff when it comes to high school sports yeah used to be craving without a doubt so we did our we did our meal prep this weekend like I was telling you so we did uh taco

Meat and I did like a rice bowl and so I got a salsa because normally I spice up my my SE my beat a bit so I just got like a mild salsa and but I normally don’t do sour cream but I’ve been doing sour cream and uh bro I’m about to just

Squirt Sriracha in that thing bro it’s so I can’t I can’t do it I can’t do it it’s not spicy enough it’s like not enjoyable it’s like almost like Bland and I’m like I’m like how are tacos Bland like especially youc how we make

The tacos at my house like we got we got of go crazy with it I’m like I’m like golly I was like I need to go go to the store and give me some spicy sace I’m I have to it’s probably good for me though because like like I’d be having that

Acid reflex stuff so I probably don’t need the spicy but you know my my my soul needs it my soul need my stomach don’t my Soul I need it in my blood needed my blood you know sometimes we’re we’re uh what is it sucker suckers for pain you know

You know just one of those things all right see they’re going to come back with this challenge did they said Clipper won the challenge so Clippers will win the challenge yep so that’s important because that’s going to keep uh Harden back in the game yeah it’s good no it’s good uh good

No call that I me good finish by Dames still so 1054 and counting in the third quarter Jesus Christ pass you you just you sent me a video today about how uh carrying is just not a thing anymore in the NBA and I literally just watched James Harden

Dribble the ball like this like literally like this bro like he’s scooping ice cream when I seen that clip I was like that’s recently like God Dam my boy my boy works at H Ben and Jerry’s kawhai One V one against Crowder goes inside kicks out PG wide open for three no

Good man’s going to get the ball back two for one no good oh goodness this been a pretty sloppy game so far kind of has been like I feel like the ball’s just kind of working all over the place like really getting thrown in dangerous areas like like that right there Beasley

Some El Yuka what is what is that Mikey eluka did you say something like crazy before oh it’s a hot oh it’s like a hot sauce a hot sauce oh I’m you know what that might be a shout I might have to go get me some of that I’ve never tried it

Before I’ve seen it before I might have to go I might have to go cop me some some hot sauce man yeah my nephew is suppos be sending sending us some Mike says his boy just started a hot sauce company oh that’s right I forgot about that so I’m Wai I’m

Waiting to get that too and I’m going send you one it’s pretty good yeah no uh he’s on the bench M Dame at the line drops the first of two dude D this is super random but but Dames whoever Dames tattoo artist is is very good mhm

His the color of his stats like just don’t fade bro yeah like all of his tattoos still have really good color I wonder how often he actually gets them touched up like if gets them touched up yeah I wonder too because like they all I know the one

Around his neck is newer but like even the ones on his arm that’s been there for years looks good Harden for three from the corner I think Clippers was probably the best best place for uh for Harden because Harden don’t want to do that much work let’s be

Honest no he just wants he wants he wants to play he wants to win but he doesn’t have to here he don’t want to do that much work game touched Earth but hard misses the shot rebound bad Crowder Crowder’s going to Dy spin move working up on break kick back

Crowder Crowder holding his leg again oh PG guarded by Pat Bev Bev doing a good job at guarding uh PG he’s gonna get the switch to Lopez back to zubac zubac I’d love to see him just back him down but he’s gonna Fe kaai up top buckets

Nice rebound by Crowder game for three short I’m about to say bad bab don’t shoot that my brother go shoot it that time though no Beasley no good Beasley Harden guarded by Beasley goes through between his legs on the perimeter dropes to his left side off

The glass gets the foul call the pat that throw my head up and hope I get a call it works 75% of the time and as as you’re in NBA fan 75% is all the time Sex Panther 50% time fors every time that that makes absolutely no sense

That movie is so good smells like piss the first free throw I need to watch that movie again when that movie came out we watched it so many times oh my god oh I watched so many times you know what you know it’s one movie I love that I didn’t watch for a

Super long time it came out like when I was young watch old scho is so funny it’s actually a really good movie so funny man and what and looking watching a young will FAL he was so young in that in that movie too it’s so good at the ad living that

Dude so good at ad living yeah zubac to Kawai inbound to zubac Kawai drives around Lopez gets pushed yeah Lopez he pushed him I think I think he did push one we got to see the replay but I think it’s it’s a little it’s a little

Bit of some Dramatics but I mean you know that hand extended the hand extended oh yeah it’s it’s a very it’s a light push and Kawai the OV exaggerated y try to get the ball back to kawhai kawhai at the free throw line pulls up no good and it’s going to be

