@Denver Nuggets

Pardon The Interruption | Michael Wilbon: Nokila Jokic is dominating NBA as Nuggets def. Celtics

Pardon The Interruption | Michael Wilbon: Nokila Jokic is dominating NBA as Nuggets def. Celtics

To trumped up they told me to wear glasses your star is so bright I need two pairs of glasses ain’t that bright I never wear sunglasses even in Arizona I I don’t wear sunglasses I don’t either I’m I Ru squinting a lot I don’t wear them either welcome to PTI

Corn heist with Peter out so here to get us to the weekend is our great friend Mr Frank [Applause] Isola Hardy nation’s capital welcome they like the sunglass State of the Union let’s start with the Nuggets beating the Celtics last night and with mini frame as the NBA Finals preview

Niol yic was his usual triple double sell for Denver and Aaron Gordon had a nasty putback dunk on Boston side Jaylen Brown was terrific but MVP candidate Jason Tatum struggled including missing a wideopen three-pointer that would have given the Celtics to lead late Frank is the Nuggets win over the Celtics after

All is said and done a big deal little Deal or No Deal I think it’s a big deal especially since it’s the second time that they beat him this year and you look at the end of the game Tatum could have salvaged a poor game by knocking

Down that three he misses and look what Nicole yic does he had a great game all night was keeping them off balance backing the defender down backing him down what’s he going to do he’s he going to shoot he’s going to kick it out at

Three no he throws it up at the rim for Aaron Gordon how many dunks in that game how good was Aaron Gordon know you watch that and I get it in the Western Conference I think with Phoenix and I think with also the Clippers could they be Denver possibly but I still think

Denver is the best team because Boston has had the best record in the league they’ve played like the best team they had 11 game winning streak before they lost to the Cleveland Cavaliers Denver is going to be a problem for everybody to come playoff time and for the Boston

Celtics I think what’s happened on the last two games especially the way they played late in the game the Tatum shot against Cleveland last night the way Tatum played I think it knocks him down a few picks Frank I I I agree with you straight down the line first of all I

Think it’s a a fairly big deal I don’t want to totally overstate it but we’re late in the season now we only got 20 games left Denver beat him twice and I going tell you the bigger thing is that joker in these games plays like he what he is

Which the best player in the world Jason Tatum doesn’t no and you’re still wondering about big games I’m not saying he can’t I’m not saying he won’t but you got to prove it ultimately you got to show that you have that in those big games I thought Jaylen Brown looked like

He was saying give me I’m ready for the smoke and taste Tatum I I just wonder about and Denver they have that forc them and now they filled in around it and I think they’re as good if not better than they were last year and

They got still some time so I’m I Boston just went 11 straight again let’s not get crazy they’re the best team in the East it was crazy though that they were the favorite somehow in Denver what they’re not paying attention in Vegas they’re a little lightheaded the odds

Makers they don’t know that 5280 is 5,280 feet above sea level and every player we’ve ever talked to over the years what do they say it’s it’s a hard place to play it’s a difficult place to play especially on a back toback this wasn’t a back toback they had a day off

It it wasn’t so but but but I’m looking at Denver saying Okay who in the West can challenge them it’s a small list I’m not even sure about Phoenix I mean the Clippers if they’re right and if they’re all healthy the Clippers I don’t know that anybody else can FR I think they’re

Starting to separate but you know the Phoenix did beat them uh two days earlier yeah my thing about this trip for Boston if you look at it for Jason Tatum and Jason Tatum is a terrific player I think he wants to be the MVP and if the best player on the best team

That’s going to go a long way look what happened in Cleveland where they blow a 22-point lead he takes what I I didn’t like the shot that he took at the uh end of the game you know you got to go when you’re down one you got to go quicker

Then look at what happened to him last night and then they get Phoenix this weekend those were going to be three big games to them in the first two it makes you wonder about Nico yic winning again and I’ll say this about Nico yic and I’ve said it before he

Doesn’t have an allar in his top eight none of those play and Jamal Murray should have been an All-Star he never been one but he’s never been one name me the great player that’s winning championships without a fellow allar he’s already won one he could get got an

Asterisk he’s an All-Star I don’t care what the voters say I don’t care what the voter he should have made it all right we need to talk about last night’s most spectacular highlight how about this Anthony Edwards game saving block Aaron neith was driving to tie the game

For the Pacers when Edwards launched and blocked the layup attempt at the buzzer to save the Wolves win wow Edwards hit his head the rim and said he never jumped that high in his life Mike what’s your word for Edwards block I got two MVP that’s the first one now I’m GNA go

