@Golden State Warriors

Stephen Curry is getting imaging done on his ankle today, sources tell ESPN. The team should have more information later today. Here’s last night’s story on his injury: @kendra_andrews

by Lord_Vanguard


  1. This will likely be a month long injury. On par with his other major ankle rolls.

  2. Speedy recovery Steph! Time for the rest to step up. Young guys have a huge opportunity (assuming Steph is going to miss some games) to be the offensive threat, we will need every bit of it to fill in for the purest scorer the NBA has ever seen.

    They’ll get first hand experience of what it’s like to not have our skyfuckers gravity. When Steph comes back, hopefully they’ll see all the opportunities they used to miss and take full advantage.

    We’ve been knocked down a bunch this season, but the team has responded well. Celtics loss and the turn around for a massive win over the Bucks. We need a similar response as a collective whole. LFG Dubs!!!!

  3. Grooveh_Baby

    Gonna need Wiggs’ offense & some serious consistency from him to stand a chance without Steph.

  4. scrambled_cable


    ‪༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ‬

  5. PhillipMcKrak

    I was just thinking the other day that Steph was going to play his first 70 game season since 2016-2017 and not miss much time to injuries. How I was wrong.

  6. LordCinnabon

    I’ve come to terms that this just isn’t our year to go all the way. It’s ok.

  7. legendkiller003

    I’m surprised it took a second game to take out our “fully healthy” narrative.

  8. canadigit

    God I winced so hard when I saw that 🙁 if he really is out more than 2 weeks I think we can call it on making the top 6

  9. Nessmuk58

    Can we get him a Wolverine-style adamantium skeleton?

    And maybe retractable claws for Draymond?


  10. TheRealSlumShedy

    And I got fourth row seats next to the Warriors bench for Monday’s game that I won from a raffle at work. FML bro I’m so genuinely sad

  11. all_natural49

    We have plenty of guards. There is only one Steph Curry, but its time for the rest of the team to step up and keep this roll going.

  12. NeedleGunMonkey

    Warriors fandom gonna really need to reset expectations. Can’t ride on Curry’s back into first sound playoff series exit and reinjure his ankle.

  13. HitYourMacros

    Fuckkkk this is going to be a stressful wait

  14. anyone else hoping for a repeat of 2022 where he was also injured right before the playoffs, then came back and went off the bench, and inevitably we won it all?

  15. Jesuisunetchoin

    Please be nothing and let him get some sleep lol

  16. Redditforever12

    sounds like atleast 2-3 weeks minimum. Forget 6-8 seed, just try to maintain 9/10 seed for play-ins.

  17. Dope-pope69420

    Little did we know when they were saying someone had to be out of the rotation they were talking about steph😭

  18. bypassmorecomments

    You guys need to understand that even with Steph healthy we were fighting for a low playoff seed or play in spot. This team was never going to make it far in the playoffs and people acting like the team needs to buckle down and stop dropping games to look like a championship caliber team are being unrealistic. Enjoy watching the games and don’t have high expectations.

  19. TheBubbaDave

    Luckily Chris Paul is a proven commodity in being able to run a starting lineup. The problem is replacing Curry’s scoring and ability to take over a game. Then there is the added problem of who picks up his slack on the bench? It’ll be interesting how this shakes out. Personally I would insert TJD into the starting line up. Let Podz and Draymond run the offense with Kuminga, Moody/Wiggins and TJD. Then you need to hope Paul with Saric/Loon can pick up the bench slack.

  20. If we had played good defense and played smarter offense we would have been had a 15 point lead and Curry would have been chilling on the bench. Instead we played with our food lost the game and perhaps our best player.

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