@Cleveland Cavaliers

What Evan Mobley’s injury says about his third season | Cleveland Cavaliers podcast

What Evan Mobley’s injury says about his third season | Cleveland Cavaliers podcast

On today’s show Evan Moy season now feels lost we’ll explain why and talk about Cav’s Hawks on today’s locked on Cavs are locked on Cavs your daily Cleveland Cavaliers podcast today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use our code

Locked on for $20 off your first purchase I am Chris Manning that’s Evan Dam roll Jake Stevens is back today we’re going to start with Cav’s Hawks we’ll get to Evan Moy and the the the news that he’s going to miss some real time with his ankle sprain in segments

Two and three but to start with KS Hawks a Cavs lost seven but they almost come back from all the way bet down again led a different point showed a lot of I think effort in the second half and to me the the if we’re going to try to take

Lessons from games and extrapolate okay what matters even on nights where they don’t have it or it’s a back toback and you could have projected a loss and they were betting underdogs for a reason and all of that and like four point 12 points of the fourth

Quarter just isn’t going to win you games to me the effort level they played with and maybe didn’t have the juice to sustain it’s going to be really key if you’re going to miss Mitchell for Lord knows how long and M is going to miss

Time and stru is banged up and aoro is nursing an injury and on and on it goes effort from everyone from Darius Garland to Craig Porter Jr to Damen Jones is going to be mandatory for this team to win games right now uh the the fact that you included Damen Jones my my

I’m not taking my actual hat off but my hat off to you for that one but um he had two he had to his credit two good plays in this game and like that’s more than he has done most of this season oh absolutely um but still my my hat off to

You for that one just giving Damien Jones the shout because ideally when the Cavs are not healthier but they have Tristan Thompson back I’d assume Thompson gets the minutes over Jones but um yeah no the the Cavs were kind of slow you could tell like physically

The uh baggage that came with the H or the went over the Celtics uh was certainly there just from a physical aspect I think the emotional hangover was certainly there too you could certainly feel it in the first half where both like teams were just kind of going through the emotions after the

Hawks you know before this game just beat the Knicks and Madison Square Gardens so it’s it’s unfortunate the Cavs weren’t able to capitalize on the momentum or the spark that they formed in the third quarter especially because I mean like that that comeback was very impressive it just you know it

Was a case of like too little too late and also just I think them running out of a bit of Steam down the stret and as you said like 12 points in the third or the fourth quarter excuse me it just isn’t going to do it especially after

Such a dramatic swing back uh in the third frame for Cle I think if you look at the Third like what worked was kind of a hodg podge of things if you’re looking at just like where that came from I mean it starts with Jared Allen he had 10 points

In that quarter four board six boards two on the offensive end was awesome for that whole quarter was really the best player on the flooor for Cleveland I think this entire game Isaac Coro was doing everything had nine points had two had was one or two from three got the

Line of three five from the field Craig Porter Jr had his moments um you got you had Carris Levert moments and I thought lever was really was really purposeful maybe not always the best outcomes for him in this game but at least was trying to be the one playing with pace and

Trying to speed things up a little bit like everyone at least did something where you’re like okay I understand what your go your your job was here to contribute I understand sort of what you’re trying to do on a night where you don’t have Mitchell you don’t have Mo you don’t have

Muse like I’ll take that on a second out of it back to back where you get in late and you’re definitely not like probably feeling great as this game so it’s like I’ll take that I all that said too you could feel the fatigue I think Sam

Merill is probably the best example of that because Sam Merill just never got into a rhythm 0 and9 from three love love love love to be clear that he just kept shooting because that’s what he’s supposed to do but like if you want to exemplify okay where this how this team

Didn’t have legs for this particular game Meo playing 30 minutes the night before when he hasn’t played regular minutes and then taking n3s I think also tells you a story about okay sometimes you can play hard and do what you’re supposed to do but sometimes like the

Energy in the regular season just is not going to be there yeah there are nights that are like this you and I are talking about this heading into the episode like it’s an 82 game slug for marathon it’s a marathon not a Sprint and there are going to be

Nights like this as you just said but also the the Cavs were they they had an emotionally and physically taxing game against the the night before and they are now down not just Donovan Mitchell maxu like they were in the last game but also Evan Moy who is integral to what

They do defensively I’m sure people will have plenty of things to say about what he can do offensively our YouTube comments certainly say that they should bench him for Dean Wade which you know wild stuff uh but you know please let us know in the comments your justification

