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Scottie Barnes INJURY Update – MASSIVE News for Toronto Basketball | Toronto Raptors News

Scottie Barnes INJURY Update – MASSIVE News for Toronto Basketball | Toronto Raptors News

We have an injury update regarding Scotty Barnes which is pretty positive even though it does probably mean he’ll be out for the rest of the season so we’ll discuss that including Grady dick getting some serious recognition across the NBA proven that he has had a bit of

A breakout SE or breakout month for the Toronto Raptors and we have a massive update regarding basketball in Toronto so lots of stuff to dive into in this video but before we do folks again as of time recording I’m recording these back to back so maybe we’ve already hit it

But we are very very close to 34,000 subscribers so it mean the world to me if you guys could hit that subscribe button so we can keep you up to date with all the latest Toronto Raptors news but let’s dive into the first topic discussion the first thing we’re taking

A look at is a positive Scotty Barnes injury update now obviously Scotty Barnes ended up going out with a hand injury just a few days ago and then basically indicates that his season is pretty well over for the Toronto Raptors and even if he’s kind of able to return

There’s no real sense in rushing him back especially with how important your hands are in the game of basket you don’t want to risk sort of rushing something even if he’s pretty well close to 100% healthy the Raptors are probably going to be pursuing that late round

First round pick or the the earlier the first round pick then we get to keep it if it falls below the bottom six so bringing back Scotty Barnes didn’t seem like the right move unless he was completely healthy within the next couple weeks or something but we did

Have an update regarding his current sort of left-hand injury basically news has come out that Scotty Barnes underwent successful surgery on his left hand it was successful but it makes it more and more likely that Scotty barnes’s season is done so again more and more reports coming out indicating

That Scotty Barnes it’s going to be confirmed that his season is over again even if he does come back it only be for the last week or something of the season and I guess if he’s practice in anyway it can’t hurt in theory but I wouldn’t

Want to rush our young star player back who’s had a phenomenal season doesn’t have much more to prove for his third year in the NBA you know close to 20 points per game eight rebounds six assists 34% behind the three-point line that number has fallen drastically over

The past month but over the course of this year has definitely improved early on in the season was shooting close to 40% from behind the three-point line so again that’s just 22 years old a guy that that is proving that you know was an Allstar this season he’s the guy the

Toronto Raptor should be building around you know going forward in the future and even after we dealt away OG Pascal went younger built around you know the younger group where expected losses to start RI packing up you know start amping up Scotty barns played well even though RJ Barrett didn’t manual quickly

Had a large part of winning some of these games Scotty barns was a key factor and now with him out of the lineup we see how important he actually was to this team but was a key factor in the Raptors getting wins and I guess the Raptors did beat Charlotte the other

Night but we’ll see if the winning ways continue without Scotty barns our offense from the eye test definitely looks a heck of a ton worse without him out there in the lineup so you know wishing the best Scotty Barnes happy to hear that his surgery was successful but

Moving on to another young player for the Toronto Raptors as Grady dick is officially breaking out now at this point now we’ve discussed this in recent videos recent talks recent discussions vids basically how Grady dick is a guy that you know after a cold start to the

Season a stint in the g-league ever since the Raptor main guys got moved he’s been getting consistent run for this group Grady duck is looking exactly like the player that had Toronto Raptors fans hyped up coming into this season Grady dick Le three-point shooter he’s doing well driving the basket he does

More out there on the court and just space the flooor and shoot threes and defensively I think he brings a lot of energy has sneakily has a lot of size as well you know not necessarily strength just yet but has a bit of height for that sort of you know two guard three

Sort of wing position Grady dick is just a guy that is overall really impress me and now it’s not just Toronto Raptors fans he’s impressing us basically news came out that Grady dick was the runner up in terms of Rookie of the month in the Eastern Conference Brandon Miller

Has been an absolute monster for the Char Charlotte Hornets so makes sense definitely no disrespect there but to get it over hawz to get it over SAR Thompson you know I’m pretty happy with Grady dick sort of performance you know getting some uh getting some recognition

You know being the runner up in terms of Rookie of the month in that Eastern Conference so you know he’s getting the recognition it’s official you know from the NBA that it’s not just Raptors sort of being delusional just projecting Grady dick playing well but the stats

Also show it too again he’s a rookie we’re not expecting insane crazy numbers but in the 12 months of February where you know the rookie the mon sort of era happen 11 points per game 2.5 rebounds you know one assist T night has to be shooting the ball Elite and is shooting

49% on four attempts a game so no small sample size in terms of the shooting 49% from the three-point line 55% from the field he’s scoring in the paint he’s scoring everywhere on the court and that three-point shooting is just taken to another level Raptors fans are a little

Bit jaded with three-point Shooters coming in you know so many times of the past decade we have promising three-point Shooters the Matt Thomas is of the world the Mari Carroll is of the world so many three guys come into this team and then their three-point percentage is just fall off a cliff and

It seemed like that could have been the case early on in the season with Grady dick but the fact that he’s really ramped things up becom an elite shooter you know in the NBA at least over this stretch of basketball is a massive massive POS we knew his jump shot would

Turn around so that’s a positive there for the fans and again for a rookie it’s easy to sort of lean into small sample size I won’t r anyone who were a little bit concerned about gry dick but people that were completely throwing him out as a complete bust and stuff like that that

