@Washington Wizards

3/8 The Hoffman Show: Commanders Free Agency Preview | Wizards Avoiding Losing History

3/8 The Hoffman Show: Commanders Free Agency Preview | Wizards Avoiding Losing History

He He He It’s the offense show we’re on the team 980 we’re always live as well on the free Odyssey app we are streaming live on YouTube at the team9 80 as well uh Anthony Haney there super producer of the program Craig Hoffman here I am just merely the host of said program uh right

Now I would like to smash all your hopes for the Wizards wait what hopes uh Anthony I don’t think that many people had hopes for the Wizards they’re trying to avoid avoid a 17th straight loss tonight that would be a franchise record the good news is the Charlotte Hornets

Are in town the bad news is everything I’m about to tell you you ready uh I’m going to be as ready as I can for such a thing so here’s the here’s the deal with the old Washington Wizards um they are trying to develop players uh but also they are the trying

To find Solutions right at the end of the day when you’ve lost 16 straight games you are you should be searching everywhere you should be trying every player on your roster you should be thinking about your g-league team you should be thinking about rotations you think about scheme you should be

Thinking about all this stuff but Anthony what if I told you what if I told you that there were none um and I have the data to back it up that’s that’s bad stuff yeah it’s not good it’s not good um so here’s here’s where we’re at do you want would you

Like the post Allstar break version let’s just start off with the post allar break version because that’s that’s uh that’s what I’ve got pulled up in front of me so since the All-Star break of two man lineups so the NBA uh is they have a great stats engine on their website and

Occasionally I dive in and I’m like let’s let’s go see if we can find some solutions and I will admit even that I did this at first to try to validate the take that I think a lot of us have that Jordan p and tus Jones need to be

Separated that playing them together is a bad idea that’s why I started looking at Twan lineup combinations so another other words when any two players are on the flooor what do their statistics look like and so I did it per game as opposed to per 100 possessions uh in part

Because I want to be able to separate out lineups that have small sample sizes so they’ve had to have played since the All-Star break at least two games together and on average in those games played more than 10 minutes per so like lineups that we re or combinations two

Man combinations for the Wizards that we actually see on a regular basis and Anthony amongst that criteria there is or I should say there are two Twan combinations that have a positive Point differential that’s it so a plus minus that isn’t negative th that combination uh Denny

Avia congratulations you sir are in both it’s Denny and the bench units Denny Avia Landry shamut are a plus 1.0 in the the four games they’ve played uh Denny Avia and Johnny Davis plus4 in the games that they have played together they they’ve played together they wound up on the floor together in

Five of the eight games since the All-Star break the Wizards have outscored their opponents by 04 points per game in those minutes shamit Avia by one point over those times every other Twan lineup combination since the allstar break that has played at least three games together has a negative Point

Differential including perhaps one of the most important on the team Bilal kulali and Kyle kosma in the average 23.3 minutes they play together each night for the wizard since the All-Star break are a minus 14.4 kabali and obious minus 13.3 kabali and tus Jones minus 13 Jones and kba – 121

Kabali and P minus 10.3 so here is really bad thing number one uh I would say overall bad thing number one before we get to the hey there are no Solutions portion because believe it or not when you zoom out the numbers don’t get any better kabali has hit a rookie wall that

Is like I I don’t even like it’s as solid as it could be impenetrable seemingly he has not had a good game what feels like in weeks scoring the ball defending has fallen off I think he’s just tired and it makes sense he’s 20 years old he’s

Never been or 19 years old he’s never been in a league that’s this physical and it’s always funny because you you see guys come over from Europe and sometimes they will tell you the league is less physical and maybe in individual instances there’s like a rough house a just like almost street ball

Level of physicality that is allowed in Europe that is not allowed in the NBA guys are legislated by the referees to keep your hands off but if you are dealing with Giannis and with Julius Randall or even Jaylen Brunson um or whoever these physical players night in

And night out as the number one primary Defender as a rookie in the NBA it is going to wear on you in a way that is going to result in this you’ve never conditioned yourself for this before the minutes are high he’s now playing more he’s starting you know and also by the

Way the pressure of starting means not just like oh hey Bright Lights the the game starts you get your name introduced it means you’re playing against better players and I think it’s not a coincidence that the wizard starters are the worst unit they have right now because not only are

Uh you know is is kulali one of the five of them struggling and kman has been a little inconsistent as of late they’ve had guys in and out of the lineup to the injury but you’re also playing against the League’s best players where bench versus bench you know you’re getting

Into the depth of these teams but belal and this isn’t a criticism of him because there’s no way to know this is what happens to Rookies this isn’t some kind of deterrent to of your optimism for him in the long term the reality is right now you are playing

Him because you want him to get the experience which is exactly what a lot of wizards fans and and even media types were calling for oh how can you not start balal how can you not start balal you’re starting him it’s not going well to the point that I would consider

Reversing that decision because I don’t know that him playing 30 minutes a night right now at and starters minutes against the best players in the world is really helping his confidence a whole lot is really helping him develop as a player because it’s it’s he’s not performing well he’s exhausted I would

Give the kid a week off like hey dude we’re gonna we’re gonna shut you down for a week go go on vacation but here’s the bigger problem Anthony I’m not going to rck this data and I’m going to get back to their chances of winning like

Tonight so now I’m going to I’m going to sort it this way two player lineups for the the Wizards on the entire season I’m to sort this out I’m going to say you had to have played over 30 games for the team so now we’re gonna we’re going to go uh

Players uh who are uh games played over 30 for the season you have to play in at least 30 games for the Wizards together to qualify and there is of that criteria shoot I will even go 25 five games there is one lineup with a positive plus minus Twan

Lineup not fiveman lineup not four not three two can I get a Duo out there that plays well enough together to outscore our opponents thus H if we could just get these guys a little more time on the floor maybe we got a chance and it’s Shaman and Avia they are Plus

.5 on the season and by the way the next six or seven seven or six lineups I’ll have either dlan Wright or Daniel Gafford both of whom are not here anymore and the worst ones on the season are kma Jones kma kabali kma P Jones kabali kissper kabali po

Kabali it’s not good man and so like again I would back up from this and say that this doesn’t really matter that’s the good news the good news is this means jack didle Pooh for the future of the Washington Wizards but if I’m going to give you analysis and say hey can

They finish the season on a high note can they pull out of this do the options exist or even is Brian Keefe just not pushing the right buttons the answer is no it is pretty obvious when you take even the the smallest dive into the numbers that there are not options for

This team it is just a poorly built roster in a season that wasn’t designed to win and they they just said it is what it is so I get the consternation over p and Jones I think if you watch you see the hunting happening you see

The smaller uh Defenders on the floor at the same time in a crunch time being an issue but this team like it you can put Corey out there you can put Johnny out there and I Would by the way I would but there’s not some magical Solution that’s

Going to pull them out of their their losing streak they’re going to have to play as they have to get these leads and then hold on especially tonight against the Charlotte Hornets team that is uh also very not good s and show we’re on the team 980

We’re always live as well on the free Odyssey app sorry to bum you out on a Friday to get the show started but it’s all right you can get it off your chest 30123 0980 your thoughts on the Wizards you care if they set this record tonight 30123

0980 taking your calls on the team 980 listener line next He He He He He A He Clinton Yates joins us on a Friday coming up in 15 minutes here on the offin show on the team 980 always live as well on the free Odyssey app and of course streaming live on YouTube at the team980 Wizards fans who missed our interview yesterday with David Aldridge

At 5 o’cl definitely should check that out in the podcast feed the Hoffman Show podcast feed updated hourly during the show by the one and only Anthony Haney uh to the phone line we go at 301 23098 30123 980 Wizards trying to avoid history tonight can they avoid a 17th

Straight loss do you care if they avoid a 17th straight loss let’s go to our guy lap lap thanks for calling you are on the Hoffman show hey what’s up what’s up Craig what’s up a yeah I I don’t really care man um I think it just sucks that you

Know we we should have been doing this last season you know to get Wy and um I don’t even know who’s the top prospect you know now you know that we could get to help us you know for the future um I don’t know if they still trying to move

The team to Virginia and then this team is just bad man I mean there’s some Talent on there but like you said I agree it’s just it’s poorly uh constructed um even if you look at those teams with um you know when John had javelle McGee and you know when we had

Nick Young and Blan and you know those teams still was like exciting those teams were sorry but it’s just sad that we just got to this point so I I don’t know what it is and it’s unfortunate because you know this is my team man so

Um I don’t know what direction they can do or how they can improve it for the future but I guess we got to see and toughen it out man but hopefully it gets better yeah thanks lap uh I mean the thing about last year they like

The the irony of last year is they damn near won the lottery anyway um they were one and this this is the nature of the lottery like it’s luck um of course there is the number of pingpong balls you get and if they had had the record

The Spurs had and their their pingpong balls they would have gotten wmi and they should have tried that last year and it’s embarrassing that they thought that that roster was going to work um for anything more than you know had it worked out a 45 win season maybe uh if

Be and and KP and and C had all been able to stay healthy and all that but like you know the Wizards this is part of the reason why they’re in the position this year is because the Wizards haven’t thought about defense in years years since they prioritized being

A good defensive basketball team outside of maybe individual Acquisitions but like as a unit they’ve never prioritized being good and so you know there was not a whole lot that uh Winger and Dawkins could do when they got here they were stuck with this roster and they’re like

Well we’re not going to go out and like sell out for anything and so they they just was like okay here we go let’s see what we can get in terms of assets that we think we can flip in the future and that is how this roster was built um now

This goes all the way up to ownership of not pushing this earlier and of course resigning Beal in the first place number of years ago and putting the no trade clause on so that you didn’t have much of a choice like this is all interconnected but I do think outside of

Being a footnote in history which could become a really fun footnote if this is the low point and then they they bounce back starting next year um or is this a signal for what next year is going to be like we’ll see but I don’t think it I

Personally don’t think it matters in the long term um but I also sit in a media seat as an analyst as a as a radio host with a very long view of this versus a fan um who if you’ve been emotionally invested in this team for however many

Years I get that it it’s harder um because I am I admit I am less emotional about this uh Team 980 listener line is 30123 0980 let’s go to Aries Tony for the second straight day Tony what up Tony all right we’ll put Tony back on

Hold uh let’s go to Steve Steve thanks for calling you are on the hoften show yeah how you doing Craig um thanks thanks for having me love always love the show as always um I’m not I’m not worried at all about this like anybody who looked at this

Team and the moves they made in the off season and thought they were going to be anywhere remotely near competitive was out of their minds like once you give up Bill and porzingis and you sign pool who basically was given away by Golden State after they signed him to money and won a

Championship with him you know that this that this that the Wizards are going into full tank mode which which they should have done a couple of years ago so I’m not really worried about this at all like this the team was already going to be non-competitive anyway it’s it’s just a

Tank year and you they’re trying to see who can play who cannot play you’re trying to Showcase some people so you can um hopefully you know get something for return for them if you if you um try to try to make some moves and just trying to develop the young Talent so

You know this this is much to do about nothing it’s just a part of the tanking process this is this is ain’t too much of nothing all right Steve thanks for the call and I tend to agree with you I mean look uh Mia Copa I I thought they

Were going to be better than this um because I thought you know pool’s numbers the last couple years have been similar to what Brad’s done the last couple years years and I was like see why that can’t continue and unfortunately the Jordan pool of last

