@Minnesota Timberwolves

Here is an article about Fosters involvement with Donaghy.

by Intelligent_Pain_174


  1. Someone forward this to Adam Silver, I’m sure this will be news to him

  2. Is there a link to a different article talking on this? Fox News is known for misreporting facts to the tune of 1 billion dollars. I refuse to give them 1 penny of ad revenue.

    To the person who downvoted this: Would you support a news organization that has successfully argued in court that their (former and current) main pundits “should not be taken seriously by any reasonable person”? Or one that knowingly lied to their audience for political advancement and had to settle for nearly $1 billion just days before the trial began? The fact that they still have a license to broadcast the news is gross negligence by the FCC.

  3. LonesomeWulf


    Adam Silver right now

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