@Denver Nuggets

Is A Nuggets vs. Celtics NBA Finals Inevitable?

Is A Nuggets vs. Celtics NBA Finals Inevitable?

What’s the word y’all last night we got an NBA finers preview maybe I don’t know Boston Celtics versus Denver Nuggets I had this game circled on my calendar since the last time they played against each other because that was a banger last night in general actually every

Single one of those games was a banger in their own right Anthony ERS dropped 44 and had a Superman block to win the game the Pistons are no longer the worst team in basketball according to record sorry Wizards fans the Dallas Mavs get a much needed win against the thrive in

Miami Heat the Suns versus Raptors game wasn’t as amazing as some of the other ones but some cool stuff was going on is that yours truly on a set with Nike in the NBA doing a Simo cast where we interviewing The Matrix talking about Devin Booker even though obviously

Didn’t play last night and we got to do our own Simon cast of this one so it might not have been it might have been the worst on court game but damn was it a fun experience shout out to my friends over at Nike in the NBA for setting this

Up then we get a game that was going be too close for comfort for for Kings fans but damont sabon is just showcase is why he should be on an all NBA team this season the Bulls are three and0 on their West Coast Road Trip get well soon Steph

Curry I hope it’s nothing major and then we get to this one and this again may be an NBA Finals preview so because I was doing the thing with Nike in the NBA I missed the first three quarters of this game I got in back to my hotel room back

In in in uh New York and I of course got back home immediately CU I wanted to make videos and stuff but I got back to my hotel watch the fourth quarter and on my flight home I watched the first three quarters and man man man this is the

Reason why the Denver Nuggets feel like Head and Shoulders above most of the competition now I don’t shy away from it the moment that Drew holiday ended up on the Boston Celtics I said on my podcast both of them that Drew holiday is the missing piece in the Boston Celtics is

My favorite to win the championship uh by the way those podcast is numbers on the board uh used to be known as Through the Wire so if you missed out that we switched names and companies and stuff numbers on the board link is in the description and then you got the keny

Beach podcast I mean if you like this video then you’re going to like the keny beach and podcast it’s basically a 50 minute to hour long episode of what we do here anyway not for the not for the plugin when Drew holiday ended up on the Boston Celtics on those podcasts I said

That they are my favorite to win the NBA championship and I’m not going to let a two game sample size sway me away from that like their loss against the Cavs was was Dreadful 20 points blown late in the in the game is ridiculous and then of course you lose to the different

Nuggets um the nuggets are ridiculous and they’re still my favorite out west but who knows who knows a game like this showcases why nicoa joic is the best player in basketball like you might disagree and that’s fine but I don’t know if there’s an argument you can give

Me to convince me that joic is not the best player in basketball because when the lights are the brightest when we get down to the clutch this team Nico yic is going to do the right thing and that is one of the major differences between the Boston Celtics and the different nuggets

Like if they do eventually meet in the NBA Finals I would probably pick the different nuggets to win that Series right the main difference is the shots that are created and taken in the clutch and we saw that a couple nights ago when they played against the Cavaliers and

They they went 0 for nine from from jump shooting in that fourth quarter and then we see it again in this one that the shots generated in the clutch for the Celtics can be rough and on the other side of the thing of things because Nicole yic is the best player in

Basketball they do it so easily we said the same thing a few days ago when they played against the um the LA Lakers the both games that they played against the Lakers recently the Lakers have stayed in the game for 44 minutes and then the last four minutes come around and boom

You look at it’s like it’s a 10-point game just like that they have a way of generating the best possible looks and a lot of that is the big fella in the middle because if he needs to get his shot his signature shots the shots that

He he’s going to create in in the clutch are typically going to be seven feet or closer to the basket and that is where he Dominate and if it’s not him creating that shot for himself it’s him getting as close to the basket as you can and watching Aaron Gordon scadaddle down the