Year the the worst of it became what he was this year and I think some of the comments recently are interesting from Jordan saying like hey if this is what it takes to put me on the ball to take me off the bench then like fine like

I’ve played point guard I’ve had the ball in my hands and now I’m I’ve been playing out of position the entire year and to to get him on the ball uh you you know in the pick and roll game in some of the ISO game and the way that they

Have the last couple of weeks like my only question is what took so long if this if this is the guy that you’re trying to Showcase if you’re this is the guy whose confidence you’re trying to get back like and this is what David said yesterday like why are you doing this

And why are you seemingly at times prioritizing tus Jones who I also personally happen to like a lot as a player over Jordan though like these are the decisions you have to make as an organization you have to make business decisions you’re not making personal decisions you’re making business

Decisions and there’s a a lot of moves like you know acquiring tius made a lot of sense because you could get now that whole trade I don’t believe I can’t believe how porzingis uh was able to be acquired with draft picks like I don’t get how

The Celtics got to win that trade so unilaterally but tus made a lot of sense because I thought you could maybe flip him for a first rounder and they didn’t wind up getting that the deadline but I don’t know it just there’s there’s some pieces like I trust Winger and Dawkins

To play chess and sometimes times in chess you don’t necessarily see what the other person’s doing multiple moves ahead um but again none of this really matters in the short term certainly it doesn’t matter tonight um although it is it’s not it’s embarrassing you don’t

Want to lose 17 straight games uh and we got Tony back all right let’s go to Aries Tony Tony thanks for calling you’re back on the Hoffman show hey Craig um they too are talking about the Wizards and everything so sorry about that I I should done that to you and and

Everybody else but we’re we’re doing our best it’s all good but look they twoo about to Wi so I don’t feel good about tonight because again remember the trades that Charlotte made they improved their team tremendously I mean with uh the Acquisitions they made and remember the last time the Wizards did play

Charlotte that was in the play in for that tournament and they still lost to Charlotte with with Gafford uh still with us and uh whoever um I forgot who else we traded got bought out uh you know there’s obviously a couple other guys as well we not looking good but

Like I was saying before I don’t know who in the world we are tanking for because there’s no wiama coming out and everything I think the only one that might give us some impact is that center from uh Purdue the big uh 7 foot yeah so I think he’s the only one

That might make an impact on this but anything else I don’t see I don’t see no impact in the college ranks that’s that’s really going to change this team around so um again I don’t feel too good about tonight but maybe maybe they might catch Charlotte on the downer and and

Probably win yeah I mean Charlotte Charlotte’s made some moves since then too to get worse like Terry roers now in Miami he had a big big impact in that last game that they played um I’d also say like there are a couple of players I think in college hoops that are

Interesting um I’ve seen a lot of Buzz recently about the the guard from Yukon um and if you can help me out with the name there I don’t know how up to date I think Stefan something um 66 guard he had like six dunks in his in his last

Game like dude was as a cutter as a driver as a fast break D like you don’t if you watch college basketball you realize they don’t dunk very often and so to see a dude’s highlight reel from one game have like four five six dunks it’s crazy is Bagley playing tonight cig you

Know uh that’s a great question I do not know uh Dave Johnson will be with us at 6:15 and uh we can ask we can ask Dave I haven’t I haven’t looked at an injury report so we’ll see but Tony because if he does if yes if he doesn’t play uh we

We’re gonna be in trouble because we we not good we’re not good playing small bowl no definitely definitely not Tony thanks for the call an do you have did you get a chance to look up that name for me real quick Stefon castle Yeah Stefon castle like I’ve seen a lot of

The the Wizards blogger type folks being really psyched up about him um maybe even like you know later in the in the lottery using that Dallas pick to that they got for gaffer to trade back up so there’s like there’s some pieces I don’t know that the piece like I don’t even

Know how good Zach he is gonna be as a pro like he’s big but like he ain’t he soft man yeah I don’t see I don’t see like NBA dominant big man there at all um but like I think I think there and there’s a couple of um of international

Guys that are interesting but like next year’s the year so if you can add the supplemental pieces this year and like you need those pieces like to me this is the year like can you add the defensive pieces can you next year be a pain in the butt to play defensively and then

You add the guy next year and hopefully you win the lottery and you take Cooper flag who’s going to Duke next year and like he’s your dude and then you know it’s it’s Castle it’s kulali and like could that be your big three if if belal you know develops into a legit second

Best player on a championship team and Cooper Flags who a lot of people think he is then like yeah that could be it that could be your path but I do think it’s going to be harder than like you know obviously we we look at OKC where

Winger and Dawkins came from but like they had Paul George to trade and that got them sheay Gil just Alexander Washington doesn’t have that the closest they had to that was Beal and they were handcuffed because of the no trade clause the second best thing they had

Was K they were handcuffed cuz he had a player option and he could have just opted out and signed wherever he wanted and he was lucky they were lucky he opted in at all and they could get something in return for him so they they I can’t judge them based off what

Happened this past summer all we’re going to be able to do is Judge them how they draft and obviously we’ll see uh if they can avoid going into the history books with 17 straight losses tonight let’s talk about this and the L’s Monumental is taking off the floor next Clinton Yates joins

Us on the Hoffman show on the team 980 He He He He He A It’s Offman show we’re on the team 980 always live as well on the free Odyssey app and streaming live on YouTube here on a Friday and our pleasure to welcome back to the show our good friend Clinton Yates Yates what up nothing much man so I have a question for you before we

Start talking about any sports stuff so I’m going to Austin Texas for South by Southwest this weekend you been to Austin I know you’ve spent time in Texas and what are your thoughts on said location I have not spent time in Austin and it is one of my great regrets of

Living in Texas unfortunately um I was working six to seven days a week making $225,000 a year when I lived in Dallas so the opportunity and the extra money uh that got me above the $25,000 a year salary came with the shows I did on the weekends and thus the opportunities to

To pass those up and go down to Austin did not really come up for me um I’ve driven through it on the way to San Antonio for some NCA tournament games and some Spurs games um but sadly I have not it is very much on my list to go to

I know some people down there I also know it’s like crazy crowded like Austin blew up a little too quickly but um yeah unfortunately have not spent time in Austin but South by sounds awesome I’m looking forward to it I’ve never been to southp I have been to Austin for a foot

Game they actually lost to Kansas in the football game I went to but that’s another matter um but so yeah okay well I figured I’d ask because uh I’ll be down there and it’s a big Festival I’ve never been to the festival all my friends have been because back when we

Were younger speaking of things in younger days everybody had a job that got them to South by for whatever reason mine never did so this is my first time so pretty excited yeah and now here you are your job is taking you to South by um are you a barbecue guy that’s really

The question when you not hugely to be very honest so that’s not going to be a big part of my my uh agenda but uh I’m looking forward to it the weather should be nice hopefully yeah so barbecue and then tacos that’s the other big thing we

Live in LA so like it’s obviously different it’s a Southwest like style you know Taco that that you should definitely probably have one I’ll report back I’ll report this is I mean clearly we know where where my head and my heart at which is in my stomach uh and thus I

Would like the full report to see what what you do down there and and we’ll certainly check in and see how but South by when uh but alas your your Homeland here in DC um a lot of L’s lately over in the Monumental Sports side of things

Uh really I mean I would say all three teams uh the the business team if you will uh the basketball team and uh the hockey team’s kind of in the middle of selling off Parts including um bit of bit of a bummer there you’d love to see him retire uh in

In in cap colors we are um let’s start with the um the the the stadium deal in Virginia this thing is on life it’s not dead but it’s it’s pretty darn dead um how surprised you that happened considering conference and typically when you have the press conference uh those those

Types of things don’t fall apart at that point especially when there’s so much money and power invested and it getting yeah but here’s the problem Gregory is that people in the district and the Sur surrounding areas are smart people this was a deal that I feel Ted and Monumental tried to

Get over on folks and folks were simply a little too Savvy to get caught with their pants down now listen you can talk about the fruitfulness of the total deal whether or not a pic yard site was viable whether or not that kakami parking plan was actually something that

Was going to work whether or not the Metro was going to be able to support this that’s one thing but it’s another thing to try to pull a fast one in the State House on people when other interests are involved this wasn’t just a bad idea from a planning standpoint

This was a poorly played political maneuver and that is where I feel that he just had no idea Theodore that is what he was dealing with in terms of the way things actually work billionaires often think that throwing money at something is how they get it to happen

And in this case it wasn’t and so I feel that this was an interesting lesson to not only Market forces but Civics Gregory you know what I mean like you just can’t operate this way in terms of trying to shove things into budgets without any type of approval process you

Know and I’m paraphrasing here because I don’t want to get in the Weeds about how you know state legislatur is work and all this other stuff that’s not really something I want to do on the show but I would like to point out the point here that this was attempted to do through

The right way and people said no guess what this is not something that we’re interested in and there’s nothing wrong with that and I think that’s where there’s two different discussions Happening Here is there’s process and then there’s overall attempted goals and neither one happened to work here and

I’m fine with it yeah I mean I mean I think that’s the that’s the interesting thing here is I wonder how unique this is to De we talked about this with ta armis who covers Northern Virginia for the Washington Post yesterday of the people who live in this neighborhood are

Some of the most civically involved people in the entire country like if this is happening where you live now in La like do you think that the billionaire is able to get it through and how much of this is unique to the fact that it tried to happen in the city

Where all the political people who actually PID I think that billion in La have different interests in terms of what they want their footprint to look like than perhaps is the case in the district I mean ultimately let’s think about why Theodore thought this was a good idea to begin with basically you

Can take the political rules for whatever it is in terms of what you think is happening or not happening downtown in the district but basically it felt like this guy wanted more of a playground that he could call his own as opposed to Simply being a part of a

Larger ecosystem in which he was simply in the center it felt like basically an ego move I don’t know that every owner and every local has the same mindset in that regard but also I know that other owners in other places have more stuff in terms of their overall I don’t know

Footprint on a lot of places and so if that’s something that was being chased for was being chased after for sort of those kinds of reasons even if you want to call them just business okay but sometimes that doesn’t work once again Market forces never mind Civic

Engagement off often times can Trump the dollar when it comes to what is actually going to happen versus what people want Clint Yates ESPN uh with us of course you can listen to ESPN daily daily that’s how that podcast works it’s daily Monday through Friday uh on your

Favorite podcast app uh are you recording anything at South by by the way no I’m going uh for work purposes going to be talking on a panel being me so very happy to do that very proud you’re good at being on panels that around the horn television show prepared

You very well for that thanks Tony appreciate that yeah thanks R thanks for the panel prep there’s always uh there’s always something to talk about and I’m happy to be somebody who can do it yeah for sure all right so uh on on the floor losses for the Wizards they’ve now lost

16 straight games we knew this year would be bad I don’t think any of us thought it would be this bad certainly internally they didn’t think it would be this bad my question for you though is like do you care it’s not about whether or not that I care if I’m being quite

Honest I mean look people’s relationship with the Wizards is very personal to them for a lot of different reasons because this team is very rarely competitive let’s just be honest about this in terms of Our Lives I don’t just mean this season I mean in terms of decades so what if you’re presumably

Rooting for the best case scenario for the zaros you’re rooting for them to lose you want them to have the worst record possible so they can get the best possible pick this delusion that oh we’re only supposed to be this bad not that bad what’s the purpose of that like