Offensive foul and zubac hey that’s a high score between the Rockies and San Fran 12-10 oh is that what it is right now yeah it’s a game over now yeah 1210 damn pass underneath to Lopez Lopez backing up zubba he’s just going to turn the shoulder go right at him and gets

The foul Bobby por so in today’s NBA if you’re a big going into the college or going into the NBA I mean obviously having a good post game is important but would you say that being able to set a good screen is more important than being able to have a good

Post game today’s NBA probably yeah just because of how the game flows most teams that they need that more than anything I’m sure you can still hear me n but I lost you for some reason I’m I’mma jump out and come back in hold on guys kawhai gets hit on the elbow Dames

Asking for a re uh a replay for challenge yeah hold on let me get the hold there we go okay so they’re going to take a timeout because they’re going to challenge a call after looking all their iPads everybody me and you Dwayne Wade the FL

DNE way it was so fun to watch man yeah he was it was so weird he was he came in at such a weird time you know Shaq was still very good at that time you had Kobe you had you had AI you had young LeBron and all this stuff and sometimes

Dwayne Wade gets kind of forgotten about and slipped under the Run once you talk about that era but he was so talented man oh yeah successful challenge for the bucks so good job damee for convincing the coaches yeah yeah it’s great you CH that I I didn’t touch him

That’s the most I’ve seen Kawaii talk I think just because he talking so much I think I think he lying because normally he just let the game talk for him he lying he talking too much giveway so it’s gonna be a tip ball Clippers win be won by the

Clips good pick good feed out to the corner PG spash poris guarded by Harden gets it B lope outside to Bobby poris Lopez in the double team gets the foul excuse me your excuse thank you okay C plays Lakers bro them them them shoes are bright huh de hard Sho are

Bright my God I can’t I can’t stop staring at him I think I’m my attention kind of hurts Mazy says ma said D Wade maybe uh maybe a Heat fan back in 09 he may definitely like the like the team because nobody’s looking at the heat like that be honest everybody be

Honest be honest good defense swing Cross Court man gets into the paint yeah does not get the shot and should be a foul I like this dude you’re bigger you have longer wingspan just box out you don’t have to push just box out like a regular box out what happened

Now oh because they’re over the limit they’re over Li F over limit they got five fouls five team fouls yeah over the limit yeah wow damn that’s quick wait are they oh yeah they are in the bonus S I forgot they did say that the announcer said that last be Paul

George’s third come on brother oh can’t do better than that all right makes the second of two Zub box to harden Harden guarded by Beverly gets the screen drives to the top of the key swing pass to man man drives to the paint back out to harden

Harden to kawhai kawhai for three no good rebound Portis damn I like that angle yeah it was it was the act different angle I like I like the to yeah Dame gets a quick foul on zubac D will go to the line to shoot too now if the Bucks are smart then they

Would just drive right now you got five minutes 40 seconds to get them into the foul TR even more foul trouble D makes the first can they gonna start pulling players yep I already started Zub box to the bench yep dice in the game makes two of

Two Ty to harden for the inbound harden up to um Kawai kawhai back to Ty Ty to pow swing back to Kawai dribbles to the paint to pow pow for three off the front of the rim no good it’s a good shot Dame bucks got to take advantage these opportunities though some bad

Shooting Dame yeah long board by Harden Harden bringing it up don’t settle back in P out to the side tyon in the building working off the screen is Harden great rotations the ball’s just not moving no not really he he knocks down the shot but the ball’s not moving

It’s not going anywhere like this is honestly this has honestly been very boring basketball I’m not gonna lie it’s just been boring basketball yeah you’re not seeing a whole lot of anything like I know Giannis being out you know kind of like lowers the expectations in General too

But it’s n spectacular either Dame versus Harden or Dame versus PG got a 15-point game right now basically right con for three he good con wide open up top knocks it down kawhai misses the shot Leonard inside puts a missile what the heck was that like a sha free throw right

Poris stuck in the dou double team conon gets stripped Kawai on The Fast Break oh oh my oh that was a makeup call because they didn’t call the first one so we’re get a loose ball foul okay that wasn’t a foul I mean the if it I don’t know if it

Was maybe the hands on the chest as he was driving it’s just hard because that when you’re jumping like that your arm your left arm is not doing the up part it’s going to brace yourself it’s your natural emotion it’s kind of hard to say

