@San Antonio Spurs

The San Antonio Spurs PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

The San Antonio Spurs PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

So if you can believe it there’s only about 25 games left in the NBA regular season and being the depressed Bulls fan that I am I started looking to the offseason and I said oh my gosh this is going to suck as well and that led me to

Thinking about other teams and how their off seasons are going to go and I was like hey I should make a video about this so I figured I’d focus on a particular team that being the San Antonio Spurs and say hey if I was the GM and I was in the current situation

That they were in what would an ideal offseason look like to me and then I built this spreadsheet because of course I did I build spreadsheets for everything I’m kind of a Google Sheets Excel nerd I threw this together in 10 minutes so at me if you don’t like it

All right in essence I’ve got the 2024 2025 roster like everybody that’s got guaranteed money for the next year got them there we’ve got our money we know how much cap space we’re working with we know how much luxury tax space we’re working with and we’re going to try to

Build out the rest of this 15-man roster for San Antonio so that we can build upon what they what they really had going this year cuz the Spurs overall this season was a success because Victor wenyama is very very good good and that’s all that really matters they’ve

Got their franchise player now they’ve got their Cornerstone he might just be the face of the NBA all the predictions seem to be true so far he just is that good which no surprise if you watched any film on this guy before the season you like this guy’s going to dominate

Everybody but yeah let’s act as if we are the GM for the Spurs and let’s put together what would be a nice next step as this young Spurs team kind of tries to figure out its identity and tries to continue to build around W minyama and push towards some playoff success maybe

Next year so what better way to start this than looking at the draft right the Spurs are going to have their own draft pick this year as of right now they’d have the third pick and this latest mock draft has them taking racher which if that were the case I think they’d be

Pretty happy about that I know topit is a guy that makes a lot of sense because of the point guard need and everything in this case the latest mock draft had them taking racher which I mean another French dude kind of cool right just in itself so I think we’re just going to

Assume that this is what’s going to happen for now I mean who knows at the end of the day right but we’re going to throw rater in here and I know because I’ve looked at other NBA contracts and stuff that uh a third overall pick is going to make about $9.7

Million and we get him for Four Seasons now racher where does he fall into the lineup all right I decided to put a little roster spots left thing here as well so that we know how many we’re working with so we’re already only down to two roster spots and we got to figure

Out where racher’s going to go and I’m going to assume that he’s sliding in at the starting three so I’m going to put racher here we’re going to move both of you fellas down one and then we’ll move kelden to kind of that six-man roll that

We’ve seen him play a little bit this year and um I know some spurs fans are thinking like hey we should trade Kellin Johnson or something like that I think it’s a little too uh early to do something like that um we’ve seen good scoring out of him and stuff before is

He going to encapsulate a 20 point a game score again that I don’t exactly know especially with all these other dudes on the team that are going to be getting their shots up like Vel and wi minyama right I mean soan wants his buckets as well you throw Wasa on there

He’s a shooter right and he’s a better floor spacer he makes more sense next to wenyama plus they can speak French to each other they can call plays in French that’s awesome but I don’t want to trade Kell and Johnson just yet like ideally some people are saying hey let’s go get

Trey young let’s go fill that point guard R Kellin Johnson’s an initial piece that you can throw into all that I doubt the Hawks are like all that interested in Kellan Johnson to begin with they just have a lot going on at that position anyway I guess if they

Have to get something back for him they have to get something back for him but I just I just don’t necessarily see that being a move that makes a ton of sense and I also don’t want Trey Young on this team I’m thinking we hit free agency and

Go find ourselves a point guard I don’t I don’t really see anybody that we’re trying to necessarily package and trade right now so looking at the rest of the salary cap that we have then knowing that we’re not going to be making any trades this off seon we’ve just drafted

Uh racher he’s our new starting three we’ve got $7 million in cap space but we have 37 million in total if we want to go into the luxury tax which you have winmany on your team you’re selling a ton of tickets and everything so I’m not too worried about going into the

Luxury tax if I’m the Spurs maybe you’re a little bit worried early um and what what what begins to be challenging is guys like vel’s contract are starting to be big Zack Collins has a pretty big contract for a backup center and maybe maybe that’s something we look to move

