@Minnesota Timberwolves

San Antonio Spurs vs Minnesota Timberwolves Live Play by Play & Scoreboard

San Antonio Spurs vs Minnesota Timberwolves Live Play by Play & Scoreboard

What is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR sports tonight it’s the Spurs versus the Timberwolves Rodeo Road the rodeo road trip is just about over it’s been a long trip for our guys one win we had a Kellin Johnson benching during this we had the Raptors

Looking like they’re tanking so we’re not going to get the lottery picked now the Raptors look like they’re trying again a lot of crazy stuff happening and wheny putting up incredible numbers here and there throughout this rodo road trip I don’t know but maybe we can win

Tonight car he town is out I don’t know he starting in this place probably NZ re I’m guessing maybe somebody else but no no K8 maybe we got a chance I don’t know hopefully no matter what happens hope we have a good game tonight while you’re

Coming in of course make sure you do the the Fast Fun your Tes thing to do hit that thumbs up spur the moment good evening to you Gabriel Daniel Garrett Anthony glaz and bacon when cat scored 60 on us when they’ll get his revenge for 40 as 40

Bomb coming well no cat tonight so we have a chance yes Koso the TS Anthony well whatever could even SP the moment better say hi well hi again Rudy goar versus Wy yes and Dr Phil I don’t know about all that but uh maybe maybe I don’t know I watch an old game

From 2010 that’s on YouTube versus the Lakers it was nice to see us win remember those days when the Spurs used to win games uh feels like doesn’t feel like yesterday well thank you KX factor I tried something different today I was talking to miss TSR a little while ago

And she’s like what do you think about the fiston and the Knicks ending I didn’t know what she was talking about and she’s like oh maybe I should should told you earlier in the day I’m like don’t worry about it but I think if she sees something cool in the NBA she’s

Probably going to give me a little text and say hey you need to check this out for your channel that was a crazy ending did a reaction video on it those type of videos just as a heads up yes they do get copyright claimed by the NBA which

I’m fine with that just just means TSR can’t make any money off of it don’t care not here for the money here for the fun and it was the I could see both points of view on what happened last night but uh I leaned one way and if

You’re interested in my thoughts you’re be sure to check out the video by the way I found this today I was going through my mom some my mom things and I mentioned that you know some of you may know my mom passed away almost seven years now and I found this

Hoodie and I was like this probably hers uh I’m a very thin guy she wasn’t she was a thin woman too maybe I can fit in this and it’s a little on the small side this is a little tight right here and the sleeves are way too Too Short

Which is why I got rolled up otherwise and it’s a little short it just makes it to my waist otherwise I’m like you know what it fits going to wear mad du’s Jersey or Hood if you will anyway let’s get to the chat while we’re waiting for the game to

Start what’s going on switchblade we to play five out offense tonight with Carters the basket tonight take advantage ofe defenses to give us a chance to win just the thought uh I think it’s going to be a hard game Anthony Edwards has been in beast mode this year the timber rves the

Last few years have owned us I don’t know how we win this game well I do know we win Wy is full Wy Devin has one of his on games and Kellin Johnson hopefully gets playing minutes back and plays like the Kelvin that got that four-year contract extension not the

Player that we’ve been seeing as of late and obviously the other guys stuff as well go first go indeed thank you Mr coyote course we got baby coyote in the house as usual levitating baby coyot I don’t like when a player drops 160 win or lose I don’t think that’s good for

Team play fair Phil penalty good evening to you sorry about your oh uh I never mention uh I don’t bring it up a lot Cowboy X Factor but I figured some people might say you’re wearing a Yankees hoodie and I’m a Yankees fan I’m transparent on that like you know what

It’s my first day wearing it I’m going to throw it on and it’s well there a’t a lot of these lately FR my team so I feel I’d wear something that’s a winner g77 good evening to you soan playing well will be very big and yes let’s not let’s

Not forget headband power with Kung Fu Grip baby grou looking good looking like parent looking like Derek white yes the last game Let’s it let’s get that L Mohammad how dare you freej good evening to you I wouldn’t be mad if we lost the game at this point in the

Season I just want to see them make a game out of it I yeah I I will be mad this team has 11 wins I I expected so much more wasn’t expecting playoffs or even play in but I didn’t expect this to be bottom three in the NBA Isabelle good evening hi Cody

Daddy coyote what is what’s going on with you up late as usual thank you for hopping in they say an was strolling after alar break this going to be the game it’s going to be the game he gets ban is he going to go for 50 tonight against us

Tonight yeah playing a five on offense if Rudy go C tonight as we’ve seen I don’t know Rudy goar’s Witnesses I mean on a switchblade I don’t follow other teams enough in the NBA to give a proper analysis on what’s going on heck I was late to the news with the the Pistons

And the Knicks last night I follow the Spurs and then really I get news on other teams from you guys they are ready to play basketball I mean you guys have seen baby coyotes defensive skill that gr Gro dribble Che this out he’s got the jumper then slam

D he can play he can play and you know if you got these two out there playing defense you know grou you know bounc it up and down the force and you can’t get by these guys Spurs me these guys got big ears which is why I would never ever ever

Put him on my bed and go to sleep with him on there because I’d roll over and impel my eyeball and that’s it TSR got one less eye Wy plays Gober defensive play of the year is wemy three bears good evening wemy should absolutely be in the

Discussion for DP y some people shoot him down when I talk about it they’re like a rookie never won it like but look what he’s doing maybe a rookie never won it okay I’ll give you that but who’s doing what W’s doing with his five on five stat sh that they’re showing right

Now leading the league in Blocks he’s averaging what 1.3 steals per game he’s just getting better and better and it’s really says how talented he is when you consider God I hate saying this how bad the team has been around him it’s I didn’t realize how bad our

Roster was until you really start watching this year and just looking at how many bad games so many of the players are having and it’s just like what happened and what happened we got we got a lot of late draft picks except for Jeremy soan and Wendy everybody else is what 11

And up deel was a late lottery pick we lost our lottery pick with Joshua Primo playing with his Primos I don’t know um so the the team is got a lot of work to be done we’re going to have a high lottery pick this year we may get

Toronto’s pick I think they’re the seventh worst team right now in the NBA with their three- game winning streak this isn’t the deepest draft of all which I think is why Toronto might be trying now to just give us that pick now and get it done with and not have it

Convey maybe next year or the year after um going be very interesting what the Spurs what’s going to happen in the offseason if we have two lottery picks plus maybe a trade for agency the thing is a lot of you guys are saying or not you guys maybe some of you and

Definitely a lot of people that just comment on the videos are saying trade trade trade trade trade I’m like our team’s bad who has good trade value right now besides Wendy Devin probably has some trade value the way kelvin’s been playing lately does he have a lot

Of trade value I see a lot of people saying trade Zack Collins trade Z Collins for what he’s he’s having a terrible 2024 really hit a wall so where he play a little better lately but he’s really struggling if players are struggling that’s not really the time to be training

Him no go yeah goar’s wem’s doubling up uh I think when I checked wen’s averaging 1.3 steals per game and goar is averaging 0.6 so he is averaging a little over half a steel I believe penalty but not a lot more playoff atmosphere for tonight’s game I’m

Childish uh c yeah of course I am where have you been I smell the next short Bing from this stream for maybe not Ronda I agree though ghosters go to you Zack Hollin has no trade value Bingo Roy Gara oh you didn’t know you’re aou s better call

Somebody I don’t know why C chops Cen but sometimes that happens Wendy is second in Defensive Player of the Year ODS according to Vegas really so you’re saying there’s a chance well maybe pop well maybe pop has trade value nice expiring contracts always have trade value Albert I agree

But if you were a GM on another team and you looked at our Spurs roster aside from Wy who who would you trade for seriously who would you want on the team who makes it go you know what they’re worth giving up maybe draft capital for and maybe another player Conley Edwards McDaniels

Anderson Kyle Anderson slowmo is getting the start tonight all right I wasn’t sure who being the starting lineup I don’t know why I thought NZ Reed would go bear starting so cat out he’s in for the Spurs Trey Jones devel Julian champany Jeremy s and Victor we Ben

Yama y there are the players and they’re on the court and away we go the Spurs are 1 and seven on their current n game robe trip get him uh melano I might do a video on that I have been covering Ka SoDo for two years now on this channel on and

Off it’s the underdog thing he’s uh obviously not in the NBA yet trying to make his way into the NBA and uh I can’t relate to you know trying to achieve something and having it take longer than expected and not only that it seems like there’s now a small percentage of people rooting

Against him which makes me root for him even more but you know a lot of people were uh fans of his on the channel as well asking me to check them out two years ago so I did and I’m following the story it’s additional content and I enjoy doing it

Let me in the paint little jumper is going to roll out of the rim first shot the game for the Spurs is no good all tied up at zero T well Anthony Ed will bring it up for the wolves and now a steel by wemy but fortunately it’s going to get

Knocked out of bounds almost a steal by wemy I am ready for baseball Ro I don’t know how much I’ll be able to watch um TSR injury loss I don’t know I’ll be able to watch but uh yeah I mean it’s 162 games I’m not gonna watch all of them Heath good

Evening to you wh might be the second number player after W in the 60 to get a quintuple double I think he think he’ll get a quadruple double dang it at the buzzer Mike Conley says e to three Spurs e to three I think he could go through a

Quadruple double easily in the next few years turnover by Trey Jones not the start we’re looking for so far Spurs fans and now a turnover McDaniels lost control of the ball going down the cat now Spurs ball again still looking for their first bucket Cheno getting into Wy

Wemy with a nice back door pass to champagney cut into the hoop for the old thunder thunder dunk of Justice all right maybe we’re gonna get a little point weny tonight that was a beautiful pass I don’t think K uh uh cat is out tonight I sorry I thought said Kai

Penalty Carl Anthony towns is out tonight I don’t know how the extent of his injury I just saw that out per ESPN if anybody knows in the chat feel free to let us know slow-mo the drive in the paint Miss but a put back by goar that

May have been partially blocked by Wendy I wasn’t didn’t quite get an eyeball on it Ron good evening to you oh kashba Wendy is a terrific passer and he’s only going to get better once his teammates start hitting shots too the assists will go up Wy drives in the paint he throws

It down nice move by Wendy thund dunk of Justice the Spurs have all their points on dunks by the way high percentage shots like it slow-mo thought about taking a shot against Wy turned right around and said nope gets it out to McDaniels McDaniels back to Conley with

Seven on the shot clock Conley over to Anthony Edwards open for a corner three no good long rebound goes right back to Edwards drives in the paint misses the shot that may have been tipped by one2 not you got a finger or even a fingernail on it Spurs down five to four

They put up a graphic the Pistons aren’t a six-game losing streak well yeah I mean when you have that many losses you’re going to have a lot of losing streaks when with seven on the shot clock way out in three-point land little cross through the legs pull up three

