@Toronto Raptors

Where would Toronto Raptors rookie Gradey Dick go in a 2023 re-draft? And other mailbag questions!

Where would Toronto Raptors rookie Gradey Dick go in a 2023 re-draft? And other mailbag questions!

On your Thursday episode of Locked on Raptors the Toronto Raptor season is very much in run out the clock mode and apparently the mailbag question askers in the locked on Raptors Discord are in the exact same mode we answer the worst of the worst of the latest round of

Mailbag questions on today’s show thanks for hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of lockon raptors part of the lockon podcast Network your team

Every day it is Thursday March the 7th and I’m your host Sean Woodle up and coming the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the website that’s busted at woodlean you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors

And of course you can join us over in the locked on Raptors Discord server and man we could use some new blood in there to ask some good questions damnn it uh of course today we’re going to answer mailbag questions from our lovely wonderful Discord members who I love

Very much who had some fun yesterday when I asked him to send in some silly questions and boy oh boy did they deliver with some dumb ones we’re going to answer some dumb ones some bad ones some ones that make my blood boil on today’s show and I very much look

Forward to and if you want to answer question want your questions answered on future episodes of the podcast join the Discord that’s where you get your questions answered the link is in the description of the podcast is free to join great little Community where apparently I’m choosing to go

Adversarial mode now which can be fun you get to address me down in there as well it’s a two-way street uh of course you can uh find the show for free R get your podcast follow subscribe rate review tell a friend always appreciated when you support the show however you

Support the show shout out to the handful of folks who tuned into the YouTube show yesterday or listened and uh responded to me via comments or via message whatever saying they got to the end of yesterday’s episode about the 41o beatdown against the Pelicans thank you for your listenership and now please go

Seek help uh of course Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at game time go check them out right now the single best place to get last minute tickets download the game time app create account use the code locked on for 20 bucks off your first purchase all

Right feeling spicy today the Raptor season is lost they play the Phoenix Suns tonight it’s a late game we got to stay up to watch it it’s not fun and so I’m going to let out some frustrations today by answering some questions that are truly baffling from you the lock on

Raptors listeners thanks to everyone who sent questions in the Discord you know I love you even though I’m going to eviscerate your questions today uh you’re all the best but let’s dive on in shall we to today’s round of questions the first question I think was sort of

Like an Earnest question from about a week ago from one of our regular Discord users stago uh and look you know fair question if you’re asking you know someone who cares about this kind of thing here here’s a question from stago where does Grady dick go into 2023

Redraft redrafts huh already we’re in year one after the draft have we not learned anything about how futile and silly this exercise is let’s dive into it shall we where would grd dick go in a 2023 redraft the type of question that absolutely makes me see but let’s dive

In shall we uh let’s go obviously Victor wanyama he’s going number one that’s not a surprise to anybody Miller staying at number two as tough as it’s been for scoot Henderson yeah like not it’s not been amazing for him this year but what are we talking about he is clearly very

Talented he’s had some moments where he’s looked fantastic he’s still going high in this draft maybe not top three although maybe top three you know it’s not like anyone after him has really sort of grabbed the reins and said I’m the clear number three best player in

This draft in year one because that’s not what happens in year one after drafts but uh nonetheless I think scoot Henderson still would have a claim to be a top three pick at worst a top five pick in this draft it’s when you get to four and five that I think it’s starts

To get interesting as far as guys who Grady dick might go ahead of if you redrafted right now you got amen Thompson and assar Thompson four and five to Houston and Detroit respectively both of these guys are buckets of fun I should say I have a lot of fun watching

These guys uh assar Thompson and particular has been just a treat one of the only good things about the Detroit Pistons all season long it’s weird that he doesn’t play more all that stuff I guess he’s played more lately he’s been back into the plans here but he had some

Weird moments where he got benched and whatnot um you know I think this is obviously an eye of the beholder thing with the draft I think a lot of people go in say best player available get the best guy go with the highest upside whatever that even means I think the

Term best player available when we’re talking about 18 and 19 year olds and 20 year olds is uh kind of a whack thing to say anyway cuz how can we possibly know who the best player available is when these guys don’t even have have fully developed cerebral cortexes but uh I I

