@Detroit Pistons

Pardon the Interruption | Knicks stealing a Pistons win, Does the NBA have a referee problem?

Pardon the Interruption | Knicks stealing a Pistons win, Does the NBA have a referee problem?

Did one of my favorite times of the sports calendar NFL combine week only cor Heiser have you no shame none yeah you did this last year when the Bears had the number one pick until they traded the number one I mean just people see through you no they don’t people

Know I know all the quarterbacks I know all the left tackles I know all the receivers I I’m I’m ready I got height weight verticality huh I got it all and I know I know you hate the combine you hate it and lo it you do welcome to PTI

Boys and girls in today’s episode Bryce Harper’s contract Kyla Murray’s future and Candace Parker joins us for five good minutes but we begin today with Monty Williams Furious after last night’s game Williams’s Pistons did not get a call call with 8.5 seconds left when the Knicks Dante dienzo barreled

Into Detroit’s assar Thompson Williams called it the worst call of the Year let’s listen the absolute worst call of the Season no call and enough’s enough we’ve we’ve done it the right way we’ve called The League we’ve sent in Clips we’re sick of hearing the same stuff over and

Over again we had a chance to win the game and the guy dove into aar’s legs and there was a no call that that’s an Abomination you cannot miss that in an NBA game period And I got nothing else to say we want a fair game and that was not fair I’m

Done wilon the Knicks won this game because of that no call do Williams and the Pistons have reasons to be as upset as they are yes even more upset yes it’s a foul you can’t can’t miss that call in the NBA game check it was an Abomination

Check it would it it looked like it was the whole thing was unfair check and let me add something Tony which which makes me angry and you’re going to roll your eyes because I’m about to go I 95 on you why is this game got to be in New York

Why is it got to be in Madison Square Garden they could have put this game in Detroit they wouldn’t have done that to the Celtics or the Heat or the Lakers they would have figured out maybe how to put that game there but they put it in Madison Square Garden cuz that’s where

They so the thing was stacked against the Pistons they did that because of the inseason tour I know why they did it but it could have gone the other way they was arbitr why they did it well it was arbitrary Tony it was you I look I knew

You’re Gonna Roll Your Eyes by you don’t want to hear it I feel that way all right as a guy who’s at least a cousin of Detroit I feel that way and and this foul call I mean it’s not even hard you don’t need replay to see that and I’m not a

Bash the officials guy I’m not too many of them are too good their jobs are too hard they’re honest people I know a great many of them I am not into bashing officials that call was an Abomination I’m entirely with Monty entirely okay so I’m going to look at

The great scoreboard in the sky and I’m going to say that the Knicks are now even a couple of weeks ago they lost a game when a foul was called on Jaylen Brunson late in the game and they lost to Houston and later the officiating crew admitted that they blew that call

So the Knicks protested I’m not aware that anything has happened with this protest it seems to be tabled somewhere right the Knicks lost that game they be they lost that game because of a bad call they won this game because of no call so I think they’re even Monty

Williams has a right to be terribly upset sure he does um because that’s a foul there’s no question that that’s a foul and that’s why they lose the game but I don’t even think he should protest because it seems to me the NBA has a policy on protest where they get him and

They drop him in the circular file now Detroit’s gotten hosed a lot lately you know that this is this is going to cost mty Williams about 50 Grand but the other night the and losing teams have this happened to them the other night the referees allowed Paulo banero to

Take 18 steps before he hit a a jum to win the game it happens yeah if you’re Monty you got to do this ton you got to show your team and your fan base you’ll stand up for them so that’s why you protest you have to go the full letter

Of the law but come on now I’m glad they ad I don’t know what more you my let’s move to baseball where Jake Mintz of Yahoo writes Bryce Harper your boy is pining for an extension my former boy you formerly the 31-year-old Harper has eight years left on his 13-year $330

Million deal with the Phillies and no opt outs he agreed to that Harper had an Ops of 900 last year but it’s s salary of 25 million currently puts in 29th in baseball salary Tony should the Phillies even be open to negotiating an extension for Bryce

