@Golden State Warriors

Shoutout to Klay and Dray for being literally the only ones to play defense last night. 😭

DFM and DFA mean defended opponent field goals made and attempted. DFG%, FG%, and DIFF% mean opponent defended field goal percentage, those players’ season average FG%, and DIFF% means how much the listed defender forced the player to shoot above or below their season average FG%. These stats are determined/calculated via the NBA’s player tracking system.

by taygads


  1. c0gvortex

    “Gui is such a good defender, he would definitely carry us if he took all podz mins” 🙄

  2. Does this stat track when dude’s get an open corner 3 because their defender died on a screen or was cheating off? Because if the FG% is tied to whoever ended up closing out on them, that’d be make it be somewhat inaccurate. That said, I’d love to see this same dataset for the bulls game.

  3. System_Lower

    Eh. Check the game before. Klay was +10% or so. Gotta watch the games man. It’s not all about cherry picking stats for Klay.

  4. herejusttolooksee

    JK poor numbers the most frustrating on that list.

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