@Orlando Magic

Game #62 – The Sixth Man Show Postgame Live presented by Rock ‘Em – Magic vs. Hornets

Game #62 – The Sixth Man Show Postgame Live presented by Rock ‘Em – Magic vs. Hornets

Let Go let’s Go What’s going on Orlando Magic fans welcome to the six-man show postgame live presented by Rockham on the road we took the show on the road I’ve got Jonathan Osborne I’ve got Luke syvia right here we’re live here from Charlotte we just got done going to the

Game it was a thrilling time glad you guys are here this will be a good one chat’s always going already going crazy what a win first off before we get to the super chats before we talk about rock them all those things I definitely want to start with these guys get their

Initial reactions on this game and obviously we’ll talk about this game a lot today but Jonathan you want to go first W my initial reaction is right now on this couch there’s a bar right in my butt crack first of all I’m so uncomfortable what a start what a start

Um but no like first of all and I mean this with the utmost sincerity Spectrum Center was like not by any means packed right but Charlotte fans brought it tonight I want to give them them credit what what are you laughing your volume’s already going up we can’t we can’t be

Super loud because of where we’re staying I told I was like Jonathan speaking voice okay I’m trying my best no but uh ugly game was frustrating first half uh we got the chance to meet with a lot of magic fans you know that either travel from Orlando or live in

The Charlotte sort of area tonight broken I don’t know whatev do always but the second half was incredible starting with that fron vogner dunk and then I was telling these guys like that jayen Suggs dunk in the third quarter I think I felt my soul leave my body yeah this

Qu this stepen says how lit are the boys right now scale of 1 to 10 before that stretch in the third quarter we were probably a five like it was like not a good first half obviously but it wasn’t but then the dunks happened and we had multiple

Jam Hot Chicken Jam of the week candidates here’s the thing what what we’re going to have to do guys probably when’s when did the magic play this week Wednesday Friday I’m trying to think if there’s a Sunday there is a Sunday yeah they play Indiana duh what I was going

To say is we’re probably going to have to put it up for a vote because that fron dunk was amazing that jayen dunk was crazy so we might have to put it up for a vote on uh Sunday okay uh did you have any other thoughts really quick

Before we go through all this other stuff about this game in general I mean I just want to say just like how crazy it was to meet so many Magic fans fans we met so many Magic fans we got to talk with a lot of the the B team we got a

Shout out from Dante freaking marelli on the broadcast we have people sending us the video the clip it the night just felt super surreal and um and so to also get the wind was awesome but honestly and I think that was the the thing tonight was like going in tonight we’re

Like we can’t come all this way and lose but for me after getting the video of Dante shouting us out on the podcast I couldn’t believe it and uh and was like I said super surreal made the the entire worth it I’m being honest yeah it was a

Lot of fun um hey before we talk about anything else we got some super chats we definitely want to get to those not one not two not three but four super chats tonight big shout out first we have of course Ty Mr TV leading the way he says

We get in streaky six-man show warm up them nips oh the nips are warming up for sure we need one more game and Thursday’s episode could be will be if says hit the like Play Our Song for those who don’t know the rule around here was it a five game win streak five

Game win streak five game win streak sht comes off for luk so what’s the win streak for you like when does come off for you 82 and0 no if we win a title oh dude everything’s coming off yeah well yeah obviously just hit the like and

Play our song I know we win a title I’m reversing my vasectomy and having another child that night okay okay okay these guys can’t hear it but I can hear it we’re going to play the song really fast okay oh wait you guys can’t hear it

Either I had to move it hold on God here’s the song This is off mag Watch out going to get you get kicked out of here first off it was fun down the stretch of that game we got some let’s go magic chance going we got Play the song going and then it was our turn we actually sang the song This is what I

Told the guys before this I know we’re going off off track here but I said you know how that phrase like hurt people hurt people and I was like guys there’s been so many times that in Orlando we’ve had other teams invade enchant you know for their team I was like tonight I

Don’t I don’t have a problem with the Hornets it’s just they’re just there’s the victims tonight and so we took it out on them and it was fun to do that all right Lis Rosario with not one not two but three Super Chat says get ready for playoff basketball in April facts

Let’s go he says fron with the hammer dunk on Bridges was nasty Bridges and uh Brandon Miller which is kind of funny if you if you know why the go the Mojo was on point for the mo Hammer love that thank you so much Louis and Ty for those super chats really

Means a lot another thing we have to thank we have to thank Rockham Rockham is the presenting sponsor of the six-man show postgame live big shout out to them oh Play the song Oh my socks are over there dang it I’m going to have to wear them tomorrow have to wear them tomorrow

I have two pairs of rock socks over there I have the classics and the play the song socks I’m going to have to wear these tomorrow on the plane that’s that’s some product plac for you baby okay okay um anyway Rock them world’s artist socks store and they’re located in Orlando

Central Florida company and they love the magic so much that they make custom magic socks like that like there’s no other team that gets stuff like that they get generic you know team branded stuff but there’s no other team they do that for except for UCF they like UCF

Too but anyway um I did want to show you guys really fast we don’t get to do trips like this without like rock support without our patrons and total facts total facts I always like to show off some nons sports stuff because we all have people in our lives that don’t

Give a crap about sports So today we’re at some Mandalorian socks I don’t know if either of you guys watched Mandalorian mandalorian’s awesome it’s great these ones are my favorite these things are sick closeup look at that Mando looking all looking all sharp and shiny but then over here of course we

Have the Orlando Magic these are those Play the song socks I talked about those are pretty awesome you can get those now I did want to show one more thing Orlando City obviously the season just kicked off a couple weeks ago we don’t have to talk about Saturday’s game that

Was a mess but look at this I came up with a deal for you guys okay this is something you can’t pass up if you have a smaller person in your life look at these $5 Orlando City socks now they only have the smaller sizes but look you

