@Dallas Mavericks

HEAT brain dead, criminally awful coaching losing to JASON KIDD

HEAT brain dead, criminally awful coaching losing to JASON KIDD

First of all the heat just don’t guard this down screen at all like Terry roier needs to get his attached to Kyrie Irving arms extended and Jimmy Butler’s got to go chase over the top none of it happens Jimmy Butler goes up the gut rosier’s nowhere so you’re gonna have a

Difficult time guarding this hand off now if I hedge this hand off and cut Luca Don dribble off there right there now Rosier can just step up and be in backside help and recover nope you’re gonna let Luca donic keep his dribble alive enter the paint and that couldn’t

Be more open Eric spola is awful Harry here you know that you’re switching here right so I’m up I’m up I’m up ready to guard you’re playing off so now you got to Sprint up pill guard you’re already in the air before he does anything not how transition defense

Works this is is this heat culture spoler is trash Terry roier you’re not getting to the ball so get over to Tim Hardaway Jr yic is gonna be stuck on Luca doic here so if I get over and help on Tim Hardaway Jr I’m in help in the

Middle of the floor and we can push Luca donic middle of the floor where’s roier going first of all you’re jogging and where are you going so Mavericks have n that was awful here’s this for you pay SPS for $120 million for garbage the guy’s terrible you got to do something about

This screen you could switch the screen you could certainly ice the screen there’s no place for Josh Green to roll to you keep Luca Don as the sidelines you do nothing H May KZ get screen you do nothing so luuka donic is wide open he’s off heat are in their stupid Zone $120

Million for garbage haja Cas you got to take the corner and then Thomas Bryant you can’t Guard air get up to the middle Zone Caleb Martin when PJ Washington cuts through you got to guard the foul line extended area but Thomas Bryant standing in the paint Caleb Martin

Standing and thinks it’s okay to guard air so this is wide open and where’s H Jaz he’s not even in the corner not how transition defense Works Thomas Bryant is guarding PJ Washington he’ll be fine Jimmy Butler you got to find somebody else to guard like Lively

You can’t in the middle of the play tell Thomas Bryant to go and I’m gonna guard the ball it’s because that happens first of all I would just ice this screen right there’s no place for drik lively to roll to keep Luca donic to the sidelines but you want to trap right

Here so H jacz first of all’s got to get up like you got to you can’t let the pass to Derek Lively get made and Jimmy Butler and Thomas br have got to get way up way up way up you’re trapping you got to make that pass two passes away as

Difficult as possible for donic but it doesn’t matter no one moves you trap right here and everyone stays home so Lively’s gonna everyone’s open just spola terrible garbage he only wins with LeBron the heat went into this game trapping with no idea what they’re doing you pay spoler $120 million he’s awful

First of all you got to switch this sound you got to do something why is Haywood isman not just switching on the dod you’re trapping anyway ways see the problem is Jimmy Butler just got screen so Thomas Bryant like hayw iith you got to get up up up on donic and trap him

Towards the sidelines Caleb Martin gets in backside help here on Derek Lively’s role but you’re not trapping you’re not up enough he can make any pass he wants to make for $120 million what are he doing like don’t SW if you’re gonna switch switch you can’t just you’re just gonna

Switch and then switch back in the middle of play cool so we’ll give up an open three to Tim Hardway Jr how about bamat bio could you see Daniel Gafford keep him out of the paint ready to box out like you’re not you’re staring at

The ball so I give up an open three because spoler is terrible and an easy offensive rebound this just cannot happen off a jump ball could Caleb Martin start to get back right now just start to get back and then Sprint back once Dallas has its ball Caleb Martin standing there

And then backpedaling so that happens roier the heat just switched why are you drifting in the paint be up the line ready to guard Kyrie Irving but this is where coaching steps in you got to rotate to the ball if you’re bam out of Bio one step over back to the Baseline

When Kyrie Irving cuts through your feet I can stunt recover this is a shell drill in a game look at Eric bolstra you pile of tra Kyrie Irv this is Criminal Behavior this ruins my life right here how am I not hedging the screen the sideline is right there

Yic is going to get up in backside help but be there for half a second LCA donic will have to pick his dribble up and then ababio can bump yic back as he can recover this is garbage look at bolstra standing there like $120 million of awful the Heat have numbers defensively

This is like a two on Five could adabo yovic Butler communicate there in help that they have no one to guard other than to be in help so Duncan Robinson knows to play up on the ball how is that what happens this is coaching this is

Crap this is awful dun you don’t go over this Duncan Robinson staring at his man setting across screen you must Jam Kyrie Irving as he comes through and knock him off a spot so roir can get on the other side you don’t even come close it’s most

