@Golden State Warriors

Who Carries The Warriors With Steph Out

Who Carries The Warriors With Steph Out

I needed like a pop cuz Friday was tough to get out of bed little guy was crying all night oh yeah bet driving me nuts well no I was a little slow motion this morning but I I just this how you know I was in a dark place this morning I

Didn’t play anything really it was just a sound on the road oh so it was you and hello darkness my darkness my old friend so I was banging corrupt right legit hello darkness I want to listen to windows rolled down in the charger hey I

Swear I went to bed when P was that I said we did all that talking today for the follow with a lost I know it’s all right but I said all that M midle man here’s one guy that cannot that he just can’t go Wayward he

Has to stay on track and I need him more than ever who’s that it’s Draymond Green right now Draymond Green I think is the most important talking to me no no no I I mean this sincerely we could talk about the scoring and all that stuff the leadership and the connectivity that we

Need from Dray M green first off his scoring this year to me my eyeball I don’t know about the numbers it feels like the best since that year in 2016 when they won 73 games it is I feel like he’s played his best offensive basketball I agree with that and I need

Draymond Green to carry this team not with the scoring it’s all the little things I need a man possessed walking that line and telling everybody get behind me let’s go that’s who I need I’m I’m with you there and you know what I’m I’m withy 100% there with Dre M you know

What on the floor and we’ve been consistent with this all season long when he’s on the court he’s playing light out he is he’s playing some damn good basketball he’s moving that rock he was dropping Dives yesterday from the top of the key or excuse me the top of

The three-point line right there I mean Draymond Green was playing well yesterday so can he rally the troops offensively and get these guys quality these shots now I do I am interested to see if Chris Paul does start if Curry has to miss time how does that work for

With Chris Paul and draym green I don’t doubt that they could play together but they both need the ball in their hands and the half court offensively to be effective now can Jay mgre S A lot of screens for guys no doubt about that how

Does it work how would the pace be where would the pace be at if Chris paw starts that’s the one thing I they’re running they’re getting up and down up and down up and down you scor 122 last night I’m not mad at that but how can you push the

Pace and how will it impact you defensively here so I there’s a lot here with Stephen Curry being let let’s say he’s out and we’re just throwing I’m throwing things out with no you know knowledge whatsoever let’s say he’s out two or three weeks okay two and a half

Weeks I I just go two and a half right I don’t know what my starting lineup is and I think a lot of people are like well it’s Moody it’s psky it’s kaminga it’s Wiggins and it’s Draymond it’s like it’s a lot of young guys you know what like where’s the scoring going

To come from this is where Steve cars just got to have to play gay by gay match up by match up that’s yeah you’re probably right I think that’s where we at right now everything’s on the table I don’t think anything said anymore you got to like you go in after the Bucks

Game you’re like you’re clapping saying okay I got my Tim a rotation I have a professional kaval Ludy who will be ready if I call his number Dario shards will be ready if I call his number and hopefully he gets a shot rolling again now all of a sudden everything you may

Need Dario s for some scoring punch all of a sudden you’re saying sge I need that three-point shot roll it again I need your 10 points or your nine points or whatever you’re averaging I need every little bit clay you gotta you gotta continue to drop in 20 we need

That would you like with Steph out I actually might reconsider the clay and CP3 as starters as opposed to bench guys just because with Steph out that just changes it changes your whole dynamic of who you are you’re so right and so like to your point about I’d be open to

Anything like that’s where I would I might have to reconsider the CP3 Off the Bench and Clay Off the Bench and maybe I just go with both of them as starters and then you bring pods man I could play so many different devils AR it complicates things it AB absolutely

Complicates like last night like Dre has a wide open three at the top of the key and he misses it and I thought it was going in have second one yeah it looked like it was online it looked like it was back theim hey kaminga and Moody cuz

Again we’re going lost in the sauce of last night you know real ragui uh kaminga and Moody were fighting for rebounds they were they were fighting for offensive rebounds and I think that we we when we lose we forget about the positives again this isn’t my youth team

But the the young guys are stepping up Moses Moody had five offensive rebounds I didn’t know was that many five nine overall wow five offensive rebound and incredible steal and dunk and joh oh that was that was so inspirational aw I was amped up for Moody and that one and

To hear Moody when he got the steal and he got the dunk and then you hear him ah you know he was waiting on that did you hear when Steph rolled his ankle you could hear him yell you could hear him on the television and I knew right away

It was bad and he hobbled right off hobbled right off unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable um 650 can you guys talk about the giants sub or when you get a chance well we gave you 30 seconds of giants what would you like us to talk about with the Giants here

Here’s my here’s I didn’t I didn’t watch a game I didn’t watch a spring trading game 30 seconds here it is nor am I going to watch a spring trading game Kyle Harrison looked good and thus concludes our Giants talk for the day that was a fast 30 seconds

