@Golden State Warriors

Bucks-Warriors Reaction: Steph Curry shines, Golden State BLOWS OUT Giannis & Bucks | Hoops Tonight

Bucks-Warriors Reaction: Steph Curry shines, Golden State BLOWS OUT Giannis & Bucks | Hoops Tonight

M get in on the action with draftking Sportsbook an official sports betting partner of the NBA new customers who deposit $5 or more can get a no sweat bet up to $11,000 back in a bonus bet I was looking at NBA Futures this morning the Golden State Warriors are plus 5500

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Out of the Milwaukee Bucks what a great way to kind of clean cleanse the pallet and kind of reset things as they get back on track I was really impressed in general with just the the Warriors attitude coming out of that game to just kind of flush it and move on that’s what

A team that’s got good leadership will do and they rode a really strong defensive effort to win over the Bucks we’re going to break that game down from the perspective of both teams you guys know the drill before we get started subscribe to our brand new YouTube

Channel so you don’t miss any more of our videos follow me on Twitter _ Jason LT so you guys don’t miss any show announcements as well as the uh film threads that I do from time to time don’t forget about our podcast feed wherever you get your podcast under

Hoops tonight that uh it’s also helpful if you guys leave a rating and a review on that front and last but not least keep dropping mailbag questions in the YouTube comments so we can keep hitting them throughout the rest of the season all right let’s talk some basketball really interesting matchups to start

This game they go with the Warriors go with Draymond Green on jannis and ten kmo and they did a lot of switching when they could when it made sense I I clipped a few examples I clipped a bunch of examples from this game in the strong defensive effort from Golden State so

When I’m referencing some of these plays go to my Twitter feed _ jlt you’ll get to see some uh examples but the switching did a lot to stagnate some of the bucks off ball and on ball screening actions they put Jonathan kaminga on Brook Lopez and then whenever they set a

Ball screen Brook Lopez on Dame they were blitzing him and so since Andrew Wiggins was on Dame to start the game you’re getting like a blitz with two of the not just best athletes on the Warriors but two of the best athletes in the league and Andrew Wiggins and

Jonathan kaminga just a ton of length on the basketball they were rotating extremely well one of the most important parts of rotating out of a blitz is as soon as the guy picks up the his dribble there you know there’s not a whole lot you can gain at that point and so

Rotating out of that quickly is the best way to turn that four on on three on the weak side back into a four on four and so they would Blitz and then as soon as he’d pick up his dribble Andrew Wiggins would bail out of there and they’d be

Able to get back into rotation they force some turnovers out of that sort of thing just using their length on ball defense was the story of this particular game though both on Patrick Beverly and on uh um and on Damen Lillard just chasing over the top of screens applying

That back pressure you get done with Andrew Wiggins Here Comes Gary Payton Gary Payton just had some ridiculous defensive possession on this in this game just flying around screens chasing Dame around I clipped a few examples of those you can find on my Twitter feet as

Well just the big thing with Dame is you just have to stay attached because that guy doesn’t need too much space it’s similar to Steph and in in you know uh in this particular game Dame was doing a lot of moving without the basketball to try to break open and all that pressure

Especially in the situation that they were trying to get the basketball out of his hands and I thought really the theme of this game for golden state was the matchup Advantage they have which is their overall all speed they are a young and athletic team relative to the uh

Talent that Milwaukee brings to the table and they were able to weaponize that in every phase of the game we talked about on the ball we talked about blitzing rotating like even still to this day at his age Draymond Green is one of the very best players in the

League at sinking down into the lane to help on a drive and then Sprint back out to the perimeter and get a late contest he had several great contests of three-point shots when he started before the past with his foot in the paint there was one that he actually blocked

Of Bobby poris on the weak side swarming on the glass running down the floor in transition slipping out of ball screens that was a big one in this particular game like the Milwaukee’s preferred defensive setup and one of the main reasons why they’ve had a lot of success

As of late is they want to sit in a deep drop coverage right so they want to keep Brooke as far back towards the basket as possible that allows them to chase over the top and defend these actions Two on Two And then stay home off the ball but

Golden State blows that up in two different ways first of all they pull you up to the level of the screen with guys the likes of Steph Curry Klay Thompson even Chris Paul now is shooting the ball so much better than he did to start the season and that pulls him

