@Oklahoma City Thunder

‘Anthony Davis has FEASTED against the THUNDER’ ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿด Lack of OKC size an issue? | The Hoop Collective

‘Anthony Davis has FEASTED against the THUNDER’ ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿด Lack of OKC size an issue? | The Hoop Collective

Three and one against the Thunder after beating them on Monday night tempted not to react to a small sample size understand that the Thunder were Onana backto back last night and concerned about the matchup of the Lakers size and physicality against the Thunder who their their biggest weakness in the non-experienced

Category is that they aren’t a big physical team they are one of the worst rebounding teams in the league and Anthony Davis has he’s feasted against the Thunder this year so you know there there is some concern there and if I’m the Thunder I hope the seeds don’t play out

To to find out if that small sample size would the Thunder and the wolves have been going back and forth in one um you know and I we’ll see uh here come the fighting Jokers yeah that’s true no for sure Denver is uh you know Denver is running

Hot too um it’s most likely that the Lakers are going to end up playing either the one or the two but the Thunder oh Wendy says the Lakers are definitely coming out of the play in I said it’s most likely if they if they are make it to the playoffs it’s going

To be vers the one or two that was a nice aggregation you just did on me there though well hold on what the hell else would it be me get up to six that’s what I’m saying I’m saying they’re most likely playing one or two if they’re if they’re in the

Playoffs yeah I tell you what man the Lakers are look they they have been playing well 110 in the last 14 one of those losses is when LeBron took the extra uh day after the All-Star Break um he was dealing with ankle soreness McMahon okay he took an extra day to

Deal with ankle soreness my god let’s not get defensive I’m not you back in the akan Beacon Journal my God Lord have mercy I know the rubber ducks are honoring you but please man you like come on you don’t have to you don’t have to get LeBron’s back at any perceived slight

Here um but I I think if you if you’re looking at five down right now in the west the Lakers are playing the best of that Bunch um there are nine right now and they are a threat to move up like you know the Mavericks have the Pacers

Tonight we’ll see if they can have a a a get well win that they that they need um if not the Lakers are breathing right down their necks um and they’ve got two superstars who have won a title together so fresh off a West finals the bronze

Broom sweep but still got to the West finals I think you’ve got to look at the Lakers as a as a legitimate threat as far as Ninth Place teams go I’m glad we’re back to the play so we’re just saying that the Lakers are going to roll

Through the playoffs again I would say that they are um this is a very concerning thing for the thunder in my opinion this is the thing we have been concerned about with them all season for as good as they are they’re extraordinarily small by every standard

Um we’ve talked a lot about the Josh giddy thing it did not work again last night I I I don’t quite want to say it’s it wasn’t good like they’re just not guarding him teams are just not guarding him at all and I I don’t want to quite

Say unserious that he continues to start but it’s getting pretty close to that point this is a team that has a chance they’re doing a lot of winning so but I I agree that in a in a possession game in a playoffs where matchups mean everything it’s not serious to think

That he would be able to be out there and to me they should be starting to prepare for making that kind of a run now and having him continue to be out there in these situations right now in a starting lineup when I think we all

Agree if they just run this way in the playoffs to just have him start every game it’s going to end shorter than it probably should okay but so what what’s your solution then because look we’re already talking about one of their big concerns is they are a small team he is

Actually the second tallest starter he’s six foot eight you know we looked at the Gordon Hayward thing as hey maybe that gives you an alternative Welly he has not been doing much for them fellas he had a milestone moment last night in his seventh game for the Thunder he

Attempted his first three-pointer didn’t go in in 102 minutes he scored 17 points in a seven of 28 from the floor in 102 minutes he’s been he’s he’s been a nothing I like Isaiah Joe I like case Wallace if you plug them in for giddy a small team’s getting significantly

Smaller I will say that he did have their best plus minus of their starters yesterday I know that’s why I said it wasn’t like by giddy games just wasn’t I didn’t think it was on the on the bats he made some plays as the cutter but

Still like it it doesn’t the the bigger picture fit problem is there um I don’t know like do you want to go a little bit bigger and more physical and put kenrich Williams at the four you know I want someone out there that teams are going to guard because

You’re playing four on five on offense and it’s just not sustainable in the playoffs it’s just not and I understand there’s a variety of reasons why they haven’t gone that way and that’s fine to me they should be spending this final quarter of the season a trying to get

The one seed and B trying to figure out the best way they’re going to play in the playoffs just having Josh giddy be in the starting lineup for the next 20 games when he’s then then not be in the starting lineup at some point during the playoffs I would certainly hope because

