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MAJOR Steph Curry Injury Update + Warriors Lineup Rumors | Golden State Warriors News

MAJOR Steph Curry Injury Update + Warriors Lineup Rumors | Golden State Warriors News

Warriors fans biggest nightmare might be coming true after Steph Curry went down in the fourth quarter last night in the Warriors versus Chicago Bulls game The Warriors lost twice they lost the Bulls 125 to 122 and they lost curry in the last five minutes which is what we’re

Going to break down here the latest injury updates for Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors this I am your host Ali Bera and this is Warriors today by chat sports let’s go on ahead and dive into it first and foremost for any Steph Curry injury news we’re going to

Report about it right here we do not want you guys to be out of the no of what is going on with your favorite team so all you guys have to do is hit that sub button and we’ll do all the work Kendra Andrews did have the recent

Update on Steph Curry’s injury saying Steph Curry is getting Imaging done on his ankle today sources tell ESPN the team should have more information later today of course that was about 8:00 in the morning West Coast time for Kendra Andrews yesterday after the game Steve

Cerr said that he was in high Spirits he felt good so hopefully this MRI imaging will go well and will determine what Ste Steph Curry’s injury really is all about however the Warriors are prepared to play without Steph Curry Klay Thompson did say that I know we’re going to miss

Him if he does need time off we’ve been in this position before where he’s had time off and we just got to do it collectively I know we’ll be ready to go when he does come back whenever that is we just wish him a speedy recovery let’s break down what actually happened during

This game zeph Curry was going down for a driving layup this was a non- contct injury he just kind of popped his ankle in and out as you can see right here where it kind of rolled over I mean it’s just not a natural motion at all thankfully Steph Curry does play with

Ankle braces on so maybe this less than the blow but if you look at that I mean it send shivers down my spines I hate looking at lower body injuries so that right there does look like he could possibly miss a few games as his sprained ankle is in question like

Kendra Andrews did say that that Imaging is going to determine what matters for Steph Curry moving forward Steph Curry has only missed three games so far this season of course two with his knee injury and one for just rest but the Warriors are currently 0 and3 in games

That they they have missed Curry so far this season thankfully step Curry is the type of point guard that doesn’t miss a lot of time thankfully he doesn’t get injured that often however for the Golden State Warrior when he does it is pretty scary knowing that Steph Curry

Does put up majority of the points night in and night out for the Golden State Warriors so there has been a lot of rumors about what this roster is going to look like without Steph Curry on it if he will miss games for the Warriors now it looks like Chris Paul is probably

Going to move back up from the bench and he’s going to start in place of Steph Curry Brandon psky as well but right there that’s not enough points to really add up to stephh Curry Andrew wig against Jonathan King and Draymond Green should stay the same so I’m really

Expecting Chris Paul to step up in terms of assisting to make sure the point guard Point God is running the offense the way that Steph Curry normally would now I’m looking to the second unit I’m looking at Thompson and Moses Moody to take all those minutes that he did get

In the starting lineup when Andrew Wiggins was out on personal leave I’m expecting Moses Moody to step up big time primarily in the second unit I don’t think he’s going to start over Chris Paul as he is 38 years old he is a veteran he started multiple games

Already for the Warriors started 11 so far this season so I think Chris Paul will facilitate the first unit now but Moses Moody and Thompson could still be pretty lethal in the second rotation overall I do want to ask you guys how worried are you about the Warriors

Without Curry it just sounds frightening to me even when I say it out loud the Warriors without Steph Curry they might look a little loss the first game or two but let’s just hope Steph Curry if he is out it will not be for a long time my

Scale of 1 to 10 is probably a seven I I think Steph Curry has been the glue for the Golden State Warriors this year however they have stepped up relentlessly Jonathan kaminga Brandon psky Moses Moody Klay Thompson even so there is faith that Warriors will be able to pull this through nonetheless

Like I said going ahead and hit that sub button for me here Warriors today by Chad Sports we bring you guys everything breaking news rumors roster rumors anything you guys need to know about the Golden State Warriors you’re going to find right here to go on ahead and hit

That sub button for me especially since the Warriors have five big games coming up I think they’ll be okay without Curry against the Spurs they’re one of the worst teams in the Western Conference without Victor wanyama I think the Warriors should be okay with at least taking one of the two games

Against the Spurs however Maverick’s Lakers and Knicks is very concerning the Lakers of course is always a showdown with curry and LeBron James LeBron missed out in the last time the Mavericks who are kind of struggling right now they could possibly win without Curry but it’s going to be tough

As Luka donic loves to have triple doubles and the same thing with the Knicks we’ll have to wait and see what happens with Jaylen Brunson but the Knicks are pretty hot in the Eastern Conference right now despite a few losses in the way so it’s going to be