With standing and watching he’s a he’s awful Caleb Martin on this handoff you’re either switching this right here or Caleb Martin is immediately sprinting up up up to ganic you oh I recognize this this is this awful heat zone so jacz should not be guarding on the wing he should be in the

Corner but how about what bam aob bio’s doing like could you first of all get up and guard the paint Derek Lively setting a flare screen so I’m yelling flare flare flare so Caleb Martin knows to get up and over the top you’re not even looking at it so Caleb Martin’s going

Clank in the flare screen it’d be nice if you could switch this flare screen but you’re in the paint guarding air the Miami Heats game plan was to give Luca donic the lane off pick and rolls that was their game plan spola you piece of

Trash get up and hedge get him out of the lane there’s no place for lively to roll to look at this pick and roll defense just let Luca donic get in the paint that’s unbelievable the NBA unbelievable Heat play up off the ball screen again first of all where’s your

Backside help it’s nowhere but Thomas Bryant getting back in the play you got to recover Caleb Martins in help here and he does a great job getting in the gaps get over to Daniel Gaff and move him out of the paint like Thomas Bryant’s still looking at the ball as opposed to getting

Gaff Heat have been trapping all game long they’re terrible at it look at spol just standing there you are a [ __ ] you shouldn’t ear the heat had been trapping all game long they have no idea what you got to rotate bam aab bio’s got to get up here

If you know you’re trapping Terry roier would get up and deny one pass away Butler would have to roam the Baseline here you have no one moving you’re trapping exam’s wide open so now this is a wide open three and look at Kyrie Irving on the wing wide open spoolstra

Get out obviously cannot do this with Luca donic OB Duncan Robinson’s coming over to help is he communicating it do you know where your help coverages are get up and guard why is Jimmy Butler all of a sudden backpedaling and forcing LCA die look at this why are the heat not just switching

Here you’ve been trapping the whole game you’re terrible at it your coach has zero brain cells all right fine you’re going to trap where’s the movement someone has to move up to Dante exom you can’t just have the man who set the screen off the Trap be wide open and

Again no one’s moving no one so now the everyone’s open here Kyrie Irving’s open Derek Lively’s Cuts wide open Exum himself is open I don’t understand this you’re down three there’s 27 seconds left 17 on the shot clock why can’t you just play defense Duncan robins and Jimmy Butler

Being help on the ball Here Comes Your stupid trapping thing no one’s moving Terry roier you got to get up Dante exum’s one pass away like you’re G bam aab bio can roam the Baseline if a pass two passes away gets made he can rotate to the corner you don’t move again you

Don’t move so Exum got this now look now Jimmy Butler can wrot take to the corner Duncan Robinson go to Kyrie Irving we can play one-on-one defense nope let’s go chase Dante Exum around foul and you lost bolster is a nightmare

Mavericks 114 – Heat 108
#nba #basketball #miamiheat #dallasmavericks #erikspoelstra #jasonkidd


  1. so thankful that this savior is here to remind us every night that every coach in the nba is a fraud and likely bets on games

  2. Lmao! 😭 now that awful coaching knows how bad Kidd is that he's saying losing to Kidd is actually an embarrassment, which it is 🤣

  3. Would love to see a video where you praise teams for their great defense. Thought Spoelstra was a genius. Now his coaching is criminally awful too?

  4. Spoelstra might be the luckiest coach in NBA history dude got a $120 contract because Lebron & Bosh decided to team up w Wade

  5. He's so angry, he makes me angry too. Even though I don't really know or understand what they did wrong, I am fucking FURIOUS!

    Also, I'm going to start using 'criminal behavior' in my daily life.

  6. And the Worst part of it all is the coach is getting paid over a 100 million smh 🤦‍♂️

  7. To be fair, Spo got his start as a video coordinator and they’ve been hot and were due for a let down here. Wouldn’t surprise me if Spo wanted to get some of this zone trap they’ve been running lately on tape against an elite ball handler/PNR initiator and see how they handle it

  8. I hope everyone knows that this channel is mostly for comedic value. Nitpicking every single split-second decision on the court is unrealistic and unconstructive from a coaching perspective. Practically every coach this guy has criticized has drilled these players through every single scenario discussed in this video thousands of times. This guy isn't serious; otherwise, I would highly doubt he has ever coached a day in his life if this wasn't a joke. Good for the laughs and content though.

  9. Awful coaching is one thing, awful execution is another.
    Some players really don't have it on 1 side of the court, but needs to stay on the court because that player is essential on the other side of the court.

    Some just don't have it that night. Some just lack effort/ being passive cough jimmy cough

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