@San Antonio Spurs

Put Malaki BACK in the Starting Lineup? San Antonio Spurs News

Put Malaki BACK in the Starting Lineup? San Antonio Spurs News

San Antonio Spurs fans is it time to put Malachi brandom back in the starting lineup giant what is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports a lot of folks last night were asking the live stream why isn’t Maly still on the starting lineup and I thought you know what let’s

Talk about this T in video should Malachy replace Julian champeny in the starting lineup we’ll go over how both players been playing lately while I’m doing so drop a comment down below is this a change you’d like to see or no keep it as it is hit the thumbs up like

Support the channel and subscribe to become part of our awesome San Antonio Spurs Community let’s start off first the obvious thing it’s going to be a smaller lineup with Malachi Brandman there over julan champ Penning champ is a better Defender than Malachi however we certainly could use some floor

Spacing out there right now and Malachi right now is on fire we take a look at his last six games 51% from the field 46% from Beyond The Arc has hit all his free throws yeah he doesn’t continute much with the rebounds or the points but

He is scoring four 14 1/2 minutes per game and about 25 minutes he’s playing with a lot of confidence and really turning into the three-level score that we drafted out of college probably never going to be a defensive specialist he’s still terrible on defense but he is

Efforting better on that end would he help us well what’s champ peny doing lately in his last six game and he did miss a game in his last five games in less minutes granted shooting 30% from the field 19% from Beyond The Arc yeah he’s rebounding

More but he’s given us 4.4 points per game and he’s out there to be a 3D player and the D’s there but there ain’t so much three he just seems shy to shoot and when he does shoot champeny shooting bricks he’s brick brick Penny I don’t

Know I also think Spurs fans we could use some defense on the bench one of the biggest things we see when the front line the front the first unit goes out and the second unit comes in is we tend to give up leads and the defense in the

Second unit is not the greatest looking at you know players like Kellman Johnson sorry Kellman champen would be an upgrade replacing brandom so now we have more Firepower in the starting lineup offensively more Firepower defensively in the second unit and listen the reason I’m doing this is last night watching

The Rockets game which was tough to watch uh shenon just absolutely destroy the Spurs and and really just living it up out there lots of smiles and just I mean hey I get it he had a career game but it was it was annoying to see as a

Spurs fan that being said the Rockets were daring our guys to shoot last night they were you could see it and they’re ready to double wemy at any second and double him at will wemi took zero shots in the second half zero the franchise potential Rookie of the Year

Probably rookie of the year maybe an offensive player of the year the Rockets completely held him in the Spurs in check the Spurs kept the game competitive until the end but wey to be shut down and not even get a shot off blows my mind and what concerns me the

Most first fans is other teams may see what the Rock ETS did last night and do that too I think we need to change things up I think pops need to change some up I don’t want to see games moving forward where our guy takes zero shots

That being said uh some things that need to change too is Trey’s gotten a little trade lately has been really shy with taking shots he’s averaging less than six shots per game in his last six games and Jeremy soan has apparently completely lost his ability to shoot a

Three after shooting 38% in January’s first fans he’s shooting 19% in February and unlimited sample size in March but it’s 177% in March he’s shooting 18% last month and this month combined I would just be ready to you know kind of move back off of Jeremy be ready to

Double w me this minute I see the ball move dare him to shoot the three why wouldn’t you what do you have to lose he’s got an 18% chance of making it that’s pretty darn good you’re going to end up having many many leads so I just

I don’t know what the fix is for this team you know we’re riding off that high off the wind with the Thunder off the patience right now I’m just kind of going off script and just brainstorming like I like to do with you guys but something needs to change when you look

At our starting lineup this is why I always say in many videos this starting lineup is obviously not the starting lineup of the future shant Penney I don’t think he a starter in the NBA hopefully proves me wrong I’m rooting for you man I am rooting for

You Trey Jones I don’t think it’s a franchise starting point guard Malachi brandom is he a starting shooting guard of the NBA maybe maybe not he’s only in his second year so we don’t know what his ceiling is and granted we don’t know what champagne ceiling is either but I

Do see more potential at least offensively with Malachi brown especially lat if he has the hot hand get him out there he’s having one of the probably the best stretch of his career going for 20 last night in 18 the game before that he’s playing well he’s playing with confidence you drafted him

In the first round in 2022 so get him out there and see what he has yes he failed as a point guard after the jemy soan point guard experiment failed then the Malachai BR point guard experiment failed well duh cuz he’s not a point guard that’s not his role sure he can

Run plays a little while here and there but that’s not his primary position let’s try him at shooting guard I know we’ll be small de SM de Deon smell down Mel at small Ford SE at the power Wy at the center but still I I just and maybe I’m overreacting because that happens

