@Boston Celtics

Chuck: I would be shocked if the Celtics don’t win the Finals | Inside the NBA

Chuck: I would be shocked if the Celtics don’t win the Finals | Inside the NBA

Uh meantime on the on the basketball front if this were to be uh the final shra Damas uh on a scale of one to 10 How likely is it I would say seven I Like the Way Boston is playing I Like the Way PO zingas is really playing he’s uh mixing

It up uh Tuesday you know when I watched him play he did something I haven’t seen him do in a while usually just shoots jumpers and keep shooting but I seen him miss a couple jumpers put his head down get to the line a couple times and then

Go back out and regain that Rhythm from long distance so if he can give us 25 and up and even have you know one or two spectacular games where he’s in the 30 maybe 40s I definitely like that Boston in the finals Celtics do have three guys

Averaging 20 you got Tatum you got brown you got porzingis and you got the best record in the league and they are coming off uh one of those games where you’re up 22 in the fourth quarter up 22 with n minutes left and then Dean Dean Wade

Dean Wade was fabulous but the Celtic choked that game away you can’t be you can’t be up 20 and lose that game I was Donovan Mitchell watching I was watching and no Donovan Mitchell that makes it even worse first of all Dean Wade was amazing he was amazing but you know the

Celtics have a problem with their offense at times when they’re not making threes they get really stagnant offensively they just play one-on-one basketball they’re like here Jason Tatum you know Jayden Brown didn’t even take a shot in the fourth quarter but they get a ball to Jason tat said make a play

They got no body and ball movement that’s one of their weaknesses they got so much talent they can get above that but I’m curious about two things tonight first of all that first game I can’t wait to watch it because at some point the mths and we’ll be talking about that

In the next segment but I I want to know how Pingas is going how Joker Is Gonna Play porzingis Because and I want to know how porzingis is gonna play The Joker that is a great great matchup because I don’t think either one can go out the other

But it’s going to be fascinating Joker trying to guard porzingis out on the floor and in the post that dude is humongous but I I’m really looking forward to watching that match up tonight yeah their game in January was a doozy 102 to 100 nuggets beat him uh

Jamal Murray had 35 and that one Joker 3412 and n and they were down 12 in that game but outscored the Celtics 2118 in the fourth quarter what are you looking at in this match up I had an interesting question asked to me today and I’m going ask it to Shack and

Chuck if you you’re ripped Van Winkle and you fall asleep today you wake up Ernie wakes you up in June and he goes the Boston Celtics or the Denver Nuggets did not win the championship who won it who do you think would win it what

Would be if it’s not the Celtics or the Nuggets yeah oh it would be in in my opinion it would be the clippers but I got to tell you this and Shaq before he goes Phoenix Phoenix so I said the Clippers as well if I woke up

I’d be like oh the Clippers are healthy I got to say something though about this Celtic team if they don’t win a championship this year it would be a total gag job because they got everything they got two everything but a bench uh well you only

Play five players uh so so that I don’t want to he not bad at their bench yeah but dude come on you got Tatum Brown Drew holl Ernie you your your rotation is going to shrink during the playoffs so your bench is not as important as you think it is but they got

Everything I mean you give me you got brown and Tatum you got two of the 10 best players in the league probably you got a great leader in Drew holiday you got probably the best six man even though he’s a starter D white yeah yeah but I’m not I’m talking about Pingas I’m

Not I’m not even counting Derek white they’re all starters yeah yeah no no but I’m that’s my point I said even though he’s a starter Pingas is probably the best guy who’s not a number one or two guy on the team in the NBA and then I

You can throw Derek white in there too I will be shocked if the Celtics don’t win because they got it all they don’t have like you can say they bench but their bench they could solve their bench problems very easily I I I honestly think they should bring pingles Off the

Bench personally that’s just my personal opinion you Tinker with what they got going on right now they only lost what 13 I but no you talking about the bench you said the bench was the question you got Drew holiday tatman Brown and Derek white Jason Brown Jason and Jaylen gonna

Get all the shots so you would take alfha and start I mean I would bring if I needed Ben gon I’d bring Pringles Off the Bench now he’s going to finish the game he’s going to always finish the game I said the same thing about my Phoenix Sons I would bring Bradley Bill

Off the Bench I would finish with those three nuclear weapons they got but if I was worried about my bench cuz there’s only one ball there oh thank you I was wondering if if they had changed the rule that was that was kind of an Abrupt put on The Brak

Charles Barkley, Shaq, and Kenny discuss if the Celtics vs. Nuggets matchup is a Finals preview on Inside the NBA.

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  1. Jus two weeks ago, he said they weren't gonna win, now he going back on wat he said. These analysts be contradicting asf


  3. I wouldn't, at all, and I say at a Celtics fan. Simply put, the Celtics can have the best record in the league by far, but when they meet another championship caliber team, either Tatum, or Brown, sometimes both, they crap the bed. You can bet your money on it. Look at Tatum. He choked against the Nuggets in Boston, the he choked even worse today with a terrible performance and by throwing a stupid lob to Brown while he could've easily went to the rim to tie the game at the end. I have literally 0 confidence in this team winning it all unless the supporting cast plays nothing short of great.

  4. Like they could not see Boston losing 2021/22 finals. Like they couldn't see Miami winning against Boston last season šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  5. After seeing the Game Earlier against Denver….I Don't see them winning… Tatum is inconsistent and tends to fall in love with taking a lot of Jumpers instead of posting up and attacking the Rim

  6. Cs have no answer for Jokic and Porter locks up Tatum.
    Jrue is now a 10 point a game player washed up…
    KP gets man handled lol

  7. Brown & Tatum won't show up. Cs 0-2 vs this team. They play like trash against them.
    Nuggets lock them up not sure how…

  8. They can't figure out the clutch. Tatum is the worst clutch shooter out of any superstar statistically. They need to just let Jalen Brown attack the rim and get to the line.

  9. In close games they have problems that I think Giannis and Dame don't have as well as the Nuggets. So while Celtics have the best roster, they are missing that decision maker who runs the team at the end.

  10. JT does not have the killer instincts in him the sense of urgency yes he wants to be the man win and all but he dont have that i ll do whatever it takes. i have always said he is momma boy just like jb lost out there if he had it he and jb would have won already. he and jb will choke

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