In like during the season or something if someone else becomes available Zach Collins is a nice backup guy but maybe a team would rather have a Zach Collins or maybe there’s another contract we can take on or something I I don’t know but a lot of the money’s used up right about

There there’s also Devonte Graham who’s an expiring deal who maybe we can trade to get somebody in the middle of the season I don’t know he’d probably be a part of a Trey young deal if something like that were to happen but needless to say we’ve got some money to work with we

Got to address this point card spot so Trey Jones is a nice basketball player at the end of the day we’re seeing 9.7 points per game out of him what’s concerning is this three-point stat like it just hasn’t figured itself out yet like at all like it’s nice that he’s got

A good free throw percentage great assist guy he doesn’t commit a ton of turnovers or anything like that right he’s kind of like tus um in a lot of aspects except maybe a little more athletic a little quicker but and anyway we we we need to find somebody that can

Space the floor a little bit like as as you can see that’s kind of what we’re trying to go for here you got someone like wanyama that attracts so much gravity especially if he’s going to operate sometimes down on the block or something like that so we’ve added racea

To space the floor a little bit let’s get a point guard that can both play in the pick and roll with W Bama as well as space the floor a little bit maybe he can work a little bit off ball and what I’ve done here is I’ve pulled up all the

2024 free agents that are point guards and a name sticks out to me and that’s D’Angelo Russell right here D’Angelo Russell has a player option I believe for his last year and honestly like D’s D’s had like a quietly good season I know we all like to crap on him and

Stuff at times but like D’s still getting you 17 points a game he’s shooting 41% from three like the assists are there the turnovers maybe a little bit high but you know what I’m not too worried about that and D’s had a lot of experience playing off ball at times too

And the reason he’s playing off ball he’d still be the primary ball handler is that sometimes you want to let when Bama cook in like the middle of the court or something like that and you can maybe run some handoff action with a guy like

Um you’re not going to get some of those nice cuts that you sometimes see Trey Jones get where he’ll sometimes just like back doors dude and Wendi will hit him with like a nice bounce pass or something like that but like they can still he can still play with Trey

Sometimes and everything so here’s what I’m thinking I’m thinking we go up to D’angelo Russell and we pitch to him and we call his agent before the season and everything and go hey we we we’ll bring you in here give you a nice like twoyear like fat contract or something right

Because by then we’re off of guys like Zach Collins and stuff we’re off of guys like Bassie and maybe even like a Trey Jones and Devonte Graham by the time those contracts are up W Bama will be like in like his like True Form by then

And we’re going to have uh some money that we can move around to play with plus we don’t want to give too big of a contract as well just because like we’re going to have to pay guys like soan eventually right hopefully a racher is good enough yeah like we have to figure

Out what we’re doing with a Kell and Johnson and everything so I’m thinking we throw like a nice little 2-year fat contract at D’Angelo Russell so here’s what I’m going to do we’re going to pull Russell up here and we’re going to give Russell 25 million for two seasons so I’m bringing

In DLo here I’m going to fix my formatting and stuff too what kind of excel guy am I I tell you but here’s the thing we’re out of cap space now we’re paying luxury tax now so but we only have one more roster spot we have to

Fill as well but I I like that we’ve brought DLo onto this team now to play with wanyama help facilitate maybe some easier shots for vasel what’s really nice about this team is we have a couple guys with ball handling experience now so now we’ve got guys like Trey coming

Off the bench right we’ve got Trey we’ve got Devonte Graham we have our point guards figured out let’s put Russell in here so now this is our new starting lineup right and like I was saying we’ve got ball handling now like soan not a point guard we learned that this year

But a decent enough ball handler for his position right can get in some actions can get moving downhill and stuff when Bama more than capable of doing that stuff vasel sometimes take makes bad decisions right now but he’s young but you have a new primary ball handler

Along with all these other guys that have some ball handling experience and now all of a sudden you you’ve got yourself a little bit of Spurs basketball starting to cook again picture racher in this sense is the Michael Porter Jr of this team that’s what he gets compared to a lot but he’s