Harper only if they want Bryce Harper to be happy only if they are afraid he will pout and he will go in the tank if they don’t do this so everything has to be on the table for the they have to consider that if they don’t do this they may have

To trade Harper look let’s let’s understand what’s going on here the Phillies have no obligation to do this they gave Harper what seemed like a great deal at the time it was the most money in baseball ever $330 million over 13 years Harper wanted the record and he

Got it and Harper said I don’t have to have any opt outs so that that’s the position that they’re in now but Harper has also performed in a great manner for the Phillies and if he’s looking for more money at at this point you have to consider if you are the Phillies how

Important is he to us and he’s your most important player and how important is it that we keep him happy slipe slope Tony if you do this there’s going to be anytime somebody outperforms his salary they’re going to want an extension or renegotiate which can happen in every

Sport like the NBA you don’t get extensions like that not quite like that Tony remember when this happened with Ricky Henderson when you and I were covering baseball and Ricky signed for like $3 million in November and by the time we got the spring training he was

Like you know 20th in salary and he says you know Ricky Ricky wants a new deal so this Bryce Harper is not the first dude to to do this and he’s in Philadelphia my God where he just saw James Harden Force his way out just you know I don’t

Want to be here I got a contract I don’t care so you know and and don’t think that a guy like Bry Harper is not paying attention to the other leagues because he is but I wouldn’t do it if I was a Phillies Bryce Harper was I mean he’s

Had one great season in Philly he’s had multiple seasons where he’s play up to the contct one great season Mike Mike he’s the 29th highest paid player in baseball now of the 28 who are above him only Mike Trout has more MVPs I’m going to spend somebody else’s

Money now and it’s easy for me to do but I would consider doing this i’ consider Keeping the Faith because he’s that important to that team in that City unless you’re willing to deal him let’s move we now to you Arizona Cardinals out of the blue they posted a bunch of

Pictures of Kyler Murray yesterday on social media and they titled the spread our franchise QB it was accompanied by no news was is just pictures years ago the Cardinals did this with Josh Rosen and then traded him within months after using the overall number one pick to

Draft Murray so I ask you will bun because you’re an Arizona guy are they committing to Murray or they dangling him I’m not about to spend one second of my valuable time trying to read the tea leaves on the Arizona Cardinals are you crazy there’s no point to that that

Franchise I’m not talking about just current management so I I don’t want to get any you know text messages but Tony historically that franchise didn’t know what they’re doing from one month to the next much less five seasons ago are you crazy there’s no point that there’s been

No evidence that that franchise on a Continuum is smart enough clever enough to do what you’re suggesting that they’re going to sort of circle back and run a misdirection what it’s the Cardinals man can they just field a successful team they’re challenged to do that not play these Mind Games you’re

Suggesting yeah so I have absolutely no reason to care about this one way or the other the Arizona Cardinals and Kyler Murray I have no skin in this game right but this is so weird to me Mike that it does seem to me that they’re dangling him it seems to me

In fishing like they’re casting their line into the water to see who will bite will somebody give them a number one draft choice for kin Murray will somebody take his contract away because they might think it’s an honorous contract now maybe they could get teams at the second and third spot who I

Believe maybe Washington and New England maybe they’re not yeah maybe they’re not convinced that Drake mayor or Jaden Daniels is better than Kyler Murray so maybe the Cardinals could do that I agree with you that this is a lost franchise they promote their hires how great they are Cliff kingsburry greatest

Coach of all time Kyle Murray greatest quarterback and then in two hours they looking to get rid of them they don’t appear to have a Guiding Light there they just don’t let’s take a break coming up what should we expect when Draymond Green faces Jordan pool tonight

We’re going to ask Candace Parker and we’re also going to ask her what she would do if she was in Caitlyn Clark Shoes stay in school and jump to the WNBA didn’t your Nationals win a championship after getting rid of Bryce Harper didn’t they yes today’s guest has a decent resume

Three WNBA titles two League MVPs two NCAA championships two Olympic gold medals and her side hustle analyst for Turner Sports it’s Candice Parker I’m going to go to my glasses so that I can read the first question let’s start with the NBA the Warriors get Chris Paul back