Get to play the song socks for 20 bucks you get the varsity stripe Orlando City socks for five bucks now our code doesn’t apply to socks that are on sale but you can get 20% off of the $20 socks which is what $4 M $4 off so that’s $16

Pay $5 for these that’s $21 for two pairs of sick like premium quality socks and repping the city beautiful all right so if you’re going to do that we just always recommend use the code uh Magic 20 because that’ll get you 20% off your order at uh whether it’s

Orlando Magic stuff or otherwise 20% off all season long use that code magic 20 big shout out to Rockham for sponsoring the six-man show post game live all season long all right chat it is your turn let’s take a look at some of these other chats we got tonight Jack Max says

The Vagner Brothers bringing out the Hammers tonight love that ROM said wow saw the trio there that was pretty fun not only were we on the ballet Florida broadcast we’re on the B that is that is arguably the best moment of the night the Charlotte uh broadcast I saw that they were lining

Up for this this shot they were interviewing like their VP of something and I knew it was B and I was like oh we’re doing this and so then obviously like I got you know the jerseys in there and then I was like wait a second let’s

Let’s do the show and so I pulled up our logo on the on the phone you could barely make it out but it was fun J was legitimately 10t guys we got to talk about that I know I keep getting distracted from the chats we’re going to

Get through all these I promise it’s like pregame like right before the game or had the game already started no the game had started yet it was about to tip off and I saw him I mean like 30 ft away coming through the tunnel I was like is

That jco and I real I put all the pieces together like a part of and I was like that’s jcole and I mean guys like I mean 10 feet the beginning of the game like stopped like everybody in our section was just like oh that’s what it was it

Was it was at the very end of the the the Hornets introductions when Kendra does her pregame hit I’m not kidding guys jcole is like this to Kendra and like P saw out the side of her eye and she had like struggle to keep her composure cuz like he like brushed up

Against her and she was just like like we have a picture of it too and then when she walked away it was one of greatest it was so funny so funny that was and the whole night I mean he’s right there it was pretty Elite pretty

Elite okay all right we’re locked in on this hey one if you pull up the uh the scores cuz Celtics Cavs came down to the wire C Celtics wereing I don’t think those went in our favor unfortunately if our group I see Tai talking about those

Yeah the Heat heat are going to pull it off the Nets are looking like they’re going to pull it off over the 76ers the Cavs pulled it off over the Celtics terrible yeah and then uh the Hawks sped out over the Knicks that’s big we really just need Nets and the uh

And the Hawks yeah so that we can jump what’s the hawk I the Hawks won they did win the Hawks won we are five right now so we’re fifth if the Sixers lose we’re fourth in the E we’re 23 seconds from being fourth seed right now let’s go

Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go okay all right Ty was talking about those games yes Steven says read the screen we’re working on there’s a lot to read that’s what Ty says they have a lot to read that’s so funny uh ROM says an ugly

Win awesome second unit in the fourth that’s what I was just saying we were walking in here yeah there was some crazy highlights in that second half those dunks Cole got going but by and large that was a really ugly game not a clean game played by the magic I don’t I

Know I always say this but that was a horribly officiated game oh you know what guys I didn’t change the score what was the final score 101 to 89 I’ve done that before that’s okay I know I did I just number 21 the official number 21

Tonight whoever he is that was I hope he’s lives a long healthy life he was garbage tonight he was so bad genuinely I I don’t usually do like there were probably five calls that should have been his call that 44 had to make from the other end of the floor because it

Was that obvious both both teams were screwed by him like it he was it was a shocking performance by that R Nets Ball Up 5 16 seconds to go W’s go W four seed let’s go baby sorry sorry sorry kicked out sorry you Orlando Magic are going to

Be the four seed in about 15 seconds or whatever it is that’s amazing in March March freaking 6th be March 6th with a chance to grow the lead tomorrow unbelievable guys we are we are living living a dream okay um L says looks like we need to start the chat oh yeah yeah

Yeah this is before we got here we’re here we’re here we’re here we’re here we’re here sorry y’all to borrow from Chris uh Chris says to borrow from Christopher Titus this game had more ugly than a Rolling Stones group photo that’s pretty funny but guts you Inn and

Play that song let’s go let’s go roast the St love that Jay says ugly but GNA get you doc says I’m greedy us too man four seed crazy coming for you Steven says AB had another great game both sides of the ball stepped up big when Kell was out can

I really that so if you guys don’t already follow fison air on on Twitter you need to um he is where did the Tweet go I just had it yeah fison is uh at fison Aircore and he’s got a stat here with a few runs so the magic had a 16 to four run to close the first quarter an 11 to four run to close the third quarter and a 10 to nothing run to pull away in the fourth quarter he said every single one

Of those runs contained a rookie Anthony black wow like what what was his like I missed that part I only read the first part got to be crazy yeah we’ll look at that in a second um also yeah well I’ll get to that in a second um okay yeah a

Oh that’s what I was going to say AB magic were up 13 I don’t know 3 minutes left maybe 4 minutes something like that I think it was like 3 minutes magic up 13 and ab had a wide open Corner three and he missed it and like that dude oh

That’s what happened that’s what happened then Hornets came back and scored and made it like an 11-point game or something like that and ab knew like that was the dagger and like to see him like he was like he wanted that like it was cool to see that up close like the

Dude the dude loves basketball and he was he was kicking himself but I mean on the whole dude he was he was terrific tonight terrific smash that like button y’all do me a favor smash that like button subscribe the amount of effort that it took to make this happen tonight

Anyway it’s a lot 100 of you here right now appreciate that that’s amazing all right let’s keep going with the chat here lots of Lis Rosario here this is awesome love this yeah Stevens talking about that Celtics Cavs game unfortunately man Celtics choked last I

Saw it was like 32 in the 3214 in the fourth quarter like when did they do that except to to hurt the magic of course oh this is good iar wrath says winning the games we should boys keep rolling facts I said this you know weeks ago after the All-Star break I don’t

