@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets beat Celtics 115-109: Jokić records triple-double, Tatum misses in clutch | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Nuggets beat Celtics 115-109: Jokić records triple-double, Tatum misses in clutch | NBA | UNDISPUTED

You ready yeah I’ve been ready was Boston ready last night and to you what exactly happened last night well the the the Nuggets happen right and start with Joker end with Murray and everybody else on the team in between but you think about it in the fourth quarter the

Celtics shot 36% from the floor fourth quarter they only managed 25% from three you can’t win games like that when you going up against this type of Team on the road especially and on top of that you think about it they still one of the

Celtic is still one of the top two teams in the East okay it’s I understand that if you want to call it a sweep because it’s 20 to Denver versus the Celtics spread out this is not this is not the NBA Finals no if it’s the NBA Finals

Maybe you’re looking at a little bit different skip because you got a you know you got a A number of games spread out over several weeks January 19th was when they played in Boston it’s a totally different situation but you got to think the Nuggets first of all in in

The fourth that their fourth in points allowed and last five minutes of games we talk about this all the time when it comes to teams that they play whether it’s the Lakers or whether it’s the Suns or the Celtics or whoever it is that they’re beating everything seems to be

Close and for whatever reason against this team they they have figured out how to close games out in the fourth quarter with about four minutes or left left in games when everybody else is missing shots they’re making shots in transition they’re throwing lobs they’re dunking they’re knocking down threes so they’re

Kind of like taking your heart away from you late in games and that’s exactly what I felt like happened last night to the Celtics I thought the Celtics for the most part they didn’t play extremely well but they didn’t not have a chance to win the game that is a fact they they

Had a chance to win the game but again in that late fourth quarter they missed shots the nuggets made shots and so that’s how I sum it up okay I have said all year even though I have picked the Celtics to win the Eastern Conference the one thing I don’t

Love about this Joe Missoula version of the Celtics as opposed to the eme udoka previous version of the Celtics is it’s the oldest cliche in basketball since the invention of the three-point line shot you live and you die by the three and they all time live and die by the

Three I have never seen anything like it in NBA history where a good team not just some fluky you know off- radar team but a good basketball team that plays very good their third and defense they still offensively just live and die by the three and they effectively died by

It last night even though the the problem was okay so they shoot 11 of 38 so they tried 38 they they average 48 a game so you can say well at least they kind of kept it to a low Ro yeah but it’s 28.9% it’s just not on the road okay

You’re not going to win that basketball game unless the home team shoots four of 21 from three Denver was four of 21 so from the three-point line that’s plus 21 points for Boston well isn’t that how they sort of hung in there oh yeah and by the way if they make if they’re

Making if Boston making their threes Boston wins again okay why have they beaten three teams by 50 plus points why did they beat who was it Golden State by 52 and they beat Pacers by 51 they beat the Nets by 50 why did they do that cuz they just reain threes especially

Against Golden State in the first quarter it seemed like they made 16 threes okay if you’re going to do that you’re going to win by 50 but you can’t do it every night because it’s a hard shot as you know they take the most they make the most but they’re making the

Most because they take the most so in in these playoff series if this is the seven game finals well they’re just going to roller coaster ride cuz one night and you can’t even explain it it’s inexplicable to me it’s like mystifying why why do you heat up some nights and

Some nights you don’t I don’t know the coaches can’t explain it you just kind of hope that guys come out and they it suddenly looks good you know it feel maybe the first one goes in you go oh I like that that felt good and then all of

A sudden they’re all it gets contagious and they all go crazy well poor zingis was three three for 10 okay three but but he actually in the second half he met when he was making them they felt big to me they they felt like they were

Real and like they they kept them a yeah I mean but but when you’re shoot see I I understand the bigs this is the game now shooting thre but I just don’t think like you said skip that you need to take as many they shot 38 of them last night