Think in you know in most people’s estimation you know you kind of go for athleticism you go for upside and I think most people would probably say Amen Thompson and assar Thompson have higher quote unquote upside than Grady dick I would rather most of the time get

A guy who I know is going to fit in the NBA and be able to be on the floor when things matter and I think Grady dick right now is a lot closer to being that type of player than either amen Thompson or RAR Thompson who if you add together

Their three-point shooting percentages are still below Grady Dick’s 37% from Deep you have 14% from am and Thompson 18% from assar and so I’ll split the difference here and say grd dick goes ahead of at least one of them maybe not both but one of them because Grady dick

Looks right now like a guy who’s going to play in the NBA for a very long time who’s going to be a highlevel movement three-point shooter who fits into all kinds of lineups and his defense is not nearly as bad as it was sort of marketed

To be coming out of the draft I think he’s going to fit in just fine and be on the floor uh in high leverage moments for this Raptor’s team at some point in the next five to seven years and so and I feel way better about that than either

Of the Thompson Twins who just simply cannot shoot which is a limiting factor especially when you’re not like a traditional big man and you have other sort of big man skills to lean on so I’m gonna say grd dick goes at least higher than one of those guys then we go to

Anthony black I’d still I’d probably take grd dick ahead Anthony black right now I know he’s had a pretty decent low volume three-point shooting season but I was never a huge fan of Anthony black in the draft I don’t think he’s got a ton of creation chops and there’s a reason

The magic keep on being linked to finding guards to add to their team because I don’t think you look at Anthony black and say yeah that guy’s the answer to their guard wo and creation wo he’s a nice player nice connector I’d say grd dick goes ahead of

Him belal kulil I think probably goes ahead of Grady because he’s just like so tantalizing and interesting and it’s been hard to get a gauge on him because he plays for the Washington Wizards but upside play there I think that’s probably a more um bankable upside play

Than what you know you would be talking about with you know the Thompson Twins so sa belal goes ahead of Grady dick at this point jerus Walker I’d probably take Grady ahead of Jaris Walker too yeah he’s had some flashes in the G League um but now he’s kind of buried

Behind a very deep power forward core in Indiana and you know it’s not his fault it’s situational but I think you know because of that I would probably project grd Dick’s development to be more meteoric over the next few years than jarus Walker so I’d say grd dick that

Three-point shooting just so bloody valuable I put him ahead uh Taylor Hendricks interesting guy maybe he has offensive skill maybe he doesn’t at all and I would take the guy with the clear offensive skill over the guy who maybe doesn’t have it at this point when you’re talking about the

NBA so I would take Grady dick over Taylor Hendrick I think as well so that’s what one two three four guys he’s going ahead of in the top nine already uh K Wallace proba probably goes ahead of Grady dick he’s playing High leverage minutes on a title Contender yeah fair

Enough okay uh Jed Howard definitely goes behind Grady dick at this point I’m sure the magic would be thrilled to take Grady dick at 11 and not Jed Howard uh of course they did not do that and we’re very happy about that here in these

Parts so yeah grd dick goes ahead of Jed Howard that’s five guys in the top 11 he goes ahead of Derek Lively the second yeah he goes ahead of Grady that’s fine he’s very good he’s kind of a monster so right now you have him with Five Guys go

Ahead of him on he’s like eighth overall right now and then you go into the guys behind him who go ahead of him I think Jordan Hawkins is a tossup I think you know you can kind of pick your poison there I think they’re both similar types

Of players I think Grady dick maybe a little bit easier to fit into a system than Jordan Hawkins who seems to be a little bit Gunner leaning in his Tendencies so I take Grady over Jordan Hawkins right now I take Grady over Kobe buffkin he was my guy I was the little

Buffkin boy before the draft but I would take Grady ahead of Kobe buffkin right now he looks maybe just a little bit slight to in the NBA things can change but right now I’d say Grady over Kobe um and the other Kobe as well his Grady dick is that awesome okay beyond that

Konay George yeah he goes ahead of grd Dick bumping grd dick down to ninth overall after that haime hakz Jr and Brandon psky you’re probably the only other guys I would say go ahead of him so you’re down to 11th overall if you’re Grady I guess some people would say cam