Athletic enough to play in transition as well attack close outs he’s kind of a hybrid of Michael Porter but man his catch and shoot game is nuts especially for his size and everything so you’ve got a you’ve got a pretty big lineup now especially with Wy on the team right but

You’ve got a lot of height here a lot of height with soan with wemi DLo himself is a pretty big guard vel’s no slouch at all you’ve got ball handling you’ve got shooting and you’ve got size and that that makes for something good right here

So now the last thing I kind of want to address is I want to find like a veteran kind of Big Stretch or something like that to come off the bench so here’s what I want to do I want go to kind of like the wing position maybe even like

Power forward and start looking here a little bit like Kelly oen will be back somewhere else Robert Covington’s not really what I’m thinking not necessarily Kyle Anderson or torian Prince I got to I got to find exactly what I’m looking for maybe we go to the small forward or

Something and we take a look around here just lost Doug mcdermit so you literally couldn’t go and get him if you wanted there’s a j Crowder option and auto porter J Jun cheddy Osman will be a free agent is it worth bringing him back it’s not exactly the role that I imagined

Looking at a guy like Derek Jones Jr right now is a little bit more what I’m thinking more of an even keeled type player he’s getting nine points a game this year the 34% from three is interesting he’s done a lot of catch and shoot this year so that’s nice we know

He can attack Clos outs and everything I wonder I wonder what it costs to bring him in versus like a cheddy Osman or something like that though like what what really is more valuable cuz looking at this roster you know we’re kind of thin at this four spot like obviously

Ratra can played a little bit Kellin Johnson has played it at points like the four is pretty much a place to put an extra Wing right now anyway but I would like some guy that can play Above the Rim a little bit more maybe be a little bit defensive kind of guard multiple

Wings and that’s why I’m kind of thinking of Derrick Jones Jr makes some sense you know what I’ve decided I’m actually going to go with another Frenchman because that makes more sense to me we go talk to Nicholas Batum and we tell him hey we need you to come

Coach all these young Frenchmen right here this is your chance to come play with pop and everything you’re towards the end of your career we give you a veteran minimum to kind of be more of a coaching figure on the team I don’t know if a championship team is necessarily

Going to pick him up this year so I’m looking at Batum here we give him a what what is the veteran minimum anyway the veteran minimum is 2.72 million so let’s give him 2.72 million for one season here and now we’ve got ourselves a little roster here

So we throw Batum in here at the backup four and we’ve got our 15-man roster here right this is assuming we bring everybody back from last year that that was my presumption and just looking at the roster I think that makes the most sense especially since like we didn’t

Have a ton of cap space to play with anyway because we are paying guys like Vel Zack Collins does take up a lot of money but now let’s think about this rotation again right we’ve got our starting lineup of Russell Vel racher soan when minyama right very similar to

This last year except we’ve thrown in a nice promising young rookie right and a better version of Trey Jones Off the Bench you still have Trey Jones he’s going to be one of the first guys off the bench it’s probably him and Zack Collins right or no excuse me I

Completely forgot about Kellin Johnson already Kellin Johnson’s first guy off the bench he’s your six-man scorer let him just go get his buckets right that’s what he wants to do out there he’s going to go get his buckets we love that form he gets to play with guys like Trey

Jones who are willing to facilitate Zack Collins who can just be a decent backup center in the NBA I mean he started most of this season and played just fine so I feel very good about that and then you’ve got some floor spacers and like champeny and Batum that you can go to

And most importantly Batum is a veteran presence on the team uh It the French thing it’s it’s a bigger deal than you’d probably think it is just having guys that can speak your natural language and everything makes you more comfortable on the team he’s a respected figure to

These young French players like he just seems like a guy that would play well with papovich as well so he comes in he gives us 10 12 minutes of just good floor spacing and everything and I think we got a decent little team and we’ve also set ourselves up so that after this

Season you know Devonte Graham falls off the team maybe we look to resign Trey Jones depending on how he’s playing we’re only locked into DLo for one more year if it doesn’t work out but DLo got his pay raise cuz he was only going to get 18 million if he stayed with the

Lakers here he gets to go be that guy play with win minyama get a ton of TV time as well which is Big so maybe we even give him like a player option or something in this contract that could be an interesting little thing to look at

