@Denver Nuggets

Suns win, KD scores 35, Nuggets suffer ‘worst’ loss, Jokic tops MVP odds | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Suns win, KD scores 35, Nuggets suffer ‘worst’ loss, Jokic tops MVP odds | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Live from New York it’s a show that’s celebrating a career high 45 points from the librarian so I put a bunch of books out yeah you say it I figed you kind of ruined the bit I thought you were just going to not say anything and as soon as

One of them spoke you were going to there you go first things first there you go five steals we’ll talk about the Suns Phoenix goes into Denver and snaps the Nuggets post All-Star undefeated streak KD was cold in the fourth in a bad way cold hot

In overtime eight quick points 35 on the night Suns currently in sixth place here’s the odds to win the West Denver’s at number one obviously then Bruce Clippers who we may or may not abandon during next week’s prediction week OKC Phoenix at 4 and then Minnesota who for

The record are in first place so brw are people sleeping on the Suns no they’re not I was on the herd with kyin just before our show and he was he threw out there he threw out there Nick that if Phoenix gets to the Conference Finals is

That a bad season now they’ve been so disappointing since Kevin Durant got there since Bradley Beal got there a lot of his injuries but still that honestly right now I would be like that’s pretty good they losing six to the nuggets in the finals Conference Finals you’re not

Bad swe but overall we know when they got Durant when they got bill it was finals championship or it’s not they it’s not even finals or right for Durant got Durant it’s not even get to the finals or bus it is Championship or bus because they were in the finals a few

Years ago so no people aren’t sleeping on them they’ve been terribly disappointed I know again injuries has been a huge part but what also has been a huge part is they are the worst fourth quarter team in basketball yeah and here here’s a look at this graphic offensive

Rating worse net rating you’re getting out scored by 15 points a game in the fourth quarter assisted turnover turnover rate and what all of that says is where’s the point guard that’s what all of that says that’s an indictment on Frank vogle is an indictment on Kevin

Durant Devin Booker Bradley Beal when he plays but also their front office because you didn’t see the value and importance of having a point guard yeah you you can’t just say cuz Devin Booker who is awesome can average 6.8 assists a game that he can play points he’s not a

Point right or Durant can get you five and Bill can get you five back on that a little I mean they don’t have a point guard for the first three quarters either yeah but it’s not the same as in the fourth quarter when in the fourth quarter every possession is more

Important the defense is is buckling down more and so getting the ball to the right guys in the right positions controlling Tempo calming things down no no we going to slow it we’re going to eat a little clock all of that they don’t have the guy to do that I mean

Chris Paul L him to the finals cuz he’s a point guard everything Bruce saying is correct I mean they’re not they’re not sleeping on them as a champion which is that we were I was in a wonderful Poker Room on the outskirts of Phoenix when Kevin Durant was traded for it was when

We were at the Super Bowl I just remember exactly where I Wasing tape okay you guys no chance it was like it was midnight when it happened you guys were both but regardless I just remember because a guy got up from the game and ran to the little kiosk putting a bet in

On the Suns he was being traded to Phoenix people were excited and later in later in the game somebody mentioned like he was so happy about the bet he had made because the Suns had all of a sudden now the odds had changed and they were the second favorites to win the

Title right there nipping on the heels of whomever the favorites at the time was I don’t quite remember it might have been Boston I’m not sure who it was regardless that’s what we thought last year and then it was like oh Durant got hurt and

Then when he came back he got hurt in warm-ups and then and then they went further All In by trading whatever flexibility they had left for Bradley Beal and now and I know it feels unfair because we haven’t talked much about them it’s because it was football season

Now they get a good win we’re kind of coming down on them but all year long they have the Suns just being nether fine right is a wild disappointment when when ke when Kevin Durant went there the the entire idea I think that we thought behind it was all right this is his

Chance this is Durant’s chance after all the Barkley bus pass you know the rider instead of bus driver this is a team that you know had just been to the finals but couldn’t hadn’t quite gotten there that La that had a really good record at the time when they went and

Got him that is saying you know what this is Kevin rand’s chance to be the guy on a team that incredibly can win the title which a lot of people thought he could have been in Brooklyn and that never got off the ground and now in Phoenix just like they’re fine and I