Too when you see a game like last night where you see your guy get zero shots in the second half my concern legitimately Spurs fans is other teams watch the film see what the Rockets did and started implementing that on a regular basis and keep out of the game offensively and

Then we’re going to have to rely on other guys to pick it up and right now those guys are on the roster at least not consistently Devon shony can do it at times Kelvin shony can do it at times but overall our guys just aren’t consistent enough to carry the scoring

Load when Wendy is being essentially shut down he shut down last night didn’t have a great first half offensively and they were just completely taken out of the game in the second half so let me know Spurs fans are you still okay with champen starting I know a lot of people

Don’t want him on the start lineup would you like to see Malachi jump in there right now because he’s on fire or would you prefer something else would you prefer K Johnson back in the starting lineup or would you prefer chedy Osman the starting lineup I don’t know just

Kind of brainstorming here I appreciate all tuning in thank you and as always ghost Spurs Go

Should Malaki start over Julian?

#spurs #gospursgo #sanantoniospurs #victorwembanyama #wemby

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  1. Houston really exposed our lack of shooters last night, should Pop put Malaki back in the starting lineup? Thanks for watching and GO SPURS GO!

  2. I'm curious on the timetable for us to see Jamaree Bouyea getting some playing time. Hopefully before this season is over.

  3. Then you have nothing coming in off the bench.. Julian should still be in the GLeague. He had 1 good Summer League game and the front office was tricked, once again.

  4. I don’t know why you let a couple wins fool you into think this was a competitive roster. It’s the law of averages. Their bound to have a good game eventually. Consistency is what makes great players great. Yea Tre, Julian, Malaki, Keldon… Zach. Any of them can have a good game every once in a while. Doing it game after game and still finding a way to get it done when your shot may be off is what defines a good player. I’m disappointed in you, Rich. You probably let the 2 wins bring in the thought of bringing this roster back next season. Let Julian start every game for all it matters. Until this roster is turned over I expect exactly what I see. Inconsistency and immaturity.

  5. IMO idk why the spurs don’t start Osman. He’s got size to defend he’s a veteran player. And honestly I prefer the transition threat he poses cause he’s a decent playmaker given his size and can score well. I don’t like the catch and shoot every shot that comes your way Osman but when you’re a bench player you play your role/ style of play even more whereas a starter plays their role and then some.

  6. This game shows you why you need an all-star point guard who is a 3 point threat. It will be less double team on wemby

  7. i think its time of year when we arent good just play, siddy, dom, malaki, blake and people like that break them in to the nba and see what you have and rest the starters

  8. Yeah, it’s doesn’t matter. None of the supporting cast know how to appropriately space the floor and when they happen to get it right they don’t shoot it well enough. It is what it is…..

  9. The spacing was terrible last night & we couldn't hit shots. It was so annoying watching houston play gimmicky defense having one or two men help off on Wemby whenever he touched the ball. houston center is trash guard Wemby straight up bet he wouldn't have 45 points then. Players need to get in the lab this summer shooting wise.

  10. Sochan’s shot/confidence is not fully there from 3 but he has to take wide open shots. I don’t care if you miss but practice the shot. Julian needs to be a better shooter but Malaki might just be better at this point

  11. Get rid everyone except this 3s guys
    The other guys bye bye 👋🏽 even Pop is now to go

  12. Not only Houston exposed our 3 point shooting but also we have to be honest about the 4 spot! Weak side help is important part of defense! Sochan as a 4 is not the business! He is too small and is no threat as a weak side defender against bigger teams! It’s just a fact! He is good to above average on defense against guys his size or smaller! Not bigger! We need 3 point shooters badly and I would like to see an upgrade at the backup center and starting 4 spot! Move Sochan to the 3 and he can play the 4 spot when teams go small ball! Of course that would also mean that Sochan would need to get his 3 point shooting up to above at least 38 to 40 percent to play the 3 but with enough work he possibly could!

  13. We need to stay in "tank" mode to get a top 3 pick…or get lucky again like we did with VW. Tank mode = experimenting to find out who to keep and who to trade.

  14. Bring Malaki back. Keep Keldon and Champaigne (defense) on the bench…that will be their future roles on the Spurs if they is not traded to get Trae Young.

  15. Julian only played 10 minutes, the least of all the players who have played. I'm not sure he should be the one to blame for the loss last night. When he's on the court, he doesn't take any shots away from Wemby or anyone else. He is among the few reliable 3 point shooters (35.7% this season). Yes, he sometimes makes mistakes, but who doesn't on this team. Considering his pay grade, I don't think he should be blamed at all for Spurs loss.

  16. No one would like to point this out, but part of the struggle on offense is Wemby can't punish smaller defenders like Brooks 1 on 1.

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