@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Now Have Two Bam Adebayo’s According To Spo

Miami Heat Now Have Two Bam Adebayo’s According To Spo

Blowing a 22 point lead to the Cavaliers that’s not tough that’s not tough that’s not t that’s not tough dude wow yes Dean Wade just sends shivers down their heart that W out scoring the Celtics himself inbl absolutely how about that impressive the tradition of Wade kicking the Celtics ass

Continues in continues to a new generation now wow just uh just unbelievable unbelievable what a look you know maybe it was just luck you know maybe it was just luck maybe maybe it was just luck because the Celtics never lose just straight up it’s always just

Luck hard to say man what a day H that was great but what a night it was last night man I was my my head was ping ponging between Panthers and heat I was supposed to be boots on the ground yeah what happened uh wife wasn’t feeling

Good yesterday fair enough so you know was I’m not you know with what she’s recovering from I don’t take chances with that I don’t like to to leave her alone you made the right choice so I decided to stay home and it was good because we both sat

There and we we laughed at the stupid pistons and it made her it made her feel all the way better that’s amazing no it was it was one of those things so I had the Heat and the Panthers they were both up on the the screens and I was just

Dude I was like I was ping ponging back and forth because they were close games yeah close games down you know the heat I don’t like it being that close but the fourth quarter was so dumb I mean they just couldn’t hit a three all the sudden

It was weird yeah every time they kicked up wide open three Clank I was like oh my God and so then the the stupid uh what the hell is his name p Pacho whatever his name was on the yeah you know him Pacho yeah he was out there and

He was hitting a gazillion threes fonio fonio that was close he go goes out there I think I made him the uh the chief’s running back fonio goes out there he just is annoying he just keeps hitting threes I’m just like H Key’s making it a four-point three-point game

And then finally Terry roier and Jimmy Butler decide enough of this nonsense and uh would uh would part Jimmy Butler would stick the dagger in because he had a streak going maros I don’t know if you know this but he had a streak 14 straight games with a three-point shot

Wow hadn’t had it the ENT ire game missed a couple of attempts in that fourth quarter yeah until the last one the last one was the one that finished the job against the bum ass Pistons you have the call from Jason Jackson last night absolutely he won 13 Pistons 108 27

Seconds to go Butler has it Bono on him as he works along the arc he’ll fire a three he’ll make the three 15th straight game for Butler tickle and Twine from downtown man that damn Pacho was on him too I know oh yeah Pacho fonio he was he

Was all over him and Jimmy was feeding him buckets uh scored the last seven for Miami and uh they get to a season High nine games over 500 and an important day to do it because you know an Eastern Conference game where you had to keep

Pace with the Cavaliers you had to keep Pace with the magic the Knicks I don’t know what’s going on with them Sixers they’re going down the drain they lost to the the Nets last night and let me tell you something never ever let this Leroy horde ever have the cajones to say

Anything to me again because this man is so against agreeing with me he he loves to to to Buck against the trend of old toes yep but let’s never forget that three games into his Lowry bet oh he was a coward he was a coward he was a coward

And I gave him an out yeah I gave him an out with three games to go damn and he was rats off a ship on his take yep because Kyle Lowry last night no way wouldn’t you know it how much did he need he needed 10 10 10 to get to 50 in

The LA this is the last game last game no way six games 50 points that was our bet yep and this Howard yep he he he went away like a mouse from Kyle Lowry and Kyle Lowry yesterday four seven from downtown 14 points so it looks like your old boy he

Talked his way out of the D boort of Doom I tell you what point what you did sometimes they offer you an out in these apps they’re like hey if you cash out now right we’ll give you this much instead of you know waiting for the total you cashed out the total didn’t hit all I had to do on our

App was just show hey you got to eat chicken of the trees you got to eat iguana and he’s not about that he’s not going to eat iguana and and he crumbled tap machine he crumbled a t machine dude what a day what a day wow so yeah it was

Important one for the heat to get there into the uh in the East because of the results from yesterday in that conference but uh Miami gets the win nine over now they got a couple of big ones on the road at Dallas at OKC uh so this should be a fun upcoming

Couple of games here did get some news yesterday as we get to the rest of our headlines brought to you by the new petal for truck Super Center why buy a truck at a car store palal Ford we know trucks in these games coming up Miami Heat will not have Josh Richardson it

Was reported yesterday the heat revealed yesterday Josh Richardson is going to have season ending shoulder surgery so his season and his year is done air go why they signed Patty Mills Mills so which is I guess you know a pretty good replacement you wanted someone who’s