He’s not going to do that you know but if they CAU a foul that was kind of kind of a crappy call Ty for three from the Baseline Ty Corner three I feel like I’ve never seen Tai shoot a three-point in my life Dame driving left side underneath

To Bobby Bobby on was on line in round I think he was Stand Out of Bounds when he got the pass I thought so too it was close unless his his foot was just hovering above it then you know that’s different I’ve definitely seen that can’t tell with the camera angle

Pamy that’s a mouthful so we got another timeout I’m might use the rushroom I’ll be right back sir got you got you for shizel oh wow Giannis ATU Dumbo getting honored from most wins in franch history it’s both for regular and postgame play very cool 400 I think it was 99

Wins oh 89 wins passing uh Sydney M creef Chris Middleton current Buck is also in that uh top five what up Paul how you doing my brother all right well let’s see if uh the M bucks can make a comeback here they’re down by 10 currently still got

Plenty of time three and a half to go in this third quarter and obviously the full fourth kawhai is going to pull up from short by por Sky High for the rebound this is going to be a loose ball foul quick on coffee of the Los Angeles

Clippers so that’s going to be the Bucks coming up to shoot two for the line said Dame’s 100% free throw shooter right now what is that real hey no no way said doing okay yourselves ah doing well man just just getting by it’s Monday you know it’s

Monday such a great weekend came in today I had work I had a lot of no shows so I end up um driving to work just to not work which is frustrating but here now enjoying this game here all right Dam’s gonna knock down both uh free throw line uh three free

Throws sorry eight for eight from the line so far they’re down just by eight ball works up to Powell Po’s going to pull up for three lost the ball as he was gathering it for the shot it’s going to be short D bringing it up court for

The bucks working around the brook L es screen is going to speed by and gets blocked by Powell now the Clippers on the Move led by man I’m sorry not man be Williams step back three no good Brook Lopez Highland I keep why I say Williams Highland thank you

Bobby Baseline turnar around jumper over Kawai no good don’t really love that shot attempt there you’re cutting into the league and you take a bad contested shot not what you want there Ty springing the ball up weing out to Coffee coffee goes inside left-handed floater is going to get that to drop

We’ll have the score update in just a second guys but it is back to 10-point lead Dame kicks out three-point shot no good Kawai thought about the three steps back back to uh Kawai kawhai crossing over conell is going to shoot from the free throw line he’s got it what’s up

Baby how you doing all right Dame bringing up conon with the ball pass out to Lopez back to Conan has the three-point kicks it out one more Beasley from the corner no good but Bobby with the offensive board using his bod creates a space and converts the

Putb back to 10 all right now we’re finally get you know a little look at some clean basketball I love to see the uh the Bucks not settle with their shots right not settle how it’s going to try to drive in on uh poris poris is going to go ahead and

Draw contact and create a foul this be first foul for uh Bobby this week’s meal is giving me no kind of energy I’m probably going back to chicken next week well you probably just need to add some more carbs to your thing babe Pal’s going to knock down the

First Norm PO with just three points tonight one for four someone who was a big part of their offense last year really getting washed out with the addition of James Harden and healthy PG and healthy Kawhi Leonard like I crashed when I got home oh really

I’d give it another day or two and see how it is and if it’s still bad by Wednesday then look into just adding a couple more calories maybe adding a little bit more carb maybe do a tortilla and a half per meal Highland over to kawhai kawhai gets

Double teamed now trapped in the corner trying to find the pass gonna find Highland back underneath to Ty I’m sorry Dame inside draws contact puts it up off the glass no good but it’s going to get two from the line I know I need you my second me

Right now I’m hungry wait till after the game Everybody Dames going to knock down the first perfect at the line so far nine of nine we’re gonna have ginari check in for conon game so far tonight just in the third quarter 30 total points looking to make it 31 here drains it 11-point game but bucks are hanging on you really

Like to see if you’re a Clippers fan for them to extend out this league not allowing them to keep it close especially with d Billy to be able to shoot the three and really cut down on that score uh but they’re having trouble finding good looks at the basket Ball’s

Going to go out of bounds they’re going to say it’s Offman walkie not quite sure about that and it looks like Doc Rivers is going to go ahead and challenge it we got three challenges in one game interesting two now for the bucks if they’re able to be successful in this

One they will get a third challenge due to the new Rules you can see in the in the ref’s face they be so like mad they getting challenged like no I’m the referee yeah right that’s off of that’s off of Coffey yeah yeah it’s what doubt off coffee how they even how did they call that on the Bucks