But like no like ly what do people want like the Giants haven’t played any games so if our audience hasn’t seen them play what do you want me to read box scores I’m not even sure if guys are only throwing Cutters guys are only working on sliders guys are only throwing fast

Balls like we like it doesn’t mean last year here’s an example last year Casey Schmidt batted like four whatever in spring training did it correlate to the regular season no he didn’t get caught up that’s remember I went crazy open day because I said how are you going to rob

This young man the opportunity to rub The Monuments in Yankee Stadium in center field you don’t even call this guy up he was your best player in Spring I went crazy and then they made the Matt Bey trade then you guys went crazy it was like that’s set the tow for the

Season with the San Francisco Giants in 2023 listen man I’m optimistic about the Giants but we need something from them we need something you know what you know what we’ll do FP San CH is going to be in Spring oh I think he’s going to be at

Scottdale next week we’ll call FP and get him on the show we’ll get some insights from him that’s you know what do you want shower what what did I miss can you play that again wait you’re my shower Fon F feeling champagne going down the crack of your ass crack crack crack crack why does always go back to crack why does always go back to crack let’s go to Daniel Bish crack whack dude it’s all about F all these days oh gosh I’m got

Kid Daniel what’s up man what up Dan hey what’s up man hey uh first time calling in man I know I hit you guys up on um Instagram all the time HD you know uh from Venicia oh ni I appreciate you always getting back to me and everything

Yep um I didn’t get to see a lot of the game but when I did chime in I was like I know it’s a little sensitive with uh you know talking about Draymond on the show got bitty hears us but no hey hey Daniel Daniel Danel Daniel it’s not sensitive talking about

Draymond greed it’s not feel free to talk about there’s nothing sensitive I love Draymond man I love it you know you need a dog on you know you need a dog I like it I like his physical play I think he should be even more physical but that’s

Just me I like the old school play but I mean I can’t say the game wouldn’t have been flipped if Draymond would have just been in the game at the end when it just ironically Curry got hurt you know it’s just like when is you know he has to

Stay on the floor you know and I’m sorry but where are all these fouls coming from from when defense was non-existent in the second and third quarter so they just washed they just wasted fouls I mean the defense intensity I could understand if he was fing out but the

Defense was washed until damn near the middle of the fourth quarter so it’s like come on Draymond like you got to stay on you got to stay on the court man and you know so and you know but as far as the rookies man they’re doing great

Um I know it’s a horrible comparison for you guys being Niner fans but Steve Kerr kind of gives me Shanahan Vibes just in-game adjustments you know he just lackluster for me I just the way he treats the rookies and playing I mean moody is ball I mean he’s

Balling man and just to not have him on the floor at the end just driv me crazy he played 23 minutes last night kaminga got us 32 minutes and 35 seconds Trey Jackson Davis played 18 minutes uh so they’re getting their minutes the rookies are playing psky played 27

Minutes and he was in the game but don’t be sensitive about Draymond greed on this show why why would anybody feel like that the final the final foul um the offens screen where it looked like he like reached and leaned out on the it was a foul like I I

It was there I I mean it was and it was trying to get a look for a guy coming off a pin down it just stinks you know those off ball screen illegal screens and things like that like those are just those are really tough and to foul out on that one

That was not good that was not good what did that caller say at the beginning about sensitive drar what he say he’s afraid that he was listening and he doesn’t want him to get all Angry oh no no no drar won’t be Ang hey treb Tre bod’s a big boy he’s a big

Boy he’s a big boy we’re all big boys absolutely incredible Paul Pierce on the podcast I refuse to listen to that why cuz I’m just out on Paul Pierce the truth juste he’s there’s nothing truthful about Paul Pi the truth shill said that man lives in his own

Head Paul Pier this is where like I say like you know because you have a certain level of money Fame and skill in certain industries doesn’t make you the end all be all to life

Someone has to step up if Stephen Curry is going to be out for any period of time.

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  1. I think having Chris Paul running the offense will help. If Wiggins elevates his game and becomes more aggressive I think they will be ok. Best case scenario Steph comes back next weekend.

  2. This may be a blessing in disguise. I don't think that the Dubs were going to do much damage in the playoffs anyway. Now, they have an opportunity to see if Kerr can actually coach a team without one of the best players who ever lived.

  3. Strength In Numbers! Next man up when a player is out! I truly believe that we can still get the job done though working together! You cannot replace a Stephen Curry! I Hope Stephen Curry is ok, we wish him a quick healing and speedy recovery with no setbacks or side affects! Team Stephen Curry! Team Jesus!

  4. Draymond's Suspension: throws a tatrum like a child "I'M DoNE WItH DrAYMonD!!!"

    Curry's Injury: "I need Draymond to carry this team."

    this manchild's ignorance and arrogance is insane.

  5. CONFIDENCE, COHESIVENESS, COMMITMENT, is what it's going to take again. Work it out, as you all did with the Bucks. More statements to be made, everyone COMMITTED. DRAYMOND keep your head. EVERYONE DO YOUR PART. ❤🙏

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