Short no good oh we got fouled F on the close out one going to go to the line not for one not for two but three I like it I said Kai s comparison is Gino Smith because people give oh yeah Gino had a great year Cowboy

Xfactor I don’t I don’t know why people roote against him I mean if you don’t like him or care about his story I don’t know I got nothing ly’s first free throw good game tied Caleb love or Boogie Ellis get the as possible switch blade uh I don’t know enough about either to

Pick one Milan if I’m being transparent second free throw good and there’s a girl in high school that got a really uh quintuple double Quint triple double or a quintuple double uh Darren that’s when you have 10 or more points rebounds assists blocks and steals uh yeah that’s gonna be hard to

Do makes all the free throws oh Wendy’s a menace for sure oh and Pen just put in the chat not two two two two Homer that’s that’s a quintuple single W ball go be into the paint misses the shot getting involved in a lot of these shots I’m not sure if he’s

Getting any blocks but he’s certainly affecting the shots being taken by the Wolves Mel quick catch and shoot three from the corner Booyah Spurs are doubling up on the Timberwolves 10 to five I’m sure the Timberwolves offense is going to be a little less potent tonight for sure

Without Carl towns Anthony Edwards into the paint and he’s gonna get fouled by the soan why do people keep yelling in all caps I don’t know they’re trying to get their point across greetings Vincent thank you for stopping in hopefully you’re having a good evening or morning whatever time it is where we

Are well Tycoon for the moment they’re playing very well the second quarter hasn’t gotten here yet slowmo little pull up in the paint no good and finally de is going to pick up the loose ball gets it up to Tre Jones Jones gets it over to Champ penny for three and it’s no

Good no good I just realized we’re I forgotten we’re the worst team in the Western Conference Wy affected that shot by goar that may have been partially blocked Wy will bring it up around the back it’s the paint Al and that throws up the Miss he’s fouled he’s doing an Alle layup to

Himself or an Alle dunk me putting on a little show from Minnesota can you do that is that try he took two steps threw it up off he trop it around his back threw it up up off the glass it was foul before that oh Wy like the words have

Sound uh kush yeah we’ve been getting crushed by them a lot lately so yeah we got a beef they’re probably tired of losing non shooting foul so demel will punch it out from the sideline or pass it out Spurs only one more game this week on Thursday so no M TSR joining me

For a live stream as well she won’t be on Thursday night and then the Spurs are off Friday and Saturday usually I have to stream one of those nights but got them both off that’s cool when he gets the ball over to soan soan fake three

Just going to have to pull up for two with the clock expiring in and out burger for Jeremy Mel Alex Alexander Walker’s already checked in for the Wolves Edwards for three good J McDaniels has two fils that’s why he’s already in n anyw good evening it kills thank you for

Stopping in when be in the post 13 on the shot clock starts to back it up and it’s going to get punched out to vasel Vel into the paint back out to champeny champeny drives in the paint he’s goingon to go for a monster stuff can’t

Make the shot won the foul didn’t get it goar might have goar I’m sure affected that shot and Walker down the other end with the runner in the paint it’s all tied up 10 but nice I like seeing Julian champeny attack the r White and finish I

Like to see that part of his game open up a little bit more Ball’s going to go out of bounds it’ll stay with San Antonio 16 on the shot clock no exclamation point is yell are you guys debating what’s yelling and not yelling in the chat cor he good evening

To you Wy in the pinkt gets it to soan back to Wy 10 on the shot clock Victor one-on-one with slow-mo both number one on their Jersey W is going to take a long three uh and the um the announcements are saying that could have actually been a

Four-point play a lot of contact between wemy and slow-mo wemy looking good what’s he got eight points so far conle for three from the corner no good Wy webr and the ball’s going to get punched out of bounds and it’s going to stay with the Spurs one after a good

Start we’re have a timeout looks a little winded though looks maybe a little winded Victor with eight points four boards and assists in only five and a half minutes not too shabby he is cooking you’re not cooking yeah dude neither get it or you don’t I say

One they can do it because David Robinson got robbed of his Rob robbed of what Robinson got robbed of what a quint Quint quintuple double I don’t think David was anywhere close to one he didn’t have almost 10 steals in that that game he had 34 10 10 and

10 Timmy got robbed of a quadruple double in the playoffs where the two block where you should had two more blocks yeah send him down right Asos he is tired of losing he has a block and a steal too okay when we almost have a highlight of the decade he’s playing

Well wow I read that three you made your highlight face did I have a highight face okay I didn’t know I had a highlight face is it one of those Wy Pierre good evening to you I agree Spurs if my accent’s off I’m sorry I’m not well actually I am French I got

Some French in me I don’t know how much that yeah there’s some there’s some onsr so it was it was destined to happen wemy coming to the Spurs so TSR wemy The French Connection that he’ll never know about I love the Fallout teaser I can’t wait to haven’t seen it

Um yeah I don’t know how I feel about that I was excited about the Halo TV show and I stopped watching it halfway through the second episode I just was not a fan um I won’t spoil why I didn’t like it but you probably already if you’ve heard about the show you probably

Already know and I just I couldn’t it just didn’t feel Halo to me after that I saw the Highlight face too nice mark my words W is dropping 402 and six I heard uh W has one block I think he’s got one block actually there mark the gamer giving us

Our update eight points four rebounds one assist one steal they don’t have so he does have zero blocks PSR did you watch tww the The Walking Dead I don’t know what the one who live is the ones who live wait is that um Rick and Michonne is that already out

Now I I liked The Walking Dead love The Walking Dead from season one to seven and then kept up with it from SE actually let’s say one through six and then seven through 11 Seasons I enjoyed parts of those Seasons W is on the bench uh cin

Johnson is in the game keep an eye on that as far as the spin-offs I couldn’t make I couldn’t make it through one episode of the darl show The M um Maggie and Negan show I just don’t I don’t I hate to say it I don’t care I just don’t

Care anymore it’s I’ve moved on I don’t know but Rick Rick hasn’t been on this Walking Dead for few years so maybe I’ll come back to that after reviews are good but for the moment I’m taking a much need break from The Walking Dead anyway 1310 Spurs up Anthony Edwards drives in

The paint layup is short Ball’s going to get knocked out of bounds and it’s going to stay with the Timberwolves good evening beas I’m addicted to walking but haven’t been able to see the new stuff okay hey I respect it I’ve been reading the comic

Book in said which is similar to the TV show but different there you go Bell as long to no turnover rip couldn’t even speak when he saw her well don’t spoil stuff slow-mo pull-up Jumper in the paint short is is that Rim like up a little bit causing all these misses by the

Timber woles because it is I’m fine with it Mal brandom’s open for three wide open all day and he missed it Toby good evening to you Collins will score 20 points tonight I would not put any money like whatso I would not put anyone whatsoever on Z Collins doing

Anything good I hope he does for the record Edwards three good tie game if I can’t spoil the game let me spoil something spoil a tger please don’t bench me Johnson Taylor quite feeling like that right now Trey Jones drives the paint lay up good I’m roing for

Kin um should have to start playing some better off the ball defense because his off the ball has been off the wall he’s got the headband on though he’s rocking the head maybe the headb power will bring it back we know headband power can be powerful Anthony Edwards one one with

Jeremy s just cross over crossover crossover step back throws up the two no good and almost gets his own rebound or WS almost get the rebound excuse me but s the bar now drives into the paint lots of contact throws it up no good foul going to line for Two

Shots you think D cell getting more than um 20 27 boy I don’t think he scored yet has he did he hit a three no he hit a did he hit a three he’s got three he’s at the line for two um yeah he should missed the first free throw not

Helping his case there whatsoever oh my gosh it’s it’s a uh look look look I gotta show real quick oh no it came out it was TSR time he just had a TSR injury and the number had TSR in it crap I I should have showed that a little

Quicker or showed it it wasn’t it was a commercial for TSR injury that jumper is no good for the Wolves I’m thrown off by that commercial I’m sorry Spurs ball up 1513 sorry 1513 my bad and now another foul 1513 Christian good evening to

You uh but yeah 27 I think I hope he goes for over 19 we need him to W will never have 40 CU he well not just first quarter just enough not enough minutes in general militano not enough old man good evening old man take

A look at my life I’m you Colin spins around and NZ Reed just blocks his shot into the stands no idea why our shooting guard can’t shoot free throws uh fre day says Deon getting 18 one point short we’re going to get Steph Curry to come play or what

What uh Gabriel I have World breaker Hulk do you mean a new planet Hulk or like the original World War Hulk storyline from planet Hulk World War Hulk from Greg Pac from years ago I did read all that Kell turns the ball over not what I want to see Anthony

Edwards starts the drive throws it up off the glass no good goar put back no good somebody grab a rebound thank you Kellin Kellin will bring it up for this first gets over to Blake Wesley’s rocking a head Manel can’t miss make the three from the corner Wesley threw me off with the

Headman I was like I thought it was brandom at first I was like wait a minute that’s that’s Blake Wesley has Wesley wor a headman Ali up to go there boom good throws down the dunk how good is Nicole yic uh he’s really good very good we got a timeout all tied

Up at 15 in a very low scoring game I love that album Harvest I bought it way back in the 70s is that the is the Old Man song I’m singing on that album I don’t I don’t know 7s very well can we get weny to wear a headband I

Mean adorable doesn’t look good with a headb glad to have Zack on the team cash BL the human Turn Style Zach Collins the part of Zack Collins will be played by baby coyote the part of any other NBA player on the opposing team will be played by grou defense

Defense oh you got behind me boop boop boop boop while he’s taking the shot commercial wh I got him the trayon just had uh he had an issue with his hand or finger and I know he’s going to be out I think I heard four to six weeks so that

Is a little concerning it was something about his left hand I think it’s his left hand I don’t know what handy shoots with I presume he’s right-handed but he could be one of the be like David romon be left-handed so watch should be a little concern if you were hoping that he would

Come here in the offseason be a trade my death is not that good bro well what am I going to do would love to get Cody one you know what I have seen him mocked Gabriel quite a few times to the Spurs if they get the number one pick that’s a big

If but it’s happened twice no three times three times I’m Excuse me they would dunan and Wendy go the wall right behind me number one pick number one pick number one pick what happened to Zach oh nothing just nothing nothing nothing special what’s up Tracy Martin thank you

For stopping in three minutes without wemy we scored two points Jin Fizz that sounds about right right when wy’s on the Flor yeah we’re scoring we’re actually maybe sometimes playing okay defense Wy comes out and Collins comes in complete 180 it’s likey comes out and then we get Chuck Norris in the face

When Z comes in wow I’m gonna just go ahead and say it col is the worst thing to happen to San Antonio s ouch gold former gold State Warrior that uh look it up just Google it you’ll see how he ties to dispers and particularly Ka Leonard but s three terrible shot and

