@Dallas Mavericks

Jason Kidd Responds to Dallas Mavs “Test”, Mavs Relying on Luka Doncic, Team Meeting & Pacers Loss

Jason Kidd Responds to Dallas Mavs “Test”, Mavs Relying on Luka Doncic, Team Meeting & Pacers Loss

Jason some of the players have mentioned that some of the veterans spoke up in the locker rep to the game and that you did as well what what would you said the general message was we we have to be better I think um just looking at the defensive side I thought again

7470 um it was you know shoot around um and um talking about Turner I thought we did a good job of taking away Turner in that third quarter um I’ve said this before you know when we score the ball we’ll we’ll play both sides of the ball

In that third quarter we we kind of went cold um and they kept playing and that’s a credit to Indiana they they kind of you know play one way and that’s with the pace and putting pressure on you uh shooting the three we got to be able to

Take the three away you know we gave way too many um Corner threes um tonight um these are things that we’ve worked on um we just got to be able to see it in in real time and so these are things we’ll continue to keep working on what adjustments can you make

Defensively how can you clean things up on that end yeah well we tried everything we switched switch to hit um we went Zone um you know sometimes uh you know give them credit they’re they’re they’re one of the best offensive teams in the league and so uh

For us it’s about the rotations uh not giving up to Corner three which we have been here um and so we’ll go back look at the film and and see what we can do better um understanding our offense is one of the best in the league and so if

We can U expend some of that energy on the defensive end hopefully that gives us a better chance to get a stop do you have the players and the Personnel to make these games work yeah we got the we got the Personnel we got the team um

This is actually a great test for us um you know to be able to go go through a hard time in uh March um because it only gets harder in April and May and June and so um this is a great test to to be

Tested in the sense are we going to let go the Rope are we going to continue to come to work everyone’s coming to work everyone has the positive um mindset energy everyone’s trying to do the right thing um right now it’s just not following our way but we got to continue

To keep pushing we got a game on Thursday and uh we’ll be better you talk about expending some of the the offensive energy on the other end does does does Luca need need to do that does Luca need to be better defensively we all do we all do it’s you know when you

Look at leaning on Luca offensively and which we do um and he delivers um we have to be able to cover him and uh and cover not just Luca but cover Kai um and the other three that are out there have to protect each other it’s not just

One-on-one the the the players are too good in this league to just play one-on-one we have to do as a group team defense we have to guard the ball better we have to help each other and then we have to finish the play by rebounding

And uh we can do this it’s just being you know we we show that signs of it we just had to be you know on on the norm we can’t just give up the the threes we have to be consistent and we’re not being consistent right now but we do have the

Guys that can do it Luca can play defense um but we’re asking him to do a lot on the offensive end too and so just understanding that um it’s March we can fix this and we we’ll be ready uh for Thursday we got a lot of games left um

But the Personnel we can look at different rotations we can look at different starting lineups we talked about that uh before the game we have options and we’ll explore those are you asking are you asking too much of Luca offensively for him to be able to play

Both ends right now are we asking too much um I I don’t know if we’re asking this is what he does he’s one of the best offensive players on the planet um and and so this is what he does and and so we have to

Help him on that end and we have to also help him on the defensive end this this isn’t a surprise this has been you know he’s been doing this pretty much his whole career yeah you know I guess he’s got 35 Plus Point triple doubles these last three games and and

And you’re losing and I’m just wondering is it possible for him to have that big of a burden offensively and hold up his end of the bargain on the defensive it’s playing you know 38 40 tonight 43 minutes yeah I mean he loves the play he loves the competition again um

Offensively he’s one of the best if not the best in the league um and so now we got to be able to help him there um you know I thought the pick and row Gafford was great tonight um it wasn’t great with life so we have options and we went to the

Second option and Gafford delivered and so it’s just about being consistent of being able to do your job and it’s not just one person it’s not just Luca it’s not just Kai we all have to participate we’re playing 10 um if we have to cut this thing down to to seven then that’s

