@Memphis Grizzlies

More Memphis Grizzlies injury woes/NBA Draft Lottery Simulations!

More Memphis Grizzlies injury woes/NBA Draft Lottery Simulations!

On this episode of lock on Grizzlies it is a wild and wonderful Wednesday edition of the show The Michael Cole is back and he will be talking more grin Grizzly injury update news hate to be a grinch which is where I was going with that but I’m not a huge fan of the

Grizzlies health staff at this moment then from there demichel has a great piece on the commercial appeal talking about NBA draft lottery simulation stuff lots of good content there and we’ll preview Grizzlies Philly tonight stay locked in with us it’s locked on Grizzlies let’s go you are locked on

Grizzlies your daily Memphis Grizzlies podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day it is a wild and wonderful Wednesday edition of lockdown Grizzlies thank you so much for being with us wherever you’re checking out the show Apple Spotify Amazon YouTube whatever the case might be we appreciate you being with us on this Wednesday edition of lockon Grizzlies I am one of your hosts Joe

Mullen joined by my co-host of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee Mr dichael Cole uh good to have you back with me here partner been going not so though I had Parker Fleming one of our mutual friends on the show yesterday uh but good to have you back

As always partner looking forward to talking uh the sunshiny rainbow existence that is the Memphis Grizzlies injury report here with you shortly again we are free and available wherever you get your podcast as proud members of the lockon podcast Network your team each and every day like comment rate

Review subscribe check us out on YouTube continue to make lockdown Grizzlies a part of your NBA content consumption today we’re going to talk about to Michael’s awesome piece over the Commercial Appeal taking a look at the Grizzlies Lottery possibilities obviously tons of content that we can

Dive into as the season ends it’s going to be a long stretch between the start of the playoffs and the NBA Draft so we’ll we’ll we’ve got lots to talk about there but we’ll start that conversation or progress slowly we’ll also preview Grizzlies 76ers tonight but first to

Michael you know the Grizzlies came out with more injury information again you as the beat writer for the organization on uh the Commercial Appeal you know a lot more about this kind of stuff than me so I’ll let you kind of take it away two members of the Grizzlies uh that are

Going to be missing a larger amount of time than perhaps we thought yeah um well I mean I I don’t know at this point I don’t know what to think you know when guys get hurt I just you you just wait and see uh what comes next but uh yeah

You mentioned it basically Z Williams I think it’s a hip flexor strain and lower back injury for him and he’ll be reevaluated in four weeks Dereck Rose still dealing with the growing injury uh on his part and he’ll be re-evaluated in three weeks now this is important to

Point out from the standpoint of there are about five weeks left in the grizzly season so uh zy Williams in particular who is the one I think we all can agree of the of the two that needs to play the most yeah uh in these games absolutely

He will be re-evaluated in four weeks which means he’ll be re-evaluated with one week left or a little more than a week left in the season in probably two or three uh games uh so that’s this I think of the two players and and Joe I think you it’s

Safe to say that you agree it’s it’s more meaningful uh from a timeline perspective uh in the case of zire Williams Because looking at his case and and I think it’s it’s this was a time frame where we’ve talked about how this is kind of a trial or an opportunity of

For certain players and he was one of the main uh pieces for that and now I think as we go into offseason there’s still going to be a lot of questions that need to be answered on the part of Z Williams and it’s a big offseason for

Him and we’ll see how the Grizzlies address that situation in in in totality massive for him in terms of his ability to be here long term because Parker talked about this on yesterday’s show yeah zier’s about to double his salary essentially right I think he go from

Like three million or so to six million and that sounds like oh you know that’s in the NBA you know you’ve got guys making a lot more than that that’s a lot of money for a team that’s going to continue to be up against the luxury tax

You got to deal more on the margins in that kind of situation and zier not being able to show consistently what he’s capable of within the scheme of the Grizzlies that’s significant the Derrick Rose injury doesn’t matter as much and we can talk more about this again as the

Season concludes kind of review the season I guess you could argue it was a worthwhile signing in terms of being a role model again you’re much more tuned in with that than me I’m not going to pretend like I understand the locker room Dynamics with rose there which was

