@Charlotte Hornets

Jeff Peterson introduced as Executive VP of Basketball Operations!! How involved will owners be?

Jeff Peterson introduced as Executive VP of Basketball Operations!! How involved will owners be?

It’s the Jeff Peterson episode I’m going solo today it’s just me and the fish there you go I just fed them they’re getting active they’re ready for some Jeff Peterson content the Executive Vice President of basketball operations introduced as a Charlotte Hornet yesterday you joined a bunch of different platforms let’s try to

Consolidate as much of that content as we can right here on lockdown Hornets you were locked on hornets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day in a minute we Live it’s lockon hornets part of the lockon podcast Network it’s your team every day thanks for making us your first listen we are free and available anywhere you get your podcast and that includes YouTube as always yeah I just introduced my fish that’s something I did without Doug’s help I go a little

Crazy without Doug as well he’ll be back with us on Monday so I’m going solo to talk about Jeff Peterson and all the different platforms he joined trying to figure out what was significant that he said and what was just a bunch of vague nothingness we’ll get to that in just a

Moment did want to tell you today’s episode is brought to you by game time you can download the game time app create an account and use code locked on for $20 off your first purchase again that’s game time create an account use code locked on for $20 off of your

Purchase so let’s get into to some of the main takeaways from Jeff Peterson’s introductory press conference and then him joining the Kyle Bailey show on WFNZ he joined the W pod he was on Queen City News he was on WCNC so many different platforms Jeff Peterson was a very busy man yesterday

After the introductory presser and so what I’m going to try to do at least this is what I try to do today on Weston Walker and then in the morning and here in a little bit during the break like I was trying to figure out what was

Important and so I think I’ve got most of it I don’t know if there’s anything else that I missed but you can tell me at Walker mail on Twitter if I did going through some of the main takeaways I think the first one I go to is with the introductory presser also including

Co-owners Rick schn and Gabe Plotkin the first question is are those owners gonna let Jeff do his thing he’s the chief basketball decision maker and that’s what gay plin and Rick schn were adamant about as I look over the notes here they were adamant they were making it very

Clear that he’s the chief basketball decision maker or a shot CER as I like to call it but he is the shot caller that’s what they were trying to be that’s what they were trying to relay to everyone everything will also be done in consultation with the owners though and

I saw a bunch of people on my timeline get freaked out by that and I get it especially if you are a Carolina Panthers fan too because David tepper’s entire tenure he has been met medling in football operations it’s not anything that is a good recipe for Success so

You’re worried about schn and Plotkin being too involved in basketball operations especially because I don’t know if y’all noticed this at the podium they were just seemingly taking credit for everything that happened at the deadline when we tried to figure out how much Mitch cup had to do with acquiring

The Oklahoma City players Dallas getting that first round pick from Dallas and Miami in the Terry rier trade we were like okay how how involved were the owners there were they just telling Mitch cup Che to be aggressive or were they saying no you need to be aggressive

And these are the specific players that I’m asking for it felt like at the podium when they were asked about how they operated at the deadline that it was them and only them operating at the trade deadline Mitch cup told you he was quite surprised by their knowledge of maybe

Even individual players yeah man it was them running the show all the way up and down every single moment of it was them poor Mitch can’t get any credit man after not doing anything at the deadline for so long finally does something Pokemon stick come on do something Mitch

Do something gay Plotkin and Rick schn are the puppeteers and Mitch cup Che is just the puppet although the puppet gets credit I don’t even know if cup Che gets any credit whatsoever with the way they were acting and so they told you actually what was weird about what they

Were telling you at the deadline was that they didn’t really intend to get better theyve they flat out told you they weren’t trying to get better we all know that but it feels a little say the quiet part out loudy when you say we weren’t trying to get better but at least they

Admitted it we all knew that you trade PJ Washington you trade Terry roier you trade Gordon Hayward even with some of those guys being hurt I didn’t expect them to go on the run that they did post deadline it makes sense just having capable bodies but they told they told

You we were just in asset collection mode so anyways they being very specific specifically Plotkin and schn people were a little worried about the every decision will be made in consultation with us but he’ll be the driving force on those basketball decisions yeah that one’s tough for me like I don’t know

If I’m too worried about that I saw some smart Hornets Twitter people tell you that yeah you know I saw that and I was a little worried are we talking about Michael Jordan again because that’s what we’re afraid of we’re afraid of David terer we’re afraid of Michael Jord we’ve

