@Utah Jazz

SEASON HIGHS versus the Bulls 🐂 | UTAH JAZZ

SEASON HIGHS versus the Bulls 🐂 | UTAH JAZZ

Good help there by tht helping Colin ston with some power in that paint defensively the follow by om y seven first two for the third-year pro out of turkey shoot over top of you over the top pass shamanic in the pain oh beautiful dish Collins oh what a nasty put

Down shamanic to Collins want a reach in his first well somebody’s going to get wet and it’s lvic and a couple other guys on that dunk by K that was a double pump beautiful pass John Collins looks inside to Shaman it’s back out to Saxon Caruso chases beautiful slide pass and call you

Know I talk nasty easier he’s giving you what you need without a walker Kessler in there he knows he’s got to be more defensive more pain protective there’s a lot three three CH hammers in this game and senah delivers I felt that one up from up here sah great timing John

Collins right now owning the paint with vich jazz down five 929 to play and tht just rips the rebound down and here we go great great defense to before that rip nice y seven got back Drummond flat footed that wide open and get that pass there in time beautiful look Omare with

Eight points five rebounds three assists Jazz get the stop D rozan is down face first done free ball from the corner they throw by five defense leads to offense 10 points below his season average Jazz turn the ball over Caruso Euro steps inside my goodness out of

Nowhere the hustle the block by Horton tuer holding his forehead but oh it was after the block the swipe down comes across peruso as he looks up in the air you see what happened to that ball unfortunate for him but great verticality he’s been the first guy who

Could stop Demar d rozan right now I love it Chris D sends the ball jumps it up and in the rebound on one and the bucket on the other and the rookie has his first career double double that’s a career high for him after the 21 the

Other night but right here taking the bump Kobe white just going up over top of him sto and go giv up SE three away B boy I like that combination bowler nice penetration by Jordan His counterpart Colin ston

John Collins had a season high and rookie Brice Sensabaugh got his first career start, but lose at home to the Chicago Bulls, 119-117.

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