Also a veteran you don’t want to have to get another Young Buck in there that’s why you uh went for the older guys opposed to getting one of these G League guys you could have brought up yeah SPO values that look he’s all the fact that

He’s trusting Nia yic who we’re going to get to his night because he had he had himself a knight yeah but um the fact that SPO is already trusting haime and Nico you can’t push him all right he doesn’t love trusting the young guys he does love his Champion veterans on a

Playoff run and so you’re either going to be two things if the heat are GNA make a sign for you’re either going to be basically family and and Born Into The Heat culture like Delan Wright is or you’re gonna have made the championship run you’re gonna have danced the dance

All the way that’s why he values guys like Patty Mills Kevin Love Kyle Lowry even why he value guys like this and so there you go no J Rich he was of the hey I SPO I know your system and he was having a good year especially he was

Really hot by the time that he got hurt so it’s very very unfortunate what happened to him um does have a player option for next year but but it was uh it was a bummer to see that it was a bummer to see that and um but he get the

Win yesterday that he get the win good for them and then the Panthers we’ll get back into the heat as we have some stuff to get into with uh the referees being sensitive I don’t want to dive into it too much because it’s the Pistons I mean

Like you got to basically go in there and not blow this which is what they did they took care of it they were definitely more feisty than uh than expected but we saw some cool things you see that move by Duncan Robinson yeah oh Duncan had a game yesterday hit the over

By the way did he think yeah he had what he had 18 points yeah 18 points for Duncan Robins yesterday but that move that he pulled he said afterwards he said he blacked out he doesn’t remember it but he put uh he put He put in the

Moves on the Pistons yesterday with that uh it was like it was like this mini but like had a little more to it you know yeah it was uh it was it was very impressive by by dunks we call that the Dunkey what what nobody calls it that I think

I’ve heard that the dunkaroo oh that’s what it’s called remember dunkaroos like the uh kangaroo into a green candy of very tasty so good are they gone why why I mean does anybody having dunkaroos anymore I don’t know there’s a few things that I question like what’s going

On what happened to those gotta find it if anyone knows where the dunkaroos are please what if we have a dunkaroo we make a dunkaroo stand at the arena and it’s Duncan Robinson and Patty Mills so you got dunks and Australia together damn yep okay all right I’m listening uh

Will Michael McCulla allow us to set up shop right outside Cass say okay no I’d have to give out my own dunkaroos across from the arena for sure that would have to be what’s going on yeah on the dart board what start a business I’ve already

Done kangaroo in front of the Arena I’ve done that already that’s fair that’s fair uh I paid a bet to Australian member Parliament which is very ridiculous that is ridiculous but not as ridiculous as the officials getting sensitive yesterday over nicoa yovic so yesterday I didn’t see the first tech

Apparently I saw on sana’s Twitter because again I’m ping ponging I’m looking back and forth between heat and panther so I must have missed this but Nico got an initial tech for throwing the basketball not in anger but I don’t know if they had a delay of game

Sometimes you have a delay of game they call a tech on you if you get warned you do it again you know because you’re not having the ball in play so Nico threw the ball he got a tech right and so we get to the second half of this game and he’s

Playing with his Isaiah Stewart who as we know this guy’s a real one he’ll punch you in the face yeah you know he’s tried to run after LeBron did he go after LeBron he’s got charges right now because uh he punched Drew Eubanks right

In the face so it’s a big boy you know Nico’s trying to to to keep Pace it’s a close game at this point Miami’s got a slight lead it’s in the third quarter and so goes up he he’s trying to to Rebound with Isaiah Stewart a little Ticky tack contact nothing too big

Officials call a foul on Nico and he was pissed he’s like what and throws his hand in disgust for the officiating well they did not like this and they teed up the young fellow that game the old heave ho out of the game this guy is a menace dude this

Guy look he’s got a Mean Streak to him he comes from the Mean Streets of Serbia and he’s now been kicked out of a game because he’s not gonna let you mess with his teammates nope and he’s not gonna allow the officials to allow him to be

Pushed around by Isaiah Stewart so he lets them know he’s disgusted with them and they get all sensitive about it and then he has to get kicked out of the game ridiculous ridiculous why can’t a man show some emotion there some competitive juices some fire he didn’t even

Curse I don’t know if he cursed or not I’m not I’m not positive if he did or not but even if he did yeah get over it dude guy can’t guy’s trying out here is trying to win a game and these guys get in their feelings about it oh he waved

