@Milwaukee Bucks

Giannis Antetokounmpo Postgame Press Conference | 3.8.24

Giannis Antetokounmpo Postgame Press Conference | 3.8.24

Just for you guys defensively today obviously Dan Angel Russell kind of got going just what do you see with your guys’ inability to kind of contain him you know obviously I think uh in a player like that you got to get into him be a little more physical I feel like he

Was playing fre out there was able to get to his spots um he want to shoot jump shots uh obviously he did uh he had a great game lead his team all the way to the end won the game for them made great pass made great shots great

Decisions uh he was he was incredible tonight but you know like uh for players like that that you know they going to be more aggressive than usual uh you got to be more physical you know sometimes it’s going to be players that you got to maybe deny them uh get into them send

Them to the to the paint um just make it a little bit tougher take them out of the comfort zone and I don’t think at times we would able to do it uh but we didn’t do it enough that final offensive possession just what you see kind of from your perspective

Oh give the ball to the best uh closer uh in this game today to make a play and whatever the outcome of that play is you got to live with that just guys execution in general down the stretch how did you feel um just on

Both ends of the floor about the way you guys execute uh defensively we kind of gave uh two threes I don’t know what miscommunication we didn’t switch what I don’t know what I don’t know what happened I got to watch the film but uh I think offensively we moved

The ball got the ball in the pocket got some open threes um easy cuts from the Baseline um we basically got whatever we wanted but we couldn’t just couldn’t get to they made two threes they made the floater yeah they made the floater or maybe n one and then the floater you

Know and they was able to win the game you you and uh Dame both had just High playmaking numbers and Doc kind of mentioned there was uh just a stretch think in a third or quarter or so you guys were playing off each other a lot

How did that feel uh out there on the floor you make a St feels good you know we have to do that more we work on it we communicate um you know we have to play we have to play more I think um the more we’re figuring out how to play with one

Another the easier we going to make it for our team uh and everybody can fall in place and uh you know execute their role and make the game easier but uh me and them we are we got to be always on the same page and I feel like we’ve been

Trying to do that lately you know there’s going to be times that everybody’s going to be on the other side and just me and dve got to make a play and we did that in the in the fourth quarter I was able to um get back

To the game and get I think get up six points but wasn’t able to uh get some stops Zach was talking in the Huddle in the second half about picking up the pace picking up the ball how did you feel like your team responded to that and about the pace overall tonight

Picking up the picking up the ball like what do you mean pressure of the ball right uh I don’t know I got to watch film I wasn’t I’ll be honest with you I think I was focus on how to guard um R hatur and um Davis I wasn’t really

Paying attention what was going on with the ball uh but usually whenever that whenever coach wants that Malik or Pat or whoever is out there they try to you know get up and guard the ball uh but I got to watch the film to see you know uh how much

That impact uh the Lakers what did you think of your team’s Pace overall tonight I think it was good I think at times we had some empty POS but uh there was times that we were playing good basketball like ball was moving we were make shots getting the

Paint um setting screens rolling you know creating that tension in the paint be able to you know draw throw people in and make that uh extra pass I think we there was at times that we played really good bask that’s why we were able to get

Back to the game but we wasn’t we couldn’t get stops to save our life down stretch you said a couple of weeks ago that you needed Dame you thought that Dame had to buy into this being his team as much as it is yours your guys’ two-man game has really started to click

Lately where what progress do you feel like you’ve made and what do you want to learn about this group on this West Coast Swing what you going what I’m going to learn about this team on this west coast swing and then your two man game um no we just got to keep playing

Good basketball uh we talked this morning about empty empty possession like every possession counts uh I believe that we are a team that can compete to win all um but um we have to do what’s necessary you know we have to put in the work every single day when we

Go out there every position counts defensively and offensively like today was our game was our game today you know and we we gave it away um and it hurts and it hurts I feel like everybody in the locker room uh feel that pain that that’s not what we do uh we cannot get

Back to the game and not get get a stop you know our defense cannot be the reason that we didn’t win the game uh but with d uh we’ve got closer we understand that in order for us to be good we have to be successful we have to

Play uh through one another uh when he’s going he got to go when I’m going I got to go um um he throws so much attention makes the game easier for me and there’s times that he has the ball and I got to you know set screens and be a role

Player and I have to accept that um and if that’s what’s going to take us to the you know to the promis line and to the end and allow us to compete for our goal um that’s what we are going to do it’s not just me and Dame it’s the whole team

You know obviously Bobby will want the ball more Brooke will won the ball more uh Chris when he comes back will won the ball more but at the end of the day Dame has the ball and that’s that’s it and we have to live with every decision he

Makes and um I can sleep comfortable all night um I think um you know when I set screens for him or when Bobby has the ball in the post or when the brook pops or whenever uh pad is being aggressive D can sleep well at night too so we just

