@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks Rumors Are HOT: Jason Kidd On Hot Seat After Mavs vs. Pacers EMBARRASSMENT?

Mavericks Rumors Are HOT: Jason Kidd On Hot Seat After Mavs vs. Pacers EMBARRASSMENT?

Welcome in to Mavericks today I am Jeffrey cooperstein and guys Mavericks today is officially in panic mode hit the Panic buttons the Mavericks have lost five out of six after winning seven straight and it’s an absolute disaster at the American Airlines Center right now we’re going to get into it here in

Just a moment but oh boy we have a lot to talk about it was a disaster but before we get started How likely are you to recommend Mavericks today to a friend to a colleague to someone else scale it from 1 to 10 down in the comment section

One being you absolutely hate Harrison and I and you think we’re the worst people on Earth 10 being you think we’re the best people on Earth and you want to watch every single show in every single minute that we do so scale it 1 to 10 down in the comment section and without

Further Ado let’s get into Today’s Show all right we have to talk about it I don’t want to talk about it because Tyler Smith who is the biggest Mavericks hater uh is my producer on today’s show it was a bad night last night man the Mavericks lost to the Indiana Pacers 137

To 120 and after it the Mavs apparently had a team meeting uh where a lot of the head honchos so to speak on the Leadership Council of the Mavericks talked you had Mark Kei Morris who we’ll get to that in just a second because that’s a little crazy Jason kid and

Kyrie Irving all speaking after the game and it took Jason kid almost 90 minutes to come speak to the media after the game but what I wanted to hit on marke Morris because why is he the voice of reason in the locker room he doesn’t

Play he’s the 15th guy on the bench well the 14th guy now that you signed AJ Lawson uh I get that ke is a vet in this league and he’s been there and done that on winning teams but is he the guy that really needs to be stepping up Luca

Obviously also said his piece but he’s more of a uh uh lead by example he’s not really a vocal guy you know the whole language barrier and that kind of stuff but man this team needs to have something and hopefully their closed doors team only meeting last night

Helped him out because boy it is not looking good over in Mavs let’s take a look at some stats from last night’s game the the counting numbers look good for Luca obviously 39 points 10 rebounds 11 assists only four of 13 from three it was his third consecutive triple double

I believe he is the I I want to say it’s he’s the fourth player in NBA history to have three straight 30-point triple doubles and he’s own three in those so it doesn’t really matter because all that matters is the wins and losses right now while Luca is doing everything

He can on the offensive end this team has quite literally been the worst team in the NBA on the defensive end for some time down we’ll get to that in just a moment um solid night for Luca obviously he he even admitted after the game that

He just wanted the win and didn’t care about anything else Kyrie Irving 23 points seven rebounds three assist 8 of 19 from the field he’s been cold from 3-2 for the last three or four games starting with that game against the Boston Celtics where it was unequivocally the worst game of his uh

Season for the Mavericks so far he hasn’t been able to shoot the three at all really uh and it’s kind of an alarming Trend that he’s he’s kind of trying to take shots and he’s trying to force shots that aren’t really there now he made two of his three threes in the

Fourth quarter when the Mavs were trying to mount some sort of a fake comeback when they cut the lead down uh to like 11 or so and they forced Rick Carlile into a timeout but uh they need to get Kyrie going if this team wants to go

Anywhere and just I would say two weeks ago when the Mavs were on that win streak Kyrie was looking like his old self he was looking like a top 20 player in the league he was looking like a a true Robin to Lucas Batman that was

Going to take this team deep into the playoffs and now everything is crumbled just so quickly Daniel Gafford another good game from him 16 points 10 boards uh I’ve been clamoring for him to play more lately and I think it was kind of reflected in this performance now I’ll

Say this the Mavs didn’t do a good job on Miles Turner again he had 20 points in the first half after having his uh season High the other uh the other night when the Mavericks lost to the Pacers in Indiana but Gafford gives them the pick and roll presents that Luca desperately

Needs and he’s been awesome in that pick and roll with Luca and he’s a guy that the Mavericks are going to have to rely on if they’re to turn this thing around both on the offensive and defensive end they’re going to need his rebounding because this team’s really struggling

Rebounding the basketball as well uh and hopefully that they can get it going there uh with uh Daniel Gafford Tim Hardway Jr there’s nothing even more to say at this point it’s just six points another two of eight from the field he did it was two of five from three so

It’s technically 40% which is fine but the brother stinks man it’s time to get him out of this rotation Dante exm probably deserves the minutes over him I don’t even know if Jaden Hardy solves the problem but it would at the very least be something different and I think

That the Mavericks need something different if they’re if they’re to get out of this rout like I was talking to my dad last night and I basically I should the Mavericks just put omx prosper and put Marie into the rotation for a game and see what happens at the

Very least you know those guys are going to play hard even if they don’t play well I know the game is a little too rich forx it’s a little too rich for AJ Lawson right now but at a point you have to try something different in order to