A fast break dunk for the Timberwolves got old NZ Reed who usually plays very well against us throwing it down chedy Osman for three good Spurs back up one another I don’t watch that channel so I can’t answer if I’m a fan or not it is Tim wolves ball up I’m sorry

Down by one one two two2 on the clock right NZ Reed for dang it I what did I just say NZ Reed plays well against us and he just hits a three five points already I feel like every time Naz plays us he he’s goes for like 10 or 15 Off

The Bench just plays very well Ty’s going to take the long mid-range jumper no good go bear with the rebound chedd so underrated we should have resigned him um all right he’s been a little inconsistent but we certainly could use veterans Off the Bench nice drive to the paint and

Reverse lay up by janen McDaniels 2218 firsts down by was that MCD or Edwards that was Edwards sorry I thought that was McDaniels and now Wesley loses the ball straight up in there Kellin catches a loose ball that was an odd play by the Spurs can can the offense get going here

Can somebody score Kellin short jumper gets blocked he is not off to a good start at all that’s a three wow Monte Morris for three ched ELO with the ball for the Spurs and we’re down by seven to0 foul oi uh wow that that that happened

Fast penalty a lot of people say that way I read an article about how NBA offenses were out of control now you mean just like the amount of scoring three beards that’s a technical free throw for k for Deon excuse me rather that cheddy fill a roster spot than Collins well I can’t

Argue with that J I really can’t like it or not oh goberry got a team Zack Collins is under contract for two more years 17 a half million a years he’s and I I don’t think he’s very tradable right now so he’s here to say Spurs ball Blake Wesley takes off gets

In the paint throws up the layup no good Timber rolls ball oh for the moment Wendy’s out it’s we’re a totally different team and not in a good way Anthony Edwards flies into the paint gets the layup we’re down by eight we got 19 points 19 by the way

Wendy is back in the game for the Spurs they’ll get the ball to Wy and now turnover try to get it to Wy sure had control of that Edwards with a layup and we’re down by 10 wow just like that Teddy Osman driving the paint he gets the

Layup Tim rolls ball there’s about a three and a half about 3 second differential between the shot clock and game clock Edwards has been playing a pretty good tonight somebody said he’s been in a slump well he’s getting healthy against the San Antonio Spurs tonight Edwards with the ball launches a long

Three no good Wy with the rebound loses the ball NZ Reed with the ball over to Morris for three no good Wy with the rebound and that’s the end of the quarter oh boy it sounds very windy out where I am and hopefully nothing weird happens if

You see me all of a sudden disappear because the weather took out either my power or my cable or actually not my cable my my internet we’re both if wom doesn’t score 40 I’m checking out until the draft is what rich I told you we’re not winning any games till

This actually I wonder what you know what I’m GNA look at the first schedule and see when I think we can get our next win celebrate single digits we are capable of keeping the lead with Collins on the floor I would agree with that TSR

Did you see it uh Hy I did a reaction on that before the stream at about 6:15 I found out about it tonight and I did a reaction on it all right let’s go and pull up the the spur schedule see what our next win’s going to

Be we’re on the midst of a four game losing streak we got OKC on the 29th March um we can beat the Nets on March 17th we play the Suns on the 23rd and 25th we know we can beat the Suns we played the Pistons the last game of the year they’re

Beatable looking at our schedule though wow um we might be Golden State once they’ve been very up and down this year I think looking at our schedule I don’t think we finished with more than 16 wins it hurts me to say that uh we can beat the 76ers with down embiid Memphis

Is struggling so we can beat them I think we might win five more games maybe six let me back that up I don’t see us winning more than 17 it hurts me to say that um but the way we been playing all year unless some teams start wrestling players near the end

Which you know that could always happen but I think we end up going 17 at 65 yes Mark the gamer I agree Richard not being in Nets and Sun they coming for blood I’m being hopeful Toby I think we’re securing our future with this Tank season and next year why because

Hopefully we get high draft players that become Superstars not putting everything in W on the long R Mr Z we’re going to have a lottery pick maybe two lottery picks depending on how kto does when I go to the Spurs versus Thunder I’m going

To bring a sign that says Subs J are you going to the game awesome p e good evening re sheeper and Rod are two guards to Kentucky you know what somebody sent me a long email I haven’t had a chance to read it yet about the Spurs should draft the Kentucky guard

Because the Kentucky guards have had a lot of luck in the NBA recently just haven’t had a chance to read it and I keep forgetting because it’s under my TSR Sports email um and I don’t get in there a whole lot should try to get into that after the

Game The Wolves finished out the quarter with a 12 to3 run they have the ball right now after a Spurs Miss con for three ouch 3221 down by 11 we got no offense ched Alman goingon to drive in the paint stops pops all right well there’s some

Offense yeah Mr zc can you imagine if the ther kept those three together for like a decade dasty but they couldn’t could have what have should have KD left the greener pastures in Golden State I wish I wish they kept that Thunder well maybe I don’t wish they kept that Thunder team

Together goar just postered Wy which it’s G to happen if you’re a wi protector you’re going to get postered Robinson got postered Timmy did brandom in the paint layup good okay must win shy check combined for 66 the other day that they have their Batman Robin more likely Yan po

Thank you for stopping in Dr Phil maybe not this year definitely not as re drives stops pops little turn around jump hook good yes he did aming yes he did it is f ball down by 11 Wy out in three-point land looking for a pick and

Roll no pick no roll back out to Blake Wesley Wesley is going to get it over to cheddy Osman thinks about the three back in wemy and Wy is going to get pushed in the back we’re going to have a foul non- shooting off the ball we need to put my twin

Julian go 72 yeah go bear soft as wet butt cheese okay one out three-point l 10 on the 10 minutes on the game clock gets it over to Kell Kell’s Corner three hey hey k a three all right need more of that more scoring from Kellin our team is desperate for

Offense right now Nas re drives in the paint misses the shot going to get fouled probably going to the line for two not only playing old school freej but he just plays well against us for whatever reason he just he plays well by the way the thumb up machine

Could use a little help tonight I see we are at 57 so if you’re hanging out out tonight and want to bring more people in maybe more Spurs fans more Timberwolves fans best way to do that hit that thumbs up looks like this first free throw is good by the way

So we do have two free throws coming up Justin champen is with the Timberwolf sorry the Wizards okay Nas Reed has eight points in eight minutes I told you plays well against us that one rolls around and goes make that nine points in 8 minutes 3828 50/50 but Cooper flag to Detroit you

Like butterfly good evening ghost first go to you teddy Osman for three no good Jordan the clogging in the game gez I my uh roster all screwed up um tonight thank you ESPN Wy would behind the back pass to Wesley Wesley can’t hold on to it and it’s going to be turnover there

Was a Miss three before that our offense looks so inept lately tonight everyone time Wy gets gets a block they call foul it seems like it are our guys just not motivated anymore which based on the record I could see that happening Al broken up to Rudy Gober

Ball goes out of bounds it’s going to stay with the ter wolves but I mean just L their our offense is so flat Co flag over catogram Odyssey good evening to you it is Tim W 3828 a little under 9 minutes ago when is the last game like

The last game of the year we played at Detroit Pistons sometime in April it’s the second week I believe uh for two weeks in April I’ll be streaming with a co-host but not who you think it is not baby grou not baby uh baby coyote not Selena not miss

TSR going to be TSR bear in the house on the couch probably probably snoring during the stream yeah a I know we play yes I don’t think that game by team Detroit will be for the worst team in the NBA I think Detroit’s going to already have that locked

Up now Reed at the line for two more just bad in his stats right now on us come on off Spurs offense wake up you’re putting me to sleep uh three beards no political parties in the chat pork of War whether American or not Cooper flag does look special too

Bad you can’t draft high school players anymore Spurs would have a shot this year if he could Robert I think we’re just that bad W would a little pass to brand Brandon almost turns the ball over gets it to Kell instead Kell out to cheddy Osman for three no

Good 16 minutes of play almost and we have 28 points in today’s high-scoring NBA turnover by the Timberwolves SP trying to go fast break to get it up to Wesley Wesley will dve in the paint reverse layup no good follow up no good and it’s Tim’s

Ball I I don’t know what to say anymore somebody score a bug it for us anybody put me in pop T by Timberwolves and we’ll have a couple substitutions no we can’t shoot the 72 sors have the most losses in the season with 73 at least we beat them

Well there you go wait is Beantown breakdown in the chat or did you say is it Beantown oh you said is it Beantown breakdown Robert feeling a little floppy tonight being a lot floppy tonight treay Jones checkback in with the Spurs Blake Wesley to the bench had a kind of quiet

Uh I don’t think no he didn’t score I think Wy pullup jumper is short this is this is rough Mike connley in the paint misses the layup put back by goar is good we’re down by 14 no car carony towns by the way this is without

Cat ly passes the ball right to jayen McDaniels now foul on the Spurs that’s another turnover for us penalty what is our whole team doing Timeout on the floor our offense looks I’m feeling I feel like I’m getting chucked I seriously we only have 28 [Laughter] points down by [Laughter]

14 we only have 11 wins this [Laughter] year yeah Mark I didn’t think you had any stats nothing’s been happening H uh pop offseason take eight current Spurs players will not be on the team next year eight eight that’s a lot um we have a a lot of

Guys under contract what do you think’s happen with all of them T wolves are better without cat he’s too selfish and doesn’t play Dean huh and yes Koka I already agree with that goar is a three three time three time DP y yes for a reason we are putting up a fight this

Team just isn’t that good you just put wy’s WF yeah but I don’t want a bunch of excessive swearing Hario but yes this is I I worried that the team’s going to get only harder to watch as a season gets closer to the end as they have obviously have nothing to play for

They’re not making the playoffs I mean there’s Pride hopefully they play pride and and try but I am worried if the games are going to get worse and worse that being said I will be missing a game next weekend I won’t be available on Saturday and then I’ll be missing

Actually another game at the end of the month I’ve got things going on with friends so that’ll keep me from calling the games um so yall understand I’ll put in the community notes the two games I can’t call I think we’ll still hit around 90 games though between the summer league

And preseason so but we had a good season together not a winning season but it was fun 35 3366 are our splits woo all right Jen good good night to you get some get some rest 35 3366 that that is sad Zach Bassie Julian Kellin Graham

Osman Malachi or Wesley then a lot of those guys are under contract p is under contract bass’s under contract champen is under contract K’s under contract Graham uh I don’t think he’s under contract um Osman is an expired contract Mal’s under contract W’s under contract Jones’s under

Contract where are all those guys going if they’re under contract uh kokoso it’s not going fast for me um I can’t believe there’s only what 23 games left I think after tonight so in that respect yes it’s gone by fast but as a content creator on YouTube

Between work and you know spending time with family friends or my S other plus this it it it has felt like a long season um but having only three games a week hopefully the schedule’s more like that moving forward that’s nice when it’s four games a week and they have a