Explain to me what that is because it’s not like all of a sudden you’re going to draft a guy here draft a guy there put a couple pieces together and then be OKC that’s not happening you’ve got to figure something out from the bottom up

And so that’s why it’s kind of I don’t want to say funny but the whole we were never we will never tank bit that Theodore used to say all the time all of the sort of eyewash that they’re using to try to act like this is supposed to be

Some full rebuild you can just say that and that’s really what’s going on and so I’m very interested to see what happens from a simple you’re Lottery team who are you going to pick that’s what this is the record the only reason the record is embarrassing in terms of losing

Streak is mainly because it has to terrible Wizards teams that also had cripplingly bad losing streaks that were in our lifetime this gets into a Gilbert Arenas conversation which is you want to be in Gregory so so yes there is historical markers that are annoying to try to

Think about but overall I don’t think this matters that much ter were you a season ticket holder in 2009 2010 I was not a season ticket holder then no oh okay do you have a favorite memory from That season anyway I’m not GNA get into that I just

Know that anytime I get to mention jail McGee the God javal as he was known in our household and Friends groupy person so yes that’s my favorite moment and Andre blch F BL this is your captain speaking there’s a game in which he got on the mic one time before the

Game after warm-ups before tip off and he grabbed the PA mic and he said this is your captain speaking Andre blch look that up I was at that game it was ridiculous Anthony we need to pull that for real things all right we’ll get we’ll get Anthony on that um I think that

That we’re all in this in part because of civic pride or sports team Pride whatever you want to call it because like the whole point of phantom is to be able to pound your chest and be like my team’s better than your team and when

Your team is lost 16 in a row I do I do kind of Wonder there is no false sense of hope right like that was that was the thing with the wizard soul forever is like oh we’re so we’re this move away we’re that move away and like that being

Crushed I do wonder what kind of impact that has on the fan base I got to have especially if you’re trying to hello move the team out of the city these two things are not uncorrelated in terms of the Dual level of ridiculousness happening at once you’re

Trying to tell me it’s been months you know what I mean we could potentially change administrations before this team wins another game as far as it feels like and you’re out here talking about moving the team out of the city like the whole entire operation mean to say this just a

Bad talk anybody but this is what poverty franchises look like you know what I mean in terms of how you operate you’re trying to I don’t know man it’s a really hopeless situation in terms of what what I think I would be able to say

Tell my kids if I was a NBA parent with an NBA fan child like you’re going to wizards games just to see these people in person not because you’re looking at an operation that seems like it’s ever been serious about winning I was talking who won the Truck Series race in

Vegas and he was like yo dog I’m a Wizards fan and things are terrible he’s a NASCAR driver and he brought it up because he has that kind of Pride and he was felt terrible about it and I understand he’s I get it yeah I mean 50- win season uh if you’re

Anyone born after 1979 you’ve never seen a 50 win season but the whole point of being this bad is you’re not going to be on that wheel of mediocrity winning 36 games a year is that in three years hopefully you’re actually approaching that 50 Game season gonna take some luck

Gonna take some skill uh but this is the bad part and I what I would tell people is this way if you think back to the the Sixers and the process like they had some Seasons that were ugly and people were like oh is this gonna matter Joell

Embiid and it didn’t matter one freaking bit so it’s just a matter of like do you eventually get it right uh what happens when it’s when it’s being built I think is almost wholly irrelevant I would tend to agree and you know I think that that’s why being realistic about what

You’re doing in front of your fans so that adding I don’t know club seats behind the basket is not what you’re trying to sort of rattle in people’s faces while the product is bad you can talk about the process it’s okay people actually like BC this is the one

Sport you can get away with that people aren’t necessarily just doing it for the reasons you stated Earl when it spard so you know we’ll see let’s hope that the basketball part they can at least Le get to a point where it is watchable and not just to show up and

See what Jordan P’s going to do to end up in the Wizard’s goofball Hall of Fame for yet another night he has had an alltime shacked in season but he’s playing better as of late imagine what happens when you play him in his natural position and put the ball in his hands

For a guy that you know is good with the ball in his hands whatever Austin this weekend find the paneles on it South by Southwest uh appreciate you sir thank you hey this is Da and you’re listening to the Hoffman show on the team 980 and the Odysse A He He He H He It’s off and show on the team 980 always live as well on the free Odyssey app streaming live on YouTube at the team980 uh weekend preview time here on the Hoffman show uh we got uh plenty of of great college basketball games going on this weekend and uh Anthony uh we got we

Got some that have have already happened uh because the Maryland women uh earlier today I mentioned in trending the uh the the studio or sorry the um the the Ken Clark uh you know final College Tour kind of uh happening here but you had you got

Uh you got Marilyn beating that tar out of Ohio State earlier yeah that was a a beat down that’s what they called it I mean it was 21o win for the lady turps uh over the number one seated uh Ohio State Buckey just just a really impressive performance obviously to say

The least um so that’s that’s exciting um and get the TPS and it means you get more lady TPS basketball this weekend um it’s been a rough year for Maryland basketball in general I would say um but yeah so that’s that’s exciting uh and then Kaitlin Clark and Iowa take the

Court tonight at 6:30 p.m. uh in that tournament so you’ll be able to catch them uh I think actually I don’t know where that game is uh that game is on on probably Big 10 Network is going to be my guess but I’ll double check that

Right now be televised that’s what we do know Big 10 Network yeah so there you go um meanswhile uh on the men side of things it’s the last weekend of the regular season uh by the way this is our weekend preview which Anthony is brought to you

By nobody Craig yes the same the same people that bring you EJ’s Neo sat of the night on TNT most nights um so EJ and I have that in common uh a couple more Emmys and a bow tie will be right there um so uh men side obviously Duke

North Carolina always uh on the last week the last day of the regular season Duke hosting this round uh they’re seated ninth or they’re ranked ninth I should say North Carolina seventh in the country you also though have a a kind of wacky bit uh happening where I mean

Kentucky Tennessee okay cool sec powerhouses tenness see the fourth ranked team in the land but Kansas is at Houston yeah at the same time yeah four o00 uh on ESPN uh the Kentucky Tennessee games four o’clock on CBS but like why are Kansas and Houston playing on the

Last day of the regular season it’s a non-conference game unless did Houston move to the Big 12 when I wasn’t looking I know that conference has been turned play earlier this season too so did oh guess they are Big 12 now yeah when did that happen I feel like an idiot but I

Don’t even care I get half the people listening didn’t know that either it’s going to be a lot there have been a lot of moving Parts the last couple of years I can’t keep up you we used I mean we used to play a game uh on my college Radio Show in

2012 like who’s in it like what what what who who’s in that conference I would do so and I was like good at it then because I was locked into college sports because I was in college I would be so bad at that game now I bet you you probably don’t know

What conference UCF is in you’re right they’re in the Big 12 as well UCF is in the Big 12 they knocked off Kansas earlier this year oh that that could be a fun maybe Wednesday before all these conference tournaments like really get going I guess Well we’d have to kind of do it

Monday but Monday’s busy with free Agy Wednesday if we have open segment Anthony I want you to put together a quiz for me I got you on conferences and I’m willing to make uh myself the butt of the joke for the weekend because holy crap terrible I

Will do so bad on this because it’s not even like it’s the same for football like Houston’s not in the Big 12 for football are they or will they be next year uh that’s a great question that I don’t have an answer for is Big 12 even going to exist next

Year they one of the ones that got wiped off the map 10 11 12 13 14 there are 14 teams in the Big 12 well the numbers have not made sense forever yeah now I feel like an old man yelling at a cloud but like if you’re under the age of or

You’re over the age of like 26 if you’re over the age of 2 if you’re graduated college College the college conferences aren’t the same as when you were in college nevertheless when I was in school nevertheless when most of the people listening were in school who just were like you were in

College in 2012 I’m so old I should be dead yeah brutal bro all the I’m looking at all the uh the different conferences right you know what we should do Wednesday here’s what we should do Wednesday we should see if Denton can hop on with us and Denton as

Someone who like does Serious XM college football Denton should host the show like host the segment game show style we should see if we can get him a tiny microphone and then you and I go head to-head oh I’m going to win this I’m G to win this Craig I’m I’m studying right

Now if I lose then well I’m not necessarily studying but I’ve had a chance to look over the Big 12 look at the 14 teams that are in it West Virginia is actually in the Big 12 and I don’t know when that have it they’ve

Been in the Big 12 forever really yeah I thought they were in the Big East no that was they been in the Big East forever oh okay they’ve been in the Big 12 for years and years and years maybe I haven’t been keeping up maybe it’s just

Me I was like did they leave and come back why is that surprising I don’t know maybe you you might actually destroy me because I I really don’t know I don’t know how we should do this all I know is that we’ve already lost yes it’s Hoffman show we on the team 980

Always live as well on the free Odyssey app by the way other fun things to watch for this weekend Formula 1 in Saudi Arabia uh one of the great fun facts for next season has been ru ruined Anthony uh best wishes to Carlos SS he has appendicitis he’s out this weekend for

Ferrari and their Reserve driver is a British kid and so Lewis Hamilton was set to become the first ever British driver in like 25 years to drive for Ferrari now that’s not going to happen because some kid had to come in as a reserve for Carlos signs because he had

Pendis so best to Carlos on and his recovery uh US Women’s National team in the W Gold Cup Final Sunday night as well so a couple of of uh things on my radar this weekend uh that’ll be fun sporting events to consume on top of the college hoops some good NBA action this

Weekend as well uh coming up next though Kevin Sheen is going to join us uh we will get some thoughts maybe we’ll start Wizards with Kevin But ultimately our big topic uh with of course our our buddy Kevin Sheen who hosts the Kevin Sheen show 10: a.m. to 1 p.m. here on

The team 980 will be the commanders where do they go in free agency that’s how we spend uh our five o’clock hour starting with Shen next here on the team 980 He He He He He He He He He Hour number two of the Hoffman show on the team 980 always live as well on the free Odyssey app and streaming live on YouTube at the team 980 DC Sports taking center stage for both of our top stories today a preview of Monday and free agency opening and of course the Wizards

Trying to avoid history tonight which means springing in one of our own was definitely the play for not my beat today’s top story from the perspective of someone who’s there you are looking live it’s just in not my beat Kevin Sheen host of the Kevin Sheen show 10:00

A.m. to 1 p.m. here on the team 9A e Mr Shen Good Friday to you sir how are you Mr Hoffman how are you on this Friday I doing well I’m happy that it is Friday I’m happy that we are steamrolling towards free agency we will finally get

Some answers on Monday to the direction this roster is going but before that we must we must deal with the Washington Wizards who are more imminently uh chronologically speaking trying to avoid history tonight tonight my question for you as they try to avoid a record-breaking 17th straight losses do

You care if they break this record or not does it does it affect the long-term vantage point you have on this entire rebuild project not even a little bit I mean I would like them to end up with the worst record as long as they are in that

Position right now let’s just stay there um and have the best odds at number one overall in a draft that really doesn’t have a consensus number one next year’s draft will but no it’s like I think I I think I’ve put my I haven’t put my

Wizards fandom you know to the side I’ve been always a massive bullets and Wizards fan my entire life I want them to be good it’s it’s it’s the team Craig for me that’s always been the one that I think I mean after Maryland basketball and and the Skins to me the bullets and

