@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: Tyler Herro, a sure starter upon return? (PART 2) | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Tyler Herro, a sure starter upon return? (PART 2) | Five on the Floor

All right back on five on the floor Ethan here with Brady let me ask you a very simple question that’s very loaded who’s a better basketball player right now Tyler or Duncan Robinson okay it’s Tyler hero that’s this is kind of the the point I think it’s at with like the

Recency bias of stuff like there there’s still things that Tyler brings to the table that pushes them over the top against certain matchups like the real conversation is like who should start it’s like who’s going to who or let’s just say who should start against certain teams because like that’s when I

Think the case is to be made like I think there’s certain matchups that benefit the both of them so that’s kind of but Tyler’s Tyler still gets that Tyler still gets the are you feeling differently like is no I don’t actually I I think in a vacuum I think Tyler

Herro is still a better higher upside player than Duncan Robinson that’s what I’ll say I I think that the the peak of where Tyler can get to maybe it’s age bias on my part fact that uh Tyler’s still just 24 years old and I feel like there’s more growth to be had

There or it’s the playmaking that we’ve seen there are some areas of Tyler’s game that I wish uh would show more growth and the one thing that I’m going to point to and you and I talked about it before the season it’s not defense I I think there the limitations on defense

We understand okay and and I think that they have enough good defensive players on this team as long as Tyler is competing off the ball I think they’re fine it’s getting to the line that that that’s the biggest thing with me with Tyler because he is a different kind of

Player than Duncan and Duncan does create more gravity than Tyler does and so if Tyler is going to be taking the ball in the basket he’s got to be getting some foul calls it just can’t be that he’s getting swatted all the time and that’s kind of what was happening

This year and and you look at the the true shooting percentage which a lot of people point to that’s largely result of the lack of free throw tips because he’s a good free throw shooter that’s not a problem he’s a very good free throw shooter obviously uh but he doesn’t get

There enough and for for guards like him he gets there pretty much less than anybody else and some of that is is you know on his own physical limitations and some of it is on the officials not giving him a benefit of Doubt but uh either way the numbers are the numbers

And that’s kind of where I’m coming to on this like I’m trying to take the emotion out of this and I’m going to read something uh here on the air in a second that gets into the emotion of all of this argument I’m trying to take the

Emotion out and say look I I I thought Tyler would be Sixth Man of the Year I said that before the season when he was I’ve repeatedly said that I don’t think Tyler’s injuries are his fault like diving for a loose ball and breaking your hand or stepping on a foot which is

Something Jimmy’s done that’s not Tyler’s fault I’m just trying to get into the practicality of the situation here the practicality of the situation is their numbers are better when Duncan starts they win more when Duncan starts uh other players Elevate more playing with Duncan and there are certain

Adjustments that need to be made while playing with Tyler that don’t need to be made while being while playing with Duncan and then the final thing on it is and again I haven’t stated my decision on this but I’m talking about my thought process the biggest thing is

Just availability like I don’t blame Tyler for not being available but availability is you know like like uh Bill parcel says like can’t make the team from the tub right like you you he has to be out there to see what this looks like and we’re running

Out of time that that’s that’s that’s why my perspective on this has changed like there’s enough of a sample size with what they look like with Duncan as a starter and there’s enough time that’s run out on this season that I think it’s finally time to have a conversation that

I have not been wanting to have for the past couple of months because I just have said Tyler’s going to be a starter I’m going to read this I’m not going to I’m not going to read the Twitter handles here but I sent this one to you

When we took a brief break okay and this is what I’m talking about the polarization of this topic okay so I post this poll so someone tweets and this is part of the anti- Tyler agenda okay how many times people have to keep tweeting the stats with

Duncan versus Tyler is a starter before it’s accepted the argument to go to Tyler is always rooted in the contractor confidence basically Optics no one ever gives a basketball reason his numbers are identical to a six-man season 2 then whenever someone who’s anti- Tyler jumps in then we get the other side

Immediately it’s like I I don’t know what it is it’s like a bat signal or something like that right okay it’s a boy wonder signal bask so here’s the response basketball reason number one he’s our best shooter do you agree with that by the way Brady H that’s a tough question that

Is shout out to Alex but that is a tough question um why are you always asking me the tough questions okay go ahead I’m sorry I mean right now as we’re speaking it might be Duncan like Duncan is probably the better shooter right now right I think again it depends on on

