@Denver Nuggets

Jamal Murray on if the Denver Nuggets are Ready For Playoffs

Jamal Murray on if the Denver Nuggets are Ready For Playoffs

U whoever’s F this is his CLI what what did you guys sort of need to correct going into that fourth quarter after giving up as many in the third as you had in the first half just picking up our energy and effort and um getting back to the way we played in the

First half so that wasn’t really exas those just our energy how difficult is it to sort of maintain energy in those situation when you guys played as well as you did in the first half it’s not it’s really not it’s just the other team’s playing double hard so I mean it’s that Pride

For them at that point they came in third quarter and tried to make it a game and that’s what they’re supposed to do so it’s expected um we expect nothing less from that team the strength of this team is his team I was watching late

When some of the bench guys were R how how or is it fun for you to see the bench guys come in and perform see PW do something see maybe Christian play better see Tyson hit that shot when he comes in is it is it a Feelgood feeling

For you guys when the bench comes in and you see the the success they can have yeah man we’re just trying to share the ball and make some shots um so I think everybody’s doing a good job of just getting on to the next game and right

Now it’s just day by day each game is a a new day new challenge so these guys are trying to make the most of it and they’re doing a good job how how’s your mindset changed with the second unit especially post allar and what you’re able to do for your

Teammates in those situations nothing changed just just playing my game is there something you think you guys have executed better in transition since the break the you guys dominated transition again tonight fast break points per game been uh just being more aware of our opportunities and um trying not to turn

The ball over while we do it but yeah just be more aware of aware of it how comfortable are you guys with like Justin’s been in and out of the rotation but whenever he comes in it seems like you guys are extremely comfortable with play yeah we’re confident with our whole team we

Confident with everybody that comes in the game um I think Justin’s a vet professional he’s knows how to play um he can shoot he can defend he does a little everything so um yeah he’s been playing great for us and uh like I said it doesn’t matter who comes in the game

As long as they’re ready to play ready to go if the playoffs started this weekend would you guys feel like you’re ready what kind of question is that bro asking you have to thisal schedule right how many games we have left 18 okay so if the playoffs ended started

Right now are we ready to go no like this weekend I’m asking you need you need these at these games to sharpen anything because you’ve proven you can beat Bost proven you can be anything the less confidence yeah I feel like we’d be confident but you know getting extra

Rips and um playing basketball is part of the job so um yeah we’re just going to stay ready and and uh build better habits until the playoffs actually do start do you treat this more as a win as a win at the end of the day

Or do you want to be able to focus on sort of a bad quarter like that third one look at the things that you want to correct last I mean if you look at every game that we’ve played I feel like there’s been a stint where we haven’t played

Well so I I don’t feel like today’s any different we led by how much from the Geto so I feel like we were doing a pretty damn good job for the whole game it was just the one quarter that we know they played harder than us and then we

Got back to it and we closed the game out so we did a good job of just staying with it picking up our energy and not um not letting their run affect us I think you assisted on two of Christians get three of them tonight he

Been in his ear at all I guess he’s kind of been trying to ReDiscover himself or find his confidence again yeah he’s trying to become a runoff so I’m telling him to shoot that thing with confidence and to shoot it quicker um um and for

Him you know when he sees the first one go down especially um know he’s he’s super confident for us the game he just plays just a different game every time so him and P um sorry so um so yeah those guys are doing a great job just like I said using

These games as practice to get ready for the playoffs right Thank

Jamal Murray Press Conference after Denver Nuggets beat Utah Jazz 141-121. In a post-game press conference after the Denver Nuggets’ commanding 142-121 victory over the Utah Jazz, Jamal Murray shared insights into the team’s readiness for the playoffs and their performance. Murray emphasized the importance of maintaining energy and effort, particularly after a third quarter where the opposing team intensified their game. He praised the bench’s contribution, highlighting the joy in seeing players like Christian Braun and Hunter Tyson make impactful plays. Additionally, Murray addressed the team’s approach to the remaining season games, viewing them as opportunities to refine skills and build better habits in preparation for the playoffs, despite an occasional lapse in performance during some quarters.

#nba #denvernuggets #jamalmurray


  1. This dude is really watching UFC on his phone during his post game interview??? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that. At least turn the volume down, sheesh.

  2. What an arrogant Ahole. Even when Scott Hastings asked he doesn’t have respect to look away from his phone. For those who say Jokic can’t win without him that’s laughable. Jamal is not top 5 guard in the west. Shai, Luka, Edwards, Steph, Fox, Booker regularly outplay him and not by a small margin.

  3. Imagine having to answer questions like this after EVERY SINGLE GAME. i totally get why he doesn’t care.
    Also- you’re lying if you haven’t had to work while the nuggets are playing and you are watching on your phone. He’s just like us. And that’s ok with me!

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