Wizards are next and I always want I I’ve always wanted to see what it would be like if there was an actual contending for for the NBA championship team in this city because I think it would be a massive deal um and I do like what they’ve done here over the last

Year and we’re just going to have to wait it out but it’s hard to keep a level of any sincere interest when you’re nine and 53 I’m not watching a lot of these games at all yeah no I’ve tried to watch some and it just it’s

Just not good um the one thing that I think is interesting as of late is Kula Bali seems to have really hit a rookie wall but for me I’m not that concerned because I’m like he hit the rookie wall I don’t all of a sudden think like the

League figured him out and he’s actually not that good um I just think that you know it kind of coincided with uh them putting him in the starting lineup too is they upped his minutes they upped his his impact and it came at a point in the

Season where he’s had more minutes on him than he’s ever played before in his life so um that’s been kind of interesting but is there anything else that you’re watching these final couple weeks of the Season here besides the kind of footnote of whether or not they make the history

Tonight I really have fallen in love with Denny AA as a potential future NBA Allstar kind of a player and a real you know sort of Cornerstone not you know not the superstar that they’re going to need to draft in the next two to three

Years but as a guy that really could be one of the you know top three pieces on a team that wins 50 games in 2028 or whatever um I just think he is he came into this league he was obviously a very good Defender what he also was was a guy that

Had tremendous confidence right from the jump like I think a lot of these foreign players are really Fearless in a way that maybe some of the young college players um are not but he’s always believed when you watch him I think he’s always felt like he’s better than even

He shows but I think this guy’s really gotten confident and he’s gotten better offense ly and every time he takes a shot like a three if he takes a three I feel good about it feel good about the stroke he’s just a good really good all-around player that has a chance to

Just keep getting better um and I feel the same about kabali like I feel really good about kabali but 19 and a 23 year old that you know in three years when they’re 26 and 22 it could be really interesting if they’ve got you know a 20-year-old that is

Ascending yeah definitely um I think next time I’m on your show or when we have more time in free agency in the NFL is not bearing down on us we can we should we should have a Denny obvia discussion because I don’t like I think

You’re higher on him than I am but then I get turned into like the biggest any odva hater and I’m like I’m not I’m not a hater I just I don’t know where the exactly where the ceiling is what don’t you like about him I think he’s

Overrated as a Defender and he’s like much less likely to be a top three guy on a win team and much more likely to be somewhere between four and seven a really really like probably four like I think he can be an 18.8 rebound consistently kind of guy and that’s a

Really really good NBA player but like just because he’s getting the assignments of some of the best players in the league doesn’t mean he’s actually doing well with them like he’s just routinely getting torched by these guys and if he’s this like part of the reason

That they’re so bad this year is because he’s their second best defender and he’s just actually not up to that kind of Cali whereas like you think of the second best player on some of the the best teams and like Klay Thompson was an all NBA Defender you know Denny obvious

Never going to be that yeah I mean the difference is that Klay Thompson and Steph Curry never played on a team that was this horrible and they’re just horrible from a team defensive standpoint too actually I I don’t know that I completely disagree with you in terms of being overrated as

A Defender because I think he’s a good Defender you know I think people people have described him as being a potential great defender I’m just really impressed with his overall game now and I didn’t know that I would be that way two years ago I mean he’s capable um you know if

He ended up being the number three guy on a team with two stars in front of him of being an 18 and a 10 guy yeah I don’t I think that’s that’s the ceiling um and I think that’s possible maybe that’s the third best guy on on a 50 win team um

Depends on how it’s good the the the first two are um but we’ll see I mean he’s he’s still ascending um he’s 23 he’s getting to the point where he’s probably getting closer and closer to his ceiling um but he’s definitely had like this the last two months have been

Awesome so definitely encourag we’ll see what that looks like on a hopefully a good team sometime uh before 2028 but maybe we are waiting that long Uh Kevin Sheen is with us here on the Hoffman show of course host of the Kevin Sheen show all right now to our Feature

Presentation if you will Kevin uh by the time I take the air on on Monday at 4:00 uh you and Chris Russell will have guided us through the first couple of hours of free agency anything you expect kind of off the rip immediately to happen or anything that you want

Immediately to happen on Monday for the commanders I don’t know what to expect um I’ll take a stab and say that there are a couple of players um no actually the the players that are their own it’ll take some time for them to go out and test the market before they come back

But a an edge pass rusher a dorrence Armstrong from Dallas because Quinn’s you know familiar with him you know I’m a big fan and always have been of denil Hunter I think he’s now the prototype for the edge pass rusher the taller lankier long armed guy that just keeps

Tackles at Bay and is very disruptive with with length and um I just love him as a player I think he’s an absolute gamer recer at times his issue of course has been health and he’s going to be 30 um and I don’t know if they’re going to

Be looking for somebody like that um but yeah I I don’t I mean they’re players that I like but I have no idea what they’re thinking you know the one I think the one guide for all of us is just like they told us when it came to

The coach they’re looking for a great leader and a lot of people ignored that um with respect to the quarterback they’ve emphasized over and over again Mobility now the top three all have that um and when it comes to that player trait thing that they you know Quinn talked about Peters talked about

Kingsberry talked about they’re looking for finishers competitors physical guys like when you start thinking about the Deo Samuels of the world and the Warners of the world and the KD like they’re looking for that type of competitor and personality so you know any sort of player with talent but that hasn’t

Achieved um I would guess is not going to be on the list um no matter how young and the overachiever you know never-ending motor guys are the ones they’re going to be looking at queen as an example that’s a great Point um if you think about the profile all right so

Let me run some names by you then and you know obviously it’s going to depend on the numbers for all of these but assume like you’re going to have to pay them uh for for some of these guys uh Justin Simmons is the biggest name on the market all Pros don’t become

Available very often safety which is a position that seems to be on the decline it’s a stacked safety Market would you spend some of the very high amount of cap space they have to bring in a playmaker like Justin Simmons I mean he’s a great player he’s

What a many time you know all pro and pro bow four time I think four time all pro five time Pro Bowl okay and he’s going to be 31 um and I just wonder with the safety Market being what it is I’m I wonder if they’re going to

Participate in what might be you know a bidding war for somebody like him although I think the glut of of safeties on the market aren’t going to help any of those players but he’s A Cut Above So I I mean I I don’t know Craig I mean

Like they’ve got you know Quan Martin they’ve got Derek Forest they have Percy not saying that they need they don’t need to go out and get another safety they certainly more likely than not need another Corner um but I’ve also just questioned here over the last week in

Just sort of putting two and two together the available cap space and the fact that you know Josh Harris had to go out and find 20 people to invest so that he could afford the team at $6 billion and they’ve got coaches that they’re still paying they’ve got 75 million into

The stadium um and I just wonder how Super Active on the highend they’re going to be in free agency and Simmons is going to be the highend be a great player obviously but I would be surprised yeah I would be surprised if he winds up here I think they will spend

A little bit I don’t I don’t think they have cash issues um in the way that they have in the past I I hear what you’re saying um I I from what I’ve heard the cash situation is just fine over there um and they’re they’re going to be able

To spend and it really is a matter of do we want how like how much of this do we want to roll over into next year versus how much do we want to spend now and do you know what the timelines look like and all of that but I think even from a

Football perspective a guy like Simmons you’re making that that question like how much is it worth for you to have a potential allpro in some years where you might not be as good because you have a Young quarterback who’s not quite ready for for the big time yet especially this

Quarterback class where you have people like or out there saying you know these guys might have to sit for for a year or two before they’re even ready yeah um we’ll see about you know how active on the high end they are here um I it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s

Actually some maneuvering with respect to backend loaded contracts even uh to move into this cap year but yeah I I think the other thing too that we’re not entirely sure of at this point is what kind of player fits what Dan Quinn and Joe wit Jr are going to do here you know

They went from all that single high in Seattle they changed significant significantly in Dallas he’s told you that there’s more changes coming in terms of stylistically how they’ll play turnovers en forcing turnovers are are always going to be a big deal with him defensively and then offensively what

Kingsberry is really looking for um as a fit so it there’s a little little bit of Flying Blind but there should be when you have a complete regime change yeah no absolutely Uh Kevin Sheen with us of course 10: a.m. to 1 p.m. here on the

Team 980 uh the running back position is as deep as it has basically ever been as a free agency class um it’s a weird position now where people don’t know what to do with the contracts if you’re Washington and you’re thinking about surrounding a Young quarterback

Potentially do you try to make a a bit of a splash not like major money obviously because that doesn’t go to running backs anymore but do you go after a saquan a Derk Henry Etc any of these big names you know it’s interesting because I think Robinson Jr and even Rodriguez

Really fit that player trait that they talked about you know the the badass competitor the The Finisher Etc so I wonder if they’ll really like their backs but they do need you know somebody to replace Antonio Gibson I can’t imagine that saquan Barkley would come here he’s going to probably look to win

Derck Henry is definitely GNA look to win next year um but you know would somebody like a Devin single ter you know who’s out there who’s pretty versatile who’s definitely more and can be more of a third down guy is he a possibility maybe I didn’t think about

Running back you’re the second person today that mentioned to me what about running back um I guess I should be thinking about it because of Gibson being you know gone um but yeah uh somebody like single ter might make sense but it wouldn’t surprise me depending on H if Houston you know lands

Barkley um then he’s obviously Expendable yeah no doubt I mean a guy like Pard super interesting too can you put him kind of back into what a similar role he was when Zeke was the number one guy there when Zeke was there um you know Austin Eckler is he willing to do

That that at this point in his career uh I think single T is a great call as well um you know AG runs with physicality if they want someone who can finish and has versatility like bringing him back ain’t the worst thing but also you know this

Is a draft where there’s kind of every kind of running back and none of them are going to go off the board early so uh we’ll see on that front UM quarterback room to me is like the most interesting kind of thing to watch next

Week and I don’t even know if they wind up making a move next week or does it take a little bit later in free agency I am of the opinion though Kevin that they need to bring in a veteran of some kind um to Mentor SL potentially and probably

Even be a bridge no matter what direction you go in the draft where are you at on how they build out their quarterback room um so I do think it will be telling if they they make a move there for a veteran obviously for anybody thinking that they’re not looking at a

Quarterback at number two well that’ll be the tell if they bring in a veteran uh backup um but I’m also okay with Sam as a backup quarterback for no money for the next two years they’ve got a lot of leadership and a lot of mentoring in that you know that coaching staff with

Pritchard and Blau and obviously Kingsbury who is you know the the is Mentor number a but if they decide to go veteran yeah I think it’d be really interesting brassett may have a chance Craig to compete for legitimately for a starting job somewhere um Joe Flaco probably not Tyrod Taylor probably not

Um I I’m not I certainly don’t think Russell Wilson’s a possibility for here I mean if if if he was a possibility for here what they should have done is traded cap space for picks and Wilson um these Denver needs to free up some of that cap space and who knows what Wilson

Will take um if he’ll actually play for next to nothing next year but yeah I think that’s an interesting um interesting decision and and it’ll be a bit of a tell if they’re active in a veteran quarterback in a true veteran backup quarterback situation I mean who were were you

Thinking of I mean you weren’t thinking of like tanah Hill who is going to look to compete to start somewhere well that tanah Hill is one of the guys that I would definitely want to have a conversation with and understand where he’s at like I know you didn’t want to