What kind of a shooter we’re talking about I I think if Tyler devoted himself to just being a catch and shoot player I think he could shoot at a level that Duncan does it’s definitely different coverages too that feed into it like like Duncan gets attention but it’s

Different attention like it’s it’s it’s definitely different gravity well let’s put it this dlan Wright right and who we’ve had on the podcast and talked to us about this like Atlanta I guess was Nate was the coach at the time Nate McMillan didn’t tell dlan Wright go sick Duncan Robinson during that playoff

Series he said go get Tyler hero right yeah so that is a different level it’s a but it’s a different type of respect because Duncan gets a different type of respect which is the the gravity and all that stuff but as far as you know blitzing blitzing a guy and trying to

Get him off his game there’s more of that done to Tyler than there is done to done to Duncan in fact Tyler and I talked about that when we talked about getting Terry and he talked about liking playing with Terry and we got to get

Into Terry here too but he uh he said that so far and this was when Tyler was playing when before Terry got hurt also when he said other teams are putting their best perimeter defender on me right now but at some point that will change and that will free me up because

He he said teams are going to have to respect Terry but the reality is teams do put their best perimeter defender on Tyler most of the time uh they don’t necessarily play Duncan quite that way so I I think again they’re played differently and there needs to be some

Nuance here number two this is again back to the Tweet of the Tyler Defender number two defenses have to give him more attention than Duncan again we just discussed that it kind of works both ways three he leads the team in clutch scoring um I I’ll say this that’s

Factually incorrect this year uh that that has been true at times during Tyler’s tenure but actually Tyler has of of their 10 players who played the most minutes this season in the fourth quarter Tyler has by far the worst shooting percentages so that has not been and again that’s fourth quarter

Nuance not necessarily just the last six minutes but Duncan has the best by the way so that’s just again I’m trying to deal in facts here that’s just not facts um would you would you agree that he’s a better clutch player than Duncan yeah I

Would say that I mean that’s why I mean that’s why I think this is objective a little bit because when we did our closing lineup thing like I have Tyler in the closing in like the closing lineup and you had Duncan so it’s like some of this is situation and everything

But in terms of clutch like I don’t mean to like pull out like negative plays but like the big conversation a few years ago in that one game seven here in Miami against Boston was those two looks that Duncan had where a lot of the conversation on social media was like oh

Tyler Tyler hits those like Tyler loves those shots so like in that context specifically like I don’t know I do I would lean Doug I mean I would lean Tyler excuse me all right and then this guy says number four and this is one of those there’s about five on Twitter if

You say anything even remotely even if just statistically based remotely critical of Tyler they like they jump on you immediately uh number four leads in game winners um is that still true I would that I don’t know for sure he’s certainly up there there’s no question about that uh Jimmy certainly had his

Share bam has had his share too and again what are we calling a gamewinner are we just calling it a buzzer beater are we calling it like sort of the kill shot like Duncan I thought had the kill shot in the last game that three that he

Made he’s made a bunch of those over the years Max made a bunch of those when he was here I don’t but it feels like Tyler’s made a bunch as well maybe not as much as he did early in his heat tenure but he’s made a bunch I don’t

Know how to empirically uh classifi gamewinners and then five leads in three-pointers in the last three minutes I would have to look that up I can’t speak to it okay let me give you the response here this is from the anti- Tyler and again these folks are just as

Out there on the other side okay it’s just we debunking a Twitter conversation right now no we are but I but this is the debate like this is going on on a daily basis I don’t know if it’s going on with the Casual Heat fan but this is

Really all that heat Twitter want now that yic is in the starting lineup like now that we’ve settled that argument like and again spose answer to me about the yic bab connection like I’m convinced yic is never coming out of this stting line up now

Uh you know it feels like this is the only thing left honestly okay so here we go this is from the anti he is not capital letters our best shooter he takes 18 shots to give you 20 points that gets back to my what I was saying

Where it’s the free throw shooting it’s not that he’s inefficient overall in his effective field goal percentage because the three-point percentage is high which props that up that’s good but he doesn’t make he does he makes free throws but he doesn’t get free throws and that’s why

Sometimes you know it’s again a lot of shots to get a certain number of points this person says that is not efficient it’s why they never miss him when he’s out do you agree they never miss him when he’s out I mean they they miss Tyler against