Know and they were not even falling at all if they were falling then I would sit and say okay yeah go ahead and keep knocking them down yeah I understand three is more than two but when it’s not falling for you find something else to score your points on okay and and again

Cuz if you become aggressive and you get to the cup you can get and ones and that’s your three right there yeah and so then they’re stuck off and with porzingis trying to guard jic and he’s just not physical enough he doesn’t have enough girth and and we talked yesterday about

How you know Joker is slim down some he still looks pretty portly but but he can throw his weight around and when he throws it into porzingis porzingis is taller than he is but it doesn’t matter you know because his trunk is a lot

I I would say okay so there’s one guy in that Celtics locker room who has as you say that dog in him there’s one guy you can trust in the biggest moments and biggest games and he’s the new guy he’s Drew holiday and I still say Milwaukee

Will miss him as much as the Celtics will benefit from having him in big playoff games because he is a big play maker on both ends of the floor how did they get back in the game last night he made two big Late Three in the fourth quar only he made okay and

And they were huge they they were they were momentum where they’re crucial where you say oh that that had to be made for them to have a chance all right so then we get to a guy who I’m not sure has enough dog in him that’s Jason

Tatman I’ve talked about him for years on this show I’m I’m gonna remind everybody he’s in his seventh NBA season he is a great guy he he is is a nice guy he is the nicest guy I’m just not sure because I’ve never been sure he’s that

Guy when it comes to making basketball shots big big plays big plays big moments I don’t see enough of him he’s had a rocky year in crunch time what they call clutch time he’s 32% in clutch time this year they’re obviously a really good team they’ve had historic

Moments this year but in these games in the biggest moments he’s got to be their best player and I’ve often said to me Jaylen Brown’s a little bit I would take Jaylen Brown over Jason well that that conversation came up a year or so ago when they were talking about moving some

Pieces around Jaylen Brown name was mentioned and he wasn’t feeling he wasn’t very happy about it but he wind up getting a super Max and stand yeah with the Boston Celtics so look Tatum hasn’t had the best year he hadn’t had the best success in the playoffs he has

Not they anointed him as their guy he’s the face of the franchise and he was their guy he’s probably got to do better at times but I’m not so down on him like you skipped to the point where I’m now going to start picking Jaylen Brown over

Tatum because Tatum is supposed to be the guy yeah and he’s not living up to the expectations of what people think he should be he’s a hell of a basketball player man he’s a hell of a basketball player last night Jaylen Brown was the guy because he scored 41 with 14 boards

That’ll work and and porzingis gave you 24 and 12 that’ll work but the guy the face of the franchise he had kind of an ad kind of an one of those those non nights where you say where are you low energy low impact just just didn’t seem to have a lot of maybe

It’s carrying over from the night two nights ago when he didn’t play so well down the stretch down the stretch he missed like nine shots maybe one for his last and one for nine in the fourth he missed his last nine shots yeah last nine shots so maybe it’s a carry over

For L yeah and he had he went five of 13 so Jaylen Brown took twice as many shots as Jason Tatum did 29-13 and once again as I was forced to call him in the finals two years ago he can be Jason turnover because he he will

Turn the basketball he had five last night remember the finals against Golden State he he averaged four a game and the numbers were he he he played okay other than that he was 20 in the finals he was 227 and seven but remember in the Conference finals against Miami last

Year he he could couldn’t buy a three he was 23.5% from three against the Celtics in seven I’m against the Heat in seven games and they lost that all right so what happens last night they force a turnover thanks to Drew holiday and they they have kind of a little semi three on

Two break I thought they could have gotten a dunk out of it but they they still got Jason T Tatum drifting to the corner and he gets a wide open uncontested three from the corner and here it is with 45 seconds left see that I think they whatever and I’ll take that

I’ll take it if that’s your best player and he left it a little short just a little short or a little long well it’s just it hits the the front side it hits the front side it’s just it’s like I don’t know six inches short maybe four inches short and it