How was that call I have no idea I have no idea if they come back and say it’s still on the Bucks somebody got a big paycheck successful challenge by the Bucks thought they get a who well I thought they get a third if they got one

Right I thought if you get two right you get you get a a third unless it was unless you only get if you get the first one right you get a second I thought it was opposite I do not know I know they made

A new change to it so I might might had that mi% sure maybe maybe I got it mixed up with I might have got it I might have got it mixed up with the NFL I thought they had two initially and then if they got it right then they got a third but

It might be they have one if they get right then they get a second that’s a risky challenge though in that case with still a whole quarter left to play yeah a lot of time left Dame inside back out to Bobby Bobby to Beasley steps back into the three got

It scy you also got a membership back I’m not sure if you noticed I think you were like asleep whenever recovering the game yeah Kawai misses the last you notic 8173 bucks down by a few can they make a run in the fourth quarter is it Dame time it’s a Dame

Time God damn it what time is it Dam that’s that’s a wild shot whole little neighborhood flooding dude the standing in the water 853 yeah that’s that was l i saw a thing I didn’t even realize it uh so Mr Beast actually had a uh one of

His Crews come down during uh herzan uh Isaac oh yeah uh yeah he had a whole crew they came down and did uh bunch of meals help rebuild a house they donate like 20 grand worth of uh money to people to help refurnish and rebuild and stuff

Like that it’s pretty cool I didn’t realize they they had that yeah I know uh Beast came it was very weird seeing your whole or not Isaac Ida it was very interesting seeing like all of his stuff and then seeing your city because like they showed laas in it

And I was just like oh wow that’s that’s crazy yeah I know Beast went down there that one and then a couple years ago it was uh Jake Paul was down there helping people oh really they actually went to a couple never that was flooded pull like

He had rented a bunch of SE dunes and [ __ ] and pull people out of the neighborhood start flooded oh that’s cool yeah oh that’s a big part of it man A lot of times you there’s a bunch of different like hurricane Crews like around Louisiana that go around like

That have boats or something like that that once after hits they just go out and they go see who they can find yeah cuz he they they came down they went down there I forgot it was it was a couple years ago but they went down there and they didn’t really know where

They was going to but they end up linking with one of those groups they linked up with one of those groups some somebody yeah that was watching him on one of the videos sent him their information and then that’s how they kind of met through through a chat

Through somebody who follows him oh that’s cool and he wouldn’t help help them that’s cool with his big trucks and stuff like that it was cool yeah it’s interesting to see that how close the Bucks have kept in most of the game and just think if they would had

Giannis this game could have been blown out the water already but that I mean that’s what I’m saying it’s been an ugly game so far I mean the fact that the Clippers haven’t pulled away yet is is honestly upsetting if you’re a Clippers fan there’s no

Reason for them not to be Beasley with a steal oh he loses it great steal by Beasley off his you goofy good hustle though good hustle PG guarded by Beasley drives ground Beasley gets a nice screen poris that’s great defense I don’t know that’s a foul I thought he hit the ball

Did his did his hand not touch the ball not touch the ball are they saying that like cuz cuz it look like poris slipped did he like take take his legs from underneath him maybe that’s got to be truly look like he had any contact to his to his arm

Think so either yeah I didn’t see any contact to his arm ball don’t lie he missed the first free throw everybody holding up the uh the wings sign I think if they miss two in a row then they get free wings give them their wings Let’s Get Them

Wings give them their wings Let’s Get Them Wings Let’s Get Them Wings come on need my lemon pepper need my lemon pepper oh he missed it let’s go let’s go going wi right after and the funny thing about it sorry I can’t talk the funny thing about it Giannis will actually go

He will actually go oh he’s for sure going oh they G to call a foul that g that wasn’t a foul didn’t the ball hit him in the face can I see the replay can we get replays of something Highland goes in Harden comes comes in Harden goes out

I’m sorry Harden comes in Highland goes out crosscourt pass the pal almost went out the bounds Pal’s going to drive against Dame step back in the paint off front of rim no good gotar with the rebound definitely not what the Clippers wanted right there poris from the Baseline but the putb oh great

Back I’m about say he does not look 35 at all I knew ginar has been in the league for a while but he looks so young good rebound by the actual young you forget how I forgot how tall he really is yeah me too poris for three again got this corner three over