Back toback I’m not not a big fan of back-to-backs we’re GNA have a foul I think on Wy NZ Reed hits the floor they’re all cheap contracts tradable contracts I do worry Bassie how much if his career is going to get shortened with all the injuries he’s already had

I don’t think we can get a lot for Kellin in a trade at this point with his play declining so much recently I don’t think there’s much there gofman for three we down by 17 I think I just heard a 80 run by the Timberwolves wow I’m about to press Spurs Niner run

Excuse me by Minnesota in the last 3 minutes and 22 seconds another turnover for the Spurs fast break and Malachi Brandon gets back in defense and gets the block but the ball’s now going to go out of bounds and it’s going to stay with Minnesota Charlotte’s won five of their last six games

What all right the Houston I will show the game cuz you asked uh H I feel like the whole team has a lot of turnovers they might not it just maybe all the Miss shots makes it feel like turnovers and we’re missing a lot of shots right

Now almost a turnover by the timber wolves nice effort by soan to get the loose ball but it kept in in bounds and it went to Anthony Edwards and going to go around the world another three by mclock we’re down by 20 I don’t know when the last time we scored

Is Wy stats this quarter one rebound three turnovers Zack Collins little jumper is good Zack Collins of all people that one to end the Run Zack freaking Turn Style Collins thank you Zach geez machine 78 what’s up not the spur scoring in this game we have 30 points

We’re down by 18 in the second quarter Trey Jones will bring it up for San Antonio pull up in the paint back toback bucket for San Antonio let’s start getting something going yeah Garrett yeah that that’s how I feel I just want to see a good game

And there’s so many of those that we aren’t having lately 12 fast break points for the timber wolves Drive bucket Nale Alexander Walker off the glass and they just hit David Ron’s number 50 and now quick Turner for the Spurs as I looked away on the inbound thankfully the timoll missed the

Three the Wolves bench has 24 our bench has 14 that means our starters have only 18 oh boy Zach H in the paint over to soan back to brandom open for three all right the team is starting to show some life here at the end of the second

Quarter let’s get LeBron and Trey to pair with wemy oh green Caesar I don’t see that happening at all I’ll freely give you Kell for thanes is your expectation that if we get thanasis on the Spurs Giannis will follow suit and come to San Antonio Anthony Edwards pull up three no

Good Trey Jones with the rebound he’ll bring it up for the Spurs four minutes to go down by 15 Trey Jones just launches it in the s that’s right Phil no matter how bad it Gets and it’s pretty bad wolves are shooting 70% from three shut the front door slow-mo pull up in the paint good good evening Mars the are you saying we’re taking bronnie in the first round no way no bronnie is not a lottery pick Zach Collins gonna call for the

Foul on the screen hey that’s another turnover I would not want LeBron on this team at this point ver by the way good evening to you 10 turnovers for the Spurs four for the Timberwolves we’re on Pace for a 20 turnover game again the right Wasing guy we can’t defend the

Perimeter at all we’re the worst team defending yeah Toby by the way Anthony Ed just got fouled with them being in the bonus he will go to the line for two make a serious pay cut to come to Spurs and still make more money than he

Is with the Lakers because of oh that’s right no income tax in Texas I don’t see him coming here but yes what hor just said Bry will get drafted I think in the second around his teams are going to want LBJ you know arnesto I was saying that

Earlier in the Stream has this team lost all confidence it appears that way doesn’t it the old Zack con the illegal screen yep every freaking Game Jesus I regret like the Spurs this team is a joke they they’ve they’ve been bad uh Rick year they do have a chance

To win but they’re going to have to play much better and much better soon we’re down by 19 in the second quarter AEL drive and Vel throws it down under dunk of Justice Rob ding to the Spurs that’s a name that has come up for us to possibly

Draft Anthony Edwards drives in paint throws it off the glass good 5637 now Robert I’m not hearing a lot of good things about Bron’s game either he’s going to get him because of of his dad it no chance he doesn’t Brandon pull up jumper in the paint good you know is

It me malkey looked a little better the last few games I he has seven points Off the Bench feel like he’s starting to come around just a little bit hopefully that continues for a little bit that’s left of the Season Edwards drives in the paint throws it up to the glass and

Scores again Anthony Edwards is killing us tonight that is a weak way to get the NBA but that’s how he’s going to get here but sell for three short am I watching the OKC game uh NOP watching the Spurs and Timberwolves luminics oh what just happened oh

Anthony Edward just went down no contact Tim on a call a timeout that is not good non- contct Anthony just dropped to the floor oh no the announcer saying he had a sprained ankle earlier in the year he just yeah he tripped ay twist his ankle no contact Time Out

MJ Mr free freeze chill out be cool BR G be at home doing door Dash and Taco Bell I haven’t seen that movie Phil but I I’m not going to wish him injury of course I it it’s not good when a player goes down on their own I will say

That yes hopefully he’s okay the announcers are don’t seem too concerned they mentioned he had an ankle injury earli in the year you may have just tweaked it there when the way I saw him go down I my first thought was oh no it’s just an Achilles cuz it I saw the

Ankle saw him go down I was thinking Achilles rupture which is what we don’t want as NBA fans that is an injury that keeps you out for a year and you might not come back the same that you know what brandom is like a box of chocolates for sure wild decide

If we don’t drop the floor General I’ll be hurt I don’t know what we’re going to do seriously soena what do you think we should do you going to dance well we’re losing so you know what that means no they won’t need an if we keep playing like this cash

Blue Gru is goingon to say a prayer Anthony Edwards maybe coyote is also going to say PR okay oh the Thunder oh okay the next yes illuminat that is Thursday night I’m sorry I thought they were playing tonight I was going to say no I’m not watching their game tonight yes I’ll be

Doing the game Thursday night I think we play at 8 or 8:30 this first first home game in what feels like forever they’re showing Edwards makes a and yeah no contact from so just ankle gave out yeah he did Jacob he got poster tonight by Rudy goar that is a fact

Brandom could develop to a Tyler hero Jordan Clon type of flavor I would be fine with that Blake into type of a Darren Fox they’re still young what one thing we got to remember with our guys is some of are well most the team is really young at this point that’s a

Turnover for Minnesota spur ball Kell Johnson going to get fouled by slow-mo how many turnovers for Wy feels like seven it’s not that many but I think he might have three or four Meo thank you for stopping in glad you’re here as well did he need help walking off the

Court so he he’s done for the game I guess he walked off Tycoon I was in a commercial break so I didn’t see how he left the court when with the bar right now over to demel vel’s going to drive the paint throws it up off the glass tough shot good

Got ankle sprs conference fins against Lakers uh well that’s anytime a crowd cheers for a plane being hurt there’s they got something wrong in their lives Spurs ball on The Fast Break Dell layup is good after the Minnesota Miss 5843 let’s close this quarter out strong

Get it to 10 or single digits if you can we’re going to have a kickball another turnover by the Minnesota Timberwolves all right let’s get a run going CU he likes to channel Rick here when be the TSR sports fan slowmo going out of the game

Now wow the injuries are piling up for the Timberwolves slow-mo going to the locker room Anthony Edwards has already left the game probably not coming back I would think Wy will get the ball to Kin Johnson six on the shot clock for KJ KJ drives into

The paint throws it up and gets blocked gets the ball back it’s going to fire off a corner three air ball and Minnesota doesn’t have their top two scorers Anthony Edwards or Carl Anthony towns guess who the block was by Rudy goar what a shocker three-time Defensive Player of the

Year oh Tycoon I if we’re gonna have a chance to get back into this game if Edwards is out and slowmo is out too Ling Edwards is going to be a huge huge detriment to this offense Morris with the drive no good gets his own Miss and gets blocked by

Wemy Wy even jump just put his hand on the ball clowned him that was kind of funny Morris was like whop wy’s like just kind of blocked it and took the ball away from him I don’t know that might even be considered a steel I don’t know if

That’s a block or a steal is it a ble is it a stock Mel with the clock running out starts to drive gets it into wemy wemy Fade Away jumper it’s going to go out of bounds and we have just under a second left Cash blw Out agree trade Kellin

Zack Malachy this offse I don’t think all three are getting traded CU half court three by go Bear all right we’re down by 15 but it’s not over yet em you can’t watch it Cecil it’s a block and rebound okay Wendy I don’t know F why he passed that

That I don’t know why our guys sometimes they don’t pass it to Wy when they should and other times he throw it to him when it’s the worst time for him to be getting the ball it’s it’s it’s the Spurs our our basketball IQ is not

Exactly off the charts let me just say that let’s put the half up let’s get to the halftime sets yeah right wheny triple team let’s get him the ball now all righty half time stats wow the first thing I saw when I opened up a second window is Clay

Thompson’s career drawing to a close wasn’t just saying he would come off the bench now it’s all of a sudden his career is coming to an end make up your mind all right then timbero scored 29 in both quarters the Spurs scored 21 in the first 22 in

The second so we’re getting a little better let’s look at the timber wolves first McDaniels with zero Anderson with two goar with eight connley with six Edwards with 18 did leave the game near the end of the half with an ankle injury unknown if he’s coming back not looking

Good for him Reed with 11 Morris with three mclan with six and Alexander Walker with four let me update one thing on my list here all right and our San Antonio Spurs Julian champeny with two Jeremy soan with zero didn’t Jeremy have one point in the

Last game and now man’s got zero tonight taking two shots miss them both he’s got one assist and one foul to his credit he does have a plus one to his stat line champ Pen’s got A plus three oh my white t see the bench uh weny with eight

Points six boards three assists one steal two blocks does have those three turnovers unfortunately Trey Jones with four points demo with 10 points and let’s look at the bench and if you look at the bench Zack Collins minus 11 cheddy owman minus 16 Kellen Johnson minus33 Malachi Brandon minus 11 Blake Wesley minus

14 our bench unit defense is abysmal Collins is a Turn Style Kell’s a Turn Style Brandon’s a Turn Style osman’s Hit or Miss Wesley usually plays solid defense so this game’s been kind of going up and down lately colins with two points tonight Osman with Osman has

Been playing well he’s got seven Kellen having a rough game back after getting benched three points on one of five shooting Brandon with actually Brandon’s playing very solid seven points he’s hit all his shots three three and then B Wesley has zero point and one assist missed all three of his

Shots there you go I don’t know what to say we’re down by 15 Ken come back with if Anthony Edwards doesn’t return that’s not the way I want to come back because of a player injury it is what it is we didn’t do it no points for Wy in the second yeah

Yeah he definitely hit the wall in the second quarter that’s why we need high draft picks and also develop our players I agree Sohan did good pressuring an his ankle give up a yeah I maybe it’s giving a pressure but offensively we we can’t have guys out there scoring zero in the starting

Lineup that’s not going to help us win games Francisco I I I’m only going to trust the process for so long what I mean by that is I’m giving the team a pass this year and it’s not all pup I’m giving the team the organization a for me personally a pass