Don’t think and to me it is shocking and I understand that Booker’s out right now I get that but he’s not it’s not like an situation or even a JW situation he’ll be back I don’t think anyone believes in this team I don’t think anyone looks at the Suns even though Durant’s having

Another good year Booker still Booker and looks at them as even a beist Ender which is wildly disappointing and if people didn’t stay up to watch the game last night Wilds did cuz he had to send his nuggets tweet but the the fourth quarter wo happened again yeah it was a

120 Denver run from down nine to up three in the final three minutes of the game then KD hit a game time three and then the Suns won in overtime but the exact stuff Bru talking about of this team falling apart in the fourth quarter happened they were just able to overcome

It in over time and so it is very disappointing for what this team could be or was supposed to be quickly it’s actually so and I’m not even trying to be funny it’s very similar to Brooklyn now I know Brooklyn was even more injury and Brooklyn was dysfunctioned too

Because of the Kyrie and the V all that stuff but you know still I mean this is essentially the same thing it’s like oh they going there they got high hopes they got great talent yeah and nothing is com can can I pitch you on an alternative Theory yeah that maybe it’s

One part point guard but do you think it’s any part just like I don’t know choking in crunch time like they had 12 points in the fourth and then Kevin Durant turned it on and overtime Josh made this graphic it’s similar to yours about uh Point differential the quarters

One through three they’re great like they can play and then like you said in fourth quarter they fall apart and then I want to pair this with Devin Booker cuz when I put out that you know they’re not going to be able to beat the Nuggets everyone like well Booker wasn’t even

There Kevin you didn’t I’m like I know Booker wasn’t there Devin Booker averages in elimination games last year against the Nuggets you know how many points he had 12 well and then the year before they were down 100 at halftime and he had 11 yeah and then

Uh against the Bucks in the finals he had 19 which was quiet 19 so but Kevin Durant’s the guy like in overtime he took over but do you buy that there’s a little bit of like shrinking in the moment well possibly with Booker and I

Hate to say that cuz I I love book but possibly cuz you you just brought up the evidence certainly not Kevin Durant there’s no reason for him to I mean he’s already obviously been on the biggest stage beill who knows but Bill’s a third

Option but I think the this is akin to I guess a point guard they don’t have a leader and the leader obviously doesn’t have to be the point guard but Durant by his own admission is not really a leader well he changed on that he actually changed where he’s at

Now that Bill I don’t know uh book I haven’t seen it from book like who’s the leader on this team not even just crunch time but just in general right well the guy taking Chris Paul’s Place as far you know what I mean floor General and leader but I don’t think that’s their

Problem I think the problem is the one that I pointed out in the summer and I’m not trying I know I very often try to give myself credit this is not because I was not the only one doing this at the time which is this is a ridiculously

Built team yeah you just have in my in my humble opinion like the the a slightly worse version of the same player three times as as your as your big three you as far as a Score first Wing who the best thing they do is score the ball Kevin Durant one of the

Greatest players ever you got three guys like that that’s my point and that’s where all their assets went that’s where all their cap space went that’s where and then so I that’s why if you remember I didn’t like the be trade because I was like man you only have one shot to shoot

And to just get another scoring Wing doesn’t make sense to me and then with their other shot was Aon who I understand in limited value and nurkic I has been good for them but it doesn’t to me add it the team doesn’t make sense from a championship Contender like say

What you will about the bucks or the Celtics or the Nuggets but those teams make sense it’s like okay like just from a not just how talented the players are but the r that they play even the Lakers make sense from the the positions that they’re playing well right in the role

That’s where again a point guard instead of Beal might have worked cuz a point guard now probably puts Beal on the bench he’s got to be maybe your sixth man but I look I do think they I will give their front office credit for once they decided we’re going with these

Three scores they’ve actually done a good job of putting around I mean Royce O’Neal Grayson all having a year of his career um quickly brw before we move on to the Denver side of things one of your common refrains about your nets they didn’t get a chance they you know it you

Like to make fun of me but you know it’s true if they have been he boy would my feet would have been kicked up I’d have been eating sandwiches up in here that’s the real okay so I’m going to ask nicely open at can of worms