Be a backup or a bridge guy or a mentor or anything in Tennessee that was your job but you were also the incumbent if we bring you in and say look your starting job depends on how good this rookie we draft is and if he’s not ready

We’re going to start you and you might play the entire year are you okay with that because and if he’s good enough like he’s going to play are you good with that and he says yes he’s actually probably the guy I want I think especially if i’ I’m eyeing Drake May

I’m eying Jaden Daniels I think Tyrod Taylor’s the guy because that that you’re GNA design the offense more similarly around that and I would have the same conversation Kevin with jacobe I don’t know whether he’s going to be scarred by last year obviously totally new group in charge but I would have

That conversation with brette over both of those guys to say hey are you okay with this setup and there’s you know it’s 90% that you’re going to start at least week one if not uh Beyond but and and I think that he’s going to probably want to look at the market but like

Those are the three guys that I I think I’m circling yeah I think I I’m not sure tanah Hill buys into that and you’re right you have to to get a sense I think tanah Hill and Tyrod Taylor I mean are similar very similar in style of play I

Don’t know that one is a better Mentor for Daniels or versus may I mean I don’t think Daniels or may or dual threat quarterbacks coming in any way um and Tyrod Taylor and tanah Hill have both been true dual threat quarterbacks at various times in their career but yeah

No I there’s there’s there’s a lot of options in terms of Veteran guys I just would expect maybe not I mean because we’ve seen it even with guys like James Winston you know in terms of of what the market is but I would think tanah Hill

Is going to get six or seven million a year no yeah probably where he was last year yeah I mean brette got what 10 last year I would uh he was at eight right brette uh I might have been somewhere between eight and 10 but like I would I would be

Willing to pay that I think I mean this is the beauty of having $85 million in cap spaces you can afford these things yeah um I and again they may just decide you know what we got we got plenty of mentors here we don’t need to

Spend eight million bucks a year on a mentor or a bridge we believe that may and Daniels are going to play right away and we got a kid who’s actually perfectly set up to be a a high a higher end backup in Sam which is really I

Think what we all realize he is not everybody realizes that but when when does anyone agree on anything Kevin well I mean the the debates and the and the arguments about him you know after certain games like there’s still a contingent of the fan base base uh aka

The the Howers that still believe this was all the offensive line in Eric the enemy’s fault and that they should run it back with him for 17 games there are people out there that believe that oh I know there’s people out there that believe a lot of things but I’m going to

Stop there before I get myself in a lot of trouble Uh Kevin shien I believe that he is on the radio 10:00 a.m. to 1 pm weekdays here on the team 980 uh what are your turps need to do this weekend to to secure a spot in the tournament

They just need or I guess it’s next weekend but I probably won’t talk to you until then what are your they they’ll play Wednesday night in the first four first time they’ve been in that you know situation in the Big 10 you’re talking about which turps are you talking about

I was talking about your your men’s turps the ladies turps hey look what they did today they upset Ohio State today was Big T at Ohio State today yeah this is a this is a painful year if you’re a Maryland men’s basketball fan um they haven’t been a lot of years like

This uh over many decades but uh you know know they’ve got a really good player in jir young who’s capable of winning a couple of games next week so I’ll root for that yeah we’ll see we’ll see what happens and of course every single one of those games will be right

Here on your home for the turbs the team 980 all right Kevin have a great weekend sir thank you as always for your time take care that is Kevin Sheen with us here on the Hoffman show check him out 10: am to 1M and if you can’t because

You have a day job uh during those hours that disallows you from listening to the radio you can check out the podcast of the radio show or you can check out the Kevin Sheen show podcast uh anytime anywhere on your favorite uh podcast app which might just be that free Odyssey

App when we get back here on the Hoffman show what do you want to see from the commanders in free agency on Monday 30123 0980 offen show taking your calls next H He He He He H He He H He He He He H it’s opman show we’re on the team 980 we’re always live as well on the free Odyssey app and we’re getting ready to preview NFL free agency and we want your help 30123 0980 what would you like to see from the commanders are you in are you out on

Justin Simmons what do you want to see on the quarterback position it’s actually where we’re going to start but actually before we even get to the quarterback position um specifically Anthony I want to talk about the kind of overarching theme that I think they’re going to take into free agency which

Will affect the quarterback position and that is this I think Logan put this extremely well on take command when we did our mock draft the other day we I kind of sidebarred into well what about free agency on on this and how does it affect this pick and he goes I think

They’re going to attack free agency in a way that says we don’t have to take anything in the draft so when we talk about are they going to attack Edge in free agency or the draft are they going to attack o line in free agency or the

Draft are they going to attack this or that in free agency or the draft I think the answer for a lot of these positions is going to be both like I imagine that they like let’s say they go out and sign Bryce Huff from the Jets 25-year-old

Pass rusher a lot of people thought the Jets might franchise him they ultimately decide against it he’s a guy that’s pass rush win rate like some of the underlying data is fantastic can he hold up as a three down Edge is he a true starter is a situational pass rusher

That’s why he’s hitting free agency they also have you know they don’t have like crazy amounts of cap space so maybe they just don’t feel like they can they can get a deal done but whatever reason he’s in free agency so let’s say that they go

Out and they’re like yep Bryce Huff we need that pass rush juice let’s go let’s party you’re coming to play with John Allen that doesn’t mean that if Darius Robinson out of zoo is on the board somehow at 36 that they’re not going to Sprint that pick to the

Podium if they go out and sign Tyron Smith and all of a sudden Tyler gon falls in the draft out of Oklahoma and the the offensive tackle who’s in the eyes of many a first round grade type of player all of a sudden is available at

36 or even if he’s available at 29 they might not trade up and say let’s go get this guy that they would do that and I think that’s that’s the position of power that you want to be in and so I would expect on Monday them to work

Towards signing a lot of guys now will they all happen Monday probably not and frankly I hope not for our own sake well we only got three shows or no not next week it’s two weeks that we have only three shows because of the NCA tournament I hope I hope that over the

Next 10 days starting Monday they space them out and we get all kinds of guys to talk about because I’m selfish and I want that spaced out we have a different guy every day uh Adam Peters if you’re listening you want to do me a favor uh

And Anthony a favor is the producer of the show but uh more more pointedly more realistically I think over that first week of free agency they move towards signing an edge player a corner a safety a linebacker multiple offensive linemen because I don’t think they want to go in

The draft and this is smart strategy I endorse this by the way um they don’t want to go in the draft feeling like they need anything and I think that’s the smart way to do it I sort of kind of have a different take on the start of free

Agency um and I’m curious to know what you think do you think fire away do you think that free agency 2 is better than free agency one if you’re one of those teams that isn’t really willing to just go out there and throw buo amounts of money just because

You already know you’re going to be competing with so many teams yes and no yes because you avoid the rat race and the the biggest compensation packages no because you also avoid the best players like the best players Patrick Queen’s not waiting till free agency 2 yeah um does it mean

He’s going to sign immediately probably not like will there be deals announced at pretty much noon on Monday probably but at the end of the day like I I think I want to go get some good football players I want to go get guys that are starting caliber and that

Might cost a little bit of money but they have the money to spend um you know whether that’s a multi-year contract or whether they overpay for one year to get their contract shorter whether they backload some of the deals whether they frontload some of the deals like what I

Don’t know how the math is exactly going to work out because I think they could they’ve got options and you know we’ll see what Peters wants to do but at the end of the day like I think the worst thing you can do is go into the draft

Being like all right we’re going to get our starting left tackle in the draft oh God there’s a run on tackles between 11 and 23 we don’t have a starting caliber tackle left on the board what do we do now do we take a a non-starting level tackle uh that we

Think is going to be a development project and just play them and live with the results with a rookie quarterback potentially or you know then are you dipping in are you just dipping into that free agent two pool after the draft maybe like is there a couple guys can

You can you do that at say running back if you don’t want to go after one of the the 10 big names probably can you do that even maybe at safety probably but like I would only want to be doing that in positions where I’m okay going into

The season with what I have so for instance at running back if I go into the season with uh Chris Rodriguez as my backup uh Brian Robinson is my starter and anybody else that’s an NFL caliber running back is my third RB I’m set so I

Don’t care if that guy comes in free AG agency one free agency 2 or the draft I don’t care so I don’t need to go do that if I want an impact guy or I want a specific if I want sequan because I love his versatility and I think he can line

Up in the slot for me or outside for me in a in a cliff kingsberry offense that gives me a ton of Versatility um to line him up in the back field or out wide and that’s important to me okay fine I don’t know that it is I’m just I’m

Hypothesizing here with that position um or if I want to go spend money on on Justin Simmons or I want to go spend money on one of these other safeties I want to resign Kendall Fuller because that guy’s important to me okay but I’m not like I’m not risking free agency 2

On a position where I like at Edge I’m not risking free agency 2 I’m being aggressive in The Edge Market and that’s because if we have to start the season tomorrow with what we have we’re in deep trouble no matter what happens in the draft like they need especially at Edge

Like literally at Edge they need both yeah I mean I agree with you I was just curious uh to like you know where your thoughts were but um to your point I definitely think uh we need to be a little aggressive just because we have

24 free agents um or I guess guys that are said to be uh free agents and none of them have been resigned so I think that also just speaks to you know the nature of what our roster was last year and being able to you know go out and

Get some of these guys fre agency1 I’m I’m All For You know the Tyron Smith definitely at Edge safety I’m I would love to have a big name in the room I would love to have a big name but as Kevin pointed out you know we have some

Guys that we drafted whether or not you know they’re the they’re the right fit for uh for Dan Quinn’s defense is a different uh is another story but based off like their production last year it just indicates that we should also be trying to like Target somebody in the

Defensive back field as well you have to get one um and this has kind of been my thing all along right I don’t know what they think of quan Martin other than they like him but I don’t know what what they like him as do you like him as a

Nickel predominantly where he’s playing that whether it’s whether you call it nickel buffalo nickel box safety but he’s like actually a playing nickel like if he’s going to line up as a third Corner then you need a safety yeah Butler and and Forest isn’t good enough

Um with all I think Percy’s a phenomenal backup and an ace special teams guy but I don’t want him starting at safety at least immediately maybe maybe with a year under with that coaching under his belt could he be really good a year from now maybe but I I’m looking to upgrade

There um but if you see Quan as a safety who plays some nickel or some Buffalo then you need another corner and again I don’t know what they think of bsj he’s the big he’s one of the biggest mysteries on the roster I’m pretty sure they like Emanuel Forbes like I’m pretty

Sure that he’s their kind of player he fights he competes he goes after the ball like that’s their kind of dude they got to teach him how to be successful uccessful at it but like he’s their kind of dude Juan Martin is their kind of dude um honestly Jam Davis is their kind

Of dude he’s fast he’s physical he plays hard he finishes um he doesn’t always do the right thing but like they can coach that up to that he does it more often um John Allen donon Payne they’re kinds of dudes um KJ Henry’s they’re kind of do

But like they need better at some of those positions so I think it’s goingon to be really interesting to see what they do with that DB spot I’m definitely into signing someone and there’s really a lot of great options corner and safety but I don’t know exactly who those

Options uh which one of their options is is most appealing to them um then you got the offensive side of the ball like they’re going to be looking for nasty linemen and there’s some there’s some good candidates out there and I would definitely be aggressive in signing some