Pulls his Defender uh the screen Defender up to the level of the screen as that big guy this is like a simple push and pull that takes place in basketball games it’s kind of there’s these little battles that are taking place all over the floor whether it’s

Rebounding at the point of attack one of the big ones in a basketball game is how far are you pulling out the screen defender in your screening actions if he’s allowed to sit all the way back then credibly your Defender can chase over the top on the ball and then as the rle

Man is coming towards you you can incredibly defend both right and as long as the on ball guy is not skilled enough to just torch you with pullup shots and floaters and stuff in the mid-range you can live with that type of coverage right but as soon as I have to come up

To the level of the screen all of a sudden the rle man is wide open it’s a simple you could you can you can Envision it imagine Steph dribbling the basketball the on ball Defender is chasing him over the top of the screen brook or whoever it is is up at the

Level Bobby Portis got torched a ton in this game from showing out on the perimeter on Shooters soon as that guy comes out there’s effectively a one- on0 on the backside as long as you can get that pass through whether it’s through a pocket pass or a looping pass over the

Top or even sometimes you’ll beat that with just a quick swing and then a a pass to the rle man as he’s going towards the rim the Warriors absolutely torched the bucks on the role in this game taking advantage of uh the buck screen Defenders having to come up to

The level that’s a great example of like how matchups play a role in basketball games you play against the Minnesota Timberwolves the Minnesota Timberwolves have been a better basketball team than the Warriors all year long but just strictly from the same point of matchups Milwaukee can get away with running a

Deep drop coverage against them because they don’t have the guards that can punish them enough in those coverages and then the second big piece of it is the off ball actions right so like staying glued up off the ball and defending actions one-on-one and two on

Two is a great way to force turnovers because as soon as that action starts to fail that guy has to make a kickout pass and as long as guys aren’t helping they’re glued up and they’re in passing Lanes you can force turnovers one of the things that golden state does is they’re

Constantly moving without the basketball there are not a lot of spot up possessions for the Warriors in fact they get the fourth fewest spot up possessions in the league that’s not a shot you know a drive and kick to a wide open shooter or driveing kick to a close

Out opportunity is not exactly a common place thing that you’ll see in the Golden State offense they are a blender they are constantly all five players moving screening passing driving it’s a it is a blender and and so just because of having because of Milwaukee having to

Come up to the level of the screen and because of Golden State’s off Ball action in player ball and player movement it just caught Milwaukee into into a situation where there’s speed just what I clipped a few examples that I think they’re the last two plays on my

U on my thread that I made tonight A plays from this game plays where you just saw Milwaukee literally look exhausted and slow there was a play where Steph Curry uh split a pick and roll against Brook Lopez right before halftime where Brooke literally looked like he was running in a sandb

Volleyball court like you could just tell he was wiped out he was exhausted he just not used to moving around that much and so that Golden State matchup is just a really tough one for Milwaukee and it turned into an ass kicking pretty quickly there at the end of the first

Half it was funny I was I immediately uh uh sent out a tweet because I was blown away when I was watching the game live and after the first quarter Doc Rivers gets on the screen and goes like Oh they’ve had a 100 days off and I’m like

They just came out of a pretty brutal stretch of their schedule and they just played on Sunday and had to fly all the way across the country for uh to get back from that game I’m like I don’t think you know uh I don’t necessarily think that fatigue is is the reason why

Golden state is playing harder than Milwaukee in this game I thought it was just a a complete in total mismatch and by the way this is going to be kind of like a themee around the league once you get off the top like the top teams in

The league teams like Boston and teams like Denver they are so deep at various position groups that they hold up in various different types of matchups right like the nuggets have the perimeter Defenders to throw at the likes of a a big forward like KD kawhai Lebron and they have the perimeter

Defenders to throw at guys like guys like Steph Curry guys like kcp that can guard on the perimeter right like they’ve got interior size they have shooting they have shot creation they guys who can beat mismatches in the post they have all these different types of players same thing goes for Boston so

They have like a lot of matchup resiliency so they play a really fast team they can handle it they play a really big team they can handle it they play a power team they can handle it they play a skill team they can handle it once you get past that point it’s a