Whitmore I’m not some people I think cam Whitmore is kind of you know again Gunner leaning in the way he plays and while he’s been able to do some nice stuff his emergence for the Rockets has coincided with the Rockets becoming the Rockets again and so I’m not quite ready

To say he goes ahead of Grady dick either so I think that’s it 11th overall there’s not another guy in the back part of the draft I know Marcus Sasser had some moments here and there maybe you could talk me into him Ahad ahead of Grady dick um but beyond that I’m saying

Grady dick 11th overall maybe 12th depending on how you feel about Sasser in his long-term upside no one in the second round pops you know I like Andre Jackson Jr just fine you know I think Leonard Miller is probably going to have some kind of career With The Wolves but

I’m for sure taking Grady dick 11th overall and that is it that is the conclusion of me doing a redraft it is the last time I will ever do a redraft so uh good job stago you got the the once in a blue moon answer from me on a

Question that makes me angry we’ll come back on the other side and we have some more dumb questions to get to from you the wonderful listeners we’ll talk about fast food tie-ins with the Toronto rap and more brand related things because the people in the Discord are swayed by

Commercials and materialism and that’s just the way it is we’ll get to that coming up in just one second here on the show today’s show is brought to you by our friends over at Nissan are you the kind of driver that likes to push things a little further ever wonder what

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Or have obvious answers that I will lay out here today again thank you so much to our lovely Discord users who sent in the questions I actually love you all and I hope you know this a little tongue and cheek here today I shouldn’t have to

Say that out loud but you never know people don’t take jokes on the internet very well either way love you all next question here comes from loquacious Drew who has a pair of bangers quote unquote here uh this one is if Gary Trent Jr isn’t back on the team next year who is

Your team style candidate to replace him of course the Gillette ads that feature one clean shaven baby face and one bearded fellow have been running for a couple years now I think it was OG versus Fred last year uh this year it’s Gary Trent Jr against Grady dick I would

Assume Grady dick sticks with Team smooth as I’m not sure he can grow facial hair uh and now thinking Grady dick with a beard kind of hilarious to think about but right now he’s it would be great if he was team style I don’t think that’s physically possible for him

At the moment maybe five years from now we’ll see so grd dick is still on team smooth team styled Raptors guys with beards they’re not like a great facial hair team at the moment you know yaka purle kind of has like the dusty Scruff RJ Barrett clean shaven Emanuel quickley

Clean shaven Scotty Barnes clean shaven if Bruce Brown is around I mean that’s the easy one with the handlebar mustache that is your team styled winner right there I’m just not sure Bruce Brown is going to around Beyond this year I’m not sure like Kelly o Linux weird chin fluff

Does it for me Javon Freeman Liberty is kind of an interesting one he’s got a pretty good little Little Beard going I think he’s sort of a contender here but I will say that I think it will be Bruce Brown Jr if he’s back you know again who

Knows maybe they just decline him in the summer maybe they opt to move him at the deadline I think it’s less of a foregone conclusion he’s not on the team next year than has maybe uh you know been assumed so far we’ll see what happens at

The draft if they can move him in and all that um but yeah for now I I think I’m probably going with Bruce Brown just for a lack of other options again unless Grady dick can grow a beard become team styled and then maybe RJ Barrett or Emanuel quickley becomes team smooth

We’ll see but for right now you know I guess there could be like sort of a makeover situation with yaka purle as well where team style takes his Scruff and like tightens it up chisels it gets a nice little you know nice clean edges things like that maybe that maybe that’s

The answer yaka cleans up his beard and shoulder hair with a move to team style if Gary Trent Jr is no longer on the team I tell you what the exec set Gillette better be hoping Gary Trent Jr is back on the team next season uh this next one also from

Loquacious Drew who cannot get enough of the commercials that play in between the actual basketball games classic NBA fan not caring about the games and only in it for the stuff on the periphery this question is as Scotty is partnered with Subway for their jerk chicken bowl by

The way disgusting gross what would be the best Raptors player food chain dish that you would pair so this is a tough one because I think with fast food stuff you want to have Visionary moves when you’re sort of introducing a new menu item like you’re not going to be like ah