Seen it too much to me I operate in a space of not being naive enough to the point where none of these decisions are going to be made without some kind of sign off from the owner or at least the owner acknowledging it at least bringing it to the owner’s table

Saying hey I got a trade here I would like to make it just letting you know this is what I want to do and if the owner feels strongly enough about it then he might veto it and that’s where you can have an issue but

But it feels like I don’t know what 75 80% of the franchises run this way so I’m okay with every move or majority of the big ones I I don’t know how much of the second round picks are going to be you know ran by Plotkin and schnall to get their approval before

They send it in like I don’t know what’s going to Happ I’m sure they’ll be in the draft room but to me I I’m willing to let this thing play out for at least a year or two before we really get too worried about how much medling the

Owners are going to do in basketball Ops cuz they really wanted to make the maybe it was because they know it’s trouble if we start to catch wind that Plotkin and schn are running this whole thing again even with a different head decision maker going from cup check to Peterson

Maybe that’s why they were so strong in their messaging even so I understand all of that and Peterson was telling you he something that he loves to talk about is that he’s not smart enough to make all of these Decisions by himself so he tells you that he wants all the help he

Can get he’s getting that from ownership and also Staffing I I wanted to go to one of the comments on the WOD as we start to we’re going to jump all around here with some of the comments on the W pod Adrien wowski asked him what do you

Think are the two most important factors that you bring to this title as EVP with the Hornets organization and he said two of the most important things that you need to focus on or that it’s important that you accomplish have to have good Staffing he continues to go with I’m not

Smart enough to make these decisions by myself so he tells you Staffing is important and he also tells you discipline and so I think those are interesting because one especially with the assistant coaches the Hornets had a bad reputation that came out when Kenny Atkinson decided to go back to Golden

State after agreeing initially to become the head coach and then it came out that the Hornets don’t really pay their assistant coaches all that much that they wanted some of the assistance to stay on with Kenny Atkinson Atkinson backs out they still want those assistants to stay on with Steve

Clifford as he makes a second go at this thing and so it was weird even if you can make some basketball sense out of keeping the ass assistants to not pay them and to pay them towards the bottom in the NBA that’s where it gets tricky so I’m hoping that with new ownership

And Jeff Peterson acknowledging how important Staffing is no he’s not just talking about the coaching staff but I’m hoping that those guys get compensated and that you get smart people like legitimately not just yes man which I don’t think is true I don’t think that

They’re going to do that I hope not but I hope that you legitimately get a good cabinet to help you out in the decision-making process I hope it’s people that you’re familiar with I hope it it’s that I hope there are smart people that you’ve worked with before or

At least respect enough to hear out their opinion because then if you just bring a whole bunch of the All-Star Dream Team guys that they just want to be the head decision maker that’s where it can get a little tricky but I like the good Staffing and I like the

Discipline and that leads me to another point that Jeff Peterson shared not only in the introductory presser but also on the W pod Peterson told you that he doesn’t want to skip steps which is a good sign what’s nice about what WJ did is he said

What do you mean by that what are the ski what are the steps that you think can be skipped every once in a while that leads the other franchises astray and so when he was asked to specify that Jeff told you I think what happens is some teams will sacrifice long-term

Goals just so they could experience some success immediately so you don’t want to sacrifice those long-term goals just to succeed in the short term honestly that’s at least what Mitch cup told you at the podium he was very wary of that you don’t want to fall for this Mirage

That you’re better than you actually are and so you make a win now move at the expense of winning long term Mitch cup was all about it in fact he was too much about it to the point where he didn’t do anything we just have to find the nice

Medium right like you don’t want to hire someone who is the exact opposite of Mitch Cup who’s making deals willy-nilly it’s a little Rich Cho esque if you will you just want to correct it you don’t want to overcorrect it and I’m hoping Jeff Peterson is that guy that can

Correct it to where I like that if if you’re going to do anything if you’re going to lean one way or the other I mean like that Mitch cup Che leaned more so that you didn’t want to sacrifice long-term success you just never got out and did anything he kept sitting on his

Hands I don’t think Peterson is a hands sitter I do think that he’ll correct a little bit without going at the opposite end of the spectrum to where we just experience no activity at the trade deadline after no activity at the trade deadline like that’s not what you’re doing here especially under new

Ownership we have lots more sound to get to coming up next on the lockdown Hornets podcast I’ll continue to try to consolidate as much of these Jeff Peterson takeaways that I have trying to give you a schmorgus board of all of the best food options that we got from all