Denver so I don’t I don’t know about never but I mean the the the TR the track record is that they they have gone on runs without him because Jimmy just has the ball in his hands that much more that it’s not really a Tyler versus

Duncan thing it’s more of a Tyler Tyler versus jimmmy thing like it’s like him having the ball more but I mean I like I said I do think there’s certain matchups that they’re going to need Tyler and if to give one example obviously it was it

Was Denver last year okay and then the next part of this Duncan Caleb hakz all play better without him when they get the ball more now you you’re mentioning Jimmy specifically do you do you think that also applies to the three those are really the Heat’s Three core role

Players right other than love uh Duncan Kaleb and hunkins do you think they all play better without him because they get the ball more I would say so I mean anybody when their usage goes up like that I would say has a better chance of like I like haime specifically is the

One that always sticks out to me that he kind of gets a little bit more reps in the mid post gets a little bit more opportunity on the ball Duncan if Tyler’s not playing obviously he’s starting so he’s getting up more shots and Caleb I’m not totally sure on I feel

Like Caleb plays his role no matter what next to Tyler I feel like he actually plays well with Tyler Caleb does but dunan in high me I would agree with okay and then uh do that his true shooting percentage is currently theow since his rookie year that is empirically true and

Again that’s the free throw shooting uh or the free throw attempts and I’m not going to get into the rest of this because this literally just keeps going it’s it’s it just keeps going debating the same things that you and I are trying to settle here in maybe a more

Nuanced fashion but I this plays into all of it and then we’ll talk Terry which is that there is the basketball part of this and then there’s the Optics part of this okay and there are a few things that go into say Optics okay one of which is how it looks within your

Team how it looks to the players involved and then how it looks to the rest of the league and the heat do need to weigh that stuff like that matters like you’re trying to win a championship but that is relevant okay it is relevant whether or

Not and I know Barry speculated on this today he wasn’t speaking from information but how it would affect Tyler to go to the bench after he has earned a starting job and been a 20 point scorer in this league uh and improved in a variety of ways over his you know almost five

Seasons with the team that matters but like I said it also matters that Duncan doesn’t play as well coming off the pitch uh the value part of it all right if you are looking to make a move in the future whether or not it is to try to

Get a star it seems like that ship has sailed okay um for whatever reason the little thing the the Durant thing I don’t know what you can include Tyler with to get a star level third guy I think it’s more likely at this point that Tyler if he was to be moved would

Be moved for pieces um sort of like uh you know the he’ have done before we talked about moving Eddie Jones uh you know when he was the third guy with the SHA Wade build and moving him and picking up Antoine Walker and others in that trade

Which was a multitude of Trades and free agent signings at once in one off season so could you get more size could you use Tyler’s contract to do that could you bring an additional pick that could be used for something else uh if you’re putting him back on the bench after he’s

Been a starter could that deflate his value around the league perhaps a little bit I think it’s something to consider um I don’t think it should be the major thing uh but but I I I do think that those things overall matter but I think the biggest thing that matters at this

Point again is whether or not the team is being elevated by the positions that people are being put into and I can just tell you that like aure is not going to be uh he’s he knows the numbers like everybody’s like does does he know that

The team plays better with Duncan in the starting lineup yes Brady I think he’s fully aware of that like you know but he also told me once that 75% of his job is managing the locker room managing personalities managing egos okay so then if that’s the

Case then I I do think that a decision like this if it was to be Duncan over Tyler I do think that’s matters I and and so I do think that’s something that they have to weigh in your view which matters more I’m on the side really that like

The value part you mentioned I don’t know if that truly matters in my opinion in terms of making that decision because I’m sorry Eric spula is not thinking about his trade value when it comes down to playoff time like he’s going to play who he wants to play and who he thinks

Going to win him a playoff game like I I just don’t think they’re going to make their decision based off that and yeah like while he definitely knows the numbers can he said before like every lineup looks better with Duncan like he literally said that about like basically

Like that’s why I think to not to stray off but like the the one case for Duncan is like I like forgetting the numbers forgetting all that like I feel like he plays better with Jimmy specifically which is why I think the like that is what leads everybody pointing to this