It’s a complete rebuild they have no vets on the team they’re the youngest team in the NBA that being said if we get a lottery pick next year or two lottery picks and we have the same record or we’re worse next year the that trust the process patience is going to

Be out the door for me i’ like to see Kell get a lot of time this game and have I like see him attack little more too these kids are uh these little kids are playing better than our Spurs yeah there’s little kids playing basketball right now and yeah

They they are they’re not this young these kids look like they’re less than 10 they’re all like half my height R some young nonsp players you can think of that could develop better in San Antonio I’ll go first for Cas Wallace from OKC some people want us to

Go after Killian Hayes who I believe is still unsigned former lottery pick for the Pistons point guard uh got released earlier this year U what about 3 weeks ago is I don’t think it’s been sign tellen Johnson is turning to Anthony bet at 2.0 some folks as far as

Young players want B bow and two his credit Bobo has played much better the last few games with Phoenix getting legit minutes and playing with the potential a lot of people saw him saw with him in Orlando I don’t want him or Killian Hayes we tround have wor season oh we

Are Mohamad there’s no doubt it’s going to happen this is going to be the worst first team in history it I it hurts to say that but there it’s it’s going to be what it is yeah freej he’s either chucking threes or driving in the paint there’s

Not a lot in between there at all we need Brad Stevens on our team freaking Celtics have at least 10 solid players I don’t know they got raise your hand if you think making a team is easy definitely don’t think it’s easy yeah it’s true can also look at the

Thunder who are I think they’re in the youngest team in the NBA last year and look how quickly they’re turning things around and I think a lot of fans would like to see that with our Spurs Kell is soan have never played basketball before today James it’s looking like it they

Are it’s consistently consistent and that’s been the Spurs for the last that’s been the Spurs this whole whole time this channel has been on YouTube the team has been incredibly inconsistent especially just the players it’s like we got a bunch of Lonnie Walkers out there Lonnie Walker remember

Lonnie was here one night would go for 20 be like man Lonnie looked great last night this is it he’s finally gonna be that guy and next night he comes out and gets two points and that’s our guys roller coaster up down you just the whole team is like a box of chocolates

You don’t know know what you’re going to get when they show up most of this year you’ve gotten a a young inep team on the court does Victor only taking five shots an good evening Richard the lionard Miss TSR the fair and bear the omes Greg don’t forget headband Kung Fu Gripp and

Grou and uh levitating baby coyot coyot coyot my bestest littley coyot coyot my best little listen when your team’s losing by this every game you need something to entertain yourself right butterfly 1 million that what was that fourth grade basketball Mi found seven undrafted players and went to the

Finals Mel has hit the ceiling you’re not the only one that’s kind of said that aresto I thought he would be a much defensive player than he is right now that’s probably the biggest shocker offensively yes he’s wildly inconsistent one night he’ll go for 30 next night he’ll go for

10 um we’ve seen him be phenomenal here and there this year but defensively he’s not giv us anything special and I thought for sure he was going to be a a strong Defender for the Spurs and that has not happened we’re not 100 likes yet butterfly well I appreciate you saying

Get the likes for Rich because well it does help the channel even when we’re losing the magic did take their time and rebuild properly we don’t want to rush the rebuild I see a lot of people saying bring in a you know big free agent or

Mega big trade and bring in one or two guys I’m like you can’t just throw people together and expect it to work immediately they’re showing the Pistons and Knicks that was an interesting ending last night which I reacted to about an hour and a half before this game I’m disappointed no braw between

Draymond Buon that’s right didn’t Draymond Green punch pull in the face a couple years ago just like during like a practice just like clock him Draymond Green has issues that dude has serious issues um a good player part of a dynasty and that maybe they’re

Not that Dynasty without him a a swi you know Swiss Swiss army knife on the court could do a lot of things for for Golden State but man he’s got a serious like anger management temper whatever you want to call RS pop in the front office really need

To make ready now moves in the offseason you can’t keep doing the same thing expecting different results beginning of the Season felt Su going on paper uh I thought we’d be better than we are are that’s all instead we’re getting chucked getting chucked over and over and over

Again forget we lost the highy draic because of yes we did I don’t think people realize how important that was our Rose City I talk about it a lot about how that really you know that hurt us having a lottery pick that draft is it’s like it didn’t happen

2021 just three years ago both our picks Joshua primo and Joe whis camp or off the roster Weis Camp only lasted one year he wasn’t doing anything with us so whatever but when you take a guy 12th right we took him 12th overall and he’s off the team shortly after year granted

Not injury related or basketball related it is ball related but still to just have a Player gone that fast that did not help us either although I’ll be honest with you this might be an unpopular opinion Paul the hot take I thought Primo sucked when he was

Here he had a couple good games couple big moments but overall he sucked Marcus Morris is he save this team no no he won’t he said wheny is the type of dude haana up if the team doesn’t help him to achieve go who said that sorry to tell you this K are go

Minnesota it’s so lender it’s all good man you could say go timber wolves you could say go Red Sox uh I’m a Giants fan go Cowboys go Eagles go Washington whatever they are this year no offense taken no no shade uh GW gal I do think Anthony

Edwards is going to be out for the rest of the game late in the second quarter he was making a cut and twisted his ankle apparently had an injury to that same ankle earlier this year and he had to get helped off to the lock room so I don’t think he’s coming

Back sad I don’t remember Primo as good or bad like a non not even Primo did suck first saw him front off basically want him to be face of the team build around him sort of thing K was so dumb he said he couldn’t ask for a

Better franchise oh yeah why he seems to be happier absolutely but he’s not going to want to be on the losing side of things every year I get the vibe he really hates losing this year probably understands we’re a young team we’re rebuilding but he’s not going to want to

Go through that if the Spurs have a losing record every year of his rookie contract I don’t see happening but if it if this they’re a losing team each year not sh progress then he’s going to leave I think he just would he be gone but I don’t see that happening I think

We will be a winning team in year three or four I’m hesitant to say next year I think we’ll be better next year depending on who we draft but I don’t think we’ll be there yet but I think we be a l lot better in this year team that’s for

Sure n okay I think Primo could have developed into an Anthony Simons or SGA is is is primo even playing in LA or is he still out in G league is he in the g string League we got at least traded the Primo pick for picks later or

Something but it’s literally you say yeah we drafted nothing in 21 that was just a wasted draft you know I was thinking about wasted drafts look at the Pistons just all the failure they’ve had over the last five years I was thinking the Portland Trailblazers and uh I you know

Kind of stumbled upon Brandon Roy’s very short NBA career and I think him and Greg Odin played for Portland at the same time both of both of them were lottery picks weren’t they and both of those guys careers were ended so prematurely due to knee injuries I think Brandon Roy didn’t have any

Cartrid left in his knee I think I read that somewhere sucks when guys just it happens you can’t you can’t help when players get injured like that when you’re drafting them now I probably should put quarter three up because it’s going to start like any second I would

Presume that’s not how I do it like this there we go yeah players are back on the court so those be starting up any moment twisted his ankle Soul lender ankle twist I think the Spurs most win at least 30 games for when be happy I could

See him winning 30 next year that seems reasonable the problems pop tries to coach his team like it’s 2014 it’s not 2014 this is not the beautiful game after 14 field goal attempts and Wy only with five we will be better after year two this is just first yeah it will get

Better Mr Z agre I always thought M you know you’ve said that before Phil that Mike Conley would be a great spur so ler don’t know how bad it was it sounds like he re agravated oh actually he’s right there he’s on the court he’s playing he’s wearing an ankle brace

That’s or an ankle wrap uh I don’t know if that’s a good idea to be out here anthonyward is back in the game okay uh that is risky Mr z i don’t agree with that he had a previous ankle injury this year twisted his ankle in this game and

You got him out there against our guys turn over for the Spurs by the way I guess it’s not that bad I don’t agree with this at all if I’m Minnesota your top score risking him out there I mean maybe he’s fine but uh well whatever Edwards with the ball right now

Pull up jumper over soan no good and CH Spurs cannot CW The Rebound it’s going to go out of bounds back to Minnesota right Jesus he must have did I don’t know what maybe they Mr Miyagi from yagi rub Spurs with 13 turnovers the Tim we have 13 turnovers already Edwards drives

In the paint High layup good so he’s looks fine bad teams make bad decisions facts Tycoon I agree now another Whistle Pop calling a timeout already bench everybody pop bring in Mamu and and uh get Dominic Barlo out there Adrian he is turnover prone I hate to say it he’s very turnover fromone

This year he’ll get better at that is he F five already can it be a good evening to you struggles real struggles me very you know where else the struggle real is at to get to 100 thumbs up tonight my friends could you hop B out and hit the thumbs up

We’re so close we’re at 92 somehow this team just keeps getting worse and worse though and I worse and worse to watch I don’t know what I don’t know top about to get thrown out of this game maybe yes Jeremy with zero yep Jeremy with zero he’s had a lot

Of games with single digits lately are our guys just ready for the season to be over have they thrown in the towel they’re like we’re not going anywhere I I don’t know we do not need Marcus Morris exactly ory he’ll have a big game and then disappear the next when be five

Shots and four turnovers that is not a good ratio you know what’s funny Rich this is the same team that beat the this is the same team that beat the Suns back to back literally the same team no it’s not the same team Dr Phil cuz we had D McDermot and Charles

Bassie when we beat the Suns both those players are not active not the same team not the mama we all of us have as many points as Jeremy uh Carl Anthony towns has zero because he’s not playing he is out tonight I don’t think there’s many other roster changes has there Kelvin Johnson

Was in the starting lineup Zack Collins was in the starting lineup when we beat the Suns yes that was a dinosaur’s reference I think I only watched some of the first season but I remember the little baby not sure that’s what everybody remembers from that show the not the mama did he

Hit his dad with a frying pan I don’t remember if he did that or not without Ling the Spurs would have four WIS do you think we’d even have that money Adrian J Money good evening to you thank you for stopping in is wey getting benched is soan getting

Benched oh snap pop this bench Wendi and soan he putting Kelvin for soan and he putting Collins for wemy one minute in holy sniky wow Collins for three well shoot Zack Collins just hit a three we’re coming back now you know what I like it he’s finally coaching he’s like you’re gonna you’re

Going to take plays off you’re not going to play get your a on the bench what’s get a Mamu sighting Mike Conley Runner good in the paint who’s guarding ant uh I’ll have to take a look when the Tims have it on offense again right now the Spurs have

It champeny looking for a screen with Zack doesn’t get the screen back over to Kellen 14 on the shot clock for Kellman and almost turns the ball over gets it over to Collins Collins will drive in the paint out to Trey Jones who faked the corner three and then gets in the

Paint throws it up off the glass in and one pops had enough as father Christ I don’t think he likes what he’s seen from wemy wem’s been turning the ball over a lot tonight wenyama oh turnover Toby oh that sounded like a nickname for you he had a turnover comma