Zubac all right and just like that it is a three four three-point game Harden bringing it up surprise No Time Out by Beasley at the moment Zu with the screen starting to stand up hard should have pulled step back step back three short he has missed

A couple of Step backs this game re rebounds green Dame to poris poris they won Bobby they won Bobby that’s double he definitely double he’s definitely he he 100% double that was something that was something all right he tried to do the dream shake and drop the ball like

Nobody hit that out their hand that’s all you brother Harden swing the pal I thought that wasn’t supposed to be a call anymore no that’s not supposed to be a call no more it’s like the that’s like the bait when you swing your arms they’re supposed to be in the same

Category because they haven’t been calling that on a lot of players they didn’t think I didn’t think that that was a bait I think it’s supposed to be in the same category but I’m could be wrong because they haven’t make they haven’t been caught so it’s still a foul

But it’s not a shooting foul is what it is it’s still a foul like regardless it’s a foul but it’s not a shoot of it’s not a shooting foul anymore he doesn’t even touch him he doesn’t even touch him refs ref what are you looking at he doesn’t even touch him

What are you looking at ref dve just shaking his head that’s no no there is no fine line it’s just don’t call it skill in ganship don’t don’t that’s insulting man announc announcers like that call embarrassment gamesmanship stop that give it to Dame green green great shot

Spash down by three 839 to go in the fourth quarter can they finally get the lead Harden Harden wants one got it it’s a good shot that’s a good answer right there Dame swing pass to gari galari back to Dame guarded by coffee D that’s not a foul Up Up and

Under that is and one is it the shoes I think it might be should have been a foul before that that’s crazy you call all those other soft ones and he literally gets pushed yeah and they don’t call anything he gets or not push but he got

The whoever that was I don’t know that was zubac or dice sticks his knee out and clips Dame as he’s trying to drive through all right three-point game Harden he wants it working his way inside trying to draw contact gets the contact and gets the foul and

One it’s so bad when you know exactly what he was going for knew he was going in trying to draw contact and then go up and shoot and the thing is it’s like what is Beasley supposed to do right there his hands are straight up he’s jumping into his arms

Yes there nothing you can do that’s why I don’t that’s why I don’t never understand why that’s a foul on a defensive player because if my arm straight up how do I foul him if my arms are up how am I foul him I’m not so six-point game now Dame bringing

It up driving in on coffee he’s going to go inside get the ball stripped PG bringing it up Court passes it Harden looking for the three kicks out to the corner coffee drives inside kicks out extra pass no good deflected Beasley complete this one so Up and Under why is

That not a foul if the Harden gets the foul it’s the same situation no the no hands up what’s up Mr infection what up what up what up what up I’m right there with you man Kawai no been kind of ice cold he got lucky that you can’t go you can’t go

Backside of a screen that high up yeah Dame drives gar three kicks out Kari three rebound Harden hard looking for this to go drives to the paint throws his head up again oh cuz he he does it he does it when he know he’s not really going for

Shot feel like I’m watching Space Jam bunch of acting man bad acting too oh my and Memphis up by three points over the Nets with 20 seconds to go you also got Minnesota up by 10 over Portland with seven remaining early on in the first half uh Utah three points over the

Washington Wizard 7067 high scoring game going over there no defense uh later tonight it’s going to be Chicago and Sacramento as well as OKC versus Lakers that’s going to take place right after this game is it the shoes boom shakalaka he’s on fire I play that game way too

Much even even in the arcade he used to play that game and it was just so loud is it shoot here through the entire arcade that’s so funny what up way back way back good day boys how are you both doing well doing well chilling man tired

It’s a Monday you know it’s a Monday for us how are you doing it’s so D it’s something about Monday it’s like I wasn’t even have a busy Monday like I had to drive out to work my clients uh canceled all last minute so I drove to

Work for nothing but it’s like mentally I’m just like oh it’s a Monday everything’s dragging right now Everything feels so slow motion it it kind of does for that way says said uh in for lunch just checking in what oh home for lunch what you what

You eating for lunch man what what you got what you got cooking what’s on the menu bro I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been craving some jalapeno poppers lately every time I go been going to murn I see them because they have the pre-made jalapeno poppers WRA in bacon and every

Time I see it I’m like I just want to buy it I want I want it yeah they have the it’s like10 like six of them and I’m like yeah yeah it’s not it’s it’s not make it cheaper it’s worth it yeah you’re like okay lazy me is like

It’s worth it not La me it’s like right no don’t do it like hell you can even make your own right salad sandwich said a a like a salad and a sandwich or like like or you got yourself like a lettuce and tomato like with

