@Milwaukee Bucks

Doc Rivers Press Conference | 3.8.24

Doc Rivers Press Conference | 3.8.24

That last offens possession like just like a clear yeah it was just an ice for Dame and just thought process on going there not maybe bringing out someone else not a lot of time uh he wanted a quick action so he’s pretty good one-on-one just you know give them what

Cret it did a great job defensively that last possession against Russell I don’t know if was a broken coverage looked like Brooke wasn’t sure if you should switch yeah it wasn’t a switch we wanted them to come up uh to try to take the ball out of Russell’s hands but um you

Know the switch is what got us we knew they were G to do something to try to get Dame on them and I could have had Pat bille or someone on the floor at that time uh if they had missed we we wanted to be able to push the ball up

The floor and and spread it so they would have to foul us so uh but give them credit I thought the biggest play for them was the three-point play uh that that one that was a Crusher so the thought process have that for a day

There was just if if if you miss and it’s a loose ball and you want Dame on the floor to get fouled you know so um D’Angelo season High 44 I mean the threes were one thing obviously was finding a way then yeah so did did you

Like the way you ran off the line a little bit to kind of force those MERS through you know you live with with contested twos you know um he he made them uh but you would rather have that than the other shots so um I’ll live

With that I still want to watch it like first half I think they were shooting almost 60% so I didn’t think we had a great defensive night tonight I thought in the first half they killed us on their rows and then that should have been covered we usually have a low man

There and we didn’t tonight so uh the second half I have to watch um I guess along that in the first half 40 points second quarter again which sort of turns things that was I think golden state was a 40 Point first quarter kind of what

Was there no again I think it’s both ends though I think it’s uh a lot of it is defense and then again we go in these stretches we did in the third quarter order again uh these bad offensive stretches as well so they get out in

Transition and get Buckets as well so I think it’s both it’s not just one just the execution overall stret especially what did you like like probably three out of five of our plays are really good um and that’s including the last one with Dame we’ll live with that all day like Dame closest

Games have no issues with that uh but we did come out of a timeout and mess one up and so what we’re trying to teach our guys like you can’t waste possessions in the NBA game um and I it’s all more more about playoffs that’s all I talk about

Like regular season you can get away with it you know um the playoffs you come up I called it time I think with 306 and we didn’t execute the play uh we turned it over and they scored those are things that Chang games for us so those

Are the things we have to get better other things I thought we did pretty well I thought um defensively we still have to get better say defensively in the fourth quarter you guys go to that zone a little bit think of how that kind The Zone was great um they scored to 13

I think to end the uh the beginning of the fourth and we should have got out of it on that one because they had put all the shooters in and they had a timeout uh to to run something um we took the Gamble and we lost that one um we’ve

Talked about trying to keep guys in front defensively with Russell um did you feel like switching wasn’t going to be able to get done with no especially they were using their fives they were putting Bobby in switches and and Brook that’s tough I don’t I’m sure

I don’t want that coverage for sure on the other end um Dame has a double double y triple double playmaking X is what got it was fantastic um that’s why like I mean listen you want to win all these games but that’s the stuff that we’re going to keep do doing more and

More and more until it becomes us uh there was a stretch where Dame and Yannis are playing a two-man game and it was Unstoppable um and we’re trying to just encourage it more and what was beautiful about it is everyone scored Dame scored Giannis scored Pat scored the ball was

Moving Bobby scored that’s what we got to get to and that’s where you look at our team and you you you’re so confident in our growth that’s what I see every day is it about them playing that way that allows the other guys to also score you’re good no really it’s it’s not

Rocket science it’s the two best players in the gym doing something together and it forces the defense to do something else it it’s and it’s that simple it’s I’m not being trying to be it’s they’re good players and they know how to play you put them together you create

Problems um and they just have to be patient with it and work it more and they’re starting to do it and that gives me confidence in the second half you were telling your team you know get the ball off the floor pick up the pace yeah