Was that was a bad look that was a a bad sort of take there so shout out to gry Dick performing well doing his thing out there on the court for the Tron Raptors starting his breakout so hopefully next season could potentially be a starter for the Toronto Raptors depending on how

Things shake out maybe that’s a a bit overzealous of me you know projecting his potential development and things like that but the final thing we’re discussing in this video is a major update to Toronto basketball now there’s been a lot made over the past year or so especially with the WNBA making some

Expansions about the Toronto Raptors being a market that could eventually land a WNBA team now again we the Raptor just covering the NBA I don’t know a whole ton about the WNBA but there’s definitely a lot of cool storylines happening in women’s basketball that makes it more interesting just for the

You know the average basketball fan that’s out there and obviously the emergence of Kaylin Clark you know Paige Beckers is another player that you you needs players to get people sort of interest in the Market’s interest in the hype and it feels like women’s basketball is starting to pick up

There’s more interesting storylines which makes it again because the basketball Pro it’s basketball it’s fun to watch but really makes Sports organizations work and someone like covers Sports you know U you know out here on YouTube it’s the storylines that hype people up and it feels like there’s

Been an emergence of you know a lot of star players in women’s basketball that make things interesting I’ve Had Me Like fallowing a little bit more not because again I’m not that interested in just follow in a sport just because people tell you to hey you need to watch this

League you need to watch this league whether it’s men’s women’s whatever the heck it is you want cool story lines you want to have fun with the players it feels like women’s basketball’s starting its upward spring and you know we’re getting more recognition we’re seeing

More of it and now seems like uh the Toronto could be a market for women’s basketball going on a little diversion my thoughts on the WNBA and stuff and that kind of has me excited you know the the Toronto R if Toronto could land a

Mark of with Kate Clark or one of these big names sort of Rising Star players I’d definitely be intrigued by it and you know it’d be a natural sort of leaning in and going to watch basketball basically news has come out that sources tell that Larry tanom Kilmer uh group

Has proposed a bid to bring the 14th WNBA team to Toronto former uh Raptor VP Teresa wretch uh I might be butchering that last name apologies is pegged to lead the new franchise so basically Larry tanibal who is part owner of the Tron Raptors I believe his ownership

Stake is getting a little bit weird there’s power d Dynamics changing but he’s branching away from Rogers and Bell who are obviously the main Larry tan super rich as well but basically the the real money behind the Toronto Raptors mlsc the ownership group that owns the metronum maps the Toronto Raptors you

Know big sports teams in Toronto basically he’s branching away from them because he tried to push for WNBA acquisition I believe it was the summer at least a few months ago it was shut down by mlc they didn’t think it was a smart move but Tanner bomb is making a

Pursuit to have it happen just on his own dime on his own sort of Kilmer Sports Group and you know might be trying to build up his own mlsc for uh for I guess woman Sports potentially in Toronto that’s something Grange brought up basically it’s obviously very

Interesting that the WNBA bid is being launched by Tan in bombs privately with uh versus with mlsc you have to wonder when uh pwhl franchises are going to be for sale leagued own now so would be would he be interested in looking at that as well tan of bombs lasting Legacy

And women’s uh version of mlc so definitely interesting stuff again like I’m not I haven’t watched much WNBA basketball I like the story lines I like the highlights I like the stuff so there’s actual team in Toronto because then there’s a team that Canada can root

For you know then I’m open to checking out I’m open to seeing how it kind of goes again there’s lots of memes that are you know I don’t mind Meme and stuff some of them are a little bit coldhearted and stuff about like WNBA stuff but frankly I’d be excited I’d be

Excited and cool to see a WNBA team come to Toronto and especially you know one of the young star players come up and can follow on be cool to see a growing League happen out here in Canada but let me know what you guys think in the comments section down below about this

Toronto Toronto basketball Toronto Raptors news you guys best I’m signing out cheers

Toronto Raptors all-star Scottie Barnes has gone down with a hand injury and now we have a significant update regarding his progress. Additionally, Gradey Dick has been getting some recognition across the NBA and there has been a major update for basketball in Toronto. Ben Rogers breaks it all down!
0:00 Toronto Raptors News
0:39 Positive Scottie Barnes Injury Update
2:59 Gradey Dick OFFICIALLY Breaking Out
5:55 Major Update for Toronto Basketball

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  1. I have floor seats for the game tonight. I was praying everyone on both teams could stay healthy to get the full experience. It was disappointing seeing Scottie going out with injury. I am still excited to see the rest of the team competing. All the best to Scottie and the Raptors!

  2. Common sense told everyone SB was done for the season. It takes a few months to heal from that type of surgery and playing basketball is another entire story…

    WNBA in Toronto by 2025— yeah!!!

  3. I gotten floor seats againest the charlotte game and GOD DAMN did the Raptors look good, I think maybe a few trades the raptors need to make before I think they can become a amazing team again like they did when they got clapped by Lebron 5000 times 🙁

  4. the Scottie injury is a blessing in disguise, it allows the rest of the roster to take the court without their star and we get to see how they respond. We also get to see how Scottie's backup does and who is capable of stepping up. Remember, Scottie could easily get a technical and get fouled out during crunch time – so this is a great time for the rest of the roster to learn to score buckets without him on the court at all. Im more concerned with how the hand injury heals.

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