Bread get a bald on live this is the first free throw or yeah I’m thinking I’m thinking they me salad and a sandwich or he just made a vegetarian T flavor gets his wings what a great uh thing yeah 9186 Dame ginari galinari looking for the the pass down bottom to poris Portis

Guarded by PG 644 to go on the clock turn to the paint floater it’s good poris with 19 8891 Harden guarded by Beasley clips get the ball back out to Coffee coffee to PG will lose the ball go out of B but they G say it’s off of

Gari ham tomato carrot beetroot mayo and two slices of bread I’ve never you know I never put carrot or beetroot on a sandwich they G call foul on the um rebound so be a loose ball foul according to an article here Guido the president of the 49ers said he would

Be interested in persan NL team I’m not surprised like remember I said that’s awesome gonna see some see some some millionaires wantan to buy teams because of what happened it’s going to happen you know I’m not a big into beatroot ear but beetroot on a sandwich like that might actually not be

Bad I’ve never had beetroot so I wouldn’t know what it tastes like I think it’s an ay thing with the beetroot I’ve had like yeah I’ve had beetroot in like juic and stuff like that it’s very it’s very earthy it’s very earthy well I’ll say

This I’ve had it in uh at least like when it’s Blended beats are like in in Mexican restaurants but that’s like it’s in a whole another like Flavor concept so don’t it don’t taste like beetroot you know what I’m saying it’s like it’s spicy and has like a

Gingery spicy taste to it so yeah definitely not the same poris to galinari Great pass by Green gari gets the foul not get the shot to go very close though say beetroot is a must on a hamburger really okay I might have to try it out

I’m not I’m not afraid of trying things onions and and pickles but y”s pallet is actually y”s palet is also made for like more bitter tasting things though and that just shows a lot because like the veggie bite like y’all like good earthy stuff like see I thought the inter AFL was

Owned by the member the I mean it’s probably gonna CH it’s gonna that’s going to change as it comes to America comes to America it’s gonna be millionaires that’s a guarantee but that is cool that is such a cool thing to hear though I mean the

Fact that it it gained enough to where you know people see that it’s a good product it’s a great Sport and you know just don’t let don’t don’t allow the Americans to take away from the culture of the game that’s all I can say don’t

Let him make it all be about money yes PG that’s the hardest thing once you start getting in into those Bigger Pockets three 9690 says Paul says there are some privately owned nro clubs South for one Dam oh what the rabitos Dame hits another big three back down to three of the

Lead say okay I didn’t know that I didn’t know they were they were like member member type team member own teams AFL or member based that’s pretty cool that’s Prett because we know know like members is a thing because some of the hats that was uh gifted to us say

Member on you’re right about that you’re right about that got a 3 second violation on defense on Bobby poris PG to shoot the the penalty shot misses it there we go man they’ve missed some big free throws tonight the opportunity is there for Dame and the bucks to take

Over this game still five minutes left in the game it can definitely happen por is sitting on 19 points killing them when’s our uh next stream Thursday n Thursday yeah Thursday thday just I’m just looking at everything man just just crazy like I’m like I’m like sitting here just watching

This watching the number man I Like like oh when that hits 10K bro throw a party throw a party this a new Kung Fu pan number four Champion oh really I I’ve seen the first two I didn’t I didn’t know there was third they’ve all done really well Wayback says how was the wash up of

The NRL game fans media Etc uh you know I didn’t watch sports center after the game did you I did not man I got man I got off I was I was I was g i was I laid down took a shower whatever ho back on played the game with Don for

A little bit and just chilled but I me but I mean I think it made an impact man I think the total end up being 41,000 so for the first time ever coming 41,000 in the stadium is huge yeah that is that’s pretty huge let’s see what’s the

Uh let’s see what’s the max capacity at Elite so so 20 a little a little under 20,000 of Max Capacity that’s that’s not bad man you know yeah because it’s built for like big comp it’s like 80% 7 something per yeah so that’s good yeah it does seem like it’s been pretty

Well received like I said I didn’t see if they spoke about it on ESPN I haven’t seen a whole bunch of interl stuff as I was hoping on uh see ESPN has on Instagrams and stuff like that I would assume Fox Sports know ESP has they have interal

Thing let me see if I can find it I was looking at other there I even know they had a second about in a more oops shot clock violation I it’s actually funny I just pulled up uh like rug on ESPN and they actually yeah and they actually have uh