These different platforms so even if you should go and read everybody’s work and watch all of these clips I’m going to try to help you make sense of it all so instead before we do that I wanted to tell you about Nissan this episode is brought to you by Nissan as always we

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To figure out exactly who Jeff Peterson is I actually speaking of that very question that’s what he was asked asked on the Kyle Bailey show which is a part of WFNZ you can go check out that podcast and that show on but Kyle just asked Jeff who he is as a basketball

Player what was his story and so Jeff Peterson has a basketball background if you didn’t know already this is someone that committed to Iowa out of Springfield Missouri goes to Iowa transfers to Arkansa and he tells you that his dream was to get to the NCAA tournament and so he got his master’s

Degree at Florida State yes transferring twice and playing college ball for three different power 5 D1 programs but his goal was to get to the tournament and they did they actually won the ACC tournament that year that he went to Florida State and played under the North Carolina great Leonard Hamilton down

There so he’s got a little bit of a background with a few different college basketball programs and he loves the game and I like that and at the beginning of you the Kyle Bailey show pod they talked about who he is as a guy and also at the beginning of the W pod

This is something else I think is interesting you know they asked Jeff W asked Jeff about the city and how important basketball is to the Queen City and look a lot of this is plating to the public we love this the Hornets have done a lot of you know a

Lot of what they do is they try to force feed you this Nostalgia and I shouldn’t even say force feed it because we eat it up and I’m one I raised my hand High I eat it as well too but we need new memories and because we don’t have great

New memories we often focus on the good old days of Mugsy LJ and zo and we always reference that Trio and that’s exactly what w did with Jeff Peterson I will say it the fact that W acknowledges Charlotte as this sleeping giantes like I know that feels strong but this is a

City that is hungry for good basketball we we have not gone apathetic that is not the case Here We Care still and I don’t think there’s any more evidence than what you can do when you point to two years ago when they were over 40 wins they were over 500 and people

Wanted to see lamelo ball the fact that you got an All-Star at like 20 years old the fact that you won 40 games and competing to get to the playin tournament man Spectrum Center I don’t know about rocking but it you had a lot more people in there than you do

Nowadays and even so you still get a decent turnout man this fan base is hungry they have real Nostalgia but they haven’t gone way to these other franchises just because the Hornets haven’t been good in quite some time it feels like w realizes that it feels like

They’re all maybe they don’t talk about it as much it always feels like Charlotte is made as the joke they’re the butt of the joke in a passing way constantly Zack low Bill Simmons whoever their constant passing insult is it’s not like we’re talking about Charlotte oh yeah I’m not going to talk

About Charlotte all that much but but now Zack low I referenced earlier he talked about this with nikayas Duncan how Charlotte feels like a franchise that is comparable to Phoenix before Matt ishia bought the Phoenix Suns while Phoenix might be a bigger Market it’s still an area that players

Like to go to it is somewhat of a free agent destination this is an organization that does feel like under the right under the right management could really Blossom copy and paste that to Charlotte to some degree that’s what Zack low was discussing not too long ago and it feels

Like w acknowledges that too and so does Jeff Peterson he said it a million times we want to make this a premier franchise okay people can roll your eyes I get it that’s the rep that’s the reputation that they’ve earned so far but I still like shooting for the stars and

Hopefully they can reach that if we look down some of the other notes Here some of my other take ways from Gabe Plotkin Rick schn and Jeff Peterson not only on the on the introductory presser but in some of the podcast that Jeff Peterson joined afterwards one thing that Jeff has been

Asked about a lot I noticed this across every single platform right it’s the injury luck or lack thereof with this Hornets team I don’t know how Jeff would answer this this goes back to finding out answers that or finding out some of the things that we can have answers to

Immediately rather than just go to oh yeah we’ll figure that out in this on the last 20 games that we have of this season and then you know everything will be in evaluation process this Falls in line of the ladder but it is interesting how everybody asked about what he can do

To mitigate injuries and Jeff told you some of these things you can limit but sometimes it’s just bad luck and there’s nothing you can do and so what he told you in these last 20 games he’s going to evaluate that and then figure it out which ultimately means what is the

Training staff looking like do you want to get rid of those guys do you want to keep half and get rid of half whatever that means but it’s been pretty terrible for the Hornets and I’ve never been one that’s truly comfortable with criticizing the training staff because I

Wouldn’t know how to criticize them with and it’s hilarious it’s the classic I’m not a doctor thing yet a lot of people will tell you well look the training staff they’ve not been having these guys healthy and ready to go and so they need

