@Miami Heat

Reacting to Bill Simmons Calling the Miami Heat Lucky | The Dan Le Batard Show w/ Stugotz

Reacting to Bill Simmons Calling the Miami Heat Lucky | The Dan Le Batard Show w/ Stugotz

I have decided here late in my career Greg Cody because you’ve got to keep up with the kids with the ticktockers you were complaining during the break uh after stug got’s top five list you were saying that Jimmy Butler hey you’re 33 tick tock tick tock uh I have decided

Late in my career tick tock tick tock that the way that I’m going to compete with the ticktockers is just to be more wrong than I’ve ever been about things more uh oh so coward’s doing this he coward is doing some of this but I’m

Going to do more of it and I’m G to expand it outside of sports but Colin’s trying to be right I mean um so am I he’s just trying to get impressions and has been for 15 years I’m just getting it wrong consistently because and go ahead and play some Imaging for us

Here uh yesterday for example and I’m sure we can do this every day in fact we should have like an ombudsman do this to me every day yesterday I was talking about Al Davis and him going after Morton and I used the phrase micro fish and it’s not micro

Fish what is it micro fish is something that I used when I was in college I looked up old newspaper clippings uh and it what it was before Nexus it was before it was before the internet I’m it was before everything it was before everything yes

It might as well have been stone tablets but it wasn’t uh it wasn’t what Al Davis was using which is a film projector yeah it was an overhead projector which I hadn’t seen for 10 years and I literally haven’t seen since that’s correct and I saw it in college it’s how professors

Taught in college but when I said microfish that’s a totally different thing that’s something I used in the library you’re wrong so every day we need somebody to seize on the thing that I’ve gotten wrong because Lord knows yeah it’s happening every single day if I may I don’t know how many other

Opportunities I’ll get and I miss yesterday’s show uh where you guys paid homage to Chris Morton and I just wanted to say rest in peace that guy battled for so long went through absolute hell um to just secure more precious time and Mort has been with us was with us since

Day one I know you hit all those notes uh my relationship with Mort developed over over time to the point that we got to be friends and he was an A1 listener of our show and one of my favorite experiences would be whenever we got in

Trouble at ESPN I wasn’t having a great time with that but I knew we were doing something right whenever Mort would hit me up privately with either a phone call or a text just loving that we got in trouble and he wouldn’t really rub anybody as quite the rebel but when it

Came to our show he absolutely rebeled in that stuff so I I really miss Chris Morton I was really bummed to to hear what had happened I love that man and he was so great to us gave us some uh credibility in talking Sports when we desperately needed some early on uh I

Love Chris Mortenson rest in peace have such respect for the old newspaper guys the corn heisers the mortonson’s John Clayton even even somebody like Woody page who goes from just oldtime print journalism and expands The Horizon for everybody who followed you know now if

If you’re do what I do for a living you can’t just survive on print journalism anymore you have to do the podcast thing and be on the air and and and that’s rooted in the Vanguard of those guys which included Mortenson are you the longest employee the Miami heral has at present

Are you is there anyone on the Miami herold’s payroll who has been at the newspaper paid as long as you have been no I don’t believe there is I don’t believe there is you might have the record weren’t you hired at 16 yeah I think Edwin Pope still has the the

Longevity record in in terms of overall years but I might be catching him up C up to him yeah I am a compiler if if uh but yeah cuz I I think 16 or 17 was my first by line so that’s like mad crazy you’re a legend well you are yeah

I mean back before audio pulled the Veil Down on everybody because I used to hold Dan in high regard too but like I I would seek out your sports opinions well thank you uh but I am a compiler I admit that you know I’m not a big Award winner

Thank God thank God I’ve made uh at least a couple of uh uh apse top 10 or else I really would uh would be a loser so but as as levard was once kind enough to point out I finally started making apsc top 10 when the number of

Columnists was dwindling fast and now I think they’re only 11 so making not that great you have iconic articles everyone makes fun of you about the Marino one but who could forget David Boston go get him or Tony Martin go get him or Junior SE go get him David Boston I agreed with

Him on Boston I tell you what uh you know I go get everybody that’s the problem you know I it’s not my money I want to spend man now that we’re on the topic of what a legend Greg is we briefly talked about the Greg Cody show

With Greg Cody earlier but there was another issue that happened on this week’s episode that I want to do right by Greg and I want to offer an apology of sorts and and a peace offering here and an opportunity for Greg because it turns out that Greg did an interview

Sometime back that he wanted to air on the Greg Cody show with Greg Cody and his ingr son refuses to air it we have to have standard so what I’d like to do is I would like to offer Greg the platform of stupodity to air said interview that doesn’t seem as though