Of them um but we’ll see I think the other big one that we talked about we talked about with Kevin too is the quarterback room what do they do to try to supplement this number two pick and is it necessary to have a bridge SL veteran quarterback and is does that

Have to be the same guy um Dan rosi had some interesting thoughts on the Pat McAfee show today we’ll share uh with you what Dan said after we tell you what’s trending here on the team 980 H He Oh Hey hey hey He He He He He It’s off and show we’re on the team 980 always live as well on the free Odyssey app and streaming live on YouTube at the team980 one hour to go as we will give way to Dave and Glenn at least I think it’s Dave and Glenn there’s Dave and Chris Wright on on uh

Previous broadcast on Wednesday Glenn out there being a TV star uh so we’ll check in who’s in who’s out Marvin Bagley Glenn Conor who’s who will you hear if you’re listening to the Wizards On The Radio tonight with Dave coming up at 6:15 uh right now though we continue

With the commanders and free agency opening on Monday and I have been beating the drum all week that the commanders need to look seriously at the veteran quarterback Market not as like Hey we’re trying to win next year we need to bring in a veteran so that they

Can put us over the hump n you need to make sure you have someone there to get the most out of this number two pick we talked about that with Jason Campbell earlier in the week definitely recommend that interview in the Hoffman Show podcast feed if you missed it but also

To be ready to play uh because I don’t know that these quarterbacks Drake May Jaden Daniels specifically or JJ karthy um are are ready to play in 2024 so whether you stay put whether you trade back whatever the situation may be and I think staying put is is certainly the

Most likely option you better have someone ready to go don’t believe me ask Dan orlovski respected as they come when it comes to quarterbacks in the analyst game was on the Pat McAfee show today and had this to say about Drake May specifically Drake may have you done the

What are your thoughts on Drake May he’s top three guy he’s top three quarterback in this draft class or what are your thoughts on Drake May yeah I think Drake May has to get the Jordan love treatment like you have to sit Drake May for at

Least a year or two I you know like I remember calling one of his first college football games dude and being like Oh my gosh this guy’s wildly talented and M Brown you know having a conversation with me he was like Dan this kid is everything that you want he

Just mechanically is just so raw and that’s always like a good thing because you can mold him and um I don’t think he mechanically specifically with his feet like has gotten a lot better he hasn’t um you know in college it’s always like do you have to all that stuff so I think

If like you sit him for at least a year and you develop him I can see that Boston C back um I think if you can sit him for at least a year you got a chance to have a really really good player but you can’t play him

Early I think that’s that feels right to me um and you know look is some of this in like obviously confirmation bias yeah but when I watch Drake May on tape I see the slop like the thing that jumps out to me that gives me the biggest worry is

The footwork now a lot of that is because he’s playing for muddy Pockets seemingly all the time and it’s hard to have good feet when there’s nowhere to put your feet and North Carolina’s offensive Line’s not very good his receivers don’t get open reliably so

It’s really a lot harder for him to look like hey that’s really smooth NFL quarterbacking in the way that Jaden Daniels if you just watch the TV copy it looks smooth all the time or a lot of the time because he’s got a good offensive line his receivers get open so

The question then becomes if you’re projecting traits how do you get the most out of those traits and you look at Jordan love and all of a sudden this dude takes the field and Anthony his footwork literally looks like Aaron Rogers like he sat behind A-Rod and went

To A-Rod school for three years and he comes out and there’s no body in in the history of the league that’s ever had the footwork that Aaron Rogers has and then Jordan love comes out looking like a carbon copy it’s scary and they always talk about you know his arm Talent it

Looks like that of Aaron Rogers man two talented special guys and hey it’s hting out that’s what it does by the way I saw love at the Super Bowl he was out there on on radio row he is way bigger than I thought he was tall or

Like you know like shoulders and arms both I didn’t realize he was like 6’3 yeah he’s and he’s like built and like I don’t know why I just expected him I think because like he looks like Rogers on the field and he’s got kind of that floaty I’m light I’m bouncing around

Footwork I just thought he was a smaller guy that dude is huge yeah a big quarterback anyway Drake may also big quarterback um and so I think s him behind someone who he can learn the finer points of quarterbacking from and not having him in a bunch of Muddy

Pockets not having him having to survive and your daily existence is practicing perfect footwork every day for a year that’s kind of Ideal I think for a guy like Drake May uh so that’s why you need a Ryan tanah Hill a jacobe brassette a Tyrod Taylor someone who’s not going to

Be the most exciting person in the world when you take the field week one but is going to make it a lot more exciting when you take the the field in 2025 and you feel like Drake Mays a lot more ready or lski on the idea that you need

That guy you need the bridge if Drake May is your quarterback yeah you can’t dude you know this as well like dude if you take a young talent I think I’ve learned it a little bit over the years like if you take a young talented quarterback that has mechanical flaws

And you play them early they struggle and it’s almost impossible to then eventually fix those flaws so you you have to mechanically fix that stuff to ever allow the talent to kind of be the number one part of their game so yeah a team that has like

A player that you know can at least give you a chance at that position and you are committed to sitting Drake May for the year almost like they did with Patrick um you’re you’re committed to doing that like they did with Jordan love you guys I mean t you know this I

Talked about Jordan’s feet for years now and that’s really the thing that got better as this season went on for him you know once he got in the live game so yeah I think if you sit him top five pick absolutely so that’s the thing though is

Like are you committed to doing that who’s your bridge and I I like Dan point at the end there too though like once love got on the field there was a still a learning curve like he got better as the year went and that stuff So eventually there is a point where you

Need to play but I I like that idea of commitment of like a year of someone else and then I think I think the question Anthony that we can ask on the phones too is like are you all right with Sam being that guy are you all

Right with Sam being it because I think that comes with a whole other Litany of complicating factors that I don’t know that I want Sam being my bridge quarterback even if I totally think that he is a high-end backup uh a long time from now but this is why like I keep

Circling tanah Hill why I keep circling jacobe even to say like dude will you come back and do the thing that you thought you were going to do last year will you come back and compete it’s it’s going to be a Fair competition in fact

You’re going to go in as qb1 and unless this kid comes in and blows us away and crushes you in a quarterback competition we are committing to sitting him for the year so are you down like that’s that’s what I would do if I was going to jacobe

Brasset because the other thing with brette is he’s got even though he’s going to have to learn a new system he’s learned multiple new systems before including one of the more complicated and off off uh off center if you will like most things are West coaster Eric coral and

Then somewhere over out in left field is whatever the hell Bill belich coaching tree runs the McDaniels Bill O’Brien Etc like he’s run all that stuff and so he’s gonna have to learn Cliff’s system but he’s very good at that and he’s got rapport with Terry and Jian so you have

A chance for your receivers to be a hell of a lot happier this year that’s why jacobe is my number one guy but like the more I think about this the more I am very much in the camp of go take your big swing on Drake May big physical

Prototypical quarterback with all kinds of traits that that tell you he could be successful and for the love of God don’t start him next year yeah I think I would be in agreement with hopefully you know bringing a guy like jacobe back I would not want Sam being our quote unquote

Bridge guy just because I feel as though he’s still learning and I think you you throwing him out there like he’s basically going to be learning on the job as well and I don’t necessarily know if that’ll be too much helpful for you know whoever we end up drafting um I

Think bringing in a veteran who’s seen a little bit more um can you know have those conversations Jason Campbell you know he he talked about the conversation you have as a an older guy versus a um with a younger guy so I just think bringing a guy like jacobe I’m still

Trying to get around on you know the Tanana Hills and the the the Tyrod I think Tyrod tell will be interesting um I would like him um I think those could be uh two guys that I would you know like to see here in Washington if we

Were to go that route but I’m all for I think I’m all for especially if Jaden Daniels and um Drake may they have all these mechanical issues that they need to you know sort out and work on um I I would definitely be all in on drafting those guys sitting

Them a year and because I’m cool with you know being patient I realize that we’re not you know going to be contenders next year I think we’re two years away from actually being contenders so why Rush the process if the the goal is to you know hopefully be

Contenders in the near future 30123 0980 what do you want to see from the commanders you heard orlovski and and really I guess the question we’re asking is are you okay with Sam how being the bridge guy or do you think they need to go and be somewhat aggressive in this

Veteran quarterback Market 30123 0980 take your calls before Dave joins us to preview the Wizards at 6:15 next He He Oh He He He Oh He He H He It’s offen show we’re on the team 980 we’re always live as well on the free Odyssey app here in this final 45 on a Friday Wizards basketball pregame starting at 6:45 follows us and our question for you at 30123 0980 is if you believe that actually it’s not even if

You believe if I were to tell you that Drake made is not ready to start week one and neither is jayen Daniels so don’t give me that whoever the Washington commanders take it quarterback in the NFL draft is not ready to start in 2024 they need a year

Are you okay with Sam Howell being your Bridge 3012 30980 is our phone number I certainly have some concerns about that but I want to I think Anthony should we go should we go straight to the phones should we give our ours first we got we got folks

There yeah got a couple all right let’s let’s do it let’s go straight to the phones 30123 0980 let’s start with Sanford Sanford thanks for calling you are on the Hoffman show hello Craig this is me you’re on the radio he hey okay fine hey I uh I

Listen to what you say and I um I don’t mind us having having a veteran backup but I will go with um uh Jaden Daniels at starting quarterback and after listening to some of the some of the I watched some of some of his games so for

It but mainly I listen to like Lis rck and Lan zerine and and and and even Dan adul He indicated that um he thinks Jane D could be almost number one quarterback over uh Caleb so and and he indicated that J that Jaden Dan is ready to start

Now you have to you have to groom him like you would do Drake May so I would start draft Jaden Daniels and then you want to get like you said another veteran to to be a backup that’s what I prefer but I would definitely go to Jon

Danel with Drake May okay thanks for not answering the question sford Anthony the shaking the shaking head makes you think makes me think that when he talked to you on the phone it was different than when he talked to me on the phone yes okay precisely okay ladies and fellas anybody who calls

This radio show tell Anthony the thing that you want to hear or that you want to say on the radio and then he put your name down and then I go there and then you say it on the radio that’s how the call thing works many of you do this very very well

Um we we try to do things that are relevant to the audience and with all due respect to Sanford and anyone else who calls your scouting reports tip aren’t really something that anybody else cares about um now Lewis rck and Lance zerine sure but I can counter your Lewis rck

And Lance zer line with Logan Paulson and uh Nate Ty and Trevor Sika and a bunch of people who like Drake mitt so here is the question that we are discussing right now in this radio segment if whoever the Washington commanders take at number two isn’t ready to play if that is the

Premise that we are playing off of for the purposes of entertainment on this radio show are you okay with Sam Howell being the bridge quarterback and thus QB W next year 30123 0980 that’s what we’re doing if you tell Anthony that your your your short version your elevator pitch

And he gives me the thumbs up to put you on the radio you’re then going to say that again but more flushed out on the radio or now you’ve all been warned and we’re just I’m going to give Anthony the hook and he’s going to hang up on

You because that’s that’s what’s good for for everybody we’re Community here where we’re doing good by one another while we wait for more calls Anthony here’s my concern with that my concern is Things become muddy where if Sam were to come in and play at a decent level like what are you