For that thought process I want to see uh Manifesto form in real time but um more so just the fact that the Cavs were under man sure the Hawks were too but the Cavs are just kind of lacking the juice and also they weren’t home I think

They you know having the emotional boost of a home crowd behind you could have maybe been the difference to push the Cavs cross the finish line for this one but sayy they go three and one against the Hawks this season and they now shift their focus to Friday against the Timberwolves and

Hopefully they get a maybe they get Max Shu back because Donovan Mitchell has already been ruled out for that game and I’d assume at least Evan Mobley is out for this match up as well just based on what the Cavs had to say uh or the game

Against the Hawks on his status yeah and also I mean just the reporting from the athletic which again we’ll get to basically just indicated going to be a bit for Moy uh let me ask you one thing kind of conceptually about this game and really

Just about the NBA I think to me I look at these games and having cover the league for a while and think about the league I think far too much sometimes I’m like sort of used and I think you are as well used to that you get some of these games in

Regular season that not every game is going to necessarily demand your full attention not every game is necessarily going to like be something a team is able to bring its full self to it’s very different structurally obious in like the NFL where there’s one game a week

And you can theoretically kind of show up every week and and have everything and not that they don’t struggle through stuff but do you think this ultimately like this kind of game is I I don’t want to say like bad but do you think this is this kind of game is a

Hindrance to the league at all cuz I sometimes think it is I think back Tob backs are pointless at this point because you are watching these athletes at their absolute physical peak in the best basketball league in the world in a competitive sense even football we can

Talk about football for a second I think Thursday Friday Monday Saturday night games are obtuse and you know disrespectful to the players who are literally as shanon sharp would put it I talk about shanen sharp a lot this week but like put on a football helmet and

Run into your garage St 50 times a day for the next like 10 15 years you’ll know what it’s like to be a football player and so yeah like putting them through that physical demand and stress is just it’s inconvenient and unfortunate for the players that you know the uh Financial ties that

The league has do sponsors and things like that and just like how certain things work out too um certainly put a hindrance in that like you’re never going to see the NBA say like okay we’re going to play less games like I mean to many Christmas the NFL is flirting with

The idea of adding an additional game to the regular season just for you know just squeezing as much blood as they can from the stone before the postseason so yeah I think it just stinks because it does impact the overall en Court product um across the league but from just like

A Cavs aspect I I don’t know I think about like you know the first like post lockout shortened year like when you and I were maybe early in college like they had back to back to back games and like that that to me would be miserable to like watch

Because like you know you know like physically just like the demand is versus like being a fan but yeah back Tob backs are dumb but you can’t search the season out any further it’s kind of penciled in the way it is and the NBA is never going to say let’s play less

Regular season games um they’re going to if anything say let’s play more I remember talking to chaning fry about that I I stra up asked him in an interview once um do do you think they should shorten the season and and he said something to me that is stuck with

Me because I think a lot of former players or older players have said something similar in that they view the 82 Game season as like a test of your of your medal of your ability to do stuff and like I fully understand that like I yeah and like historically you know

Changing it I I understand if you would people would have some reservations about that but I do think ultimately I want to watch as many impactful high quality games as I can and the high quality part is where I’m at too like I I want to see these guys

Healthy and be able to go blow for blow with each other because it’s just it makes a better product like yeah no no disrespect to the dudes who suited up for the Cavs and the Hawks tonight but like it does lack the appeal of no Darius Garland Evan Moy no Trey Young no

Max Shu even just because he can be a bit of a flamethrower too like that’s getting into the minu sh of it but like yeah like you are hurting your bottom line by making your best players uh push themselves to the Limit but to your point like and to I think Channing said

It himself like the the playoffs even aren’t even about like who’s the best team it’s who’s the healthiest team it’s it’s a big big part of it yeah like whoever’s the healthiest starting the play it postseason and you maintain that like clean bill of health until you get

As far as you can like that plays a factor and I think Cavs fans know it best because you see Kevin Love go down you see Kyrie go down in the Eastern Conference Finals and eventually game one of the NBA finals in 2015 like Health plays a huge factor and I think

Just maybe the physical demand that this 82 game grind has just makes it really hard on everyone yeah and and I think just the the last thing is even the last couple years I mean I I the first year of the Garland Mo Mo’s rookie year that

That season was hampered by injuries and Jared Allen’s injury like derailed the season injuries are part of life but it’s all it’s at times I think you would just like to feel like things are a little more stable all right after this we’re going to move on to another big