Part of the reason he was being brought in In fairness but in terms of the ENC Court product I can’t because I watch the games it just hasn’t been there right whether it’s availability whether it’s consistency it just has been a failure in terms of the on the court

Stuff but again that wasn’t the whole reason that Derrick Rose was brought in and then of course zier just needing reps I think that and this could be maybe a better topic down the road to Michael do you see zier Williams being traded more than you see Derrik Rose

Being waved because Derrik has another year on that contract taken and again I think it’s $3 million something along those lines minimum yeah it’s minimum yeah he’s got the vet minimum so on one hand you know Rose if he’s available you can do worse with a third or fourth

String point guard right I think that’s important to point out you can do lots worse than that when it comes to Rose but that’s a roster spot and with Lamar Stevens showing out and these two-way guys that the Grizzlies might be interested in things are going to get

Tight what do you envision them doing with these guys if they don’t get any more sample size this season in terms of either of them playing and again that might be a bigger macro conversation later but just your your gut instinct right now you say that it’s more

Important for zire to play I agree with you but moving forward it’s a heck of a lot easier to move on from Rose if they want to because you got to find somebody that wants zier Williams yeah I mean two completely different situations when you talk about it from that perspective but

Here’s the thing here’s where I lay it out yo this is how I kind of examine the two futures of those two guys you basically look at it from the standpoint of what certain other players do on the roster will determine uh the future of a

Zy Williams and the future of a derck rose in Memphis the player to watch in terms of the future for Derek Rose and Scotty pipman Jr uh he’s been out a couple weeks now he’s going to be re-evaluated here uh I believe in the next week or so and we’ll see you know

When again he’s going to be reevaluated doesn’t mean he’s going to return uh I haven’t seen him out there practicing yet or anything like that he’s still been in Street closed but uh we’ll get an update there and when he’s re-evaluated if he’s able to return in

Short order and if he plays like he was playing before uh the injury the the back injury that he that he’s been dealing with I think you can make a case for giving Scotti Pippen Jr a 14 or 15 man uh roster spot with the the scoring

Ability that he’s shown and I mean he he’s he was impressive in in smaller stretches like you put more Talent on the floor with him you know give him more minutes with what the I guess the Grizzlies roster could look like last season I think he could be a potential

Uh piece that you could sign you know to a nice four-year contract like they’ve done with you know GG Jackson and Vince Williams and kind of build around who fits the timeline a little bit more than Derrick Rose but you touched on something that’s really important to

Point out with Derrick Rose it’s what why I won’t call the signing a a quote unquote like a failure or anything like that on the court it has been you’re right I think uh I looked at it Joe he hasn’t played in more than five consecutive games at any point this

Season that’s a massive disappointment there’s no other way to describe that it’s a massive disappointment and again I’m not going to say I told you so because my concern was his production on the court and at times he’s shown flashes of what he’s capable of I didn’t

Talk about the injury concerns as much I know others did and that has damned his season more than his actual play yeah and but for me it was more about the the leadership stuff the the the veter stuff I mean we we saw I mean what this

Grizzlies team like was last season I mean it was it was a fun team to cover and watch a lot of times but there were a lot of you know uh times where you knew oh well Yep this is definitely one of the younger teams in the NBA there

Were a lot of moments that reminded you of that and we haven’t had as many of those type moments this season because of Marcus Smart because of a Derrick Rose talking to the guys in the locker room they always talk about man Derrick Rose has has done wonders for me and

Things like that and I don’t think a lot of it is so just them kind of like clapping you know at Derrick Rose because of the fact that uh it comes up unprovokingly a lot you know I just ask about leadership and things like that

His name is just one of the first names that brought up and he’s pretty much brutally honest with him like I was talking about a situation about a week or so ago with GG Jackson and and him being a more of a playmaker and Derrick Rose basically said he he goes to GG

Jackson and he he tells him like are you gonna you’re gonna stop being scary dribbling the ball or what like he he he he’s going to challenge him to be better and you need those type of guys in the locker room and that’s kind of been his