Doing then or Sam comes like there’s really almost no good situation because if Sam’s really bad the the problems that cropped up at the end of last year let’s actually let’s play this out and then you know feel free to poke holes in it on the phones right but let’s say Sam’s really

Bad then you’re probably going to feel pressure to play the young guy but you’re committed to not playing the young guy so that’s not good um Sam’s in the middle is kind of your best option hurts your draft stock a little bit next year but like okay you feel

Like the team is progressing maybe he plays well enough that you win some games but uh there’s some other issues or occasionally he makes a big mistake and you’re like all right you’ve shown me that you’re a backup you’re Overexposed right now as a starter so may and maybe that’s the most likely

Outcome so maybe it actually isn’t that big of a deal and obviously there’s kind of the other end of the spectrum problem that Sam Howell plays really really well and then you’re like well are we supposed to just move on from him like let’s say sam how goes out and wins 10

Games it’s a problem we’d love to have certainly for 2024 but what does that mean for 2025 do you roll with how another year let Drake May develop and then you’re you’re you know franchise and trade Sam in two years Aaron Rogers St like I don’t know what that looks

Like I think it’s much not to mention you’re not getting the veteran presence in the quarterback room that I think you’re really after in the first first place Sam hasn’t played enough he hasn’t been around enough he hasn’t seen enough to be able to have the kind of wisdom

That Ryan tanah Hill has so I would much rather go sign tanah Hill on a one-year $8 million but hey dude if you start 12 games it’s a12 million deal whatever it is if you start 16 I’ll pay you $16 million like we can play those games at

The end of the year depending on how you’re playing how the young guys coming along but Ryan tanah Hill has a ton starting experience chobe Brett’s played a lot of football um Tyrod Taylor’s played a ton of football I’m much more interested in that is the option than

Sam how but what say you uh 301 23098 let’s start off with Anthony one or two give me a give me a hand sign here uh both are good all right let’s start off with Josh Josh called first Josh you’re on the Hoffman show hey how you doing can you guys hear

Me yeah we got you okay hey what’s up man so I was just thinking like if we’re gonna get a quarterback at number two right so recent history has been showing especially in the NFL if you try to draft a quarterback in the top five pick then you’re you’re suggesting that that

Quarterback is going to be the starter and the future guy right so yeah if the quarterback is not ready it would make sense for me okay from a perceptions perspective it might be bad for the team oh we’re going to have to start Sam how

All over again but if it makes sense to me yeah start Sam Howell but also at the same time it’s a good problem to have because if Sam Howell plays well then maybe his draft stock gets a little bit higher we have a good problem to have

And we can you know I mean kind of use that for our benefit you know what I mean in order to get more draft capital in the future or something like that but also at the same time that Adam Peters is choosing a quarterback at number two

And decides y he’s not the answer then he’s like Adam Peters what are you doing you know well I don’t think there’s a difference between thanks thanks for the call like there’s a difference between he’s not the answer and he’s not the answer now like if Pat Mahomes had

Started as a rookie it wouldn’t have looked like what it looked like when he came in year two he got to sit behind one of the great technicians one of the great game managers one of the great winners of that decade and Alex Smith Alex Smith didn’t do a lot of

Spectacular stuff he did almost no spectacular stuff but he understood how to win football games and he taught Pat Mahomes how to win football games and Pat will be the first one to tell you how valuable Alex was Jordan love right now in Green Bay if he had started as a

Rookie he’s not a dude who looks like an ascending star in this league so yeah traditionally but like what if Zack Wilson got to sit he probably still not any good but like we don’t know so you can’t just throw out like oh CJ strad started like yeah he did Tua didn’t Tua

Sat behind Ryan Fitzpatrick probably better for him so I think there is a lot of precedent for the sit thing and we for whatever reason the last decade if you get taken in the top five a lot of a lot of quarterbacks uh haven’t had that luxury and there’s been

A lot of flops in the top five and some of these guys that go a little bit later in the in the first round uh sometimes go to a better situation for sure and maybe there’s a reason why uh you know a team was unlucky they wind up picking a

Little higher that gets a good quarterback situation but also they’ve had the luxury of sitting and I think I don’t think that that’s a that’s a full separation um let’s quickly go to Jeff uh Jeff thanks for calling you’re going to be our last one uh because we got to get to

Dave Johnson so quick here we go on the Hoffman show okay what’s up brother how you doing good so what I was what I said to Anthony is that can we give up a dra give up a spot get some other drafts I like Michael panck

Because I think he’s got better he’s got really good foot workor all right that’ll do Jeff I don’t I don’t I we’re not doing scouting reports we’re not doing your scouting reports oh we tried so hard I’m sorry to the other people that whose calls we didn’t take who

Wouldn’t have tried to give us a Scouting Report we’re we’re talking about Sam how for next year tell you what the good news is Anthony we can do this topic again on Monday uh the bad news is we’re out of time right now Dave Johnson will join us yes next we tried so

Hard A He He A He It’s offen show we’re on the team 980 always live as well on the free Odyssey app streaming live on YouTube at the team 980 as well uh of course we are your home for Wizards basketball and we are uh airing airing the game tonight here on the team 980 with the Wizards

Hoping to avoid not good history Dave Johnson is on the call and he is with us now but needs of course a proper introduction time to get the radio party started blocked by B Tali oh boy did he stuff him left P there oh that’s a pool

Party the BK slam right they stealing the intercepted by kissper kissper now f line slam o that’ll draw your preserves it’s time for Dave Johnson on a Wizard’s game day KO for three oh it’s there it’s there big big shot on the hofman show Dave with us from the broadcast

Booth at Capital One Arena Dave how are you doing doing well it’s a Friday night we got a go go concert afterwards so you can feel that Friday night Buzz uh in the crowd already and listen it it’s a 15- winning Charlotte Hornets team but we look you don’t talk about the records

But the Wizards I I do believe the Breakthrough is coming I know I say that I know I probably sound polyana or I sound like I’m I’m drinking the Kool-Aid but but it really is coming from being around this group that that enjoys playing for each other and together and

I say that from 30 years of experience as as we’ve talked about before I’ve been around and as blisters know bad teams and I can tell you I’ve been around teams where you thought you know what I I don’t know what’s going on here they don’t seem like they’re having fun

Basketball should be a fun game it’s not fun losing uh it’s not fun uh pouring your heart out every night these guys are busting their butt and and not getting a little Joy a little sugar and and U maybe it’s going to come tonight because look we’re back on the road

Because the ACC tournament takes over this uh building next week so we’re on the road for uh four more games so I’m I’m feeling good and and again it is not just I I really enjoy this team because of the way uh their attitude and that

Starts from the top Kyle kosma a a veteran who who is Frank in his discussion and what they need to do to try to get better and that’s what that’s why these games uh it’s coming down to a precious few but important development games to this team yeah no doubt about

It um one of I was going through some numbers earlier today Dave and the post All-Star break numbers for for belal are not good um he is a part I was looking at some two-man lineup stuff trying to understand the the Jordan pool Tyson or tyus Jones combo and it started to comb

Through the data you just notice like the common denominator in a lot of the lineups that are struggling right now is below and that’s that’s expected he’s 19 years old he’s hitting a rookie wall he’s had the hardest defensive assignments uh that the NBA can offer

Night in and night out have you noticed a change he’s kind of hit that and what is the team doing to try to try to get that to reverse Co reverse course and and finish the season strong I I don’t you know because and again the numbers

Are whatever they are and and and and it’s just something we talked about before the All-Star break uh by far this is the most basketball him or any rookie would have played uh in the season again European seasons are are similar to college Seasons where you know if you

Get in the Euro league or whatever you’re talking 35 40 games maybe uh so basically you know by by January you you’ve uh played what typically is is a full season uh but I’m not noticed him hitting a wall in terms of his approach and that’s that’s the key thing

And we’re actually using a highlight in our our pregame it’s a drive that leads to an N1 um I I think you know he the competency shows to take the shots that he needs to take or to drive or to attack uh um that’s he’s passing the eye

Test I guess what I’m saying the numbers don’t lie obviously uh but he’s been given starting opportunities um the the defensive assignments he takes on and how we I’ve seen him continue to surprise uh players because let’s and and also get beaten I’m I’m being fair

About this but when when a veteran sees a rookie on them you know they say all right we’re going to take you to school and he wins that some of the time and that’s that’s critical and yeah he does get beat some of the time so um I I I

Don’t think they’re doing anything to address any kind of uh slump because this the season for him was never going to be uh about numbers and and that’s why you know when we talked people had talked about you know why not start them all year and that’s I I they have the

Luxury to to develop at his own pace because no we’re not trying for the playoffs and we weren’t we weren’t going in thinking uh it was going to be a playoff team again when I make that statement that doesn’t mean we were going in saying we’re going to win nine

Games uh the very fact that we had a coaching change and and Michael uh Winger made it clear that that he expected more um and and that that still is is an issue we can talk about how uh well in the brand scheme of things nine

Wins isn’t a big deal but you know this team has not been as competitive as they hoped it would be Dave Johnson with us from the broadcast booth at Capital One Arena and I I tend to agree with you on that with Bal where um some of the the

Commentary I think and the the aggressiveness not the aggressiveness the the urgency from fans earlier in the year that wanted to see him start like this is this is why it’s harder when you start more minutes uh you’re obviously spend more of those minutes playing against the best talent uh and there’s

Less opportunities for you maybe with the ball that uh you have when you’re off the bench which obviously Jordan has been able to get the ball in his hands a little bit more um Kyle kusma feels like he’s hit a bit of a bump here as well as

Of late um is this just kind of the nature of of an NBA season is he battling a knock is is there anything going on with with czz is he has has been a maybe like it’s not even like he’s had a bad Streak by any stretch of

The imagination but been a bit more up and down uh since the All-Star break no I mean you know get had 25 the other night so I I don’t you know I think when you talk about C the allstar break uh Wizards that get smacked with some pretty good

Opponents in there Denver Oklahoma City totally uh and I so so I think that that also you know has impacted um you know certainly the the game against the Clippers is not one that we’re going to want to cherish you know the game against the Lakers going to overtime but

I I think that probably skewed some of the numbers and you know as you talked about with with bal’s numbers I didn’t I didn’t know those numbers but but again talking about the eye test I could sense that in terms of the number of points or uh you know he’s I

I’ll see him getting to the the rack where you know shots that he did finish before not finishing but I don’t think it’s a concern it’d be a concern to me if and this is the thing that that impresses me so much if at any point he

Started to show uh indecision or or doubt but that’s the thing that is blown me away from day one uh that he has he has not had a deer in headlights mentality and again I I shared with you this before but I think for listeners I haven’t heard it before Kevin Ser you

Remember Kevin serin played for the Wizards he was from France and he worked with balal kabali in France and he told balal kabali don’t go to the NBA like a scared Frenchman because Kevin ass serin admitted he was coming to the NBA and it’s understandable all of a sudden you

Go from France the French league uh and again the NBA is so far above it’s not like as we talk about soccer you could say Italy Spain England the NBA is on another is in another galaxy to these other leagues even the Spanish league um

And so what what I I have been most impressed with is he just did not come in here like a scared Frenchman and and it’s h it’s it certainly bodess well for the future uh for the record Dave I will go to France this summer as a scared