Care tonight was ugly doesn’t matter a win is a win four seed I’ll take it I’ll take it things we got to improve and credit to the Hornets like Steve Clifford that was his game plan he likes to muck it up and the refs let him do it

And so credit to them made it difficult but obviously credit to the magic for for finding a way to do it doc said Cliff said young teams don’t win that’s pretty funny that’s pretty funny oh Luke I love this he said y’all saw something very rare Tonight Cole Anthony shooting

A half court shot before the buzzer went off very true dude if that went in cuz that was at the end of the third quarter after we had this crazy stretch of all these dunks if that went in which it almost did I would have died I would have just perished

Right there in Spectrum Center I do feel like so many guys just hold on to the ball an extra half second to so it looks like they’re getting that attempt off but they know the odds of making that they’re not trying to drag down their shooting percentage that’s Steven says

Grant Williams is up for 12 Oscar nominations congratulations to Grant there was a dude in front of us that was a massive Grant Williams fan I’m like he is not that guy y pretty funny pretty funny Tai says Nicks are losing yep they lost uh Captain Turk says AB looking

Really promising right now now facts uh Luke says if y’all could choose one team to win tonight who would it be wait pick one team to I think you even pick one to lose maybe I don’t know the Knicks losing was really big um Sixers obviously is that game done yet 10.1 wa

It was 10.1 okay there we go 2.5 okay Co the Knicks for me it’s because you have the season series yeah that one’s huge for them to keep losing yeah um and you know when you have the same record the magic automatically are right above them

So that one cuz you don’t have it over the Sixers you don’t have it over the heat um do you have it over the Pacers I think you do right yes so with one game to go the uh the big ones are the ones that you’ve got you got we’ve already

Clinched that right right the Pacers already clinched yeah David says Play the song Let’s Go Stephen says poor Steve Clifford said F this I’ll go back to my old old team yeah uh Captain Turk says maybe we do need to tighten up but end of the day we’re finally winning the

Games we should and getting the job done this is what good teams do facts facts excuse EXC me I needed that Stephen says playoff bound boys let’s go let’s go uh let’s keep going here Chris says they show all three of you guys seating together at the tele during The Telecast

Yeah that was really fun that was a lot of fun um D Rand says what’s taking so long well we have to get on Spectrum Center and run over here and turn all this on yeah but hey we made it it was actually faster than I expected I

Thought it would be a little slower part of it part of it was there weren’t a ton of people there even with during the game like I mean the upper bowl guys I’m not kidding the section across from us had people in I counted nine people now

That was the worst section you would count that nine is an easy number to count okay I can handle that but just the concept of counting that is a Kevin well when I looked up there and I saw like a group I want you to know that on

This trip Kevin’s imagination has been running more wild than you can imagine we don’t have to go we don’t have to go there crazy um anyway Ernest says we get Kevin back get all this this is this is a historic night for us you know what we’ve never done this I’m offended by

That Luke and I do our best great job for this when when Kevin’s not able to you know Jonathan talks about the Arc of Jaylen su’s career The Arc of these guys when it comes to the G game shows they’ve done great I have yet to get the

Ticker right at the B oh no no you’re doing fine even I forgot today I was so excited I was so excited but this is history we’ve never done a post game live all together this is fine we might be doing more of these like in the playoffs it depends obviously depends on

That schedule but we have some ideas of how that might go you know stepen says the show on the road you better believe it right baby somebody tweeted that we have to be at every away game now I’m not I don’t want to say yes I can’t say

Yes would love that somebody wants to if someone else puts the bill I’ll do it I’ll do it if someone else puts the bill let me close out of this this is getting my way um and and it has to be an amount that would make our wives happy as well

Oh I don’t need to get paid if they just cover the trip I would I’m kiding I’m kiding I’m kiding Dennis I would be divorced Dennis has business handled onto the next let’s go magic let’s do it do you believe this says expecting you guys to sing the song with producer

Kevin didn’t you practice today oh we should have practiced the song that’s a good point oh well we were singing it loud at the end of the game go back to the broadcast you could hear it it’s hard to hear we tried to do it during Cole’s uh you know walk-off interview

But they were blaring so much music in Spectrum Center to to drown us out they were just hating haters there was some salty Charlotte there were some really salty Charlotte fans Michael Lynch our friend from my says a win is a win go magic hit the like button Play the song

A good night there you on you you going pay for that well figuratively speaking but yes please hit the like button guys there’s over 117 of you here tonight a like goes a long way this is a good time to mention we are the six-man show in Orlando Magic podcast we put out

Episodes every Monday and Thursday and we have this live show right here on YouTube after each and every orand Magic game and so if you’re new around here you like orand magic content or even just NBA content why don’t you hit that subscribe button hit the like button

We’re glad you’re here the magic everybody are 10 games above 500 for the first time since April 18th of 2012 that’s so crazy the Dwight May is officially over wow we have officially woken from our slumber years how what grade is a 12-year-old is that fifth

Grade no that’s I was 18 that’s seventh 12 is seventh grade 12 is seventh grade holy smokes yeah yeah wow the whole seventh grader seventh grader we just got a super chat here from Sam says New York my guy both lose magic are the fourth seed on March 5th let’s go I feel

Like I feel like we need to take just a moment really quick here we do this later and we we are going to do it later but like let’s just like take this moment here let’s take it in okay look look at this guys oh it’s not updated that’s

Anticlimactic that’s all right look us seed is it that’s so weird I was going to like you know there it is there it is multi look at that guys your Orlando Magic the four seed take it in Magic fans we deserve this we deserve this long way to go 20

Games left tonight you know tonight’s the mark where there’s 20 games left okay long way to go but wow that is beautiful we’ll talk more about the standings of what all that means later on the show we’re one game away from hitting the over and cashing out baby

Wild wild wild wild do you believe in this is how you know your real one says getting Thanksgiving whisper show Vibes classic Thanksgiving week had a couple of those shows that was fun yeah that was great nesto says need to turn up the clean up the turnovers yeah I mean that