Role now with Z Williams I think Lamar Stevens is the key to watch uh the way he’s played he’s played better than zy Williams like let’s just be honest now we haven’t seen him play a similar position as Z Williams whereas Lamar Stevens has been playing more four and

Five with the Grizzlies that probably wouldn’t be the case if he’s kept around he’d probably be more three and four and uh I think he if he continues to show throughout the rest of the season that makes Z Expendable you you mentioned that you have to find a partner and

That’s the hard part right now because if zy Williams plays this last month like through March and April the way he played in February February he averaged close to 13 points a game shooting over 45% from the field if he does for February and March I guarantee you

There’s some team out there that say Hey look you’re not about to break an arm and a leg from from us for getting this player but we take him for a protected second round pick or something like that so uh I think this hurts uh you know

Figuratively for for Z Williams a little bit more from the grizzly side the Derrick Rose situation will be a little bit easier to handle because either Scotti Pippen Jr will step up or if he doesn’t I still think you just keep rose on the back end of the roster because I

Mentioned the fact that he hasn’t played more than five consecutive games at any point well if you have John Morant if you have Marcus SM and and those guys available he won’t have to play more than five consecutive games at any point next season he like much of the roster

Has been outside of his ideal role because of the realities of this season healthwise and that obviously has reared its ugly head again in the case of rose and Williams so hopefully things improve maybe not this season but it’s a big offseason for everybody in Memphis and

It’s those two are not immune to that by any stretch when we come back here on lockon Grizzlies we’re going to discuss a great piece that to Michael award-winning riter to Michael Cole has up for the Commercial Appeal there today in Memphis Tennessee taking a look at some Lottery simulations who Memphis

Might be in the mix for as a lottery pick team we’ll talk about all that next year on lockdown Grizzlies but first this episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by eBay motors passion Drive patience what brings home the winning trophy is also what keeps your

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Times stick with us welcome back to lockon Grizzlies I am Joe Mullen X joined by I’m my co-host to Michael Cole of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee thank you so much for hanging out with us we talked Derrick Rose and Z Williams injury updates earlier we’re gonna move on to sunnier

Happier times right because as soon as this season’s over we can start thinking about next season and we’ll be honest we’ve already started that process to Michael is not immune to that he has a wonderful piece over at the commercial and obviously you wrote it to Michael so

I’ll let you summarize it uh taking a look at draft simulations who various mock drafts have Memphis taking again it’s hard to predict the Grizzlies could jump up into the top four they could fall back all the way to 78 n something along those lines all sorts of

Different outcomes but you did some research and uh have a little bit better of an idea where the Grizzlies may fall in the lottery yeah you’re gonna have some fun things to say this segment too I’m looking forward to hearing but but uh yeah to get into the story and the

Idea of it you know we me and you’ve talked about these tank of tank ofon simulations a little bit I know you’re you’re really into him uh but what I did Mar for a month or so yeah so I I finally got on tank of Thon a little bit

More and uh you know just did about 20 or so simulations and out of 20 simulations the the most just looked at which draft spots uh that the Grizzlies were projected to to kind of fall into and the players that would be available in that range and what I gathered was

The seventh spot was the most prominent one I think the grizzly right now at this current moment are projected to pick sixth but the seventh spot if you through the 20 simulations I think there were eight of them that landed with the number seven pick but I know there are

More entertaining things that people want to hear and the more entertaining things that people want to hear is two times out of the 20 simulations so that’s about 10% but uh on two of the simulations the Grizzlies landed whipped the number one overall pick and I I I

Think we have a good idea of who the who the Grizzlies would uh pick in that situation but so going a step further I also looked at you know some of the other recent mock drafts out there like where are the mocks kind of projecting the Grizzlies to draft right now uh ESPN

Currently has the Grizzlies getting jacobe Walter which is a guard out of Baylor ble guard forward out of Baylor uh Bleacher Report has the Grizzlies getting Rob Dillingham which is a guard out of Kentucky the athletic has Ron Holland G a forward going to the Grizzlies CBS uh has Cody Williams a