Baseline for alyu blop and boy was Aaron Gordon phenomenal on that in this game they just have a way of making things and you you may have seen the report that they’re saying they’re not even going to the White House you know how the NBA team win an NBA championship and

They go to the White House to do some type of Celebration um with whatever sitting president is at the time they were supposed to do that in a few weeks I was invited I was invited to go to the White House y’all to be there for the

Divver nuggets and they said we don’t actually give a damn about that because we want to go for the one seat and if the if the Denver Nuggets get the one seat it’s going to be impos almost impossible to beat them four four games out of seven because when they’re at

Home this team has the advantage of the altitude they have the one of the best crowds in basketball and they’re just not a team that loses at home regularly now getting the one seed it’s it’s very close for them but it’s going to be hard because the teams above them are still

Winning now I know carony towns is out with a miniscus get well soon I I feel so bad for him he’s gone through the most over the last four years or so so get well soon let’s hope that he gets back in time but um you saw Anthony

Adwards where he could do OKC don’t like they’re slowing down so get into that one SE might be a struggle but we still got 20 games left of the season and one of the major things for the never nuggets a lot of people looked at um when they were thinking about how they

Would perform this upcoming season was the fact that they lost Bruce Brown they lost Jeff Green they lost a few different players that were very important pieces to them winning the championship last season last night we saw pwt play a phenomenal game and I’m not expecting pwt to do that a bunch in

A seven game series but if you have a game two games out of a series where he could provide exactly what he did today again this team is going to be hard to to really stop and boy do they have the tools to make it tough for your starters

Um Jaylen Brown had 41 in this one he was cooking Aaron Gordon but they made it so tough on Jason Tatum whether it be pwt whether it be kcp even Michael Porter Jr on the switch because Michael Porter Jr is near nearly a seven-footer and though he does not move as good as

Some of the other people in their lineup he’s still a big ass body that you can throw at opposing team’s best player occasionally and they really put Jason Tatum in a torture chamber now Jaylen Brown held his own hell he just missed a bunch of free throws down the stretch or

I guess throughout this entire game but they have a way of Defending and they have a way of making things so easy for themselves and if they get that home court advantage again it might be wraps and that western conference is deep like no you’re not getting one easy series

For any team out there but if they have that homecourt Advantage it’s it’s going to be tough now I want to flip it and talk about the Boston Celtics I I talk about how and what the shots generated were for the Denver Nuggets how they

Made it so easy it’s at the basket it’s an aloop it’s a wide open kcp three-point shot we get down the stretch for the Boston Celtics I know the numbers say that the Celtics are one of the better clutch teams of basketball I think they were fifth after last night

Which is still amazing considering his 30 teams of basketball these last couple nights these last couple games kind of showcase how difficult it can be when the shots are not falling and and one thing that had seen um and the numbers have proven this over the last five

Games is that as as of recently they have been getting to the basket at an amazing rate and that’s different from the Boston Celtics for the majority of this year they ranked from 25th to 30th in Rim attempts and he like ah can a team win a championship if they don’t

Get to the basket can a re team win a championship if they don’t draw a lot of fouls but in their last couple games this is their frequency of getting to the basket as you can see I mean there was times in this season where they were

In the blue which means that I mean five 19 of your shot attempts in this game were at the rim and now it is the Minnesota Tims they got the dpy Rudy go there Rudy go bear is one of the bestor in basketball but like this is a

Ridiculously nasty stretch but they won majority of these games because they were hitting their threes and everything now recently in their last five now this Dallas game they still won even though they didn’t get to the basket but this game against New York huge almost half

Of their shots were at The Rim this one against Philly half their shots at the rim and we’re seeing it go higher and higher and and stay around this point if they can stay around this I feel good about them come playoff time right we

Can’t get a punch of 17 per centers you know what I’m saying but in the clutch in the clutch I can’t really show you the footage um but in the clutch it’s a jump shot from from uh porzingis I was in the paint I don’t mind that one uh a

