@Sacramento Kings

Keon Ellis on players-only meeting & win over T-Wolves

Keon Ellis on players-only meeting & win over T-Wolves

How big was it for you to get that start and to come up big in a game like that in Minnesota um I think it’s always good uh especially like when your numbers call just trying to be ready but um I mean I honestly just just went out there

Tried to make the right plays get in the right spot try to execute the game plan but um yeah definitely when I got thrown in starting line I just just try to be just be locked in as I could be how comfortable was it um well I mean it’s

Not something that I’m not used to so uh you know it’s just kind of the other day but um I I didn’t go out there like you know trying to second guess anything or whatever literally just trying to you know put guys in the right suppies you

Know make sure I’m doing what I need to do and trying to help us win that game you guys obviously jumped out to such an incredible start kind of jump down a little bit uh how much did that helped kind of really set the tone for you guys

Um I think that was big you know especially playing a team like that you know they they’re a good defensive team you know they’re number one in the west so um just coming out and having a start like that that kind of made the night easier easier for us to roll into you

Know post other nights where we kind of had slower start um so it’s always good to get a start like that for sure it it was funny seeing some of the comments that those that that team talked about after that that win that you guys had uh

Second time beating a team being that team on their whole floor in their top SCH as um you know jadee McDaniels talked about how they’re still confident they can beat you in four in a row just what does that make you think about in terms of a potential playoff match up

With them um I mean if you know if we were to see them in the playoffs I’m pretty sure that’s something that we would keep in mind uh but I mean you know everyone has their own opinions I’m pretty sure everybody thinks their team can beat everybody so um I mean nothing

To really you know think about too much but you know if that that were to happen pretty sure you could use that as motivation yeah you had seven assist and four steals I’m not going to say more you know but was that just know because of

The flow of the gamees you know playing both ways you know you know trying to set up the guys the shots have some incedible steals one of to uh Malik and stuff like right what was your approach on that um honestly yeah just just the floor of the game then the

Game come to me you know if there’s a if there’s a shot for me to take I’ll take it if not definitely try to get the ball to the right people to make the play so um yeah I mean kind just going out there with that that mentality and letting the

Game be what it’s going to be also on those those Ste too because we had a couple B away steals too uh that converted into points you guys could really you know aware of you know how the defense is you know playing out there when you pick up those skills I

Mean it’s just it’s just kind of a field thing like um just just trying to be in the right spots knowing what what guys are trying to do knowing that some guys are aren’t trying to pass the ball as much as others so trying to be in the

Right spots and and knowing what guys what moves guys like to do so um just just trying to be in the right spots and anticipate you know what’s going on so um just just having a high alert yeah is the free throw free throw issue something that you guys like laugh about

Now like how do you guys got to get that work in your favor think I mean you just approach the game like you know just just lock in when you get to the free throw line you know two shots three shots whatever it is um you know just

Try to focus and knock it down like we all know like regardless of the struggles that we’ve had you’re still not going to make all of them there still might be bad Sho nights there might be good nights so can’t let the I mean obviously we were in a in a slump

For a while but can’t let that really weigh on you know the future free throw so just just got to walk up to the line and be confident know you guys you guys had a a players only meeting just is that the first time you’ve been part of

Something like that and and how important are those things to that guy’s vent frustration or just like have conversations um no definitely not my first time but uh I mean I think it’s definitely good for for everyone to to voice their opinions you know say some things that they think might help the

Team and you know things that we need to fix and whatnot so um they’re they’re definitely good for for bringing teams together and you know trying to trying to realign everyone’s focuses were you surprised that that that to place before that game um no I mean we we had dropped

A couple before that and obviously we know that we’re a better team and you know some of the losses we’ve had so um definitely came at a at a good time and an appropriate time for for us to try to you know I mean the the end of the

Season is coming so you know trying to just just lock in a little more you know can’t let little games slip not little games but you know games slip away from us that we should you know win or whatever but um yeah I think it definitely came at a good time how do

You get that to be sort of who you are and not just the one time thing for you know holding guys accountable and all that stuff wait say that one more time how do you get that to be like something that continues it’s not just like a

Onetime boost that you guys got from a game um I mean I think everyone’s focus is has to be the same I I think you know next game we all have to go into that one remembering what we all said in that meeting like you know like hey we didn’t

Say that just to to get a win against the timber wolves like you know that’s like something that we need to keep in our mind for the rest of the season so that way we can finish out the season you know playing strong like that so um

I think everyone to keep that in the back of their mind you know just just all going out there and trying to play for each other than

Kings guard Keon Ellis talked about the Kings win over Minnesota, the players-only meeting before that game and what Jaden McDaniels said after the game.

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  1. Keon is one of the rare G-league guys from Stockton who has carved a role on this team / league. I can't help but feel we need more of these successes moving forward. We need to try and steal the development people on the Heat who do such a stellar job over there.

  2. Its a meeting where players not coaches call out things that them as a team are doing good and doing bad. Holding each other accountable πŸ‘‘πŸ–€πŸ’œπŸ’―

  3. I love what a team player Keon is on both ends, and his demeanor. This is a glue guy. I still don't understand why Mike Brown went away from him in the first place. I want to see him develop as much as anyone on the roster

  4. Luv this dude. Keeps it real and his number priority at all times, is making the proper play for his team. When he turns down what looks like a decent look, he usually turns it into a better look for one of our more established offensive players. I expect his time on the floor and value to this team to keep rising. Bonus is that he's a good interview and gives a lot of straight forward insight


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