Freshman for the brother of Jaylen Williams young star for Oklahoma City Thunder uh has him going to the Grizzlies in the draft and then the ringer has Kevin mccullers’s the Kansas guard SL Ford going to the Grizzlies so what you notice out of that is all those players are perimeter oriented and we

Spent a lot of time talking about the Grizzlies biggest need being Center and what I will say is I like it I I like it because of the fact that I’ve been very adamant about the idea of when you draft a center you better know because the

Suns drafted the center at the top a couple years ago and I mean well more than a couple years ago probably five six years ago now and DeAndre aidon and Luca Jared Jackson Jr Trey young all went behind him now context matters there though DeAndre Aon played at

Arizona there’s some stuff that connects there I I mean yeah but Luca also didn’t he play with the the sun’s former coach like in Slovenia at the time like there were some other connections so I get it though but but the point is that Center

Has to be a Victor when Bama I mean not exactly him but it has to be a prospect who you know from day one is going to come in and be uh a impact player for me and if you look at the draft like the way this draft is shaping out the reason

That the G Grizzlies in five notable mock drafts are projected to go with perimeter oriented players because guard and four is super deep through the top 20 picks in this draft you’re only going to find four big men pretty much in that group uh five in Some Mo drafts in that

Top 20 range and The Grizzlies I’m just not a big fan of reaching in this in in all those mock drafts the Grizzlies are projected to pick sixth seventh or eigh only one big man is off the board when the Grizzlies are pro jeed to pick in

Every mock draft that I’ve seen I have not seen a mock draft that has a second big man off the board before the Grizzlies pick but Joe I I know you still you you got some love for the big guys me personally I like the idea of the Grizzlies basically are drafting too

High to draft for need you need to go for the best available and If the Grizzlies stay in that six to eight range as I mentioned I did 20 simulations and they picked that number seven eight times if they’re picking that number seven the best available is

Going to be a guard or forward and you draft that player unless you trade down yeah I completely disagree with that completely disagree completely don’t even agree a little bit like I I I I I agree with the concept of drafting best player available if that if that is going to be

The philosophy though for this particular draft because as I’ve talked about before there’s an exception here for me this year is the exception and for somebody that loves Stephen Adams so much you sure are interested in taking guys that don’t help fill that void uh Donovan kingan fills that void all right

I want to stress that he and he has gotten leaner and he has gotten better I’ve actually watched some tape of him you draft him at seven Hall I would absolutely draft him at seven and the reason why is because some of the other names that are around that place the

Names that you just listed off jacobe Walter does not help the Memphis Grizzlies right now he doesn’t do it okay he just doesn’t Rob Dillingham I think he’s a phenomenal Talent you want to bring in Rob Dillingham I can sign off on that yeah one of Luke Canard or

Marcus Smart has to go right now because why would you have a guy that is your seventh overall pick be your fifth guard on your roster it doesn’t make sense to me so one of those dudes has got to go and it’s probably Canard and you guys

Already know where I stand on that philosophy uh Kyle filipowski has done really strong things at Duke I’d be cool with him the one big that you keep mention if the Memphis Grizzlies do jump up to number one Alexander SAR would be awesome right that solves the problem

He’s becoming the number one almost consensus there’s a couple of names that are still kind of floating around there right but SAR is coming closer to being that consensus number one overall pick at 7 foot one and that would solve some issues but again I I look at the size of

Some of these guys Cody Williams 6 foot eight 185 pounds 185 pounds at 6 fo8 like what are we talking about the Michael Jobe Walter 6’5 180 pounds he’s almost as heavy as Williams and he’s several inches shorter the teenages they are so but again are we trying to win a

Championship or not that is the question that I’m going to ask you between now and June every time we discuss this are we trying to win a championship or not I think Donovan kingan puts you in that conversation I’ll back off my Zack Ed take that’s me going a little bit

Overboard all right I you trade back to the or something like that that’s when i’ take Zack but Donovan kingan absolutely I would take him at seven 100% be if filipowski to be honest with you I would take it seven because those are guys that feel an immediate need for