Because everybody is everything is based around Jimmy at all times and I think everybody just realizes that he just does play better with Jimmy it seems like um but what matters more I mean I’m just kind of on the point where it’s like I really do feel like if Eric

Spoler thinks that Duncan Robinson should start over Tyler hero he would he’ll start him over Tyler hero like he’s not like afraid that Tyler’s value is gonna drop or afraid that he’s gonna like have to have a tough conversation like I I really like I’m not really on

That he had the conversation with dragic I mean he had the conversation with Goran he had the conversation with dway and I’m glad you you use the word afraid here because I see that creep into social media sometimes when it comes to SPO Eric spoler of all coaches in the

NBA with the exception of Greg papovich has the least to be afraid of he just signed an eight-year contract okay he has the total backing this is like having your CD backed by the US government he has the total backing of the Heat organization he has had it

Since the very beginning LeBron James tried to get him fired and Pat said no so Eric sper is not afraid to make a tough decision the fact that he would weigh the human element of this does not make him afraid to make the decision I I I want to clarify that

Because I have seen some of that creeping in here spo’s afraid to have the talk with Tyler no he’s not he had the talks with LeBron he went at Jimmy during a game Jimmy Butler okay they were going at and spoke like relished that situation not afraid to have a

Conversation with Tyler herro but I do think you weigh how would fects your locker room how it affects the players involved and I think to a degree you you you weigh the future although I agree with you I don’t think that’s the major thing but again he has the full backing

Okay it’s like the full credit and authority of the United States okay he’s he’s fine okay he’s a maid man in Miami he’s not afraid of benching someone if he has to I I just I I think that the numbers are pointing a certain direction here that have gotten harder to ignore

But with that being said you said a couple things there and I want to go back through some of the numbers not just now but also the big three okay um last year Jimmy and Duncan were a minus 4.1 together Jimmy and Tyler were a plus

4.7 so yes this year it looks a lot better with Jimmy and Duncan last year it didn’t last year it looked better with Jimmy and Tyler or at least SLE though with Jimmy and Duncan last year it was and Duncan didn’t play particularly well and was coming off an

Injury and then got benched again but I just want to clarify that the problem with their numbers last year was not Tyler it was Max okay Max tanked all their numbers uh and again I’m a big Max fan but I mean you look at I mean all tru’s

Numbers with everybody on the team were horrible they were they were all bad like across the board you know the other guy that that did that the other the other Twan combination that was bad last season the one we love so much B Duncan minus 5.3 so last year when Duncan

Wasn’t playing well or wasn’t playing consistently things didn’t look good things look better this year because of the way that Duncan is played so I I just want to say sometimes this stuff changes a little bit okay um and if you go back two seasons ago 2122 the stru numbers with everybody

Were great stru and Tyler even were was 12.5 when Tyler was coming off the bench okay uh bam and Tyler were plus 10.5 two years ago their numbers this year together have not been particularly good uh Butler and hero that year were plus 5.7 Etc Jimmy and Duncan that year

Were plus 5.1 so even that year where Duncan was playing better Butler’s numbers were better slightly better with Duncan excuse me with Tyler than they were with Duncan and the one other thing I just want to go back to here is if you go back to the big three era and I had

These conversations with SPO during that period of time time LeBron and Dwayne had really good numbers together for the first three years okay 1011 they were plus 12.1 1112 they were plus 13.6 okay next year they were Plus in the year that they won 66 games everybody’s numbers were up except our

Guy Norris unfortunately there was some I remember Tom harer runting a bunch of columns about that uh the only negative numbers were there but uh Braun and Wade were plus 14.4 in the last year of the big three braon and Wade were plus 6.4 okay which was not great for a team

That was Elite BOS and Brun plus 9.9 BOS and Wade numbers were also better than Wade and Brun and I had the conversation with SPO late that year and he said you know he said if I follow the analytics if I just follow the he said I see them

If I just follow the analytics I wouldn’t the way that LeBron and Dwayne were playing together in the playoffs I wouldn’t have played them together much at all but they’re LeBron James and Dwayne Wade and I’m gonna play them and I’m not saying that Tyler herro is either of

Those guys okay but what I’m saying is that sometimes Brady he’s gonna lean towards the feel of his team and towards getting who he thinks are the best players on the floor even if the fits as suggested by the numbers may not be as good at that point in time do you think

