@Phoenix Suns

Is Grayson Allen The Greatest Suns 3-Point Shooter Ever?

Is Grayson Allen The Greatest Suns 3-Point Shooter Ever?

MCO welcome in the pH andx something show on a flavoring Friday brought to you by our friends over ogs head over to OG’s to see their full lineup including their two newest gummies the OG Naturals and the big ogs and find out where you can purchase them it’s a

Fell’s Friday as well on massp that Sal flex and Gerald gentlemen how are you today good good doing great I love your host voice be a different right I mean I can’t do Lindsay’s voice so I got to do something it’s welcome into Friday on the program that’s only when she’s sick

That’s only when she’s sick welcome in the peach Sun show I guess we’re talking B to straight also it’s it’s Friday with the fellas not fellas Friday whatever whatever you want I don’t care it’s the it’s the 40 40 4030 Club how’s that you know like okay

Let’s let’s hop into it we got plenty to talk about on the program we’re g to give you some PR practice updates we’re going to talk about who the greatest three-point shooter of all time we’re going to name our winner of the week but let’s start with updates from practice

Gerald you were out there what stood out to you from uh from practice today um I mean the biggest things that were on the menu today were ish which we’ll get in into being back in the valley and then also injury updates um Devin Booker is going to be probably listed as doubtful

For tomorrow’s game against the Celtics today was the first day where he was able to get some onc Court work in so they’re going to see how his body responds um and then Damen Lee because he was out there in practice gear for the first time not doing anything

Running around or whatever but getting up some shots so vogle said he’s still a ways away and then Nasir little and Josh aogi um they were they’re unlikely to play tomorrow guy what is wrong with you f is about to be on the injured list

As well so so Damen Lee learned how to put on his shorts that’s where else were we where else were we J uh Josh Ki and ner little are unlikely to play tomorrow still as well all right well as somebody gets Flex his sunglass is that somebody

Being Eric uh also the topic of Bradley Beal playing primary ball handler uh came up and I know we’ve got some clips that we’ll get to Once flex’s eyes have readjusted with the sunglasses but uh what what was kind of the the feel out there in terms of talking about Bradley

Uh at the point yeah I mean we we heard from a number of people talking about this because with Bookout there has been an increased responsibility for him to handle the ball to orchestrate their offense a little bit um and it’s something that he’s done before in Washington especially over the last

Couple of years he’s been a primary initiator there um and he’s done well over these last handful of games he had eight assists last night six the game before that he like everyone else is trying to keep the turnovers down but the biggest thing is playing with pace

And getting the Suns into their sets quickly um because there’s a big difference between KD getting doubled in the post with seven or eight seconds left and getting doubled in the post with 16 seconds where he can let a play play develop so um he’s been doing a

Pretty good job with that and he’s also he said he looked at the film and kind of seen a need for someone to get downhill because that’s what fuels their drive and kick game and that’s where they get a lot of their threes from Gerald a master class installing until

The producer gets back to the computer I did my best thank you for doing that let’s hear what Frank vogle had to say about Bradley Beal’s point guard I think Bradley be last two games has done a phenomenal job organizing us um there know a lot of talk about us having a

Point guard not having a point guard he’s doing a great job playing a point guard for us you know playing a point guard like leading our team and quarterbacking um and there’s there’s not there not even a lot of point guards around the league that can touch the

Paint the way he can touch the paint so um he had eight assists tonight um could have have a lot had a lot more with uh you know the guys making more shots but um he’s doing a great job for us wasn’t just Frank vogle that touched on it

Though Kevin Durant also had some things to say about Bradley Beal at Point yeah I mean coaches expecting Brad to um play a role I mean he brought the ball up before but I think he’s playing like traditional point guard right now where he’s setting up the offense every

Single time down um he’s giving up shots for his teammates you know he’s penetrating every time trying to kick out you know so um he’s one of those players that can do everything and any situation you put him in he’s going to figure it out and he’s unselfish player

So when you unselfish and you got to skills that he has that then you can adapt to anything so we’ve heard from the coach and one of the superstars on the roster but why don’t we hear from Bradley Beal himself on his own thoughts of being the point guard yeah I mean uh

A little bit yes and no you know I still am Attack Mode I still have the mindset of a score and still have that ability but also understand that I have to be able to generate shots for us and get us good quality looks and uh you know find

Ways to get Guys open ones you know find ways to get Cav easy shots and you know just generate good off offense you know we know we can score we know we’re very talented but we still got to make sure it’s flowing you know Pebbles and

Smoothly you know so we we have a really good flow of that and good understanding other coaches have given me film to break down and and uh and kind of see where we can we be better at and generate a lot of good shots so what are

Your thoughts on what Bradley Beal has been able to do without Devin Booker being that primary ball holder you know at the beginning of the season I thought Devon Booker should be the point guard because he’s been he’s been playing in the system for a while he knows the

System and uh I thought he was the better option at the moment now seeing Bradley Beal do what he’s been doing the last week or two I do think that Bradley Beal is the better option at point because listen Bradley Beal’s not the shooter that the other two are okay he’s

A scorer he’s not really as efficient a score a shooter as as KD and book so why not free up those two to be able to come off the ball and and have the potential you know space to do what they need to do getting set up by Bradley Beal who

You know listen they all said the same thing that we said on the old headed podcast that’s dropping tomorrow morning by the way um is that you know he’s he’s a Creator too he can get to the rim he can he can dish and he can drive and

Penetrate like uh I mean sorry drive and pass uh and I just I and I think the biggest thing for this team the biggest thing is the tempo the tempo the tempo the tempo the faster they get into their sets the faster they can run their

Offense the more and the more time that they have the better uh you know walking the ball up the court is cool but it’s not as cool as scoring points so I want to see the tempo get pushed up and the numbers reflect that when they push the

Tempo the numbers go up when they slow it down the numbers go down so between the two I would I think I would opt more for Beal to to be that traditional quote unquote point guard and set the other two guys up because I think it’s more

Beneficial to this team yeah I mean listen the best version of Devin Booker is what he’s always been an an assassin two guard that can come off actions and make you pay for it Kevin at 35 you like to free things up for him Brad Beal’s

Tempo his ability to Speed the game up his ability to be Shifty and just attack the paint get a foot in the paint collapse the defense it opens up a lot of lanes he’s not he’s not your Dynamite super efficient scorer he’s more I don’t want to call him a streaky scorer but

He’s he’s a floow a game scorer like he’s one of those guys that you know you don’t you don’t expect Brad Bal to come down and hit five six Jumpers in a row um but he he works his way into games that’s naturally the way he he likes to