A team that swears up and down their Championship Contender are you trying to contend for a title or not are any of those wings in h combo forwards that you just mentioned going to start for this team in the fall yeah so here are they I’m asking you a question those

Abely do you want to win a championship or not this this is my this is my rotal to that though I I say that fact that you’re not trying to just build a championship team next season you’re trying to build a championship window here Taylor Jenkins is trying to build a

Championship team next season because if they don’t if they don’t get out of the first round I think he’s fired I think he’s gone I think he’s gone I don’t know how you can make an argument for him mov I don’t think you’re wrong at that point

And the thing is I think you can do just that without this first round pick you know being the Rookie of the Year or playing 25 or so minutes because you can go in free agency and get an impactful Center uh someone who’s going to rebound the ball really well because the

Starting lineup is pretty much set so uh you’re building around that uh the bench is decent like I feel like you can get those wins but I’m the reason that I said guard because you make a strong point like I I completely agree with you like I’ve been saying that every season

Needs to be Championship or bust right now but from a a a controlled aggression standpoint I think that you have to look at it from the standpoint of luk Canard it’s gonna make over 14 million next season and if he’s playing on the court with JN Morant Desmond Bay and those

Guys his numbers are probably going to look really good and you’re probably not going to be able to resign him at his desired number it would be easier to stomach losing Luke Gard if you could just look over there and say oh yeah we got Cody Williams ready to step right in

Oh we got Rob Dillingham ready to jump right into to the rotation on a cost controlled contract for the next four to five seasons that’s how I’m looking at it you’re about to be a first apron team potentially second apron at some point getting those cost controll contracts

For more years would be an ideal situation while competing for championships especially for guys that are going to start for you as opposed to guys that are GNA be coming off the bench but demichel and I are going to continue to have this conversation and then it’s fun when we don’t agree

Because we agree so often so let us know where you stand and again we’re going to talk about this a ton hit us up in the comments are you on my side taking a big are you on De Michael’s side saying best player available again I I I’m perfectly

Happy with filipowski and Kling and I would argue they are comparable to those wings uh but that there’s lots of time for us to talk about that when we come back next here on lockdown Grizzlies we are going to discuss Grizzlies in Philly against the 76ers we’ll talk about that

Next but remember we have lock launched excuse me here on lockon the first ever National Sports for7 streaming Channel over on YouTube it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels app locked on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports

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Get something off our chest maybe you have a fifi fa fum agenda like myself or maybe you prefer bigs or wings or guards that can barely lift a bench or a dumbbell like demichel does apparently big or small certain things can really get to us right it’s important to let

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NBA when we come back here on lockon Grizzlies we will talk Grizzlies Sixers stick with us welcome back to lockon Grizzlies I am Joe molx hanging out with my good buddy to Michael Cole the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee and before we talk Grizzlies

In Philly uh and again this can be short because gosh it just it just getting hard to watch these games even when they win it’s not easy to watch um I do want to stress I love the Michael Cole right and I am going to continue to have my

Hot takes that I always have but when I get fired up it’s not at you I know you know that but I don’t want people to be awkward in the comments and you know try to go hash team Joe or hash deem toich because I know between demichel and Joe

I’m I’m going to lose that battle and on some random Monday it’s gonna be demichel Cole and Parker Fleming as the host of lock on Grizzlies as I joked about on the Tuesday episode um so yeah we’re all good it’s you know passionate demichel obviously this is his his uh

His career his life’s work I’ve been covering this team for over decade passionate guys we’re going to get fired up every once in a while but uh comes from a place of respect and all those sorts of things um the Michael speaking of that respect the Grizzlies had better respect Philadelphia 76ers because

They’re one of the better teams in the NBA in the Eastern Conference I I I think everybody would agree that the Boston Celtics are the standard right they seem like a clear favorite at this stage to go to the NBA finals they’re just that much better than everybody

Else the Bucks seem like a pretty clear number two they’ve kind of rided the ship under doc R the defense has really improved and then from there it’s kind of a jumble right you can make an argument for the Knicks when they’re healthy you could certainly make an