It’s not going to be something that’s going to be sustainable at that point I just don’t think makes a lot of sense but we’re getting away from the bigger picture issue which is we have seen repeatedly when these guys play teams with size they struggle because they’re basically playing four guards to your

Point McMahon Josh giddy is their their second biggest guy and he doesn’t really play that big I know he’s a rebounder but he’s a perimeter player the other options of guard are a lot smaller exactly well I know but but the right and the point is whatever options

They’re rolling out there they’ve got Chad holgren who’s on the small side for a center from a bulk standpoint yeah and then they’ve got a bunch of guards out there with them and it’s going to be very difficult for them to go up against a team like the Lakers with all their

Size and the Lakers we saw this last year in the playoffs like the Lakers are not a very good team in the aggregate but they have very specific strengths that if they get very specific matchups they can take advantage of they got that match up against Memphis they got that

Match up against Golden State I think Golden State’s been playing frankly significantly better lately than the Lakers have who mostly have had a puff schedule and they’ve played team they lost yeah give or take a 52 Point loss yes they they also had won I three in a

Row before that and I think five out of six before that like yes they got smoked by the the Celtics but I I think the lake I think the Warriors in the aggregate are a more dangerous and better team than the Lakers but because of the Lakers size if they get a matchup

Where they can play a smaller team and beat them up and have LeBron get calls because LeBron is gonna get calls and have ad get calls because he’s gonna get calls and just Mash teams they can win a series but they need a very specific matchup to do that and like that’s why

Oklahoma City sitting there in the one seed for a team that very likely is going to be in the 910 and have to fight to the eight to make the playoffs I’m not certain they’re going to be 910 but go on well all the models have them in

The 910 so I’ll stick with that all the models are sitting courts side of crypto what are you talking about that’s that’s true but but I but I I think this is the fact that game again I know I was second have it back toback like you said but

The fact that game went again the way it did for the Thunder I think it shows the real weaknesses they have for as high as we are in their overall ceiling and it it shows once again that if the Lakers get the right matchups they can be a

Dangerous team in specific matchups in the plows side is tough for McMahon it’s crypto because there’s a lot of tall women with short men McMahon doesn’t like that listen I got my woman I ain’t worried about the rest of them just principal shout out to the IT department

Um goes about 5 foot five um anyways you got me rattled now oh talking about the um the you know the just the the problems that Thunder have with physicality you mentioned the front end of that back toback was that crazy game against the Suns well how did the

Suns get back into that game after being down so much while uh you know Devon Booker was out with an ankle well the primary reason is because 300 lb Bruiser used JF nkit was just tossing everybody around and grabbed 31 freaking rebounds I believe Chad has a pretty nasty black

Eye as a result of that matchup ner definitely was flailing those big old logs that he calls arms around and smacked him in the head on one how that wasn’t a flagrant is a a mystery but point being it’s not just the Lakers as a threat like you know this the suns are

A potential play in or a team that could come out of play in or be a even a three if the Thunder of three seed you know I just now the Thunder had like they went out and got bomo off the scrap heat just to kind of give them a physical option

At Center they went out and got Mike mcalla off the scrap Heap to kind of give them a a different option as a big man by the way this will shock you mccalla’s net rating with the Thunder last year before they moved him was Plus

9.4 oh so he he’s a pretty easy like obviously he was there for a little bit they know him he knows the system knows the team whatever again another another pick and pot big to play with Shay and space the floor and frankly play with giddy some too like that that’s what you

Need if you’re going to have either one of them out there somebody space in the floor form so they have made these you know minor buyout Market type of moves to try to address the the depth at Center and kind of give them some options but as far as really digging in

And and fix in the biggest flaw on that team that’s a summer project yeah swapping out Josh giddy for a bigger player that doesn’t compromise their the way their offense [Applause] [Applause] runs

On The Hoop Collective, Brian Windhorst is joined by Tim Bontemps and Tim MacMahon to discuss whether the Oklahoma City Thunder should be concerned about their lack of size against the Los Angeles Lakers.

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  1. Meanwhile Denver is feasting on The Lakers ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ how ironic is that

  2. sick of that 'playing back to back' being used an excuse. the thunder are young af, professional fit athletes who can recover just fine after a good sleep

  3. I'm a laker fan not really a LeBron fan but I respect him… bomtemps saying LeBron gets calls shows he doesn't objectively watch games… LeBron is the most renowned star I've ever watched that gets no whistles…

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