@Indiana Pacers

JuJuReacts To Minnesota Timberwolves vs Indiana Pacers | Full Game Highlights

JuJuReacts To Minnesota Timberwolves vs Indiana Pacers | Full Game Highlights

Ladies and gentlemen uh I’m your your head referee of tonight we have the Minnesota Tim Timberwolves and the Indiana uh Pacers uh lock in Indianapolis are in exting match up between the top in the NBA against the top defense turn the music off everybody that’s donating on Tik Tok thank you so

Muchana good job Hal Burton yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what I’m talking about Rudy Gober come on man get big pass it to Rudy why you ball hogging man Rudy was wide open there you go all day good pass W passing W passing yes sir that’s what I’m talking [Applause]

About who you bet on what you talk about who I bet on I didn’t bet on nobody what y’all talk about who I bet on I ain’t bet on nobody yeah yeah yeah all the time just pass it to Rudy pass it to Rudy yeah yes yeah that’s what I’m

Talking about hey what where hey can somebody where’s Carl Anthony towns somebody tell me where’s Carl Anthony towns somebody tell me where towns hurt Okay he that’s what I’m talking about here we go so many inters so many resp responsib that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about hey I have a question uh what did the Kings receive in the trade for uh Halle Burton what did the Kings receive

In the trade for H Halle Burton so it basically worked out oh my god it worked out good oo W trade from both sides W trade from both sides I like that cuz sabonis is taking off right now and the fact that he don’t get a lot of recognition is crazy to

Me apparently I heard he’s U 9 and0 against ad I don’t know I don’t know how you like fan want to take that stat but you but but you might need to uh think about stuff theim outside look go to work go to work yeah good

Pass out to the three-point 2K My Career generated player for the three ohoo give me that give me them cookies yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all day and back out of here man hey I have a question uh do y’all think Anthony Edwards could uh beat Michael Jordan

One1 seak yet to get going hits the first field goal for Pascal seak under 90 seconds to go in the first good little floater good little floater by the big man good little floater by the big man off the Minnesota bench seak into the chest of Alexander Walker and one

Opportunity getting that over Rudy got to be challenging give me that easy easy easy pasak so good at spinning will drive either direction andin back God damn and he made it too FAS it to Rudy now for Anthony Edwards halber ball fake will and [Applause] hit un who better the Warriors or the

Lakers the [Applause] Lakers good little shot good little shot by McDaniels 2K My Career generated player for the three good pass to the corner 2K M carear generated player for the three every we go get a there get out there get out there get out there yeah

Yeah all day all day all day oh yeah yeah cook him cook him cook him C him easy they a calling no fouls [Applause] man guy good midrange remember when SE yakum was like like like upcoming Allstar now he’s just like mid he’s like mid like very mid I feel

Like I think I think Kawai took his uh his uh his shine uh Tik Tok is everything going good is anything going good is the quality good is anything is anything messing up Tik Tok are we good all good yes smooth okay uh okay well I keep I keep getting

Notifications it says it seems there are some problems with your live quality learn how to improve it come on man you’re bull driving you bull driving but anyways I feel like Kawai took his like shine but that’s just me personally yeah yeah yeah yeah get big

Get big get big they can’t stop you man they can’t stop you get around that pck yeah yeah oh get him yeah good pass here we go hey F him out his booty shorts that’s what I’m talking about shakum better than adabu uh anybody in here Miami Heat

Fan Emma Emma why you wasting your energy over here I see you timing out people why you wasting your energy over here Emma relax Emma relax go go go make your little drinks in the kitchen go make your little drinks put your headphones in relax we we don’t care about Tik Tok

Chat Miami fros ain’t a Heat fan but I to buy you better Pullum the get that out of here D McDaniel’s a little shaken up asith fires again and hits the whenever Indiana made a little bit of a run Ali hoop there you go that’s every time man

Every time man every time every time cor door says what’s good Juju hope everyone is having a good dayim was only no because of K we and got better once he left Hey listen here man don’t you ever ever in your life interrupt me while I’m

Doing a video don’t you see I’m at work right now don’t you ever in your life interrupt me while I’m at work you hear me you talk to me after I’m done I don’t go up to you while you at work and bother you my day was good now let me get back

To work wrong with people man get BL that what I’m talking about Rudy get out of back 2K My Career generated player for the [Applause] three the El did the see see I catch everything I told y I catch everything did the announcer just say n

Smith I thought n Smith was uh the black the black dude the other black dude that’s it’s just the same dude donor says and I don’t care if you at work or not her going to answer my question now what’s something good about a day back to the video the that’s a