He should lean more on F or do you think he should lean more on this is what the sheet says you can’t play these guys together as much make sure you get dunking out with this guy and dunking out with that guy and dunking out with this

Guy spose started the season at a press conference and he said talking about like the rest of the league getting better and said well it’s a good thing the league if the championship isn’t one on paper and it’s like that’s almost the way this is viewed like he’s not looking

At this anything on paper like they are just going to continue to kind of push through um so I do think it is field I think it’s based on a lot of those type of things now like if if there was a run before the playoffs or like if if Tyler

Was a return and things looked ugly and it was getting in the way of Jimmy and and he was shooting horribly then it’s time for SPO to evaluate it and probably go to it but I think the feel for him right now is that when Tyler’s healthy

He’s going to get back into uh that starting lineup especially because even if even if he wanted to start Duncan you have to start Tyler just to get these reps with that lineup because they just don’t like that literally what I started when I said earlier was the fact that

That lineup that we’re talking about has not played a minute with yic and Terry and Jimmy and Bam so you almost need to just play him there just to try to figure out how things are going to look even and let’s just say hypothetically he was coming off the bench he’s still G

To have to play with some of these guys and the fact that we’re doing a whole the whole podcast on like starting lineups and everything what I feel like and I say every time is like it really to me personally like the starting lineup thing really doesn’t matter that

Much like I understand like the the numbers with Duncan starting versus Tyler starting but it really comes down to SPO mastering his rotations and like the Duncan Jimmy combo matters to me more than Duncan starting like he he just has to figure out combos that work and Duncan and Jimmy have looked really

Good which is funny considering the fact that I feel like Jimmy’s always screaming at Duncan and we we there was that thing where we used to say that that that Jimmy hated him or something but like they legitimately play really well off each other and part of it is because

Duncan just gets out the way Duncan just gets away from him and lets Jimmy do things and lets him yell at him so it just works that well this is this is post Jaylen Brown Duncan too I and I I noticed in the locker room yesterday uh

There is better Rapport between the two of them uh this year I I’ve noticed that I it feels like the joking is a little bit more uh light-hearted than before from Jimmy to Duncan it felt a little mean-spirited like even the thing the one we always point to is when

Duncan had a great game and he kind of he he he praised Max instead and it didn’t feel like the usual trolling it it uh it felt like he wanted Max to play more and and we know Max did play more and Max took Duncan’s rooll and I

Understood when I looked back at the numbers from last year I’ll just read this one and then we’re gonna we’re gonna quickly talk about Terry before we close here Duncan and Max Le year were minus 15.5 well no one per 100% no no wonder uh SPO told me that he decided he can

Only play one uh and that’s when he was going to go back to Duncan but then Duncan got hurt again and then he’s stuck with Max um I want to close uh on Rosier I do want to mention one more sponsor real quick better Edge use code

Five RSN we mentioned trying to play props in the State of Florida better Edge you still can it’s legal it’s peer-to-peer uh so that means you can get your $20 to play by just going to better use the code five reasons which the number five with

Reasons or five RSN you get $20 to play you can o participate in all our competitions all right we’ve kind of left one thing out here Brady give me the argument for why they can’t just play together and the starting lineup I mean number I mean the

Defensive side of things I think is where you look not that Terry is some ball stopper but I think it’s just a def different element of speed that he gives you um that you think of you could probably say the Tyler Duncan Cas is to

Be made if they if it’s a playoff move and they move Nico back to the bench like if they were to start Haywood or Caleb or something like that like it feels like it’s more likely but it’s more traditional to go with Terry and Nico like it feels right so I

Mean that’s the case to be made I mean to be honest would would the case be that because everybody just thinks of Tyler as this this bench player and and it’s going to come off the bench and and just kill second units isn’t Terry more built for that like when I think about

It on paper oh yeah of killing other second units and playing the style that we’re discussing that’s more Terry’s game than Tyler’s game to me but I mean I I think I think a bench core of Rosier Martin hakz and love uh would be really interesting um

You know again 15% of the people pulled here and now we’re over 2,000 votes uh have hero Robinson together as their Preference they have made progress there’s no question uh they play better together I think you you mentioned what the The X Factor is here which which is

Yic and I I I I went through Yi’s numbers today the two the Duos he’s good with everybody like literally except the point guards he was not great with Lowry and he and Rosier don’t have good numbers together uh and I think there’s actually something to that because I