The scores from the major leag major league rugby which is rugby union rules but uh we have a team in New Orleans and they have their score up here I didn’t know that yeah guys for in a ra exactly yet hopefully soon they have a few arttic

It’s a few articles you SE in a real a few articles that pop up what damn yeah gets a shot to drop no foul call Bucks damn actually climbed their way back to be lead up by two first lead since 218 in the first quarter now they gota play defense

Kawai good defense by lope inside blocked Dame theoris Port is back to Dame Dame guarded by Kawai long three by AJ Green is good green deep one Splash is that AJ Green or Steve Kerr that’s hilarious and now Coffee corner three no missing all that lead’s extending it’s getting loud

Yes just go for two get just get two Portis guarded by coffee gets a shot to drop it’s good he got it I didn’t like it but he got it OG Bobby porise is it the shoes all day baby great run by uh the Bucks in his last two quarters great run great

Concentration great pulling together they’re playing Biz Marquee that’s funny that’s so funny you got what I Need says see today if that the roosters player gets spended for the racial slur in the game oh yeah I forgot about that yeah they said it’s supposed to be some some repercussions I did not see that what happened with that when remember one of the last fights uh it’s it’s the they

Said he say he said he said one of the players said he said something to him well one of the few black players he was like he said something so they didn’t because the refs didn’t hear it they couldn’t make a judgment on field about

It so the rule uh it’s lenu is facing big suspension after being referred to the judici Judiciary for allegedly calling uh ma’am or Mom I don’t know how you pronounce his name uh monkey and the roosters went over the Broncos wow wow yeah Ezra Mom that’s crazy

Yeah well and good for them to like really like they did immediately sent him in yeah yeah yeah no need for that man no none none whatsoever Ka Leonard guarded by Lopez step back another Miss three by kawhai you cannot buy a bucket it’s like there’s so there’s so many better

Insults that you could throw out that’s fine you know what I mean it’s like why like that actually insult their game you know that’s just that’s just [ __ ] green Beverly right Beverly what’s going on brother you should got re oh get the tap in son or reset to waste more clock 219

To go something pow pow another dink they’re building they got a lot of bricks over there building many houses hey we gathered up all these bricks and build a house for the homeless that way they Mama have somewhere to sleep tonight Portis I haven’t watched that movie in like a

Year I need to watch it it’s aoul quick foul by P Bobby oh Bobby Bobby Bobby crowd chanting Bobby makes the free throw sitting at 22 points there it is man how the tides have turned man possibly going up by nine depending on this free throw here Milwaukee digging

Their way all the way back with just two minutes to go in this game poris is goingon to knock down the second as well nine-point game 10596 had a 1 15 run Kawai swing past the coffee cof almost stolen Kawai underneath kicks out Coffee Kick Out pal three-point shot in the corner got

It oh my how was that not called how do you call that but you don’t call that nothing nothing there why do you call that’s so crazy Dame is so frustrated yeah you can just tell how frustrated he is about the lack of calls that he’s

Receiving no he did get fouled don’t say at least get fouled he got fouled but he didn’t sell it as good as what Harden has he needs to go to Harden’s uh School of acting summer school for acting huh something why makes the first free throw clip says finally hit the Sentry

Mark 131 left on the clock kawhai shooting his third free throw for the tonight he’s oh he’s he would he would have been perfect two two of three there’s so many points left of the chry start for the Clippers Dame swing pass Porter floater got

It Porter say you don’t know who I am I’m o Bobby Bobby Portis sitting at 25 poris with the rebound after the long PG uh Miss three-pointer Dame to B to Beverly Beverly looks like looks to get it back to says so is uh said is the popularity of sports

Over there NFL baseball NBA question mark got it Bobby bucket is what they call him you know what man I’m not really sure what it is anymore yeah I think NFL is probably the most popular I think NBA has surpassed MLB MLB definitely has a lot more old

School following than new school though the NBA from what I was reading is starting to lose viewership because of the the reing a lot of people are very upset how the reing is in the NBA now so but I would say in NFL NBA baseball like you

Said baseball used to be the main state but that was like 80s 90s early 2000s and then NFL took over and one thing that’s increasing a lot right now is hockey hocky is’s growing like crazy right now the fanship of Pocky has has been and uh women’s college basketball much

Higher yeah women’s colle basketball going crazy right now Dame makes it two from the line geez Clippers man what happened yeah I had such control of the game PG free throw I mean three-point drops they they’ve Lally gotten every single whistle yeah everything you’d want and they’re still