Pace yeah they did they did a good job cuz it was too slow uh Pace in the first half walking the ball walking the ball um we were at 16 and 14 a lot tonight and we we want to get the ball up the floor I think Dame saw that which is a

Good good thing for us too I to keep a big picture of the way here this feel like just missed opportunity yeah but it doesn’t I mean you know it’s again you you Lear me it is a missed opportunity but if we had won that doesn’t change anything you know what I

Mean like we’re trying to go we’re trying to go and get better um yeah I thought we had the game in our hands and we let it go um that happens and that’ll happen again and we’ll we’ll win some the other way too you mentioned I think 17 points tonight that’s

Happen you see it’s what I told you a week ago he’s back you know I don’t know where he went uh uh but he’s back like he really is um we talked I want to say at Allstar breaker before and I told him that’s stuff between him and I and he has

Responded he’s been phenomenal um he’s aggressive he’s rebounding he’s playing like the pat Conan that we were scared of when I was in Philadelphia and it’s good to see

Doc Rivers talks to the press after Friday nights game.


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  1. Doc you have to start playing Ajax AJ and Marjon the Bucks needs athleticism on the court at times playing Crowder and Gallo is going to hamper this team

  2. So many chances to take leads after slow crawling back and then Lakers come down and hit another 3 to up their lead and now another slow crawl back for the Bucks like all game long. Too much settling for 3 ptrs esp when an easy score is needed to try to keep pace. Play like this against a score by any means Celtics team and your sure to get thoroughly embarrassed in 4 games in the playoffs.




  4. Play your young talent come on man. Gotta work on the perimeter defense and if it’s only 1 point to win the game PLAY GIANNIS!!!!!!!!!!! We don’t need Dame to score a 3 on a one point game come on. No way we should’ve lost this game.

  5. Getting tired of everyone jumping in with negative comments as soon Bucks lose a couple of games. Offence and clutch is gradually improving. Dame and Giannis 2 man game looks promising.

  6. and guards go off without trapping then the bucks will lose the exact same way they've been losing in the playoffs under bud.

  7. I wasnt a fan of Adrian Griffin but since Doc took over he is barely 500 at 11-10, which includes 6-2 on their last 8 ganes otherwise it would look much worse. Teams usually get a bump in their record after a coaching change,, not the other way around.

  8. someone needs to ask him "can the bucks win a championship with Doc Rivers as their head coach?"

  9. I put a lot of blame on Brook Lopez's lazy effort on defense, basically standing by while DLo and AD scored at the rim or not fighting for rebounds. And let's not forget his measley 11 points. The Bucks will not win another chip with him as their center.

  10. Devastating loss doc, GIANNIS BE THE MVP YOU ARE AND STOP LETTING AD BABY YOU, pat bev should be roaming the 3 point line against d Russ especially when he’s splashing 3s like he is, AND STOP LETTING BUMS GO OFF AGAINST US, Beasley finally didn’t go 1-11 but he still shouldn’t shoot more then 5-7 shots a game, finally dame you did good tonight but that last shot was 🚮, either you create your own space like you did in Portland or don’t take the final shot, you let Spencer bitch you and it was embarrassing, 0-2 so far are we going to win 1 of these “testing games”???

  11. Tough loss but we compete. They were better down the stretch. The big problem is now Khris. If he comes back, how they are gonna play together ?. We need him but the fact that he is been in and out hurt the team. We signed him for four years 100M$.

  12. Great game, doc we gotta stop 2nd chance opportunities better and you have to get another shooter on the court, we can’t have missed open chances repeatedly every game, put Aj Green in the game

  13. This dude sucks ass a coach… Bucks ain't winning nothing no time soon…giannis going bounce in a couple years… Why in the heck is Lillard no defense but guarding the guy who already got 40+…smh

  14. Dlo is mid at best if you get beat by that guy I think it's over. The chemistry is not there is can see them getting knocked in the first round unfortunately.

  15. Doc should have put Bev back in at around the 1:50 mark after the Dame 4 point play. What's the point of adding him if he's not going to play in games like this?

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