@Boston Celtics

This is gonna be stuck in my head

This is gonna be stuck in my head

by Georgia4life


  1. LeChoochee

    I’m more mad about the fast break turnover than this tbh

  2. Rednaxela623

    Just lay the ball up…. for the love of god

  3. My man coulda drove it to the hoop for 2. Possibly draw a foul. Energy was low all game. Looking forward to Saturday. Let’s go

  4. a1mrbhelpuri

    Feel like White would have gotten an and-1 or two shots

  5. South_Front_4589

    He did get a good shot off, but how do you not get a layup or dunk attempt from that situation?

  6. JaDamian_Steinblatt

    Woulda been a dunk too if not for that awful pass to Jaylen

    Also on the fast break right before this he threw it at Jrue holiday’s feet lol

  7. Doitlikethis23

    I didn’t watch the game so not understanding the flow could definitely be altering my opinion but this seems like the right shot in the moment

  8. Grimminator

    Go outside and do some physical activity it’ll get this stuff out of your head

  9. aja_ramirez

    It is what it is. But it was the icing on the cake for Tatum night.

  10. kheldar52077

    This was a good play, it just did not went in.

  11. BoneForTuna_X73

    It’s a barely missed wide-open three pointer. I fail to see how this is a bad play. Should White have forced it over a double team?

  12. Jokic’s hidden talent is his ultra-fast instinct

  13. Groundhog_fog

    People giving Tatum shit saying “just lay it up” or “make a better pass”. The outlet to him wasn’t even good and Denver had two players between him and the basket. smdh. He played it well just missed the shot.

  14. yellowboar7

    The pass to Jaylen wasn’t even bad lol. The wide open shot you want your franchise player to take that 10/10 times. Nothing wrong with this play he just missed.

  15. TheMajesticWaffleCat

    Your best player with a wide open 3 to take the lead. Just gotta live with the results, there’s not a better look than that.

  16. RickTracee

    Not knocking Brown, hell of a game and a hell of a player, but 50% (7 misses) from the charity stripe really didn’t help. In total, 9 misses from the charity stripe. Hope they are shooting extra free throws at practice / shoot around today.

  17. My biggest issue with the game yesterday, when other teams play Denver, they attack Jokics lack of mobility or tire him out through screens and rolls. We just ISO’d anyone but Jokic, and barely used a high pick with KP. The small amount of times we did, we found success.

    All in all, Tatum takes way too long to decide what to do. He needs to be the first half of the Cavs game Tatum, and not waiting for defenses to set or double. Just attacking and letting the threes flow naturally instead of a fade away last ditch effort.

    The other thing I noticed with Tatum was his lack of effort with passes. Some of the passes he made yesterday looked so half hearted, not sure why but it looked slower than usual. Dude needs to stop trying the underhanded pass with one hand and just give a strong two handed pass.

    Edit: a word

  18. Zestyclose_Thanks779

    Tatum is making it harder and harder for his own fans to defend him. It sucks to admit that he is simply SOFT. He has reached super star status, but he is easily the worst superstar in todays game. Coming from a die hard Cs fan since early 2000s

  19. _guac_is_extra

    There was still 18 sec on the shot clock, which even if Tatum sunk it, left Denver plenty of time to answer (and they would have). I don’t think it was the right play.

  20. Haunting_Kick_1581

    This play/ game ensured Tatum doesn’t win MVP this year. :/

    JB took it to their chest all game and porz was sniping. Mind you he did miss >9000 free throws 🙄( really thought he was over that) and on the Other side Joker used KP as a turnstile. We were very much in the game after some Jrue Holiday heroics. Tatum didn’t have to do much except make that open bucket.

  21. 1337speak

    It was a good look. I’ll live with it. More upset by the number of turnovers and missed FTs.

  22. eatinsomepoundcake

    Damn it. I didn’t even see Jrue had a good look there, even if just to drive and create chaos.

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