Got to keep on executing in a high level keep on coming together keep on you know um watching film getting to getting uh better and uh going down there and compe we have I think 17 more games to go uh um our two game our two

Um me and Dam’s game is coming together everybody’s falling in place everybody’s um executing their role so we’re in a good spot right now hopefully we can you know we have another one against the CLI is very very good team U we can play good basketball and

Get a win you mentioned get getting stops when needed yes uh Golden State at a 40p point first quarter Lakers have a 40 Point second quarter I realize that happens but I mean in both both games that really flipped things and and kind of had a hole to climb out of obviously

Tell you were able to get a lead but I guess why or how do you think that has happened doc said some of that is offense like some shots lead to transition buckets but I don’t I don’t know no no I got to watch film if I if

We know I think I don’t think we will allow it to happen you know um got to go watch film and see what the mistakes we made I feel like there was a couple times that uh our low man was in early you know in the paint was able to get in

The paint get to the free throw line get some dunks uh and then when early they kicked it out like we always we play played so much in the gray area uh and that cost us uh maybe like 10 10 15 points that’s from the top of my head but it’s so many

Position in the game uh I got to watch film in the fourth quarter you hadit PC for that quarter three you had PC for like the roll on the Baseline um they’re both out of the short roll Dame to you and then you making the play how has Pat

Being more comfortable helped you maybe be more comfortable in that role just with his cutting or his shooting um it feels like he’s kind of dock at back after the allstar break it it was just bad being there now um but sometimes it’s going to be Mal Le sometimes it’s

Going to be PP it’s just again U there’s going to be times that we’re going to play twoo main game just me and Dame and uh he’s going to hit me in the pocket and everybody has to be ready guys have to be ready to shoot guys have to be

Ready to cut you know um when they have two players on blitzing day and they have two players on him we got to punish the defense um and see either that’s going to be open three sometimes going to be a cut sometimes it’s going to be me all the way we don’t know

Um but at the end of the day like guys have to be ready Malik BP Brook P Jay Chris anybody the players have to be ready


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  1. Doc needed to make defense substitutions for Brook and Dame with Pat and Bobby when we are up by 1.. even if they make or miss we would have called a timeout

  2. If Doc is going to let wings and guards go off without trapping then the bucks will lose the exact same way they've been losing in the playoffs under bud.

  3. This game was on doc why the hell would u have dame go for the last 2 Points when you got Giannis and did nothing to trap Russell come on doc dam this was a easy game to win

  4. Our defense sucked tonight. We can't use a closing lineup of Dame, Beas and Pat in a close game. But that first half was what really hurt us. There wasn't any sense of urgency, guys playing their own brand of basketball and our age showed today.

  5. We take two steps forward and two steps back. There is no reason we should have lost this game. No team is just going to just lay down for us. Every team is going to give us their best shot, the thing is we're not giving teams, our best shot.

  6. Giannis is the only one that seems bothered by this lose. This lost stung, more so then the lose to the Warriors.

  7. Brook Lopez is extremely LAZY and gets more and more slow and sloppy…
    Doc should open the rotation, there are far better players among the rookies than PC and Gali fkng nari…

  8. Giannis stop laying down for Dame just because he’s the best closer doesn’t mean you don’t touch the ball down the stretch should of been two man game at the end

  9. I was finally starting to believe but its evident that this team still has a lot of figuring out to do and its unfortunate cause the playoffs arent gonna wait for us to "figure things out"

  10. lazy defense tonight. Khris need to stop being a bitch and come back. Jae and beasley can’t be getting this much amount of minutes no more.

  11. Great game by the team but please, increase the defensive rebounding, stop letting teams get too many 2nd chance opportunities

  12. Giannis play at the end of the third quarter was the difference in why we lost. But dame will be the blame. That was lazy basketball!!

  13. Man, Giannis is getting more and more greedy with the ball. No ball movement from him. On top of that, his body seems sluggish and plays lazy defense. Dame should be getting the ball, and Giannis needs to ACTUALLY set the screen. He sits for one sec and then moves quickly, not giving Dame enough time & spaces.

  14. We let them go up by double digits multiple times. That shoud not be happening but there were a lot of positives.

  15. You know, it will be very sad, the day he leaves Milw., but I’ll always be a fan of Giannis. He deserves more than one championship, but I don’t think he’s getting it this year.

  16. Lakers won because they (1) Didn't cater to that lazy guy who doesn't play defense (2) All the players seemed relaxed playing defense together. If they want to continue winning games… THEY NEED TO GET RID OF THAT LAZY STEROID PLAYER WHO ONLY CARES ABOUT HIS STATS

  17. You all let a backup player score 44 points on you all.😂.russell since crying on tv that he thought the fakeshow was going to trade him playing his heart out now.but wait when they get in the play in he will shrink trust me him and that overrated reaves.😂😂

  18. Giannis please stop brining up the ball!! Man you messing up the flow, let dame bring up the ball to initiate the offense

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