What we have to do but right now we’re trying to figure out the different combinations that can help us win um and Lucas again offensively leades the league in scoring um he’s a walking triple double he’s doing everything to help the team win it’s we all have to

Pitch in and help him before the game you know you told us that everyone the locker room trust what you guys are trying to accomplish and you mentioned the hold the Rope analogy a little while ago but you’ve also told us it’s a young team do you have a concern level at all

About that trust eroding as results aren’t coming no the trust is there um we got great guys Great Character guys in that locker room um when you look at letting go to rope um you know we got a 20-year-old who’s starting a center never seen this before right I mean I

Know everyone gets excited um because he did well against Victor but like there’s you know 81 more games to be played and there is a rookie wall there’s a lot of that he’s a he’s a young man who’s seen the the NBA for the first time and so

There’s going to be ups and downs but that’s why we called a team and that’s why you know Gafford picked them up tonight you know Maxi has to pick up Gafford or Gafford has to pick up you know Maxi that’s just the beauty of what

This is and so uh dive going through the rookie season is having a heck of a rookie season and he’s going to only get better but he he could be tired he’s never played this many games or this this many minutes and so I don’t even

Know if he knows what letting go to rope means and so sometimes being young or being a rookie and being naive that you can use that as a positive coach I know right now was a tough stretch but do you think this can be a moment you guys can

Look back on in a few months and say this was our moment of adversity that we picked things up and turned things around and got hot towards the end of the season yeah I think it’s uh every team goes through it uh maybe there a couple don’t but we’re we’re in the

Midst of it um and we still believe that we have the opport um to win we have the talent um and the mindset it’s just being able to do it on a consistent basis and and that’s what every other team is fighting for is to be consistent and uh right now that’s

What we’re doing yes if we get hot um then everybody will ask well how does this thing turn around and it’s about uh the group staying together coming to work every day with a positive attitude and and the energy and uh and having fun and so um that’s one of the things

Things right now you know losing isn’t Fun you know winning is um and so you know we’re all fighting for that and that’s what this time of the year is all about March everybody’s fighting for position as the head coach what are some other things outside of the things you

Just discussed that you feel could be changed or at least enhanced before the next game or even next week yeah I think just the conversation you know um with our group our our young group um a lot of times conversation is important because we all can text um or we can all

Use Instagram or Twitter um but just the conversation of being a to understand what it means to go through a struggle uh to see a family member struggle how to help um you know a lot of times uh we we don’t talk about that you know and we

Just let someone just struggle or or drowned and so um understanding that everyone’s not perfect and that this is a team and it’s not just Luca’s team it’s just not Kai’s team it’s the Mavs and so we’re all trying to figure this out together um but at the end of the

Day this wasn’t the last season of the game this is just one of 82 that we can learn from and so uh to answer your question change yeah there there will be change um there could be a different lineup there could be a different rotation um but you know understanding

How this group will handle that um is is is big and hopefully they handle it in a positive way kids through coaching with your time with the MS you had Seasons like 2022 23 or when y’all made the Western Conference finals and then last year after the trade deadline things didn’t

Go as well as you may have hoped how is you as the coach can you ensure or try to ensure that y’all don’t Bizzle out as y’all did last year yeah you know I think just understand history making sure it doesn’t repeat itself U we’ve talked about that as a group we’ve

Talked about you know we’re going to be in the playoffs we talked about that that last year um and that didn’t quite happen but we did get dive and omx out of that season um but just understanding that that could happen and that we got to go take it we can’t there’s nothing

In this league is going to be given to you and we got to work and uh and do it together and so as a coach that’s what we’re talking about um we’re showing where we’re making our mistakes and and we’re working on it now it’s just a

Matter of the players being able to do it when they see it coach are you confident they’re hearing you when you preach any of those messages you talk about yeah I think uh someone just brought it up that that I talked um you know as much as a coach talks the peers