Attack and so because of that I think to to Saul’s point you free up the two guys that are assassins you let them work off actions you let them work off of his dribble penetration and his collapse into the defense I like to think that some of that is helping Grayson as well

You know being able to collapse the defense free up a guy get a open you know rotation to gron so yeah going into the season we thought you know I I’m not g to say I’m completely abandoning Point book but at this point I think the suns

Are in better hands if you let Brad be that guy and and let these other guys be who they naturally are I do want to say one thing about your scoring uh you know Brad Bradley Bill might not drop five or six shots in a row but I do think he

Will score four or five times in a row because not only will he pull up he’ll take it to the rack you know he’ll do a variety of different things and when you could tell when you could tell he’s been feeling good this last week because he’s

Got that little he’s got that little bounce about him and he’s like kind of hopping around you could tell he feels really good and when he’s in that mode then usually good things happen yeah so my thing is I think I think there are advantages and disadvantages to both and

I think the suns are in a position where they don’t have to pick one or the other and I think it would behoove them to split spit it a little bit more because book is the better he’s still the better passer and he’s still the bigger threat

With the ball in his hands because of his scoring and his slight Advantage as a passer but I do think there are advantages to what Beal brings to the table which is namely he’s a walking Payton touch like right uh he has been getting downhill a lot this is actually

A stat from our friend David Nash he has 62 drives over the last three games and that averages out to just under 21 per game that would rank second in the NBA behind sheay gilis Alexander this season so he’s made it his focus with Booker

Out to get in the lane and that sets up their entire drive and kick game so book he can get to the basket but he doesn’t have that same downhill approach that Beal has which is an advantage because we’ve seen over the last few games when

They are moving the ball they get more threes up and that’s huge for a team that’s a really good three-point shooting team so I think for pushing the tempo absolutely because that’s one big thing that they’ve been talking about they’ve been wanting to do they’ve been

Starting to do it it really helps their offense but in the playoffs when it slows down to a halfcourt game sometimes there will be advantages to book handling the Rock in those possessions and I think it’s good that they have both options to explore I think we’re getting the misconception of of of

Playing with Tempo and people thinking that’s like transition it’s not necessarily transition it’s even as simple as getting the ball out of from out of bounds and jogging up the court as opposed to walking the ball up the court you save three or four seconds

That way on the shot clock you know that makes a big difference for this team yeah I wasn’t the whole point in constructing a team like this that it could be either of them at any point bringing you know running the offense and I think what happened was with

Beal’s early injury you defaulted the book being the main guy and it kind of remained that way uh when Brad got back and then went out again as well and I think now we’re seeing what it looks like with Brad so now you got to change a pace which I think is

Important because it keeps teams off balance you can’t just you know cheat in any way when all three of them are playing now because you do have two guys that can be the primary ball handler that have different styles and I think it is important to have Brad run it a

Lot with that Tempo because it puts book uh in that assassin role as as Frank vogle likes to say off ball but you also can lean on Devin Booker to do those things when you need it especially in the playoffs where you get into a half

Court uh you know set a lot and it slows down like Gerald said so I think it’s Both Worlds you need that that’s why when I was making my point I don’t want to abandon Point book I don’t um I think there’s a world like G is saying where

You can incorporate the two of them I also I mean I say this a lot and some people go at me for saying it but you know when when injuries happen I like to there’s always a blessing in disguise for me when the book injury happened the

Blessing in disguise was we got no choice now Brad Brad’s gonna have to be Brad and kev’s gonna have to be Kev and in the last two games we’ve seen that Dynamic work we seen them take over the overtime in Denver right we seen them in spots yesterday pick their spots and

Okay when it’s getting a little too too uncomfortable Brad get to the Bucky Brad get to free throws KD hit some so I I do think that the blessing in disguise now is that you’re seeing kind of what the blueprint has been all year but without

Book being out I don’t think you get to see this iteration of it and so now you know now it’s going to be interesting here’s the counter to that now it’s going to be interesting when you reincorporate book whether it’s tomorrow or against Cleveland when you reincorporate book do you kind of stick

With what we’re doing or do you go back to what we were doing before the injury cuz I I think if you go back to what you’re doing before the injury you’re doing yourself a disservice I think you kind of stick to what we’re doing incorporate book and then go to book in

Spots as Point book throughout the game but I just like this I like I like Brad bill being able to touch the paint like you said right and get to the free throw line and just cause defenses to collapse because when that happens we just become

A better shooting team we and we get more volume shooting well and you’ll continue to stagger Beal and books minutes so when one’s off the other one’s out and so you’re naturally going to get correct each of them running that I do I do also think that you know I’m

Kind of interested to see the evolution of these two as you move forward through the season you know as as Gerald pointed out you know book has been you know he’s been a good he’s been serviceable point right um but I also wonder you you want

You want the peak of each player right what’s the best thing for the team and what’s going to get them to that highest level uh and as Bradley Beal kind has kind of gotten a little bit more comfortable in this particular you know iteration of his role I I can see the

Vision a little bit more of him being the facilitator versus book and KD because I think he would be a better facilitator than scorer and book would be a better scorer than facilitator because he’s so efficient from the field and so I want those two strengths with

KD and book shooting wise rather than their their their passing ability because I think if you sacrifice they’re scoring for the passing that lessens our potential but do you agree you’re going to need both ABS in this playoff run to handle at different times you know I I

Think I think you’re gonna get both but I don’t think you need both listen there was a play in Denver the overtime in Denver where Brad bill was ISO on the wing and he sat there literally and went between the legs about six times literally got through the guy and hit that little

Under you know finger roll layup with the shot clock coming down and put us up 10 I I I tell you I rewinded that about 20 times because that was the first time I saw the real Brad Bill like this year in regards to his confidence his ability

To say I can I can win a game I can take over a big game I can I can I can make a play for my team there was just a different confidence about him on that particular play and what I don’t want is to take that aggression away what I need

Is that Brad Beal I need that Brad Beal that will look at Kevin and Devon and that game Devon wasn’t in the game but there’s gonna be times in the playoffs where they’re gonna need Brad to say hey man break this dude down and win this game for us because we’re tapped like

You’re going to shorten the rotation right you’re going to get 42 minutes per game for these guys there’s going to be a time where you’re going to need that Brad Bill and again I just I I’m weary that when book comes back back um his aggression may come back to what it was

And I like this aggressive bradby I guess that’s my point of it if putting the ball in his hands gets me this aggressive bad beal keep the ball in his hands and we’ll go to book and spots it’s funny when you talk about Beal and book they uh they can do they can

Facilitate in different ways with different styles and I bring this up because like I said on the old heads we talked about the difference between uh dribble and handle right and and book he’s very good at the dribble because he can efficiently get to where he needs to