Phoenix Big 3 has only played 23 games together do you feel does that make you feel more optimistic that perhaps they’re like the Nets that if they can play a little bit more together you could have your feet on the table I don’t think they’re as good as the Nets

Were potentially like Beal’s not as good as Kyrie do we agree with that yeah and and uh Booker is Booker Great’s probably not as good as James Harden at least Harden at the time hard saw that time I mean Harden is an alltime great obviously Durant and Kyrie is not g to

Go down as like a top 20 30 player but all time SK also Durant is probably 6% better yeah I mean just because of his you know what I mean he’s probably getting he’s still their best player and still an all-nba level player and a great player not just historically

But right now but he’s probably a little worse than he was two years ago because at his age what you don’t think so you you’re getting better day every day buddy no no oh two years ago like two years two years go watch your tape two years ago not that great you’re getting

Way better getting way you had a lot to learn like that goad rea I love it I don’t like it I love it you took my you took my thundery to be like you I I I do love the attitude man I mean they just won six straight games y the last four

Of them against playoff or playin teams being the Lakers which obviously is a good team and there they could have easily now you probably don’t come out and say this but they could have easily had the attitude and the demeanor of it’s one of 82 it happens we have them

We kind of let it let the go the Rope but Jamal Murray’s upset one of the worst losses we’ve had I mean come on it’s not even close to that and he said I need to play better 289 and seven is what Jamal Murray had on Bas close to

50% shooting so I just love this attitude Nick that these guys are like they’re not Pradas at all Jamal Murray doesn’t seem to even be upset that he didn’t make the allstar you know what I mean like this dude is is great we know

Yic is just totally cool so I I like it I like that as just to build on that I don’t know if you saw draymond’s post uh Celtics game podcast one of the things that he said was when he was kind of explaining their let’s call it unconventional uh defensive let jayen

Brown shoot he shoots 34% not on wide open threes buddy I mean I mean what said this what jumped out you go into that game with three and0 on the road trip you’ve got a free swing so like let’s try something you know if we lose

Had a good R so be it so it just feels like that and and maybe draymond’s right maybe you have to look at it like Marathon not a Sprint but it feels like from that quote and compared to Jamal Murray’s quote Jamal Murr wants to win every game and draymond’s taking a

Longer view I personally like the we’re going to win every game well I listen I as as much as I poke at Draymond I’m not going to I I think he for a guy he was you know a corn a team that went to six consecutive finals you know what I mean

The longer you might be smart uh but I I don’t actually want to give my reaction of this I want to give you be you have for PE people that are up on you know on Twitter after nuggets games not almost everyone Brew brew is not I can’t find

You on Twitter man it’s like you might have me block regardless wild has been very ad that the Nuggets championship in upcoming is a fat compete it is a guarantee no one can beat them and then on television you have it’s not that you haven’t supported him but I don’t think

Our audience knows how comp more measured on television yeah but go ahead TIG I I want to hear what you think about you know what he’s gunshot cuz last time he let the tiger out he brought a freaking deer in here and they fell apart it was one antler fell off

Because it was uh shedding something season you rubbed up against a tree trunk that’s just biological fact D not necessarily funny I do not think any team can beat the Denver Nuggets in a seven game series I think they are gunning for the one seed and then you’re

Going no one’s going in there and Can you steal one game in Denver maybe I think that’s why Jamal Murray was so upset like man we cannot give away any of these games I think it’s largely going to be pretty boring and boring so they’re not even gonna be pushed

I don’t know was last year boring maybe not boring but I think because it was their first run it’s G to feel like this is this is a fate a comple which makes Thursday’s game all the more important Celtics lost last second I mean this game went to overtime but Joker had a

Shot at the buzzer last second it’s perfect we both lost uh now we’re going to meet in Denver it’s going to be a little finals preview and we’re going to see teams going full steam ahead and I think Denver comes out and wins and I’m going to Tweet no one’s beating Denver

In the seven G what if Boston beats him he’s still gonna say I’m still going to Tweet it because I’m pot committed but it is attitude is it’s not a big game if you just think it don’t matter because Denver’s GNA win oh no it matters so