Just to try to incentivize him to come to the team be like hey get a bunch of media attention make yourself really valuable again and then go get another big contract or something right like cuz he only might get one more but I like this roster y’all I’m I’m very curious

To see what you guys think of kind of this idea of exploring what an off season would look like in in other scenarios maybe we’d investigate trades or something like that but I just I don’t see an obvious one here I don’t like the Trey Young trade idea I just I

Don’t think that makes any sense I shouldn’t say it doesn’t make any sense I understand Trey Young’s good at basketball they need a point guard plug him in he can space the floor a little bit he’s a good pick and roll player when Bala looks great in the pick and

Roll I think you can get a lot of that with DLo though and you don’t have to lose out on so much defensively that Trey young struggles with and I just I can’t picture Trey young playing within a papovich style like uh offense as well like the Spurs are never like that just

Ball dominant like let’s play basketball like Trey Young’s going to have to move off ball I don’t think the fit makes a ton of sense why give up the draft picks when you know you’re still building so much anyway I just I’d rather do something like this I’d rather roll out

This team and I’d feel pretty good if I was a Spurs fan with this team but hey let me know what you think I’m just kind of here throwing stuff together let me know what you guys think of my spreadsheet and everything leave me a comment subscribe do all that stuff and

Let me know what team I should do next cuz I think this is kind of a cool activity and I want to explore what this can look like for all these teams that don’t have much to look forward to for the rest of this season so yeah let me

Know what team I should do next and thank you all for watching as always I appreciate it bye

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  1. its been confirmed that the spurs will heavily pursue trae young this offseason, im pretty sure he’ll be in SA start of next yr

  2. Imo the perfect offseason is drafting Risacher and trading for Trae Young.

    The starting would be

    Everyone on the bench idc if they’re traded. We should trade all of the hawks picks back and include maybe 1 of our own and the raptors pick from this year.

    That way we won’t be too handicapped by not having future picks and we will have a ton of cap space.

  3. Risacher and then with the 7th pick, Buzelis. Trae Young in off season, That should give the Spurs a head start.

  4. You need to watch Spurs games before make videos, your plan is kinda garbage. Zach Collins and Keldon Johnson are trash, D'Lo ain't moving the needle for then. Trae Young + Sarr and a big wing will be the perfect Spurs offseason

  5. Spurs also have Raps top 6 protected pick so if it lands 7 they could get a PG like Sheppard or Dillingham. Collins literally has been shooting 30% and 4% from 3 for 3 months and all opposing players he guards average 63%. Him and Branham are two of the worst rated defenders in the whole league. Collins is not an nba player anymore.

  6. Spur is suck at defense, that is the main concern. Most of Spur player is very lazy with defense, they let opponent have easy open shot or run into paint with any challenge .

  7. Sarr + Proctor / Rissacher + Dillinghan . Unless they wanna gp the Trae Young route thats not gonna help the horrible defense though

  8. Unless Sochna becomes an average shooter from 3 he needs to go. Thats why Pop did all this Jeremy PG experiment. But Sochan is not a very cerebral player…

  9. I like your thinking and I'm assuming you're working with limited knowledge of this roster so not a bad job.

    Graham's contract is not guaranteed after this season so he won't be on the roster. Sidy Cissoko will might move up from the G League and grab a roster spot as an on ball guard. There's a logjam of young players on this roster who aren't going have the time to develop here so there's a good chance a couple might be traded away for a PG. Maybe not Trae but there's a need for veterans who will play and they'll clear out some young talent to do it.

  10. Anyone but Wemby, Sochan or Vassell can go if it makes the team better. Sochan has been a lot better moving to the 4. Id love for them to sign Malik Monk, they need better 3pt shooting he would help. Hes not a starter but a scorer coming off the bench who can shoot. Id love to see a package for Young or Murray this off season. We will see if it happens. But i do know spurs need to start building NOW around Wemby. Hes ready to win now!

  11. Trae young has 2 year contract and a lot of turn overs ….spurs must wait for his contract to end like this no trade picks only money and risacher and wemby will spend time together before having a point guard


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