To be fired I mean I guess we can try to get as much evidence from player polls on how they view training staffs and then if there’s some reported terrible decision about letting a player play when he wasn’t supposed to we had a little bit of that I guess with the

Hayward family and then one instance is maybe enough to raise an eyebrow I have not reached the point where I’m comfortable criticizing the training staff yet you decide what you want to do Jeff Peterson will have to have that same decision and we’ll see see what he

Decides to do but all I know is I’m tired of this house being haunted as Doug likes to say and I would really rather just be a healthy basketball team that would be fantastic let’s move on to the last segment of lockdown Hornets we still have some more comments to comb

Through and also people asked questions on Twitter tweeting at me lockdown Hornets Walker mail about some of the things that you guys wanted me to talk about so not a sick o Satchel Doug takes that with him when he leaves the pod but we can get to some of these questions

That people had for me and I will get to them in the last segment this episode is brought to you by game time we always appreciate game time for their support thanks again for sponsoring us on this Jeff Peterson episode game time is the only ticketing app that gives you

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Purchase terms apply again create an account redeem code l o c k d o n locked on for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed so I did want to get to some more comments real quickly just as to what Jeff was mentioning Jeff Peterson

Talked about miles Bridges a little bit Kyle bile Adrian wowski both ask Jeff about the upcoming contract and it’s an important one you go to the Hornets payroll that’s the contract that stands out the most unrestricted free agent he can decide wherever he wants to go and if a team

Gives him an offer sheet Hornets don’t have the right to match but miles has to want to leave and I’ll tell you after hearing Jeff discuss miles with Kyle and miles with WJ feels like he’s coming back man which I’m not surprised but when Jeff is asked

About the younger players on this team and what he thinks about him he mentions miles it’s not just Brandon Miller it’s not just lamelo he talks about how impressive miles is too and with Kyle he discussed how miles going out there on the court and playing a bunch of games and being

One of the healthier guys at least that you know look he didn’t play last year because it was felony domestic violence arrest it wasn’t because he got injured so I guess Jeff is right in that regard Jeff also talked about character being a really important factor in what guys you’re going to bring

In after that when talking about miles Jeff said I’m going to get to know him and see what he’s about but he likes him as a player and I can understand it is he worth 20 to 25 million Jeff will have to figure that one out as well as what

His opinion is on mil character but but I think he’s coming back that’s not changed it just feels more and more so like Jeff wants miles back as well and if he really is the chief basketball decision maker then I expect miles to come back as well and then hopefully

Some of these practice facilities help Jeff Peterson and the Hornets out in general with attracting some of these free agents gay Plotkin said that at the introductory presser he said with these upgraded facilities yeah you’re hoping that you can give the players everything that they would be look looking for from

A high class professional franchise and if you start to upgrade some of those facilities then yeah it it it probably will bring you and help you um bring in more Talent the last rapid fire moments I wanted to bring up Jeff Peterson talks about how alignment is huge from the

Owner to him as an Executive Vice President of basketball Ops to the head coach having alignment is really important and I can understand that like if we wanted to focus on what his experience was with Brooklyn buddy lots of drama over there and he’s credited in helping recruit Kevin Durant and Kyrie

Irving but there was some drama there too Kevin Durant one of the coach fired Kyrie Irving wouldn’t get the VX and he’s what sage in TD Garden which is probably one of the you know finer things that he did but yeah there was a lot to deal with to where eventually you

Had to trade Kyrie Irving and then trade Kevin Durant and make the best out of that situation it’s easy to trade that kind of talent and get a good package in return but Jeff was the guy that apparently made all that tenable and I like that if you have that type of power

To manage the crises as W put it within Brooklyn then I hope you don’t have to deal with that level of crises here in Charlotte and if you’re able to do that then I would think you can handle it here with the Hornets organization so Jeff Peterson being able to do that and

Also with the cap making it to where smaller markets close the gap with some of the bigger markets and attracting free agents Jeff Peterson made sure to note that too he said not many guys even get to free agency with the new salary cap rules and

So it really helps if you draft well which that’s always been the case but even especially here if you can draft some Talent then odds are with the new cap that you’ll be able to keep a lot of these guys and you at least get to make

That decision whether you want to keep them or not so those are some of the things that Jeff Peterson had to say at his pressor and also on some of these podcasts let’s read some questions real quickly before we end today Russell Daniel asked should the Hornets draft