Lot of matchup related stuff right like the Thunder are they’re too small to guard the Lakers right and they just continue to get pulverized on the interior every time in that matchup Phoenix on the other hand like like really struggles with the scrappy perimeter defense and speed that uh uh

That OKC brings and all of their ball pressure they’re a team that struggles to handle double teams and struggles to beat uh aggressive defensive coverages and so they can cause damage there and you’re literally seeing that in this particular game right like Milwaukee runs into a team like Minnesota it’s a

Bad matchup they uh do like cause all sorts of problems and it and it ends up being an issue Golden State for instance like can thrive in matchups like this but teams that have a lot of really good guard Defenders that they can really fatigue Steph and challenge the shot

Creation of the rest of the roster they can run into issues where their offense stalls out and they have some problems so like this is kind of the reality of this middle tier of the league once you get past Boston and Denver all of these teams are like they’re good at some

Things they’re bad at some things and these are the the areas for improvement and these are the things they have to get better at if they want to have a chance in the postseason and that’s going to be a big one for Milwaukee is like are they going to be able to handle

A team that can really spread them out and pull Brook Lopez out onto the perimeter where his lack of foot speed and the overall lack of foot speed on the roster can become an issue I I had a couple other uh big guys I wanted to

Shout out for um uh for Golden State when when Milwaukee went on their run there to start the third quarter Trace Jackson Davis came in and just completely retook control of the game and he’s such a great example to me of the advantage of a high motor athlete in

The over the course of a regular season like when you have a guy who will just run the damn floor as hard as he possibly can on both ends and that on the defensive end is going to make extra efforts and jump out of his shoes to try

To make out of area defensive plays and things and Moses or excuse me Trace Jackson Davis can get himself into a little bit of trouble there with overh helping there was a play in the first half of this game where there was a Baseline Drive uh I want to say it was

Um Pat conon driving along the right side and Bron pmy kind of had him on his hip and he just like hard helped and and then uh K made a drop off pass to Bobby poris who it dunked it and like those are some of the downsides of that type

Of overwhelming athletic activity right but like for the most part the good will outweigh the bad many times over and like he was blocking shots and then he’d run down the other end a key element in that uh when the screener a screen Defender is coming up to the level

Screen you got to roll quickly if you don’t like get out as soon as you see your screen Defender start to show you’ve done your job you’ve brought the second Defender into the play Nothing Else Matters at that point you need to get behind the play as fast as possible

You need to turn have your head and your hands ready and Trace just does a really good job of bailing out of those screens early and making himself available at The Rim he’s got great hands he finishes really well he’s already starting to build like some real chemistry with

Chris Paul and he just knows to keep his head on a swivel and be ready for those passes cuz sometimes he’s beating him on a slip sometimes he’s beating him on a roll sometimes he’s getting him with the bounce pass sometimes he’s getting him with an over the top pass and he’s just

Starting to figure out where he’s supposed to be in all those situations and from there Moses Moody and Jonathan kaminga came in to start the fourth quarter or were on the floor to start that fourth quarter and just did a a ton of damage with their ball pressure on the perimeter getting deflections

Getting out in transition they like you could just see it in the um uh in the uh uh in the big picture stats throughout the game the The Warriors outscored the Bucks 19 to1 in transition they won the points in the and that that’s fast break

Points by the way so just run outs I’ll have to check Synergy tomorrow to see what the actual transition numbers points in the paint 54 to 36 that is a classic example of the type of damage that Golden State can do to teams in the paint when they struggle to guard on the

Perimeter because like that’s the thing you can sag back all you want but you’re just going to get absolutely you know flambay by the likes of Klay Thompson and Steph Curry and Chris Paul those guys are professional drop coverage destroyers right right and so like that’s the game you play and they just

They pulled a a a Milwaukee slower foot speed guys out to the perimeter torched him on the backline torched him in transition and then again that just that just Scrappy energetic defensive effort on the other end of the floor at all three levels of the defense to put the

Game away uh one last note on the Warriors side of things Chris Paul is a floor General but now adding the reliable three-point shot right like Chris Paul was already doing such a good job of running back units to start the season just because he’s so good at