It’s the Emanuel quickly Burger because people have had burgers before there’s nothing novel about it at least I’ll give Subway and Scotty Barnes credit a jerk chicken bll at Subway makes me stop and say huh oh okay um you know go get jerk chicken at any of the other fine

Establishments you can get Jerk Chicken in Toronto but if we’re going to take this sort of through line of food that is done extremely well across the city that doesn’t really have a fast food presence I think we’re going Darko rakovich on this one and we are finding

A way to work chapi the beautiful Balkan uh grilled meat cylinders uh that are just so so delicious that can be found all over the city of Toronto due to the Balan influence across town if we can work that into like I don’t know a Mediterranean restaurant of some

Kind Osmos like is does Osmos take a step into chapi and have darkar rakovich be the front-facing uh you know spokesman for that campaign I think there’s maybe something there the other thing too is like sort of like um you know kind of a gimmicky thing maybe there’s like a fast casual restaurant

That is known to take a little bit of time to prepare your order you know I think of for example like you go into I don’t know like a popey’s for example where you know sometimes it can take a bit to get your order I’m just so uh

Unhealthy in my eating habits by the way um sponsor the podcast any of these fine establishments but you go into a popey you order your food and there’s sometimes a bit of a weight there you know look fair enough they’re they’re frying it fresh they’re they’re taking

Their time they’re making sure it’s all good and and you know fresh out of the fryer for you but I I do think you know if you could have an Emanual quickly bucket where it’s thrown to together quickly where they just hey I want the quickly bucket and then you just get a

Bucket and all the stuff that’s in the little steam trays they just toss in there indiscriminant ah K ah chicken fingers ah shrimps just into a bucket you don’t know what you’re getting it’s a different thing every time but the quickly bucket um from pop from Popeyes

You walk in get your food quickly with a manual quickly there and a big cardboard cutout I think that’s maybe the answer here to Drew’s question as well um you know but I I think there might be something to the darkar yakovich chap I mean he’s talked about chiap being his

Favorite food and so maybe there’s something there with some sort of chain restaurant there aren’t really you know I guess the other one you could do is like a Greek restaurant like Jimmy the Greek or something like that could do a chiap um obviously not the the same

Country clearly but similar uh geography I suppose Mediterranean in nature um maybe that’s the way maybe uh Osmos it’s you know too far a field but yeah I think some sort of Mediterranean restaurant working in a chiap handle with Darko uh being the spokesman I think would be pretty sweet and I would

Certainly eat it because if you haven’t learned from this segment I’ll eat anything except for the subway jerk chicken bowl promoted by Scotty Barnes uh we’re gonna come back on the other side actually one more quick question here then we’ll get to a few more on the

Other side um and this one is from Duncan who asks if you had to explain basketball to an extraterrestrial could you do it in less than five words this could feel like you know this feels like a nice question a good question it’s not a good question because the answer is

Clear and I guess it’s not basketball I’m explaining here I’m explaining the NBA in five words not basketball at large basketball at large is tall people tall people put ball in tall people ball in hoop there’s five words perfect the NBA tall people make billionaires money that would be the five-word uh summation

Of the NBA does that tell the aliens to leave does that make them want to blow the world up I don’t know but that would be my five word description of basketball to or of the NBA that is to the uh the lovely extraterrestrials coming to visit us you know and

Presumably hang out with their friend wemi who they must know uh you know because he doesn’t come from this planet that’s it for that question we’ll come back on the other side and get into three more questions to close out the show that are less like outwardly dumb they’re pretty decent questions actually

But I do think a lot of them have pretty obvious answers so we’ll get to that coming up to close up the show in just one moment Today’s Show is brought to you by our Pals over at game time the single best place for you to go and find last

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Off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed all right rounding out the uh Sean’s heel turn episode of lock on Raptors look The Season’s been hard and it makes me want to strike and lash out at the people who I love most who are of

Course the Discord users who sent in mailbag questions for today’s podcast we have a couple more basketball Raptors e questions to close out here this one from Gabriel a very well-intentioned question that is a question that drives me kind of nuts because I think it underplays the quality of the Toronto

Raptor’s aesthetic and underplays the color that they should be let me explain the question from Gabriel is thoughts on the husky Jersey colors being the Raptor’s primary colors I think red and black are solid colors multiple teams have the same colors of the Raptors I would love blue and white to be the