Down Green great pass up front and great Lopez just knowing no need to score 11 seconds left on the clock said my grand kids 10 11 love foul here yeah I mean NBA has really big names and plus it’s a sport where you can if you see their

Faces so it’s easy to Market it’s very different than NFL but NFL that’s why they Market the quarterback back of a star and select receivers M MLB has really dropped in viewership because of just how they they’ve tried to stay so in tune with their old ways like

Traditional baseball and uh you know not allowing players to show emotion not not be able to mark not marketing their players correctly they’re trying to fix it but it’s almost too little too late and they still hold them back I mean there’s so many games that so many teams

That have like these rules that make no sense like for New York you’re not allowed to have facial yeah which is crazy it’s against the rules you know like it’s just certain things that old heads love but it’s not good for the the growth of the

Game PG makes it three in the the whing seconds of the the quarter so it’s F little too little too late way too late and he was balling today too he at he had like six three-pointers so it’s final 1 gonna go ahead and take the win man

106 Dame Boris would I think combined 60 something points probably yeah combined 69 points yeah I mean yeah LED this team Patrick bever with 41 Bobby with 28 yeah Bobby buckets is what they call him we call him OG Bobby poris okay one connection back yep all right but well wait

Yeah how’s goty message okay but uh this has definitely been a game it started off really ugly I like yeah did even up until like really the fourth quarter it it was just an ugly game I mean fourth quarter the Bucks really cleaned it up and started playing

Some good basketball but like overall it was just kind of like a free-for-all it felt like it felt like it didn’t feel like organized NBA basketball it felt like you know out out in the street at a park somewhere uh just shooting hoop yeah but that will wrap things up bucks

Are going to get a win and it’s a win that they need as they’re currently holding on to second place in the Eastern Conference they were tied up with the Cavs who went on a bit of a losing streak and now with Donovan Mitchell being out for the next three

Games Milwaukee is looking to extend out on that lead with being down yanis s to D kumbo I’m not sure what the extent of his injury is but I know it’s very rare for him to miss game so I know he’s going to be back as soon as possible

Currently on a five five game win streak after the allstar break and then for the Western Conference the Clippers dropping this game uh let’s see what the uh see if I can refresh the thing uh so it shows them at 39 and 21 they are three and a half games above

New Orleans who sits at five and they are about a game and a half two or two and a half games behind the Denver Nuggets who are currently at third Minnesota Tim wolves and thunder both tied for first right now Thunder with the slight lead over him who are playing

The Lakers uh tonight actually in just a couple of minutes yeah yeah uh but I mean good good matchup we will be back live on Thursday what game we covering Thursday D it is the Boston Celtics at Denver at Denver you’re lagging so I can’t hear you so oh there we go okay

Now I can hear you yeah so our next game will be on Thursday night where we’ll check out the Boston Celtics versus the Denver Nuggets and that game will be I believe it said 9 o’clock I was trying to figure out what time that game’s for but it’s not

Showing up is that a late game I think it’s I think it’s nine I think it’s nine let me see so that’ll be Thursday late night 9900 p.m us Central Time where we’ll check out the 48 and 12 Celtics versus the 42 and 19 nuggets uh the lowest ticket price is $69

LOL I had to mention it but uh we will be back then guys we appreciate y’all for coming tune in for this live stream uh make sure y’all check out the edit content we got a video dropping tomorrow which will be uh 10 minutes of Nigel Owens being Nigel

Owens a ref for for the Rugby Union uh the grand Masters what they call them and uh yeah that’s that that’s a good a good summary for him it’s a great video hope youall check that out tomorrow make sure yall like it make sure yall go and

Comment on it let us know what you think and we’ll be back with y’all on Thursday yeah like my man said we’ll be back on Thursday check out the videos subscribe if you if you haven’t already like the channel if you haven’t already appreciate you love you guys we’ll catch

You on the next one uh my name is nonfiction it’s my co Zack we are real fans Sports the Bucks defeat the Clippers 11316 appreciate you love you we out y’all peace [Applause] out Dear

#losangelesclippers #milwaukeebucks #kawhileonard #giannisantetokounmpo #RealFansSports #Nonpfixion #Zach

Tonight we REAL FANS SPORTS will be hosting a watch-party & doing a live play by play for this regular season match-up where we will see the LOS ANGELES CLIPPERS battle the MILWAUKEE BUCKS at the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN.














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