@Miami Heat

The *DUNCAN ROBINSON Effect* Changes Everything For The HEAT!

The *DUNCAN ROBINSON Effect* Changes Everything For The HEAT!

Did you guys see the move Duncan Robinson pulled off yesterday he was feeling frisky and hit assar Thompson with the stop on a dime turn around behind the back burst the speed right around you reverse layup it’s crazy to think last season he was averaging 16.5 minutes per game an inefficient 6.4

Points per game my guy should be in the most improved player race 13.3 points per game career-high three assists per game he’s more just a shooter now he’s a well-rounded offensive player and the film speaks for itself Duncan Robinson and Bam atab bio quietly are one of the

Most lethal Duos in all of basketball 51 of his 170 assists this season go to Bam Duncan speed in the dribble handoff or pick and roll situation comboed with his shooting gravity next to Bam’s Elite screening and rolling and his ability to catch a l Above the Rim is nearly

Unguardable overall they have been playing together for so long consistently they are just connected with each other the chemistry is off the charts only way you build what they have is by years of learning each other’s game Defenders have such a tough task often times they don’t know what to do

Because Duncan has a limitless range even if you get a contest so if that initial Defender gets screened out of the play the big man is screwed so he’s going to draw two most of the time which leaves an athletic freak of nature getting a pass with an advantage over

The defense already but now you got to keep in mind Duncan can take it off the dribble finish at the rim with a floater or reverse layup plus consistently he’s making tough quick passes if he draws two he’s smarter as a player too the angles he’s taking maximize this Duo

First off look at how in in sync they are as soon as Bam gets set he’s going notice the straight line angle he takes above the three-point line his initial Defender gets screened so now the big man has to commit or else Duncan is going to shoot the three ball and once

Duncan recognizes that he throws it right to Bam pocket pass quickly and Bam catches already ahead of the big and now he’s got a full head of steam it’s over eurostep finish at the rim and the thing is this combo isn’t just creating looks for themselves at some point we have to

Recognize and accept how lethal Duncan is as an offensive player he’s low-key assist him within himself because he does all of his work off the ball he has to be guarded 24/7 or he’s going to make you pay and when he has the ball every movement has a purpose you are so

Worried about him running off a screen good luck communicating when he’s screening someone look at his Defender he just freezes up and in his head he’s probably like if I back up and take away the cut a three will be given up but now a free layup happens because he’s so

Worried about Duncan running off the dribble handoff plus the initial screen from Duncan was executed perfectly now Duncan is screening for Tyler hero two lethal Shooters good luck with that he gets all of it to jont Murray the defense is forced the switch but now that switching Defender is running right

Into bam atab bio three-point bucket as a result Jaylen Williams pressuring Duncan blows up the initial screen no problem between the legs reassess set another screen look at where Duncan is drawing the defense Steph Curry type of gravity pocket pass and now it’s a three on two situation for the heat when bam

Catches the rock second Defender commits to the perimeter free layup opens up if I am an opposing team in the Eastern Conference I personally do not want to see the Miami Heat in the playoffs from our sponsor bet us they are starting to get more respect their odds went down

From last week now they are tied for the fourth best odds in the East with the Knicks at plus 1,200 to win the Eastern Conference last week they were plus 1,600 get in on the action right now they have one of the easiest schedules in the league the rest of the season so

They’re going to keep winning and those odds are going to keep going down use the link in the description make a deposit it helps out the channel a ton I appreciate it Place $25 down with me on the heat to win these e $300 in your pocket if it happens bet us America’s

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Mean I get tired watching his film because he never stops moving and you must account for him 247 from any distance this play is a perfect example Colin ston is as active as can be truly hustling forces the pass with no Advantage gain for the heat but the

Thing is his job is not finished he should still be focused on Robinson but he digs in to help on the BAM Drive kind of falls asleep on Duncan and against Robinson you can’t do that most players you can do that and still close out in time but look at where he’s spreading

The floor the four-point line you ain’t closing out in time with that range and he hits it with ease one pass away he’s as lethal as it gets and you can’t fall asleep for a split second you have to play him the entire shot clock he’s the definition of providing spacing for Star

Players and the thing is Bam and dun they have that dribble handoff at any point in time so you play great initial defense you still got to be ready for that dribble handoff and that’s just scary to think about and of course we know his three-point shot opens up

