@Orlando Magic

The disrespect is strong.

by Profitsofdooom


  1. dremasterflax

    Who cares. ESPN only talks about the same 8 teams

  2. GoApeShirt

    I’ve noticed this across all outlets. Media just seems to pretend the Magic don’t exist.

  3. NOTtheGoldenKnights

    The media ignoring this team’s incredible turnaround and talent, and a generational player in Paolo for this long will go down in the history books eventually. Let em sleep!

  4. Prior-Fox7100

    Please stay sleep, I want us under the rader.

  5. Expensive-Twist7984

    Do you think if we won a title they’d just decide that the season didn’t happen?

  6. KgMonstah

    Ha. You must be a new generation of magic fan. They’ve NEVER talked about us. I was in college during the rise of Dwight. We chopped of lebrons head in a shocking way and all the sports media was talking about before the finals was how awesome it is that Kobe is gonna win another.

  7. Sweet_Agent70

    The NBA and its affiliates hate the Magic. Ever since the back to back #1 picks of Shaq and Penny happened. Then Dwight, now Paolo. They need to become a dynasty for everyone to respect them.

  8. I hate the Heat as much as the next guy but nothing would make me happier than for them to end the Celtics season in the first round.

  9. TiredMillennialDad

    Good. We haven’t done shit yet. Let’s fuck around and win a playoff series.

  10. Our rank in their list (12th) is less disrespectful than the intro of the article actually. We re few ranks above indiana for exemple. Maybe 1-2 teams like the Knicks should be behind us but it’s ok overall.

  11. TantramanFL

    Eventually the media will get it, but it’s going to take a true breakthrough performance in the post season. Get the 4 seed, win the first round and extend the second round opponent (Boston??) to six or seven games and Orlando will a darling when next season starts. Get to the ECF and they will be America’s favorite underdog. Win the East and the networks will so be bummed that small market Orlando made it so far, but will have no choice but to hype the hell out of them for ratings. Win the NBA title…..a future 30 for 30, Netflix series, and total respect will be on the menu.

  12. wouldntknowever

    Tbf every time we’re given a chance to show the casuals who we are on national TV or NBATV, we play like hot trash.

    See OKC/TNT game a couple weeks back

  13. Loose-Animal7305

    I’m looking forward to matching up with and beating the Celtics in the playoffs so we can ‘celebrate our Superbowl’ and let Eddie House tell us about what went wrong

  14. I mean I wouldn’t bet on the Magic because they say never vote with your emotions.

    The Heat have a history of clocking in late March, early April.

    But to talk about the Pacers and not the Magic is kinda weird.

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