@New York Knicks

The Knicks’ TOP PRIORITIES with former GM Scott Perry | NBA Today

The Knicks’ TOP PRIORITIES with former GM Scott Perry | NBA Today

Who better to talk about the Knicks than former Knicks GM Scott Perry now Scott when you look at the Knicks and you see the situation with them with a long list of injuries what should be their priority in their final 21 games well everybody the obvious is the health but

You got to get them back sooner rather than later and here’s why I say that you know just to start this season Julius Randall had missed all of the offseason with ankle surgery and we saw how long it took him to get back acclimated to start the season there were calls for

Him to be traded because he started off so slowly same thing happened last my last year in New York he gets injured the last five games of the regular season after having a fantastic regular season and struggles in the playoffs because he never could get his rhythm

Back exactly and so that is going to be key here for the Knicks that he gets back to get that I think Anan NOA even though he’s a newer player because of the role he plays he’ll be able to assimilate himself a little bit quicker Mitchell Robinson same thing even though

He’s been out the entire year it’s it feels like but they’re going to need him in the playoffs because he can really dominate a series on the interior with his rebounding and shot blocking and then if they if they have a minimum of I’d say 10 games going into the playoffs

In the regular season of playing together now that allows the new acquisitions like Burks and uh uh Movic to go ahead and figure out how they’re going to fit in and then TBS got to figure everything out in terms of the minutes yeah so Zach if they do get that

Rhythm in tner game or so leading into the playoffs hopefully not the playin how important is getting home court the if qualifier is everything right now for the Knicks and it’s such a bummer and it’s also a reminder how of how fragile all of this is because when

They got an anobi and they started going scorched Earth on everybody around the league that was a real thing they had found something they had found something real and something special physical nasty shooting defense all over the place they had everything they needed and they ran rough shot over everybody

And like that they’re struggling just to stay out of the playing tournament that race for four five 6 S8 it’s five teams for three spots and right now the Knicks are just about clinging to a top six seed for dear life when they should have been about getting healthy and pushing

Boston pushing Milwaukee so fingers crossed they can get healthy and get that Runway of games because right now it’s just about you know you mentioned home Court I mean I I don’t even think they can think about that they just got to win like the Sixers like Ramona said

About the Sixers just scr out every win they can get to stay in the top six and boy it didn’t look like that was going to be the conversation we were going to be having in January where they damn near went undefeated and just killed everybody I mean an anomi makes

Everything easier for people defensively Jaylen Brunson makes everything e easier for people offensively but you have to get on the court in order to start to form an identity especially when you traded for like like half the Detroit Pistons at the tra yeah and and you

Bring up one final point you got to get in game condition again you let’s talk about that okay if they’re back by the end of the month is that a week weeks playing playing Devil’s Advocate people say that hey if he they were all healthy they might approach the playoffs tired now if

They’re able to be healthy maybe they’ll have a better case scenario for I know Force rest but I don’t think any New York director of sunshine right here [Applause] [Applause] is

The Knicks’ TOP PRIORITIES with former GM Scott Perry | NBA Today
Former Knicks GM Scott Perry weighs in on New York’s top priorities during the final stretch of the regular season.

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  1. Tom can’t be a coach anymore maybe assistant but there’s no way it’s a coincidence all his starters are injured like back in the bulls days again…

  2. Knicks know what they have, they're pulling a Lakers move and resting they're stars preparing to do what they did in January to do in May. Herd it here first.

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