Go and score Beal has got great handle he can do a variety of different things with the ball um and he can put you on your toes he can put you on your skates and he can he can look make you look stupid right but that doesn’t mean that

He’s a more efficient scorer correct uh so there’s a there’s a difference between the two and again it drops tomorrow morning yeah listen to that is FL but by the way Buddha the skitso says Lindsay’s not here so Espo’s got to be on the fence not on the

Fence Gerald said the same thing as me no I I don’t think you need to have one be the primary the whole point of this team is to have three different guys that can initiate offense Kevin Durant has been a guy that because he draws a

Double in the post in the elbow he hasn’t initiated as much um so Beal and book are kind of the more traditional ball handlers and initiators but that’s the whole point of this team is you have three guys that can do all of those different things um and look I I’ll be

100% obvious like bill has the better handle but book is still the better passer and playmaker like he is he is Bill is different because he his passing and playmaking comes when he’s getting downhill which is good for the sun’s offense and collapses defenses and forces rotations and all that good stuff

So like I said they both have very good things that they bring to the table and they have a couple of drawbacks to each one um so it’s good that they have both can we call it a fastball changer is that fair yeah absolutely that’s fine

That’s a that’s a great you know we got a fast and a change up so it’s two different styles trying to accomplish the same thing um and I like it I just I just I to your point G can you give me a percentage if if you can put a

Percentage on between the two of them what would that be as far as a a primary ball handler um I don’t know it’s probably close to 5050 okay so that’s that’s that’s what I’m talking about and I think Beal has and we started to see it before he got hurt with the hammy

Before the allar break like we started to see him take over those stretches remember those beginning of second quarter and fourth quarter stretches that were terrible when book would go to the bench he it felt like he was starting to be more assertive in those Pockets where it was like him running

The show with KD out there as well and setting up KD to make his life easier so I hope that he’s able to take this stretch and just reinsert that into those stretches when you say you think you think book is the better you know facilitator or passer is that numbers

Wise or how you feel in terms of the best fit for this offense it’s numbers wise and it’s just in terms like his ability to read a double team read The Help defense is just a I think it’s a little bit better than Beal’s personally

You don’t have to beat a double team if you never get double teamed I’m just saying that’s true that’s very true and that’s and that’s an advantage but if you’re able to play out of the double team then you also have an advantage there so it it depends on how they’re

Handling doubles for me it depends on what type of defensive coverages they’re seeing because like OKC they’re a team that’s going to trap KD every touch they’re a team that would have probably trap Booker a lot and they’re a very good team at rotating out of that so I

Think for me it also depends on the opponent it’s a match up dependent yeah if the for me the simplest way to put this and this is why I lean be a little bit which one will need a screen more what happened scre no real talk who needs a

Screen more b b right and so sometimes I feel like if you if you don’t need the screen and you can go one-on-one and keep everything free I think Brad is better at breaking down that Defender getting into the paint collapse in the defense I do think he’s been he’s been

Getting more adjusted to Gerald’s point of of recognizing those opportunities to be able to facilitate in these last couple games I think he has gotten progressively a little bit more comfortable and better at that um so I mean listen it’s a great problem to have

Book or Beal which one’s going to be the better option we’re we’re splitting hairs when we’re talking about and we’re not talking about better player just talking about option is primary ball hand primary ball handler attacking a defense you have to maximize your potential so which of these is going to

Be able to do that and I think at a variety of times you can pick one or the other and it you don’t have to pitch in your ho yourself into just one got it another thing that we heard today at practice is way W first time he’s talked

In the media since he returned back to the team let’s hear what he had did he give the horns down to KD when he walked through the gym I I don’t know maybe we’ll have to have it back on to tell us the second version of that story but uh

Is talked about what it was like to come back and and who reached out to AER I was actually in middle of my workout book called me book called me he FaceTime me so book book when he when he needs something he’ll FaceTime me and I

Was I was actually about to change my shoes because I was about to get on the court and do a little Dynamic uh workout and book called me and gave me that look like said it must be good news he said yeah call me after the workout so my

Like that was in the middle of my workout in Phoenix so I’ve been here for about two months just training with Von conf and see it and just getting it in so I got that phone call and then hung up with him finished my workout but you

Can hear I can hear my phone blowing up um and it was my agents and my mom and everybody but yeah that’s where I got I was out here what day was I remember bro I just got that call and I was excited man just you know jumped around

For a little bit all right time to get back to work I’ll take care of that after I’m done working out so don’t hold up don’t you ask Devon Booker what the good news is before he go I can get back to this workout bro I’ll talk to you

After I got some good news for you all right hold on I got another 30 in the gym he probably was waiting to get the official word from his agent or whatever but um yeah it was cool hearing him because there was a weird visceral reaction to bringing him back on a

Two-way contract so weird and for one thing like if you’re that concerned about the 15th roster spot or the 18th spot on the roster as a two-way guy like maybe find a new hobby because it’s not that serious but like uh he’s vocal brought it up at practice today he was

Talking about how he’s he is something of a locker room leader he’s a good culture fit Vibes guy um but also a guy that they can if they need to throw him out there they know that he already knows the system which is kind of an advantage over someone else that they

Might try to bring in this late in the game um and he was saying there were a lot of ups and downs he said he was going through it when he got waved and had to wait around for two and a half months wondering if his NBA Journey was

Pretty much over but um you know Chanty Billups Monty Williams reached out to him he stayed in contact with Frank Bogle and Matt ishia he was saying book reached out to him so he got a lot of support and the day after he got waved

He flew back to Phoenix so that he could start working and hopefully keep him s ready for this exact type of scenario [ __ ] stay in Porta we want out as fast as Possible’s a beautiful city don’t get me wrong but it’s only good for like a day then that

That damn gloominess sets in and you just don’t want to be there anymore we talked about it on oads we talked about chemistry and continuity and how it it’s not only about what happens on the court it bleeds into the locker room it bleeds into the postgame meals and the the

Gathering after the games this guy is a perfect fit and and again you know I I I hear a lot of people talk about Kevin Young’s offense it keep bringing it up and I’m I’m going to say it I I trust the people I talk to I I Kevin Young’s

Offense is what we’ve been running for quite some time and we’ve seen people that play in that offense and thrive in it well there’s only one person on this damn team that’s really played in Kevin Young’s offense am I correct yeah Deon Booker right so now you bring a guy in

Here who’s got a little more familiarity with it and uh until all these guys get the the the right reps and and the continuity in that offense you’re going to have hiccups so getting a guy that knows is always a positive so yeah I can’t see no wrong in this I I don’t