Just hand it you boo you know what if that was any Star you wouldn’t have the guts to toss him you wouldn’t have the guts to give him another technical foul here’s SPO after the game he doesn’t want Nico to change he likes this I’m definitely not gonna you know try to um

Squash that you know we love passion we love um competition we love guys getting into all that yeah I mean I I’ve seen a lot of players kind of toss the ball against the basket St he wasn’t even upset about anything there wasn’t a call there wasn’t

Anything to debate on that uh for the first one and the second one you’re allowed one emotional burst everybody is you know the great players for for sure are um so you know will it be a teaching moment yes but at the same time you know I like his

Emotions um like him being enthusiastic you know about competition and it matters to him uh and that’s growing with him you know I think as you get a little bit more comfortable your personality can come out a little bit more and that’s a good thing

Wow wow because I don’t know if you just heard what I heard yeah but I just heard Nico’s gonna be one of the greats because he said even the greats get emotional I mean like so to me you just I’m taking the Le I think it’s a fair Le

I think it’s a fair correlation and a fair leap to go from he just said that want to be one of the greats okay I mean problem no I’m just saying it’s it’s a bit of a leap I don’t know I mean it’s if if you think I know it’s not exactly

What he said but if you think about it he’s right the great ones did get emotional erir go yeah Nico has great ones quality you know see I’m I’m more willing to agree to that I think that’s more of what he said so if you just walk with me a little bit

Okay maybe we could get to the point where he said Nico’s gonna be one of the greats and here’s the other thing look he’s got that in him yeah look when you see these guys warm up a lot of them are like hey just going through the routine

Going through the motion I’ll tell you something about Nico let me tell you something a little bit about Nia yovic as I I’ve watched him warm up probably more than anybody over the last two years fascinated by him fascinated watching him warm up he still warm up

With Quran uh kurran is out there when he warms up they do he does the last shot to uh to to to close out the workout but he’s not a specific position coach okay um but let me tell you something about Nico yep gets very mad

At himself when he misses oh gets you know pumps himself up a little bit so maybe these officials if they’re throwing a kid out because he was upset with the play or how it went that just speaks to their own insecurities and let me just ask you something I know

Courtney Kirkland Ray aosta Brandon Adair oh let me ask you something those let me ask you something okay if you’re throwing out a kid yeah maybe that just speaks to your own lack of maturity wow maybe that speaks to that throwing out a kid yeah you throw out a kid who’s just

Who’s just trying to compete but here you are saying oh he’s calling out my you know my ability to to officiate a game well one he’s right and two if you can’t stand a little bit of criticism maybe you’re in the long the the wrong line of work yeah true I don’t know

But I I I love just a kid that edge from Nico yovic I love that and I love the fact that Eric spola has gotten to the point we have we we have called for this okay the Serbian Terminator we knew he could make a difference okay we’ve been

Waiting for somebody tall to play next to Bam for a long time but this guy he just has it all Marcos it’s a perfect fit in that starting lineup for a number of reasons one side okay two doesn’t need the ball true he’s not sitting oh where are my touches when

He gets the ball he puts it up and he shoots it and he’s been lighting it up from downtown yeah in the few attempts that he gets a game and then when he does get a rebound and gets out of the break always looking to find an an open

Teammate always true always he is a perfect compliment to everything they got there plays with a little bit of edge Jimmy Butler’s got his picture in his locker it’s all all happening for us baby was that last one I’m not sure no he does really no he does have a picture

Of him in his locker wow that’s great I love that yeah he’s a new brat he is new brat he is he is he’s little brat Big Brat little he’s big yeah but he’s young he’s he’s baby he’s baby which is why you should have throw him out of the

Game he shows emotion right and and because and also like baby’s GNA be unsupervised you know so what’s he gonna go do cause some Havoc listen if you don’t watch him they’ll cause him Havoc here is uh morv SPO as he talks about the fit with bam and Nico Man action

Between the two of them will we be running you know actions with those two guys uh in particular uh I don’t know um you know there’s the ball has to go to a lot of different places the one thing I do know is they both have great skill

Level and it’s almost inverted for us when your two bigs can both handle they both can pass they both can make plays they can both finish uh at the rim and they both feel very comfortable just being facilitators I think that adds to the diversity of our menu uh and Nico

Also helps us run more which I like the head coach likes that I think the players uh hopefully like that if they can get some easy baskets you know we’d like to get a few more of those um but his passing his skill level his size all those things you know fit I