First half what was it 12 12 turns in the first half that’s just unacceptable again I know that what Charlotte was trying to do they’re being super physical but you still got to be better there there were some that they forced but there were also a lot of just

Unforced turnovers pow had a couple really ill advised passes the beginning of the game was rough really really rough really rough Soul Train says the bench really carried them to the W facts that’s true bar stool Orlando Magic says magic 24 champ I mean never say never

Crazy David Duffy says got to have that closet Kevin volume you better believe it Chris says just let us know if you need bail money so so far so good okay um stepen says not a bad time to have a code Jam of the week we’re going to

Definitely have to have a poll like some people really like the fronze dunk yeah the Jaylen dunk was amazing I you know what jayen like I told you I’ve never done drugs in my life but that’s what it must feel like that Jaylen sucks dunk

Like I was just I was in shock yeah that was wild that that might be the craziest dunk I’ve ever seen in person that was insane Nathan says love you guys for reversing the sectomy that’s pretty funny probably won’t do that no Ernest says for C beware Luke says he heard the

Play the song chant good yeah we did those let’s go magic and play the song chants down the stretch there it was pretty fun shout out to the magic fans that were there that joined in with us it was really really fun really fun Karen says I’m happy for the win the

Free throws and turnovers are a problem yeah we haven’t talked about free throws yet magic a ton of free throws and how about all the text tonight like both teams I think the magic had three or four Charlotte had I think two again goes back to the officiating like no one

Was happy with with officiating tonight but yeah you’re right about meit absolutely detonating tonight ridiculous yeah that he had some and then freaking Berton got hot for a stretch there too man that was rough wait Cavs beat the Celtics on a Dean Wade Game Winner Is that how that

Game ended are you serious it was tied with like N9 seconds left what so they got a Max truce game winner and a Dean Wade game winner in like 10 days that is ridiculous great couple of weeks for average looking white dudes crazy crazy uh Nathan says says um

Loving watching the three of y’all together yeah this is fun this is I’m glad we get awesome if we could do it more often yeah got another Super Chat oh the 20 euros from Michael Lyn say have one on me Lads hit the like button you mayia Michael thank you so much

Manely offer people more thank you Michael you know what guys you all should have a million dollars on me wow that’s amazing oh man okay we’re flying through these now guys you guys have been crazy in the chat we’re going try to keep try to keep okay where here

We were okay Miami and Philly looking shaky yeah we saw that okay here we are um Jack had a minute wa from moving to fourth place here we are Nathan says don’t mention Saturday’s game oh you’re talking about store Orlando City yeah that was embarrassing man that was awful

Rex says saw you guys on the Hornet broadcast that is the funniest one to me like the magic one it’s really cool and but that doesn’t really surprise me this that one it was just the perfect like he was right there and I was like I know

What happen I was surprised that was I mean yes I the shout out was a surprise they always show magic fans we were close enough that the showing us you know that that wasn’t a surprise uh Luke said were you guys on the side of the court for the

Dunks no it was the opposite side which in some ways was better for the viewing angle oh yeah we wouldn’t have been able to see it cuz where we I mean my seat especially I was directly behind the basket so on this side like anything at

The Rim was really really hard to see um a lot of easy FR fouls to see that is true man Anthony black had that hustle play ended up right next to me was kind of fun um let’s see here we’re about to be the four seed facts that was a goat moment

Yeah that was insane um breaking Sixers about to lose Ryan says that’s right Nathan says I I never did this before we are the four seed oh Brandon yeah Wendell run away from layups there were a couple times tonight him jayen a couple times guys like were really

Hesitant to go to the rim I don’t know if it’s because we weren’t getting foul calls or what but yeah Wendell especially had a couple moments like one offensive Rebound in particular I’m thinking of where it was like just go back up you know you said a lot of the

Of the fourth quarter he went back to the locker room at one point and they came out and then had the the gun on his thigh so we’ll see what happens with that tomorrow thanks Praises says tuning in late were you three leading to play the song chance tonight what do you

Think that would be us baby what do you think you know think you know who it is it was us as loud as we could man it was It was kind of easy though I mean it was really it was a it was a library all

Gone yeah even during the game like it was it was pretty quiet I mean they had moments you’re right but there was one point I booed a call and I could have swore I heard it Echo no 100% it echoed off all the mtyc in Bowl all the yeah

191 other empty seats in that section feel so bad for Charlotte fans cuz we know what it’s like we’ve been there we know I don’t feel bad we’ve been there Ace the ball says I’m wearing my Rockham socks let’s go love that Ryan says thank you Nets of course

Crazy night Association a says Can someone say for seed Markel said it about uh 18 months ago yeah love that never wrong never wrong yep his timing’s that’s right timing is never wrong it’s always perfect um what uh Soul Train says it’s funny how the Cavs play better

Against the Celtics than the Knicks yeah that’s crazy Nicholas you’re exactly right said refs have no handle on the game that was it was just so poorly afficiated really was really really was Nathan says hi luk hi Nathan look at that you got a fan of Nathan Pickering love that hi Nathan

Stepen pulled out the name referee number 21 dedric Taylor oh okay let’s not do that I mean it’s public knowledge they say it on the broadcast I don’t want people hitting up as LinkedIn or something no that’s fine Rex says Luke that shirt is crazy

Tough that is tough uh Lauren got it for me for Christmas off of etsy actually so it is cease and desist yeah I was about to say is that legal I don’t know but it doesn’t matter because I’m wearing it and rip it off say our future has

Arrived AB yeah AB so good tonight D believe says P5 must be feeling better he has now scored 20 points 2 points in 40 times a season I wanted to say something about this we talked about during this game obviously we’ve seen pal play many times that was the closest

I’ve ever been to watching pal play I don’t know about you guys right yep like seeing him up close like play basketball he’s fast and he is physical and he’s Shifty and his mid-range is just butter there there’s only only one well okay there not there’s only not only one but