Tough so I really hope Steph curly only misses two games minimum Draymond Green did talk about what Steph Curry does mean to the Golden State Warriors as if we didn’t already know what Curry means to the Golden State Warriors but he said look no one is Steph Curry that

Definitely will change things but we know the sets that we like to get to with Chris in the game and what he’s great at we’ll do more of what he’s great at Chris Paul is still a phenomenal point guard point guard I know he’s not Steph Curry when it comes

To maybe shooting three-pointers but he has now come back since having an injury which is great for Chris Paul and in the last four games which is the games they have played throughout the month of March he’s been averaging about nine points per game seven assists which is

Amazing that’s what Chris Paul does 48% from the field is okay it’s not terrible for a guy that’s coming back with a hand injury 35% from the three is fantastic for Chris Paul especially in the Warriors offense that’s primarily centered around Steph Curry shooting the threes I think Chris Paul has done

Wonders in the second unit and I hope he does step up if Curry does have to miss time but nonetheless when I saw this injury go down and I was watching the end of the game immediately immediately I was like oh here we go I’m extremely worried

About the Warriors without Steph Curry I know a lot of you guys are too this been the last decade of Curry doing what he does to help the Warriors get four rings I will be personally looking to Clay Thompson and Jonathan kaminga whether it’s combined or separately to put up

Curry night Curry points per night Klay Thompson has already been doing that in the bench he’s been averaging about 16 points per game coming off the bench right now in the last couple of games been 16 25 25 so I think Klay Thompson could do great in the second unit

Kaminga in the starting five I’m going to look to him more than psky and more than Andrew Wiggins to to put those points up Jonathan kaminga has typically been the secondary scorer for the Warriors so if he puts up about 25 points per night along with Klay

Thompson 25 points per night off the bench the Warriors could be okay however on Twitter Jesse Morris he actually is a doctor he he tweeted this out basically about Steph Curry’s ankle but I just kind of took the end of his synopsis because I’m not a doctor I don’t

Understand doctor things so I figured look here’s the summary Curry wears ankle braces that hopefully helped him prevent him from developing a bad G grade two grade two ankle sprain or three realistically I think Curry misses a couple of games hopefully nothing more than that this is a doctor that just

Tweeted this out he did not evaluate Steph Curry that was just his synopsis although Steph Curry a couple of nights ago after they blew out the Milwaukee Bucks Steph Curry said staying even Keel 21 to go and it really felt like Curry and the warriors were finally taking

Their stride they blew out the Milwaukee bucks Trace Jackson Davis was popping off Steph Curry was helping them get the win so when you see a post like this and then two days later he goes down with an injury it just really makes you just so frustrated with the Golden State

Warriors because they’re they’ve just dealt with so much this year Draymond Green at suspension Klay Thompson trying to figure out where he fits in Chris Paul and Gary P the second injury it just keeps happening and this is the next Domino to fall however the Warriors

Are 14 and five in their last night games they can’t do this without Steph Curry it’s just going to be a lot harder and that’s credit to Curry he’s crafted the Warriors offense to be what it is over the last decade so I do think that with Steve cerr knowing that he already

Kind of wanted to play 10 guys maximum after the Milwaukee Bucks game is going to be a good move forward after Trey Jackson Davis stepped in for Draymond Green he said look we’re normally playing 11 guys nightly so I think that now we’re going to start start to go to

10 just 10 nothing more than that so Steve Curry’s already got kind of a game plan for when Steph Curry is going to return and he does want to see more from Trace Jackson Davis as well so I do trust Steve cerr that’s why Mike dun leevy gave him this extension because he

Is one of the better coaches in the NBA so he will be able to figure out what he needs to do with Steph Curry’s absence if he is going to be out for a prolonged period of time like that doctor said on Twitter I mean you can only trust doctor

On Twitter so much but he’s verified he seems like he knows what he’s talking about I truly do hope that Steph curly only misses one or two games as he does wear ankle braces I hope that it’s not that bad but they are going to do imaging later today of course I’ll put

Out a short later one Steph Curry injury news does come out so that’s why you guys subscribe to this Channel and if you guys just want to wish Curry a speedy recovery I mean I believe in Good Vibes I believe in good energy so if you

Guys want to like this video it sends a well- wish to Steph Curry to have a speedy recovery and hopefully return back to the Golden State Warriors because like he said 21 more games to go and the Warriors could possibly be in this for real for the NBA Finals so go

On ahead and like this video and as always hit that sub Button

Steph Curry injury news is heating up after the Warriors suffered a loss against the Chicago Bulls 125-122 and lost Steph Curry in the 4th quarter after rolling his ankle. Steve Kerr provided no immediate details following the Warriors vs. Bulls game, but ESPN’s Kendra Andrews reported Curry will undergo MRI testing to determine how long the NBA All-Star will be out. Draymond Green, Klay Thompson, and Chris Paul all spoke about Steph Curry’s injury following the Warriors vs. Bulls game. Warriors Today host Allie Barefoot breaks down the latest on Steph Curry and Warriors News.