Know why people tripping yeah I mean if if you got a problem with it just think of it as they hired him as the chief Vibes officer yeah you know more than anything I 18th roster spot and the guy is that an eight-point system it is an

Eight-o you got to bring an eight-point Vibe system otherwise it doesn’t work seven not enough nine too many it’s 8.5 system and he brings it in and he takes care of it uh from one is to another Matt ispia talked yesterday uh you asked him Gerald about the second apron this

Is what he had to say great question yeah so I don’t know what the second tax apron what is that I’m s so so way I look at it is this we’re trying to win so I talked about four things and uh obviously know you’re talking about

Grayson and Roy and we have other free agents as well um but the way we’re looking at is we’re trying to win the championship and we’re going try this year and then we’re going to try to figure out how to do it next year and and signing free agents um is what it’s

Going to take and having someone’s bird rights gives you an advantage to be able to keep those players even if you’re into the luxury tax and um we’re not frivolous with money and just spending money to spend money what we’re trying to do is win a championship and build

The best team possible and it’s not just players it’s culture it’s team members and Grayson and Royce those are the two you’re speaking of are two great guys Royce is new to the organization has done an amazing job everything you could think of and Grayson’s been here all

Year and has been a phenomenal part of the team and ex oranization so we we hope to and expect to have both those guys back um along with you know keeping this core team together because we love our team and we’re going to go compete at the highest level hopefully in the

Playoffs here very soon hopefully you can see them all play together the best thing about this and what you can’t tell from the audio is he says that about the second apron well standing next to the commissioner of the NBA the man who up Institute the second apron yeah but I

Mean to to Adam Silver’s credit he’s he did say that they’re constantly evaluating things and this was a decision between not only the NBA but also the The Players Association to do this and see how it works out and obviously there’s there’s the there’s benefits and there’s obviously some

Minuses to this but what I love about Matt isby is that he is he’s always gonna stay true to doing the best that they can to put the best product on the court and put the sons in a position for Success he’s never going to back away

From that and again there’s a multitude of things that can lead into this uh you know one of the things that Jerry Krauss got [ __ ] on a lot for is saying that players don’t win championships organizations win championships which was a horrible thing to say when you have Michael Jordan Scotty Pippen on

Your team right however there is some Merit to that in terms of you need a a combination of both and if the Vibes are good in the building and everybody’s put pulling the rope in the same direction then it makes it easier for the ENC Court product and the players to feel a

Part of your organization and want to thrive for that organization as opposed to just wanting to get the next boat out of town right so I I do appreciate what mat isbs says and I do wonder what that wiggle room’s going to look like in the

Off season cuz there are some uh some realities that are going to hit this team in terms of financial compensation for players and then the tax that will ensue after the irony is Jerry Krauss said that and destroyed the Vibes in saying it too and they paid the price

Ever since yeah what was reassuring to me is that we hope and expect to have those guys back um because as much he legitimately when I asked the question and he said that I was like looking at him like wait is he for real for a

Second there I wasn’t sure if he was joking but he knows the new CVA the salary cap rules all that good stuff inside and out and he’s aware of the fact that there is no incentive to letting these guys walk I have been talking a big game this whole time about

Like fans don’t care about what my luxury tax bill is they want to win they want to keep Talent here he understands there’s zero incentive from a team building standpoint to let those guys walk aside from him shaving money off his bill and there is going to be a

Hefty luxury tax bill this is the biggest test that he’s going to face as an owner from that standpoint but him coming out and publicly saying we want and expect to keep those guys is huge because they do have his bird rights like they mentioned for both Grayson and

Royce O’Neal so they can resign them for whatever the only possible hiccup is that luxury tax bill but guess what you let one or two of those guys walk you are not replacing what either one of them brings with your vet minimums which is basically all you’re going to have as

A second tax apron team so it’s really reassuring to hear him continue to back up what he’s been saying all along I don’t care about the luxury tax I’m our focus is on winning and money will follow that I go ahead no I I will say first of all fantastic question thank

You that that was a fantastic question and I loved you getting some props I was slaying in bed watching uh a family broadcast and did y’all see that they brought you up on the yeah it was like my guy Gerald B gay ask this question I’m sitting there like

Yeah that’s my guy man so that was pretty cool but more they pH and X because that’s all I care about he said jald he said big dog Gerald but but more importantly from your question something that I liked was you never mentioned the names you you just said free agents and

He went and said yeah I know y’all talking about Royce and and Grayson like that was that was cool for me to hear because one he’s letting you know man listen you ain’t even got to say their names I know who you’re talking about and I fully intend to bring them boys

Back and I’m not gonna sit here and recklessly spend money but I know what time it is I I I I know exactly what you’re saying I loved how Adam Silver got into you know the negotiations between the the the teams and the players and how that money is divided up

Into the players and and how it all makes sense and how they’ll evaluate things later so I thought it was a great question thought it was really good insight into what mad ISB is thinking and I left that I left that situation saying there’s no way on God’s green

Earth Grayson all and Roy Al oh time out time out time out okay I get it from our side of things and from M isia side of things sure fantastic but listen it is a business and Royce O’Neal and Grayson Allen also know like hey like we kind of got you by

The short and curries right now but why why wouldn’t you pay them whatever asking don’t matter I’m telling you like at there’s a certain point where it will matter like listen guys like I I get that they’re going to do everything they can to bring them back but when you’re talking about

Paying four times as much per annually when you get that second tax that’s a lot of money yeah but what if you don’t sign those guys you’re not winning a championship and you can’t you can’t get anybody replace and you know I think when you made both those deals you knew

What you were getting into here’s another thing I mean I I I don’t see I don’t see another team like I’m just gonna throw a number out there I think Grayson n in the last two days has put himself in the $20 million a year cop

And he’s worth it but and he is but I don’t see another team saying well I’ll give you 25 like I I don’t see that I I think that’s going to be around what he’s worth and I don’t think he’s GNA come back to the Suns and say well you

Know X team offer me 20 so I need 20 I I don’t I don’t see that I don’t think it’s GNA be a bidding war I think it’s just going to be hey this is what I’m worth this is what the market is telling me I’m worth and you’re just going to

Have to man up and match it well and you just brought up culture too and building that so people don’t want to go and I’m not saying they’ll take discounts but I think as long as you’re willing to pay in the ballpark of what what the market

Dictates it I don’t think they’re going to want to go because they got a chance of everything they want get the money win a title and I don’t think Matt ish is going to go oh well you know what that extra five million is where I’m not

Going to go and we’re just going to go sign ex veteran minimum guy who’s not going to do anything I don’t think they’re going to that I think they’re going to sign both of them but I also think that you know when you’re when you’re paying $100 million a year paying