Raptor Jersey standard dinosaurs especially Raptors can be blue that is true we have seen the Jurassic World movies I think one of them is named Blue if I’m not mistaken boy those movies stink but Gabriel asked a question and I’m just going to like uh bismack bomo

In the 2016 playoffs slap it down no no no no blue for the Raptors is a nonstarter for me and number one I think like a lot of people would take offense to this question because I know I’m not one of these people I’m Afflicted with

Toronto Maple Leafs fandom I know a lot of raptors fans detest the Maple Leafs which hey fair enough lots of people do I detest the Maple Leafs and I like them but this this one is like kind of a no-go for me the Raptors have always been the distinct Toronto team to me

They’ve always been separate from the Leafs and it’s because they’re aesthetic is completely different and I don’t want to see them Blended together you don’t want to bring in Leaf’s Juju into your team either like the Raptors have won a championship they’ve tasted success the

Leaf’s not so much as much as I like the blue and white color scheme I think the Raptors got to stay distinct also the real answer to what should the Raptor’s jerseys color jersey colors be is uh more purple please like screaming more purple like I’m screaming for more

Cowbell and I’ve made this point before but next season is the 30th Anniversary season for the Raptors and if they don’t take the opportunity to revert back to the original color scheme and Jersey design with the big sexy dinosaur logo and the very excellent you know scroll

Front I don’t know what the name of the font is but the font they used back in the day if they don’t go back to that someone who does business should probably be fired because you know how much money you would make off of me personally and all the other sickos who

Would go out and buy that Jersey right away um like the ’90s are cool again it it was the time where you know people yearn for now and you know teal purple those types of colors that really had a wave back in the 90s are coming back

We’re going to see the jazzz go back to their uh you know colorful purple Utah Jazz jerseys except it’ll be cooler people wearing those jerseys now than John Stockton and Carl Malone so that’s nice we’ll have different players to associate with those thank god um but yeah like I think it’s pretty much

Universally agreed that the original Raptors logo and Jersey design is one of the better more standout things in NBA design history we’ve g into this phase of like OBS extreme minimalism with jerseys that kind of sucks it takes out the fun and I think you know with how

Hellish the world is a little bit of color and pop and fun in your uniforms is not a bad thing for anybody I think um you know again 30th season next year there’s plenty there’s going to be plenty of Celebration they did bring back the purples for the 20th season 10

Years ago and then they brought back the whites uh five years ago for the 25th season so like there’s precedent for them bringing back those original jersey designs when the time calls for it I say at this point you you’re now five years almost removed from the championship you

Can sort of Turn the Page to the Scotty Barnes era by plopping him into those beautiful purple and and and and whites and then maybe you have like a third Jersey that honors the red and white red and black tradition of the team that won the championship frankly I would love if

They went back to the core Jersey design that they had during the Kyle Larry to Marty Rosen era those jerseys were awesome from about 2015 all the way through 20121 I guess it was or the end of the bubble season Tampa was the year they switched things back up like we

Don’t need anything associated with the Tampa and after era of the Raptors it’s a new team it’s a new era go back to the original color scheme and then have a third Jersey that pays homage to the team that won the championship I would be fully on board with that and blue and

White total nonstarter I know that’s also being kicked around as like the colors for the WNBA team if they come to Toronto wouldn’t want to step on those toes if that’s the color they want to use I know that’s the team the color that the Toronto the Toronto pwl team

Uses as well and so uh I think that is maybe I’m misspeaking there but either way blue and white I I I I like it as a color scheme but the Raptors I think need to be kept distinct from it and it would be weird in season 30 to go to something they’ve

Never had before I think that would be strange so uh yeah that’s the the declarative correct answer on this question Gabriel thank you for sending it but uh an absurd question to ask frankly next question here comes from Jeff Exelon which is a fun one but also

One that has a very clear and obvious answer so we’ll leave off on this one this one comes from Jeff the question is the Raptors players keep getting injured which which retired or not currently signed anywhere former Raptor do you think could give them 15 useful minutes

A night for a few games on a 10day contract um there’s one answer to this question if you’re telling me that Louis skola who every time you see him sitting courtside at a FEA game looks handsomer and in better shape and more salt and peppery and more spry than ever before