Get you out of rut maybe it’s those guys that’ll help him do that Derek Lively poor game last night got into foul trouble was really ineffective uh he only I think he played less than 10 minutes here let me double check he played 15 minutes um yeah he got into

Foul trouble early and was rendered ineffective more or less because he couldn’t guard Miles Turner either so uh not a great game from Lively but uh they’re going to have to find something there they did find Gafford and it’s going to be more of a center by

Committee we can talk about Maxi kba as well and he’s the one that kid has relied on to basically close games as of late in the fourth quarter because he feels that kba is the most athletic defender of those three is that the right decision who’s to say but he does

Trust Maxi the most I don’t think Maxi is as was much better from the field either because he was 0 of3 from three he’s not doing anything on the offensive end and when he’s not guarding anyone what is he really out there for since the All-Star break the Mavericks have

Quite literally been the worst defensive team in the NBA with a defensive rating of 126. oh oh boy that’s bad the Washington Wizards uh are a better defensive team right now but you look at the other three teams that are in there it’s the Lakers the Kings and the Sixers the

Lakers and the kings are teams that the Mavericks are competing with right now in the Western Conference uh to try to avoid the play in I believe the Mavs are a half game above the Lakers right now in the standings we know it’s an offensive league but at some point you

Have to get a stop uh in order to win a basketball game and the Mavericks just haven’t been able to do that right now so the the defensive end has been a real problem and it translates to the offensive end because they can’t put uh consecutive possessions together more or

Less so it’s not good right now Mavs have lost five of six what do you think is the biggest problem for the Mavericks right now I put this out on community a lot of you said it was coaching do you think it’s the front office do you think

It’s the ownership with the transition from Mark cubin to the Adon do you think it’s Luca donic and K Irving not playing bet not playing well enough on the defensive end let me know down in the comments what you think the M’s biggest problem is right now win or lose we have

You covered on all things Mavericks so subscribe we have you covered with the latest news the latest rumors game analysis uh anything that’s going on inside the Dallas Mavericks me myself Harrison Graham will have you covered all throughout the rest of the season and the offseason stay locked in it’s

Visiting this discussion from last week Harrison Graham and I I want to say it was last Tuesday so about 8 days ago we asked you guys how hot is Jason kid seat and mind you this was after the Mavericks had won seven in a row so we

Were like I think it I think it was significantly less hot than it was uh at the beginning of the season now I think it may be hotter than it was at the beginning of the season if I had to scale it on a 1 to 10 uh I would say

He’s probably at like a 6.5 or a seven right now uh the coaching adjustments from Jason kid have just frankly been non-existent over this stretch and that’s been proven on the defensive end because I believe they’ve given up at least 120 in their three straight losses

Right now uh and when and Jason kid Prides himself on coaching the defensive end when he first came to Dallas in his first season he said all he wants to do is for the Mavericks to guard he doesn’t care how they play on offense he just

Wants them to guard and the rest will take care of itself he said that last season when the Mavericks are struggling on defense with the guys like Christian Wood Luca donic and everyone else and then saying it once again that all he wants the Mavericks to do is guard well

The Mavericks aren’t guarding and they’ve been one of the worst defensive teams in the NBA now they’ve played stretches where they have been a top 12 maybe even a top 10 defensive team but they never do it on a consistent night toight basis and if this team doesn’t

Find their groove on the defensive end they’ll never be able to be a contender in this Western Conference when you have to compete with the likes of Denver with the likes of the LA Clippers you’re going to have to guard at some point and right now this team isn’t guarding uh

Jason kid I think is a in a little bit of trouble with his job I know Mark Cuban uh is very loyal to his to his guys almost to a fault uh thing is Mark Cuban’s not running the show anymore it’s the Adon family it’s Patrick Dumont

Uh who is officially calling the shots as Maverick’s owner so who knows what he’s thinking if if Mark cubin was the owner I would say Jason kid’s job is 100% safe uh but he’s not so I’m not sure if it is or not uh do you think

Though that this is Jason kid’s last season as Maverick’s head coach type why for S Type n for no down in the comments section I don’t know man um if this team doesn’t get out of the playin and they just kind of Limp to the Finish Line I

Could see some major changes happening I know Nico Harrison doesn’t want to rock the boat like that but if they have to do it they have to do it so let me know down in the comments why for yes and for no is this the final season for uh Jason

Kid as Mavericks head coach and that’ll be it for today’s show be sure to subscribe to the channel once again it’s mavtv and hit that thumbs up icon so I know you’re a real One

Mavericks rumors surrounding Mavs head coach Jason Kidd are only growing hotter as the losing streak stretches to three games. The Mavs have lost 5 out of 6 games, igniting Mavs rumors about the future of Jason Kidd as head coach of the Mavs alongside Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving. Will the Mavs be able to turn the season around and make the 2024 NBA playoffs? Mavs highlights have not been good especially on the defensive end, where the Mavericks hold the worst defensive rating in the NBA since the 2024 NBA All-Star break. Jeffrey Cooperstein takes a look at the latest Mavericks rumors & news on today’s show!