Grayson 20 but you have to pay 100 every year you you don’t just SLO that off like oh he’s got billions of dollars that’s cool that’s a hundred million dollar every year for one player but $100 million one year for a player that’s more than you’re paying K book

And the reality is the reality is you’re either in it to win a championship or you’re not and that’s the price of winning a title in the NBA because your options are do that or trade somebody like a Kevin Durant or a Devin Booker to get any other talent in here and you’re

Not doing that if you’ve committed to this here’s another thing there is a there is a theory where you you get them under contract and then you now you have the option to move them if you have to and not you know so listen I I I will say this uh Grayson

Allen before when he first got traded to Phoenix I looked at a top 50 free agent list this is right after the da trade and again I I I don’t wanna I can’t remember exactly where he was but I want to say Grayson Allen was like in the

Mid35 to like 40 range on the top 50 free agents when the when the deal first got done I just went back and looked at a similar article top 50 free agents he’s number eight now yeah and so there’s a part of me too that thinks

That Grayson has to know that being here just got him a bag that he had no business getting uh if had he not come here and so there’s a part of me that believes that in good faith both both parties are going to do the right thing

Because I think Grayson let listen I’m a better basketball player playing for the Phoenix Suns and I just got generational money by by by coming here and playing on this basketball team and so I think they find a middle ground I I don’t think here’s the thing with ishbia

There’s a maybe there’s a chance that the price tag gets too much for Grayson and for Rey because it is a lot of money per dollar that you spend with those luxury tax ramifications but he didn’t have to come out and say that when I asked these questions and every time

We’ve asked these same questions he’s come out and said the exact same thing so and he knows like if if they don’t resign these guys your team is in trouble you don’t you have no hope of getting you have no uh mid-level exception you have no room exception you

Have no biannual exception your trades are going to be limited you can’t do like two for one or three for one deals anymore your buyout options are limited like you have to bring them back if you want to continue to compete no matter what happens this year even if they lose

In the first round you still have to bring those guys back because you have no other option other than taking signicant step backward unlike mattp we don’t have billions of dollars so we have to actually get to our sponsors here we got a big tea party coming up

With our friends over at doson Ranch uh in a couple weeks March 23d in fact you can come watch the game with us we it starts at 5:00 pm the events due we’re going to have some great golfing out there uh they’ve got unbelievable range out there with all sorts of games that

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Promo code for we we by the way we’ve been talking about this uh for weeks now on program but this Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday is the Shriner’s children 500 out at Phoenix Raceway you and I are going to be there MH and I’m actually extremely excited to experience this

Firstand yeah you can if you buy a ticket uh and you can do that no hookup I mean you set yourself up for that the URL you going to go watch race cars go and your head was going and the last couple days I want part of that it’s super easy

Phoenix is where you get the tickets it’s it’s a whole weekend though it’s not just Sunday it’s the 8th through the 10th you can enjoy all sorts of festivities out there it is it is today is Friday I could get him in a

Club but he can’t get me to the race you can’t get me in the club look I’m wearing Walmart shoes I don’t have a pair of book one so I can’t get in the club all right my bad forgot my hey shout out to my boy C Mur man C Mur in

The chat Jersey finest man I love you my guy I’m kind of in the midd hold on it a for the New Jersy Commerce Commission here traceway get your tickets to the Shriner children’s 500 at Phoenix Raceway March 8 through the 10th promises a weekend of Good Vibes for the

Whole family apparently ish way rights out there get your resered grand and tickets at Phoenix shout out little booy the West let’s go shout out to all my crew in New Jersey thanks too much you know that’s why I came back today I love man the

Energy I love y’all dud sitting at home with the room spinning fans so you you and I talked about this a little bit last night but we asked the question is Grayson Allen uh one of the greatest three-point Shooters in son’s history and I thought instead of just discussing it why don’t

We do a whole tiering system of some of the greatest three-point Shooters of all time for the Suns and we got five different tiers here the standard A Cut Above he’s heating up he’s on fire and Shazam that’s the levels we’re looking at and we’re picking from Dan Marley

Steve Nast sha Maran Rex Chapman Eddie Johnson Leandro Barbosa Raja Bell Jared Dudley Quinton Richardson Channing fry Devin Booker Grayson Allen Jeff hornek and Wesley P oh we could just start and put Jared Dudley in the standard right damn man I mean yeah I honestly think

Like J but come on I think you can honestly put Shawn Mary in there too hey does you down there in the stand you Matrix you know bro he was a 40% shooter for like seven seasons here do when you think knockdown three-point shooter has anybody ever in those their life ever

Said Jared yes 100% every day I say Jared I I say he’s got I’m just gonna say he’s got a better percentage than a lot of these guys that are probably going to be higher on the list athletic fingers talking like hey who’s number eight on the sun’s all time

List who who do I feel like I’m I’m gonna rely on Jared Dy jar going hey finals around the line kick it to Gerald Dy hey aut y are focusing on the stin not the first one can I put somebody on a cut above right away yeah go ahead what are

You think Wesley Person man put him on A Cut Above you think that I think he should be think I would have put him my maybe I put him I put him in I’m looking at I’m looking at the list I’m I don’t know if he you have more than one person

On the Wesley person shot almost 41% on about four attempts over three seasons yeah he was he was kind of a he was kind of a bucket and has finally shot five attempts and and kept that same percentage in his final season I think he’s heating think he wasn’t even he wasn’t

Even on the tear until I put him on right before the show he didn’t have longevity but respect was real no I get you I love Chuck man I love his brother I think I would put Quinton Richardson and the he’s on fire I know it was one

Season but oh man it was it was a good season he only shot 35.8% that season yeah but he you look yeah he just took a lot I mean he took a lot but that in a time where that wasn’t necessarily the case and he hit a bunch of big ones I

Mean I get that’s true he did like I get percent is is what we usually gravitate to but I think the when did you hit a lot of those did you hit them in big moments were they impactful and I feel like he was such a key piece in

Developing 7 seconds or less and in the evolution or at least the start of it into the three-point yeah but he kind of like when they got to the playoffs correct me if I’m wrong he kind of yeah he he kind of disappeared did he not he

Did in his one year that does matter and so I’m just saying putting him and he’s heating up and Jared Dudley in the standard is crazy cuz he was here for one season shot like less than 36% and Dudley was at 40 for Seven Seasons here

Like that’s wild to me see G that’s why I would say I would put Wesley a little below and then qtip right I don’t mind Wesley where he is but I would put I would put Richardson In The Cut Above okay you put rich I I would have put him in the standard

But I’m but es had higher A Cut Above I’m cool with that I’ll be fine with celebrate his celebration though too oh the great great yeah I me uh so let’s look I think Rex champ Chapman’s in the standard I know he has very memorable threes and you think of