It’s going to see the light of day on the Greg Cody show with Greg Cody I’ll take it you don’t even know who it is standard yeah you know I’m I’m still working hard to uh see this is all new to me to me it’s called the Greg Cody

Show with Greg Cody Greg Cody should have the power on what goes on his air but Mr EP over here me I didn’t trick you well tell Dan what the interview was first I I or the audience okay there’s a there’s a uh I don’t need to know okay

He’s an offensive guard so I I use the word uh famous sparingly but Ed Newman was a really good guard for the Miami Dolphins a long time Ed Newman soul for a long time wait a minute wait a minute Jeremy please look up for me when Ed

Newman played is it the 70s give me was it 80s or 70s did he play into the 1980s yes he he his last season was Dan Marino’s rookie year and and the and the big pitch was this former dolphin Legend is now a judge fascinating but I’m

Telling you even he came on and was like it’s not that exciting I do a lot of DUIs he’s a county court judge he’s just like it could be LT justice but who was his Bai Nat Moore wow his former teammate was a bale of his Ed just wrote

A book called Warrior judge I’d like everybody to consider buying it and so I interviewed him and and I am bound and determined to for that to air in some form on my podcast if it doesn’t Billy your stupodity offer is welcome and appreciated okay well we have till the

End of the day until you know we have to do this well you’re on record you’re on record at saying that you want Ed Newman I remember one day here Ed Newman I remember one day around here we did an interview with Vernon Davis that wasn’t good enough to Air and

Stugots yelled I want and Billy said Over My Dead Body and then I heard it on stupodity uh can you give me the the weight and height of uh former Dolphins Legend offensive lineman Ed Newman his playing weight and height 62 245 offensive lineman and every man is

Derk Henry bigger I think he is yes my dad said to me he’s like I’m gonna talk to him for a column so I’m gonna I’m going to record the I’m going to record the conversation if you like it we can air it if not it’ll just be a so I’m

Like perfect and then my dad of course in the interview is telling him oh we’re airing this we’re Ed for sure Ed jerck Henry is bigger 63247 I don’t think that’s not more with Ed Newman I don’t think that’s the baith uh I don’t I think we have erroneous

Photo up there I’m pretty sure that’s not what Nat Moore looks like that’s Tony That’s Tony Nathan I believe the running back oh wow another bayi I could be wrong wait a minute there are two former Dolphins how could this not be great that’s a good looking judge right there your honor

I I’m bounded now more than ever get near the microphone broadcaster personman will be on my podcast or mine that’s right I just I Googled Tony Nathan and it looks just like him yeah that’s Tony Nathan feel like I would have heard if Nat Moore was a bayi Nat

Moore looks a lot different than Tony n his old dad did you was Greg you’re the author of fins at 50 you’re a dolphins historian you have run off or tried to run off Andy Cohen and Harvey green as dolphin historians and you just confuse Tony Nathan and that

More because it’s not that they have two baliffs in Ed Newman’s Court who are former Miami Dolphins it’s that you got your information wrong the longest standing journalist in the Miami Herald’s history cares not a wit about accuracy sure he does and you just confused natmore and Tony believe I did

No you think you think there are two bays you think natmore and Tony Nathan former dolphin skill position players you believe two of them are BFFs and Ed Newman years ago uh keep in mind we’re talking about uh a bail of situation probably from the are you going to be

Stubborn about this or you going to look it up I want to look up whether or not I was wrong I’m guessing you’re probably wrong stug I mean there’s an article you think stug said he’s probably wrong there’s an article talking about Ed Newman and Tony Nathan teaming up in the

Courtroom so I can’t imagine that more is also a part of that he’s like a dog with the bone with this almost impossible yeah but you don’t know I mean just give it a chance why don’t we hear it on this show maybe was right how

Long is it it’s long it’s like 15 minutes no you don’t want to hear it wait a minute no I do I believe I shouldn’t be saying this on the air we’re not on the air okay I believe uh Ed Newman told me Nat Moore was his Baya oh really you’re blaming it

On him stupodity you are blaming it on him I’m GNA ask you Edie I have to do the research I have listen I thought Doc Rivers wasn’t accountable I got to check the tape you are amazing and and Chris I it must be an exasperation to be married to him to be

A child of his because he’s this stubborn like and he thinks everything he does is interesting so he’s like what do you mean it’s a great interview and I listen to it and it’s just my father for 50 years every argument in our home he ended up not

Losing because at the end no matter the facts presented to him he would just wander away mumbling I don’t know about that that was that was his closing dismount that’s a good one yeah Edwin Pope used to diffuse arguments by saying you may be right where you’re not

Admitting someone else is right but you’re saying you may be right and not saying you’re wrong right I appreciated that and if I’m wrong about mixing up Tony Nath Ed Newman’s fault if you’re wrong it’s Ed Newman’s fault I no I will apologize just to be clear yeah unless