Everything in his game because he’s consistently drawing crazy Closeouts and sometimes two guys but he’s a lot more unpredictable overall as a player his shot diet has opened up he’s attempting the most shots of his career at the rim and in the mid-range region combo that with his development in terms of passing

Defenders don’t know what to take away because he seems to always have a counter now to put his improvements in perspective two seasons ago he played 79 games a total of 2,43 minutes played during that season he had 129 assists and now in just 56 games and way less minutes this year

1,581 he already surpassed that with 170 assists plus it’s the same case with the two-pointers attempted and made nearly doubling in that category as you can tell he’s just an allaround offensive player now overall he is no longer one-dimensional anymore that is truly what has opened up his game he’s a

Threat to shoot the ball Drive score for himself with a floater or finger roll or of course driv and kick out to an open player or of course hit bam rolling with with the pocket pass or lob attempt he has improved so much and it has saved

His NBA career he is one of the most important Heat players probably top three top four on any given night it’s crazy to think about but he was consistently getting dmps last season only 16 minutes a game and now he’s a starter getting 28 plus minutes per game

Shout out to Duncan for adding to his game because it saved his NBA career that’s all I got let me know your thoughts below if you enjoyed at any point leave a like And subscribe if you got time check out my other videos most importantly have yourself a great day and peace out

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  1. I think part of what we are seeing with Robinson is the cumulative effect of his becoming a more rounded-player. If he can shoot, he’s going to get more opportunities for driving to the hoop. If he can beat his defender to the hoop, and finishes well at the hoop, he’ll be more often in a position to pass to teammates cutting to the hoop. I think he’s the best pure-shooter in the game at the moment. While others may complete a higher percentage of 3-point shots, Robinson rarely gets open shots. Great to see someone face criticism and come back stronger. Not easy to do.

  2. His vast improvement as a cutter/interior threat during last year's playoffs was a beautiful thing to watch.

  3. Yeah Herro should officially come off the bench. Unless Herro is gonna be pg and Terry comes off the bench either way Duncan should be starting.

  4. Might have to move terrible rozier to bench wen herro get back idont trust em and bam need to stop shooting

  5. Robinson is a player that you can’t help but admire the work he has put in. I wanna see him now add a middy cause holy shit he will be lethal as hell

  6. Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

  7. Duncan learning to slash while not losing any of his game as a 45% 3 point shooter turns him into probably the second most dangerous PNR combo with Bam behind only Jamal and Jokic which is crazy. At this point I feel like we need to trade Tyler Herro because even though I haven't been on any of the "trade Tyler" trains recently, at this point Duncan is actually taking his job and we could land a star with Tyler.

  8. Not only does he have a crazy shooting ability but he mastered scoring out of the triple threat and doesn’t need to dribble too much. Adding his confidence to attack and score at the rim with consistency, while making the right passes on the kick out makes him that much more of a problem for defenders. A sharp shooter with those traits is a very scary thing and he’s only going to get better

  9. Can anyone think of a player getting this much better in their late 20's? I have been watching the NBA 30+ years and I can't remember anyone like Duncan.

  10. One thing no one mentions is his off-ball movement ..Duncan has perhaps some of the best off ball movement of anyone I’ve seen…As soon as he’s in there, the offense just flows sooo much better …And because of his 3pt shooting, he has a lot of gravity on the offense …Defenders respect his shot, which in turn opens up more space for everyone …

  11. Dudes got a bag. No one saying worst contract ever now.

    Also the same move he used in the Thompson he did to wemby. 🤌🏽

  12. D. Robinson is a dream player to have. Before this year, he was considered by many to be an one trick pony. When he wasn't making his three point shots, many considered him to be a bust after signing the big contract with Miami. He comes back and prove everyone wrong with all the new skills that was never seen before. Just an incredible player. Probably proving the point also that Miami Heat knows how to develop a player.

  13. Back in 2020-2021 I remember constantly saying “he is 6’7 if he puts on 8-10 pounds this dude can start driving to the rim no problem, and he can become a problem for his defenders” and here we are, makes me happy to see

  14. Once again, our front office saw potential in a solid player and developed him into more. Heat is looking like a boot camp these days 😂

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