Could GSW TRADE Klay Thompson or Draymond Green? We have all the latest buzz on Warriors trade news, so hit that sub button:

ESPN’s Kendra Andrews reported on Steph Curry Injury news:
“Stephen Curry is getting imaging done on his ankle today, sources tell ESPN. The team should have more information later today.”

Steph Curry highlights for the 2023-24 NBA Regular Season:
26.9 ppg, 4.4 rpg, 4.9 apg, 44.9 FG%, 40.7 3P%

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– How worried are you about the Warriors without Steph Curry? Scale 1-10
– Want to wish Curry a speedy recovery? LIKE THE VIDEO

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  1. Steph Curry highlights for the 2023-24 NBA Regular Season:
    26.9 ppg, 4.4 rpg, 4.9 apg, 44.9 FG%, 40.7 3P%

  2. ESPN’s Kendra Andrews reported on Steph Curry Injury news:
    “Stephen Curry is getting imaging done on his ankle today, sources tell ESPN. The team should have more information later today.”

  3. Hit the bell icon 🔔 and turn on notifications to NEVER MISS a Golden State Warriors YouTube video when it's posted!

  4. We play the Spurs tomorrow and then again on Monday. The team should be able to beat them even if Steph cannot play! Good luck Steph! Take care of yourself and we await your return. Prayers going out for you! Go Dubs!

  5. I won't go so far to say that the Warriors won't win a game without Curry, but they'll definitely win less than half of their games, which they can't afford to do if they hope to make the playoffs.

  6. It's ridiculous how no reporter calls out Coach Kerr, the Core 3, or GS management. This season will be wasted on somewhere between a play-in loss or quick second-round exit at best. This will be the outcome for three glaring reasons.

    1.) The overall arrogance of making the decision to not acquire or sign a legit BIG. At least 15, if not 20 of GS's losses, are a direct result of being too small in the middle.

    2.) Coach Kerr and the rest of the coaching staff, which seemingly refuse to make situational in-game adjustments. Example: In the last 2-4 minutes of the game against Chicago (at home no less), why wasn't GPII and Wigs in the game being they're the top two on-ball defenders on the team?!?!

    3.) While all other players in the league have respect for the Core 3 and what's they've accomplished, they don't give a care one the game begins. When it comes to bringing it every night, they aren't very good at leading in that regard. The home record this sesson reflects an amount of complacency that has set in followed by lackadaisical starts that spread through the entire team. Example: Excessive amount of unforced turnovers, poor shot selection, and mind-numbing mistakes on defense, repeatedly leaving their defender wide open for the three.

    They can not truly think they're a playoff championship contender at this point in the season, with these issues still being present. Ijs, you are what your record says you are. They're just giving us lip service to say otherwise!?!?!

  7. 9, he is the major key of the offense even when he's not the offense. Teams are scared of him so he draws the double team which allows the offense to spread and space themselves.

  8. The only good thing is we got the Spurs the next two games if we could somehow get steph back for the Mavericks we would be all right but if he misses 2 weeks we are in trouble we need to win 46-49 games to get into top 8 and have 2 shots at play in.

  9. Good Vibes for Steph and a speedy recovery… I like Moody in starting lineup… keep Klay and Chris chemistry going… Moody, Klay, Chris, Trace split time with starters…There is great love here for you…BTW, Steph's ankle injury is a 1 or 2 gamer…

  10. I think this is a good opportunity to see more involvement from other players. It may not be a bad thing for the dubs

  11. This is when we'll see what Kuminga's ceiling and potential really can be because Kerr is going to need to run more plays for him. Kuminga is obviously our second best player. If only we had 2022 version of Wiggins 😢

  12. I mean when I saw that I already knew it was while taking his last shot someone put their foot in his landing zone.. Just watched a video didn't know there was a nba referee account on x so all my complaints will go there

  13. I am not that worry about it at all because I faith in steph and I no that he going beat this steph I wish you all the best, your haters suck they say you no support to kick a man wind he down will I guess they for got to tell your haters that,

  14. W/o steph gsw is shit! Spurs will 2x beat gsw. A pity for them. They played well vs bulls, but when steph got injured…. puff! Lose!

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