@Golden State Warriors

Why Jordan Poole Will NEVER Start Another NBA Game

Why Jordan Poole Will NEVER Start Another NBA Game

Let’s talk about Jordan p uh in 52 games at the start of this season P was averaging 16 points four assists two rebounds shooting 40% from the field he has since been moved to the bench in his last eight games coming off the bench p is averaging 24 points four assists

Three rebounds shooting 47% from the field we’ been said it what’s the biggest reason for P’s turn around he gets to play against the second unit rocket science ain’t rocket science oh man that’s not deep theology right there it a meant to be I’m merely a conduit to tell you things that are

Going on around the B basketball world it’s hor it’s horrible though because he done sealed his fate you forever you forever bench player you done sealed it like you would I would I wish I would have talked to you gave some chess moves look I know what I

Know what you’re thinking you about to go in there and kill these second units but you might want to just not cuz if if you look like if it looks like what they did was correct and you go out there and prove that’s your fate you’re never

Going to be a starter again well that’s you can’t go from 16 to 24 you better go to 16 to 10 embrace the iner your listen your contract is for a few years so you might have to sacrifice this year to prove that yeah you a better Star than

You are a bench player you done prove that oh your your role your impact is bch what’s wrong with that L will your inter your in L will know what’s wrong with that is I want I want three I want 300 million I hear you got one deal to me got

One what road did he playing Golden State right six man Championship level six man Championship 10 Championship level six man Championship level Squad playoff playoff bound Squad they got the call up though but is but if you if if you being honest right mhm and just if you watched him

Play in that role Mhm while they were winning there was a few games he started when the couple guys were out M he still played the exact same way there was no difference so I just don’t understand what people expected right James Harden but my so no so it’s not so you can’t

Compare so you look at guys who flourished in that road throughout their career Jamal Crawford or L will like that’s what they like not to say they didn’t have starter Talent they closed games MH when they on the floor with other guys but the role that they had was that

And they were never forced into this role that they tried to force Jordan pool in and it was unfair to him because that’s not like this is what I do like I I score buckets I don’t want no responsibility I don’t want to think I

Don’t want to have to think damn put me in this is what I so as a as management you failed him agent whoever it is failed him because you you got to look at what you have and what the product is this is what he does okay he’s

That I think when he’s starting with golden state you still on the championship players around you you go to Washington you mother ain’t never won nothing M right what the B ain’t no baners up there right I’m still the same player that I was coming off the but now it’s all this

Pressure for me to come out and try to lead somebody and do this and do when I ain’t never had that so why would y’all put me in this situation it sound good like I want to be a starter all that sound great so you have to be one until you and now

It’s like oh n this ain’t cool now you’re thinking too much now you a 16 when you they expecting you to be the like damn what’s wrong with him the you mean what’s wrong with him he is who he is he is who he is now you

Put him back in his in his natural environment it’s happen just what it is like these are facts and people chose to ignore them from the beginning of this season he hasn’t played well from October yeah November whenever yeah he hasn’t play at all he has not

Played well as a starter from what they say 52 games as a starter he didn’t play well in those 52 games as a starter so it took y’all 52 games to be like you know what hm get back let’s go try this ouch that hurts all I ain’t even

Going to lie hey that hurts man that hurts I the truth hurt the truth is the truth though I know like man I be sitting there like I mean that I want to be a star I want to be a star I ain’t going to never Ain no allstar game

Coming off this I a’t going to be all NBA like it just keep getting paid in this role I can keep stacking these M these 70 80 90 m whatever they want to keep giving me to play this role to put this ball in this basket and you look at

Differently right your peers look at you differently as a bad starter versus an elite role player cuz he was looked at as Elite as a ro as a six-man coming pack score you looked at him like Dy he’s this he that then you look at him

As a starter you like no matter to your point no matter where Jamal went no matter where L will went no they had the ultimate respect when they checked in you knew what it was like hey man they on The Scouting Report yes sir you got your starter one two and

This is third uhhuh facts like he’s an impact facts when he check in he got his highlighted different colors on it all the rest everybody black and white this got colors on it that’s a fact that’s a fact but is it different you talk about P’s impact with

Those Warrior squads winning the chip a winning program versus a 9 and 53 Wizards Squad they was they went 9 and 53 when the season started I understand but I’m saying now the like no jo they him from the beginning of the Season you’re not like you’re missing it nothing they him from

The beginning of the Season putting him in his role as a starter I think he wanted that challenge though OG I ain’t going to lie he he wanted to try to take his level to the he want to try do you think he came in like

Keep me in the he should have been but he came in thinking I got the keys now I’m tring I’m trying to take as this gets started you when you realize I’m two months in this and hey coach coach let me go back to my yeah

That’s what I’m saying like they put him in the roll cuz he want oh cool let’s let’s experiment with this you ain’t never been this okay I get it small sample size all right there a month pre-season all right cool a month all right cool we got we 25 games all

Right Co December hit now 40 games now you like is that something you would have done though as a player would you been able to say you know what I need to go back to I ain’t never been a bench player no I if you revers in the role me