Him as a three-point shooter but I think it’s the standard I don’t think he’s I think when he got hot that’s like he got hot right but uh if you’re talking about overall I would agree I mean he has he probably has the most memorable three at

Least one of the it was the craziest three against the Sonics in the playoffs Jason kid throws it uh you know crosscourt and he does one leg to to tie the game I mean that was pretty memorable are we gon are we gonna really rely on percentages though because

That’s just what I bring to the table yeah I mean nothing set in stone you can make it argue cuz I’m be I’m G be honest I I don’t know why but I’m I’m not liking I think Quint Richardson I would rely on him more than Wesley

Person no I would I think I would if you swap those two who do you think shoots better or with s seconds or L Wesley Person is a Hall of Famer if he played with that s seconds or less [ __ ] Miller on that team I will say Wesley Person had a beautiful shot

Beautiful shot mechanically sound beautiful shot but I I don’t know man I mean I saw games where Q Rich went out there and hit six seven threes in games I mean he should he when he heat up he heat up Wesley person might have set that Klay Thompson record with seconds bu Wesley

Relax he was freaking good in an era where you just did not shoot that many yeah he was I’m I’m talking to put he’s on fire why the hell he ain’t sticking the lead then hey we stick in the league we’re about to get some some cont here

In a second so let’s just hold off go ahead I think channing’s A Cut Above Chan so I think Channing revolutionized the big man shooting the three from for like Chan could be on he’s on I put Channing and he’s heating up yeah that’s what I’m saying he’s heating

Up that’s what iing just under 39% on five attempts per game for Four Seasons he’s number seven on the sun’s alltime best I would I would put that that 48 win season that we didn’t make the playoffs with go on in blesso man that dud was incredible from the three-point

Line so yeah I I like where he’s at who anybody else in the standard here I mean uh y’all ain’t gonna like it you don’t say I’m not gonna say I’m not gonna say I’m not gonna say he’s a cutab heed is in the stand oh oh yeah book a

Cut I agreed I oh no the dude is the alltime leader made threes for the Suns yeah cuz he’s been here for n Years cuz it’s nine years and look at the attempts at the way on planet Earth look at the attempts that that wesle [ __ ] person and quit yeah no above Deon

Booker is at least he’s on fire the percentage bro what you guys talking about oh my God as a three-point shooter hold on you agree with threo shooter yes I agree with him it’s not even what bro the dude had the I mean he had the for

In the Three-Point Contest like he has he ever hit a game with seven threes okay in the playoff there plenty of guys that never had how many and how many times has he his six like 58 times I’ll put I’m I’m kind of trolling I’ll put him in he’s heating up because

He is the all-time leader but we’re we’re taking in the fact that he’s the alltime leader because it’s a totally different NBA and he’s attempting way more than a lot of these guys did you look at his percentage from just time in a son’s uniform he and Q Rich have the

Lowest percentage out of anyone on this list like just as a three-point shooter just as a and we know that he can heat up we know that we that he can do that but all these guys can do that I told you we were about to get some I’m just

Saying I thought you were going somewhere else I’m not if we’re evaluating as three point shooters look at the [ __ ] numbers that’s where go look at the numbers that’s your job and I think you’re wrong I’m telling you and you just don’t like them I cannot wait for book to walk by

Gerald book you know it’s all love you want to know what my hot take is Eddie’s in the standard he’s not anywhere higher than that no that’s that’s where I would put I mean I would I would put Eddie in the standard I’ll take he’s like there’s a

There’s a level above Shaz but that’s where I am tell us the numbers on Eddie 36% on 2.1 attempts over Four Seasons That’s the low I think that’s the lowest number of attempts outside of Jeff Hornes SEC yeah and so that’s my point though Eddie probably gonna sit here and

Be like man if I had the green light like some he says it every single time yeah he said average 30 yeah and and I believe Jeff hornek if he had the green light in that era like these dudes Jeff Horn is he’s on fire for me yeah

Jeff Horn is one of the best best Shooters period And if he was in today’s game oh my God horn SEC for he’s on fire yes yes I I would put a yeah I’d put him on he’s on fire he’s heating up because he shot 39% but it was only on 1.3

Attempts and that’s because of era we got to factor in errow for sure like you could not leave him open at all where are we putting book we can’t just we got to finish I want no part of smoke days he’s heating up I’ll give him he’s heating up because he’s the all

Time leader okay where did you want to put him he’s on fire is where I put him that’s way too high he’s the alltime leader in I I don’t care if it’s because of attempts you took the man is at the top of the alltime list for the Phoenix

Suns and this is best three Shooters in Sons history why there I’m with ESP I’m not saying Shazam but I I would put him one oh my God where you gonna put Nash who’s number two Nash isaz hold on your whole [ __ ] argument is that fing AR here

And he was a 50 4090 guy you know that’s [ __ ] different that’s not my what are you talking I literally gave you the num not leave him open how why would you say because you’re [ __ ] on De Booker we’re just pointing out numbers Booker prot my I’m with you I’m

Protesting the less when we post this online let’s make it very clear fle and I are protesting where Deon Booker is on this list so far ahead of everyone else on that list until book and he was only taking three of these a game he shot almost 44% from three over 10 seasons

44% that’s [ __ ] nuts I agree n down I told you the one reason I did it because a princip the all time and played 10 seasons Nash to me Nash the well I won’t say that but Nash definitely is Shazam no question about I I you I got one more

Hot CH go ahead fired away I got a hot CH go ahead go this is interesting go Dan Marley this is I’m G tell you right now standard stand he he was a guy that benefited from lore because he had a few that big one against uh against the Lakers you

Know that he jumps on the score table had yeah like he’s a guy that because of the the run that they made the era that that all the attention was on he’s remembered that way but in reality it’s not that much and it’s not because of the

Era it’s because of just the reality of it so I agree the stand num uh he shot 36% on 3.7 attempts over eight season he is number three on their all-time list with 800 made threes but a lot of that longevity um so yeah so I I don’t think

That’s man we’re gonna have to revisit Dudley still bugging me you I would move him to a cut let’s move him to A Cut Above I’ll give you that Jared dy I feel yeah Dudley above I think oh does it doesn’t matter I think they I think Leandro belongs in that

Group too A Cut Above yeah that’s where I’m at with yeah I would say that too yeah he’s fourth all time 751 uh but that’s nine Seasons here even though that includes the weird one season he came back while he was a shell of himself Raj oh man Raj is tough yeah

I put him in he I put him in he’s heating up yeah based on the big yeah I mean the big ones definitely matter oh man Raj was a good shooter man he was a good shooter but he he was also like I don’t know are you thinking A Cut Above