American but that has everything to do with my how my duo lingo is going uh my ability to speak speak French uh as opposed to anything physical toughness related if if a Frenchman bumps me in the streets it’s on there you go uh Dave Johnson’s with us for broadcast the international

Incident will be created thank you excellent just what we want at the Olympic Games an event filled with International sportsmanship and stupid Americans it’s me the stupid American uh Dave Johnson with us from the broadcast Booth dealing with my nonsense here on the Hoffman show um what to you turned

The other night obviously a 21 point lead we love those uh coming up on the wrong end of it don’t love that as much what turn do you think the other night against the magic and how did the Wizards prevent that if they can get out to yet another lead tonight they have

Had some leads as of late uh against the Hornets well you know they they have to if if it comes into that kind of situation what what happened the other night uh they they didn’t respond well to the physicality Orlando after getting spanked in the first half uh got more

Physical and and you know the Wizards had of the 18. third Court quart so after putting up 65 in the first half you know so that’s why you know we can talk about game slipping way down the stretch but you know it’s often what what you do with another portion of the

Game is a reason why you you you know ended up losing uh and that’s that’s I it’s a cliche it’s a cliche the full 48 and you’ve heard it but really that’s that’s what what is the deal for the Wizards right now they can show that they can play you know three quarters

Awfully good basketball but but and I don’t mean you know necessarily the quarters I just mean the time 40 minutes um so you just can’t to have an 18-point third quarter uh look the Golden State game if you remember uh it was a two-point game at Halftime then speaking

Of 18-point third quarters the Wizards had an 18-point third quarter uh and that played a roll in it um yes this it still needs to be a better defensive team because when you talk about what happened the other night against Orlando uh they made shots uh Brian Keef says

They were contested shots and and still was uh pleased with the defense Kyle Cruz said it could have been better whatever version of that you believe in uh you know that’s that’s the difference right now and it’s a fine line when you’re talking about competing in every

Game it it’s it’s fine lines as much as there’s so many points scored in NBA basketball um it’s fine margins and the reason why the Wizards only have nine wins is because obviously more often than that it’s the other team uh that that takes care of those details more

Than the Wizards do uh speaking of details let’s get button up uh I’ve been looking uh all show for news and it does it seem like barvin baggley is out tonight so anyone who’s been tuned in waiting for that news baggley out is Glenn back tonight or is he off being a

TV star again no no he he is back tonight he is back tonight so uh Mr Conor joins us and and Chris wri will have the post we got again a goo concert post game we’ve got our Mel multure postgame show from the Caesar sports

Book so uh you know it’s just going to be a Friday night of fun we hope you know people hang out with us on on the radio on the Odyssey app which is free it’s often how I listen to the Hoffman show uh and and

Listen again tonight I I think I well I go in every night thinking the Breakthrough is going to happen I I really thought Utah it was going to happen so um had a lead there too and look I I believe in this team it

It’s a yeah and you when we talk to fans in the post game when when you see the fight they put out look if you’re paying for tickets or you’re coming that’s what you you yes you want to see wins but but if you see losses uh you can accept them

Better uh when when there’s that kind of fight and and there’s that desire uh to win where where it becomes a situation where you’re you’re you know frankly you know really mad is when you feel like wait a minute here I I came out here I I

Bought my ticket and they don’t look like they care that’s that’s not the case here no no that that is for sure and I think in some ways it makes it more frustrating it’s like wait but they’re competing I can’t just emotionally check out I’m invested uh

But I mean it’s it’s one of the worst 30 game stretches in NBA history unfortunately on the results side of it uh can they break out of it tonight we shall see as you love to say day that’s why we go to the arena every night to

See what happens the radio party starts officially in just over 15 minutes Dave have a great call have a great weekend and we’ll talk to you next week from the road Hey listen listen I appreciate it so much always hanging with you and uh again have a continue to have a great

Show and remember the hofman show if get free Odyssey app if people have to download that they should do that bingo bango bongo Dave Johnson professional thank you sir that is Dave Johnson with us here on the team 980 and yes the free Odyssey app or you can also rewind if

You missed any part of the show or just check out the Hoffman Show podcast it’s right there in the ody y app if you missed anything we talk Wizards off the top of the show today as well time to check that out real quick before things get started if you’re going to stick

With us live here on the radio we’d certainly love that or if you’re streaming Us on YouTube maybe you just got home go uh pop on the final 15 minutes the show on your smart TV at team980 uh and we will wrap up the entire week few final thoughts on

The Wizards and uh send you off uh on your weekend way here on the team 98 H He He He He H He It’s time for the weekend show T not8 always live as well on the free Odyssey app streaming live on YouTube at the team 980 Anthony this felt like a very Friday show I feel like this felt very relaxed pretty chill we had some good discussions some callers

Tried to ruin it outside of that was I too mean n i mean I think you just one of the guys to you know stay on Tas we had a good topic like you even said to me in the break before that segment you’re like this is such a good topic yeah we

Had some we had like five or six people I didn’t get to type everybody up but we had some people calling in to start that six o’cl that’s the thing is like if you call the show and your call isn’t the thing that we’re talking about you take

Time away from people that are invested in it so I just have to I wind up being the bad guy I try to be mean about it but I just we had a good topic and we had limited time and people decided to give us scouting reports and that’s not

That’s not what we’re doing we laid down those ground rules in January on this show we’re not doing caller scouting reports on on quarterback um on Vibe check Tuesdays we kind of do that so we it’s not like we say never we don’t not care about your feelings and your opinions we’re just

Slotting them into an organized time because this is not a free-for-all show that would be there are radio shows Nationwide Anthony that do that that like I mean franessa was the king of this Mike franessa stole money from everyone who was paying him for years because franessa would and he look he

Would not stole he would go on these like epic rants that would burn down the internet every once in a while and whatever but like he would literally for hours just be like sit back in his chair he had his like little stethoscope headphones in you know what I’m talking

About yes uh and he would be like let’s go to Joe and the Brocks Joe would talk for four minutes all right thanks Joe let’s go to Jimmy in Brooklyn that is stealing money Craig so I I don’t care what you that is stealing money as someone who does a

Solo show I would look at his time and times and be like how is that dude on for like six hours a CU he did like one to seven yeah like it was nuts some some of the the time slots that he occupied in the various versions of afternoons at

F over the years and he would like his ratings were through the roof like it was clearly it’s New York’s that kind of town or whatever I don’t know and like he mixed in the the um what’s it called like he mix in his own opinions his own

Rants is whatever um so it wasn’t like that was the whole show every day but occasionally I’d be like what is he doing how do you fill that much time and it’s like let’s go to S on Long Island sa would talk all right thanks sa and

Like it wasn’t even like hey we’re taking calls on the Yankees right now sa would go on a 4minute salvo about the Yankees and then he’d go to Bobby and Brooklyn and he’d have thoughts on the Knicks and then the next guy would be the the the you know the Jets and he

Just Bounce Around yeah that that that’s a lot on the brain but that’s not what we do here no we’re a focused show with intention tal Vision baby at least we try to be we’re not always so focused but topically we try to be on hey what are your thoughts on the Comm

That’s not that’s not as exciting as like having a discussion about something and then I like Michael penck cool I asked you a question about Sam how we couldn’t do enough Sam how top that’s the thing that kills me Anthony we couldn’t do enough Sam how topics for

Six months and now I’m like hey guys this is becoming a real thing what about Sam and people are like trade back for Michael penx yeah I I don’t think people want uh you using the SW word you know that Sam word o but I just don’t think

It was all this bought so there I’m in Sam’s corner it was definitely not all Sam’s fault it doesn’t mean he should be the starter next year oh no it doesn’t mean he should be the bridge either yeah you’re right I’m cool with him being on

The roster though I am too if he’s QB if he’s like in the room yeah that’s fine I’m fine with a a three QB roster I just don’t want I don’t want two quarterbacks and it’s Sam how and Drake May and they are doing a buddy cop show not that I

Think that they’d like goof off they’re professionals and would take it seriously like they’re they seem like dudes who love football like I actually there’s a part of me that’s like I actually really want Sam here as like a friend for Drake and that Drake’s the

Guy um but I also want like a I want an older brother too you know and that’s why like if tanah Hill is willing to do it if Jacob’s willing to do it I would I would love that um if Tyrod is willing to do it like I would love that there’s

Just something about experience that’s super valuable like guys that have been there before been there done that you don’t have to learn from all like you have to learn from your mistakes but you don’t have to make the same mistakes everyone else already made and learned from like sometimes sometimes I think

People are a little too relying on their own experiences where it’s like hey if I do this what’s gonna happen that that sounds bad yeah okay I’m just not gonna do that I’ll take your word for it but psycholog is weird neurolog is weird how the human brain works is weird

The show has gotten weird there’s only like two minutes left in it it’s time for real things real things so we can end at 45 anything 45 before 4445 4445 all right uh a little miked up never heard anybody uh Draymond Green uh miked up during the game and

Also when he’s out of the game sitting on the bench also the poet’s name is Sierra Chantel good good how old should turn four months tomorrow what what does masle mean again ma is kind of like a congratulations okay it’s like job well done congratulations

SN if if someone uh a Jewish person or someone who’s familiar with with Hebrew goes mlov you’ve done something right okay that’s good then yeah or a good thing has happened to you yeah hey mule do you use the word yeah that is one of like the the the it is Hebrew

It’s not Yiddish I don’t think really showing myself here uh it’s it’s one of the phrases that I use of my people okay yeah no it definitely definitely is that that’s one of very few but it’s like very culturally common I would say um mle mle tough um we have this

Poem I don’t know that I want to it feels it feels more serious than I want to end the show with okay let see um it’s very cool here’s what I would say here’s what I would say um there’s a poet Anthony can you give me her name

You just say it her name is Sierra Chantel Sierra Chantel she did an amazing P cuz it also the visual is so good for this for international women’s day uh and and which is today um and and it was about female athletes in sports and it’s awesome um but the visual is

Also like really what makes it sing and you’re like wow that was an incredible bar um incredible lines in this poem I did post this you sent it to me and I knew you were sending it to me for real things but I immediately put it on my

Instagram story so if you want to check it out uh slopy your Instagram app nobody uses Instagram on the freaking web what a doofus I am uh Instagram I’m at Craig Hoffman um Anthony what are you what are you doing this weekend I could have hit us on the

Heart out there but I I I thought I was like let me let me let me go one more minute what are you up to this weekend so my best friend’s birthday is this weekend so we’re going to do he’s having a game night tonight shout out DJ happy

Birthday yes sir and then tomorrow he’s doing something at public Bar live and everybody’s coming out if you want to come wear Jersey um you will see me down there in the flesh um but outside of that I’m going to watch some boxing some UFC and then I also have a flag football

Game on Sunday oh how’s the hamstring feeling it feels really good ex and the what are they call the deadlifts that I’ve been doing yeah have been definitely have you have you sprinted yes okay and it’s holding up yes I love it fantastic I got a whole lot of

Nothing plan this weekend which is the first weekend that I can say that in a long ass time and let me tell you buddy that that mental repri of having nothing on the calendar let’s enjoy it we’ll see you back on Monday R it up for free agency on the Hoffman show

It’s the last show before free agency, so what should the Commanders do on Monday? We preview with Kevin Sheehan!

Plus, the Wizards take the floor tonight looking to avoid a franchise record 17th straight loss. We preview and talk about why hope is not high!

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