Toby I think he had a I think he had a turnover gosh I can’t keep track of his turnovers Trey missed a free throw you but head sorry I say that Butthead with love and affection and now K and D after a loose ball and ball going get knocked out of

Bounds it’ll go to the Timberwolves nice to see him playing playing with a little hustle now where City Soko first last good evening told you rich po needs to retire even with big playing bad offense he can still be a factor defensively that is true but I don’t know may he’s shaking

It up which is weird because a Ben Unis one with the biggest negatives in the plus minus that’s a Miss Rudy goar is going to knock it out of bounds that be Spurs ball down by 14 let’s make a run here Trey Jones will bring it up the court drives in the

Paint almost lost the ball gets it out to Kell Kell’s open for three takes the three nope goar with the rebound down the other end pull up three no good by who was that McDaniels Spurs ball champagne is going to Chuck of three there we go hey 11-point game this the closest we’ve

Been in a while Soko was not good he has no offense Lance that is one thing I have seen uh his offense looks to be severely lacking he’s got some quality to him he’s got good size his ability to shoot haven’t seen a lot of it is we’re going to have

A foul as Anthony Edwards goes flying out of bounds Kelvin is dooky Adrian how do you really feel I guess the sooko can’t beat champagney nor soan in practice is free day that’s not a compliment yep Carl Anthony T is out and we are still down by 11 two free throws

From Anthony Edwards the first one’s good here’s the old thing every NBA team makes a run we usually don’t maybe tonight we be different you know we might have won more games without weeny not because he’s not great but our guys are just confused how to utilize him maybe we’ll never

Know I don’t think our record was very good in the games when we missed I I think we won only one or maybe none Vel and the captain and shoot three no good how was Devon doing tonight I don’t feel like I’ve he’s four it he’s just not shooting

A lot say I don’t feel like I’ve said his name a lot because he had taking a lot of shots Anthony Edwards lose the ball out of bounds and it’s going to be San Antonio wall we drafted so many guys who say they have defense but I yet to see it soan

Soo who next uh ad Vel in there wasel supposed to be a 3D player well not not putting much D in that Dean Kellin and jermany taking turns having SLE d games amville sadly you’re right they’ve been bad Melle on the paint throws up a garbage layup what was

That that was a terrible shot is what that was Mike con’s going to drive throws it up off the rim no good Kellen with the rebound almost turned it over and they did turn over and a layup by Conley wow that was just ugly the timoll have

18 points off turnovers we have four Kell drives in the paint misses jazz jazz ball I just saw jazz in the bottom graphic timber wolves ball that’s an airball three by Nale Alexander Walker what’s he doing in there oh well Mel out to Zack Collins Collins going to shoot a three

Nope almost almost went in Hit The Rim hit the backboard then hit the rim again couldn’t get the kind rim job what who what both teams are three of eight from the field this quarter actually think we entered the third quarter down by 15 that long three is no good and now

We’re going to have a whistle he Spurs ball and kin Johnson just went to the ground that’s a king as long as the pist and wizards aren’t catching up PO will deliberately lose the game to ensure the draft I don’t care I would you want theti

Back are we sure our guys came out after halftime are these still the fourth graders Carin is still down on the ground oh his eye is watering hard oh he took a shot right in the right eye Rudy goar gave him the people’s finger right in the

Eye I don’t know if K’s still staying in or if he’s going to have to come out he took a pretty good shot in the eyeball you got Jon Jones in the eyeball if you get the reference you get the reference is kin longest tener spur holy

Crap five year five that is crazy oh Kell staying in CS with a trying to thread the needle pass to champag hey it’s another turnover for the Spurs Fast Break by the other one down the other alander Walker layup in traffic good and I think PO is going to call another

Timeout and he did hello there in the longest 10 spur that’s crazy and he’s what 20 24 25 in year number five and he’s our longest tener guy Lance I don’t know how many turnovers we have yes he does wear contacts I do know that frej he does

Wear contact so this contact I don’t know if it got poked out pokey pokey this is this is rough I don’t feel like we’ve ever been in this game tonight at any moment oh no sorry he’s okay he’s okay need a tough baby cyen 16 turnovers we have 16 turnovers

And we’re still H not even halfway way through the third quarter dang OMG I swear to God how the F he didn’t uh oh certified steal that some that’s their guys rather coyote than Collins yeah I don’t know our fans are still watching this uh Adrian as a Spurs content

Creator the struggle been real um but you know what experimenting with new content on the channel has been fun I started com kaoto again did the NBA reaction to the end of the Pistons in the Knicks game last night did a Giants video last week hoping do another

Giants video soon with the draft inting Giants videos plural might start doing Yankees content again so yeah the Channel’s been fun but watching the Spurs just this I mean they’re going to be the worst spur team of all time that that’s been tough to watch yeah illumin exactly it’s a long

Season when a team’s bad with a good when it’s short I agree Jared good evening to you Jared what do you think ding it I’m think you you you can respect this I don’t think K can improve more uh he’s like Deon shows flashes and you

Think he’s the guy and then he’ll have a game or two or three or a whole week or whole month of convincing you he’s not that guy again Luke Zack good evening to you LCA went for 45 today the New York crowd stopping in appreciate

You I doe for a Giants video I see if I can do one tomorrow another turnover for weny 17 17 also what we’re down by for the record this is just poor basketball period unacceptable Cowboy xfactor welcome back I didn’t see who shot that for the M uh for

The kolls I turned away just for a second it is Spurs ball Wy with the ball drops it off to Vel Vel is going to start to drive pull up jumper good from the Bas line if Devon can become a 28 plus Point per game score I don’t think he’s going to sniff

That Matas Max J is not in this game Anthony Edwards for three we’re down 18 oh gosh Adrian that OKC game is gonna be rough Thursday night cville is that the were we the Spurs in 73 or we the Dallas chapol then Ball’s going to go out of bounds

It’s going to stay with San Antonio yo Spurs fan well C xor you’re still doing better than my team Spurs ball s going to get it out to Wy my clock’s not running there we go back to Vel Vel out to chedy Osman Osman into the paint layup gets swatted out oh Big

Time rejection on chenny anthonyward is going to drive the paint get stripped from champeny turnover for the Timberwolves a lot of turnovers in this game by both teams some ooly basketballs Trey Jones in the paint layup good ho is the scoreboard for a Hornets for bucks real 40 points in the just

What are the Bucks destroying the Hornets or are the Hornets beating the Bucks because I have a hard time believing that’s what’s happening and Wy want a block but Naas Reed gets the loose ball puts it in no they’re around CX Factor now another turnover oh my God

Stop I think Wy just had another block or at least affected the shot by Jan McDaniels we are a turnover machine these ain’t the San Antonio Spurs these are the Pillsbury turnovers Trey Jones with a turnover I just whispered an F bomb my apologies I try not to swear on this

Channel you probably didn’t hear it but this is ridiculous for’s got 39 with wow seriously Chris Roy I’m getting tired of being a Spurs fan you’ve been a Spurs fan since 89 Spurs fan since 1990 mtic I agree 19 turnovers you heard a beef all right let’s good cash

Blue four minutes to go we’re going to have more than 25 turnovers this this this game Mell with the ball and on the shot clock throws it out to wemy wem’s going to Chuck the three no good helin Johnson with the offensive board over to Malachy brandom

From one handband to the other and Maliki brandom hits a three and brandom to his credit has been shooting so much better of late NE prone mck F bomb the Spurs don’t like to change and pop the jemy Sonic print was the beginning of the end Shez it sure

Was Edwards with the layup in the paint in traffic 7758 wols man’s booing our guards for not passing really are they really are they boing us let turnover number 20 deel turnover now Reed drives gets the layup and an n one I think it was fouled by Wy this is this

Is yeah get get Mama win seriously you know what hello there I don’t think we’re going to get more than 17 wins 15 and 67 is a real possibility Zack I think he’s going to take this year with a grain of salt they’re going to have to show

Improvement Here’s my thought with weny the only way he wants out is if this team is a losing team the next three years as well if the Spurs are showing no commitment to building no commitment to winning no commitment to being a playoff team and a contender if we have

Losing season after losing season after losing season after losing season he will want out I can’t see that happening if it does TSR might retire at that point I’ll be 50 years old let Mr Robinson’s number and if the Spurs are screw up enough where wheny leaves a team I probably

Retire very Le wheny hits the three retire from doing live streams yeah he’s been stuck on eight for like forever Rocco good evening to you Maris thank you for stopping in if you have not hit the thumbs up yet please do so for this frustrated Spurs fan and his loyal viewers who’ve been

Been here all season and the team just keeps apparently getting worse and worse would appreciate any thumbs up you can throw our away steal and then turns the ball right back over I think we have 21 turnovers now Anthony Edwards Corner three good we have over 20

Turnovers and we just turned it over again you got to be we’re getting clown now Edwards fast break dunk I think Pop’s call no pop not calling a timeout the timal players are laughing at us when he gets into kin traffic can’t make the layup and we’re going to have a foul 21

Turnovers oh it’s actually goal never mind not a foul go he is flexing on the Spurs as far as are tanking fans this is beyond tanking Manel there’s one thing to tank paying my uh paying my dues paying my dues been on this channel this Channel’s bur out for five years they’ve

Only lost all five years all we do is watch the team lose on this channel one more D so we got to pay there’s been nothing but losing hours and hours of my life in your lives as viewers and all we’ve seen is losing and we’re still here and we’ll be back

For more Thursday night against the Thunder I don’t we do as you want us to pay the Spurs might lay Rich down but you don’t have to let him down SP that right good thank you for that I Trey Young’s a Band-Aid I’m G tell you right now Trey Young’s a

Band-Aid does not make us a contender if the Atlanta Hawks are going to blow their team up soon those draft picks that we have from them are going to convey into something good that’s big if though by the way brand at the line for two first one’s

Good all we do is lose lose lose no matter what R got that’s on the bar right Janny you got money on Wendy Stat or you playing fantasy basketball do Mars I he doesn’t play defense something we don’t play as a team he’s having Sur had surgery on his

Hand which does concern me as well and my biggest thought would be turn by the wol my biggest concern is what do we have to give up to bring him in we why I want the team to start winning I also don’t want to rush things

And give up a boatload for Trey young and then we’re just the 500 team the next few years and we’re right back where we started from Bill’s blaming Veronica for the losing okay un French thank you for stopping in this is actually going to be

A jump off between goar and Wy I didn’t see what happen with the play but Wy easily wins the jump ball go figure K going to drive toss it to Blake Wesley Wesley GNA get fouled in the paint he’s going to go to line for

Two the team should be in the gym in offseason for 24 hours facts TR averages five to five turnovers in the last two month C’s averaging five turnovers in the past two months horrible defense and yes he is a he’s not a high percentage shooter I do know