I was thinking A Cut Above yeah I was in between he’s heting up and A Cut Above he definitely can’t be in the standard no no he had too many big shots to be in the standard for sure I was thinking he’s on fire to be honest with you

Really wow so he shot 42% from three on just under six attempts over four seasons he’s number six on their alltime list move his ass up yeah 42 now you’re telling me Raja Bell’s better than than de Booker from do that I can’t do that dude if

Book had as many wide open shots as Raja Bell he would be on fire that’s why I listen I’mma Be Honest Nash is Shazam and I think book should have been below in the in the Hornet sack and I I don’t you if you want to move book if

You want to move Raj to he’s on fire then you got to do books both of them n cuz there’s no way you could tell me that if book had Raja Bell’s looks he wouldn’t have but we’re not we’re not judging it on that I thought we were

Just judging it on three-point results for the Suns like that’s what we’re doing this this is our opinion on who the best I know we’re analytical we can I can just go is analytical we just racking stacking them look at this point we’re gonna go 24 hours like what chaos

Because I’m not is analytical you could have the prettiest looking shot in the world but if you only make [ __ ] 5% compared to 42 there’s a difference there so just pull up the spreadsheet [ __ ] we doing here’s my thing G well it’s not about the numbers oh okay well

Then go shoot the prettiest [ __ ] jumper and get wait for your 10 days the [ __ ] hold on hold on hold on hold on g g g context you’re no you’re right you got a point but can you can you can you agree that can you agree that the shots that

That’s the defenses and the shots that he’s taking to shoot 35% are different than guys that are wide open of course they are right so do you think do you think uh uh do you think Roger would have shot 42% if he had books low and

The type of defenses books he no of course not but I’m not projecting for what could might have been matter I think does the eye test not matter context matters but what you’re doing is saying well if Raja Bell was the scorer that Booker was and got the attent well

He wasn’t so what are we doing here we’re making up fantasy scenario that’s that that’s called [Laughter] I thought this I’m not sure if you’re new here but this is what we do I thought this make up [ __ ] that’s what we do I didn’t think this was like stat

Based I thought this was I thought I thought this was just like if I got a dude if if my life’s on the line and I could pick any of these dudes to shoot for me who am I I’m picking Steve Nash first absolutely life’s on the line open three-pointer

I’m taking Steve that’s basically what you got to do for this whole list my life is on the line who am I shooting next right and and that’s why I said but because I looked at the Three-Point Contest and I’m like bro the dude what we seen what he could do nobody’s deing

Hold on though when nobody’s deing him he [ __ ] H can’t count the three point cont why not why not why not defition there’s no defense it’s not in a game it’s like Luke Zer could have been on this list if we were talking guys picking it

Off a rack with no defense he couldn’t shoot [ __ ] yeah he was the Great greatest practice shooter ever according according to L how many right that’s that’s a good point though the cont nobody else whatever to verify this it’s practice it’s literally GL prac no real I’mma put you on a spot

Here I’m put you on a spot go ahead Real Talk man real [ __ ] if I came to you right now and I said your life is on the line and a guy gets a wideopen three-pointer in an empty gy mhm your life’s on the line empty gy tell me

Three guys you’re picking an empty gym it’s just yo he makes this shot G you living your you you g tell me you’re not going to take B but that’s the thing what you’re doing is different because what you’re doing is chalking it down to just a

Clutch three of course I believe Devon Booker will hit a clutch three but what I’m saying is if you give a guy 10 shots I don’t think Booker is going to make more than some of the guys I have making like 70 straight but that’s my point is it’s volume over

One shot you’re dumbing it down to like one set clutch shot of course I like booking that scenario but that’s not what the assignment is you know what I’m rip the Band-Aid and piss all of you off too Grayson I think is actually above Nash for me I’m putting him in Shazam

Too now you’re just trying to set [ __ ] on fire you want the stat one one year Nash we have not played a full season that and he has five of the top 14 single best game three-point shooting he’s the only player in NBA history to hit his first eight three-pointers in

Backto Back Games he’s the only son ever to have eight three-pointers in back-to- back games he has to be in that top level I would say I got a problem with him Shazam but you said above Nash okay damn be in the same Lane but we can all

Say if Steve Nash took all of them he’d shoot the same but we like Gerald saying I can’t project that I only know what Steve Nash shot on the few shots he took I’ve seen Grayson Allen hit nine twice in a game all right so I would go him if

I’m talking how many three-pointers are gonna get hit if I got to have a guy hit multiple to save my life however you want to cut it I’m putting him right there I I just knew when we got to book it was going to be that was was going to

Blow everything I knew it glad I the I I think you’re a phenomenal three-point shooter I just didn’t think that he was at the level of these guys yet in terms of like like dayto day sorry Li yo this is fun but I I can’t get past the fact

That at one point in this demonstration we said Wesley Person was the best shooter in the book we didn’t say that no we did book at one point was that at one point we didn’t say that me yeah when when this comes out and somebody gets pissed off it was all

Jald I’ll explain it to B but no like Grayson Allen I had him in he’s on fire the only reason I don’t have him in Shazam is just because it like you said it hasn’t even been a full season okay and that’s my thing is like resign him

And he does this for a year another year absolutely does it for another tier he’s best shooter of all time 30 because of his excise I’m going be so mad but like yes what he’s done this year he’s one of seven players if he completes it in NBA

History to take at least five attempts and shoot 47% from three that’s absurd stupid and to your point I can only base it on what I’ve seen I can’t project next year so wow I’m going to use your your own stuff there you know what we

All could do she got sweaty in here man you know you know what we all could use to go outside and touch some grass all right and you know what the Arizona Lottery wants you to do just that their new Arizona Adventure lottery tickets promote going out to some of the best I

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With three iconic Landscapes Picacho Peak Monument Valley and Camelback M Valley I’m just making up [ __ ] Camelback Mountain these ticket I still can’t believe what will you get over it and finish the ad checking in the Devon Booker statue that they’re going to put up eventually

And camel back M these tickets have priz not building a statue for his three point shooting Oh They’ll build a statue for everything done and you can build a statute to the Arizona Lottery when you win the Arizona Lottery is not just about playing games and winning prizes

It’s also about giving back to the state that ER that Devon Booker dominates in and its communities visit a for more information on how you can take an adventure for a chance to win 1 million in cash in Arizona travel prizes unlike Devin Booker for Gerald you can be in Circle

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Mad at me when you didn’t even have the twins on this list two Shooters who should have been on the list M Bridges and cam Johnson no yes absolutely they played here for more seasons than a lot of the guys on the the list they shot a