Ed told me that on on the right stop leaning back away from the mic maybe Ed made the mistake I mean you got to trust Ed I me he the warrior judge yeah why would you distrust judges nowadays whoa damn that’s true at the county level they seem

Fine it wasn’t even like you know if it was a judge and he’s doing like murder trials like this is like oh wow I want like but he was just like even he got on and was like it’s not very interesting it’s du a lot of just boring stuff he

That’s the foundation of our Judicial System how judge true this is a flawed approach especially if it’s a good judge but I don’t really research the judges on the ballot so I just always get rid of the incumbent because I’m like that’s just more time to get corrupt yeah why

Should judges be elected in the first place that’s kind of crazy right who follows judging like who knows that you see five names on a ballot of Judges nobody’s heard of any of them you end up voting for the name you like yeah I got

A I got a myON is my son I’m going to vote for myON over here as the judge do we assess them on how they bang the hammer I I wish we put Hammer If I Had a Hammer he’s right gavl I said Hammer I know uh this is a

Product of Aging corn Heiser does the same thing I’ve mentioned this before it’s just seizing on a word and then just having some sort of word association to Red If I Had a Hammer is the he’s he is now’s mistake okay how long ago was that song Can you look that

Up for me please I Had a [Laughter] Hammer you don’t know Ed gav is someone I would vote for oh no all over this land great judge name sing about Justice 1963 yeah folk song Peter Paul and Mary I’m trying to think of who did that written in

1949 yeah I want to say uh Bob Dylan did a version of that not that he would play that in con not your it’s a song people actually heard of and because I insist on us being younger and smarter I’m going to move this conversation away

From Ed Newman 245 PB lineman and I’m going to move it to a place uh stug found I on my if you are interested in Ed Newman stupodity later today thank you Greg back to you Dan or the Greg Cody Show podcast this coming Monday not happening I’m about to

Take control of my own goddamn podcast little bidding war about to do bidding war it’s ridiculous gavl I Had a Hammer could you find out who sang that I want to say Peter Paul and Mary but now I need to know they had a rendition of it

Okay written by Pete Seager Pete Seager oh wow Bob’s dad uh no no Pete Seager the father of Folk Music I believe yes he was on my phone yesterday simultaneously this is what I had happening and it was uh both delightful and unrelentingly annoying where I have Jeremy tashe Mike

Ryan and Mike Sher all of them just insane uh arguing about what Bill Simmons said about the Miami Heat where he said heat culture is just lucky and so I’ve got that argument going on where I’m thinking to myself my God over the 20 years that we’ve been doing this uh

There is little that I have experienced that is dumber than fans and uh people who are uh have their allegiances to team getting infuriated when person says their team was lucky uh I understand that there is luck involved in almost any Championship that’s won and I don’t

Think that it’s a diminishment of Merit that one person over there thinks you’re lucky because you won a championship but Heat fans are starved for the kinds of arguments that they had 2010 through 2014 so if anybody says anything about their team that feels like diminishment

They will grab the disrespect of that so I have that text string going on on my phone while I also have the text string going on and this is Mike Ryan involved in both of them of the Miami Heat saying to me absolutely not you will never get

Terry Rosier on your show because of what Mike Ryan has said on your show about Terry Rosier so I’ve got Mike Ryan annoying me on two fronts because he’s on one end arguing on behalf of why no we won’t get Terry Rosier oh what has become of us we are

Not going to make it how can the show go on without Terry Rosier Jezebel why are you requesting Terry Rosier it wasn’t me I was learning on this text why are we doing that dude we speak into microphones you have insult Ed me person the other discussion is the one

I’m interested in because I’m sure Heat fans would like to hear what you and Jeremy have to say in defense of the Miami Heat even though I couldn’t possibly care less that someone has accused them of being lucky well Bill didn’t even go with the easy one which

Is 2006 you can question that that champion chip basically he he he argues as a fan and he doesn’t hide that is that he culture is really based on luck to which I say this very lucky franchise has picked in the top 10 twice that’s impressive in any sport especially in

That one where it’s not really common knowledge but contending windows are pretty short in that sport Miami had two top 10 picks and those top 10 picks were Michael Beasley and Justice Winslow after Michael Beasley went Russell Westbrook went Kevin Love went and almost immediately after Justice Winslow

Went Deon Booker went his whole ARG is that bam fell to number 13 How does hakz Fall to number 18 I mean this is the NBA draft it’s a crapshoot once you get that low and he was just lamenting that Miami’s gotten lucky by these guys

Falling to them it was just really weird because they’ve developed players and better than anybody in the NBA to the point where you can trade for a Jimmy Butler with zero cap space because you have developed a Josh Richardson as an asset take it away Jeremy well that part