The thing that stood out to me tonight that has stood out to me before about pao’s game in the way that even watching him in person you get the feeling he’s often times looking to draw the foul which is great but it causes him to not

Go up strong all the time and being 610 with his frame you got to go up strong all the time he’s only going to get better at that that’s he miss some gim tonight around the rim I I was very surprised to see I think he finished

What like 10 for 20 or something from the field exactly I can’t remember yeah but uh it didn’t look like he was going to finish him for 20 from the field at the start of the game that’s for sure with the turnovers the missing the gimmies fron was missing left and right

As well just very awesome that both of your stars can go without having incredible games from front to back and you still can win I don’t care who the team is because we’ve been the bad team and being able to take care of business was awesome yeah we got a couple super

Chats coming in here we’re going to hit those but 150 158 of you are here right now now that’s crazy this is 160 now this is the most we’ve had in a couple months now so thanks for being here guys obviously hit the like button it really

Helps us out a lot like I said we worked really hard to make this happen on the road just enjoyed this game it was a lot of fun but yeah if you’re hanging out with us definitely hit that like button couple super chats here Luke B says hit

The look at that hit the like guys exactly hit the like B Dill who we got to meet tonight is local here to Charlotte big magic fan big supporter of the six man show um got to meet you so it’s was awesome to meet you always in

The Discord yep he says I let out a huge Roar when Jaylen threw that down we hold it that was that was I mean we’re like holding each other back literally like yeah that’s crazy that must be what heroin feels like that must be all right

We got kids watching this I’m sorry all right I’m don’t do heroin though it’s not good it’s genuinely not good Jonathan okay this is what say no to drugs sorry remember this is a live show everybody sorry Soul Train says AB is really efficient lately yeah yeah I mean credit

To AB like solidifying lately especially a a spot in the second unit which is really really cool to see something most of us have said he’s deserved you know basically since he had to start was forced to start you know after those injuries you know halfway or not even

Halfway like in the first quarter of the Season all right picking up from the rest of the chat here um let’s see Cameron says great Williams and of course miles miles bridges are literally two of the least likable players man they’re they’re rough Joe Eng Les with Grant Willams oh

My gosh that’s another thing being that close Joe Les I know everyone talks about him that dude does not stop talking trolling I mean even like the most simple things like one of the things that made me laugh tonight was I think was Grant Williams was at the line

He got fouled and he’s standing at the line and Joe Eng Les likes to push everything just as like push the boundaries like the limit as far as he can before the refs do anything so like Grant Williams is lined up for the free throw and Joe Engles is just standing

Directly in front of him talking talking to me like he doesn’t have to stand there but he chooses to to get right in great Williams way and like mess with him he’s talking with me like and then it’s time for the free throw and then he steps it’s little things like that

Williams earlier was it this year where he was like stepped up to the line at one point last year last play where he steps up at the line of the playoffs and he’s like I’m going to make them both I’m going to make them both and tonight

We were close enough that we heard Mo vogner say Grant Williams makes the first one yeah he go you’re not going to make a both and he did he but you know that’s side the point another Super Chat has coming this one is from Sha black says the magic

Got what is J jonno doing horse I don’t know what he just made you say something crazy something crazy uhhuh I I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what that is I don’t want to I don’t know I I apologize thank you for the Super Chat I really

Don’t know I usually am pretty good at deciphering these things I really don’t know what that is I’m sorry if that’s a reference if that’s a reference or whatever I’m just not cool you got understand we’re pretty old so um especially me I’m old we’ll get to this comment later I

Just saw it but someone said an airb B Tour that’s funny we’re too we’re too attached over here we got the the camera and everything uh yeah Ricardo we mentioned this earlier but yeah we’ll remind everybody for those are tuning in here Ricardo says the magic are 10 games over

500 for the first time since 2012 that is insane thanks praiser says AB is going to be incredible in his prime glad to see him getting minut love that Santi said seemed like there were a lot of magic fans in the crowd there really were there really really

And and we were talking about this before the game there’s always a mixture of like whether magic fans or somewhere like this there’s a lot of Duke fans so a lot of paa fans were there Wendell those kinds of things Cole you know went to UNC but by and large they were actual

Magic fans there tonight of course it helps when the team is good you know those things kind people that didn’t go to school here right in Charlotte or around Charlotte because the first like three out of five Magic jerseys I saw walk walking into the Spectrum Center we

Jaylen s Jersey so Jaylen s is just going to continue taking people by storm the playoffs are going to be when he goes to another level in terms of popularity yeah yeah we saw a lot of jayen saw some frond saw some custom Magic jerseys as well it was a lot of

Fun a lot of fun Soul Train says the bench really makes a difference when guys like France have a three-point drought yeah I kept saying like once France gets going this game is over like that’s what it felt like he got going felt like yeah but you’re right the

Bench is what what carried us when when he was wasn’t playing well Jeffrey again asked did you guys start to play the song chant you better freaking believe it um Rex says what team is our realistic ideal first round match up we’ve talked about this a little bit and we’ll

Definitely talk about this as the season gets closer we still got 20 games to go I if it’s possible I think New York is for me like that’s the ideal yeah it would suck to have a lot of Nicks fans in our place during the playoffs but

Matchup wise I’m not scared of New York personally I don’t know we’ll talk more about this later I don’t know if you guys have a quick answer really just we just haven’t really seen them healthy since they’ve made like the OG move it’s true so that’s that’s my only sort of

Hesitation with that match up Pacers would be awesome oh Pacers would be great an alternate universe where they can happen it might still be able to happen I’m not entirely certain if we can be the four and they can be the five you never know yeah or we could be the

Three they could be the essentially what you really need to look at when it comes to what match ups you want are the ones where teams that allow a lot of points in the paint um that’s a huge one because the magic largely get their points in the paint um even if their