Injury for the Cleveland kers Evan Mobley is going to be out on the sidelines for a while it sounds like what does that mean for a season and how you should view it that’s coming up after this today’s episode is brought to you by Nissan are you the kind of driver

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That he’s going to he’s expected to miss an extended period of time due to the ankle spring he suffered the other night the sources in the story from Shaman Joe vard and Jason Lloyd said quote it will be some time end quote and another said

Quote he will be out a while end quote this injury occurred against the Boston Celtics the other night Evan right now Evan Mobley has played in not really that many games because he missed time with the knee the the knee surgery as well he’s played in 38 games this year holy

Cow it’s not that that number really does crystallize it because you’re like oh wow yeah he’s missed a lot of time um he is definitely not eligible for Defensive Player of the Year folks no he is not um if let’s say he misses a month he’s

Going to end up somewhere like at best in the 40s it it feels like to me it feels like he might come back right before the playoffs which is like a whole other thing we can talk about of injuries bringing this team together at some point but I kind of Evan am

Ultimately getting to the point with this season with Mo that it’s going to be the kind of season that unfortunately happens sometimes and that your season due to injury due to fluke circumstances can just feel a little bit loss can feel a little bit stagnant for him I think

There are things you can tell yourself about the play the way he played recently and some of the underlying numbers where you can okay I think this guy actually was improving it just didn’t get a chance to really show it I think you can make that argument I

Wouldn’t be super compelled because we didn’t see it over a large enough sample but you can make that argument but this is a guy that even with some issues last year was a finals for defense player of the year played a heavy role in this

Team and this year it didn’t feel I I it’s hard aside from the little Spurs of three-point shooting and all of that to say okay this guy grew in a real real way and for him in year three when other guys in his draft class are really ascending Scotty Barnes Alper zon Etc

And what I think I personally think of him as a prospect and what he can be and how good he can be and and what’s still to come for him this just does feel like kind of a lost Evan Moy season and that’s not a particularly fun place to

Be for someone that is so talented and so vital to what the Cavs are doing now and what they’re going to do in the future yeah um myself and I think others I’ll lump you into this um kind of hope for expected a year or three leap from EV M

We saw it I think I predicted he was going to be an All-Star honestly I I don’t remember half we both pretty high in a supply but yeah I mean that’s that’s part of the uh five episode a week grind you do forget what you say

Half the time but um that’s just my that’s just my brain is rot like honestly all the years all years of Instagram use and anxiety is just like I mean I just started shaving myself to have a mustache so we matched but um that’s just my brain rotten

Thought process of the day you’re going to get down to here though and you’re going to then like ride I’m going to see you on your motorbike and I’m going to be concerned you’re going to like sell me some elcid substances that’s where I think we’re headed unfortunately listen

If you for those who don’t know I do have my motor motorcycle license I do have a motorcycle I do have a helmet jacket Chris knows this this is my summer hobby when the Cavs season ended uh unexpectedly last year uh yeah if you see me out

On my uh very old Honda American style Roadster I’ll say hi but you may not recognize me because I have a helmet and jacket on but either way um focusing on Evan moile speaking of motorcycles cuz his dad likes them too um yeah it’s if you had to like give

Like a grade to it it’s a DNC he did not complete it like the 38 games played so far is stunning when you say that number out loud because you’re thinking like yeah he missed quite a bit of games this year and then you realize oh wow he

Missed quite a lot of games this year and it’s unfortunate because I don’t know what to expect out of him still because this year for me was like okay how does the fit between him and Allen work like I watch Allen without Moy and Allen like thrives and I’m not like

Killing it but like I’m not saying like that’s a discredit to moy but I think that’s like a spacing thing just because Moy just doesn’t have that like reliable outside shot to give Allen the you know the space download of work and it just clocks things up and it makes the uh fit

Overall muddy between the four and the five but there’s also tangible day that says like those two work together as well but it’s unfortunate I think it’s just unfortunate timing like the knee injury was unfortunate timing uh the ankle sprain was just you know clearly a freak accident

Um I’m not like obviously concerned about like his longevity or health because he’s put together like very healthy seasons in his rookie and sophomore year but for a time when Moy felt like he was plateauing to start his third season and then we see like a small blip of like

Him showing like some tangible improvements whether he is just hyper aggressive on offense reading reacting to defenses taking threes attacking on the interior uh passing moving the ball it’s encouraging but that’s like a four or five game sample we have everything else is just and then now he’s just