Argument for the Sixers when they’re healthy and while Memphis had a good showing in Brooklyn if the Grizzlies don’t maintain that energy and then some in Philly it’s not going to be a good result for for Memphis unless you want them to lose at this point in which case

It could be a good result yeah I mean that’s all that’s going to be the battle you know going forward at this point what do you want the Grizzlies uh to do but uh this game you know from a talent standpoint the Grizzlies are going to probably be outmatched overmatched

Against pretty much anybody uh they play going forward uh with all the guys they’re down I mean they just they’re just starting to lack players with NBA experience before this year uh let alone you know uh in their careers period so it Tyrese Maxi is in the concussion

Protocol right now uh he did not play yesterday and this is going to be the second night of a backtack so uh there there is some to believe that if anything the Grizzlies should be very competitive uh through like they’ve been in most of these games of course we

We’ve called out the blowouts you know uh against the Nets and you know and the Blazers I think it was and whatnot like some of those games have stood out but overall uh I think that the Grizzles have been very competitive from the standpoint of they go through three

Quarters giving teams a lot of trouble and then in the fourth quarter when team switch everything and you need isol ation scores and talent pretty much takes over individual Talent that’s where the Grizzlies kind of struggled I mean before that win they had six consecutive fourth quarters of 20 less

Than 20 points so uh I mean that is a big key going forward but tyes Maxi it sounds like if he’s in concussion protocol I it’s G to be unlikely that he plays in this game uh and if you’re without Maxi without embiid from an offensive standpoint they still will

Have guys probably like by his hairs and again second night of a back toback so we’ll see what happens to them De Anthony meldon old friend of the Grizzlies as well and you know there’s some talented players over there but uh this is a game this is one of the games

You look at the The rosters and you say Grizzlies shouldn’t get blown out they should at least uh be very competitive for fourth quarters in terms of health right this is one of those times obviously Memphis still looking at a reality without their best players that’s important to understand and

I I want to stress that when you are without both Maxi and embiid that is a major deal but jiren Jackson Jr is questionable with that right quad tendonitis so as I mentioned earlier in the week it’s likely that he makes his return tonight not not 100% right technically questionable was 5050 but

That’s usually me how Memphis has done it in the past they’re doubtful for a game and then they ramp back up and get back in the mix I am curious to see if jiren does not play how they attack this Sixers lineup with the weaknesses that they’re going

To have again it gives off Blazers Vibes with them beating Maxi assuming Maxi’s out it gives off Vibes of both of those guys being out that this is a game Memphis should compete like you said in theory they could win because it’s got It’s A Team dealing with absences of

Stars just like the Grizzlies are dealing with absences of stars but as as much of a cop out as it feels like it is to say a lot of this hangs for me on whether or not jiren Jackson plays or not if jiren Jackson Jr plays I would

Pick Memphis to rock the upset in terms of that extra rest second night of a back-to-back for Philly like you alluded to partner I would pick Memphis to beat the 76ers because they’re coming off of the Good Vibes of the Brooklyn game for whatever reason they’re better on the

Road this season than they are at home but if jiren is out I think it’s difficult to pick the Grizzlies to beat anybody especially a team like the 76ers who to your point just have more guys that have more NBA experience logging minutes for them even if the talent

Level is comparable yeah and it’s going to be a homecoming for Lamar Stevens too Philly NATO big deal yeah yeah yeah those are those are always uh circled on the calendar when you get to go back home and and and play uh so you know if

If jiren is out that means more him at the four or five but I tell you what it’s maybe something we talk about a little bit more later but you know how uh we’ve kind of talked about it with other players like GG Jackson and Vince

Williams how uh the rest of this season kind of wanting to see them in their ideal roles like when they’re playing alongside of the Desmond bangs Marcus Martin John morance Etc this four and five thing with Lamar Stevens is yeah whatever because they need it right now

But I want to see him play the three a little bit more I want to see I mean the four is cool too because he’s GNA be he’s big physical guy like he’s going to play the four regardless of who’s on the four but I want to see him some at the