Think I think yic is better with the ball in his hands yeah uh but the numbers are his number with Caleb his there his number with Duncan they are Elite numbers the numbers with Tyler are very good but we haven’t seen the yic uh hero Robinson lineup we haven’t seen it

Uh and and we you know because you know yic was uh was not as much of a factor before even though now he started 20 games um this is where I come down at it and we’ll give our final arguments on this nobody is gonna listen to us on either side

Because both sides are too entrenched on this okay I have thought all along like I said that Tyler would get his starting line starting job back when he when he came back and that he should I did not think we’d be pressed up into this final

Quarter of the season and not know when he’s returning I think he’s got to get back soon I I just do I I think I think it’s got to be in the next week or so and I think if it’s going to be hero Rosier and rovic in the starting lineup

They need two or three weeks to see what that looks like before the playoff start and I think if Tyler has any more of an extended absence than that and this team continues to play well let’s say they win an OKC in Dallas let’s say they beat

Denver at home with Duncan at that point I don’t know how you can make the change I don’t I I think I to me Tyler you you know what would help Tyler’s case in all this get back at least before the Denver game and do against Denver what we

Thought he might do against Denver in the finals if he’d gotten back but again he didn’t play in Denver this year just missed that game and we don’t know when he’s returning and it’s not like it’s just going to be seamless because it wasn’t seamless before before he went

Out so I’m giving it about another week to two weeks to see if he comes back what SPO does with yovic I think he’ll keep him the starting lineup how that looks with Rosier if they can all stay healthy and if it’s past that point to me if you’re rolling with Duncan you

Roll with Duncan and you see what it looks like with Tyler coming off the bench the problem I would have with that is like with him kind of you know because he does he does need to come back soon because they need him and they need to figure out lineups and

Everything like that but the worst thing that could happen is him rushing back because he feels he needs to prove himself and then now you’re back to the no Tyler playoff thing or another injury pops up and now it’s more like it’s almost like take care of it now Duncan’s

In a flow forget all this this narrative stuff that’s out there just keep playing your game and and figure out when the time comes but I will say you that every time that Tyler Hero has an injury he has to come back and prove himself like

Has there been an injury where a time where that hasn’t like that’s not the case with a lot of players and I think that’s why we talk about him being polarizing like I understand like we just made the cases like we just did it

But it is just wild to me that no matter what he always has to come back and prove it to like not against other teams like against like his own teammates or or like the narrative or anything like that’s just that’s just who Tyler is at this

Stage it’s against the narrative is what it is and uh and those narratives are not going to go away and he knows it he knows it he even said it before last year he had to prove it in the playoffs I think what’s different this year is two things have happened Duncan has

Become a different Beast than he was even prior to last season and so they have a viable option okay even more viable than Max was so I think that’s part one to it and I think part two to it is that the hero Butler bam connection has not been there the three

Of them together when they have played together in what has been a sort of sadly small sample size this year and I think those two factors and the fact fact that Tyler’s had another you know towards towards the end of the season injury I think does make it a viable

Conversation to have at this point and then you get into the fact that look Tyler hero is a really good young player um he’s got a really good future in the league he’s a great draft pick but the greatest player in franchise history sacrificed um another guy who’s one of

The most beloved players in franchise history sacrific and so if he has to because he’s jumping on a moving train that’s going the right direction too late in the season it’s just one of those things I and I I so I like I said I think it’s at least something to

Discuss uh at this point so I’m I’m giving it another week or two to see um how he comes back and and uh you know if it’s if it’s beyond that then I I think you I think you roll with with a guy who’s rolling um because I to me

Duncan’s been a a top half of the league two guard this year as a starter and um he’s been pretty damn good all right thanks to Brady we tried we tried to cover it as best as we can everybody’s going to have a problem with us no

Matter what we said on this anyway thanks for our sponsors better Edge prize picks and water cleanup of Florida we’ll try to hit something less controversial next time like will Patty Mills get a minute of a good one everybody

It’s the discussion that never stops on #HeatTwitter, so Ethan Skolnick and Brady Hawk attempt to get away from the anger and add some context and nuance. Should Tyler Herro, still out with a foot injury, be guaranteed a starting spot upon his eventual return? Or do the statistics and team record suggest that Duncan Robinson has earned that role? And, finally, is there any way to start them together?