Organizing players and he’s just going to find the loow hanging fruit that exists in games now when you get into a tight game at the end and it’s all the starters on the floor now with Chris’s age limitations he might not be as effective as he was in the prime of his

Career right but at this phase in his career he can still be super effective just as a game manager in the middle portions of games but that was without him having the ability to make teams pay consistently by hitting the three-point shot and he’s come out guns blazing

Since he’s come back from his injury hit a couple of massive threes in the first half of this game to help build out the lead a lot of encouraging stuff on that front I said after the Celtics game like you gota the Celtics and the nuggets are

A problem for another day if you’re going to beat the Celtics and the Nuggets you have to get so much better at so many little things and you have some time to do that you’ve got a month and change potentially depending on how the matchups break out before we have to

Do that right now I think golden state is good enough to beat anybody else in the league as long as they you know uh as long as they get a bunch of uh um uh as long as they get reliable play from the guys that are currently in their

Rotation and Steph plays up to the level that we all know he’s capable of playing and with their experience with their athleticism as long as they don’t you know com like self-combust they’ve got a chance to be anybody else in the league so those the the Denver in in Boston

Problem is a problem for another day you just got to focus on getting through each game one game at a time you got your ass kicked by Boston Boston by the way like they’s such a a high-powered three-point shooting team or just jump shooting team in general it’s crazy like

I can’t tell you how many times as of late I’ll like Scout a Celtics game and as I’m looking through the tape you know I do both like I I pour over the tape then I go into the numbers and I’ll look in the numbers and I’ll be like holy

they took 50 something jump shots and got like 1.48 points per jump shot like that’s the thing Boston is capable of going super cold we just saw them do it against Cleveland during that collapse from nine minutes left when they were up 22 they missed every single jump shot

They took the rest of the game every single one of them so like we all know that that’s something that can happen to Boston but they also are capable of just making everything and whooping your ass and and and Golden State’s not the first team to run into that particular problem

And when you combine that with like the issue with Steph just kind of getting off to a cold start things just got off the rails quickly but a really nice job from the leaders in that locker room of flushing that down and just going home against another really good opponent

That’s riding a hot streak and and getting a dominant win at home on the Bucks front I want to give them some credit for their huge win against the Clippers I actually watched this when I was having dinner my wife was out of town this last week uh for work and went

To dinner with my father-in-law and caught the Clippers uh uh Bucks game on what would have that been Monday night and I I I was really really impressed by their fight in that particular game Clippers brought it they were up uh the majority of the night and then in that

Second half big run Damen Lillard was incredible in that game and one of the things I talked about a lot in the um early part of the season is like Dame’s role fundamentally on this team is different than what it was in Portland and there’s a lot of guys that look to

Shoot on this team like Brooke has a little bit of a green light you know Chris Middleton obviously is a guy who looks to get his touches and his opportunities you know Giannis obviously is you know the second or third best player in the league and he’s got a lot

Of uh of you know offensive usage coming his way and so I think that combined with just the different floor setup just playing with two giant players that teams have a tendency to help off of versus is what it was like when he was in Portland like there’s just been a lot

Of adjustment and I really do think that that game against the Clippers like Giannis off the floor no pressure you’re expected to lose this game like just go out and play and see what happens I think that went a long way to helping Dame kind of get his rhythm and he

Followed that up tonight with a game where he went five for 10 from three and hit a bunch of his like difficult like off the dribble step back type of shots those Dame shots that were accustomed to seeing uh seeing him make and I thought I thought that that last two games in

General is good step forward for Dame again on the defensive end I really just think it’s a bad matchup for Milwaukee Brooke in particular like he’s like Brooke is one of those guys where like they’re going to have to be really careful about uh about what matchups

Look like when they get to the postseason now thankfully in the Eastern Conference there isn’t really a team that brings maybe Miami but they their Shooters aren’t as good uh but like Miami is the one team you think of that might put them in that type of blender where Brooke could

Become a problem but yeah it’s just like that’s one of those things like certain teams that can bring Brooke out to the perimeter at this phase of his career he’s just a little too slow uh to hang out there but overall like I I mean this

Kind of like if you’re a bucks fan like you you didn’t expect to beat the Clippers and you did and then you ran into a challenge on the road and and golden state is always a tough team because they play so different from everybody else in the league and so they