Is bizarre in that you’re looking at a franchise that’s taken all of these undrafted players and second round picks and turned them into productive role players who get paid elsewhere by other teams or like Duncan Robinson resurge to be an important part of your team but

When you talk about luck like the lucky thing is the Celtics being able to trade the corpses of Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce and get back a hall of first round picks a hall of first- round picks that by the way Bill Simmons criticized as a bad trade for the Celtics and you

Know what those first- round picks turned into they turned into Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum and you know who wasn’t taken ahead of Jason Tatum who went third in the NBA draft Mark Kel folz and Lonzo ball that’s how Jason Tatum ends up with the Celtics because

Other teams don’t take him number one and number two overall so when you want to talk about who’s Lucky in the way that they construct their roster and the way that they get back into Championship contention after flailing after losing their big three you might want to talk about the Boston

Celtics I do think one of the interest interesting things here is that I have seen in the evolution whether you want to call it luck or not uh before recently the heat weren’t any good at developing young players Pat Riley made a total switch over the last 10 years if

They got somebody in the middle rounds that person was never going to see the court I think like in the middle of the first round I think Tim James was one of the few that they got one of the highest they got and he didn’t end up playing

Very much for the Miami he the Pat Riley was bad at this for the first half of his career with the Miami he didn’t trust young guys didn’t trust developing them didn’t have the patience for that and it was born out of necessity because this team wasn’t really great in the

Trade market they signed some bad contracts again something very lucky for Miami I guess he said finding a trade partner for Hassan wideside was lucky dog you had Kevin mccale give you the championship what but I understand why Heat fans get upset I know it agitates

You but you don’t want to be called Lucky by Bill Simmons it suggests that your team is not good it suggests that Riley and spell aren’t good at developing Talent they’re lucky okay but okay St I think no Dan what you’re saying is what what they’re saying is

How many people think that Pat Riley and Eric spoler aren’t good like how many people how many people actually think that’s the point Dan Bill is saying they’re lucky they’re not good and that agitates Heat fans I understand why it was this was a segment called hot take

Like he was kind of doing a thing yeah he he is doing a thing believes it cuz he’s an irrational fan but he was kind of doing it with a smile I think it speaks to the Rivalry which is one of the better ones in certainly in that

Sport for sure anytime anyone Celtics ad Jason says something you get fired up and Miami lives rentree in Celtics heads because they’ve been to the championship seven times since they’ve existed one of the crown jewels of the NBA since they were born we all just got a text from Mike

Sher that said lucky ass team wow like right now I understand why it happens to Gods I understand why it’s viewed as disrespectful I’m not confused about why it’s happening I just think that Pat Riley and Eric spoler not controversial at all to think them better good than lucky

Dan apologizes for discussing microfiche, Mike pays tribute to Chris Mortensen, and Greg Cote tells us about Warrior Judge Ed Newman. Plus, was Greg actually right about the way he described Newman’s job? And Mike and Jeremy respond to Bill Simmons’ accusation that the Heat are somehow a “lucky” franchise.


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[14:30-21:25] Is Heat Culture just ‘luck’?

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  1. The Celtics were taking Tatum 1 no matter what, the Sixers agreed not to draft him and they traded back. How is that not well known

  2. Another video teasing us! Love these videos where I have to skip to more than HALFWAY through the video to get to what the title and the thumbnail are suggesting!!! Very uncool 👎🏼 I’ll be here back again tho love ya 🤲🏼

  3. Leave it to a hating ass Celtic fan to come all the way to Miami podcast to hate… 😂
    I couldn’t tell you the name of a Boston podcast… because they don’t live rent free in my head 😅

  4. I think Bill was speaking more recently about the luck of drafting Jaquez and not winning the Dame sweepstakes since he’s having a down year. Other than that, the Heat manufacturer their own luck

  5. Jeremy has no business talking for a minute in the middle of a top five list, let alone during other times of the show.

  6. This issues isn’t going to be losing Terry. It’s going to be losing his teammates and NBA friends. Maybe even the assistant equipment manager.

  7. If bill simmons was bleeding in the street, crying out for help, I’d step over him and keep walking. Heat in 5.

  8. Mike Ryan equals Lebatards prostutite. Mike Ryan is meek mill and Dan is Diddy. “Mike go in this room with Stu Gotz and you will get more air time”

  9. The real reason for the Celtics fans hating on the Heat has nothing to do with with luck, with recent playoff battles, nor when both had Big 3s. No, the hatred stems from the fact that the Heat won a championship with Antoine Walker as their third best player.

  10. Jeremy is my least favorite character in the Lebatard universe history. Sorry brother im sure your a nice guy. Just horrible on this show

  11. Mike Ryan is 😮wrong that the Heat are the best at developing players. The San Antonio Spurs have entered the Chat

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