Rebounded goal for Jay LeBron again he was phenomenal this season this is when y got teed up and then Tatum hits the uh hits a technical free throw Jaylen Brown gets hit and one this is a play where Drew H put his shoulder into joic and

Bodied him and got a bucket Drew holiday had a couple shots in this one that were that were amazing um this one was self-created then we get to a pull up for porzingis you’ll take that and then we get three-point shot three-point shot and again Drew holiday hit this one

Right and I think this is when he was on the Baseline and had Y is looking kind of foolish three-point shot oh no this is the one that was on the Baseline but like as you can see the shots generated are just significantly different than what the other team’s doing again Drew

Holiday made these shots but like compared to what the the Denver Nuggets are doing there’s a dunk there’s a layup that they missed there’s a three-point shot that was an open look a a easy shot for oroke the aliupa 20 seconds to go and then they result to three-point shot

Three-point shot three-point shot three-point shot and their last four shots are three-pointers when the three-point shot was not falling you know so we’ve seen them be better at this but in the clutch of these last two games they do Revolt back to oh my God

We we got to get a three-point shot up we got to get a three-point shot up and that’s not always the way you want them to play the game especially if the game doesn’t need a three-point shot in the moment so I don’t know if I would say that I’m necessarily concerned about

These type of things but with 20 games left you would want them to get more reps in these clutch scenarios and get to the point where the offense is is more fluid this is not a specific Boston Celtics thing for sure but a lot of the

Times when you look at these teams the shots that they create in the clutch are like give it to our best player and ISO and typically the best player can make something happen cuz that’s why they the players that we pay $50 million to annually but the easy shots the stuff

That got you into the game and stuff I like to see teams continue to run but anyway uh let me know what you think about this game is this the NBA final preview is there somebody else that could be doing it I don’t really know

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  1. Lmao they started this Celtics clutch rubbish and now everyone is running with it, Celtics were a wide open corner 3 (missed) from taking a lead after having a 10 point deficit with 4 minutes left but yet the Celtics in the clutch is the big story🤣

  2. Kenny it’s sounding like you just watch Jason timpf podcasts and then regurgitate it in different words, I love you my guy but I need you to form your own opinion

  3. Man there is no way Celtics make it to the finals. It's always the same thing, in the early and mid stages of the season celtics is the best team in the league and then on the playoffs it seems like the team just unlearns how to play good basketball

  4. Kenny wrong about the celtics clutch time vs denver. It wasnt bad at all they took good threes except kp. tatum messed up the fast break and he got the ball back with a open corner three and missed and the nuggets scored and atp celtics needed a three in order to still have a chance. It was the clutch time defense that wasnt the best

  5. Post season Tatum seems to do a lot better in the clutch.

    In the past three seasons Tatum has like an average of a 57.4 efg% in the clutch on 27 attempts. The past 3 regular seasons and the current one is around 40 efg% in the clutch on 281 attempts

  6. I think a lot of it comes down to teams taking on the quality’s of their best player. Jokic is a generational cool headed decision maker and is never in a rush. That’s why it feels like they always make the right play/shot.

  7. With the 1 seed stuff, the nuggets also have the easiest schedule of the 4 western conference contenders over the 20 games

  8. Love ur channel but Denver’s crowd was so ass, half the game they were chanting let’s go Celtics😂

  9. If trump served McDonald's at the white house then biden is gonna give them country buffet with a prune juice fountain. I would pass too

  10. LMAO this dude is drunk or something no way it’s inevitable so much teams in the west can challenge the nuggets in the east maybe it’s the Celtics but the nuggets isn’t inevitable

  11. The East runs through Miami, since Jimmy signed they’re 2-1 in playoff series against Boston and Milwaukee and 1-0 over Philly. Boston and Milwaukee have always been top 3 seeds in these scenarios. Trust in Jimmy and Spo.

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