Will say SPO would does like these guys to get their ass in gear he spends you know one of the fascinating things sitting behind him during a game he spends I would say half the time just going come on let’s go yeah just encouraging people and I don’t know if that’s just a

Therapeutic thing for him because he needs to yell that but he would like them to run more and Nico he doesn’t think gets the ball go dude yeah and I love that he plays with that edge I love the fact that he’s got that

And by the way I don’t know if you heard what I just heard okay okay I don’t know if you heard what I just heard okay yes what exactly let’s just confirm that we’re on the same page what did you hear he just say we have two

Bams I don’t think he said that I think he said we just had two bams I actually don’t think he I think he said that though okay what makes you think he said that because he said that when you have two bigs it’s like an inverse when they

Both will get out there and facilitate and and and set things up for others yeah got two of them now that’s kind of when I we got two bams two bams at the same time man wow did you say inverse is it inverted he said a word that he said a

Word yeah but it was some word I mean I heard that we had two bams okay yeah that’s uh I understand where you would think he said that but I think he’s just saying that their their style compliments each other I think it’s I don’t think that’s what he said I feel

Like he said that they had the same style and then he said something about menu because like you ever wonder like you go to a here’s the thing you go to a you go to a Heat game right yep there’s nothing wrong with going and getting the

Regular you know get an omelette and an apple pie at a diner nothing wrong with that yep but what happens when the chef has a special omelette oh yeah I got you oh the chef special the chef special dude usually yeah that’s rare you got a

Couple of things here now you now you have a couple of spices to add to it little bam Little Nico wow hoop sule it’s all there for us dude the secret ingredient to this run are all the and you want to know something you don’t want to take that edge away from

Niic I’ll tell you why I’ll tell you why don’t look at me like that no no no you’re being dismissive it just seems like you’re you’re drawing a lot of these conclusions based off of things that weren’t necessarily said dude I’m gonna try and teach you some things as

As as a as a follower of sports all right as a media member you can’t always take things at their face sometimes you need to go look beneath the layers right and so yeah SPO said exact words but what was the meaning of those words right and so I’m looking at him saying

That one nicovic has that Competitive Edge he doesn’t want to take that that away from him you want to know why because you don’t put Reigns on a Mustang dude you don’t put Reigns on a Mustang you let him peacock through the fields and you let him run wild that’s

What you do and then also what he said was about he’s got two bams at the same time now no okay you can’t just that’s what he said though skip to the second one no that’s what he said I don’t think that’s what he said but apparently uh

Words means words Devon said I heard we had two bams what the hell Devin where did you hear that he didn’t say those he didn’t say okay again listen to it again listen to it again Marcos and you tell me that SPO didn’t just say we had two

Bams Man action between the two of them will we be running you know actions with those two guys uh in particular uh I don’t know um you know there’s the ball has to go to a lot of different places the one thing I do know is they both have great skill level and

It’s almost inverted for us when your two bigs can both handle they both can pass they both can make plays they can both finish uh at the rim and they both feel very comfortable just being facilitators I think that adds to the diversity of our menu uh and Nico also

Helps us run more which I like the head coach likes that I think the players uh hopefully like that if they can get some easy baskets you know would’ like to get a few more of those um but his passing his skill level his size all those things you know fit

He’s did you not hear it that time hot Dam we got two B we got two B we of them and by the way slim is Right slim is right I just heard yeah heat Cake Factory giant menu dude heat cake heat Cake Factory dude well put slim damn

Heat cake fact the menu is so large we got all every meal every meal it’s like a book that’s what we got now dude this is not just you’re not going to Waffle House where it’s one sheet I got a novel of recipes that’s what we’re cooking up

Yeah amazing he C Factory means something different now that Kyle Lowry’s not here I have this

Listen/Watch to Tobin and Leroy weekday mornings 10:00AM to 2:00PM


  1. Marcos has got to be the worst podcaster ever even the intern Pablo from Miami Heat beat is better than this clown all Marcos does is say wow and say incoherent shit ๐Ÿคก get this man another job .

  2. Courtney Kirkland? No wonder Jovic got those techs, I think it was 2 seasons ago he gave Jimmy Butler a bs 2nd technical foul after Jimmy Butler walked away after another ref gave him a tech which he did earn.

  3. In chess 2 rooks better than 1…and you can INVVERT them play one on right one on left or vice versa…both do the same things (WE GOT 2 BAMS)

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