Problem hard Evan Turner need to go to another team on God EV Turner need to go to another team on God bro get get go oh that was nice that was nice that was niceoo kick out Miles Turner a lot of steps I was just about to talk about it announcer whoever the announcer is yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s talk about that let’s talk about that CA God dang he go man to man walk to the okay [Applause] is that a travel yes or no is that a travel yes or

No is that a travel yes or no I’mma wand it back I’mma wander back Al kick Miles Turner is that a travel yes or no travel yes or no I’m I don’t I don’t think he traveled I don’t think he traveled I don’t think he traveled bounce once he bounc it this

Foot don’t count this foot don’t count he bounced it this foot don’t count that first foot don’t count after he bounced it and then he proceed to it’s two steps I don’t think that’s a travel I don’t think that’s a travel yeah it’s a gather yeah I think

It’s clean look look look look watch again watch again watch again watch again watch again boom this foot right here he bounced it this foot right here he’s about to step that don’t count that’s a gather he bounced it this is the first foot that’s a gather then he proceeds to

Go in his two steps after that one two I don’t think it’s a travel I don’t think it’s a [Applause] [Applause] travel that was lucky that was lucky that was lucky under seven minutes left to go in the third ladies and gentlemen we got a tie ball game that’s what I’m talking about oh good shot that’s what I’m talking about let’s go work [Applause] work God damn he got it back [Applause]

[ __ ] b b b bam playing girl screaming man 2K My Career generated player for the three o bully ball Man I don’t see how nobody blocks Halle Burton shot halberton shot is so ugly I don’t see how nobody on block it he takes like he takes like uh 15 seconds get to [Applause] shoot [Applause] Lane I I ain’t saying nothing wrong I ain’t saying he can’t shoot I say I

Ain’t saying he should change shot I’m just saying I don’t see how nobody don’t be blocking it he literally takes so long to shoot it and that [ __ ] [Applause] ugly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good job good job Rudy easy yeah good little mid-range from the 2K micro generated player oh my God

Did somebody hit that ball out or did he lose it because that’s a that’s a that’s a travel give me that oh my God I thought he made it w defense W get recovery God Dam here we go ladies and gentlemen Oo we closing down to the wire 89 to 90 under 9

Minutes left to go on the fourth good pass to the corner oo easy give me that oh my God and hit off the backboard that’s a go TI too uhhuh that’s what I’m talking about here we go go to work now go to work work on work

On work on work on yeah yeah mid-range in your mouth all damn day yes sir Here We Go Again cook him cook him cook him cook him cook him cook him a oh my God what is going onz attacking go and scoring come on Rudy you got to block that [Applause]

Man oh lucky bounce lucky bounce lucky bounce God damn n Smith blocked him twice oh my God that was a crazy block oh my God B playing girl scream man look at it look at it look at it look at it look at this get out of here

Man who is your goat um my goat is uh [Applause] KD good little floater good little Flor here we go one1 to 98 ladies and gentlemen under four oh my God Rudy you could have blocked that Rudy you could have blocked that don’t be lazy late in the game come on [Applause]

Now 102 to 101 ladies and gentlemen on the three minutes left to go on the fourth on the CL Darth vader8 says wsp Juju accumulate huh see y’all interrupted me in the middle of a video oh my God that was nice that was nice 103 to [Applause] 102

Oh my God 105 to 105 ladies and gentlemen we’re closing down to the wire pull up three in your mouth [Applause] time yep oo o boy I know your knees buckling up right now I know your knees buckling up but is that a push off is that a push

Off ladies and gentlemen is that a push off ladies and gentlemen is that a push off is that a push off ladies and gentlemen I know I know we all love an but is this a push off is this a push off you the one with the whistle see hey see

Will you must be new here you must be new here you got to be new here yes I’m the one with the whistle but I always ask for y’all opinion you know I like to let my audience get a chance to speak up you understand me that’s the difference

Between me and the other referees I want to I want to hear from you I want to hear from him I want to hear from her I want to hear from him you know I like to give y’all a chance to speak up no no no no see will you trying to

Say it’s a joke you know I’m G to snap on you don’t tell me to keep playing the video I’mma finish it that’s a push off that’s a push off right there that’s a push off that’s a push off I’mma keep it a buck with you that’s a push

Off oh my God but I I know oh my God I know his knees buckling B playing girl screaming god dang yes sir 110 to 105 with 45 seconds left on the dang clock here we go here we go that was huge oh yeah cook him cook him cook him cook him

D and that’s a foul what is wrong with you man I you got I knew you took the short bus you had to take the short bus the game is in a crucial state right now you got 16 seconds and you and you want to get into

His shooting space I knew I just know you drove the short bus I just [Applause] know Walker [Applause] ARL there we go come on now come on now defense defense one 113 to 111 God damn you didn’t clutch up and God damn 6 seconds left ladies and gentlemen here