Have to talk because the respect comes from the peers and and also from the coach and so uh just understanding that um you know the message is is is clear and it’s positive um no one’s panicking um as much as you guys would like to write

That um but you know it’s it’s it’s basketball it’s a game that we can learn from from each other when things are tough and who’s in it and who’s out um and that’s what we’re going to see right now and that’s that’s the beauty of what

We have when we believe in that locker room we got great guys that are going to fight coach I guess one last interesting thing I wanted to mention was you were obviously a great player how does that help you for this moment when you’re dealing with adversity as a leader as a

Coach how’s your background as a great player help you for this yeah you know that’s a great question um being a great player just a great person or um a great coach you just draw from the past being able to share with Kai and Luca you know um what it means

To be great and what it means to be a leader um and those two are doing it on and off the floor um being able to help uh the live as a rookie you’re going to touch the wall he’s human he’s got other things that go on in life that could be

Bothering him too but we always are judged um just on points or minutes or or or scoring and and and just under rebounds or block shots um but do you really know the person that you’re criticizing you know and so that for me it’s about helping these young men be

Professionals on and off the floor and and that’s what we have we got a great group um PJ’s playing at a high level for us on defense and offense when you look at Gafford coming from the Wizards um talking about the longest win streak was two right and so there there’s a lot

Of positive things happening here as I said earlier um Rome wasn’t built in a day 2011 wasn’t built in a day right and so um there’s only a few of us in that locker room who have won at the highest level and so it’s it’s for us to help

These young men um get through this tough time and guess what it won’t be the last time this is you know this is the Live’s first year he’s going to play you know 15 to 20 years in this league um and so he’s going to be able to carry that you

Know that torch of being able to lead I think he’s going to be one of the best leaders that the Mavs have had uh when it’s all said and done coach PJ Washington talked a little bit about the defense and talked about how important effort is for defense what kind of thing

Do you say to your guys if they’re lacking effort on defense or if they’re lacking some energy um well I have a joke is that all right if I give you a joke give me a joke and yeah well it’s gonna be both um I’ve told you this and you guys for

Whatever reason don’t listen our offense is our defense have I not said that you said okay so when we score we will we will play defense and I’m half joking but I’m being also serious like when we play and when we put the ball in the basket we are really

Good on both ends the next step and it’s a small step is when we don’t score can we play defense it’s really simple right and so when we watch the game we’re scoring they’re scoring it’s a four-point game it’s anybody’s game when we didn’t score we stopped playing

Defense so now the next step is to be able to recognize that and be able to play defense and so to to answer your question without the joke or being sarcastic um is just a matter of being able to be unselfish and sacrificed and once we get to that point we’re going to

Be really good cool Thanks Oh

Watch as Jason Kidd Responds to Dallas Mavs “Test”, Mavs Relying on Luka Doncic, Team Meeting & Pacers Loss

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  1. This team has no toughness. Kidd is soft spoken and his team plays that way. Luka is the best player and a great scorer who isnt the leader of his team and his constant berating and complaining of the officials hurts this team and the defense.

    This is a young mans league. Get Omax, Hardy and some fresh legs off the bench to give this team some energy and put Hardaway and Kleber at the end of the bench.

    Luka putting up a 40 point triple double every game is null and void. Get the ball moving around and get on the boards and get some rebounds DAMN 🤦🏾‍♂️ and for godsake start making some In Game Adjustments and challenge some calls and take a T for your team Kidd to get them going sheesh!

  2. I find it surreal that no one flat out asks him: Do you think your job is at risk? Are you to blame for the team underperforming? How can you have the best offensive player on the planet and in back to back seasons be struggling to make the play in?

  3. In today NBA even if you play 100% defence opponents will score 120 on you but Mavs are like oh man they score everyithing and then their defence fall to 90% and this mean opponents score 140 and not 120 and Mavs lose. It is really about details and coaches do not see this! This year NBA teams are fast best attachs in history of NBA you can not stop a lot but wou need to stop some to win!