Okay so must win the oh double must-win then must win for Boston too because by the way Denver’s not going to have home court against Boston but this is the reason I wanted you to say that to the audience was a so they knew where you were but also I just totally disagree

With that like the the last the half dozen five of the last six really CH teams that repeated MH it felt inevitable and this one does not so Brew I so here’s who they are the 18 Warriors it felt like okay it’s going to take a

Disaster the 13 heat now they in the finals it didn’t feel inevitable but during the year when they had the 27 game running streak LeBron Peak it feels inevitable the 2010 Lakers it felt like they could lose to the Celtics but it felt all nobody in the West Was going

You know what I mean was going to beat them obviously the 01 Lakers when they got their second title that was the best Lakers team there was then 97 Bulls followed the 72 wins with 69 wins or 68 wins whatever it was those teams felt inevitable this team to me feels more

Like the Bucks the year after they won the title like oh yeah they should be right there and that Bucks team by the way disagree feel like that look and I’ll throw this out at the I don’t remember exact what was going on but the three peat with the Lakers so the second

Championship the Spurs were still there you know what I mean the Duncan and David Robinson even at that point so the Spurs still were a tough team uh so it was more viewed as the will the Lakers get past the Spurs and then once you do

That you’re who in the East just if I may just real quick I because I want to remind people what the Bucks the year after they won the championship had the just as good of a record as the year before Giannis was just as good Middleton got hurt and Tatum went crazy

In that game seven they lost in round two that wasn’t the Bucks team that you know what I mean looked flawed throughout the year and lost to Miami to and the point I’m making is I think I’m not acting like I don’t think the Nuggets can win the title I think they

Are the heavy favorites in the west but it doesn’t feel they don’t feel as inevitable to me as they seem to feel to you and those other teams that repeated even if they ended up facing adversity felt to me throughout those regular seasons it is going to take a massive

Shock for that team I would disagree cuz I because again the Kobe LeBron was with the Cavs that was his last year with the Cavs right yeah yeah and they were I mean we we all thought LeBron had a chance to win it with Cleveland so I

Don’t think it was I think some of these other teams I don’t think they all felt like oh they’re definitely getting it done I’m I’m I’m somewhere in between you guys but more with you yeah predictions mean inevitable but I mean yeah it’s pretty inevitable they’ be

Like oh it’s so oh the altitude is so much I can’t breathe finally MVP odds joker out one SGA Luca Giannis and finally the best player on the best team with the best record at five just feels unfair what oh I’m okay you don’t think that’s strange

No they got the best record it is that I’m going to I how you love you I mean kind of you would vote best player on best team I well what’s the point of of playing you have that is not the MVP of the league I’m going to break something that is

What the championship trophy is for to that’s what he got 12 wins he’s great I’m let’s just do you think Tatum deserves to be higher than five having the best record in the league well look I I Nick we go go ahead no that’s all I’m saying I I’m gonna I can’t a

Question about Joker he start throwing his Ben BR it’s going to be a problem I can’t argue sports with this man on this topic I hate when people I am a voter I hate when people say it’s just best player on best team especially ex athletes I’m like what are you talking

About it might be it might be but it’s not given what do you want him to do ask the question the question is about Joker but kind of changing it okay well here here’s what look Tatum could he be higher look at those odds does he

Deserve to be fifth I think he should be hired that’s I’m saying right now Nick and and you know I think got eight SE they just Luka’s got to move down no he would but he would still have him behind Yannis he wouldn’t have him third he

Would just move Luca down is what he’s saying but this idea Wilds I for to answer the question yoga’s more likely win MVP because I don’t know who’s else if Giannis is hurt I don’t know who’s going to win it and here’s the other thing Nick as great as Giannis is

Playing for half of the Season more so at this point they’ve been viewed as a disappoint yeah but if they end up with a better record than Denver that won’t matter like the but the buta Luke is down Yannis is down now Tatum’s in third yeah okay he could be

Third he could be I’ll be fine with him being third there’s nobody to beat joic I mean SGA is the best chance and I don’t think he’s going to do it but I have to address this there are different we give out best actor yeah and best cinematography yeah there are

Different categories for different things there is a championship trophy and an an uh MVP of the championship series that award exists there is a separate award for the League’s most valuable player in the regular season and the idea that it can only come from the team with the best record only what