Even further you think MVP is going F I’m gonna go further you know I’m GNA go to a place I don’t go jordanes because it was you can you can have you know Jason Tatum is a fine candidate for MVP all right Luca dones Luca dones can’t even fantasize making

That kind of defensive play cuz he’s never made one not even in his dreams LCA Don great great great great great great wondrous player he ain’t that that play galvanizes that play rallies that play saves on a day in which you lose your veteran guy for at least a month

Your your presumed previous other best player speaking of Championship player another Allstar come on man he plays with a joy and a rage that reminds me of you know who you could look right now here’s the three MVP candidates joic SGA Ant-Man that’s it

I those three and he may be it if he keeps Minnesota in the one or two spot without Carl Anthony towns going down with this miniscus tear don’t tell he I’m writing his name on my one line Anthony ER and I don’t understand why people are overlooking him people have

Him ninth again Vegas I don’t know what they’re on in Vegas or who they’re listening to this kid is the de all right so you’re right about so much of this because he has this great offensive game but it’s a defensive play that wins the game and the best players in the

League and the best players in the league get it done on both ends of the court and he did in that moment I kind of got a kick out of the fact he blocked with his left hand who remember at the allstar game which was in Indianapolis

He said he was going to do everything with his left hand he did that he did last night it’s funny you bring up Jordan cuz I’ve watched him play person a couple of times I’m not saying he’s Michael Jordan his body movement and the shots that he takes does have a little

Bit of Michael Jordan in them explosion the confidence the absolute certainty he’s going to make the play he want times I saw a game this year he’s kind of cruising through the game then in the last five minutes he played at a different level than everybody else out

On the court the guy is a terrific brilliant player and here’s another thing about him you see him after the game with the smile on his face there’s kind of an endearing quality about him there’s an innocent being Joy did you see how heang up after

He takes a fall the most guys would have been down a week for a soccer player would have been out for a month a soccer player is not jumping that high now nor is he hitting his head on the backboard but he hit his head he landed on his let

Go and he’s ready to go again and we’re redrafting we’re drafting the whole league right now Joker one Anthony Edwards two you can have everybody else you take them I might pick Tatum ahead of him huh still you watching you watched last night all right so it’s not

Just one night Tatum’s been to a finals come on now been to a bunch of Don’t Forget by how much and now we’re not going to settle this tonight to the NFL where Russell Wilson is out and about the Broncos notified Wilson earlier this week that they intend to release him so

Wilson traveled to New Jersey Frank’s hood for what was termed an exploratory meeting with the New York football Giants before traveling to the Pittsburgh this morning to meet with the Steelers Frank would the Giants or the Steelers be the better landing spot for Wilson I don’t think he can go wrong in

Either one both organizations are kind of the same it’s the marries and the roonies the families have married before I would say New York for this reason I think his wife she’s the big famous singer carara I think she wants to be in New York about 10 days ago they were

Both at a about two weeks ago they were both at a Net game together with their kids so who knows maybe their house both teams could certainly use them I don’t think there’s any question about that and with Daniel Jones who signed that huge contract if he’s released

After next season it only cost the Giants about 22 million in dead money which is a famous you know that’s a favorite NFL term I don’t think he can go wrong on other places I think he wants to play for the Giants I think it

Would make a lot of sense for the Giants with the team that they have and you’re going to oh he won’t survive the New York Market the Giants are treated differently than every team in New York the sky is not falling after every game like it is for the Yankees and the Jets

And the Knicks it’s a little bit different every other day um he and Siara can afford two places they can live in Pittsburgh and New York trying to break up a family you’re trying to break up family if I can do it he damn sure can do it okay you don’t

Have to live in the same place when you have that status and that profile and in his case not mine that kind of wealth I don’t want to hear that New York would be a disaster for Russell Wilson have you seen the personality of of Russell

Wilson have you seen how quirky he is and how teammates react to him and you going to do all that in New York City where you got everything from page six to come on now you wor about his quirkiness oh Beckham played there Frank Beckham is not quirky Beckham’s famous

Russell Wilson’s kind of famous too Russell Wilson’s quirky first but he knows that he needs to salvage his career by the way last year 26 touchdowns eight interceptions he needs guard rails the Pittsburgh Steelers provide that York huh this is a disaster waiting to happen if he I don’t believe

He can surv I don’t believe it works let me not say survive I don’t I don’t want to say that I don’t believe it works for him in New York playing for either of those franchises you don’t think there’s going to be a ton of pressure on him

Playing you’re making it more about stuff happening off the field I’m no I like the clubhouse I like the coach I like Mike Tomlin being in charge of Russell Wilson and not anything in New York 100% but there have been some players recently with the Steels that