Tonight I’m sure they’re in Washington because wilbon is going plus Dray green faces Jordan pool for the first time do you expect any chippiness between them or do you think that this is in the past listen I think I think it’s in the past but I mean anytime you put Chris

Paul back on the floor with Draymond Green I mean there’s potential for a little chippiness but uh listen the Warriors are are in okay position and I I look for them to make a push uh towards this end of the year the the the Wizards uh sorry sorry Mike uh not so

Much no not so much at all they’re terrible no we’re going to Golden State wait since we can ask Candace anything we will and we’re going to move to women’s college hoops for a second Caitlyn Clark as you know has a chance to stay at Iowa or go to the NBA

And nil affects that which was not the case when you left Tennessee one year early so Candace as you look at this now as an observer what do you think you would tell Caitlyn Clark about whether to stay or whether to go listen it’s a completely different landscape from when

I was in college I was poor and eating you know you know Papa John’s before uh before pregame and all that so I I went because of the potential and my my value and the ability to make money um I think it’s a different landscape now I I I

Don’t know and I would be I would be remiss if I didn’t ask this question could she potentially make the same amount or more if she stays at Iowa and I think that’s the question of whether she wants to be challenged on the court because I know as a competitor

You always want to challenge yourself against the best which is in the WNBA but in terms of being taken care of being loved we’ve already seen that and why not milk that for another year all right we’ be remiss if we have you and not ask you about court storming

Which has become the topic dour I’m betting you were on the court a couple of times when people stormed and you were in that should it be banned how did you feel when it happened to you what do you think I do believe there should be um things

In order to allow the visiting team to get off the court I know we as a team at Tennessee when we knew we were gonna lose um you know the couple times we l no I’m playing uh you know that the our coaches got got us up the court so I do

Believe that the visiting team should have a chance to get off the court um so whether there’s putting more security to kind of prevent and delay but listen Court storming is a part of just the Legacy and the history of basketball so I would like to see it continue but

Obviously when people start getting injured those are things that have to be addressed so I would like to see it continue but in a safe manner I guess if that’s answering your question tough to make it safe I mean when you see those people coming on to

The court running at about 80 miles hour like Jus yeah it’s it’s very tough to make it safe we will get you out of here on this my own observation is that you sit here and you talk about all of these things happening in the world of basketball and people forget you’re

Still a player you’re actually still playing it’s not from above it’s from within that’s remarkable to me so I’ll ask you about your career and what’s going on now you recently resigned with the back-to-back WNBA Champions the Las Vegas Aces you took below Market money um when you joined them last year we

Just saw Brianna Stewart I think she agreed to below Max money with the New York Liberty which is the Rival team does is does this signal anything to you this money thing is there something going on here that we should know about listen um I think a lot of our

Earnings as WBA players are off the court I know a lot of my earnings especially with television with marketing are off the court and so when I choose an WBA franchise it has to do with being comfortable making sure my family’s taken care of um making sure

That we have a practice facility that we have you know treatment and you know all of those things that come with being an athlete and making it better and so I think I hope at some point in the future that we look across the board and all 12

Teams or all 13 14 whatever through expansion teams have that available but unfortunately that’s not the case so I think Bria Stewart chose you know Cho chose to be comfortable and because of that sometimes you have to sacrifice uh the money that’s involved with that thank you for being us c a great

Pleasure Tony don’t forget Candace is the championship in our hometown I was there for that don’t forget that don’t just go great that’s great H telling you let’s take let’s take one last break go ahead listen guys uh I remember the first time I was on PTI when I was

15 16 years old so it’s an honor to be on the show with you all and I watch you all every day and uh just keep being great thank you Candace appreciate it when you were 15 I was already 80 still to come Bears GM Ryan poles addresses

The possibility of trading your boy Justin Fields Rob yeah yeah yeah I know happy time people happy 48th birthday Tony Gonzalez the Hall of Fame tight end for Kansas City in Atlanta has the most receptions among tight ends in NFL history 1,325 Gonzalez’s second alltime among tight ends in touchdowns to Antonio