Going to miss probably I’d say at minimum two weeks but depending on the severity of the sprain like the Cavs did say they’ll re-evaluate him within a week which that would then put him on the 13th they play the Pelicans so we shall see but it’s just unfortunate

Timing and now like if you’re asking to come back during the playoffs and play at a certain level like it’s going to be hard and then people just and that’s the unfortunate age of the Beast is like how you perform in the postseason kind of crystallizes your entire regular

Season and you know it just be would be another unfortunate note on a very unfortunate season for Ev Moy for a lot of things that just weren’t in his control yeah and look if he come like it’s it’s just hard for him and I I

Think this is similar in a way to what’s gone on with Darius Garland it’s just hard to find your footing when you miss a bunch of time when you’re in and out of the lineup when you don’t you’re not right and and again this just happens like this is unfortunate but like this

Happens to most really high level players that they miss time like LeBron James never having a serious injury is an anomaly in the history of the NBA until his first year with the Lakers but that also might have been a little bit of a string pulling on his part to say

Like listen you need to trade these kids and then the Lakers did the following year for Anthony yeah but it didn’t but it the fact that it even took that long it’s an anomaly like Kevin Durant has had these injuries Russell Westbrook has had like everyone is Kev Kevin Durant

Has been the same player since 2018 at this point he hasn’t had a healthy year really like this year Phoenix great but like before that like it’s just up and down up and down up and down the whole time yeah and like it’s it’s it’s unfor it’s unfortunately just kind of

Inevitable that this stuff is going to happen but it doesn’t take away from to me at least the impact of and the reality of like you’re losing something by by not having us right now and I think the Casal do something by not having Moy and figuring out what’s all

Going on here collecting as much data as possible to build this team and on top of that they’re also it’s Moy it’s not this isn’t optimal for his development this was he comes back from attacking that knee injury and coming back and taking threes and figuring stuff out and

There were some ups and downs at the beginning was a came out much hotter than he’s been of late but not getting this time now is detrimental to him there’s just I you can’t I can’t tell me otherwise all right after this though get into who yeah maybe some assistants

Can whisper MVP to his ankle and he’ll uh get to the court much faster maybe after this who steps up without Moi play style changes all of that and more um and mean we’re going to Dam Jones is going to come up again I’m going to ask you off

The top like what do you do with backup center if you were in charge we’re going open with that after this today’s episode is brought to you by game time you shouldn’t have to worry to when you buy your tickets to your next big event game time is there for

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Playing big S just becomes like a real concern for me now if I’m Cleveland that depth on the wing because golly that is a murky as well yeah I I the thing about the wing as like a point of comparison though is that I do like you are just

Going to get stru back yeah and I know okoro and Levert also have these injuries right now and they’re playing through it and maybe they get a day off here there and you you have to navigate that but I do think you’re the front court

And how you want to play to me feels just like a very tricky thing I thought it was notable that in this first game post the mo injury maybe some of this is just matchup dependent I I mean that I that’s certainly part of it I think that

Would have been a good question for JB postgame you did get Damen Jones it was you know 10 minutes and 53 seconds it’s not like he got out there and played 18 minutes or something but Jared Allen played 37 I think you want to cap him around there because you don’t want to

Run him into the ground now a month out from the playoffs you’re going to need Allen in a major way he’s going to play a lot but you’re going to need to fil 10 minutes or so and maybe until Tristan Thompson is back from suspension that’s Damen Jones’s role and um that’s going

To be a weird run I think for a couple games if that’s the case yeah it’s going to be weird like you said the the 10ish minutes Jones played and you even noted and I was teasing you but like he he played well in those 10 minutes he had a few moments

Where he kind well well was strong he did two he had too good place and that that’s well as like he had those two moments he popped like oh okay yeah he is had a nice dunk yeah the length in the athleticism clicked for a brief moment and it just worked

And while you’re riding the remainder of this trist Thompson suspension which as of the Cavs wrapping up things against the Hawks is a week away when they play the Pelicans is when Thompson’s technically eligible that gives you another body to roll or throw into the f um maybe Moy attacks us like Wolverine

Like he did with his knee injury and his ankle recovers much sooner than expected but it’s mostly inflammation and you know making sure everything’s structurally intact but based on the MRI results like it’s a sprained ankle like it’s something like it’s not a high ankle sprain or anything like that which

You know knock on wood is much better outcome all considered but yeah leaning on Allen a lot more I think playing more weight as a small allall five maybe golly tried George Nang a little bit too he started the three tonight for the Cavs against the Hawks and it was a bit