Have gone a straight I again I don’t think he can go wrong either way I think his family wants to be in New York I think that’s where he’s going to end let them go and you get on that flight that private plane would you rather have

Anthony minutes who’ you rather have you know the answer to that he had him compared to Jordan now you got him number two in the league yeah one game yeah no it’s not one game I’ve been saying this all season Anthony Edwards is getting ignored it’s stupid he’s

Going to lead Minnesota to the top record huh well what if he does it without that Don where’s his team he’s been to Conference Finals Mike where’s his that’s not Lifetime Achievement it’s not a Lifetime Achievement Award it’s this year all right so this moment you’re 100% right so don’t tell me that

Other people on Dallas are ahead of this kid now I didn’t say that I’m saying that but I’m telling you that he has accomplished something before that’s before not lifetime I never should have brought the word let’s take a break mistake I made coming

Up time to put the L in isolo see what I did there what’s first up and it’s a three-way more intriguing college game tomorrow number 14 Kansas at number one Houston number 15 Kentucky at number four Tennessee or number seven UNC at number nine Duke you know for most of my

Life I would immediately jumped to Carolina Duke and that’s not even I I don’t even know if it’s in my top three or top five yeah it’s nice it’s a you know a dick vital Museum game it’s you know seriously uh Kansas against Houston that’s the game the either the best

Conference in the country is either the Big 12 or the Big 10 those are your choices that’s the Marquee game in the Big 12 people don’t even know what Houston is like again familiarize yourself people before we get to bracket time a week from Sunday Houston Kansas

That’s the game I’m going to go with Tennessee Kentucky and of course Dalton connect who’s terrific averaging over 20 points a game is they’re a really good defensive team Tennessee so Tennessee has never been a number one seed winning this weekend goes a long way to getting

A number one scene Rick Barnes when he was in Texas was a number one but Tennessee as a school and you think about the tradition of that program going all the way back to Ernie and Bernie before there was no seating back when Ernie and Bernie were doing even

Our guy Allan Houston when he play hon right so they have a chance to be a number one SE Kentucky though I’ll tell you this this year they’ve scored over 100 point six times in John calip Perry’s career there they’ve only done it 24 times six times this year best of

Those six teams best of those six teams is who Houston agree on that what’s next toss up who you got in Sunday’s Gold Cup Final the USA or Brazil Frank this is really hard because we’re used to Brazil being something that it wasn’t or hasn’t been lately and now they’re only like 11

Number 11 in the world rankings that’s something else we’re not used to we’re not used to seeing Brazil internationally on the big big big States like a game like this without Mara the longtime star who’s you know now gone and so you you look at this and

But they’ve Dom ated the competition so far while the United States I’m not going to say struggled but it’s been challenged you know I’m not going to I’m not going to go out here and pick I don’t know enough about it you know more about this but these are two teams that

We think we’re used to and we’re not yeah no that both on the rebuild absolutely and remember you know a week ago the US lost to Mexico two nothing and you don’t see that very often but this is you know I think the United States is going to win this is a big

Year for them you get the Paris Olympics obviously Lindsay haran is such a good player she’s the one that controls everything in the Midfield she’s one of the top midfielders she got now but they you know J Shaw she’s terrific but they need Trinity Rodman to start scoring

Some goals as well so Sophie Smith had a goal the last game as well but the backline it’s interesting they gave up two goals against K it’s hard to judge some of these games because of especially the last game they were playing in you know puddles anything in

That so it wasn’t really I give the us a lot of credit because they fought the conditions and they won the game I think the game on Sunday which I why it’s up against the Oscar I have no idea but I think the game will be a much better

Played game just because the conditions will be a lot better hope so rain stops well they played a double header that day so they didn’t get it they played back toback game so they didn’t get a chance to cover the field exactly wasn’t good that’s it let’s take one last break

But still to come Steph Curry Leaves last night’s loss with an ankle injury happy 71st birthday Jim Rice the Hall of Famer spent all 16 of his major league Seasons with the Boston Red Sox in 1975 he and fellow rookie Fred Lynn finished third and first in Al MVP voting for a

Team that made it to a classic World Series falling in seven to the Big Red Machine three seasons later rice won an MVP of his own hitting 315 with 46 home runs 139 runs bed in but Boston lost a onegame tiebreaker to the Yankees in Bucky bleep and Dent rice is number 14

Was retired by the Red Sox in 2009 the same year he was elected to Cooperstown Jim Rice Frank is the biggest strongest baseball player I ever saw before Mark Maguire yeah he was a feared hitter how about this by the time he retired the Red Sox had 50 years of Hall of Famers