The center since we have no idea about the future for Mark that’s a good question I think with this draft being so up in the air I think you just draft best player available yeah it’s a simple thing to say but but especially with this draft being considered weak not all

The time is that going to be true like I remember the Kyrie Irving draft being considered weak and and there was some real talent that came out of that draft so you know it’s it’s not always true but yeah man if if the best player is a

Center and like there’s a decent gap between whoever that Center is and whoever is next on the list especially if they have some shooting prowess yeah I mean why wouldn’t you draft that player I if if you have a different position in the same tier you probably

Go with that different position but no you take the most talented player even if that does mean he’s a center now this is awkward here I am talking about Mark who I legitimately very much like Mark Muse on Twitter asked how would you guys feel about taking Dalton canette in the

Draft watching him last night he can really score and seems like a great second option look as far as the draft goes haven’t done a lot of homework so I know Dalton is an absolute star watching college basketball as far as how he fits in the NBA haven’t done enough

Evaluation on that yet but Dalton does look like a star would love to see him here’s a funny one from Captain regulator on Twitter on the W pod interview with Jeff Peterson wge mentioned how important Lonzo ball yes that was correct Lonzo ball was for the Hornets which is worse W believing Lonzo

Plays for the Hornets or Jeff Peterson not correcting him I think it’s worse for wge cuz Jeff is just trying to focus on the question and maybe he understands what he means anyway but I’m going to go with wge either way probably not great out of hornets he writes in on Twitter

What areas of improvement do you think Jeff will Target first training staff coaching players or front office good question from out of hornets I think it goes I think it goes front office the Staffing there and then I think it goes players I think Steve Clifford is coming

Back that’s probably one of the more important things to talk about man he likes himself from Steve like you you heard it at the presser he seems to genuinely enjoy Steve Clifford’s company and you heard it on some of these podcasts how much he likes Steve he

Joked about how he just thought Steve was this kudin constantly frowning and this angry dude and of course it’s it couldn’t be further from the truth if you know Steve or have had any one-on-one interaction get to see him joke around he’s a great guy guy great

Guy and I think especially if Steve and Jeff both have built a very good reputation within the league because of relationship building then it’s only natural for both of those guys to have a good relationship with one another if that’s the case and you talk about having alignment all the way from the

Top to the bottom you could still have that if you look for a new coach but it’s also already here if Jeff and Steve get along they already worked together in Brooklyn then it would make sense that you keep Steve Clifford so coaching I think is probably last you have to

Have the draft you have to have you have to make sure what your front office is the training staff I don’t know what’s going to happen I mean he’ll figure out that stuff too and so what areas of improvement do you think he’ll Target first if he makes changes training staff

And front office but if you don’t have any changes then training staff will you know I just think the likelihood of that changing is 5050 I’m not exactly sure you have to hit the draft you have to make sure you have the right Staffing because that’s important to Jeff

Peterson and then I do think Steve Clifford’s coming back so I guess if you think he’s coming back they’ll probably make that decision pretty quickly that’ll do it today for lockdown Hornets thanks for making us your first listen we’re free and available anywhere you get your pods and that includes YouTube

Have a great rest of your day I’ll be back with you tomorrow to give you another solo episode and then Doug I believe will join me on Monday I believe that’s the case so I’ll be back with you tomorrow to give you more Peterson analysis and also look at the upcoming

Schedule here for the Charlotte Hornets this has been locked on Hornets on the locked on podcast Network

The Charlotte Hornets introduced Jeff Peterson as Executive VP of Basketball Operations on Wednesday as the Hornets transition into a different era. What were Walker’s takeaways? Walker goes solo to discuss the notable comments from Jeff Peterson’s presser and his podcast tour. Will the owners let Jeff cook? What are the most important factors in leading a franchise?

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  1. There are plenty of reasons to be excited and encouraged for the future. It's a new day for this franchise, so let's rock the purple and teal and buzz buzz it up!

  2. That's how I would've ranked them too, I said coaching because I'm sure there is some assistants/consultants that might wanna work for him. Thanks for answering the question!

  3. Conspiracy theory regarding the trade deadline deals didn't feel like a Mitch type deals. Owners having that much trade knowledge or was someone outside the organization feeding them information and advice. Perhaps someone that was eventually hired to run basketball operations?

  4. Jerry Jones is the same way for😢 the Cowboys in the NFL. Why are you hiring these people to do the job of building the team JUST to interfere?? It's a recipe for losing

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