We’ve got you covered all throughout the 2023-24 NBA Season! :

Worst NBA defensive ratings since the NBA All-Star break:
30. Dallas Mavericks: 126.0
29. Washington Wizards: 122.5
28. Los Angeles Lakers: 119.7
27. Sacramento Kings: 119.0
26. Philadelphia 76ers: 117.7

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  1. What is your issue with Marquis Morris? The reason that he has the right to speak up as he’s one a championship he’s been somewhere 98% of the people in the locker room haven’t. Your channel is always complaining about him. I don’t get it.

  2. Luka cannot make a comment like that. Isn't that familiar like when Kyrie was making those comments a couple of years and started the switcing team carousel. Not caring is going to get Luka traded but does not get the player respect

  3. You can’t evaluate the Mavs without looking at corrupt officiating. Luka and Kyrie never get calls. What Monte Williams said is true. The NBA is rigged. They determine winners by getting corrupt refs like Tony Brothers and James Williams to fix games for their favorites or blow games for teams they hate like the Mavericks. The players know it. The coaches know it. The NBA fixes who’s successful and who isn’t. Until law enforcement stops this new version of Tim Donaughy, players like Luka and Kyrie will not win.

  4. My agenda of wanting BECKY HAMMON to be the MAVERICKS' NEW HEAD COACH begins!

    Former player, creative mind, smart coach/player, player's both from NBA and WNBA respects her, can handle personality, received high praises from Pop

  5. I saw this day coming the day he was hired. What a terrible hire to begin with. You can go ahead and try to figure out what team Luca is going to next

  6. Fire Jason kidd and let Jared dudley take over till the new season begins coach Bud is available an Morris is kyrie's BFF that is why he's speaking

  7. Nobody gonna fire a head coach right now when playoffs are around the corner. Jason Kid just like Luka and Kyrie turns his game up during playoffs. We just have to see what happens in the post season before making any decisions.

  8. nobody with a brain think Maxie is better than o-max .
    it's not the players that Kidd needs to trust its Kidd that needs to earn the players trust

  9. Jason Kidd has taken Luka’s mvp year and ruined it. This team has the talent now but the coach is still horrible.

  10. Give Luka the ball he can score 73 all he wants now nobody cares Luka first ever MVP of the playin tournament why we can't have vets that's actually on the court dropping buckets why we have vets not helping that's not any experience show me action speaks louder than words AJ can't help us too small omax I like him big body no NBA experience because of Kidd needs to change

  11. The problem of this team is the coach!fc—k poor decision making!keep playing kleber at 5?stop it!!stat dont lied bro!kleber is not contributing!

  12. Morris being the voice of reason makes complete sense… that’s pretty normal… Udonis haslem,James Johnson etc
    And he played on a championship team 3 years ago

  13. Jason Kidd needs to go! This very thing happened when he was coaching the Bucks, I believe the Mavs will make the change but not until after the season😮

  14. This is what happens when you have to many options to choose from. You always want to have options but when your options are too similar in terms of skills. You end up with what is happening now and the team looking like they have no idea what they’re doing. I still don’t understand why they are starting Lively of Gafford. Gafford is clearly better suited with the starting rotation than with the bench. Lively has not played well since returning from injury and it’s clear he needs to build up his stamina/strength to be back to where he was before the injury. The starting lineup should be PG-Exum SG Irving SF Doncic PF Washington C Gafford, rotation players should be PF/C Lively SF/SG Hardaway / Hardy and then maybe some other guy who happens to be on that night. Otherwise no one else should be on the floor unless the game is completely out of reach.

  15. I was at the Pacer game in Dallas. Maxi (bless him) has no business playing on an NBA team anymore but J Kidd plays him anyway so I'm saying that coaching is the Mav's biggest problem. Not blaming it all on Maxi but Kidd's use of him is an indicator of a coach who cannot adjust. I remember Carlisle wouldn't play the youngsters so he moved on. Now Kidd has the same mindset preferring vets like Maxi.

    Kidd is too laid back for my taste. At least on the court Kidd will not get in ANYONE'S grill when defensive assignments are missed. Is it possible that there is no defensive game plan? The Mav's tried a zone defense last night against a team shooting 50% or better from three so you know how that went. The Pacers just shot over the defense until we went back to man to man.

    Nico, Mark or Mr. Dumont need to fire J Kidd now not later. This ship will not self correct under Kidd. We'll be no worse off than we are now and it's possible that this team won't make the PLAYIN TOURNAMENT under Kidd.

  16. Griffin is available and would be a great replacement for J.Kidd. Skidd mark just isn't getting the best from this team.

  17. Luka-Exum

    THJ should have been traded when we had the chance. Please bring in Marcus Morris so Maxi can stay on the bench where he belongs.

  18. 100 percent of MFFL fans want to jason kidd will be fired out in this team..he is useless coach..he makes the team makes trash & dsastrous as ever🤣🤣🤣

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