@Los Angeles Lakers

Before DLo game winner. DLo and Dinwiddie do all of the coaching 🤦‍♂️

Before DLo game winner. DLo and Dinwiddie do all of the coaching 🤦‍♂️

by lakerconvert


  1. gratitudeisbs

    Just fire him and make lebron the coach won’t make any difference with the coaching but at least we won’t have to see his ugly face anymore

  2. ExpressTechnology519

    Useless coach. Hardly any plays from Ham if there are any.

  3. I_am_groot123

    We’re beating top teams with Lebron out and Ad out/injured because Lebron is able to coach full time lmfao

  4. iupvotefood

    DLo please tell Ham if the other team goes on a 6-0 run to call a TO

  5. Ok_Board9845

    Guys, that just means the players have input since coaching is a team effort

  6. ![gif](giphy|1mhU5F3dy9Dl2844N3|downsized)

    This poor man i’m ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

  7. I think its the bump on Ham’s head. I’m positive if we take that off, he will start coaching clearly. Lol

  8. ilove420andkicks

    “Hey… uh… you guys have any ideas? I’m not really sure what to do. I’m so nervous, I can’t stop putting my hands in my pockets!” – Unnamed Lakers Head Coach

  9. LudwigNasche

    Come on man you are sounding like a stan. Someone has to coach the team while Ham has his hands in the pockets and since LeBron wasn’t playing it became the task of our PG.

  10. Odd-Direction9452

    Y’all will find anything to complain about lol. This is regular shit

  11. hotterpocketzz

    He reminds me of when I was younger and I had to make sure my mom/dad nodded yes or no to do something LOL

  12. This feels like a hit job. I know you guys hat Ham but ninja please.

  13. LosAngeles1s

    I don’t like Ham but this just seems like a normal thing to happen

  14. Definitely Ham: So I want y’all to inbound the ball after the timeout. That’s all I got. Questions, concerns, comments? Alright, Bron or D’Lo will take it from here. If you need me, I’ll be right there both hands in pockets ready.

  15. darklighthumid

    HAM is the Bruce Lee of coaches. Coaching without coaching.

  16. The_Locals

    Fuck it make bron the full time player-coach.

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