Better percentage than a lot of the guys on the list ABS no no no they are n and 10 on the list they are N9 and 10 on the Suns alltime list they shot better percentages than half the guys you put up there they shot more attempts than

Half the guys you put up there not having them on there is recency bias 1 million per well then throwing land sh landre sham no not land sham come on I’m not I’m not being crazy I’m not being crazy come on yo I got I

Got logic dog I have I have a request got get drunk to have this conversation I have a request I swear to you you have to do this please I will tune in whatever [ __ ] time you do it please do this exercise on outside shots

With oh man I want him will I want him to I want him to say what he had to say because by way be M Ultra great to chug 2.6 carbs 95 calorie all taste even when you drink one can just to numb the pain of Gerald T out of pocket [ __ ] about

Three look at the chat the chat’s with me you’re that’s because and by the way you look at the [ __ ] numbers like I said Eric when you said the twins I thought you were talking about the Bai and you triggered me need a drink that’s but you

Know what melal is one of the best beers in the business like I said 2.6 carbs 95 calories head over to to find how you can win Superior NBA prizes Gerald you’re not eligible because of your takes and to find a mck Welter near

You it’s only worth it if you enjoy it and please enjoy responsibly I swear it’s like people can hear us arguing and they start coming out of the wood work and start commenting in the chat by the way uh I did not enjoy that but what I

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Respons any house I like Ed Eddie house was cool I I was I was I was fighting for Eddie before the show how about how about H he’s got the highest three-point percentage ever in Sun’s history he shot 51 three-pointers that year but Craig Hodes yeah everybody in the chat’s like who

8788 was a shooter boy highest percentage ever on 51 threo right oh great he could hit in and practice and why are we talking about the three-point God my God you guys broke me today on this all right Gerald and I literally our relationship is over because of this I’m

Sorry you don’t like numbers I I returned I returned your gift while we were doing this all right let’s recap the whole tier real quick for the people yes all right let’s go back the bottom the standard it’s Eddie sha Maran Dan Marley Rex CH wait that was

What I’m going to do is I’m going to let him rank himself first okay and then show him what I Ral he Cut Above was Quinton Richardson Jared Dudley andand I bet you he’s gonna say Wesley Person won a better shooter than me watch do do you want me on that episode

Just so you have to back up you guys don’t wake up that early he’s heating up his Channing fry and Wesley Person he’s on fire was Jeff hornet SEC Devin Booker and Raja Bell and then the Shazam level Steve Nash and Grayson Allen that’s how

We teared this I do want to say this real quick as a short programming note for all the people that I assume will now tune in next Thursday for outside shots uh we are 90% sure we have an elite guest that you will not want to miss on Thursday it’ll be our first

Guest ever on outside shots it is Craig HJ oh I want to wrap this up uh real quick here with a with a segment I’d like to us to start doing when we got Friday shows like this who was your winner of the week from a son’s perspective Gerald you’re my loser but why don’t you go

First dein Booker because you put him in a tier those no I’m just kidding um my winner from the week was probably Grayson Allen if not Matt ishbia just winning the All-Star Game getting it here but uh I’m gonna go Grayson just because of what he did in those first

Halves against the last two opponents like it set the tone for everything else the Suns did and he had some record breaking performances so yeah I’m going with the big fell I’m going with nerk okay I’m going with nerk damn near 100 rebounds in six games or something like

That some crazy for the week yeah not the month SL just had a room spitting for the week he just had a 30 games this week games this week oh no I’m saying he had rebounds but no how many games this week are we starting from what day Friday to

Friday because that’s the seven days yeah so I mean so he had man come on y got this [ __ ] spinning again but my man nerk dominated the glass all time record 31 rebounds uh a whole bunch of re yeah nerk and he was big in that Denver game

So nur’s my star of the week uh I’ll let you go ESP I you know what I’m gonna give it to Adam Silver because having him here yesterday reminded me without him initiating that uh investigation uh we wouldn’t have Matt ishia and then him rewarding Matt ishia for everything he’s

Done uh you get it with a special shout out to our friend uh Baxter H I was gonna say back yeah for sure um to me I’m gonna give it to the entire Suns organization and Mercury organization as a whole uh and all the people that surround him listen like the the city

The state uh leadership there and also the organization had to come together to try and get the WNBA All-Star Game and the NBA All-Star game uh and as they pointed out we have the final four this year and then the women’s final four is coming uh in 2026 so this is literally

Like the basketball mecca for the next four years which is going to be phenomenal and so shout out to all them for coordinating and put putting this all together because it’s going to be really cool yeah and uh you know what if you want to watch uh our man Saul fight

Eddie Johnson become a die hard today at go we’re gonna stream it live just for you after outside shots next week I’m showing up live and see that one so uh no but go become a die hard we got great content from uh the guy that

Hates Devin Booker you got to kill this narrative before it grows look I love you it’s nothing personal use this as fuel for your seven three corins it as fuel I’m lose my [ __ ] we got immedately goes to shelle after that you can follow Gerald at Gerald boray you follow Flex

At Flex from Jersey you can follow Saul at saulor Bookman you can follow the show at phore Sons you can follow me at ASO and remember J borget can destroy relationships in one tearing system Oh we all sitting like the mayor

The Phoenix Suns had practice in between a win over the struggling Toronto Raptors and a game against the elite Boston Celtics. The PHNX Suns podcast has the latest updates on Devin Booker’s injury, Kevin Durant & Frank Vogel’s thoughts on Bradley Beal running point + a tier list of the best 3-point shooters in Phoenix Suns’ history.

0:00 Intro
2:00 Injury updates, Bradley Beal at PG + more from Suns practice
22:00 Ish Wainright on Devin. Booker calling him when he got signed by the Suns
26:00 Mat Ishbia doesn’t care about the second apron
40:00 Tiering the best suns 3-Pt shooters of all time
1:07:00 Suns winners of the week

An ALLCITY Network Production

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  1. Calm down Grayson Allen is a good not great player rememeber he had a meltdown with the bucks against the Heat last year he better not forget how to shoot 3s like Joe Harris did in the playoffs lets see if grayson can continue his best shooting season where it matters the most in the playoffs or will he fold

  2. Where’s KD. I know he ain’t in his prime when it comes to shooting but in his prime he’s one of the greatest 3 point shooters ever

  3. playoffs tempo slows down but Suns played great in the playoffs when they pushed the temp fast and Beal is perfect at that being able to drive and kick it opens the floor for Grayson Allen

  4. Thunder Dan made the biggest 3s in THE FINALS!…how many did Nash make in the FINALS?!!! The disrespect is egregious!!!

  5. One of the funniest shows to date! Agree that context needs to be considered. Gerald should dig into stats when removing highly contested shots from the mix

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