@San Antonio Spurs

DeMar Derozan SPEAKS OUT On Coach Pop! This Is Why He’s Great!

DeMar Derozan SPEAKS OUT On Coach Pop! This Is Why He’s Great!

All right okay all right Demar de R rozan tells us what popfish said when he first got to San Antonio big shout out to Matt Lura for posting this I did not watch any of this by the way I just saw it instantly liked it so we could go

Over it like I I lit I have no idea what he said to him okay I have absolutely no idea all right um but before we get into that if you guys want to support the channel as always bet us shout out to bet us for sponsoring this video on this

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Play with so just go check it out um really great stuff and yeah go to the basketball section cuz that’s really what we talk about but you can also use promo code 125 or join 12 25 and you will also get uh that deal but use the

Link in my description check it out at the very least and see uh how you how you feel about it um but yeah really great stuff really great great great stuff all right let’s go ahead and dive into this really quick um thanks for subscribing us Man Fan why does it like

That I hate that it’s like that I really need it man my stream’s acting stupid all right let’s see what did dear Rosen have to say about Greg Papa oh my goodness let me put it in my headset cuz it’s coming off something wrong all right you guys can’t hear

It try it again obviously dear you got traded was it pressure going to the Spurs and like when you left were you like pissed and then you got to the Spurs it was pressure how was all that I didn’t talk to nobody I left I went to

Anguilla for like 8 Days Every everybody texting me oh wait a minute okay th I don’t think this is okay this is new but I don’t think this story is new I feel I feel like we’ve feel like he said this before the [ __ ] made me hate Instagram

You know the whole [ __ ] was just everywhere so I just packed up and left just to get my own mind together my own thoughts together and the first person I talked to when I got back was pop first thing he told me we didn’t trade you we

Traded for you we want you you know what I mean oh wait guys is this new I or has he just told this story before is this new take your time he didn’t put no extra pressure on me so that there gave me a different outlook on like [ __ ] it

Let me let me man up and take this next you know what I mean let me deal with it let me deal with it face on because you know I can’t keep running from this feeling um and I just got to it and I I took off with

It okay so I guess this okay aiyah says it’s new um all right so he’s told this story before I’ve said this so many times man I hate I absolutely hate and there’s a special group of people okay I don’t see it on this channel and it’s

Probably more so it’s rarely on this channel it’s probably more so because I’m so vocal with the like going against the ignorance of saying papovich is a bad coach or he’s terrible he’s trash like I’m very open about that um and I I call it out so often till good thing

Over on this channel we haven’t really cultivated a like many people that just openly say papovich is trash or he’s go like that doesn’t happen and if it does like we we we knock that down real quick uh but papovich is the perfect coach for the

Spurs if if if papovich were to leave San Antonio right now if he were to leave I guarantee you there were going to be every single team in the NBA ready to fire their coach to get Greg papovich easily easily um and not only that when you think about because this is what

Really matters right you can say what you want about uh uh poic’s uh uh lineups you can say what you want about how he um uh coaches just in general you can say whatever you want but at the end of the day our players love him there

Hasn’t been anybody in our in our franchise thus far at least in with this group uh that point the finger at each other uh there there’s been you know holding each other accountable but it hasn’t been it’s this person’s fault it’s this person’s fault or any blowups

And when you lose the way that the Spurs have lost that is huge to have a locker room that’s still cohesive that they’re still together that is not necessarily normal you can see even teams like Detroit Pistons they lost so many games they just fall apart you hear all these

Stories of just how the team’s falling apart and for us I can tell at least you know the Spurs try to keep things on the wraps but you can kind of tell when there’s some issues in the locker room when the kawhai thing kawh Leonard thing situation happened yeah they were trying

Their best to be as professional as possible but it was pretty obvious right like you could read between the lines when when uh Manu spoke or when Tony spoke or when papovich spoke you knew it was some issues going on um you know same thing when Deonte was here right

Like he did a lot of cryptic stuff cryptic messages here and there uh but that was that was kind of he was he was weird about that and he’s still weird about it even Atlanta so there’s nothing to Spurs could do there but just overall I just feel like this team is so

Cohesive and the most important thing is that the players want to be coached by papovich they like fans are so quick to say wimy is tired of the Spurs oh he wants gone he wants out he wants out he is tired of what papovich is doing and like completely ignoring the fact that

The Spurs were the team he wanted to go to why were the Spurs the team he wanted to go to to begin with the reason why he wanted go to the Spurs was because he was going to be coached by papovich he’s been very open about that he was been he

Was going to be coached by the best uh one of the best coaches ever probably the best coach ever and the best coach available in this draft like he he knew what environment he was going into and he felt like I can really become the best version of myself and the one thing

That’s great too is poic already has that Legacy the thing is he has nothing to prove to anybody so when he gets a player there’s a expectation already it’s not like how it was in in the ’90s or early 2000s where he’s still proving himself and people are still scratching

