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Monty Williams PostGame Interview | Brooklyn Nets vs Detroit Pistons

Monty Williams PostGame Interview | Brooklyn Nets vs Detroit Pistons

Held us in many ways um Rim protection finishing around the basket thought he was talking um at the right times he had a really good Blitz on Schroeder and uh we were able to get a a stop um his effort tonight was was key for us he he

Was the one guy that had consistent effort and then I thought K just made play after play the play that I I love that he made was the offensive rebound outside of his area uh in the third quarter I thought that was a moment some changing play for

Us to get an extra possession in that moment and so just just a number of guys that that stepped up Malachi didn’t play in the first half he comes in the second half and that group held it down uh as he led that group so a big win for us

How uh I guess when you see a performance from your back court tonight you know half your production comes from ji and from cave um obviously to replicate that every night may not be realistic but knowing what you have in both of those players well I I just

Think ji getting back to uh just shooting the ball the way that we know he can he’s had a rough stretch and we’ve always said if you put the work in the Reps were moved out we don’t want our guys thinking about missing shots when you get the work and you put the

Work in you trust your work and to see him make shots tonight was was key for us now I think he still has to keep the balance of taking those shots and getting to the basket because no one can stop that kid getting to the basket or

Getting to the paint and then Kade was Cade um he just I thought he wed us tonight wed us tonight in many ways um and so for those two to have that kind of production coming off of travel and dealing with a lot of stuff we’ve dealt

With uh here the past few days it’s a big big moment for those guys

Monty Williams PostGame Interview | Brooklyn Nets vs Detroit Pistons
Monty Williams PostGame Interview Brooklyn Nets vs Detroit Pistons

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