  4. 🤦‍♂🤦‍♂🤦‍♂Every time the same thing over and over again.. this thing ain't go anywhere! You're just toooooo relaxed, Coach! And I love playing Indiana as it clearly shows the difference between coaches!

  5. Kidd should start thinking about changing starting 5 and control the game from start to finish. Adjust rotations based on who performs well CONSTANTLY.

  6. Dallas cant win with just kyrie and luka the three players inside the court is so trash
    Green 26 minutes 6points
    Lively 16 minutes 0 points
    Thj maxi and the rest need to think deeply
    Jason kidd dont put so many excuses just step down…

  7. I hate how he is afraid of calling out Luka on his defense today. I know he has improved over all this season but the last few games his has been atrocious.

  8. He reminds me of a movie about a losing baseball team and this very, very boring motivator was trying to fire them up in the most monotonous voice that puts you to sleep. Kid was a great player but really, really very bad coach

  9. no one is asking luka to do a lot on the offense. he’s the one holding the ball playing one one offense all the time. it’s kidds responsibility to tell him to do better by drawing plays that involve the others more.

  10. When asked "what else can you do aside from what was mentioned" and instead of answering the coaching staff can improve and make better schemes, man acts like the mavs are suicidal and asks them to start texting each other. What more proof do we need to get this man fired..

  11. I knew the 2011 Mavs could go deep in the playoffs when I saw that they knew how to rotate a man from the double team over to the eventually wide Open swing Man in the corner.

    I. E. The quick Jason Terry comes over to help double-team on the strong-side, then as soon as the ball began to swing, Terry would Sprint baseline to the weak side corner, where everybody in basketball knows the open man will be.

    Mavs defensive rotation is 100 reactionary rn. You gotta see s*** before it happens. Hell, I can see that s*** coming from a mile away.

    Sometimes you have to initiate on defense, which actually makes it easier to predict what happens next. Come on

  12. Last off season we learned that the Mavs front office told the coaches and players to basically rank so they could get high draft picks, which resulted in drafting Lively. I wish someone would ask Kidd if, like last season, the front office told him (and other top players) to do whatever he needs to do to ensure that Luka is an MVP candidate? The rotations aren’t necessarily the problem if guys simply perform, but I can easily see how playing a different style on offense that isn’t so Luka-centric would take away from Luka’s stats and therefore Luka’s MVP chances. As far as defense goes, dudes do not give maximum effort defensively if they don’t get touches or plays called for them offensively. As point guard, Luka needs to take a step back and simply focus on getting his team more involved and I don’t mean just getting assists off them, but just allowing them to play their game. Even Kyrie has struggled because he’s just not getting plays ran for him enough. Your point guard shouldn’t be averaging more shot attempts than your SHOOTING guard on a consistent basis. Luka has to reprioritize if he wants guys to play for him. This is his team after all…

  13. Start Exum, bebch Timmy (temporary) and make Green and Hardy bench offensive boost. Then put Jones, Maxi and Gaff with them.

    This could be the hill Jason Kidd dies on, not protecting Tim hardaway Jr during this month-long drought., is stubborn, silly and short-sighted Imo.

  14. omg y’all keep mentioning his defense im literally a Luka fan but his defense would never be elite or anything he would only be an average defender one he can’t move his feet fast enough and two he isn’t fast enough to stay in front of his opponent and he’s not athletic enough like that’s how it is but his defense has gotten better he can only do so much

  15. “It’s the mavs” I’m glad at least Kidd takes responsibility for the team. Players have to stand up for our team.

  16. Kidd is the parent that tries too hard to be their child’s best friend and ends up in a situation where he can’t parent when it is needed because it would immediately be taken personal and lead to conflict.

  17. Why is he mentioning DLive so much? DLive has little do to with the Mavs issues. He is a rookie, as a coach you adjust to that.

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