Their heads and wondering like H you know how is like no it the these players that go to San Antonio there’s something to to already expect you don’t necessarily have to have a Tim Duncan there getting yelled at and everyone else follow suit everyone that comes to

San Antonio knows what’s up and not only that there’s it’s a type of environment that’s why um Doug mcdermit was so so hype about trying to stay like he was so adamant that I want to stay in San Antonio you like basically begging for the Spurs to keep him because he’s been

To other franchises and he knows that this is the best ran franchise in the NBA period like it I don’t I don’t even know if it’s close period um so I don’t know just overall I just get so irritated when people try to uh bring up

Uh uh uh papovich is out of touch papic is this papic is that it’s like no dude you have some personal grip with papovich it’s a lot of older fans too that they were probably they probably had a sour taste in their mouth from papovich ever since like he made himself

The his the the head coach they probably been kind of irritated by that ever since and just haven’t really been able to speak out about it because he’s won so often but now they’re at the point where they’re like oh you know well well we’re losing Pap of his trash fire them

Get somebody else new blood and it’s like why you can’t really give a good reason to bring in anyone else especially looking around the NBA there’s not one coach that I could point to and say oh yeah he is going to turn things around no not with this roster no

One could and if papovich can’t I don’t think any any coach could and and this is only a controver the funny thing this is only a controversial opinion about papovich if you’re talking to a specific group of Spurs fans A specific group of Spurs fans everyone else don’t care everyone else

In the league it’s like papovich is the goat I I wish we had papovich it’s only a specific type of Spurs fan that gets upset uh slay says yeah 80% of Pop haate stems from his political stuff uh exactly or from political stuff exactly it’s stupid it’s

Silly it’s silly and they get so upset about it and it’s like okay whatever I mean most of the stuff I’ve heard pop just say is like hey our politicians let us down which is is true equality that’s good democracy is kind of cool yeah it is

Actually uh pop is a older man like of course he’s going to be very outspoken yeah yeah I don’t know I don’t know overall I just think papovich is great um as a coach all and I will be very quick if papovich was falling off if he wasn’t

That of a coach if it was trash or whatever and the team was pointing fingers and it was just so much chaos I will sit back and say yeah maybe maybe we should move on from pop or you know don’t fire pop but maybe pop should

Should retire when but I don’t feel that right now um yeah I I just don’t feel it right now so that’s that those my thoughts on that uh good stuff though from from d rozan

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  1. Those who don't know don't know that we as SPURS FAMILY know that others don't know that Coach Pop is the GOAT 🐐 of coaches. Those who are saying that fire Pop, or Pop should retire, You honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I grew up a Diehard Spurs fan. Coach Pop is the GOAT Coach, not only for Xs and Os. But the way He impacts lives around him. I remember in elementary school I wrote a letter to Coach Pop, I didn't think he would respond, He did and it was Hand Written. #CoachPopTheGOAT

  2. THIS! Thank you, Clan. Pop is the best coach out there today. And thanks for showing this DeMar clip. DeMar is another quality person. He dealt with his disappointment and anger with integrity.

  3. I was at the first game DeMar played with Spurs. He was coming out and was kind enough to give an autograph. There was just a few of us. I said, 'Welcome to San Antonio!' He didn't even look up. I immediately felt bad… Probably dumb to think but I wish I could tell him how much we appreciated him.

  4. 1st off, If you didn't know Coach Pop used to be a spy. So if you think he gives a damn about the color of your skin you have another thing coming and you need to research. 2nd, He studies. He turned Dejunte Maurry from trash to treasure. He specifically ran plays and structured the team he had to make that one player look good when he was really trash and its showing now. Look at the haul he got for pulling the wool over yall eyes? Tanking- He got Wemby. What do you think he has under his sleeve(s) next? He wins. the culture of the team is win. I learned to play basketball from watching his teams win.

  5. I think most fans that dislike Pop are probably "casual fans" they don't know whats actually happening because they don't pay attention they just see their record and don't watch the games.

  6. When all is said and done and the court lights turns off, these players and coaches are people too. How they inspired or touched each others lives matters the most

  7. When Pop sticks to basketball he is great. When he tries to get people to think like him politically, he loses a lot of respect

  8. Doesn't help that one of the first instincts when a team is losing is the fan base calling for the coach's job. Yeah, that shit don't fly in SA. I always tell people, we didn't have a Big 3 in SA, we had a Big 4. Pop is as much a part of Spurs culture as anyone.

  9. You gotta stop with these betting promo's bro.. I already lost everything from betting im tired of hearing about the shit

  10. Clan I think you're right but, I don't think the Golden State warriors or the Miami heat would trade their coach for Greg popovich. But almost every other team might.

  11. I am thankful for Pop's health – physical and mental. However, if for some reason he can't complete his coaching contract, do you think any coach would clamor to come to the Spurs?

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