Of a mixed result but it’s going to be a bit of a collective effort as you just try to Cobble things together if you’re JB Baker staff to find ways to Plug and Play mix and match options to give Jared Allen a moment to catch his breath and

Not run him into the ground before the playoffs start and still find ways to win so you’re not you know stumbling to the back end of the Eastern Conference playoff race and you you know you can kind of maybe have that homecourt advantage in the first possibly second

Round if things break her way but picker staffs made it clear that like the seating thing doesn’t really matter to them I think you know getting healthy is their highest priority but you know I think they would like to win more than anything and it’s going to be an

Interesting project I am morbidly curious to see how they handle cat and gobear on a Friday even though cat didn’t play Wednesday night but um yeah it’ll be interesting to see just how they tackle this it’s an interesting thing just because like you know was their biggest strength coming to the

Season just because they had Moy and Allen and now that Mo’s out and his older brothers not getting any calls from the g- league or anything like it’s going to be a bit of like JB biger staff like really flexing on his coaching ability just just plug andplay match ups at

Work let’s end on Cavs wolves on Friday so we’re going to be off on Friday so as episode goes Friday morning but we’ll be back in your feeds late Friday night early Saturday morning after Cavs wol to recap that game for you um that’ll yeah we’re going to we’re going to howl on

Fridays I think I two things I want to see in that game well I’m going to tell you three things and you can tell me which one you’re actually most interested in number one it’s the big thing you mentioned how do the Cavs assuming cat plays deal with the wolves

In their size considering they don’t have they’re they’re probably going to start smaller and have to attack it in in a way that is going to be different for them number two can dar’s Garland just like I’ll play my like I’m that that’s going to be interesting to me and then Isaac aoro

Every moment he’s defending Anthony Edwards I will be glued to my seat yeah I’ll be there to watch Ant who um my hot take is he is the best player on the Wolves depending on how you feel about cat or I I don’t think that’s a

Hot I I think that’s just like consensus now I don’t think that’s a hot take he’s the alpha wolf of the pack um but I think those are just the things to watch like the aoro versus ant minutes will be interesting um aoro is able to play through what probably still is a

Naging Ela injury after having to play against the Celtics the night before we we’ll see how he’s feeling you know with a day off of rest maybe he’s feeling a little bit more ship shape or maybe it’s still a little bit of a struggle for him

Out on the court but yeah the aoro ant minutes will be fun um Mike connley versus Darius Garland like we didn’t really talk about Garland in this game but he was very unremarkable against the Hawks but um yeah I’m I’m still I’m still I’m still not feeling good about

What’s going on there man neither am I and so Mike connley is playing great for the Wolves maybe this will be a a weird litmus test for Garland like can you match Mye Conley in production which you know doesn’t seem like much on paper but Conley has been kind of integral to how

The Wolves function but stylistically speaking like the wolves are obviously healthier but like they’re interesting samess between how the Cavs and the wol operate um with the two bigs you know and just like being very heavy dependent on their shooting guard kind of carrying them on offense more often than not

So we shall see um I don’t know I I think it’ll be a fun match up regardless but just from a pure basketball standpoint the wolves have zigged and zagged quite a bit and proven be wrong every step of the way and we’ll see how it unfolds but yeah

Hopefully Darius scarland finally has a bit of a bounceback game after kind of running through the muck the last few several games if you were going to beat Cleveland and Punt and not that they would do this this is just like a purely hypothetical I want to end on this if

You’re going to punt on either the Wolves game or the Nets game on Sunday just to give you everyone a rest and say like all right Pete n Isaiah Moy ammani Bates the Nets game yeah it’s l it’s that game’s going to that game is not the Nets are awful that game’s already

Not going to be great the Nets are very bad um it’s a shame that the Cavs keep kind of getting these matchups so they’re trying to honor franchise Legends but neither here nor there um because at least against the Wolves if they have more bodies you don’t want

To risk getting the remainder of your physically available depth hurt because it’s just going to hamstring you long term so yeah try your damn dis against the wolves and then maybe punt against the Nets if he can afford it because you to play the Suns immediately after that

Yeah and I would personally like to I would rather I would rather like watch a good C Suns game on Monday than I would like a Cavs Nets game on Sunday NBA Paint n for Cav Suns too like won’t be there but it’ll be a good match

Up from watching from afar so uh I if there’s a good NBA paint merch Evan I will probably buy some that’s that’s my promise yeah let me know if let me know if there hash letm know if there are any good ones and maybe I’ll be sending you