Three-point shot is falling they’re trying to get to the paint and attack it so that’s a huge thing for sure um and you know team that struggles defensively the only hero says benle came through tonight Joe with eight assists no turnovers I had no can’t wait to I know

I haven’t looked at the box score I had no idea had eight assists that’s crazy ever Marshall says Grant Williams eats corn the long way I love that wow wow Nathan says Nathan says cashed in my over 35 and a half winsight love that for congrats mine was 36 and a half

Jonathan says how did Dante not get you guys down on the court to give us a play the song I’ll tell you why not that he tried but even if he tried the Spectrum center staff yeah oh my go y I know they

Have a job to do I’ve been that like I I used to be an usher dude at an NFL stadium but you got to have like you got to have a little bit of discretion and those those people were we had people 30 minutes before the game starts there’s

Nobody in the stands yet no just people coming down to say hello not even for 30 seconds and the ushers are trying to tell them to like get one particular that was a confusing man because I think he is genuinely a nice person and was dancing music but uh but but yeah no

They they did not he did not have a good of this also to be fair I guess jcole was right there and so maybe it’s a little extra security right there that was long before the am that that was yes but the stuff later was the amount of

People that approached jcole was amazing do to me literally as they’re walking by J can I get a picture can I get a picture not even that like we had a couple in front of us that was kind of like right in our way not kind of they

Were right in our way because they were trying to get a couple steps forward to jcole to say hi right he actually knew them so that was that was that worked out for them but just obstructing my view wasn’t uh that was not our we got

Another Super Chat the clock oh mine was 35 and a half let’s go out lari with another Super Chat we need to plan Road games with a group of fans from Orlando next year bring Benji next time we’ve talked about doing that we’ve definitely talked about that we

Might have to do that sometime yes next season can’t really speak too much more to that yeah we have and we will we will bring Benji for you next time that’ll be fun all right we it I mean we’re at 36 minutes here we’re going to fly through

The rest of these okay um because we still got to look at the box score and other stuff um man we left off somewhere over here okay here we are um uh let’s see Ryan says that nine game win streak we had at the beginning of the season is instrumental for us at

This point in the season we were talking about this beforehand this is four in a row y right nine in a row is very doable so many people have been like oh man the magic could get to 50 we might be able to get to 50 I’m not ready to let myself

Get there right if we get to nine on this streak I will say it’s at least possible listen you’ve got what 20 games left now I think yeah 20 games left you’re what 36 36 wins so you even if you go 500 the rest of the way with a pretty favorable schedule

Here as we know y That’s 46 wins yeah wow wins is definitely not out of the question but I understand not trying to get ah head of yourself but there is well it’s just like 20 games to go we’d have to go like 14 and six the rest of

The way like that right it might feels it might end up being like 48 but if we win another five games in a row and get it to nine right then you have to go know nine and seven or whatever the rest of the way like nine and six nine and

Six which 16 yeah no you’re right yeah 146 nine and yeah that’s right that’s right Maddie says fron dunk was insane man that was and Sal jaylen’s was that was insane okay I’m gon have to skip a lot of these guys sorry this is um you

Guys are being insane there’s 160 of you still here man you guys are you guys are wild Chris says I wasn’t married yet in 2012 yeah had 2012 was my second year of college and yeah that’s a different era sophomore wow okay thanks Luke Daniel Daniel says

Moment of silence for all our past sufferings I mean that’s what this stuff feels like right here stuff like nice like tonight feels like like man like we we officially turned the corner turn the corner turn the corner man and like is crazy I don’t want to like it’s not like

All that stuff was worth it it’s not one of those things but it’s like it was worth it it is but I’m saying that’s not what I mean but it’s just like all that like that’s that suffering through all of that is that’s why we do it cuz we

Knew knew this day would come we we hoped at least happen we hoped that’s we hoped Sam says yes sir let’s freaking go of course let’s do it Maniacs just look at that home record it’s elite man is an elite home record you love that now well

Like 208 30 and one in games leading the yes yeah yeah 30 and one with a lead going into the fourth quarter love that leis says home court advantage against the Knicks for a seven game a game seven win to start the new magic era that would be insane that would be insane

Von’s tweet or text no I don’t even it’s you with your arms crossed say someone tell bro his team is the fourth scene oh my gosh B Dill says magic fans showed up fron versus Jaylen dunks are going to be tough but Jaylen got me out of my seat

Yeah that was insane the Windell fake was good too yeah Ernest that was pretty sick um Peace craft says I feel bad for Steve Clifford yeah facts ell says how are the Charlotte fans treating y’all tonight for the most part pretty good we had one Grump in front of us but I mean

To be fair if my team was had what 15 wins and three of the loudest magic fans on planet Earth sat right behind me I would probably be a little bit grumpy too by way one one of us is a very good uh cheerer I do this he does he Embraces it

Oh man we we did we did make an in an inadvertent mistake so apparently apparently ber it was Burtons that got hurt I think so someone got hurt for for the Hornets we never ever ever want to happenly but it a good play just happened I think Cole it just scored

Yeah and so they called timeout and’s going crazy walking to the Ben he was fired up and the magic bench walks out to meet him and so there’s a wall of tall men in front of us okay and so we’re yeah Co let’s go yeah yeah and I

Hear behind us you guys be quiet I was like I just thought they were really salty I was like okay whatever we sat down and then we realized there was no music playing which obviously if you go to NBA game you know there’s music playing every

Time out and I was like this is weird this is super awkward what’s going on like it was 30 seconds and then we found out it’s cuz Berton got hurt so we were up there cheered let’s go call and that’s why they were yelling at us cuz

They thought we were a bunch of jerks I felt kind of bad about that but is getting absolutely buried oh gosh for for all the Charlotte fans watching this we weren’t cheering because okay uh Ricardo says so good magic fans this is by far a season to remember of course Nessa said Jeff