Hits the front side of the I’ve seen him make that shot well well you have but I haven’t seen enough in those moments because that gives them the lead in the basketball game with 4 seconds left right yep okay so now to cap that off if

We’re just looking at the two best teams so far in basketball let’s go back to that January 19th game what happened at the end of that game well Jason Tatum didn’t happen again they had their late chances there were two shots that he had late in this game we could see the two

He’s got kind of a reverse layup here and he kind of lost the handle for a second but he just left it a little short I’m not I’m not condemning that one not condemning that one he didn’t really have the handle just didn’t get the ball up but you got to make these

Okay so here’s the inbounds at the buzzer this is to tie and he missed it badly okay that’s to tie the first one was to go ahead of point and the second one was to tie all right so once again it came down to Jason Tatum Jason Tatum Jason Tatum

Because it should come down to Jason Tatum and and again it’s hard for me to come down hard on Jason Tatum because listen I’m close with Nelly Nelly watched the kid grow up he he is salt of the earth he he’s as good as it gets he

His heart is good he he he he’s a good father good he he’s all he’s everything you could want nothing to do with it has nothing to do with playing basketball but but I it it makes me pause because even his postgame interviews they’re Sensational he’s openhearted he’ll just

Give you all he’ll he’ll just gush for you look he hasn’t look he hasn’t come up in the biggest moments for him in times that you look up you say some things when I was working with with perk over at ESPN and when they lost that it

Was a championship game I don’t remember what championship game was one of them because they had been in a couple yes uh but he lost it and I told him I said I think honestly I think the window of Championship has closed for Boston they’ll always be around and hovering

And making you feel good about the situation there’s just something that’s missing on that team that can’t get them over the hump now they go out and they get por Zinga so you figure okay they added some pieces they bring Jaylen Brown back it’s just one of those Drew holiday and Drew

Holiday they go out get Drew holiday so you figure okay this is going to make a this team is going to make a strong Championship run again January 19th and then again last night doesn’t mean anything to me because the postseason is a lot tighter in between games opposed

To this being stretched out like that maybe being in the postseason in the seven game series against a Denver Nugget type team or even the Milwaukee to get there you may see something different from them we haven’t seen it yet because they haven’t won a championship yet we’ve been talking

About this team the same team for the most part the makeup of jayen brown and T for seven years we’ve been saying the same things for seven years that is correct so I don’t know if they’re the best that’s why I said to you the other

Day I don’t know if they’re the best team in the conference it could be Milwaukee for all we know it could be CLE a healthy Cleveland team seven game series they are really deep and good I agree with you all right it look here’s the point Jason Tatum I’m not writing

Him completely off because sometimes you just need enough Scar Tissue you just need to go through it enough times and fail enough times until you finally just say that’s enough of that and you get mad about it in a good way and you just say okay I’m better than this watch this

But to your point again we’re at the end of year seven it’s not the year of end two you know year two or three it’s it’s seven total seasons and we haven’t seen enough take La though yeah would you a heartbeat okay well is that happening no

I’m just saying we’ll take you I know but you always just snap your fingers as a Laker fan and you’re just delusional like we’ll just come on over here just come over I’m not delusional we just like to have great players he’s a great player they’re just destined to

At some point finish out in La some point yeah if if they become available they are certainly eyeing Los Angeles all right we’ll take you would you take Joker see you you you don’t like him and and he’s looks like he’s going to win another MVP I know I just it’s just too

Bland for me okay when have our Sinners been that bland like we us got some some some pop to it even though he’s a hell of a player and he looks great you a fool not to one him but he just he doesn’t fit let’s just put it that way

Okay so he doesn’t fit yet last night after Jason Tatum missed that wide open Corner three the nuggets come down on the next possession and Joker at first I thought it was just a bad shot it’s just one of those genius passes of his he’s

Up in the air and he throws a hook pass to Aaron Gordon yeah and Aaron Gordon is the perfect compliment for Joker because Aaron Gordon’s got low ego and all he does is roam the Baseline and lurk and and if he gets open he is 69 and he can