In left field rice Yas and Teddy ball game amazing Ted Williams how incredible is that just those three guys roam in that position half a century amazing I was covering baseball I got to see Jim Rice quite a bit covering the Orioles in those days happy anniversary Jeff Van

Gundy on this day 28 years ago you replaced Don Nelson as head coaches to the New York Nick aakers Van Gundy had been a Nicks assistant under four head coaches steu Jackson John mlau Pat Riley and then Nelly after getting elevated to the main gig Van Gundy held it for

Nearly Seven Seasons winning 248 regular season games and making the playoffs six times Ling the 99 NBA Finals to the Spurs but the image so many people still have of Van gundy’s Nicks years is him holding on to the leg of Alonzo Morning I know he has to hate this video Yeah

During that DED up between the Nicks and heat in the 98 playoffs I miss Jeff and I miss seeing him I’m happy to tell you it’s hard to believe that was 28 years ago after the announcement was made myself and two other reporters were in the hotel room interviewing Jeff that

Night he lost to a terrible Sixers team wow two days later at Madison Square Garden you know who he beat for his first ever win who Michael Jordan Scotty Pippen Dennis Rodman Michael wilbon and the 72- win Chicago Bulls how about that for your first ever win guess who

Ultimately got the best of that that’s well you know things were coming I do miss Jeff your favor because of 23 I do Happy Trails to a win for Nashville over inner Miami J 16 matchup of the conquer CF Champions Cup needless to say they’re

Not happy in Nashville I you know V much like a lot of the video reviews it slows everything down in a situation like that where it’s so hard to score goals anyway you know his body is in a full body l in front of the defender it’s terrible it

Happens all the time in England it’s happening now in the MLS it destroys what should be great moments and Nashville got robbed last night at home no less I’m going to see a Premier League game I don’t want the game I’m watching decided by that jum you’re

Right no errors today we’re running out of show let’s go to the big finish the NHL trade deadline is pass Frank what was the most impactful move Jake gensel from Pittsburgh to the Carolina Hurricanes 22 goals 30 assists that’s a big time move how about Steph Curry he

Left last night’s loss to the bulls with ankle issues is that a cause for concern three minutes left in that game Steph goes right to the tunnel you get worried look that team is 0 and3 without Steph Curry for three games this year they can’t miss Steph Curry trying to get to

The playoffs not the play in are they a contender they they will be if Steph is healthy Joey Vado has agreed to a minor league deal with the Blue Jays is that significant I I guess it is he only bad at 202 last year but maybe the Blue Jays

Are doing what the Raptors did the Raptors SP in RJ Barr Kelly oen who are from Canada Jo from Toronto you go College football playoff leaders may drop the auto buys for the Big 10 in the SEC after public backlash does that make sense it do just make sense it’s good

You earned that distinction right you don’t just granted it cuz you got the biggest TV markets or you’ve got the biggest richest conference I’m a big 10 guy I hated that notion it’s not good it isn’t last one the Washington Wizards try to snap their 16 losing streak at

Home tonight against the Hornet you and I can get there we can make tip off huh what are we doing where’s the game being played in Virginia or is it in Virginia is off the budget my guy My Guy Brian keep the inter room coach there I need

Him to win they’ll win tonight don’t worry about it we they should we’re out of time thanks for watching I’m Frank ISO and I’m Mike wil have a great weekend Knuckleheads you can get the PTI podcast on the ESPN app or apple podcast Wizards a win your sports Anthony Edward

Just texted he said thank you he should he said he would take tat I’m going text some people he said Frank’s right I take myself For foreign spee Speee fore Speee for Fore fore for for for fore foree fore spee for foree Speee for Fore for Foree foreign speee spee fore foree foree fore foree fore
Pardon The Interruption | Michael Wilbon: Nokila Jokic is dominating NBA as Nuggets def. Celtics



  1. Coach malone is an asshat! talking crap like HE sweating blood for the cause…HATE coaches like that! bring back the van gundys already..

    And like a canine, we cant FORCE a cat like Tatum to DEVELOP killer instinct…ITS OVER!! like Shaq with free-throws, God didn't give him EVERY freakn gift! got mad agility and height but tin man heart, cowardice of that darn lion…..Dorothy not walking through that door Pitino

  2. Luka is SO MUCH better than Tatum/ANT. What is this obsession with them? They just trying to hype an American up since the top 4 players in the league aren’t them? (Jokic, Luka, giannis, Embiid). I don’t get it lol. Giannis and Luka are miles ahead as a player (in a re draft) and over then in mvp this year, by a lot

  3. So Tatum messed up his case the last 2 games and now these media fools are looking for the next American in line to hype? Ant man with his stats in this day and age ain’t going to cut it. C’mon man.

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