That but Spurs were interested in him I mean hey look if the Spurs get Trey young be a trade Wesley’s first free throw is good 19point game if try Young comes to the Spurs I will root for him he’s going to be wearing our uniform I’ll root whoever puts on the uniform I

Just don’t want to give up too much for him if they decide to go that route Wesley made both 18 games 18o game I do not want LeBron James you know that uh Chris I believe a lot of season ticket holders did not renew their tickets for next

Season I think I did see that somewhere over the past week a lot of the season ticket holders are like nope we’re good I mean would you want to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for an 11- win team pson Miss in the paint goar with

The rebound and now we’re going to have a foul I think on I don’t know on you know what Tracy Agy we’re getting crushed GH SPS Go no Alex we definitely are not trying to win right now clearly Adrian I gotta say I see Phil didn’t renew his tickets and I don’t blame you Phil uh I’m ready for this season to be over if if I’m being honest it’s been just watching our guys lose so much has

Been tough hanging out with you guys has been fun adding Miss TSR Sports even though it’s Audio Only to the streams has been you know fun having her here for the games so watching wemy do crazy things on the courts been a lot of fun with the

Loot Wy went to take a three Chang his mind at the last second and pass it to K who chucked a three and missed it I don’t know what that was that was how you blow your knee out don’t do that again Victor ever Anon Edwards going to launch a

Three at the buzzer no good and we’re down eight 18 going in the fourth there’s been positive this season but I I’m I’m ready to to have every night off again from streaming but we’ll finish out the season obviously I’m not going anywhere we have the draft look forward

To I mean moving forward we have the NFL draft to look forward to or I have the NFL draft to look forward to I suppose the NBA draft where the Spurs getting a lottery what happens in the Spurs offseason what the heck are my Giants going to do in the offseason are they

Going to try to draft the back are they bringing saquon Barkley back the team’s a disaster what my Yankees just going to disappoint us again we’ll see uh let’s take the Wizards and pistons are that bad though but all the teams are playing that often Adrian I mean we have the youngest team

In the NBA I don’t they should I don’t think they should be tired I didn’t think playing cheesus I thought we’d be a a low Lottery team like 13 or 14 we’re we’re we’re a high Lottery team and Chris officially the second year of the rebuild I would say is this year it

Feels like longer because he tried winning with de jante and then before that the roen and la and Patty and Rudy and it just didn’t didn’t work out not a Petra rebuild but it does feel like it Carlos Jeter thank you for stopping in definitely not let go Cowboys hot check

Tes good evening uh I’m ready to take this the spot from Brian Wright those beats I sent you may be bangers but would it be more per to find music uh R those beats I I was wondering what um what you were doing with that because if it’s a comment you’re you’re referencing

To because I did the G me in the name of cover I didn’t know if you’re trying to say like those beats were stolen from somebody else I was like no let’s a rage against machine cover um so I wasn’t really sure what I don’t know I don’t know what I’m

Saying sir are yes sir K KJ Carlos H I’m tired of see there you go tired of seeing the worst team in the west there you go Dustin good evening to you Big Sean I can’t really argue with that right now James I’m very disappointed with k Johnson too

Um I really thought that he was better than how he’s been playing this year I mean he’s just taking a step back Bobby February good evening to you my friend hey Rich what do you think about these refs getting away blown calls I did a reaction to that end of Nicks in Pistons

Game about two now about 3 hours or so ago so if you guys are curious in my opinion the video’s up I’m hopefully maybe start covering you know stuff like that I probably should have covered you know where I really dropped the ball is me and Miss

TSR getting to watch the Spurs game we threw on the Heat game I forgot who the the game was with where Jimmy buckets got into a fight with somebody and we were at the tail end of that we could have just rewound it like a minute and W

Watched it and then put up a YouTube short or a reaction we could have did something with it and we said we did nothing fellow tree hugger who’s your tree hugging shout out to Awful coaching end of third bucks 96 Hornets 49 what what KJ taking step back after step back

D going to travel to China soon I you missed that for the Spurs it’s Minnesota ball they’re up 8567 11 minutes and some change to go in the game n Reed going to drive on Kellin gets into the paint throws up the left-handed layup good 20 point

Game uh Lance Miss TSR will watch Yukon I have no desire to cover Yukon one because I would not call of games well since I don’t know anybody on either team I mean I’ve heard a couple names of the Ukon players as Osman hits a three but two I’m already streaming the Spurs

Three to four times a week to add in college basketball streams too for the women and men’s when I’m sure there’s going to be overlapping on schedules there that’s just way too much uh so I will not be covering the games if she wants you know hang out on if she’s here

On the weekend and there’s no Spurs game and she wants to watch the Yukon game men or woman’s certainly well means you know I’ll watch it with her walker drives in the paint and he’s going to get fou Walker takes a screener R I just sent you a screenshot on the

Twitter if you get a chance at a commercial break it might be something you want to address oh really H right knock on wood so far this is the third game we’ve been testing it but if you guys remember we had a couple streams that crashed

Where I froze up and I just basically lost connection to YouTube two free throws for Walker by the way Alexander Walker first one’s good I downgraded my OBS from version 30 to 29 because I did some research on the webs and it seemed like some people were having some issues

What crashes with 30 just maybe not being compatible with their system or a plugin whatever it may be so I stepped back to the last version of 29 2.1.3 and so far we’ve been we’ve been okay so hopefully maybe it’s just that version of OBS we had we’ll just

Stay with this version moving forward till infinity and beyond wheny pulls up no good and hopefully no more crashes in the future coner 2 and0 without Trey wow Bob Bob what’s going on sure that sounds great coming on the microphone goar just postered wemy again not a two-handed dunk good evening to

You Dustin keep fing a good fight I’m trying man I’m trying Kell in the paint throws it up no good gonna get fouled going to the line for two yep soan a one point a game again Daniel and yes Ry would do have a chance at a number one pick again Germany’s

Been terrible lately goar baptizing wemy no not good for the rookie the racing yes that is a beach Bo to the tune of Barbara an great Song first fre throw is good you missed like four straight threes and what do you mean who who missed four straight threes yes we have just hit 71 points in the fourth quarter struggle is real and Kell miss a second free throw BC we don’t need Jeremy for

Scoring but one point ain’t going to cut it it’s not like he’s Dennis rman out there dra grabbing 18 rebounds the game and shutting down guys on the other team we’re not shutting anybody down that three-pointer by Mike Conley’s good we’re down by 23 I don’t think our AR I don’t think

He’s gone but man he uh C in corner three no good uh Jess ties thank you for stopping in womy needs 15 more points for 1100 he ain’t getting that this game steal by Deon he’s going to take it in the paint and he’ll throw it down hey

A little positive moment for our San Antonio Spurs under dunk of Justice I pull up three at good for Conley we’re down at 24 are Malak Wesley each worth a first round draft pick no if you’re looking for trade them hot check W they’re no

They do not have much trade value at all Kellin flies in paint gets the layup what up Jia thank you for stopping in we need to package soan Johnson and first round pick for Trey young Jeremy S kelman Johnson and a first round pick for Trey young then who’s our starting power

Forward Wy pulls up for three no good I mean wow I didn’t see you just shot that it was a dead ball but somebody just launched a half court three and a win and it obviously didn’t count was that Conley Spurs will be the same next season gosh I hope not

Uh Alex okay so we’re going to go with the presumption Alex AR drafted by this first so your starting lineup would be Victor wama alexar um pry Young D and who else soan is good as if you new fans just don’t give any of our players a

Chance to develop literally y all just yap yap yap kind of like you’re Yap yapping right now hey check this out you want to time out check this out I can time you out for 24 hours well see you wouldn’t want to be you you can time

Somebody out for 24 hours that’s pretty cool I just tested that out what do you think of that I’ve never seen that name before so probably came in just a troll and goodbye Alexander sarot check wait uh do you have a taking two guys in the draft now see that does

Change things a lot at this Spurs get two lottery picks then could he draft Zachary race and Alexander SAR and then we have the triple French Connection on the front line gosh that actually could happen cing it can I time out someone for 24 hours

Rob I didn’t know that was an option I if I see someone here that’s never been here before and they’re already talking smack don’t let the door hit you on the way out because they’re probably not coming back they’re just in here to cause trouble now you wrenches can’t time out wrenches

Oh Phil I’m sorry the Twitter’s you did say want me to see something on there all right let’s see what Phil sent me Phil sent me a photo the NBA’s competition committee has officially begun reviewing whether the game has become too advantageous for offense and whether some changes need to

Be implemented to achieve better balance well duh that does not to you Phil that’s something that they should have started looking at like five years ago maybe more defenses can touch players so you can you can’t even sneeze on people I’m glad they’re realizing that something

Needs to be done the game has become I don’t want to say it’s become a joke but my goodness three-point Shooters have so much space that’s why we’re seeing 8003 pointers a game and offenses just all these guys averaging 30 plus points a game this year that is good to know yeah

I mean X whatever X I did not hear about Max Tru that’s the second time his name’s been in the chat tonight’s for streamer what happened with Max whimy has three points since scoring eight in the 1 wow timeouts 10 seconds 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes and 24

Hours wow and bless you Veronica D the sell the ball out on three-point land drops it off over to wemy wemy is going to get it back to Vel Vel will get it to Kellen for a corner three all right Kellen I don’t think he’s made too many stre hadit a

Gamewinner oh okay well Barry I hope he gets your rebound that was a halfcourt game winner ah very nice Dre good evening to you yeah no Phil that’s good to see the NBA needs it something needs to be done I mean just offenses are I I know people

Need to see scoring but when it becomes almost a joke the amount of points that are being put up something needs to me none Melle pull up jumper on the paint good 19point game oh against the mths oh that’s why cowbo X Factor was a little bummed early

In this in the Stream he uh he’s a match fan and go bear with an ALU dunk didn’t poster Wy this time marz cat’s making or sneeze I’m ready for the summer right now Carlos I’ll tell you that Kell into the paint and turns the ball over I

Haven’t said another turn for the Spurs lately but you know what that’s another turnover for the Spurs turnovers in bunches for San Antonio tonight M Clin for three good please Primo come show us how it’s done oh boy the NBA’s at the four-point line and the five-point line don’t joke about

That and an Al to wemy and he gets a big Dunk Dunk of Justice would have like to seen more of that earlier in the game if sandwich Lesley Malachi Primo were bad de Seasons then whose fault was that that would be mostly Brian Wright I don’t think he

Was our GM when we drafted sandwich Kellen launches another three okay I mean we’re down by 19 I didn’t know when we had a double double Chris bin good evening can we make it the 20 wi the season no Chris we’re not going to make it to 20

Alexander Walker D the paint misses the layup but is first ball gets it to deel Vel back to Wy Wy in the paint he’ll throw it down again where was this whole game under dunk of Justice then just said Spurs on a run this ain’t over yet we’re down by