Jump out of the gym and he’s strong and and he will hurt you well first of all poor zingis on that particular play shouldn’t be flopping okay you can’t do that stay St stay poised get set that was a keep your yeah you you you you can’t just stay right there with your

Hands up okay but how many centers in the history of basketball have been able to go up to shoot a little baby hook and at the last second say oh I think I’m going to re aim over here and I’m going to actually hook a pass for a dunk cuz

I’m pretty sure that was not a bad shot I think it was a pass that was a pass it was just he he he intended to throw that as a pass to begin with though that was always that he didn’t wait to the the the 11th hour to make a decision to

Throw it as a pass no that was already hey I’m getting ready to my man Chris haes was on TNT after the the game Talking to Joker and and was a little skeptical you sure that was a pass and yeah you can tell you can tell it was a

Pass 100% you can tell it was all right so once again this team down the stretch of close games they don’t fold they don’t buckle they they just stay right in sequence and make all the right little big plays they’re not Sensational nobody’s going to hit you know well

That’s what I said they’re fourth in the league in the last five minutes of a game allowing points defensively y or or over time I mean they and they’re just for what I don’t know what Mike Malone is doing to get them to focus in late in

The fourth quarter but whatever it is we need some of that from the Lakers yep you do I agree so Kean I I don’t know how bland 32 points I know with 12 rebounds and 11 assists that’s pretty bland no so right it’s just it but

His it doesn’t look good but it’s so damn effective that he’s going to win with with will it be his second or his third MVP which one would it be be to three right it would be his third yeah yeah it it’s it’s going to probably

Count for his third MVP and maybe just maybe a second straight trip to the finals yeah so I was thinking to you last night when I’m thinking Luca had another Sensational night we’re going to talk about him in a few minutes so he’s on an offensive tear and and also

Assisting and rebounding putting up huge offthe chart numbers this guy is dominating at his position and neither one of them can jump at all so so joer dunk last night I know but but he rarely dunk no but I’m saying he got a dunk last night well he’s seven

Feet tall you think he could dunk flat footed right he got a little but what I’m saying they they don’t use leapers you know like that they’re they’re not going to out I don’t know I can’t remember yeah any European players for the most part being Flyers

They they they got they got hit rock they can knock it down they can pass they can do all sorts of things lack of defense for the most part because I think that League those leagues are all offense over there and they grow up shooting the pill and so I think that

From a joker standpoint he doesn’t need to to Tomahawk dunk on you he doesn’t need to do those things because his perimeter game is tight his inside game is tight and the guy is I mean he’s what you going to say there’s nothing to argue about with him no skip I’m just

Saying for me he just doesn’t I don’t know it’s something about him this it’s like oh but hey if he going to give me a championship if he’s on my team I’ll take it all day long he doesn’t need to be a a snack Crackle Pop guy he’s very

Effective at doing exactly what he’s been doing both both he and Luca have reinvented the speed of basketball go ahead you want I was going to say Luca has a little more Pizzazz to him than Joker he’s more fun to watch he he’s a little more Pizzaz to him a joker but

They just they slow it down just enough to where they get you they they lure you in okay but but they’re playing at their own speed and you can’t find their speed because it’s out of rhythm you can’t so to speak dance to it you know they won’t

Let you dance with them they can’t you can’t mirror what they’re doing because it’s Herky jerky off Rhythm you know what I mean it’s it just drives you crazy because that’s not how you do it Luca’s Less Old Man game than Joker Joker got Old Man game that’s just you

Know it’s a it’s a weird it’s a weird deal it’s almost like when you talk about wimy the other day about being your dad when he blocked that’s just like Joker like oh I’m just gonna you know do this to you and then boom I’mma hit it there’s nothing you can do oh

Where did that come that’s not how you do it right oh it went in way to go all right I can’t wait to talk about this because I can’t wait to hear what keesan has to say about this Jake Paul is actually going to fight Mike Tyson really thanks for watching Undisputed

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Skip Bayless and Keyshawn Johnson discuss the Denver Nuggets win over the Boston Celtics in an NBA Finals preview. The two discuss Nikola Jokić’s triple-double performance, Jayson Tatum’s 15 points and look ahead to a potential NBA Finals matchup between the two.