Couldn’t step into this team in this era of the NBA and not be the exact same player he was for the Raptors during 20156 when he started I think every game in the regular season and many games into the playoffs before they realize uh oh we can’t do this you don’t think

Louis skola could do that fit in the darker rakovich system throw some cool dimes fill in as the backup five now that Kelly linck has to start for yaka purle allow them to carry over their sets from starters to bench I think you’re crazy I think Louis skola is

Going to be playing basically the exact same he played in that Raptor season until he’s roughly 65 years old at the YMCA in Argentina I I am fully convinced of this that dude does not age he was just absolutely lighting up feeba many years after leaving the Raptors um so

Bring back Louis skola he’s freshly rested he’s got the legs to go for days 10 days even um so I’m going Louis skola as my former Raptor’s Legend who you go sign and he could fill in capable minutes right now 100% that dude is uh forever he is

Eternal and also like I saw Vince Carter dunk in a suit a couple days ago I feel like he could probably fill in 10 minutes a game as a nice bench rooll player as well bring some shooting to the table and hopefully some dunks as well because boy oh boy without ogan

Anobi without Scotty Barnes without uh precious auua and with Jordan wara missing every Dunkey attempts the Raptors are severely hurting right now for dunk highlight I love Kelly o linck that dude’s not a dunker RJ Barrett loves to lay it in not really dunking Emanuel quickle doesn’t

Really dunk just give me someone with some dunks with some UPS who can just you know bring some highlights put the Raptors on court cuts at the very least because they’re not getting on any other highlight shows right now um so yeah bring back Vince have him play in a suit

And dress shoes and dunk I don’t care um but that’s the other answer is Vince Carter who again last week I saw dunk on a clip in a suit which is bloody incredible um that’ll do it thank you for all your garbage questions everybody you’re the best I absolutely love you

All and I hope to do this again and empty the waste bin empty La puel if you will going forward if uh if you can continue to send me some absolute swill in the mailbag chat in the Discord server if You’ like to go and send me

Questions again join the Discord link is in the description it’s free to join it’s a lovely place to come and hang out and everyone whose questions I answered today I adore and love your all the very very best you are wonderful you keep the show going even when the Raptors are not

Very good or interesting so thank you for doing all of that and being there um with that we will leave it off thank you so much for hanging we will talk to you again on Friday Katie hindle will be along to talk about Raptor Suns hey the

Suns they’ve been weird maybe this is a game where the Raptors can go and pick up a surprise win they’ve performed well against Phoenix in the past don’t hold your breath we’ll talk about what happen on tomorrow’s show with Katie hope to see you back here thank you as always

For hanging out we’ll talk to you then bye-bye I’m just not even ever hitting this shot and I’m so infuriated bye

In Episode 1591, Sean Woodley goes solo to dig into the worst of the worst from the Locked On Raptors Discord mailbag to dig into questions about the Toronto Raptors, Gradey Dick, the team’s uniform design scheme and more! Off the top, Sean digs into where Gradey Dick would go in a 2023 re-draft. Of course, re-drafts this soon after a draft are ridiculous, but Sean is here to please. Does Gradey sneak into the Top-10? Next, Sean fields questions from a consumerism afflicted listener who simply can’t get enough Gillette or Subway in their life. Are the Gilette execs stressing the potential loss of Gary Trent Jr. from Team Style? And could another fast food tie-in work as well as Scottie Barnes’ Subway crossover does? Plus, what five words would best describe the NBA to aliens visiting to watch their friend Victor Wembanyama? Lastly, Sean fields a question about the Raptors uniforms, which obviously should not be blue and white, and which retired ex-Raptors could suit up for this shorthanded version of the tea, which Luis Scola is the obvious answer to.

Join the Discord, please. We need better mailbag questions:

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  1. Interesting 2023 redraft. I agree with most of the players drafted ahead of Gradey except GG Jackson. He may offer more upside if there are no maturity/off the court stuff

  2. gradey maybe at 10. the raps did well, as he is a good pairing with barnes. that's kinda a key point imo.

  3. It’s not “Gradey defence not as bad as advertised”.. Darko has worked very hard with Gradey so give credit where credit is due, stunod.

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