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  1. Local media (including you guys) are all milking this topic. I know you're content creators, and his name fuels clicks, but you are all well informed enough to know the answer. This is getting tiring for some of the fanbase. I understand the low brow guys, but you too? C'mon man.

  2. He was starting to drive to the hoop more often before the injury, finishing through contact, and while he is often out of position, he was competing harder on D, clearly responds to coaching

  3. You guys kind of contradict yourselves, if you totally go by pros and cons and trying to win now ,there is no question Duncan should start,and you keep talking about Tyler being young ,so that means he has time to be that dude, Duncan is bigger than Tyler so when you say the team needs size ,Duncan should start and Duncan has been playing defense way better especially the last 10-15 games, l am never on Twitter l watch the games and usually rewatch them ,and l am really a huge Jimmy fan since he played for Marquette,and l want them to win a title, last l don't always like the way Tyler gets out on the media and hypes himself, maybe should scale it back a bit, personally l don't think he will play the rest of the regular season that's why they got Mills after getting Delon Wright

  4. Well We are 12 and 7 when Jimmy sits so should we sit Jimmy? Herro is a much better offensive player than Duncan. Tyler was adjusting his game to play more off ball and then he gets hurt. So give it time.

  5. So Heros numbers are identical against starters than it was against bench players last year. You answered your own question Tyker is a a starter in this league. Its up to the coachimg staff to make the starting unit work if not they have to trade tyler for a bitter fit. So if i was tyler im not sacrificing my career and pay just because the team is not constructed properly

  6. I think the thing is we need Tyler to be good with the starting unit. Duncan fits better but we need Tyler to be there in case jimmy needs to take a possession off. We saw it last year in the playoffs. We thought maybe bam can be that but bam has too much on his plate.

  7. Tyler is the better player but Duncan is just as important it’s about matchups and minutes at the right time with the right lineup you cannot bench Tyler that’s not the right move let’s just hope he’s healthy

  8. If Jovich proves a starter at the power forward position then the only thing that makes sense is trading Tyler Herro for a star. Thats it, because Tyler is a borderline allstar cakiber player and his contract is pretty good.

  9. if you guys ever want too change job you should be lawyers. cause as always the defense of this man. ducan is a better decisión maker in my opinion thats why he is is more effective. ducan knows now when too drive pass and shot. just a better fit he should come off the bench

  10. So Brady says that we needed Tyler for Denver…Ask Brady …with Tyler we beat Denver?
    If the answer is no then mute point because Duncan helps us with everyone else

  11. Herro just needs to realize he's not even in his prime, plays well w/bam, so his great day w/ plenty of starts is ahead, post Jimmy. For now, do w/e it takes to put that first chip on the resume. That trumps all.

  12. If the pecking order is established as 1 Jimmy, 2 Bam 3 Tyler, then without a doubt Duncan is a better fit for the first 2. If Tyler did more off ball I would be okay with Tyler, but he likes to play in the midrange clogging it up for Jimmy and Bam and doesn’t do as much off all to move the defense like Duncan does. I wish we could make Tyler work but his game doesn’t complement Jimmy and Bam. Also his poor decisions down the stretch boils my blood.

  13. Tyler averages 9 points a game more than Duncan against the Celtics, Bucks and Knicks and 11 more against the Sixers. WTF do these idiots think we are meeting in the playoffs?

  14. Personally I just need Tyler to understand how important shooting more threes is in the starting 5. When he plays midrange he makes Miami weaker, because he's in a space occupied by Jimmy,and BAM. Duncan stretches the floor. That's what Jimmy, and BAM need to be most effective! When Tyler was 6th man he was unconscious from three point range!🔥

  15. Duncan Robinson really improve in all aspects when he starts! His diffence is there already,,, his assists is there,,, his shooting is there,,, his offence is there and one thing Duncan does is the way he cuts while Tyler is not,,, so i think Tyler should go back in his six man role when Tyler comes back! 🔥

  16. The focus should be what's best for the team. The team would thrive more with Duncan starting and Hero coming off the bench.

  17. It's easily Duncan who should be the starter. Anyone ignoring the huge sample size that is in favor of Duncan during this 5 year run cares more about Tyler's feelings than winning

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