Really are a buzs saww if you’re not prepared for them especially when you factor in the bad matchup element of it so really big win uh for Golden State um lots of challenges on the horizon in the next week or two for the bucks we’re going to be covering some of those I

Think they play the Lakers on on Friday night and we’ll be covering that game at some point I’m not sure if we’re covering it that night but we’ll be covering it either over the weekend or on Monday all right guys that is all I have for tonight as always I sincerely

Appreciate you guys for supporting the show I am back tomorrow night actually for uh NBA Finals preview potentially between the Denver Nuggets and the Boston Celtics both teams coming off of a disappointing loss um so it should be a really fun one I think both teams are

Really going to go for it that’s going to be an all-timer I will be there on YouTube after the final buzzer I hope I’ll see you guys there too

Jason Timpf reacts to Stephen Curry, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson, and the Golden State Warriors’ 125-90 blowout win over Giannis Antetokounmpo, Damian Lillard, and the Milwaukee Bucks. Jason shares his biggest takeaways from Golden State’s dominant night, and discusses the futures of both teams as the NBA Playoffs draws closer.

00:00 – Introduction
02:57 – Warriors on-ball defense dominates
04:53 – Golden State weaponized their speed
09:59 – Matchups matter!
12:09 – Trayce Jackson-Davis’ massive impact
14:07 – How Warriors torched Bucks inside
15:19 – Chris Paul finding his groove
16:07 – Huge bounce back win for Warriors
18:00 – What went wrong for Bucks?

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  1. It took Steve a while, but I think he's finally got a rotation figured out:

    Bench: cp3-moody-Klay-Trayce

    Weapons to plug in 5-10 min stints: Saric, GP2, Loon

  2. Media went crazy on the Celtics losing to Cavs but watch them not do the same for Bucks losing to Warriors after they got blown out by Celtics and those Bucks couldn't even compete with them…

  3. They sat on a plane for a night and thee plane didnt lift off til 6 a.m before their toronto game … and then flew into boston

    Curry dray …etc wasnt going to recoop for the celtics

    They tried to play a defense where they can basically pace .. didnt work

  4. Denver is runnin this back imo if they stay healthy. Still gonna be a fun ride first few rounds of playoffs tho.

  5. Celtics blow out warriors by 50: “ehhh it was just one game”

    Warriors blowout the bucks: “man that was a great win, the warriors are great”

    the volume’s California bias is getting stale

  6. come on bro be realistic. why u people trash Milwaukee so hard? GSW scored from everywhere, they couldn't miss a shot first half and yet Milwaukee was following. they had 75% 3p made. you can't defend that.

  7. So awesome to see our rookies go crazy … are the Warriors the GOAT drafting franchise? I believe so

  8. I turned the Boston Game off before the end of the first quarter. My assumption which Draymond basically confirmed when he talked about that game was they were pretty content with a 3-1 road trip. tried a defensive game plan that woefully didn't work for that game and Boston was rolling so much because of it, you could kind of see them due the (eh…3-1. We are missing 2 starters. We're good) and kind of check out. Dont' want it to go that bad as it did, but Boston also clearly REALLY wanted that game. Didn't have any particular worry from it. Aside from them all looking back to normal, for seeing this team properly completely for the real first time (they had a game or two in november but draymond wasn't in game shape or integrated into anything yet)…this team can still put the fear in you. Even though he didn't get minutes until later and they were already rolling for awhile, Moses Moody. The Defense he played was head turning in the good way.

  9. Bucks fans acting like this is just one bad game. Y’all been doing this all season, losing to mediocre teams! Celtics have a bad game here and there. Bucks have bad games for a whole month at a time lol. Beating the Sixers, Hornets 2x and Memphis doesn’t mean nothing! Bucks are still trash, 35 pt win is crazy!!

  10. The big shift other than effort and attitude has been the lineup change. Putting Klay in the 2nd unit and Podz in the first has unlock both units. We are now able to bring energy / physicality / rebounding in both units while keeping some playmaking in the 1st unit with Podz and extra physicality with Dray, Wiggs and JK. We can also play extra small at the end of game with Klay on the floor and even more playmaking with CP3 and Podz and/or Curry for extra offensive creation. Warriors are getting scary!

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