Turner shouted yall out yeah big shout out to Dante Dante and Jeff I think I think Dante did yeah um I can’t share this one on the the screen we try to keep it PG close but um uh I oh my God sha I’m reading yours

I can’t I can’t say that out loud that’s really funny though Mike says how was the magic crowd it was great it was a lot of fun um I’m a fan not owner says live it up fellas soak this moment in Magic future is bright six-man for the

Win thank you so much appreciate that oh it was fisan who said Airbnb tour you troll get out of here that’s so funny Michael Martin a six man show crew AKA Road Warriors better freaking believe it uh Nicholas says Cole Anthony’s top five best magic players to interview oh

Probably top one top one top one top five and he’s not two three or four or five Ty says can we get a magic party bus that’d be that’d be insane some of y’all I don’t know I don’t know if I can handle being party bus with some of

Y’all some of y’all are crazy definely not a sh yeah sheesh Brandon says if magic fans funed this would you do this for every away game I probably get paid for I can’t work my real job I would have to have a real like it would have to be a

Substantial amount I can’t work my real job this you know that’s that’s a thing and I would have to conin ER says Minister defense shut up on the other side he had some great blocks tonight it was really fun of course um all right let’s keep going here we’re almost to

The bottom um AB is up to 40% from three David says is that right disg is that true for the season I mean that wouldn’t surprise me I mean was it three for four tonight volume typically to right right but still I mean 40% but like I I

Believe in his ability to grow into a about to say you guys remember his summer league he’s at 40% I don’t care the volume right that’s a wild be Dill says my toter just asked what is her with no don’t say that better although oh gosh it’s a

Terrible substance that you should stay far far away from okay um yeah oh facts oh my this is educational oh my gosh that is not good for you say no to drugs all right let’s move on Joe Hunter says I’ve seen you guys at the game oh yeah during the the

B I think it’s called B Sports South is the Charlotte broadcast Chris we said free ab ab has been freed love that love that there’s a lot of drug references in here tonight men says Spectrum Center staff are miserable it’s true man it’s true it’s true

Um iaru says the Knicks are starting the Bing Bong meme crew instead of stars now oh right because all their of all their injuries yeah mes Detroit let us down yeah that was rough well what did you expect yeah of course of course yeah nine nine wins isn’t that crazy what a

Photo um oh that’s good that’s good that’s good thanks bra says I predicted 48 to 50 wins during summer league with our push at the end of last season in mind well you’re looking really really good looking really really good Janine says Kevin going to have to change his

Work plans facts man if we’re the four seed I might have to start working on it right now man that’s crazy that’s crazy um all right we’re at the bottom here I I had to skip a lot obviously guys but um I mean it’s there’s still 160 of you

Maniacs in here what are you doing that’s crazy thank you guys so much for hanging out with us let’s look at the box score we’re not going to take it T ton of time on this today it was a really uh balanced game tonight um but we’ll hit a couple things

We already talking about fron fron really struggle tonight he tried to get going early but his first two drives to the rim he got whacked and got no call and so I don’t if that just set the tone for him or if he got frustrated and like

Trickled down to the rest of the game but obviously 05 from three probably three or four of those were really good looks you’d like to see him hit um but rough night for for fron Pao you know 22 points for him as well as five boards

Three assists nine 19 from the field and two of five from three pretty good night from pow no nothing in this box score is pretty tonight I mean it’s just facts but Wendell tonight 12 points nine boards also had an assist and a steal Gary with nine as well went two of two

From three that’s pretty great Jaylen only four points what a loud four points they were good grief also had four boards three assists and a steel shout to Mosley for sticking with him mhm when he had four fouls what was that like 10 minutes to go go in the third and I was

Like Jamal just please take him out and he didn’t and to jaylen’s credit Jamal’s credit Jaylen didn’t play a lot in the fourth but right you know to his credit didn’t pick up that fifth foul yeah that was big Jonathan Isaac 404 the field hitting his lone three yep

11 points for him awesome tonight we already talked about Joe Eng Les earlier but if you if you weren’t here didn’t score 0 one from the field but eight assists and no turnovers I had no idea I had no idea he had eight assists that’s crazy that’s awesome lot of Mojo tonight

Yeah yeah AB 10 points we already mentioned three or four from three one of four from the free throw line though that’s rough Mo Vagner 11 points tonight four boards uh Cole had 14 some really really big buckets down the stretch man you can tell like when Cole’s cooking

Like he hits a couple and then all of a sudden that swag that we we love you’re just like you just expect everything to to fall and then we just mentioned ji 11.6 boards a lot of really good defensive possessions as you’d come to expect from ji and then we had Caleb

Chuma and Admiral come in for 46 seconds down the stretch um for Charlotte wow meic was their high score that is crazy it was awesome look what happened to Tony’s photo of jaylen’s dunk wow ref in the way ref in the way what what a perfect way to like sum up

The night the ref just getting in the way of if you’re not familiar with Tony Winn is’s photographer and social media for the magic had a what would have been a sick shot of jaylen’s dunk instead there’s a ref that was just in front of

It so um let’s take a look at some of these um team stats here Magic win every quarter but the second yeah that seems about right out um points in the paint magic with 42 you’d like to see us get more than that on a team like Charlotte

I mean they were like small a lot of times to very small yep I mean they clog the paint a lot but very small when you’re driving to the paint and you’re getting fouled and you’re not free throw there only so much you can do you’re right bench doubles them up of course

Love to see that 17 and 19 turn RS respectively I mean that’s the part that’s just yucky but look at this the magic did a great job of capitalizing 23 I mean let me back up 23 on 19 isn’t great but Charlotte only getting 10 on

17 is awful that’s really bad so credit to the magic for doing better there um Trey man had some flashes tonight like there’s a non z% chance that he’s filthy yeah he is I’m not we can’t we can’t listen to the gator bias over here but

I’ll listen to the UN I hit him with the NS he he scored and I hit him with the that was appreciated here all right some team shooting stats Charlotte only shoots 45% from the field and 36 from threee 54% from the field 37% we shot