A venmo deposit for some myself because yeah I the collab they did with the charge was fun those dad hats were fun so yeah I I need another I need a d another dad hat like I need a hole in my head but if it’s a good dad hat that’s a

Cop that’s a cop all right with that we will be back uh Saturday morning right yeah Saturday morning Cavs wolves recap uh we’ll recap that game talk about any of the latest news for we’ll see if there’s any more news on Mo on maybe Craig Porter Jr do

Something cool we’ll talk about what’s what’s coming there he was really good against the Hawks we should have mentioned that on the way out too like he was good yeah he had a good game very composed very very composed and I I at some point uh when we get to the

End of the year his lowkey very excited to do his player review because I’m like kind of fascinated by like how weird he is and what what that kind of means we yeah like a a dedicated Craig Porter Jr tape study will be pretty fun just to

Kind of sink my teeth into just because like he does a lot a lot of stuff that is compelling but yeah that’s that’s later in the year uh we we’ll talk about that in July um after the C Championship so if they win the championship I mean

Lord like if people want to look at something they have the power of Taylor Swift on their side now they’re fine no they have the they have the private personally this on tomorrow I’m going to go see Dune when we’re not recording I’m going to delete a Bud Light um in the

Same way Travis Kelce deleted it and Jason Kelsey deleted their as well I’m eating popcorn not out of that weird bucket though we’ll talk to you after Cavs wolves thanks again to Jake Stevens who’s probably wearing a black hoodie right now enjoy the rest of your day talk to you Soon

On a new episode of Locked on Cavs (Thursday, March 7, 2024) hosts Chris Manning (@cwmwrites, The Just Basketball Show, SB Nation’s Fear the Sword, Forbes Sports) is joined by Evan Dammarell (@AmNotEvan, Right Down Euclid) explore how the Cavs almost came back against the Hawks, the effort level the Cavs will need to play with while navigating their injury crisis, the latest Evan Mobley injury news and what it says about his season and who will have to step up with Mobley out.

Jake Stephens produced this episode. Check out his latest EP “If We Fall Asleep Too Early” on Spotify or wherever you listen to music.

Our intro music is from our friends at Astral Radio.
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#Cavs #ClevelandCavaliers #NBA


  1. Dean Wade couldn’t save y’all tonight?! 😂 “kings of the East” couldn’t beat the Hawks with no Trae Young?! 😂😂😂 luckiest comeback win I’ve ever seen lol. Please stop acting like y’all are contenders or something. We beat y’all twice in a row and last night was a one in a million type of win. Refs definitely blew the game too

  2. Moving forward Cavs need to get Evan healthy…be patient..his body 3 years from now when he is 25 will look totally different. Howewver I am right now in the camp that Mobley may be just a 5! Hope that he becomes a stretch4…haven't given up on that because of his age. BUT right now he is a CENTER!

  3. ALSO…Hey KOBY…Mobley is NOT CLOSE to a MAX player yet.. KOBY…you can't make the same mistake you did with the MAX GARLAND contract!!!

  4. My grandpa doesn't believe in back to back arguments. He grew up playing 7-8 hours a day in the summer as a teenager. They ran something like what 10 games a day? C'mon man.

  5. The schedule sucks but we are in a battle for the 2 seed. No excuses, every game, especially vs. Eastern Conf. team r very important. The Cavs r the only team n the league to me who doesn't have a set offense to run. My team looks confused about the play call. That's a lack of preparation. That's coaching

    If the long-range shots aren't falling, then drive instead of shooting until u get a rhythm. That's coaching, not making adjustments. It doesn't help a player's confidence to bench him 4 the most hated Cav right now in Niang. Sam was giving a lot more effort on defense than Niang 4 sure.

    The Cavs r a mini team. Niang hasn't started a game all year & isn't an SF. He is a PF/C. Caris & Sam can play all 3 perimeter spots. Ice can play the 2, 3, & 4 spots. Wade can play the 3, 4, & 5. JA is r starting C but can guard the 4. JB, this is ur team. CPJ deserves some PT during Spida’s & Max’s absence. Use them accordingly.

    With Evan out, we need to sign a buyout player today after Rife's 10-day being up. Marcus Morris, Kenneth Lofton, or Chimezie Metu r players we need to bring to add toughness, length, and strength.

  6. Mobley needs to lift upper body and work on short range shooting mechanics while he is out.

  7. Did you'll really play the "Victim Card" with NBA Players that make more in there short careers than most make in a lifetime? So disrespectful to the Fans.

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