Do you mean just that’s what you were saying that is what you were saying no I’m not saying only what is the case Tatum other than the Celtics record he’s pretty what I don’t know how averaging a game okay nothing close to any of those guys

If you average 27 eight boards I mean I think you’re overstating it l 278 and five no I I think on route to delivering your team to the top of the E he’s not the MVP but he’s third let him let him score 37 and be in fourth place

So he can win the MVP you think that’s guy’s not going to win the MVP should he’s in Luca’s in third Lucas in third I high usage they won fewer games I’m glad he’s jumping on you cuz this is how I was with Brock P he was I mean per had

More you guys are P had a nice case but but Nick is going and what more can Tatum do not be one of the worst you know final minute players in the league that’s what kills Tatum you know the other T he the clutch play he hasn’t been great

Does have a lot of chances cuz they’re winning games by 50 points they’re winning games by 50 points not clutch enough I want to see it like show you num I want to see him come back I want to see him you’re the biggest Tatum hater in

The media and you’re just I’m the fair you know what will happen if Tatum has a great game tomorrow night against Denver in the clutch nickel move thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from other shows on FS1

Nick Wright, Kevin Wildes and Chris Broussard discuss the Phoenix Suns win over the reigning NBA champion Denver Nuggets. The FTF crew react to Jamal Murray proclaiming this was “one of the worst losses” the Nuggets have ever had. Finally the crew look ahead to who wins the NBA MVP.

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Nick Wright, Chris Broussard, and Kevin Wildes team up on First Things First. The trio offers their take on a bevy of sports stories alongside special guests from across the sports world.

Suns win, KD scores 35, Nuggets suffer ‘worst’ loss, Jokic tops MVP odds | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First


  1. Nick doesn’t want to give credit to Denver whatsoever. The general consensus by the entire NBA world is the Nuggets are in a league of their own. Nick should certainly believe that because his beloved Lakers can’t even win a single game against them

  2. Dear wildes, next time you guys go on vacation, have the committee put up some content ,some old clips ….because a whole week of no First thing's first is just ludicrous

  3. I just wish Giannis had some talking head narrative support. The idea that they’ve been disappointing has also just been pure narrative. They’ve had a top five record all season.

  4. Nurk solid rim protector good passer big screener he starts the action on offense and the idea was booker kd and Beal we’re gonna each get passing duties

  5. I love these 3. Best sports show right now by a mile. Solid sports takes (most of the time), great chemistry, great segments and some comedy thrown in here and there.

  6. Tell me Tatum’s stats and tell me why he’s not top 2? And if SGA is the best player on his team, has great stats, and finishes as the team with the best record in the West, I don’t see how he wouldn’t win MVP

  7. Grayson Allen going HAM isn't going to happen every game. Great playing by Allen. Great win against the reigning champs, the Nuggets. However, that kind of play won't happen in a 7 game series. Suns need to tighten up that 4th quarter. KD dialed in during OT but that needed to happen before OT.

  8. Tatum literally has the best clutch shooting percentage in the league 🤦🏿‍♂️🤣

  9. 9:52 – Wildes was poking bears all throughout the segment, like with his earlier comment about "close sweep." However, this one on Brou hit the mark. 🎯😂

  10. Tatum may not be MVP, but having Luka higher is criminal. Tatum is a top 7 player in the league. Averages 27/8 and plays defense better than everyone in the MVP race. He's the best player on the best team with three other legit All stars.

  11. I don't understand how Phoenix immediately became championship or bust as soon as KD got there??? Out of all the teams that are "playoff" bound, Phoenix may have the worst whole roster!!! Hardly no bench, a small team, no pg. The Lakers, OKC, Denver, the wolves, and Clippers all have a better roster…

  12. To be fair. Phx took 2 from Denver last year and now have Beal. Multiple teams could beat phx in West but phx may actually have best chance against Denver..

  13. I don't think I agree with Nick on this one. I'm not a huge fan of Denver but I personally feel like it actually is inevitable that, barring injury, they're gonna repeat. They're just that good and they've shown what they're capable of last year. Giannis is my fav player in the league, but I truly feel like Jokic is the best player in the NBA by a sizeable margin

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