Three because I mean for all we know that could be a completely different player but we since we’re starting to have this conversation about him potentially being on next season’s roster I think that’s a big starting point in terms of can he play of the three in lineups where you know Vince

Williams at two John Morant is at the one can he be a capable a small forward in those type of lineups because right now you don’t see him when he’s playing his five R he’s not asked to shoot a lot of three-pointers like it’s it’s it’s very rare that he’s getting three-point

Uh looks but when he’s playing the three it’s going to be completely different he’s not going to be setting as many screens he’s going to be on the perimeter more and like I said for all we know that could be a completely different player but it’s hard for me to

Just make a concrete decision on saying I want to keep Lamar stevens or I don’t know if he fits the team without seeing that to bring It full circle on the episode you mentioned earlier in the show that for you Lamar Stevens and zire Williams their future on the team is

Very intertwined exactly and I think that’s interesting and zier better hope that Lamar Stevens can’t play the three because if Stevens is a four five and zier even though he’s technically taller than Stevens I believe Y zier is very much a perimeter-based player we’ve talked about that before you don’t say

Zier Williams can play the four right nobody really says that he’s a two he’s a three uh he’s even asked to do some facilitation as a point guard type at times Lamar Stevens if he can play the three I think zire Williams is all the more Expendable I don’t know if you wave

Him but I think your protected second idea just to open up a roster spot I think that becomes much more likely if Stevens can play the three so like you said if jiren plays that allows for Lamar to maybe play on the perimeter a little bit

More and we can see more of that I agree with you 100% there that’s something to keep an eye on again winning losing again maybe we can talk about that a little bit more later on in the week I don’t really care anymore I just want to see again data accumulation where they

Fit I don’t want them to tank because I don’t think they’re going to get to where they need to in terms of aning they’re probably right in The Sweet Spot of where they’re going to be anyway go out play the games do the best you can

And let’s see what these guys can do that’s where I’m at we can talk more about that on our next episode of Locked on Grizzlies the next time we’re together is going to be our Thursday show to Michael Cole will be flying solo for that episode to Michael I’m sure

You’ll talk Grizzlies Philly and all sorts of other fun things yeah uh I mean the the main things that that I want to talk about are particularly just the things that we just hit on but jiren plan or not is going to be very important to me because that’ll um

Probably tell us if Tre Jon’s going to be active or how much is he going to play which also leading to where Lamar Stevens will play of course it’s always GNA be fun to talk about uh you know GJ Jackson and and Vince Williams and those guys but Tyrese Maxi again doesn’t sound

Likely that he’ll play but if he is available of course that’s another storyline to watch as well so a lot to kind of take away from this game you know as we are get into breaking it down on tomorrow’s show looking forward to listening watching and hopefully you are

As well Amazon Apple Spotify YouTube wherever you get your podcast make sure you keep checking out locked on or locked on Grizzlies and also make sure you keep checking out locked on sports today first ever 247 National streaming Channel on YouTube you can also check it

Out over on Amazon Fire TV under the free channels portion of that app again for to Michel Cole I am Joe Mullinax thank you thank you thank you a thousand times for making lockdown Grizzlies a part of your NBA content consumption for to I’m Joe have a great Wednesday the

Michel will catch you Thursday and I’ll catch you the close out the week with the Michel here on lockon Grizzlies have a good one

This season has been less-than-ideal for the Memphis Grizzlies in more ways than one. The worst issue has been injuries, and those problems continue. Hosts Damichael Cole and Joe Mullinax discuss the latest updates on Ziaire Williams and Derrick Rose, plus NBA Draft Lottery reviews and a preview of Memphis against the Philadelphia 76ers, on this episode of Locked on Grizzlies!

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  1. I’d be happy with the best center pick or best available if they get Drummond who is even better in my mind than adams

  2. If we grade the medical staff over the last 2 seasons, how would you score them? I'm curious about your takes.

  3. Joe, whens the last time a rookie has played a major role in winning an nba championship? I dont recall one in the past 10 years. Your expectations seem to be way out of wack

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