@Minnesota Timberwolves

“He Likes To Win.” | Rudy Gobert Postgame Sound | 03.07.24

“He Likes To Win.” | Rudy Gobert Postgame Sound | 03.07.24

No Carl tonight know that it’s going to mean multiple guys probably stepping up but but what stood out to about just sort of ants take over there in the fourth that was that was pretty too that was nice to be a part of you know the the execution

Down the stretch uh the decision making down the stretch I thought was really really good uh you know and and then obviously the the big block the winning play at the end and but um but yeah just uh one of the best uh last one of best three minute stretch

I’ve seen him play you know since I’ve been here and um it shows that he’s his growth you know and it shows that uh also he’s a he likes to win you know that block at the end he’s just straight up he straight up wanting to win you know and you don’t

Teach that what’s going through your mind when you have a teammate that is just essentially carrying an offense for like a four minute stretch is it like figuring on how you can help him I said some screens moment you see the screens that was sitting no but yeah no it’s uh I mean

You just try to put him in the best position possible to be able to do what he does best and um and uh and I told him it’s patience you know down the street just not rushing into tough shots not taking I think only one was contested only Florida was contested but

The the three was great walk into set the r screen walk into into a three in RM uh then the middle end was the same in Rhythm um and obviously the Flor was a little tougher but um yeah great job great patience and uh and um

You know if he just a lot of crazy uh substitution patterns because you you brought in TJ and couple people in foul trouble cat down how was it in terms of you’re kind of the organizer on defense personnel and yeah lots of adversity tonight uh you know came came back in

Came back in the second half and they were very physical and a lot of things weren’t going our way but uh brought us we got together and we said let’s play through it you know let’s win this game and uh um we raise our love out as a team you

Know and um we handle adversity and and that’s what I love you know I love those type of games when you know we get tested and uh against a really good team that plays really hard and uh we about to elevate a level of play and uh and win the

Game made it a point to point out you sprinting the floor so much tonight said you were going Baseline to Baseline and it was so noticeable made such a difference did you put some extra emphasis on doing that or did the game just require you to do that I try to do

That every night you know I know how much uh you know I know how much he has my team how much he has my teammates how much pressure he puts on the other team you know I usually I very rarely going to get the ball on that play but uh but it creates

Space for everybody else and usually it’s either and going to be able to get down here or uh or somebody’s going to have to take me and get three so um yeah I we try to give myself away to the team you know cuz uh I really think he helps

Us be a better team so it’s uh you know I love doing that R the late game offense and just kind of late game play for the last month or so has been you know kind of dicey does it feel good to really have taken care of one of those

Clutch situation games and then why wasn’t better tonight I mean and it did outside of maybe just ants shot I think our spacing was good uh once again our execution was good uh we we got where we wanted how we wanted and they were really they were playing

Really really physical you know they were denying ant the ball denying mic the ball completely uh but we yeah we we had the Poise you know don’t rush just get where we wanted to get and uh and and just had to to finish the play and he did I mean

I know you’re playing with Nas and Kyle time but um they had a little bit of a different role tonight right with uh with with L Carl where where did where did you see those two in particular step up uh I don’t think the RO is very different obviously the minutes might go

Up but I think whether car is here or not like it’s everyone got to be himself you know and K was the same K know and Nas were the same Nas and know um and uh but yeah down the stretch you know K made some it was great to have him on the

Floor you know defensively and offensively U you know he always does a little things that you don’t really see on the stats uh to help the team and uh and and Nas was huge I mean Nas just his presence and he got I think he got a big

Offensive rebounds after a free throw or two um obviously the yeah the pressure that he puts on on the other team you know and and shooting ability to space the FL is always huge so um I love to play with all these guys and um once again you know

Uh adversity comes and we got plenty of guys that can um that can contribute to winning money


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