Gates Gonzalez has 111 Gonzalez also has the most receptions of all receivers in Chiefs history 916 which brings us to Travis Kelce Kelce already has the most receiving yards for the Chiefs and he currently has 900 receptions with the Chiefs nine behind Gonzalez 74 touchdown catches with the Chiefs two behind

Gonzalez so Keli should own both those franchise records early next season but Gonzalez has 14 Pro Bowl appearances Kelsey has nine so that Mark may be Out Of Reach Mike Tony I I know that people want to Crown what’s her name’s boyfriend as the greatest tight end ever

But there are people out there you just mentioned one and Tony Gonzalez and Kell Winslow and John Mackey and there’s some great Gates there’s some great tight ends out there and stop with the recency bias people oh this guy’s great and he’s got a famous you know girlfriend he must

Be the greatest ever no cool your jets let’s see let it play out well he’s one of the greatest ever and you forgot gronowski that’s right happy anniversary Alex Smith on this day 11 years ago the 49ers agreed to trade their former overall number one pick to Kansas City

To make room for Colin Kaepernick 5 years later the Chiefs did the same thing they traded three-time pro bowler Smith to make room for Patrick Mahomes who has since credited Smith with creating a culture in Kansas a city that allowed him to step in seamlessly Mr Smith went to Washington where he

Started off 6 and3 in 2018 but Smith suffered a gruesome leg injury made worse by infection after countless operations and therapies Smith miraculously returned nearly two full years later he started six games he went five- one he was named comeback Player of the Year and Smith then retired in

2021 Tony you know as long as you and I been doing this covering Sports in our lives we we’re often asked who are your favorite athletes who are your favorite players and they’re expecting you to say very very famous people and often that

Is the case too but in my case way up at the top of the pyramid just favorite people covered is Alex Smith a great guy yeah I hate what he had to go through through the through the end of it and you know what depending on where he was

Earlier in his career there might have been a greater actual playing career nonetheless one of my favorites forever happy trails to last night’s game against Mexico for the US women Mexico beat the United States Women’s National Team last night for just the second time ever winning two nothing in the women’s

Conquer Gold Cup the US entered the game 41 and one all time versus Mexico the one previous loss coming in Mexico in 2010 Mexico’s first goal last night was the first goal Allowed by the US to a coner of opponent in 33 games now the US had already qualified to advance in the

Gold Cup so this game wasn’t critical but it was played in California and it does remind people of the US early exit in the World Cup last summer it also reminds people that the official coach of the US team Emma Hayes is still coaching in England who knows what

Changes she’ll make when she gets here Tony reminds people a lot of things but how about maybe the rest of the world is getting better how about we think of that too that’s possible let’s go to the big finish as quickly as possible Bears GM Ryan PO

Said if the Bears do trade Justin Fields he wants to do right by him and do it sooner rather than later your reaction I don’t have one Ryan po are supposed to say stuff like that it doesn’t matter we get the decision making let me know sh

Atani made a spring training debut with the Dodgers today what do you what did you think Tom struck out looking hit into a double play then hit a two-run bomb which is what they pay him for Anthony Rizzo says he’s over his concussion ready to protect Aaron judge your thoughts that

Concussion came a long time ago Anthony Rizzo was having a great season wishing him the best I love Anthony Rizzo Rory maoy won 10 of 12 skins to win the latest edition of the match you watched were you impressed yeah I watch six holes I watched six holes I wish they

Had used Charles Barkley more and I wish they had played teams so we could had some trash tole but I like night golf I like to watch last one men’s college HS tonight unranked Cincy at the new number one Houston are you smelling upset no Tony I think Houston’s a worthy number W

Really really really really really good we are out of time we will try and do better the next time I’m Tony Cornus and I’m Mike wilbon same time tomorrow Knuckleheads you can get the PTI podcast on the ESPN app or apple podcast Paul the 6 Tony they played great last night against my

Boy so spee for speech spee to Jo to get back let look Jo Def Jo speech spee to look to speee now en Jo spe our base is under attack for for your for

Pardon the Interruption | Knicks stealing a Pistons win, Does the NBA have a referee problem? – Wilbon


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