@Milwaukee Bucks

Bandwagon fans when anything goes less than perfect.

Bandwagon fans when anything goes less than perfect.

by Ganjaleaves


  1. Ganjaleaves

    Fun ass game to watch on Friday night. Big ups to DLO he was cookin.

  2. TechnicalSample4678

    It was embarrassing that’s what it was

  3. Giannisisnumber1

    Don’t forget that Dame sucks ass and is washed. I’ve seen at least 40 people say this already in the last 5 minutes. Blocked them all because I don’t need to see such brain dead takes from casuals.

  4. Slow-Jelly-2854

    I don’t want to talk to anyone who wasn’t here before the ring

  5. ResponsibleDog2072

    No disrespect. But I just don’t see a finals caliber team here. On paper, yes absolutely. But it’s not translating into magic and Kareem. We have to turn this around soon as the playoffs start… next month.

  6. Late-Pref

    I think some calm, legitimate concerns can be made in regards to playoff goals

  7. americanbeaver

    Why do only “bandwagon” fans get to be salty that the Bucks aren’t good? Like this weird relentless positivity does nothing for anyone. Fans can vent and be upset at losses.

  8. Jack12404

    Whats so frustrating is that after EVERY LOSS r/NBA and the media start up their endless waves of takes about how we are “frauds”, “fake contenders”, “washed”, and “Giannis is gonna request a trade”.

    It makes sense with us having Dame now, but that sub goes completely quiet and discredits us when we win but proceeds to make post after post about us when we lose.

  9. ScrewAnalytics

    Gatekeeping fans calling anyone that criticizes the team for losing to a 10 seed without their best player a bandwagon is funny ah

    I guarantee I watched more games from the 2013-14 bucks than you

  10. PeteIsFurious

    these posts are more obnoxious than any post game negativity

  11. Illusion fans who can’t accept this team has flaws that start with coaching and try to blame other who isn’t with them as the doomer or bandwagon fans

  12. gordito_gr

    I mean, when teams bad and people criticize the team they’re bandwagon fans?

    Please gtfo with this weak ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)

  13. Mustard_Jam

    These fans are genuinely more annoying than bandwagon fans. Acting like anyone that questions the team at all isn’t loyal or some shit.

  14. My biggest beef with this game is the thought that DLo dropped a random 40.

    When was the last time one of our role players popped off like that to take over a game?

    We get the occasional Bobby 20-piece. Maybe get a strong shooting night from Beas or Lopez that sees them have an efficient near 20. But nobody is ever getting hot enough to randomly blindside the other team.

  15. Vivid_Philosopher304

    We are 16-16 on the road. Second worst record (pacers last) from the current top 16 teams in the league. We clearly have an issue with away games this year. You have to go back to Jason Kidd years to see us perform worst.

    Funnily, Nuggets won it all last year with a negative on the road record 19-22.

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