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Nuggets beat Celtics 115-109: Jokić records triple-double, Tatum misses in clutch | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. In my opinion, Jokic is one of the most fun players to watch. He's my personal favorite. I don't understand this argument that he's not flashy. He's flashy in a different way. He makes people look foolish with his footwork and the passes are as flashy as they come! It feels like I'm watching a different player to all these detractors.

  2. Also, silent hating on the Nuggets is just ridiculous.
    Every take these “experts” make is from a point of how THE team (insert Lakers, Warriors, Boston here) lost to the Nuggets. Well who cares? Nuggets were just better. Praise them and talk about them for 1 fricking minute of the segment!

  3. No discussion about the brilliance of the Nuggets, and all discussion about what the Celtics did wrong. Typical trash sports media biased towards talking about stupid big market teams.

  4. These two are just making excuses for the Celtics. Nuggets are the best team with the best player. Period

  5. That’s alright Keyshawn, I don’t think The Joker wants to go to LA anyways. He would much rather recruit Luka and continue to dominate the Lakers for another 10 years. Oh and by the way “who’s your Daddy”?

  6. Again I will tell you: KD comes the next game and puts up 22 shots. He doesn't care. That's how JT has to approach the game.

  7. Im suprised there haven’t been more centers with vision like Jokic, not trying to diminish what he’s doing . I’m sure we’ll start to see more and more now

  8. The scripted nba where every storyline is pre chose and the winners already picked number 15 will twopeat number 15 in NFL and NBA would that be a great script

  9. My man doesn't want Joker in LA because he doesn't like the way he looks. Talk about LA fans lmao

  10. It’s funny that Key calls Skip delusional for wanting all these great players to come to the cowboys but as a Lakers fan he does the same 😂

  11. So is this show a guys version of The View? Where all these comentators come to try to burry the real truth and that what is obvious.

  12. just fyi when this clown says joker is bland, hes saying joker is white. this show has fallen off the rails lmaoooo

  13. Tatum only turns into a DAWG only when they play Philly 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ he gotta start being mean and aggressive if your team believes in you they’ll follow u 💯

  14. All about what boston didnt do. Keep ignoring denver and thr best player in the world on Jokic, and they will keep winning championships

  15. Keyshawn knows nothing about basketball , US basketball is all about offence, european game is much more balanced and almost every team has defencive specialist who play like 30 minc and get 4 like points and to say that jokic dribble sky hook pass to gordon dunk is not sensetional is crazy

  16. this take is a great example of how lame this show has become.. zero energy, zero chemistry, zero sense. the end is near

  17. Why are you guys always so mad when the Nuggets win? It’s never, “The Nuggets won because they’re the best team” it’s always “The Lakers/Celtics/etc lost because (insert 10 minutes worth of excuses)” Like.. everybody always acts like the Nuggets got lucky or something. Well they must be the luckiest team in the NBA, cause they’ve been beating down the rest of the league for 2 years now.

  18. Tatum is to me like Buttler, bot great players but not MVP level. I put also Brown ahead of Tatum.
    To me there is Jokic and Doncic both could have it because they are very different players but equally good.

  19. I just find it hilarious the only thing Jokić cannot do is dunk n he’s a center lol 😂

  20. Jaylen will never be the face of that organization and it’s got nothing to do with his game lol my second favorite player in the league and I can’t even pull for his team

  21. Key wants every superstar on Lakers except for Jokic…does he even watch the Nuggets…my opinion of "bland" and his are drastically different, has he seen some of his passes? Buzzer beaters? Ect. Did that comment puzzle anyone else?

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