17 team coming to life way at the end Bar says thank you for the $900 W be nice no Phil we could no what we can blame Brian Wright for is reaching on a draft pick that kid was projected me in the low Comm mid 20s and we reached on

Him at 12 I will blame him for that not would eventually happen to him that’s not on the Spurs but drafting him 12 that’s 100% on the Spurs Tycoon he’s been a leaning Dunkin machine the last minute but I wish there was more of that throughout the game empty calories there you go

Arnesto maybe wheny heard TSR talking about him I know he did he hears it Ken He he’ll be even better next year as the team around him gets better and don’t say that frej who you like in this year’s draft for the Spurs cash blue there’s a Alexander SARS intriguing but I don’t

See the Spurs taking him um Williams seems like he is a top three pick Rob dillingham’s name has been th floated around a lot as somebody that could really help the team I know some players want Nia topic uh some SP seem want Nia topic uh

It seems like there’s only like four or five guys that we might pick and whatever happens in the draft hopefully just not one of those moments where we make our pick and Spurs nation is asking who’s that Anthony bumani I agree 100% on that one arnesto I don’t remember his resume

I looked it up a while ago I forgotten about most of it uh no they have not Jeremiah Omar the Raptors have won three in a row they have to be seventh or worst for us to get their pick in draft order that pick is top six protected I

Think they’re the seventh worst team in the NBA do you do live chats for every game uh yes I do crisen 2K 253 172 we do miss the odd game here once in a while I will actually miss two more games this season but I’ve only missed I think four games

Total one was blacked out so I couldn’t call that game and then one I missed and then these up there’s two games coming up that I’ll miss but yes I I try to call as many Spurs games as possible so if you’re a Spurs fan Wy fan we have an

Awesome community and I certainly happy to have you join it subscribe and like uh jayen Conley is not in the game of the moment your current roster is over here on the right side of the screen that’s who on court for the Spurs and who is on the court for Minnesota

Rudy goar with his ninth straight game with a double double 12 points 16 boards and four blocks not too shabby of a night for him yes go Raptors keep winning exactly hey turnover for the Timberwolves first ball Wy in the paint missed a dunk but he did get fouled on

That one going for his third third Thunder dunk of Justice in a row get the comeback coming don’t call it a comeback just call it a comeback I don’t like him taking more than four threes a game either follow of Christ how many did he take today I can’t see

How many threes he took when with 16 11 and five so not terrible but I don’t know how many shots he’s taking either I know he’s got a plethora of turnovers as does the whole team wy’s first free throw at the line good wheny start off with eight points

In what the first four minutes was on five and then uh really cool down until the last couple minutes made that free throw as well might be a very solid free throw shooter for a big man Grandma M Vector Spurs playing some full court defense trying to put the pressure on is

The pressure getting to Bennett let out some steam Spurs on a 90 run in the last minute and a half Edwards pull up jumper off the glass good back to 17 we need a lot arnesto when’s taking 63 tonight Cecil has he I’m not a big fan of that Edwards

With 34 points killing our Spurs tonight Bell’s just going to launch a three nope rebound will come down to the Spurs Kell gets the board Kell out to wide open Vel and Vel takes NOP doesn’t take the three kicks it out to Trey Jones for three and Jones hits the three

That’s not how I saw that going but okay he’s uh free to shoot through inst misses two in a row then he’s done for the night yes I am Veronica wait Veronica are you a Yankees fan V are you are you a Yanks fan and did I not know that Edwards Banks the

Shot again this time he misses it Kell gets a defensive rebound gets it to Trey Trey is going to fly up the court and Jones will run right back out of the court or out of the paint gets it to champeny for three no good long rebounds

Going to go to Trey Jones Jones over to a cell he’s wide open for a corner three can we make a shot Wy with the offensive board we keep getting opportunities convert one of these K into the paint gets it to Vel Vel pull up jumper on the paint

Good Ken had the shot there and he hesitated Carlos I sometimes forget things I didn’t realize so we’re both Yankees and Spurs fans I forgot that I know you’re not a Giants fan that pull up jumper from the elbow my Morris is good 109 I’m sorry 108 80 to 94 Derek Jeter

Okay Carlos I honestly forgot well we’re getting It’s the final countdown baby coyote how are you doing there buddy butterfly they’re doing what they usually do they play like poopy for most of the game and then in the fourth quarter all of a sudden start making a

Bit of a comeback giving you giving you some false hope it is f Bell down by 14 there actually is enough time to catch up Mell the catch and shoot three we’re down by 11 Stevie two times indeed what’s a nickname for a Yankees fan delusional do you want to know a

Nickname for an Atlanta Falcons fan fan or should I keep that to myself go bear in the paint puts it up misses fouled going to the line for two I rather take Trey the known than the unknown drafting a point guard I there’s so many things that are

Running through my head that I could say I’m not going to say any of them I mean I do remember that arnesto I do remember that look it’s not like I mean wy’s still playing he’s a rookie of the year candidate he’s playing some good basketball here and

There he’s playing he’s a little turnover prone we know that the rest of the team though has been up B downsy Carlos um I don’t know broadcast I’m a Spur wait you and I match exactly wrong Spurs Giants and Yankees did Ry miss them both or they make

One Spurs well wey’s going to take a three nope well I guess I mean we’re not going to get the game exchanging twos anthonyward will bring it up for the Timberwolves oh oh Zack that is rough that’s that’s mean cold blooded turnover for the Timberwolves Trey Jones

Will bring it up the court Spurs got numbers Al to Wy wow that was way off turnover for the Spurs that was not a good aloop an aloop by the tals though is good and that just ice the game Kell’s goingon to take a three well

Okay K coming a life in the second half Spurs Giants Yankees Lakers Cowboys s what the pork chop potatoes our chance in next year’s draft chrisen we have a good chance of getting a top three pick again Trey Jones officially trash wow he is undersized to guard those guys he is very

Undersized Wy blocks go bear Minnie still has the ball and on the shot clock anthonyward standing on the ‘s logo with oh my clock is way ahead he’s going to take a long three and he gets blocked Trey Jones with the ball fast break for champeny champeny with the

Dunk all right we’re we’re down by nine under dunk of Justice making the score respectable at the end too little too late probably uh yes I think so did get benched Venom he’s got one point tonight he’s he’s done nothing I know Carlos is Tre Jones turning the ball over a lot

Tonight I mean the whole team’s turn over the ball a lot I can’t keep track who’s been turning over and who hasn’t I know W’s got quite a few Edwards into the paint it’s blocked by I think he’s blocked by Oney or he just missed a shot SS wall Kell’s

Goingon to take another three what the hell Kelvin where’s this been dang yeah it’s First fashion let’s do everything at the end how many points does Kellen have he’s got 20 tonight a five of 10 from Beyond The Arc wow wy’s two of seven from beond The Arc and Basel is two of

Eight that’s not good well K had zero in his last game so this is a heck of a lot I mean a step in the right direction 111 105 two free throws coming up from Minnesota first free throw is good Kellin is mad uh V Ling with Pat he

Should be fired up he only got four minutes of the last game both three throws good and I mean it’s going to take a Reggie Miller Chase McGrady like Miracle here at the end Trey Jones with another turnover nice uh nice job Trey 23 turnovers for the

Spurs pray again and that is a wrap I’ll stay at the end and go over the half time or half time stats the end of game stats if you’re heading out please hit the thumbs up on the way out it still does help the channel would greatly appreciate it but

Man they could have won this if they didn’t have a million turnovers first free is no good for Monte Morris we take away those million turnovers we actually have a chance at winning this Maris he’s he’s a backup point guard I would agree with that aan thank

You for stopping in Carlos cheeter with the $1 crying Super Chat thank you very much noce spks good evening to you thank you Carl for your support sad to see the the sad face emoji uh me don’t wheny really didn’t really I mean he was he was good in the first quarter and

Okay in the fourth quarter and was invisible in the second and third offensively we’re now m nine I we’re just out of time theel three-point land we’ll get it over to Kelling Kellin gonna launch a quick three no good and that’s the game all right well at least we lost by

Only nine but it wasn’t as close as that score shows guys it was much it was worse than this put the F up there for f me we lost again R papovich is in the chat thank you for stopping in pop no Josh you put you should put an

Only scored 34 he’s the bum he was legit he would went for 60 or 70 but he only scored 34 all right all seriousness let’s get to the stats for the night San Antonio Spurs lose again drop to 11 and 48 nice nice are we going to get to 13

Wins at this point are we going to lose 70 oh I don’t even want to think about that but there there’s there’s certainly a possibility this is a quick game by the way it’s only 1012 all right for the Timberwolves McDaniels with two Anderson with two

Goar with 13 17 boards and four blocks plus two posters on wemy Cony finished with 16 cently only have one assist all right whatever Edwards went for 34 actually and Edwards did not have a great shooting night 13 of 29 did have four Steals and four turnovers so okay

Whatever Off the Bench Jackson and Minot played apparently less than a minute but they both have zeros on the box SC Reed killed us didn’t I say Nas Reed always plays well against us he had 22 points Off the Bench tonight not bad plus six boards and three steals Morris had eight

Mcclaflin with nine and Alexander Walker with eight for our struggling Spurs Julian champeny with seven Jeremy soan I’m sorry he didn’t have one point he had zero 16 minutes limit action zero points zero rebounds zero steals zero blocks one assist that was bad game Wy he had 17

Points on five of 13 shooting two of seven from Beyond The Arc did H five his free throws had 13 boards five assists two steals four blocks five turnovers and five fouls not so good there didn’t finish with a plus two though okay whatever Trey Jones with

Five five from the field hit all his shots finished with 11 points eight rebounds six assists and six turnovers Tre Jones was actually the turnover machine tonight and he’s usually saw with the ball demell finished with 21 points six boards and six assists and three steals Off the

Bench Zack Collins with five Osman with 10 Kellin with a nice bounce back game 20 points six boards four assists he also had three turnovers every he was turn the ball over tonight Brandon with 12 Brandon four five from the field so very efficient while shooting and Wesley

Two points and one assist didn’t turn it over Wesley’s me Blake Wesley hit a little B of the wall lately offensively just a little bit um it’s another loss for us we’re used to it so I guess there’s that right so we’ll be back live Thursday night for the Spurs and the

Thunder and the Thunder are that’s going to be a tough game uh chrisen we are going to have a worse record than last year we have to win 10 more games to tie last year’s record weren’t we 21 and 61 or were we 22 and 60 I don’t remember we’re not

Going to get there we are going to lose anywhere between 66 and 70 games the way we’re playing and we have a tough schedule so it’s going to be rough but we’ll be here because we’re Spurs fans right so that’s all I got my friends until next time on

Behalf of myself Selena baby coyote and headband grou what you g to do when TSR Sports runs wild on you go Spurs go

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