Being a bench player no I want I’m a starter goddamn it like no yeah I’m not a bench player like no I was a I was a role player I was a bench player so I tell you I’ve started some games it’s much different going against the starting lineup versus

Coming in and playing your natural Off the Bench especially if you thrive in that role and so to try it sure you want to try it I started a few games uh my fourth year in the league before I got traded for Miami I was enjoying it but

Like 10 or 15 games in I’m like it’s different than when I can just come off and you know play a certain way so just for your point right M when I was with the Knicks Tyson went out right I was back in Tyson the Tyson went out we didn’t miss a Beat

I’m starting now we don’t miss a beat I’m a starter right the whole career my whole career that’s but that’s my first time coming off the bench was so it’s like like really really coming was so it’s like all right but now we don’t lose anything no for sure right

Then it being the other way right like you said Harden right if he’s coming in seeing what James did not to say he’s going replicate like when idea when you’re trying to be when you’re a six-man and you’re trying to like you want that knock on the door to say hey

We going to give you this starting opportunity like some people just ain’t built for it I remember this was this is how my career got started Golden State it was Game 42 or game 41 Larry hurt Larry got his ankle hurt and game 42 we’re playing San

Antonio Spurs and I walk into the gym you know I walk into the locker room and my name starting so I’m thinking you know nigas around over here like right and what happened was Bobby Sur said he doesn’t want to start right he says I

Don’t want to start I want to keep doing I’m I’m in a role right now I’m playing very well right now right I’m you know I got my rhythm going you’re not going to mess my rhythm up by putting me as a starter so put the young boy as a

Starter which is me mhm first 5 minutes he can come at a 6-minute Mark and I didn’t understand until you were saying it like once he comes in there’s three or four five fouls already on the on the thing somebody sub a little bit you know everybody’s a little bit of tired right

So now when he comes in he don’t have he gets to play a certain way the style he develop is for a certain time in the game come in get a little foul now he can start the game off shooting free throws get his rhythm like that and I

Didn’t understand like why would you you got the chance to be a starter and that’s what got me as a starter I came in played very well when Larry had got back I was playing so well that they was like nah we going we’re going to just keep

The young boy in and you know you come off the bench and it was like yo that was your position you didn’t give it up because he was feeling comfortable as a six-man yeah and the situation was yeah he did he lasted long in the league for that but the situation with James

And the different is with Jordan p and James when James with the Houston they everything was about James Harden like this is your team we gonna run everything for you this is this he go to Washington no he got to go become a like but I think that was not his skill

Set James had skill set but I think that was his I think you remember when we watched that Nick joint right and he did that step back and hit that shot had 40 something and his teammate was over there like that and that went viral I I think that with him yeah you

Said it then man I think that like it’s like one of those when the a a reporter asked you some in the Locking room like yeah you know your teammates is you know they saying you you ain’t passing the ball you start like you know you start looking around

Which ones right and then it makes you conscious of your game now and I think that that visual of his teammate having his hands up and everybody’s reacting on it I think it I think it kind of tried to I think he tried to recorrect it by

Saying all right I’m going just pass the ball and make sure I look for everybody and I think he just it kind of corrupted his game that’s preseason I think Danny AB right that that was that was early on I don’t think he’s the caliber of he

Ain’t been he ain’t been but he ain’t been right right yeah he ain’t never been right since that game though yeah I mean well look you don’t go to 46 and then you ain’t go to 46 and you shooting the shots you shooting to then take a a

Spiral after that yeah unless you really and you know once see some blood in the in the water you know kma seeing that next game like oh he a Oh I thought Oh I thought he was I thought he had that selfish but hey hey get the ball up yeah

Okay I guarantee you kman the number one option now right kman is is get his his bucket kma seen that blood in the water like yeah yeah yeah yeah woo you want to trade me to Dallas nah nah n no I got everything over here take you know what

Everything I’m go I’m St you want me to go play with L I need that rock

Gilbert Arenas Explains Why Jordan Poole Will NEVER Start Another NBA Game as he & The Gil’s Arena Crew reflect on the Washington Wizards decision to bench the former Golden State Warriors scorer and describe how his new role will define him for the rest of his NBA Career.

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  1. I blame Draymond for rocking his confidence and whoever on The Warriors staff who released that footage 😂

  2. So basically Gil wanted him to dog it coming off the bench to prove a point to the team? That’s asinine. Well dogging it is like James Harden, who quit on 3 teams, 3 sets of teammates, and 3 coaching staffs.

  3. No he just played in the warriors system he have to adjust to a new system it’s simple give it time

  4. Poole was a good piece to the puzzle he thought he was better than he was he made good shots on a good team but it's different when they say the team yours we need u every night he not cut like that hard work he could've been maybe but his confidence down and it's shows

  5. He can start he just gotta be on a good team, too much pressure when he’s the best on the team and he can’t handle it cause he not the type of player to lead a team. Put him on the thunder or lakers and watch how he hoop

  6. Wizards went from John wall to Bradley Beal to Jordan Poole .
    Blame the organization.
    They need Sam presti ova there

  7. In Jordan’s defense it was either take a bag from another team or continue to be the butt of all media jokes until the Warriors parted ways with Draymond I think his next team he will get back to himself

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