Better from the field than we did from the free throw line 53% eight of 15 awful get it together y’all awful man eight offensive rebounds that’s great you out rebound him 41 to 31 23 assists on 40 40 field goals it’s not bad nine steals a block you know turnover

Discrepancy there but whatever points in the pay fouls okay we looked at all that all right guys I look at some of these standings here we already looked at this once but oh gosh I’m breaking it here we go we already looked at this once but

Your Atlanta Magic on March what will be March 6th are the four seed in the Eastern Conference crazy and the other number I keep looking at the magic are now 11 games clear of missing the postseason with 20 games to go let that let that soak in guys and

Your what is your home record 21 and8 is that 21 and8 that’s right home road record is uh going to get hopefully continue to get better here and don’t forget we have an eight game home stand coming up starting next two weeks two weeks from now I think eight game home stand crazy

Crazy crazy all right guys let’s look at the chat one last time here um and uh see what we got here has 150 of I cannot believe you guys are still with us at 50 minutes thank you guys so much for hanging out with us on a historic night

For the magic stort night for our show doing this this is this is this is really really really fun guys really great having you guys here all right last couple little bit here from the chat Chris says 79 79 likes come on guys hit that thumbs up we’ve already had a

Few more come in but yeah hit that like button if you’re hanging out with us here tonight um uh yeah some of you guys are really funny Luci I’ll take 50 Cent over J.Cole for our main magic celebrity fan yeah I mean you can you can debate you know

Best rapper and stuff but J.Cole is a part owner of the Hornet so that’s their thing you know Gary and ji questionable for tomorrow for tomorrow yeah that doesn’t surprise me doesn’t surprise me at all oh that was one thing I did want to I me forgot to mention the box score

A lot of guys played less than 30 minutes tonight I think Pao and I don’t remember who the other person was uh that played more than 30 minutes here um Pao and of course it’s fron played just over 30 but everyone else was they’re young was pretty good I hope so I hope

So um 88 likes my goodness yeah come on it’s awesome let’s get that to 100 y’all if you’ve been sitting here with us for 40 minutes now and you have not hit the like button please hit the like button Ty says Kevin is heavy on the sensor

Button tonight I mean you know I I try to think about our family audience you know um let’s see here um so when you guys want to follow this team on the road go for it we did see Hank who if you guys don’t know Hank is the uh the

Guy who attends every Magic game this season game pretty much what a life man isn’t that crazy that’s so crazy um if you’ve been watching any magic games on the road this year and you see somebody always sitting next to the bench or behind the bench and you’re like who is

That guy it’s a very good chance it’s yep Shelby says our boys in blue white silver and black have done it again thanks for another great show Kevin Luke and Jonathan thank you guys so much appreciate that uh thanks bra can we play the song for the fourth SE we did

That earlier we’ll play our let’s go m Magic song at the end how about that so uh Joe says uh oh yeah we we met Joe tonight that’s awesome says y’all go Charlotte again next year was cool meeting you dudes obviously awesome meeting you Joe that was that was really

Fun and obviously always great to get a win um say Kyle not Cal that’s a cool name say we also have Tiger Woods and fron from Atilla for celeb magic fans I that’s probably I I’m has been to a game Tiger has been to a game well tiger

Hasn’t been to a game since he had all those controversies I don’t think he goes in public very much but anyway all right probably going to wrap it up for us guys uh what a night what a night for us here um final thoughts Jonathan my final thoughts is I’m thinking about

What we’re going to get on new breach that’s a good final thought final thought uh for me once again if we met you tonight got a picture with you guys had a picture with a lot of you guys it it was it was awesome it was awesome to

To get those those moments tonight talking with everybody and and and putting faces to names and all that in all seriousness like we were sitting there at multiple points tonight and just like think about how awesome of an experience it it was and none of it would be possible without everybody that

Supports and shows love and everything like that so um just a big thank you to everybody that we got the chance to finally meet tonight so many of you we’ve talked with you online for years and being able to finally meet you guys is awesome and just super appreciative

As always we love you guys this is literally why we do this we do this because of this fan base we want to grow it make it stronger so the fact that whether it’s you know meeting magic fans tonight that live up here in the Carolinas or whether it’s right now

We’ve got 150 magic fans hanging out in a chat like this four ways away from 100 likes I know yeah this this is why we exist and so to see nights like tonight happen like whether it’s again in person whether it’s here on the show like this

Is why we exist it’s awesome all right so it’s a lot of fun uh luar I’m glad you said this I’ll mention this really fast said see you Sunday with Benji’s postgame uh postgame show uh with the six fan show yeah this Sunday our guy

Ben will be outside of Kia Center for a huge matchup magic Pacers if you live in Central Florida definitely recommend you check that game out it’s a really big one for the standings and then like Lewis said after the game uh Benji will be out there for the six fan show which

Should be electric but I think it’s going to do it for us guys we’re going to roll our outro here um these guys tomorrow night will record our next episode of six man show which will go up Thursday obviously they’ll talk about this game and all kinds of other fun

Stuff but very exciting group night coming what a night what a night guys Magic win a big one a lot of other guys lose it’s really really exciting time guys we’re in the final stretch 20 games to go who knows who knows what can happen but we’re going to be here for

The whole ride we’ll see you guys later and let’s go Magic let’s Go

SPECIAL NOTE FOR THIS EPISODE: Because Kevin, Jonathan, and Luke will be at tonight’s game in Charlotte, tonight’s show will start later than usual. We encourage you to go ahead and turn on notifications so you know when we go live! See you then!

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  1. Pickin this one up in Scotland
    at 6am. Great show as always guys. Orlando Magic Maniacs, worldwide! Great to see the 3 Musketeers in one room! Keep up the amazing work.

  2. At the end of the year during the off-season, you should get Kendra back on the show and ask her about her experiences during the year and also that J. Cole moment!

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