We go here we go here we go here we go out get [Applause] out [Applause] that’s what I’m talking about thought it was sweet ain’t nothing sweet now let’s go ahead and get into these stats ladies and gentlemen go ahead and adjust this over here on Twitch and let’s talk about these stats Shifty Alan uncore says Edwards OMG I’m curling my toes oh relax

Man your live is flag for hate speech and hateful behaviors repeated violations could result in your life being discontinued everybody go everybody make sure you follow the twitch everybody make sure you follow the twitch everybody make sure you follow the twitch Emma I can’t I can’t I can’t say

Nothing over here I I can’t I can’t do nothing over here Emma I can’t do nothing over here Emma this not this is hey Tik Tok my Tik Tok people this this this probably ain’t going to last like another hour it’s probably not going to last another another hour I’m telling you right

Now ladies and Gentlemen let’s go ahead and get into these stats for my people who on YouTube y’all make sure y’all join in on the live streams man because as you can see it gets intense and I ain’t editing nothing of this out ladies and gentlemen we got

McDaniel’s first up the starting roster for the Minnesota timberwoods with 28 points 11 28 minutes 11 points need to do better than that can’t be out that bull driving just simply can’t be out that bull driving eight rebounds six assists four personal fouls can’t have that can’t have that

You got to do better man you got to do better ladies and gentlemen up next we have Kyle Anderson with 28 minutes three points I already talked to y’all a bunch about this but for my people who just kind of like tuning in on Tik Tok I’mma

Just keep it brief no way you go out there for 28 minutes and you only put up three points it it’s just not happening it’s simply just not happening if I go out there for 28 minutes you best believe I’m getting me a 50 piece a 15

Piece not a 50 piece a 15 piece with with with some sour cream you understand that uh Anderson I don’t I don’t I don’t know what’s wrong with you I don’t know if you got uh mental health issues or whatever the case may be but you need to work on yourself man you

Need to work on yourself here we go Tik Tok byebye Tik Tok byebye here we go I’m about to get flag watch watch watch watch what I tell you what I tell you oh my God here we go up next six personal fouls is crazy keep your hands to yourself at all times

Man next up ladies and gentlemen Rudy Goldberg played a cool little 40 piece of minutes 18 points 14 rebounds hey Rudy you played 40 minutes I’m going need you to put up a 30 ball you the tallest one on the court you literally could just dunk it every time you get

The ball man they can’t stop you and if they try to you just foul and go to the free throw line you been to the free throw line good and you shot four for five I like that man you got to keep doing that but you dropped a little nice

Little double double which is cool which is cool had two steals three blocks two turnovers but you’re a big man so the turnovers they’re going to come big man slopp you with the ball two personal fouls I like that keeping your hands to yourself even as a big man like that I

Know it’s tough I was tough then ladies and gentlemen we got Mike Conley with 30 minutes played and Five Points oh my God man H if let me ask y’all everybody in the chat twitch and Tik Tok if the coach ask y’all to go out there and play play uh

20 minutes how much points y’all putting up if the coach ask y’all to go out there and play 20 minutes how many points y’all putting up 104 easy five five minim of 10 5 12 I like some people that’s being realistic I like majority of y’all being realistic

And I like that I like that I like that a ain’t no way you play 30 minutes and you don’t come on man it like like it don’t make no sense and as a point guard e even if you a shoot well please facilitate the ball

You only have four assists come on man what is that two steals two turnovers as a point guard is crazy you got to know how to to handle that one personal foul collie I don’t I don’t know what to say about you man and then ladies and

Gentlemen last but not least we have Anthony Edwards with a nice little 39 minutes 44 points you love to see it that’s what an allar does and good job man good job but do some stuff out the other categories man like get some more rebounds get your

Teammates involved a little bit more a little bit more still I like that you didn’t turn the ball over so you was careful with it I like that I like that and we ain’t even worried about the uh the bench players they they they ain’t important ladies

And gentlemen up next we got uh SE yakum 34 minutes 24 points just not going to cut it and didn’t really do nothing in the other categories then we got n Smith with 30 minutes eight points but he played mostly defensive in because he has two blocks got three oh never mind

Next person miles Turner 21 minutes 12 points godly man I just can’t stand the fact that people are like like big men are like about almost seven foot and they only manag to put up 12 points and you only had seven rebounds four blocks is good but you have five personal

Fouls keep your hands to yourself I don’t know who this kid is or my career 2k generating player 31 minutes seven points and then hle Burton with 37 minutes 23 points Pacers y’all just did not Excel y’all just did not Excel and that’s not good man y’ gotta do better

Than that I’m telling y’all man y gotta do better but if you guys enjoyed the video make sure you like comment and subscribe I’m gone peace









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